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TMK KABTKMM UTAH ADVOCATE, THUIWHAY, Al'lt. 10, 11)14. rACJK KIVK H BUSINESS PROPERTY : FOR SALE , Thlrty.scvon feet frontage at Main anil Tenth Corner tot with sldo-1 track and spur at the rear. ' Forty or moro feet, adjoining the Old Golden Hute store on the east, ( Main street. No, better buy any where. Fifty feet west sldo South Eighth street, adjoining the new Wado buildings on the south. A four room dwelling goes with tt or will be moved. Nlaety feet frontage Just across tho atreet from this lot, will sell thirty, sixty or the whole piece. Ex cellent building site. ' Thirty feet frontage Just cast of the' new Turner building on Main street. A smalt payment down nnd tho balanco at 7 per cent. ' ' Six business lots, facing tho east and south, Just south of the Smoot Nixon lumber yard. Tart cash and ' easy pnymenta on balanco. Twenty-flvo or more feet facing , "the south, Just west of the Carbon Hotel. Some cash nnd llbernl pay ments. Choice piece of ground Just cast of' tho Denver and lllo Ornnde de pot, facing south. One of tho rar est bargains offered. . Other business locations too nil- 'raerous to mention In this limited .space, all close In and on llbernl , terms. HKSIDK.NTIAI, I'1101'KHTir.H ( Threo fifty-foot loU on North Ninth. Considerable fruit and well shaded. No better property any where. Corner lot not far from tho coun ty high school building. Hundred and twenty feet frontage A real '( bargain for cosh. Hundred by two hundred fourteen feet on North Seventh, facing tho west, docs within the next few days at a bargain. Vacant lots, modern dwellings and partly Improved property in every part of tho city. Also sev eral modern homew at less than their values. ItANCII Ot-TKUINflS Forty to a hundred nnd sixty acres with full water right, unim proved, eloso to the city. Fifty dol lars an acre. Twenty-three acres west of town in lucern nnd within walking dis tance nt $1600.00. Worth looking From forty to flvo hundred seres, south of town ono to eight miles, some of It In orchard, at $00 00 per aero. Twenty acres with water this stdo of Wellington, belongs to non-rosl-. ilunt, who Is anxious to sell. Make an offer. Other tracts of choice farm lands, both Improved and unimproved. ' r Owners nro unloading Iet us show jou our lists. KVKUYTIII.NCI IN lXHUIUNCi: Oct usf, Wo're Imlcpcmlsnt of tho flro Insurance trust making f rnd maintaining our own rates. Lot ' , us figure with you. ' We rlto fire, plate glass, atenm boiler, automobile, accident and rent . insurance In tho best ofcompanles Wo furnish nbstrncta of tttlo to nny lot or tract of land In Carbon county. We'll go your bonds In any amount at reasonable rates. R. W. CROCKETT & CO. . I'llICK, UTAH . Mara Street. ROYAL I Baling Powder Absolutely Pure Cakes, hoi biscuit, hat breads, an4 ether pastry, are dally necessities la the American family. Royal Bak ing Powder will make them more digestible, ivholesome, appetizing. Kb AlmnNe LI mm Phomhm1a PMCEHVICI1ITY! A W Shiner was Up to Hiawatha on a business trip Tuesday Stephen Olsnotll of Helper was nmdng the visitors to the county seat last Saturday. J..M. Whttmoro Is In Salt Lako, hAvlnp been summoned to sit on tho federal grand Jury. Olcn Uatllngcr was a ilelper vis itor In tho county seat last Satur day, returning in the evening. Mrs J. A. Crockett was down town Tuesday, tho first time since her recent very severe sickness. Dr. E. M. Neher was visiting his several patients at l'rlro last Sun day, coming down by nutomobllo. Helper has twenty-tour saloons at this tlmo with a population uf not exceeding twenty-five hundred all told. N. S. Nellson was In tho city sev eral days Is st week, looking after his various Interests hereabouts, principally sheep. Kobert Howard, Inspector of mines for the Consolidated Fuel company, was doing business In I'rlco last Saturday. Judgo Ferdinand Krlcksen and M. I'. Droffet hod business before tho district court at Price last Saturday, reluming later to Zton. Clark Thompson of this city has gono to the reservation country to look after and do some Improve ments to his Indian lease. Mrs. K C U-e of I'rlco recently went to the rnnch In Nino Mllo to be with her husband, who Is on tho sick list. Nothing serious, however. fl. A. King, tho 8al Lake City attorney, was representing clients before Judgo Chrlslonson In an ad journed session of district court last Saturday. Andrew Young, Sr, of Castlo tlnte, and Samuel Naylor of Sunny side wcrb hero last Saturday In at tendance upon a meeting of the county high school board. The Denver und lllo Orando has announced a half rate round trip fare from nil Utah points on Its lino for tho Mutual Improvomont confer ence at Bait Lake City In Juno next. Miss Ellen C. Mulroney of tho English department of the high school has accepted a position for next year In her I 'mo town In Iowa. Her only purpose In resign ing her position hero and returning to the East is that she may be near her mother and other relatives. t ,4 m niiHimiiitiiituHiiiiHmni 1 1 m m 1 We Will Pay . L. . 5 Cents v '- ' - ! . ; ; Each in Merchandise for; 3 v i I and 5 pound Lard Buckets ! H Carbon County Cora. Co. 1 . 1 1 0 I It 1 1 i e i I M 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 rr M tO milHIIIIHH' MHWajSJMSBMMW j, "Uncle Ilert" Martin, tho picture allow man, was here yesterday on his way tounnyeldo, where ho will give nn entertainment tonight. The Ooldcn Ilulo moved this week Into Its new quarters, where ample spaou la afforded for the very largo stock of dry goods carried by this firm. J. C Jensen tho first of the week purchase! twclvo hundred head of sheep from Joe Fredcrlckson. The price paid was S&.00 for lnmlng ewes and 93.60 for yearling ewes. Ilyrutu A Soutltwortli of Donort Lake was here Monday on one of hla periodical trips, selling somo nl fa)fa seed, which Is now going at around elsht cents In tho local mar ket. Challln ft Jcansclmo commenced doing business this week at tho old OoMon Ilulo stand. They also hno n new delivery wagon In tho field. George Fausett Js tho clerk for the now firm. W. T. Woods, the man nt the block In tho Carbon Commission, by n clever movement Tuesday, suc ceeded In so severely cutting his toft hand that he wss about put out of commission. L. K. Evans, chief clerk at Castle Oate, was bore between trains Tues day afternoon. The new town or ganization has started off In good shape. Liquor licenses In tin coal camp are f 000. Carlo Delplax of Helper was a business visitor In I'rlco last Friday. Ho Is now conducting the bar room In connection with Hotel Helper. Business nt the railroad town Is anything but good. Noll M. Madsen was -down from Scoftold last Saturday attending a meeting of tho I'rlco Commercial bank directors nnd a ftcsslon of the county high school board. He re turned homo Sunday., Iohl Jessen of Wellington wss transacting business In I'rlco last Friday Tho farmers of his section are well along with plowing and ditch cleaning and genorall) aro in hopes of a prosperous year. J. T6m Fitch, Holper pioneer nnd a largo owner of real estnto at nnd around the rnttroad town, was In tie county seat last Saturday. Petitions nro In circulation for local option there, to be vote.) on In June next. W T Ooshrn, the Orand Junc tion (Colo.) sheepman, was trans acting buslneMi at I' rice Inst Satur day. He Is shearing In tho eastern part of the stato at this time. His wool clip avorages well this season. Owng to the prrss of other busi ness, J M Whltmore asked to bo released from serving on the ux eeutlvo committee of the arrange ments committee of the bankers' mooting hur, and A W McKinnon ha been appointed In his place Look to Your Dumbing. You know what happens in a house In which tho plumbing is lu poor condition everybody In tho house Is liable to contract typhoid or same othor fever. The dlgostlvo organs perform the same funotious (n the human body as the plumbing does for the house, ami they should be kept in flrat-cltuts condition all tho time. If you have any trouble ; with your digestion take Chamber- ; Iain's Tablets und you aro certain to got quick relief For sale by all doalorfl. Advt. Agents and domonatratara In ev ery city and county to handle Or J. ; H. Horr's BanolA Skin Food. King ; of all faoo U-auUdors. Nover falls Ion oczema and sores of any nature, iplmploe, blotchoe, blackheads and rough sklu. CO per cent bo live agents. Box 646, Salt Lake City, . Utah. Advt, tf George Metsa of this city, an .ex pert In machinery, has gone to Clrvcn Hirer to sot up a rofrlgora tlng plant of McPhcrson Bros. Quince Crawford, a prominent sheepman of MnntU went down In the valley yesterday morning to his herds, preparatory to getting them In shape tor shearing which will commence tho latter pnrt of next week. A J Lee has severed his connec tions with the New York Cash store. Ambrose Walsh succeeds in the management. Mr. Lee has not yet made any decision as to what he will engago In but will probably make Prtco his place of business. The Denver and lllo Ornnde la Is suing to patrons and friends of the road a new series of tho 1914 pic ture calendars. The calendars car ry twenty-four views of scenes along iho Denver nnd Mo Orando nnd tho Western I'nctfle railroads. ' John Crawford, ono of tho ojdest of The Advocate family, wns down from I'anthcr Canyon last Saturday. He went from hore to Sunnyslde, where ho tins numerous, friends among the old timers of Carbon county, as well as several relatives. 1'rof Wlltsrd L Peterson of the Carbon county high school has de clared his Intention of going Into business In Idaho On April 2d, 3d and 4th he made n visit to I'ocatel lo and other Idaho towns and ox presses himself ns being tcry much encouraged with tho outlook. Principal F 8 Davles and family will lcne for I'rovo Immediately af ter school closes here. Mr. Davles has reeured a position In tho public school there for next term. It le with genulno regret tint tho pupils and parents In Price learn of Mr. and Mrs. Davles' Intention to re turn to I'rovo. Alfred Seamount came In from tho stock range on Tuesday nnd Jour neyed to Prlco to meet his wlfo. It will be remembered that Mrs Sea mount was very near death s door In the winter and while recovery was alow, wo are glad to learn that she ha regained hor health. Oreen Illvor Dispatch 10th. J P. May, formerly with tho Con solidated Wagon and Machine com pany at Price, Is this week to tako charge of the Duchosne Hocord at Myton, and himself and family will movo nut to tho reservation country this week. May was nt ono tlmo on the staff of tho Salt Lake Tri bune Numerous friends at Price, whore they were well and favorably known, will wish Mr. r 1 Mrs. May well In their new hontvr Walt Boston came homo from Price Saturday night and has been npcndlng a few days visiting his family und looking otter business matter. He tins hi big building contract well under wuy nnd will get It finished on time. He saja tho weather Js much coaler there, there still being Ice on tho north side of tho building he U erecting for J. n. Mlddloton. Boston will probably work up thore nil summer, maybe longer. Green Illvor Dis patch, 10th. Warning has been Issued from the department of agriculture at Washington, I). C, to the potnto growers of the entire country to watch cnrofully for what It calls "powdery scab," a disease first no ticed In this country last )car, nnd thought to have been brought here i lu u big consignment of potatoes Imported from Europe The pow der scab Is a fungus growth that attacks young potatoes. The de partment has prepured a bulletin giving methods of controlling It. U-e Cooper nnd Mrs Snlllo Hunt , of Myton were united In marriage i Tuesday afternoou by Justice Lee. ' Tho bride Is the daughter of Mr. ( and Mrs. It. Calvert, who were among tho very early settlors on the reservation The marriage , marks the end of a lovo romaneo -between the contracting parties ex teiidlnc over a jmrlod of sovoral ! your. The groom Is an industrious oung man and as one of tho first homesteaders after tho reservation was thrown open. Mrs. I. W. Odo klry, also of Myton, was here Tues day on business and was a witness to tho ceremony. Clothes tailored iu Price at the Modern Tailors, next to the Savoy. Advt. Gtate of Ohio, rlty of Toledo. I.. Lucss County. J"" Frank J Cheney makes oath that ha Is MMor partner "t tin Arm of V. 3, Cheney A Co., delnr business In the Oly .(, To. ledo. County and Htatu aforesaid, and that Mid (inn will pny tho sum of ONU HUNDRED DOLLAK3 (or euch and ev ery ca of Catarrh Hint cannot bo cured, by tho use of HA..ffiATAnH.,,CUaB. Bworn to before mo and subicrlbed In my presence, this 6th day of lieceaiUr, A. D. KM. , . .., (Soul) A. W. ClLnABON. Notary l'ubllo. Hall's Catarrh Curs l taken Internally and acta directly utn tho blood and uiu rous surfaces nt iho system. Bend for testimonials, free, I'. J. CIIKNKV & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists, TOc. T ' i lull's Family lUU for cowtl potion. Particular Buyers Will Fincf It To Their Advantage To H Visit Our Store Before Mat ' I ing Their Purchases. I A large shipment of Children's, Misses' nnd H Women's Dresses just received. H Children's wash dresses from H 35c to $2.25. , Misses' wash dresses from 75c H to $6.50. Ladies' .wash dresses, $1.25 to , 4 H $9.50. ' . 1 i All the nbovc arc made from the latest H fabrics; styles are new, and the line complete. ' H Wc desire to drive home the fact that our ; H Men's nnd Boys' Clothing arc superior to any - H line carried in this county. H Our All Wool Serge Suits For ' I . .Young And Old Men At $15.00 (i Can't be beat.' Better values for 520.00 H and $25.00. All our clothing is Guaranteed H to hold its shape and wear satisfactorily. If it H don't satisfy, wc replace it, at no cost to the H purchaser. H 1 ' - H The New York Cash Store I This Store is the Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes H i , . ' M STYLISH HATS I It's the way a hat looXs on a woman that Is the luporUnt H detail. So we make stylo tho paramount feature of our hats H stylish shapes, stylish trimmings, tho latest shades and, M most Important of all, they aro stylishly trimmed. Wo don't H want you to buy a hat from us unless It la n becoming Myle, H Try them on, and keep trying them on till you find Just Iho M hat for you. H B.essie Kennedy, Millinery , I I Price Real Estate I Company I ' N. E. SEAWOUNT, Manager I Twenty acres beat farming land on tho Price river,' all !' H 1 1 oulUratod; one mile irom I'rlooj beet w&tox rlcbt out', of ', M river; 11800,00; terms. M 1 1 Forty acres four miles south of Trice, 1 600.00, M i City LoU, 1G0 up and m payments. M HU6IMS8 IX)OATIO.8. HO.VD9. V s lnnu i.NsuiuiNcH J H , ' ' ' - i" H Ladle' tailor madesulta at tho Ilubher stamps of erory ,descrls- M Modern Tailors, next to the Savoy. I (Ion sold by Tho Advocate I'ub't4sfi M Advt. I inB Co. Advt. H I I