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, TllK BASTKttN UTAH ADVOCATK. TIUTIWDAV, OCT. , !. H ! iBosonc- id ir- . Addition HELPER, - UTAH trt They arc going and going fast. You will have to hurry if you get one of those Choice Residence Lots Noth- in 2. ing Like Them Left in Helper. In fact, they will all be sold within the next Thirty Days. : In the Heart of Town t. E No Chance of Getting Killed No, Railroad Tracks to Cross ad i McDonald Real Estate and Investment Co. Price Phone 142 Helper Phone 10y4 S I OUR NEW FREE DELIVERY SERVICE I Uncle Sam's Parcel Post Perhaps the roads are bad, or its storming, H or you arc too busy to go to town. These things need make no difference to yqu. ou H can do your shopping at the REXALL STORE H just thesamc. We will send it by Parcel m Post, prepaid. This makes our store the most 9 convenient place to trade, tx rV Phono hox t 1 J. B. ROBERTS jM Rexull Store i 1! IRVING GINGRICH Ml Inttruciur of Wi I'UNo . VOIGK - TIIWJItY .1 Won Iks coiuultM In the jf H lx Saturday morning B etfeea 8 and 12. N 1 MTdJID GARS travel through on Midland Trail ul AH(rom Naw York Michigan, Wlicon- lce WlQ, Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas. i ctuV007 n" WDrt bucccm and leu ro- SflHlr coit than any others. T 8H' 550 Sold in Utah this Year. '' fltH (Advertisement.) HHt NOTICE. &MHU.'otlce U hereby given that I have tRSlchaBed the Interest of Rocco LI J&llHto In the firm of Uucklo ft U JbKWbbH?0' ZACH WILSON. j flMnft jjwtlia for what you want. The White Dove 1 ban in all age been deemed an emblem of peace, and It baa in variably beon truo, espoclally Jin , family affair, where yoa find I a sack of White Dove Flour peace and harmony prevail. Tbl I a high grade Utah flour, evory aack u guaranteed, told by the Price Comtnltslon Co , Trice Trading Co , Carbon County CommlMion Co., No Trust Meat and Qrocer Co., Oar don Store, In fact, no tint class grocery store ha hi stock com plete unlee they carry thU brikod of flour Location notice carried la stock at The Advocate. Advt. llsaBBMIiBaH. FEATURES OF THE INOOMETAX LAW Minimum Exemption Ir Placed at $3,000 tan.., $1,000 ft'ORE FOH FAMILIES Additional Taw For Ineomtt Above $SO,OCO. Inert. mg Until the Mam. mum ol 6 Par Cent It RaaAiid on the Eiceia Above tSOO.OOO Ptnaltite For Falling to Make Rcporu. The Im-uuie Ihx fctiturc nf (lie in w tariff Inn iiimli immdlrii by the m,.f tloii ii f mi ulHciHlmviil to Hi- fcicml ruiuttltlilltin. IMHrlJi n new ti-fliirt m titrltT liulnlntluii It l oimlnl id Jlehl mi riitliiml rvu-miu cxiviilihi; SIHU.I4JOUU). which iliiiUcn Hlblt lliu rulmtioii of iiirlnr ilmic l.'lidor the term or tbv lirH Inw a til nf I per rtMit Mill In lolled oil nil Income In ixnM or tii 000 with tT Inlti cxcmpilim Tho bill pmvlile Hint tberu HbMll In "mii nitdillutml lax of I per (vlil per nmimii iikhi I tie niiiuiliit b) Willi h tbo lolnl net Income ciitil $20 mx) mid docs not euved J.Vi.uXRI, ami ! per cent per niiniiin upon the itmoiinl by whkh tlio lolnl no I Income cxicvU (.V),(KO nml dues not exceed 176,000. 3 ijer cent per mi lium upon tbo Amount l; which the totnl not Inruine exceeds $70,000 anil dois not exceed $100,000. 4 (icr rent per annum upon the amount by which the totnl net Income exct-d $10)000 and dor not exct-ed $3u0.000, H per cent Kir ntinum upon the amount br whlrh the totnl net Income excenli $2.V).000 and doe uut fiOOooo and 0 per cent cr an tin in uxm the amount by which the totnl net luruiuu exceed $.'iOO,000" Indivlduala to Mak Rtturn. nvcr ivroii ubjtit to I ho linvino tax mint mnka n ri'rt of hi iiiituue to the rollottor of Internal rrwmie In the illntrlct In which he lire or In which hl ImikIiiph Is rnrrlcd on In dcllnliiK Htmt atmll lie vunalileri-d Income for In xu lion, thf bill ana "Hotijnt only to tiuli uxemptloiia mid ilcdiKiliiim ii nre tiiTcliniflcr nl loitiil. tho net Income of h liixnbli IHTKon ahnll liii'liiilo ttulna, pnilllH and Income derived from anlarlea, rni- or compoiiaitlnii for imtboimiI nerihii of nhnturvr kind nml In w bitterer form paid, or riiim profeNilona vimhIIipih, liualiicHaoi, trmlc, cuiumcrre or anlea or deiilliiK In pniKrty. whether reiii or peraounl, growlim out of the ownenbli or uae of or Intcrvat In real nr iktimiiuiI proHrtyi nlao from Interent rent, divi dend, (ecuritlc nr the trnnanctlon of any Inwful biialntw curried on for (.'"In or profit or gnlna or protlta nml lnitiin dcrlrcd from any aource wbntever In cluding the Income from but not the valiio of property acquired by uirt. Ix quvaU dele or deaccnt. provldtnl Unit tbo proceed or life liuurunce pollcle paid iimiii the dentil of the ihirwin In survd nr pn)iuetit mude by or credited to the liifiirtil on life Intumtice en dowiiii'iit or miiiulty enntract upon the return thereof to the liixtired at the maturity of the term meiitluued In the contract or iikui aurreudcr of the con tract ahull not be Included as lucouiu" Tbu pnivUlon of the bill fur exemp tions its llimlly acreed on nre- "There nIiiiII Ik deducted from the amount of the net Income of citdi or ald iH'raou. nuccrtnlneil as pnitldtsl herein tin kiiiii of x.n.OO) pu ft 000 additional If the imthiiii mnkliiB the re turn Ih n nmrrletl mini with a wife, IItIiik with him nml belnu herxeir not taxable under the Income tux Inw or plus the ailiu of $1,000 iiddlllnnnl If the pvraon mul.lnc the return Ih h mnrrletl womnu with n htrnhnnd llrlns with her mid helmr blmaeir not taxable under the Income lux law. hut In un event ahull thin nildlilonnl exemption of St.. 000 lie deducted by twill a hu'lunid and a wife ' Fortign Rtildtnt to Ot Tavtd, The bill (oiiuilli inirlKniiB for the tnxntlon of the Im-omea of tltlxena re aldlni; In fnreleu uiintrlen on income derlutl from proM-rly owned or bnl lie i-tinicd nil In the t'nlted Mlnle The bill ulao pnivldw "Tliut If any perwm. eorp,,r,l1"n Joint am. k eoiniMliy naaodntlon or in aiinunti com puny liable to in nke the return or ny the tux nloreanld "bull refime or iieclei t to ninku u return lit the time or time hereinbefore jhv flel In eHeli jeiir audi peranll biil lm liable to ii ieimlty of not lex thuii $V0 nor more limn $1,000 Anj npuiii or any ollber f any corporation required by law to moke render. lgn or terlfy nny return who mukea mij fnlre or fraudulent return or atntemeiit with In tent to defeat or evade the naneaxuicut required bj tbl aertlou tu be made shall Jj guilty of a mWdeiuenuur and aball tie fined not exceeding Sljooo or be lmprloned not exceeetllug one ear or both at the dltcretlou of the lourl with the cohW of prosecution " The tlrt tax U to be levied and col lecled on Income", from Marth 1 ll:i to Dee 31. 1013 Thereafter the In 001111 atmll ne computed fur citlciular )eur eiullng with Uee 31 The bill ulnu pmvldea that the In come or atato territories or uolltlu suUllvliiloiia abnll nut Ik) taxed, ami there shall Ik no lax leled on lucoiuea derived by Ntute and inunlclpulltlex from the operation or public utllltle but thl doe not exempt the corjn tlon operating the utilities from pajliu: tax on the portion of the Income due t tiu municipality. m i 8ubicrlbo for Tho Advocate. SJtlSSBBSBnBBBBlllBBBBBSsMssMHHHIsH - I J ' ' " KW It. MIKSX A8HUtM DUTIICH AT 1M11CK Ol'KICK V. A. Torapkln, who has so jredltably filled the position ns agent hero for tho Denver, nnd Illo Hrnnde for the past threo year, lis accepted tho position ns ngent at Price and will lenvo this week to take up hit now duties Mrs. Tomp kin nnd children will romnln her until Mr. Tompkln gets n residence there nnd will then Join him It Is with sincere regret Hint Krulln people- co Mr Tompkins lenvo here. He l on ot u, bsl agents In tho service nnd by hla nc eoiiimodntlBg nys nnd ngreeuble manner has mdo friends by the eore. The new position nfford h better snlar) than this sNttlon nnd l nlso n step upward In the ser Uce. nnd tho many friends of bo nnd Ills cslinmblo fnmlly extend o.cry gowl wish to them In tbolr new home. Frultn Mnll Tho I'miiII' Coiigli Meillclne. In rarcry homo there should be a bottlo of Ur. King's New Discovery, ready for Immcdlato use when any mombor of tho family contracts n cold or cough. Prompt uso will stop tho spread of sickness 8 A 8tld of Mason. Mich., writes ' My whole fnmlly depends upon Dr King's Now Discovery tu tho best cough and bold medlctno In tho world Two 60c bottles cured mo of pneumonia." Thousands of other families have been equally benefit ed and depend entirely upon Dr King' New Dlscovory to euro their coughs, colds), throat nnd lung trou ble. Kvcry doio help. Prlco CO cents nnd $1.00. All drugRlst II E. Uucklcn &. Co, Philadelphia or 8L Loul.- Advt. UTAH I'UIIL COMPANV. Of the Utah Fuel company, tho great wealth producer for Carbon county, the concern that by Us de velopment of the coal fields of 8outhoaMrn Utah has made It pos sible for the pcoplo of Cnrbon coun ty to ndvortlse to tho world, "Tho Illchest County In tho Btato," tbo Deacrct News of last Snulrdny hns the following to sayi "It Is welt worth n visit to tliu tote fair to view the exhibit offer ed by tbo Utah Fuel company Tho vnit operations of this mnmmoth concern nro but dimly reflected In the extent of Its display, whoro the Castle Onto product are specially featured. Tbo Immonse dopoilts from which tho Utah Fuel company draws Its heavy tonnage hnvo con tributed toward tho uniqueness of this display. Tho Judges nwnrdud first prize to tho Utah Fuel com pany for the nltractlvoness of tho exhibit. To tbo utiltlntod tho fig ures setting forth tbo annual out put of tho Utah Fuel company nro llltlo less than appalling. K cry thing taken into consideration, this coneeru I ranked as ono of tho big KiMl nnd moat Influential organiza tions In the Intcrmountaln wust." A Marvelous lUcape. "My little boy had a marvelous esespc," writes P. F. IlrutlatiM of Prlnco Albert, Cape of (Jood Hope. It occurred In tho mlddlo of tho night. Ilo got n very sovore attack of croup. As luck would hnvo It, I had a largo bottle of Chambor Iain's Cough Humedy In tho house. After following tho directions for an hour and twenty minute ho was through nil danger." Sold by all druggists. Advt. MkTIIINti IH TOO (JOOD I OH -lACICLl.NO OF UTAH The 8au Francisco correspondent of tho Portland OrcKonlan tins tho following to ay eoncornlng nrrnnge meuts In tho making for housing l o ) (J. Jnckllng nt the St. Fran cis hotel: Theodore Marx, the Interior doc orator of Ht. Louis, hhs mnppud out some costly and artistic effects for the apartments In tho now wing of the Ht Fruncls which 1) C Jnck Hug, tho mining millionaire, for merly of Ball Luke City, la to occu py Juokllng Is to have the entlro top floor nnd part of tho sulto will be a private ballroom. The docoratlon Marx has plan ned will cot a pretty penny. The rent Jnckllng I said to have agreed to pay for the floor will bo $3000 ,i month. Ills predecessor as u high rent payer at tho hotol was the late Hermun Oelrlchs. Tho lat ter paid over $1400 a month for n Mite A dentin mid Effective Laxative. A mild, geutlo and effective laxa tive Is what pcoplo demand fhon suffering from constipation Thous and wear by Dr. Klng'a Now Llfo Pills Hugh Tallman of San An tonio, Tex , write: "They are, bo yond quctlon, tho boat pills ruy wife and I hate ever Uken " They never causa pain. Prlco 25c at all druggists, or by mall. H. K. Duck ten h Co., "Philadelphia or'St. Louts - Advt. Have Dr. Thomo do your dental work. Ula prices are reasonable.- Advt. i sstr. 4 A Table Delight I Ilcor. being largely used an n j tiible beverage, la therefore n H dally drink, nml one of the lie- H Tho more perfect tho lecr, the S H grentrr lift nutriment nml tonic H OUR "OLD GERMAN I U n rood drink of tJic lilglicut H It cottibliieM tlioio ilcKlrnble quail. H Hen of being ptonalng to tlie B tnitc. nnd Mtlofylng to Uio nppi.- B Tlio ery iintnre of "Old Ocniiaii i HJ laigrr" reinlcru It n fnvorlto 'i HJ ccrylirre. Doctors rwoninieiid Hja Order n raw toilny from your ,' HJ ilm I Full Measure Liquor House I We sell nothing but full measure. The Only Full Measure Liquor House I in the State. I Kentucky Liquor House I HARRY GESAS, Prop. I H I $50,000 Qpital, j I 560,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits V Should Impress the Depositors I; l' The ptoneor bank ot Carbon county through woll deservod merit Ji bar kept paaco with the growth and progress ot Prlco and Cnrbon county. Evory facility for handling our business, ' , I; THE FIRST "NATIONAL BANK !; PRICE, UTAH J; Hute you over been to the Sanitarium Baths?- Do you know tho sport of swimming In the warm sulphur wator In the large poolsT Next time you vltlt Salt Lako go to tho Sanitarium and have a real swlni. "CATERING TO THE BETTER ELEMENT ONLY" C2 West 3d South, SALT LAKE, Turkish lUth and Ded fl.OOi mt ri m i in i ii "jtcsKmrsmaEuzttiiattviKXbiT PRACTICAL COURSES ill llir AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE I ' I Tlie College bat rfc.KrpUpod Its practical i 1 cmirc to meet the needs of the thousand's V& bo do not wtoh to take regular high school tir "tt An Prr""' ' I years of age (er any Kt IWltl ' r""" "'"l,r ' yenr who has completuj f. iJiiill'l, lo tiir ot high NOhonl work) mix enter L viaOl "'"," ,'n""r"1 cnuntM without examine- HhUMbbbI T",: ,,J's,)",r;NTAUS OP bbbbbEH EYbbSi "'' arloua departments pf Agriculture. BBBBSBBBTillllrVVj "'"" K""!0"''" Agricultural Engineering. sbbWI Kl i 'Miiiiiprit ami Meclmnlo Arts are taught. bbsbbbHuIJII P5Jj ""I'l'i"" tu -'llr a person for success In bbsbsbbbWbV' -'ftrJil 'r'-u"lK '.TllflPntcs of graduation ro BkriHaVfl 11" '"xr"01 "f "' College leading to the LTlH ilt un nf Hut lulor of Science are broad CSBbbbbI Ii,m Th"y relulro high echool ,u',, lir pinlioii V letter addreaies to Tho . ., , - I'rMilciit. lliu erlcultiiral Oollcjro. fjncaa TJto r.illcee , ,,,, , BBny, welcome fronTivery In. Main Itiillilliiir rwm i,r,.l(li.ron HVi:iirANANDWOU. It lull llniiHW.r lYmllitil AM IN TllK nKI'UllMC IIA8 A BIRTH. Iliinilbiii. IIIUIIT Ul KWUCATIOH " ' immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm HMIbMMMIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbM