Newspaper Page Text
i :i ' I Vwffll Be .fit, . ii-. ' 'J hwAm f Eastern " Utaf Aat9l'Arl I' Utah's Bluest Weekly, Published In theJ'BlgKecit LlttloClty ort'Earth" -$'' H NETKRNTH YKAIt. IMIICK, UTAIL THUHHllAY, (jKix : till!!. ' " !ftrftl&HkV jf ' HWHWI ' -A.-fe. JEy , ' wwfr,,', - HHH1 trORMATION WAVE F mam ft.II" OX IN HOTH COUNTV AND MCN'ICIFALITV. fto Anvil Mndo In price. It Bumlny For Violation of Clo'lug KtAliito nml Helling of IJquor On Sunday Sheriff Notifies IoCnl Dcnlcrs Tlint Htrtct Complin lira of Bute Ijw Mum lie Olwcrvrd. A very comploto era of rcforma Bn hotors over county unit nnd Hmlclpnllty In Carbon county. Following tha action of tho Hard of county commissioners Inst i ok In passing a resolution that. Boons In tlic county unit mutt' Hey to tho totter of tho taw of tho' Hto aUtutci, tho sheriff's office HV buay nnd notified saloons In Hjco that they too muit conform HVclly to tho law. Not only that Ht on Sunday two of tho local tiers tho "00" Mloon nnd tho mucky Liquor Houso woro ar-' HJtod on 'warrants from tho coun-' HWttorncy'a office, charging them H)h violating tho Sunday closing HV and for idling liquor on Bun-1 Hrho action of tho thorlff'a office, Hjkcd up by tho county attorney U HjPC atrlctly obtorvod by tho Prlco Hjken men, Tho closing provision Ira lUtutca na well an tho nntl Hfeilng itntnto Is being rigidly H&llcd with. Baloona nro clewing Stoutly at 10 o'clock In tho ovoti HfjTand all tho dealora nnnounco fit there will bo no rotrethtnenta Hjpeoaed on Sundays, No gnro Hie, oxcopl It la being dono on tho jit la allowed, nnd many former JHjgagvd lu that elusive occupa flfcavo left town. HHVmn I'ntm All Part irfvSrMK ft Hnftt'ft4Bfc to JhhT h ft. -r-lh3LtJL HV ' " Mormoucliurcn HVkU part of tho world will bo Bit Lake City Octolwr 4th. when Kolghty fourth semi-annual con Hco of tho church will bo open B)t 10 o'clock In tho morning, sessions w'lll Ik held In tho Hrnacle Bvtldont Jotvph V Bmlth, I'retl H Anthon II I.und nnd I'retldcnt ftlca V I'onroio nnd other offl H' of tlio Mormon ehurch will Hdu at the mvutlnga. HjVher coiifcrencea will bu held pig tho week Tho meetlngi to Keld arc tho geneml prlotthood HHhdk, I'wcrot H ii inlay auhool un Hll.muf aorloty, itako offlolaU HjMiirlo'tliooil organUatlona. HHVturncd mUnlonarloii of the moii church uddn tho uit HHjV(.'et, tho tubernaclo being H nlwnya filled for Hkwo occu Hl many peraona huvlug to atatid HjD largo evening aenlona. I'roU Hf concerning the work of the Hjh nro taken up for comlderu Hmand ndvlco and coumel U given HjHp membura, 1'realdent Joiuph tth nnd tho othor members of HHHat prvildency of tho church HHHddreaa tho congregutloua, ua HHH) other general autliorltla of Burch HjHkc la a foaturu of theiio occa HKtho largo chorus of tho Halt HHEtaburnaclu being one of the HjHplcuftunt parts of this aootlou HVr program, as Is tho tabornuclti HSf. Evan RtphenB, conductor HSi tnbernnclo choir, nmr Orgau HJ, McClcllan and his assist HHSKdwurd 1" Kimball nnd Trncj HHjHinon, take turns officiating at Hftstrument. AH&usamU of porsons fill the oily fWHw time mid tho liotoU, und In BKjim'TvMci 'pfTvTtTB-rswWcjinjw. fc HH&ro filled with visitors to HatT HHVClty from near und far. Tho HHmallty of the city Is shown In AHKest form at tlioso eeml-auuuul jHHjV.'ii'i8, the doors of the homus HjMttirov.n open to the strangers I HjB Its HjKthls conference will opeu on .HBosIng day of the Utah Statu HHJt Is expected by tho fair man- Hjit that many persor.6 plume 'jV attend the conference will be ''HjVn day or two beforehand to HHj Uio fair and see tho various HHjs and witness the other fea- HHlbf interest In that great ex- HjHf stato products. HK A TROUBLESOME CRITTER. ." ' M, t -BnU.r. & A DMr n PhiUdtlohla ntead. PRICE IS TO HAVE I ;. A LYCEUM (OURSEj At a mooting of tho l'rlco tench-, ors lasl'TIrldny evening It was, unnnlmousl decided to attempt tbo kJMuclpnWCowles, Urown'aud Da ly hisl w feH e i fn central lycoum Icommlttei). -Thts committee mndo ilmuiedlatocommunlcatlon with tho Kedpntli Lyceum bureau and ono of tho finest courses ever offered In tho West arranged Tho commit teemen nro now busily engaged so liciting names of those who desire tickets. Tho attractions nro ns follows, lu tho order In which they will come: Tho Oruco Lewis company. Miss lowls Is a render of exceptional ab ility. Bho glos n diversified pro gram and Is assisted by Mlsa Oret cheu Bchledt, a noted contralto and pianist, and Mr. William Holler, vio linist. Mr. Holler Is assistant pro fessor of violin In the American Conservatory of Music In Chicago. Tho second number Is tho Kel-logg-llulnes Singing I'urty, consist ing of tho artists. This company presents lu costumo elections from a number of tho famous grand op eras, such ns "Tho Hohemlan Olrl" and "ll Trovatore." The third attraction Is n lecturo by Chaucollor (leorgo II. Ilradford of Oklahoma. Mr. llrudford Is n well known Chautauqua orator und has a real live message. Tho fourth number Is tho "Dixie Quintette," a company of tlvo col ored gentlemen. Kour of thio men woro loading nrtlsU lu tho fa mous "Dixie Chorus" of u few years ago. Mr. John Turner of this com pnny Is acknowledged to bo tho best bass of tho colorod raco. Tho closing number of the courso Is a lecturo by Dr. Woods Hutohln son, tho well known New York phy sician. He Is n writer for tho lead ing mngailnw of tho eountry and tha nuthor of Woods Hutchinson serlss of books prserld la the Utuh schools. No man In America Is doing moro In tho Interest of school hygiene, child study, euro of tuborculosls, eugenics nnd crlmln "tTTDttj j) i lw Ur- Hutchinson. This course Includes frvTT-mrmVtt In which will apponr fifteen ijo plo. Any ono of these attractions 1 is worth tho prlco of tho whole 1 tlckot. Benson tickets for tho en tire course will sell for 11.50 und 1 student tlckots for 1.00. Tho solo purpose Is to bring to Prlco entor talumont that Is also educative. The commltteo has full confidence ' that the poonlo will liberally patron ' i lto tho course. Mrs. Frnnk Leonard laft Tuesday ' for McClIU, Nevada, fdr n visit with nor folks. NATIONWIDE EVEKT October III Dal Kct 1'or 1UoImk Ij1 lllast nt rnnanin. ' WABHINOTON, U. C, Bopt. 37$ There nro Indications that the blw- lng up of tho aamboa dike, Whjkli, will flood tho last empty loj&Wof tho small canal, msy.uun?Jt)H lmporlnjJojvetans-itilUcisJfit, tyhkjbfll'B;rltTMMn'4Wshlng. ton nnd all over the countryv Heprcsontatlvo Btephons of Ban Diego district In California has mndo nn Inquiry at tho Isthmlnn canal offlco of tho prclso moment It will tako plnco In order that all ovor tho 1'nclflc const whistle mny bo blown nnd Mis may be rung nnd patriotic speeches mny In? dolUcred simultaneously. It Is possible that tho event may be celebrated In Washington by some sort of ceremony nt tho While House. EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY ( Orgiuilotl Ijtxt I'Vldny Htcnlng In I'rliv. On Friday night at the high school tho Knstern Utah Kiluratlon club wus nrgnnliwl with I'rlnalpal Cowles president und Hov. J. K Kerrla vlco president. Tho object of this organisation Is to develop In terest nnd unity nf purpose among teachers und school officials nntl to Increase tho efficiency of tho 'schools. It hopes to become ono of tho nrtlvo factors lu making l'rlco tho best educnttonnl llttlo town lu Utah. As a basis for study und dis cussion of school problems tho club .has chosen n book written by Pro fessor MoKnlves of tho Kansas Ag ricultural college, entltlod "The Training nf the Hoy." Some of the members will tnko, In addition, an extension course which tho Univer sity of Utnli will probably offer, nnd time will be given for discus sions in this course. Tho next meeting will be held nt tho high school at 7:30 p. m., October 13. ut 1 whluh the following program will be given: Iluslnets Song SIlss Nello Mulroney. Hevlow of part of book, "The Training of tho Hoy" Ituv. Juntas H. Kerris. Discussion led by Superintendent Ma rou sen. -"nt infr'M't'"! In the suliltw Is glvon a cordial Invitation to be present. John Shuler, claiming to bo a hu mono oftloor, thought somo of tho animals at the recent county fntr wero not receiving proper attention and bo called at tho homo of Hen Oif tlior, who hod somo of tho stock on exhibition, and ufcod somo vory strong languugo to Mrs. Owlther whllo Hon was awny. Ho was halel ' ibeforo Justice of tho Peace Nolms for using abnslvo language and ro , eclved a sentonce of $25 and costs Dl HIT OF IA1 1MWAI CLAIM PUIMlOr.NT HAH NO AU-IHOUITV. Itullng by United Hlates Hupreme Court Wlirliter Chief i:i-cuthe Can Make IU-rnBtliii of Uneii lenil (loternmriit IhiiU. DKNVKIt, Colo., Bopt. 30. Tim jUnlted States circuit court of np- I peals tor tho eighth district will ask' i tho United States supremo court for In ruling on the question of tho right 'of a president of tho United Htnles to wtthdrnw public lands from cntr)i This announcement was ninilo tcnlay by Presiding Judge William C. linn! This request Is made in tho Mid West Oil company caso before tho I court of uppeals for argument at tho prseont session. It Involves the ownership of oil lands lu Wyoming I lu innktng his niinouncemont, the I Judge stated that the court had do Itremlncd upon this course "because , of the Important Issues Involved." ! Upon tho determination of a presi dent's rights to withdraw lands Is said to hinge tho ownership of ex tensive tracts of oil lands lu Wyo 'mlng. The outcome of tho present case Is expected also to hnvo nn lm ' portnut bearing on lltlgntlon Involv ing public lands in other states. i In tho ovent the United Stntea supreme court upholds the decision lot tho circuit court of uppeals thou 'muds of acres of land throughout i L'tnh and other western states will I be thrown ppon for entry In 1004 Hoosevelt established tho precedent I by withdrawing vast areas of coal. nil and timber lauds und In many cases of these withdrawals large amounts of purely ugrloulturnl land I were Involved I ANOTHKU UAKHO.V COUNTV ! HANK IS TO HU OIUiAMKI) I Carbon county Is to hnvo another banking Institution. The new bank Is to bo located at lllaok Hawk un der tho management of tho Consoli dated Fuel company, so The Advo oato Is advised. Tho eapltnlliatl' Is to ho 125,000. TTnnk N. Cmeron today tenders his resignation as general manager of the Consolidated Fuol company ,und the othor Sharp coal piupertles to give his entlro time to the devel opment of his Hear Canyon mlneo Just above Oastlo Oate Ho Is suc ceeded by a Mr. Hoaly. wo comes from one of the Virginias, nud who Is to mnko his headquarters at Ulack Hawk, woro an eighty-five hundred dollar general manager's resldonco Is at this time bolng ereot ed, togothor with other substantial Improvements. STRIKE IN WSTRICTJ5. . y Khiitdomi In Many-Cotonidvi Chimp Ik Most 'CompIeiejU, Tho coal strlko ln"Ccddradfo!tcoft' tlnuos with few nets of iZwiWc; i lrted from any of OifeMod 'dls irlcU, with tho exception tfho kill' lng at Trlnldrtd of Hob I.eoi, OilO'oI tho C. F. A t. company's oldcV em ployos In its police brgtaiUatlon. Tho man killed was well kttdVn, b; C II Btovenson Vf V&X; . Four strikers did the Joined it'orie, j$t ttfim 'hnvn boen apprehended 'Ti company lu tho southern fleiiU oycrntliig with about onlilhl" of lis nsual cttlclenoy. In the Opk.Qrook tlcld.thtfi-oHl iupply of Uii Moffa't road, tho stul lilu3yn la, complote. Tre Is not a htlofc worfithg. The comnlcs there have agreed to meet every -wage scnlo danishd nod every local condi tion asked 'for by-ilTio strikers but refuW to rccognlio tlio uiilcm. Tlie labor urganltatlons jefuto la return to work unless union recognition Is grnnted. . I The Oak Creek, coinpns ImvM foil that tholr proiertle's WnlJ not' tie nffected, ns they hav always re fused to employ uulou. men and the record of each nppllcutit tor tabor wns caretuy gonolUto. Hut the Oak Creek , tleup IsjifielHiost voui ptcTeJfflho.sUte. ' "'P1 In other parts of the state the shutdown varUs from nn nbsoluto tleup to fifty per cent pf ordinary production ( Up to this tlmo thnro are no vis Iblo effecls'of the strlko In tlio Cnr- bon fleldL.' Homo of tho mlno super intendents Of the Consolidated Fuel company nnd tho Utah Fuel hnvo received threatening lettora and In formation to the effect that they woro marked men, but.thsev may possibly have riff ""relation to tin strike called In District 16. ... - llLUK HIHI)NH l)K HKIir HOHOOL' PUPIIX many ribbons were awarded to the studenta of Carbon County High school. In the domestic nrts department blue ribbons were received for the following, hand embroidered dress, hat, best piece of embroidery, pil low tops, lcst collection of needle work, best collection of painting on cloth, oil painting on cloth, nnd best collection of sowing. Ited ribbons were received for hand embroidered dress, collection of sewing, collec tion or nrt, nnd white ribbons for collection of nrt, nnd one dress. Illue ribbons woro awarded tlio domestic sclonco department for dnrk cake, collection of cooking, col lection of bottled fruit, best light rolls, cookies nnd Jelly. Hod rll bons were nwnrded for brown brend. rookies nnd enko In the mechanic nrts department tho samples of wood Joining reculv ed first, second nnd third plnrn I First place was nwnrded for tho best mndo nrtlelo for tho home, consisting of nn Ironing bonrd First placo was nlso given for hot bed frnmes mndo by the bis. In the nrt department the paint ing dono by Lynn Fausett, Hrackon Leo nnd Minn Taylor woro nwnrded ribbons, and In tho Kngllsh work Agnes MacLonn received tho ribbon for the lKst theme. In tho commercial department Wllford Smith had tho best set of bookkeeping books, nnd Milton Ol son nnd Claude Hmpoy recnlvod second nnd third prlxos respectively. Tho boys of tho Agriculture elub were very well represented nnd received nwnrds us follows: David Potter, first on Wealthy apples, s ond on pie plant; Hoy Fuusott, first en onullflowor, third on Harly Ohio potatoes; Scott Fausett, first on eorn; Lylo, second on Jor sey bull. John Paco, first on Ply mouth Hock poultry nnd first on geeso. CIicmh Clillil Dies Here. Poulnh May MoNenl, colored. 11 months old, whoso purents wore with the Al O. Harnes elroiis, died here Saturday morning nf conges tion of tho lungs, tho child havln.-, contracted a sevoro oold lu Colora do a short tlmo ago. Funorol ser vices wore conducted by nev. J. W Ferris In tlio Eastorn Utah Under taking pnrlors. A choir from tli Methodist church asslstod. The parents, through ThoswVdvoonte. do slre to express their thanks and ap preciation to nil who helped them In their misfortune nnd in the ser vices mid burial of their little daughlor Isi mW: ,-?'-'.. X HVsH "itiivuc;cio.yuiHKATKit, tm.x anv ,. . -'', y HHHJ ttelrrnHMl'.MIitinii'nn lllll A Hc&t&rr H I ixt From (iufrivnce, HeliiresftW ' KNles nt l'eitl'by Hiiiiko' or.i-f "" '.MHHj atw-t)iHks' Ouiiputeil to AVtrnStnf , HHHj j Ufl lVr iVnt. . ,"S r lH I . vt; , SH K yvABitiNOTON, uic, cpU so.- ', HHH I "tlio rile of tb tariff' bill' tm It ' come batk to Jthe boiTie rr np. HHH Hal, propose -lower tAxallonMiian?S'AJte HHH I any tariff bill lrt-tb last thVtqVirjK!; AHH j tera or a century ,'s&ld nbpteeoWoA'W. j HHH Itlve Oscar AV. Underwood, delilo;" I .HHH orntlc leader of lke hdUDe, Id ten ' ' -v f HHH ! opening speech today In support; of HHj (the cdnference-rsport oh the tariff, - ' JMHHj IhlU. HHl 'Tho VII, ns nbw before, tk " H hoty, is towef In Its .vulcs .llM HHfl pcr Uio bill, that Wasee'd the hewse ' HHfl or the bill UiWt PSfKvl tho ete.i J s AVH fpr tlio )ious cooteisees sccvte'dTril. , ' .H but three or feur vt the rvducfioiu v HH made fcy Ot? MaU, whlU'lU h ' , HHj ate receded row' ftver "e4-kslf vetjtr HHa Its Inortftseii, . ,i HjHj Thla tariff blll.-wUh M.Ufr ' ; cent average, U almost aa lew i Ui j "HHs famous Walker Urirr, whloh'kid , ' M low dulWa oh liquor and tobaeee." ,' (HHJ HosldesHs great reduction onar-i HHJ I Mcles 9t Dmm1 se this bill' place , HHJ many eT the 'necessities ol llf m HHJ the free ). wr Rttuiht very Hjkh h H low rates (' jjkffiftl' -uSK.M ' HHl Mr. UadsrwST's- iuHjiiiiI' wm fKjP T ( H Fleeted with irUw.Ms the dHNj fV ti m H ocratle side o tke ssssV. .m- ""T K Iran with the nverae trlt,,e 2 B, HHJ Vtr cent ad valorem, In tVe Onssr-' K HHJ weod-Mmmnns bill, ho std the ex- H UMjyr'rayR lw ass an avoraso of,, 9 HHJ etr 0 lvr eet wil UiyliseM; y x ft HHJ fenlSK&fnruntnveo I over 30 per cent T Hl Tho rovenuea under the new law, M .Hm Mr Underwood said, would yield a H aurplua of 118,000,000 over the cs- E ' HVJ tlmntod government expenditures In 9L H 1916 lie gave the house the tren- B sury exports' figures mndo public B flH yesterday, showing that tho totql government revenue In 101C would V H be 11,020,000,000, ex'pendlturrs 1.- H, 008,000,000, surplus f 18,000,000. Ml HHJ "After three years of battle, to- K rijHH dny tho democratic party Is proper 5 HV ed to keep Ha pledgee to tho Ainorl- liJH 'can people," continued Mr. Under fdfiVH ' wood. "No matter what criticisms 1 , HJ 'our ndorsarles mny have of thts L HwJ hill, no mutter wether they bollewi 6Sa' It wise or workable, no man can do flSHLa ny Hint tho representatives of the kXHwJ American people, constituting the IfsmWHl democratlo party lu congress, hnvo fillaVfl 'kept every pledge made four ynora ui 'ago and two years ago In reference BsSI lto the reduction of tariff tnxntlon." ftffiVawJ AIOHEKHO ilLS ' M Umelled On Temple (IrotiliiU nt iHj Zlim WiilneMluy. J ,H Tho lieautlful inonumeul erected ' ns designed by Mnhonrt Young In rl front of the assembly hall lu tho 1 HwJ tomplo grounds nt Ball Itke City InVsH was unveiled yesterday morning C IH with ceremonies In which Mormon I'liHI church dignitaries and many hun iNfVsafl dreds of others participated. The HHHj address of tho day was made by "KJnVj President Joseph F. Smith nud tho tJHwi actual unveiling by Mrs. Hmmellno !Si Around tho baso of tho monument Hfl Is n circular pool wherein about 150 ( &!flHj goldfish have been placed. The bnst) H of the monument, with u very niir- nHJ row tuft of flower between It und En&HV. tho pool, Is a massive square blnek. M On each side of this thur Is u iffil sculptured design ou u big broux WHwJ plate To the oast, fusing the ob HHaVsl server who first enters the tomplo iHj grounds. Is a repllea of tho pioneers JmSHb arriving lu the valley. To the north HaaVJ Is a simple tablet, with the legend, oHWsl "Hreeted In Grateful Remembrance IH to the Moroy of Qod to the Mormon HWsH Pioneers." To the west Is u bur- aMawJ vest seeno, with six figures. To the south Is a ploture of a dejeated family of three, with many i lng among them. ThJa latter do HHH plots tho time when the gulls pruq- j tlcally saved the early pioneers HVsH from starvation. HHH Tho whole shaft cost more than HHH $15,000 and U so situated that it' HwS Is seen Instantly by anyone entering HHW the temple grounds. flHI