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- ' TITK KA8TEn?f iitaw ADVOCATE, TUUKBDAr, OCT. P, mm. 1 ' I M 1 1 1 1 1 4 , , ( , , . , l( 1 1 i 11 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 I I Real Nifty Suits j f yQ The tailored suits we are : ' :: jtfe displaying are a triumph : j :: i..l of grace and utility-both : :: 11 m my stylish and durable. ' j! B1 "FIT FOR THE FRAY" j :: WW ''what i$$aid of our Shoes and H Ready-made Clothes for the children. j j S They stand the wear and tear of child M. Our new prints, ginghams and j cambric also make up well for Jhcm. '- Everything In ; Staple and Fancy Groceries, Salt and Cured Meats. Carbon-Emery Stores Co. J. M. 11KATT1K, Oeneral Superintendent. (Korea at Hiawatha, Block IUwk, ! Mohrland and Kaet Hiawatha. 4iiHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiniimniHf' j We Strive i li To Please i; I ', Wa carry a moit complete atock of Goncral Morehan' t dteo, lucludlnr Staple and Fancy Qrocorlca, Shoe, Dry i - ,' OooiU and Noltout. i' We can furntib anything (or the ranchman or gheep- , man. i' iS Our price are the I ok cut and our jood are of the ', beat. , ,' It la a ptoaaure to quote price and aliow good. ' 1 J. M. MILLER r !; COLTON, UTAH J! Utah Fuel Company i MINERS AND SHIPPERS I; ij CARBON COUNTY CQ3L5 '! j: ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COKE : ! Carbon County Coals Are the Best. In Ui Market for llooci, Mule fur Mine, j. n,i (;r(lu jjne ',' i' I'runa, Tli nntl Bpnip ami Vttrioui Other lxnial PrtKlncU. '! HOME INDUSTRIES PATRONIZED j; r( Oeiieral Offteea Boventb Floor Judge Uulldlng, Salt Lake City. '! ', Mlnea at Clear Greek, Winter quartern, Caaile Gate, Utah Mine !' !' and Bunuyalde, Carbon County, Utub. ' '! 1 j JOiisON BROS. I ; Phone 134 ; i; Carpentering and Mill Work of all i' . 1 I j: kinds. Get our prices. j S V !' PR,CE - Utah ij : TmiFp mu, H,flNK A;.D ; I'UKHIIINT 18 IIAljrX ; JCtlnticdMaso throe.) PKkled. froten. tr ib ,, . : p-M m,M " , : 'rnyzr '' p- ?S . " w,,r ""h per ib ,.4 Vn, ' g FrulU lnd N"'- , Apple ph,, ,, . , amall fruit. p., , , , The Mm- drl-rf pe, b .... iJ ; Hiorntat. .,i ,. p-- J(4ej fc I Bw Perlb. Mi? Bp , nmii pruiw pw ib...::;;; S n . UimiM pr it, . " ,J J- : "r1?"? f"t-f"'. Ita H0 H ' lo He I Pln-m- Ir thmmM .. M ii , Oranice and l-ntun t, r i ntnm n-r ib "';;;;; ; J? 1 ; Peanut .1,.11-rt. , , J A mM, I. an.MM w h , 1,. nMHl. h-l ,1 , lb . fa 40 UllVrl. an. I w.lnHli un. helll r Ih . la to KllU-rt. nml K.lnul. .belted ,M,r lb ie te l'lne.H. Pr IbwMn,). a ij llnmppl. pretr-rf .... Spo pe Houtthold Ntttiilllt. JJ;!'-1,'r?''b e ire. . Belt In bulk ja .ff Potato tareh. per Ib ',. Ua le Olhrr trrh p-r Ib ic ij Vlnar i-r kI juc 4C Mu.urd. t-r Ib Heit iepper -r Ib . . jim 0 Niitme. ctniMmon. w lb lo Ic Clove per lb , j J!0" 10 po lips r""hM Mpc Ope llutlon. per are. jitc upe and Perfumed toilet amp. V)po Mpo Ca.llle anap, -r Ib v;e 0nc S1nllrt-d aoap er lb.. Kc po All other onHi jope 0 foametlc cuntalnlaa ilea. hot. perlb ndoend .. .. . . JOpo Mpo Co. in. lie. without aleohol 10 pc Mpe Plaater all klnta Spc II po Faleratua per Ib 0 Hnonaea, raw , , tape 10 pe gponara, manufarturnl Mpc II po Common earthenware Spc II po Kartbenaare ornamented Mpo SOpo China and porr-taln Mpo ttpc lll.cult, trend, cokra tc .. XtotO p c ttpc Pickle and aaucra Ope Spo Mean, per bu Jc a Oun iC tdpc flllk ribbon tpg u pe Mattreaa hair 10 po 10 pc Phonograph tipe ape Photographic dry plalr. .. Spc II pe Kllma for motion pleturn Spclctnlc pert! Manufacture of Mtut, am ber n a.lmtiia, etc... Spo Upe StanuUcturr nf bone, horn, whalebone, etc Bpo SOpo Manufacturea nf India rub ber ... ape lOpo Manufacture, of plaater of Prla .. . . pc ape Slnnufarturr of Ivory, atl atliu hell, etc ttpc pe Maltlna made of aorna fiber, lr hi )d te Ic Clay pipe, per araaa .... Ucan.1 spc ape Other pipe, pipe tl and other mokrr' artlelei.. (Ope Mpc llarne.a. aaddl-ry ttpc Pre Maat Produeti. Urd. per Ib 1'ie Kreo llacon and ham, per lb..., tc Fr Meat eitract. t-r Ib Ue 10c Mfat ettrart fluid, per Ib... tic la MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. Cotton. Cotton thread and carded yarn up to and UteiMdlna' Nn II per lb tHe niton from No It to Mo Mi r U Inert.- p-r numb-r Me C'Ulon eree.lln 8m 30, er Hi ln rwiM. per N l-lc ' Collun IhreMil ootornl up to SP and lneli)lln No . per Ih rut on thread ehwed. N W to No a Itwnwee r No .. U0 Above ' Iih-pniw per Na-, Mo ' Hpool 4hrritat of eutta In ludlnh nienet irnl and rntt roalerr lr i HMll c 11 pc Cotlnn 'oth HnMeawb! lea linn X thread lo no, In. r i pi .. Ic Pi to Cotton rtwth. unWaatrwd i?Hpc from V) lo Wi tbrend t aq In per ) yl IU Oner grade 11 IV Cottnu handkerchief or mufn-r ipc Xpe Cotton dull, Meaehed vl at ovvr to per eq d ... . ItuI s1 pc r per a I lJ -I yd Cotton clothing-, ready wade Mpe p e Cotton corduru), per M yd e Wpc and ft pc to IM and fl pe Cotton aloeklnn fe tni U ir la Cotton tockliiK., aalM, per da pr .. ,Mo Wpe ,.. i UpO Wanted, Agenta llnlialiii iun to hll teiia, eotlpM and baking 0". der to family trade In Carbon coun ty. Addrawt, Orand Uulon Tea cow Pny, 88 Vt Flrat bouti., nt Lake City, Utah. ! . . l I Shlrti and drawer, pant. 1 yeata, aweatera, eta. per doa. c Mpo and II PC Bam, higher grade. ........ Wpc , and II . P e lo f , , 'w amlM i a Pe Toweti!. ... ... ...... flpe PC Table.cloth;.. t Wpc & p c Cotton au pendent Suc ape I j Hata, Bonnet, Ete, ' rur'tTata bonnet and hivxla rat at ! not over UW per do-, ta-i per dot 11 M t3pe . and , po Same, val battv-en tSOO and 110 per dot. tat per "oa. tlO) tope and Mpo Fame, val between IIO.iO and 13)00 par doa lag per dog tlw Mpe ' and pc Bame, vat at more than JXiW per dog, tax per dot l?l Mpc nnrt iupo ' Leather, neltlna and aole leitth-r, etc. It p c Tree Rhe'p.kln. drea.ed, per dog II p e r'ree I Oi'Mtaklna. itieel. ter dog llpc Free Patent and Jap tuned leather, per lb................ ...Me and Free .' IPC Kama, weighing over a lb i per dog. per Ib atennd Free 10 po Chamola kln ...., Mpc II po Qlova leather SO pe 10 po Olova. Women'a or children', glace nnlah. per doa era II a to II nnd tl up Men glove. m flnlah. per dog pr I100llnd tfnmen'a or children', lamb up oraheep, per doa. pra tlMto Hand i site up Men'a. aam a lnd, per do pra It 00 und Women' or chlldran'a, goat up or other leather, per do pra UOoto (land Itn up Men' goat or other leather, per doa pra..., MPOUand up Cotton glove Wpc llpc Firearm a. Muaketa, mugile' loading ahotgun 3po II po Double barreled breechload. Ing aholgun ,val at not mora than1 II 00 each....... 11.10 Spo Bam a, val at mora than KOO and lea than HOW... II M Hpc and 11 pa Same, val at mora than lion HN Dpo Platol and revolver........ Tto and ape ape Watch Movement. , With leaa than t Jawele...... 10c lop a With J to II Jewele II a pe With 11 to U Jewel II U jopo With IS to 17 enl II Wpc and apo. With mom than IT Jewel .. Hand Mpo Spe Watch caar. clock, etc... Ope Mpo I'm, metallic except gold pen, per gru tic Ic Penholder and gold pn..laand ape ape Plate gla.a. (luted, rolled or ribbed, per aq ft c to He to lo lo Caat pollahed plat glau, . per i ft loo to Co to I HHo 1 Bpeclacle. eyrgla.aea, val at not over per do.. Mo ami Upc II pe 8am. val at (Oo and not over II W ,,n tto and ttpc Mpo Kama, val at over It 10 Wpc ape (llat, ground, pebbled or poll. lied ,... ttpe Xpc Teletcope. inloroacopea and n.lilgla.tea tlpe ape Xloaalc rule of marble, onyi or atone, per Ib Htc Mpo ' and Mpo Manufactureapf marble, etc 10 po llpc Mlll.tonea , llpc Free nrlndalonr. p-r ton It Tl II M Hooting late Mpo 10 po Cement, per IW tia e -free Iron and 8tl. Iron, beama, Jol.ta. girder. iff ' moc i:pc Holler or cither platv Iron or aleel, per lb j.0c llpe Ham, val at over lo per Ib Mpo llpc Iron or ateel anchor, per lb Ic llpc Iron land ateel forglnga Mpe Antifriction ball rowing , 41 po ape Hoop, band or acroll Iron or aleel. lr lb HOo 10 pc lo s-ioc Ble-I band ttemperrd) for making band taw a &pe lipe t..M, uai-a T-rulla and nat ralla. per lb j.(w lUHway tl-li pint. pr b.. moo opc Iron or atrrl heeta .., I (ij Mpc ' ' to a-lOo rihtel of Iron or tel, po). I.he.1, p-r h ic lllvet. acrvw. fence or other Iron or tel wire. er Ib , J-loo 10 p c to l-IOC ftther Iron or ateel wlr leup. i 0 . .. . ward Sone Anvlla, Iron or ateel, per Ib So It r Aale per lb.. J J Hammer, alrdgea, erow. bar, etft, pr i ,, Holla? nuta, hlngta. ta. p P Jhi,......,., u0 Hoe Ca. ffon pipe, p,r Ib g, JJ Ca.l Iron vai. andiron. ettv, per Ib .10c l0pe Cheaper lb , cj0 Z Holier 'tube n?t thinner .than Nb II wire gauge. Pt b"i'ai.M.w Ic Mpc fepwtirvt , . . 4Mpc Mp. . when ill av , . lis' ui -r f tM w v "'" '' H,, . to apr llr.rwN.MM. mlr per tb . 11 Krr, Taek. l, c.K,,b silo Free BpV7t,w nnA Hwtfi,,p' ,Ue rSLS'- "" M"Mr f0,, "po p2ft JT ' " mpc it pe Steel band awi p-r lb ... e nd 11 po in .. Mpe All other w 5i. r tins Screw,, aawnHag to leagth, ,,rr " Icto pe and parantl rib. Mpc ttpc JJW. foe ranaya t-e Ib lv ape IleoVa awl yrr Ib 44 ltpo ,., . llpe I hm ami other atrtrHltaral implemei.t ,,p0 Fr h"' Xpe llpc Himp, Jul, Ctc. Oab4-a ami cordage m4e of benip per Ib jj 0 Blngle yam at Hag hemp or ramie, per lb uy. loto I . pe FJeor malitaa. w w yd lHc IHe Unworn er yd nto Mlo lar.n.l Mpe llnndkerchlef ja'p Bpe laMketeht-f. hetrntltebed Kio 4ft pc Hlitrt calbin M ,;, linen, per dot , i. arM jo,,e Bhlrt vatlar mmH tttir. eot PC Ion. per del 4tand Mpo Itpe Pap.r. Ah-aihlng rl re)g p-r lpc Ipe Printing pr val at from lo. tn le per Ib Mocto itpe loo Bam, val above le per lb llpe llpe Copying iMper. tl.iue etc, perlb letotc Mpe and llpe Crape paper, per Ib Icand Mpe . llpc Biirfuce coatr.1 w.ra. per . Ic 3po Photographic !!, pr lb Icand , tope ape to Mpc Paper envelsM, pn jgpe llpe letter and note paxr, per lb la and ape llpc Name, weighing more thn II Ilia, per ream, per Ib icand ape llpe Hooka and pamphlet.. ...... ape llpe Sundrl.t. Ounpowder and other ciplo- Uvea wr Ib Jctolt Pre Malche. per grue So Percua.lon cape ,,,. Mpe llpe Cartridge Mpc llpo Haircloth, per i yd ........ two tlo Crinoline, wr a yd ., Ic o Wool. All wool and hair of Ih flril claa. tr Ib , Ha Pre Becond claaa, per Ib IM Free Third data, whereof Ih value hall be lie Ib or le., per lb, , 4 Free Third el, wher value I over lie lb. per Ib 7c Free Top waate. per Ib Mc Free Hhoildy. per Ib Co Free Clothing neper ape Iband 00 po Women' and children' lire. good, wool, per x yd. Ilcind Ope Mpe folic and 1 Upe Carneta treble. Ingrain. 1-ply, per aq yd So and Mpc wpe Wool rarpele Dutch and 1-ply Ingrain, p-r w yd Ik and Mpe T Mpe Data, bonneta and heoda, comMd nf atraw palm leaf eta., not trimmed.. . Mpe Mpe Ham, trimmed lope 49 pe Orlck and Olaia. Fire brlek, not glai-d or or- iMtnnntrd. pr toa II a Wpc Hame, glaiMt or ornawenlrd lr ton . .ttpc llpc Oilier brlek. not gkued.. ape Ittpc Oilier brick gU-d or onia inrnlnl ., Xipc llpe Tile. UHkt-1) P-r ) 'I c lc Tile, ghxed. per l fl .... C Ic (lla.a bottle vula, Jar, green or colored er Ib .... Icto Mpc lltc Automobile and bodle tlpc Mto 4Jp0 AutumoMI ehaiala 4lpe Mpe 1'lnl.lie.l iMtta (ivept lire 41 pc Mpe llloyoloe llpc ape Mt(rgeJra llpc Spe HImiiii wurbiee Mpe llpo Caah r-Kl'ler Mpo Free Typeaelllitg maahlne Mpo Free Tyiwwrller Mpo Free Printing prM Mpc llpo Itmbrolder) uotl Muemaking liwulllli-e 4!PC ape K-wIng inuehlit . . Mpc Free Hho inachlNary P Free lTMin teparetor 11 Po Free N'lpiicra ald pi'" lr lu Icand Mpc Ipe (llaaa liollle plain "J PC Mpo (llat boll! faiut PC llpe Kleatrte llahl lnIM ... l" Mpc IHd Hdl per gruM tie and Spc p Blale lurnetl wvared with wid Xpe ttpc Other alale pW. per Wu M a p e RAW MATERIALS. Cettedton '! 4iell, Ib 40a Mpc ArgtjJ Ipc Ipo Chalk, lb ic a tie Clay, per ton W China Hay tkaallnl r tan IlKl II Coal, per ton rr- Coel Uk. pr Ion K Free ij Thcre'd be but One Shoe if Everyone Knew-SELZ i ! The name Selz has so long been uscdjn connection with quality and fair dealing that ! the fact of their being style originators, as. well, is probably lost sight of occasionally. !; The Selz Waukenphast and many other style successes produced during the past few ; i seasons give conclusive evidence (hat we are alive to the need of keeping our customers j! supplied with the very newest things in footwear. j! See our children's School Shoes ! I Royal lue. and Liberty Bell : Price Trrdirtg; Company ij 1 ; - - Coke .,.'..'.' Kiipc Free " Aphnlt P-r ton too rree ' Marble, r. f , g u, Uulldlng alone Mpe &pe Iron or per, ion , lie g-,,, j lrn pig Ion lilo Aluminium. Ib 'c le Copper Ibilllnmai It Vt ape Lead ore, ! Ijc He i Mica, lb,..., arand icta Mpc Spo '' Nickel. Ib .. 0 dc I Qtilckallver, Ih , U ISpe '1 7,lnc iplgal. Ib So Upe 1 8ugr iwne Alp line J Tobcpo, Ib - f UnttemmH ................. II a tiJtt V Btemmed ,,.. ttto $jm tint atraw. ton too Free i Flag, not dred. Ib Ic Fre j Hemp, ton fa.Hl Free ' Bilk (carded or comb-rii lb t a ''w Cork bark, lb tc 4, .J Feather and down leruilei Mpc Mpe '! Opium Icrii'le'. lb , I to jtl J I'liiet-r. rock or gypwm. crude, ton .tuc ppc 1 llawgltp ion iu Upe ., Puller earth ton ttM ne r-i, Argentine , Mpc llpo W Mrtalllo mineral atitxtanre ., In crude alalr nnl erial ly provldetl for . Mpc llpe Tlmlwr hewn MI or aniiarcl (not Im than In ' q i, and round timber, el. H po Free Wood imlp meehanlrlly ' ground lb H Free Wood pulp chenileal Ib .. . to Free He Ulrica Free Free location notice carried In atock at The Advocate.-- Adu I It's a Question I and often n vory puiillnn one. where you will got cood, frcah and dealrnblo moat when you want a nlco dinner We'll Solve the Meat Problem - Iit ua know the mliiuto you want tho meat nnd wo'll sup ply you ao promptly It'll tut prlao you. The No Trust Market JOSKI'II JONK8, I'rop. I'hono No 21 Price, Utah. 4iaTTltftaij?!Sy!S!BB Reglstored Tradomark 7A&72 Tho High efficiency COAL aorornmont Kqulvnlent 2104 Unequalled for Hlorauo. Will Not filuck ' Heat of HleamlnR and Ho.itlni: Qualities. , Independent Goa! & Coke d Mine. Kontlworth, Utah Oen Office, Newhouie llldi., HALT LAKH PITY. LARS FRANDSEN S Manufacturer of Brick of All Kinds :, S Yard adjoining the Don ' vor nnd Ulo Orande IUIIroud ' ? cumpnny on the aoutb, threw 2 , block oait of depot. Office , at home, cornor Mnln nnd ', Sixth atrcotH i i natluialfg alvwi ami I'lkt-a. '! , ( Quoted On Aiillcutln, I. O, liox UU riifine 4:IX, I 1'HICIC, UTAH. 1 1 1 : FURNISHED ROOMS; ; : and RESTAURANT : f3verytblnK New, Neat ml f $ Oloan and the Deal the I Mnrkol Afford. -t Thomas B'ld'g, Price. Utah J 1 HtHiiua tWIc, BOc ml 7B CtiiiU. t - t Trade, of the Mining Campa q f arid Trnnnlenta Oenerally T , 4 ' Solicited 4 j HAN.IHA IIK.'AHIII, t . . I Proprietor ',$ 4et4UtMMllU ." i; PRICE j Club Bar j ! HAIIUV A, CHAIN j! .j I J. 1'roprlotor. ;! 1 t ; riiwr-oiiAHs iiesoiit von jH !; aENTiimmy, !; jj ; BouUi Ninth 8trcot, Price 'I '' J ? . ,vu.vjj., ""S r"aal