: llil FEDERAL it
m HMfMiirr.iii or A(.inci i.tihi:
M HM'I.WVi n: minis.
H OiiUIiipn I'ikI'IiiH" ' ,,,,l
H lhin n I'lirtlrulnr linen- In
H ll Howl Ivil I'nr Mll. I'r
H TmiiM"rtnllii nf l'n 1'iwliice, I
H iiml (JrllliiK Children lo -t .
H ItHVld K IfuMt). Secretary of
H agrlrulnire, delivered an llr.
H f-pml .o-oprrslhw IK "" build-i
H Ink iNffnrp the good "'" ronven-l
M Hon held recently In Detroit. Mloli. .
B torn-tar) Houston mM In pun' I
B The Migel great national'
H trnncontlitTiat i4i U to
H uty Imagination, as does Hi auggi-s-
H lion vl Intents! roads ronnocilng
H capitals or eliles of cowmen-Ill In--
H portnneo to my loglesl fwciiliy and
H to I he sense of pleasure that I ex-
H lirelence In riding otto! Hie country!
H in my friends' automobiles Hut
H Hint the essential thing to Ik- ilono
H is the providing at good ronds
H which shall gel products from tlio
H community farm to the nesrest stn-
H Hon nnd mnkv nriil life mora prof-
H liable, comfortable and pleasurable!
H I entertain no tort of doubt, nnd
H It In obvious Hint the represents! Ivos.
H of tlio people In congress nre llko
H minded. I'or In making .their np-.
H proprlnllon they stipulated Hint Iti
H should bo used In Improving tho
H rondlllon of poit roada with a vlow
H to tlto economy ind efficiency of,
H postal delivery and for tlio trans j
H portatlon of farm products to tho
H mnrkct. Hucli roads are equally es-
H sentlal to tho establishment and op-
H rratlon of decent elementary nnd
H secondary schools for the benefit of
H the country boys and girls, I do
H not eliminate other things for con-
H aldcrsUon nnd 1 do not undorcatl-
H mute tho rights and plaesures of
H tho nutntiioblllsts and the service
H they hare rendered In the propn-
H lands for road building
H There nro complex problems to
H bo solved In many states before thoi
H most efficient eipendlluro of money
H , by states and communities for roada
H can be secured, and there are many
H more to be worked out beforo one'
H ( nn rationally eipect the federal
M government largely to participate.
H Who shall say hnw aid should bo
M apportioned so that the stales may
M A receive equitable treatment? Bhnll
M : It be apportioned equally among the
H ' stales on the basis of total popula-
B 3 Hon, farm population, area, taxable
M I vnltiatlon, road mileage, or all theso;
H j. nnd should federal money bo x
M pended exclusively through Its own
M ' agencies for a certain system?
1 ' . What roads are to bo Improved?
H There are approilmalety two and a
M quarter million milts of publicly
owned roada In the nation. Half of
this mileage ulllUod for post
roads nnd less than 10 por cent of
tho tolnl enn bo classed as Improv
ed In any lnrso sense. Shall wo
undortnko to apply-aid to all tho
roads or shall wo 'consider this a
tnsk too glKniitlo? Bhall wo apply
It to tho rural routes or shall wo re
gnnl this as equally boyond reason
Or shnll wo single out certain dl
rcctlona In which cootral roads shall
run, and It so how? Is It not clear
Hint tbls opens up a Hold, whnrt
polty politics, community lnirc-at
nnd Individual selflshncsA may run
rlotT Assuming that o linvo sot
tlod this, for what purpose shall tho
aid bo granted and In what propor
Hon? Bhnll It bo exclusively for
construction, exclusively for nmln
tunnnco, or for both? Bhall It be
to pay tlio entlro cost of cither or
both of these Items, or shnll It bo
Inpondont on the cqunl or larger
contrlbutlcn by tho 'states ami c ....
niunltles? Bhnll the aid .
through votes of money out of ih
treasury or from tho sale of bon.lv
Thnt tho sUHgcsnon of federal aid
to road building raises grnvo ques
tions and Involves posslhlo dnngers,
no thoughtful cltlien doubts. There
nro proposals boforo tho public mind
which would bankrupt the federal
treasury nnd suggest povslblo nbusos
before which those of tho worst
pork barrel bills of tho pnst would
pale Into Insignificance. No pro
posal which does not enrry with tl
tho assuranco of safeguarding the
treasury In this direction seema to
mo to stand tho ghost of n show of
favorable consideration. It Is not
nlono tho fenr thai thoro would bo
no slopping place. Thoro Is tlio
question of prccodont. This Is not
the only proposal beforo the Ameri
can congress Involving tlio question
of huge appropriations. Thoro aro
olhors which, to their advocates,
are Just as Important and nro being
Just as Insistently urged, and mnny
of tho vctornn congressmen havo
naturally contracted tho habit of
balking automatically at such pro
posals. It would bo especially pernicious
It such nld should result In stifling
tho spirit of local self help. In this
(told as In others tho stales havo
recently rondo great headway, and
any action taken should unques
tionably result In tho fostering of
this spirit and In tho efficient dl
rctlon of thee nctlvltlcs to which It
mny lead.
1 Another difficulty to be avoided
Is the over contrnlltntton or activity
In theso Intimate Intrennl matters
and tho building up of a great and
powerful bureau In Washington,
with an over Increasing control over
tho highways of tho country. Tho
dictates of prudonco and cperlonco
aro thnt so far ua possible such
agencies as may bo required should
bo efficiently developed In tho sev
eral states nnd that tho federal
agencies should work In a, spirit of
comploto and helpful co-operatlon
nnd assistance.
Tho first practical essentials In
I ff The Idea ;
I ' iy ,s lts Wcarln3 Qua'- ;
( 1: . jyl! f t ities, Suitability and 1 1
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! i; All of these ideas jj
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The (.'ol.lfD llule linn no vieclnl V. (lUAUANTi:i: KVIMtV HIKH". drey and Maroons H
I'rlrr. WK HCI.I. fl.l'H ami .HH Iwicli. H
tho planning of road legislation
would seem to bo to recognlio tho
states ns the smallest unit with
which tho federal gownrarnt might
deal. This would give relief In a
measure from the Insistent domand
that would come from every town
ship and every district In the union
for Its shnre of state or federal as
sistance, without reference In tho
merits of the case or the practic
ability of the undertaking As has
been stated, many of tht states now
have efficient slate hlihway depart
ments, and thus afford orgapltod
agencies with which the federal of
fice could deal It woud seem that
tlio basic feature would be such co
operation between the nates and
tho federal government as would
leave with the stales the Initiative
In the selection of roads to receive
aid, nnd as muth of the Immedlnle
construction and maintenance ns
would be practicable. In the cnao
of roads on which federal money Is
ot bo oipcndcd It would sm es
sential and wise that the Moral
agetiry should have the requisite
power of the approval of the selec
tion, supervision of the construction
and maintenance, and the right of
Inspection, for the plain and simple
ordinary purpose of seeing thnt tho
fodcrnl money Is applied lo the pur
pose for whleh It was toted uml la
efficient!) oipendd.
It Is rsoabl) er that for
etfry reason there wu,t j,0 i0mo
automatic rheck upon the demunds
to bo mnde upon congress nnd thnt
this should be afforded through thu
requirement that the state and tho
localities should contribute Uu am
ount both for construction urn!
maintenance at least equal to and
Jts cinnmiNciiuv co
This I, .,ur ma.! fr,)m the
cbol.u.t Turkey Hed jlri, wh0Rt
Kei s. tuaumiid to iilve
s-JUfai'ioii, wd blw ( chracai
tt.i of t pr wot K,lUn
For Haiti by
Price Commission Co,
I'hoiie tm.
possibly double that contributed by
j the fcdornl government; and thnt.
j In tho apportionment of any possible
I federal funds n number ot bale fac
tors such ns population, nron,
wealth, or minimum cost of con
struction, should control, I have not
tho toast doubt.
There mny be those who "will
view with alarm" any suggestion
that the federal govornmont co-op-(ernto
with the states financially In
road building nnd more especially
that It exorcise an adequnto meas
ure of control nnd supervision even
over tho expenditure of Its own
funds. The cry of centralisation
that tho federal government alms
unduly to extend lis powers mny
ngnln be raised Yet, In a field or
common Interest nnd of Inseparable!
activities what could bo more nntu
rnl thnn co-opcratlon and mutual1
assistance? Why should tho two
Jurisdictions serving tho same peo
ple forever stand apart nnd view
ench other with suspicion and tils
I trust while nothing Is done or much
j Is wnatcd? And Is It not worthy of
nolo thnt the ulnrm never seize
such people at the stage of tho dis
cussion In which It would be of
most value? They aro not In the
loust timid In their approaches to'
i the federal trensury nnd their cour
j ngv falls thorn only when It Is sug-'
gosted that the federal government
has a right to see that tho money of
the people of the nntlon Is wisely
nnd efficiently expended If tho)
1 are to take counsel of their uliirms
i let them do so before they detur
I mine to assault the treasury.
In, short, ns a practical program,
1 believe thnt this matter Is one In
, which haste onn best bo slowly
j mndu. Tho people will snnetlon a
I reasonable expondlture of their
money and It Is their money nud
'theirs only, whether it be expended
through tho federal government or
the atnte when they are convinced
that It la applied to n wise purpose
and will yluld the results anticipa
ted. And I am Impressed by tho
w'sdom of the notion of congress, In
tho midst of so much clamor, In
constituting n committee "In make
Inquiry into tho subject of fixlurtil
aid In the construction ot post
rouds," in providing an appropria
tion of a half million dollars to lxj
exponded co-operatively with thti
stntca In tho proportion of no to
two, nud In requiring the secretary
of agriculture nnd tho postmaster I
general lo report to congress tbV
results of such expenditure "to
gether with such recommendations
ins shall seem wlsu for providing a
'general plnn of national and far the
i Improvement of postal roads In co
I operation with tho states and coun
'tles, and to bring about as nearly'
ns possible such co-opcrnllon In the
I various slates us will Insuro uniform
'and equitable Interstate hlghwsy
regulations." This Indicates a de
sire to know tho facts as well as a
'generous Interest Too short a
time has elapsed to Judge of tho
lvalue ot this undertaking, but thalj
! It Is In tho right direction few will (
. question. That it might be extend-,
ed with nmplo funds If aid Is to bc(
furnished most thoughtful men.
I would concede! and tho plan has
the peculiar value of being suscep-l
tlble of Inueflnlto extension In ease
tho results should be found to Jus-!
tlfy II.
ICouHniied from pugu one.l
M. l'oyton was tho unanimous choice
of the meeting for recorder.
Thos, Pouts was placed in nomi
nation for councilman by W. C.
Ilex Miller was nominated by
"Willie" Wlso.
, O. C. Nelson, who ha4 stayed to
participate In the proceedings, now
placed In nomination the name of
Albert llryner
II. A Hurt nominated llobcrt Mc
Kuno. O. C Nelson, who' had remained
silent since the previous nomina
tion, ofrcrwl a motion that c,n"
mltteo of three to fill vacancies tie
.appointed The motion was earrlod
and O. C Nelson, ono of those pros
ent. II A Hart and r. C. I'lnson
were niqiolnted as such committee
Attorney Nelson called attention
lo the fact thai It was necessary
that the petition should receive fif
ty signatures In order that nniuM
of the nominee on It should bo
legally prmnted to the ally tlerfc.
After wkh action Mr. Nelson.
Hie Carbon I'om.ty jfows, "WIIMe"
Wise ami the oihers, who cro al
so present, adjourned.
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