I Eastern Utah Advocate I , Utah's Best Weekly, Publish ad In thu "Btetfeist Little City on Earth" REPUBLICANS TURN J OUT IN GREAT FORCE Convention Saturday Nhht Largely Attended and Aost Enthusiastic of Any Ever Held in PriceFull Ticket Named 0e hundred nml ono representa tive citlicui of Prlco participated In Iho republican contention at the L City hnll Snturdny night Thl number, together with the specta tors, mado about one hundred and twonty.flro In attendance. It It e tlmated that at least four hundred votera of the city were represented at the meeting. The ticket that will be placed In the municipal field under thu republic-tin emblem, li m follow: Carlo Oundemou, Mayor J W l.oofbourow, councilman for thu four-year term. K. 8. lluraley, councilman for two-) ear term. It II Klrkpatrlck, councilman for two-yvir term. Jn F. Pace, councilman for two year term. L. A. I.nubor, recorder. A 11 llunten, treasurer. Id hla opening remark to the , conTnilon, A. W. Iloraley. elmlr- min. outlined the purpose of the primary, bin niMioesid hi auillcne a follow- For man yean tin. republican In Price hntc been In the majority and the parly hn always ttood for progress, advancement, development and thu upbuilding of the town I bellotc there nrc few city ndmlnls tratlon but that are criticised, and to be trunk about It thuro are con dition In l'rlre tlmt 1 do not like, and I hute no hesitant-) In s)Iiik that I believe nmo of them should bo corrected. I am nut radleal and never bate bten anil hate always belleu'd Hint ouch class should hate thorough representation and that none hould b discriminated agalnvt, 1 don't believe In llllln nn)ono off. "Like you people w lnterote are lu Prlco unj I want to t-e Price devel p 1 want to see lur hN I flourish, and 1 want municipal nd vauruineiit and ever) one thai I In toroatod In I'rlco want (ho inmo thine nnd I therefore bellovo that all lntereta ahould bo protected, Thursday nlht nboul twetilyflvo Price repu illean had a mum In tho county building ami we dim-jes-d tin name of posel'ili or prb nblo nominee tlmt we ' "ht would be good official and "' that would oarry the pari to tle tory ul the coming election Vfter tic caticu I heard that It iiiIkIH Juit a w ll be A W llorl) H i: 8. llvrsle) tin the board Well, what of It? I urn Interested In Price Ktery dollar I have got li Invented In Price I moan to llro here till my life Why shouldn't I bo represented 7 At leuat the peo plo nem to think o na I wa offer ed a plaoe on three different Hok ot. "Then omeono anld, 'If Klrkpat rlck I elected ho will repliant Ilrnffelt What If he does4 Ilraf fett ha hi money and luirels - , Iioro la there any reaeon why he ahouldii't be represented? And that Pace would represent the saloon men lan'l that all right? The ae Ioon men are here too end Interested in much In Price u an ono oleo The are net gelng t ourfl ,,,e ,own down And someone had the nerte to question that he a eel fee or lluiuile" L,uofbourow "What I want U n republlean nil ministration eompoeed of fair and miuure men and I want to see a broad representation on the board " The order of huslnoe of tho oten lug mid proceedings were ns follow! Tho meeting waa sailed la order by ropubllonn preelnot chairman, d 0. MoWhlnne), who called for the election of a chairman A W Horale waa placed In nominally ; by Carl It. Marcuiwn and Alvtn Sund l berg moved tho nominal lns rlos-i JJsH.ou carried Arthur I hates waa l unanimously .qlocted eeejasHW). I Dfon Ao'sufrglstlon of Mr m. If Whtvine). the ohalrmnn was called I o for remnrks. l!cldo the forc ' K dng, Mr. Horsley aaldt 1 never u n cltltcne' ticket ' tl ai any good ever canto from, If i u can't get your right out of 'y'ttr iHtrty ou can't get thorn any w re and wo should all go out of tl I ptlmary with our lecvea rolled 'up and work for republican auc- JC M ' I The next order of btitlnc waa j t e nomination of a mnyor. Car los tiunderaon waa placed In nomin ation by F. B. Wood. Tho nom ination received a second by John . Pace, and n motion by 0. It Mnr ctisen that nomination bo closed 1 1 that the secretary bo Instructed ito cast tho ballot of tho contention ,for Mr. (Sanderson, waa carried. , I "or the four-year term for coun cl'innn. J W toofbourow wn nom inated by Ja. F. Paco. Nomina tion for thl office were closed on motion of John Paco, i Alvln Sundberg moved tho nomlii-J ihI'jmk of N B JV-atnount, It. It. Kirkpnlrlck nud B. 8. Iloraley. A. llunten moved the nomination of Jat F. Pace. Nomlnatlona wero cloiwd on motion of Flod Wood and ttiv convention proceeded to bal lot on the names before thu lioua Thi result was a follow. B. 8. Horsley, 07, II. It. Klrkpatrlck, 05; Ja. F, Pace, 02; N. B. Bcnmount. 40. Thu first three wero declared l ho nomlntt of thu contention for the two-year term. XomlnMlona for the office of re corder were called for. A. J. Ia-o nominated I. A Ijiuher uml J. O ' I'aucetl Arthur llunten. Mr. Ilnn len deellneil the nomination nud Mr. lumber waa eleeted 1 iicelumalloii For tho office of treasurer Matt Ollmour waa nominated by It. J Turner and Arthur llunten by J. O. Fitueett Mr. llunten was elected! b) a vote of 8C to VI. j t It Mnrcusen offered a motion hat a committee of three lie ap pointed to fill vncHiicle and that tlie chairman, Tho Dumityne and AHtort Paee compose uen a com mlitee WMI'i thoil.ilrniHi. did not think that any of the nominees were going to die nud tlmt there fore thi re wuuld bo ho funetlon for for muli it committee, he put tho mot tin and the sumti wan carried On motion of I, A. Luuber tho emblum for tho ticket of mi eagle and beelilte wa adopted. in eniertnlnluj; a motion for ad journment Iho chairman an Id that he hup.l the ropubllonn would stick together like dust to n bar of soap, would muko no deal of any kind wlih an other of the tlekei and that If tho ticket wuut down thoy would nil go down with color fly ing like men and woman and like honorable cltlren of the United .States Motion for adjournment wh curried. Hobort II. Htuwnrt, agricultural demonetrator for Carbon nml Kmery counties, retuntotl Rumluy after a visit nt tho atato fair and a few dnya apout at lit home lu Wdl- 1 Mr Ktowart state that ho U niaklni; an effort to bring II. A. Hart, elate drainage engineer, here to work on n tlrnlnuge problem near Huntington. Ho expect to hate Dr. Young, atato Itte etoek lnee tor. come to Kmery county within a short tlmo to Inspect eomu horooa there that seem to be afflicted with ome kind of oontiiglou dlseaae. , Profesenr Stewart eUtttw that he has Heard, from a great .man) direc tion, about tho eui-eoea of the groat i'arnoa-Kniery fair WIM, rOUI'KIT TJHJ HAIL IIONH (IF JACK JOHNSON CHICAaO, Oct. 14 - -Forfolturo of Jack Jnlinnon'a poruqnal bond of J30.000 was orderod by Foderal Ju4e Cnrpentro today, otfeotve mot April If tho noero jirlio flcht er, who la roported to have taken uoa nofappearfor trior undr fhf Mann white slave act. - t i mmtimm' " ' HIS CANDinATE. j Q FOR 2 &&& REGIME J B -3) s- rC . sZtviir cl . Rsynolds nt Hortisnu Urmyti,,., iNOTKE ii By " : hi ii HfllllTA T,Ki: TO TASK IlV AMBIIICW t;nvi:itsMKM lllptiitiiitllr IteliitlniK lUliin-n Tto ('iinlrieK Miij He Ituptiinil HirtiKiiltliui or ('iiiulltutliiiinllKtM, It l Nihl, .Mil) I'ldhm I'iiIitiiIh' I dilution of Promlx-K. , WABIIINdTON, I) t'.Oet. 14. i 'I ho I'nlttd Stale gotornment In iformetl Protllnal President Vic jtorlana Huerla loday tlmt It looked I vlth abhorrence and aumiement up I on W aseuuiHliHi of lioth exeoutlvo and legislative iMiv.er In Mexico and Hint, In view of hi coure, It etiuld not regard a eoHslllullounl the election plan wed for October 2 ilth. Two rnt! ere H-nt. the ono stronl) pbraeed aud written li) Reo rotai) liryan. ii(iilrlii(t about the eafet) nf the tuiprUoned members of the Mwlcan roiians and tho other drawn In forceful language language b) President Wilson him self and eald lo ninmltute pruotl eall te lat effort of thu Wh. lugtoii goteruHient to doal with tho lluerta authorllie b) diplomatic! mean unlet there Ik n decided chnne of plrlt on the part of tho official of Mexico CH) The negotiation through John l.lnd had proceeded to the point whore the slate department uccoptod the Indnreeiueiit of Frtnlerlco Onm bim for the presldenrj a mennlng the ellmlnailon of lluertu nud whero 'It wa eontldeiitl) iihm! that a fnlr j and free election would be held on Oetober Xth Nov. howeter, the1 preeldewt ha made It clear that IhOj Waahlnlou gotrraimnt had with tho .-vent of the but few da)- tho Imprisonment of Hie daputloe aud the eatahlUhitteni of a dlaUterslilp i by lluerta-loat hope of seeing, a ooiukMtuUoiial fierilon held by tho lluerta regime. I 1,1ml Mil) Iteturn llonin. The tep formally taken by tho Untletl Ulalw were commuiileatod to the foreign government. No fur ther step ar planned throusli dip-' llomatlo qhaimel. wd It would not be (iirprlslug If Jbn Mnd.'who ha j I been waiting af Vew Crux to ol- verve the manner In which the' Hureta offlrlal carried out their i jiromlMw, ehould return to the Onl !ted gtute at onto lluerta' decree proclaiming him self In eharge of tho departmonte of Interior, administration, (tun nee nujl war wore reeehed liore today, nul the txt thtn vut Rt th HtAt af ,5J,iJ;mmt. The doflUirtunajoaS (ConelNded on pao olgbi ) Schools of Box Elder Aim to Teach Value of Regular Living To Attain This fcnd Pupils Are Allowed Credits For Early Rising and Retiring. liltlUIIAM CITY, Oct. 14. Tho board of education U end ing 6000 circular letters to pa rents and guardians regarding tho "achool credits for home work" system Introduced Into tho school of Ilox Btder coun ty by Hupt. I). C. Jensen last year. Tho letter urges parents to co-operuto with the school by also offering credits to bo known us "homo credits for school work." Tho following credits aro al lowed for complying with (he rules: Hlilng before 7 o'clock, I minutes. Untiring nt or before 9 p. m., C minutes. (Primary grades.) Ilrushlng teeth morning mid evening, G minutes, lletlrlng nt or before 9:30 o'clock, I minute. (Oriimmur grade.) Sleeping with bedroom win dow open, 6 lnlnutoe. Bathing (each bath) 10 min utes. To thu pupils rcceltlng an av erage of 00 per cent, a holiday twice a your will be granted, thu abovo credits being design ed to make up for the two days each year. Additional credlta In percent age will be made each quarter, when tho pupils will be graded nud receive credit n follows Grade ono and two, 10 per cTint for enuh IS minute oretllt per week until 100 pur sent I reached. (I rode three nud four, 10 per cent for eueh 20 minute credit per week until 100 per cent Is resetted. Orndea five and lx, 10 per cent for eali SR minute oredli per week until 100 per eent U roeehod. O radon seven und eight, 10 per oeut for eaeliJ0 minute uretllt per week until 100 per cent Is ronohed. The forfeltillOM provided In thu syetem to oenteettikts are u follows: Unoxeused abseuoe forfelle nil right to tho holiday. Com ing to school without bunds uml faoo washed, hair combed und clothing In order, 10 per eent off. Work. that U not done cheerfully will not bu given credit, ' " Our Job Hunan uenl Is up IBrflHte I'rj u. u itiut nxt order of print ing iiii- AdtoLJiu I'ubilahiiig Co -AiJet IS THE REALITY inns win. hi: ,ivi:utihki roit IX .NBAH I'lTl'lt At n special ulon of, the city council hold ycaicrdny afternoon In the director' room of tho Price Commercial and Saving bank tho consideration of tho Carnegie li bra r) building at Price wa taken up and ill no ii wed at some length The council reu,uetod Architect M. K. Miller lo make plana and speci fication at once, the same to con form with Carnegie' Idea and to route within the ten thousand dol lar limit llld will bu advertised for ns soon as the plans and specifi cation ure prepared The council decided to put In a street crowing at the Intersection of Klghth and J streets, lending from the Harmon propert) to Judge W. 111. Fre'a offlne. protierty ownors Ion the mm eble of Klghih street having agreed to pave and nsk for this eroMlug. The council named the Judges to net nt the coming city elcellon und In order to facilitate matters In vo i Hug, thrto eepurule booth will lie I placed lu tho city hall where people liua) tote J II MMdluloii, M. T. I Harmon und C A Outwit will have I charge of nil voter from A to O; Ilifti Hteln, Peiin Olsen and Mutt I ailmour from II to N, and A. Hal 'linger, J. A. Crockett and Juno I Whllmore from O lo Z. At thu meeting were present W. 'f Olson, ma)or. Councllmen Ioof ' bourow, MoKlnnon. Foute, Wltlt- more, Clerk UuImt and Attorney i McWhlnmi) U()M)ltHI lOOli HIII'I) UP AVI) lllIIIIBI OF TWWSTV 1 "Old lllue, ' a tolored cook om ployed at the 8avo) hotel, wan held ' Mp and robbed of about twenty ilol. ,1am Monday night by two men who made their est an The holdup oo tid r red between the MaKuno. For wnrillng etimuaiiy s witrehouio and I the MhimU hotel while lllue was on IhU waj to hi room The Uitlga aproaebel him from behind, ohok d him nd going through liU poal. els relet v oil blui of somothlng like twenty dollar Tho authorities were notified and uudo n thorough search, but fslWd to find tho rob ber The tMtm wua unnblii to fur nl'li a pood description of hi knti 1 In One mill tin' Kim in. I The Vernal Bxpre roplnls I puragiapU from The Adyopa In r' jgard to John I) 8huler ririt Imlxup with the aiitliorlU.Jjare l iwhleli be was tnppod fortw)ily J me. HiMl Mks, Woinlor If tlmt, is Drw Jolm I). Hhuler, formerly, of 1 IrVaf, df llnlmenf fiWT latttfnipifM IfanioT" DEI W ITS 1 I lllll III II I MUll-T I'OIITY OF FAITIlri'l. HB- H HPOND TO al.l.. H Komn llltflctilty Knciniiileretl After I lend In Nominated hi ItndlnR M Men U'liit Would Coiim-iiI lo (io U On Hie Ticket One linn Since H lli-elliiiil to Make the lUrr. M Pursuant to n call iMtiitl by Pre- H clnct Chairman W. F. Olson, the H domocrats of Prlco once more came ' H out of their hibernation and mot In H convention Inst Monday night at H City Hall to nominate a full city U ticket for tho coming election, No- H vembor 4th. H About forty of the faithful re- IH ponded to the cnll Promptly nt H 8 o'clock Ch'nlrmnn Olson arose nnd t aV stated tho purpose of tho meeting. M Nominations for chairman wont B called for and Attorney Hoffmann H presented the name of II. C. Hmlth. M Hmltlt declined the honor for the M reason that tho rule of tho civil M service forbade postmaster being M twrnlclously nctlio In politic. This MM oxcuso wa deemed sufficient and M tho name of II 8 Itoblnnett waa M then plnced In nomination. Al- M though ho latd back In the collar -fl some, his excuses were not consld- H ered valid. Nominations wero do- H dared closoil nnd ho was olectod P while still protesting B K Qlson Bj was named for secretary after A. H W. McKtnnon had declined thu hon- H or. Organisation being finally per- H fectod tho real business of Hie con- 'H Tontlon was tlion proceeded with. H Nominations for mayor being cull- H ed for, A W MrKlnnon arose and H poured forth on the nssomhlngo a t "H roseate word picture of the mnn H who made Price what It Is, Iho man H who has nil others beaten lo H standstill when It comes to "doing things;" the man who has mado H Prlco famous; one who could afford H to stand on his past record, and H that man tho tireient Incumbent at . B the office. W F Olson. There be- lug no other nominations, Sir. Ol- V i) H son being present and uuletly uq-- g MM qulosclng In all the laudatory re- I , tnarka made nboul him. he was MM named 'by ncolnmnintlun to bend the I H ticket. I Bj When nnmlniitlons for a four-year eouucllmnu wureonlltsl for the name H of Heron Olson was presented. Mo H prolesttd toolforously, but a hu did I MM. not rise to hi feet ho was not roc- j S ognlced by the chair. The rixisou MM why hu didn't stand, however, wus MM Hint two strong men. one on either I mm side, held him In his sent Noiiiln- Bj ntlon were closed und hu was nam- H ed b) ucclammittlun btfore he was ' MM liberated Bl After much protesting, declining; MM nnd offering the place to the other Bj fellow, Oliver J Harmon, II. 8. Hob- Bj lunette and A. (1. (luthell were sol- Bj ccted to make the race for council- Sj men for tho twp-)car term BJ W. F Olson presented the name BJ of I, A 1-nuber for the office of Bj city recorder and us tlmt gentleman BJ hud previously been nominated for BJ the same offlue by the republican MM ho oould afford to be magnanimous BJ lu tho mutter, allowing hi name to MM go before the eonventlon without BJ protest Aetlon wa unanimous MM The gretet difficulty of the MM eTenluc waa eneountered wlien en- MM danvorhiR to fill the plaoe of tuas H urer on the ticket Tr dtlu't BJ tits, lu be an arartclou n..n lu 'MM th liftuw One mIrM bs. t H''l BJ tho luiprowlon that Prtee el'y funds .. MM wero tainted, ns none seemed to HJ car oto handuj them. After a llto- , H minute reees, yrevlous ' which fr BJ several had declltwd the i-r nt. MM the name of Albert J. i" ' sb w I I 'HJ presented aiul the ebotec v. r uounl- I HJ niou. K I H W F Olson. II 11,1.1. nrtto . MM und Allien J Hrytwr u appoint- Bl ed b Hie ehalr as a eoi miteo to j Bl fill vcanclea that m ' r mi tho . tlokot before the elect km Bl Since the meettag. A. O t.athell I MM hn stated ilefln)lIy ' 10 v(,u f WMM not bo a candidate for ouu.ilmun. one of hln rw" '"K "'"' 10 ,8 j B9 tiot now arid never has been a dem? j rjBj oqrnt How.ver bl nm9 i.a-been ,J certified to the clerk, the tominlttw ' - e, , " iBB " tiot yei having taken nctl iv n till- ' ikg " mM Ing the vneaiiey fo v ' BB - Lmm ? fMMMM ' Smmmm 5,5 kMMMm (Am te j ' , ' mmmmm