Newspaper Page Text
sasser ' issiiHr Hf ' siiisss K pA ,, THJJ KA8TKn.V UTAH ADVOCATB, THU1DAY, JULY 17, 113. B I . m m $i I 10 $150 HIGHER Bi B ritost'iitrra am: rou nv vmai B cattm:. H ) ' Price On Hliccp Tntiit)rito to B HUty tVtitH HIjtliiT IJoit IaiiiIm B JlrliiK $8.00 l(Kxl NntUc Hmv B ' KANHAH CITY, Mo., July 11. B Cattle received hero this week 28,- B COO, last wcok 29,600, miiio week Rt last ear 20,400 head. Cattlo nro ' 26 to 40 cents higher this week In H' tho nntlvo division, and halt a tlol- ft' lar higher In tho quarantlno dlvl- H slon. Stock cattle nro nn exception, B" soiling oomowhat lower than last b week, after a sharp gain on them H , Monday. Tho small supply of stock K' steers has not drawn many country m buyers, and tho weakness Is ncga- B tlrc, and will disappear with thq or- Hf rival of a sufficient nurabor ot stock H cattlo to Interest country buyers. H Pasturo conditions over tho country B aro satisfactory, and tho destro for BK cattlo In thq country Is as great ns PB over. Corn crop statistics placo tho PB probablo yield this year nbovo last HB year, or any provlous year, n fur- PB. , ther stimulus to country buying. HB 'al atoers of cholco to prlmo quail- PB ty soil nt 18.40 to 18.85 hero this PB; week, and bulk nbovo $8.00. So mo PBT il grassy stoors at 17.60 this wcok PBf ' woro not considered qutto ns good PB i as stoors that brought $7.26 last PBj week. Or ass cattle, nnd stockors, BPJ " i aro 76 conts to $1.60 higher than n PPJ !fl year ago. Prospects point to fawor PB cattlo to bo markotcd this fall than PH i I last, nnd a high rnngo of prices will PBf . I , llkoly continue Kansas grassers BB I hnvo not started freely yet, but tho BB movomont will bo on In full forco In PPJ ) two weeks Quarantines nro run- PB nlng freely. PB . Bhocp recolvcd this week 20,600, PB I last week 26,100. sarao wook last BBw year 20,300. Prices aro 25 to 00 PBB .., conts higher, most advance on spring BB ) lambs. Ilcst lambs bring $8.00 to- BPJ- ' day, fair to good lambs $7.76 to PBM $7.00, good nntlvo owes $4.25 to PBS $4.00, Texas and New Mexico mut- PB ' , tons $4.00 to $4.86. B L - ruiHONKit oiviw iiih huh: Bv ! or Minia.M htuiki: sToitv PBB I) ! Tho Advocate herowllh presents PBB yj communication received from ono PBB ;m , of tho mon arrested last week nt PBB J tint Midland trail work. Tho writer PBB I gtves an ontlroly dlfforont state- PBfl monl of facts than has beon rooort- PBB oil In tho press. As Tho Advocnto PBfl 1 '" no doslre to do nny Injustice to PBB t i tho mon arrested. It Is quite willing PBB to gtvo them spaco to prosont tholr PBB , llo ot tho cah. As a matter ot PBH i fact thoro havo boon somo rather PBB , startling rumors afloat regarding PBB tho real cauta of (ho strlko nnd It PBB will bo noticed In tho following com- PBB muntcatlon that ono of tho mon in- PBB carcoratetl Intimates thnt somoono PBB otw bosldes tho I. W. '. was be hind the movement. Tho letter fol lows: Fred L. Watrous, Editor Advocate. Blr: I am ono of tho flvo alleged agitators arrested at Costlo Goto and now awaiting trial In tho coun ty Jnll. Kormorly I was ongaged In nows pnpor work nnd havo worked on somo ot tho biggest dallies in this country. I nover havo seen bo fla grnnt n misrepresentation of facts ns was published in your Issuo of tho 10th Inst., purporting to bo n news statement ot what occurred In tho socatled strike on tho Midland trail. It Is not my desire to trespass either upon your tlmo or attention, ns 1 reallzo thoro aro tho proper au thorities to doal with tho wholo matter when tho right tlrao comes. Hut wo would like tho people, ot this, "tho biggest llttlo city on earth," to understand us a llttlo hotter, nnd you nro our best medium of reaching tho thinking ones. Let mo tnko your column up in tho order tho several events nro stated. Thoro was no "strlko" or nny othv movement planned or ad vanced Monday night. Thursday, tho 3d, a man was discharged, nnd n record ot tlmo was refused bin until ho secured ono ot tho fo ro nton, Mr. Lovelaco, to discount his claim ot $0.40 for $0.00. Mr. Lovo laco at first otforod only $4.00. An othor mnn, who had voluntarily quit tho work on tho first, had hcoa re fused food or tho prlvllego of sleep ing In tho tent for two days, al though ho had In tho neighborhood of ten dollars to his credit. A meet ing was called by sovcral ot us and a coromlttco appointed to draw up a potltton to tho stato road cm omis sion. It you caro for tho same, I can sond you a copy ot that request. About fifty mon signed thnt docu ment without nny persuasion on tho part of myself or any othor agent. Wo decided to await tho govern ment's reply, unless nnothcr mnn wns similarly dealt with. Friday wo were told that wo must work nlno hours for $2.76, but be foro 6 o'clock camo Messrs. Cowan nnd I.ovelaco decided otherwise. I feel certain that not moro than, ten mon would havo worked tho oxtra tlmo at tho reduced wngo per hour. Kvorythlng wont smoothly until Tuesday. A man was discharged by Mr. Cowan nnd refused a negotlablo stntcmont. Ho wns hired by tho stato sub-foroman, but, upon Cowan seeing him, wns again discharged. Only tho two camps nearer Castlo (lato woro. ntfoctod. Tho camp sup erintended by Mr. Stahlmakor, tho mnn In charca ot nil tho work, had no causo for grlovance, I beHovo, and wns not Interfered with. Instond ot 140 mon, only about 80 woro affected, and ovory ono walk ed off tho work within half nn hour after word of what had happoned passed along tho lino, oxocptlng about eighteen men, tun ot whom had Just commenced work Tuesday morning. Those remaining otghtoen mon rofuscd to work nnd lQ't tho road, without any extra persuasion, Insldo of two hours. Throo ot us under arrest havo never, In nny capacity, boon identi fied with tho I. W. v. In that statement you nro wrong. I nover hoard nnyono threaton to I ms Sllllinier I bbbbI i WrM TP" ' CfLMpi Timp B Stamp tablo-runneru, center plecos and dolllos. BPBM -i't Punoh work piece In underwear waist and many noveltle. BPBK n. & A. ambroldary silks In nil colors, dozen .. .. -.50 " B ', PrlncoM Flow, In nil oolors, down .. .. , .. .. . .25 J B "White 1). 11. C. Floss, monogrsiu letters, oaoh -- .. .. . 5 ) B Freshen Your Old Hats With New Flowers, Hr 25c to $1.00 H , BESSIE KENNEDY, Milliner BBB 1 1 i Next to the Ooldon Rule Btoro, Price, Utah. mm " I r oUSY STORES M Men's Blue Serge Suits Men's Kahki Suits Ladies' Kimonos Short nnd lng B S 1 2 till Sil.OH H t 40c, OOc, t)8o ami Mo -BBfl f Vn Hult Attrnctho imttcrw, 1'crstsa . B Me"'SA ?n? JSheS Ladies' Muslin Under- And 0x,'"i WMr Pen Yang Silk BB 9&08 to f.-i.oH wcai BB 1. In Colors. H Icr Pair. Drawers ffllc, aOc and 4c BBfl lOo per yard. tH ! . Underskirt .10c, 40c, OOc and 08c BBB Men's Dress Hose " ,,,..,,. Mercerized Poplin ! Ladies Knit Unions PH 10c, lSJio and 23c lit Colors BBBJ Per Pair ' 40c, OOc nnd 70c 23c per yard. BBB Watch For Our Advertisement Announcing: Our H Specials Commencing July 2-4th. H knock nny porson's "block" off, but I did hear reiterated again and again that thoso desiring to work would not bo Interfered with. When you say wo escaped arrest at Tuckor, ngnln you nro wrong. You had bottor Intorvlow us as to that. Wo havo It on good authority thnt only nlno mon returned to work boforo tho differences weto settled by Mr. Morgan's arrival on Wednesday. You nro away off Micro. Yot again your statement Is mis leading. Hherlff I'ast nover appear upon tho scono until wo mot No, 4 nt llolpor. Ask Sheriff Kcltcr It'ho needed nny help butsldo tho county. Now as to "plnuslblo roakons" leave Hint to the day cf our trial. Hut let mo ndvlso you, sir, If you would render this city nnd county n service, determine tho wholo truth before you bring forth your next Is sue. Others nro working along thnt lino. Why not yout Wo want to soo the Indiana nuto moblllsts como. to 1'rlco, but thoro othors who may havo desired a dif ferent courso and tried to provont your sharing tho pleasuro and bono fit. You nro In a position to help us, yourself and the community. Will you do ItT With best wlshos, bollcno me, ro ipoctfully yours, II. IJ. 11083. County Jail, Trice, Utah, July 14, 1913. MIm i:tta Ilonch, who has boon vUltlng with her ststor, Mrs. L,. A. I.aubor, tho past wook, returned to her homo at Mnntl this morning. FOK CUTS, HUItNjl AND llUL'ISia In every homo thoro should bo a box of Ducklon's Arnica Balve, roady to apply In overy caso ot burns, cuts, wounds or scalds, J. II. po lantt,, Dolvallo, Tox., It. No. 2, wrltos: "Ducklon's Arnica Salvo saved my llttlo girl's cut foot. No ono beltoYod It could bo curod." Tho world's best salvo. Only 26c. Ilecomraondod by all dealers, Advt. LOST. Ono grny horse, seven aors old, wolglu about 900 pounds, brandod 1U on left thigh. This horse loft Sunnysldo about May 16th. This horso formerly ownod by County Assessor a. Colllngham. A reward of ton dollars will bo paid any ono giving Information that will lead to tho whoreabouts of tho horse, or his return to Sunnysldo. O. P. DOUGAN. (Advertisement.) HUSOI.UTION HY TUB UOAltU OP COUNTY COMJUSSIONIIUS. At a regular muting of the board ot county commissioners held Tues day, tha Sth day of July, ion, tUo following resolution, Introduced by J. It. Sharp and seconded by w. T. Hamilton, was passed: Uo It Rwrolvod, That tho county sheriff and tho county nttorney bo Instruct xl that nil saloons in Cnrbon coun ty unit bo conducted In strict no cordanco n0 tho iaw. 2T.2t. Offlco and school supplies. Ad vocato Publishing Co. Aqv TAKE YOUR CHOICE By HOLLAND. MANUKACTUnmtSnroof two klnds-tbo honest and dishonest Tho ono makes tho best goods, tho other makes tho worst Kach has bis own particular scliemo ot Ufa. Tho honest manufacturer alms to tnako tho best goods ho can and to advortlso them so that all tho world will know of their merits. Uo courts Investigation. Uo wants customers to bold htm to a rigid accountability. Tho dishonest manufactur er hopes to profit by decep tion. Uo produces an artlclo thnt will bo offered as "Just m good" though ho knows it Is Inferior Uo seeks to mako ' a larger profit than tho hon- ' est manufacturer, and this larger profit Is necessary bo- I causo ho has to find now cus tomers day after day. MANUKACTUIIKUS WHO ADVnitTISi: I AHU TUIJ HONKST ONES. A Satisfying Meal Wo sorvo- tho kind of things you llko to oat woll season ed, woll cookod and wholo somo. Our Meals are Noted For Their Good Quality Tho monu horo Is excellent, tho food wo servo Is flno, tho sorvlco Is tlrst-cloas. Try a Meal Any Day They're Always Good THE TAVERN CAFE Opposite Doavor and rtlo Qrando Depot. ' Ilubbor stamps of evory descrip tion sold by Tho Advocato Publish ing Co, Advt. NEW BUTCHER SHOPl IN TOWN One Door East of the Garden Store H or H FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEMl FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Our roprcsentntlvo will call on you ovory mornlti la M your day's order. Prompt delivery. M BROWN BROS, GASH MEAT MARKET I Phono 1HX H '"''''ssbbbbsbbbbbsbbbWsbbbsbbWbbMbWbsss $60,000 Surplus and Undivided Mis Should Impress the Depositors I !( Tho plonoor bank of Carbon county through woll deKrreJwB has kopt paaco with tho croVth nnd progress of Prlco m4CiAH jj county. Cvory facility for hatidllnB vour buslnoss. H j THE FIRST "NATIONAL BAM I PRICE, UTAH W. P. Knight o. Mlr5 H KNIQHT jVHRABELLl 111 MOHCHANT TAItV6, MBI.PQR, UTAH 1H Mn U. f thU flrm Wll B Pr'M Twl" H Month, or, wrlto us and wo will sond a roprosentotlTotoe3 H 8UITH TO OUDUIt, $0.00 AND W I wo do Fronch Dry Cloanlng For Ladlos nnd Gentlemen. b,1"MssMbbbbbbmi g ; i.u . rT7?"-','-FaTT asisjsitfsssssssBSiBBlissssJ Pipes! Pipes! I We purchased n few Plpoa lost fl wk nnd can satisfy nny of you. m S We ,iavo Mlectod Pipes to retail H , from oC wnU tQ jC Q0 goo ouj. nss ( window display. . j Ono man said. "I didn't know thoro was so many plpoa In tho world." A bunch, of plpo, cloanora with every plpo. j J. B. ROBERTS j Rexall Store Jj