I mas mm
I mnTM
Hji 'Whnt promises to bo one of tho
H most Interesting and bonoflclal
H! roundups ever bcld In Carbon coun-
Hl ty ftlhg agricultural llnoa will bo
H given on Mondn and Tuesday, tho
H Otli and 21nt of April, when tor.
B oral exports from tlio Agricultural
H Collego of Utah will vlalt I'rlco
H An Interesting proram will bo
H plvcn In tho City Halt oil Monday
1 nt 7:30 o'clock In tho evetrlng.
H On Tuesday at 9,30 o'clock In
H tho morning locturca and ilemonstra-
H tlons will be held In the auditorium
H lit tho high ich&Ol.
H In tho afternoon grata Judging,
H potato Judging, stock Judging, milk
Hp testing nnd demonstrations ef how
H to treat wheat and potatoes before
H planting will b shown.
M While these thins will be ehlrf-
H ly Interesting to the farmers, their
H wives will b entertained ateag the
H lines of household duties under tho
H auspices of the Carbon county high
H school domestic art and science do
H partraentj.
H The committee In chars desires
H every farmer, business Mam aiwt all
H others who may he lata-esied Ik
H bettering their conditio by learn
H Ing tho .meaning et Intensive and
H scientific fnrmlg be prenat at all
I It Is Nearly
I Time New
m When every mother it
H thinking about tfradtiat-
H ing drets for their
B daughters and wish them
M- to look their bwt. Come
B and see' Madame Heinz
Hi, and auk her suggestions.
B Hessfe KettiMdy MHUry
W Were.
B Phone Me. PKICK, UTAH.
oX these meetings and demonstra
tions. ;
Bring In your seed wheat and po
tatoes, horses, cows, chickens, pigs,
etc , and have tho experts show you
where you might Improve your
stock, which moans Increased prof
its to you and an opportunity for
farmers having produce or stock
for sale to placo It lofdro tho pub
lic It will give business men nn
opportunity to exhibit their gooda
and improved machinery
Kvcrybody rM together and put
Carbon county on the map ns an ng
ricultural reel"" which when devel
oped to It greatest poMllillltlco
will reach a plnco ns Important as
Its great mineral depotlu The
program follows
Monday evening nt 7 30 o'clock
at tho City Hull.
Male uarlet.
Klvo minute address, Mr. Loroy
K Cowles.
Solo, Miss Mulroney.
Address, visitor
Heading, Miss Hurst.
Klvo tulnuto paper on Domestic
Science and the Farmer's Wife,
MIm Kroat.
Five minute paper on Agricultur
al Clubs, Mr M O Maughan
Solo, I'rof Irving Gingrich.
Tuesday morning nt 0 30 o'clock
In the high school auditorium.
Selection, high school choir
Five mlnuto pnper on Co-Opora-Uon
of Homo nnd Hchool, Mr F. 8.
Five mlnuto paper on Farm Ac
counts, Mr. W. h. I'etersoo.
Five mlnuto paper. The Farmer
Hoy and Mechanic Arts, Mr K. II.
Selection, high school choir.
Addresses, It. II Htewart and visiters.
HtretigUieue Weak and Tim! Womm
"I was tinder a great sArsJa Mirs
Ing a reUUve through three swHitto'
kknees," wrKes Mm. J O. Van De
Bwide ot Klrfclaad, 111., and "Klec
trle Hitters keyt mo from breaking
ewa. I will never be without It."
De yti feel tired and worn out?
He appetite and food won't dlgentt
It Isn't the spring weather. Yen
need Ktoctrfc BUtem. Start with a
month's treatment today; nothing
beetfr for the Mawach, liver nnd
kldfter. Th great spring toatc.
Heller er money Wk, 60o and 1,
At yewr dcugglet Advt.
Tho Woman's llottcrmcnl loaguo
will hold a public meeting, Thurs
day evening, April Kith, at 8 00
o'clock at the Mothodlst church
The Hov Kiker of Helper nnd Mr
O. T ILiraoH will be tho speakers
Evcryono Invited to be present.
H Wholesale and Retail Candy. Wholesale
and Retail Ice Cream.
H Fruits of All Kinds. . Cut Flowers.
i L
I Stockgrowers' and
I Farmers' Store
H CHATUN & JEANSELME, Proprietors.
H $ ; Wholesale and Retail
H general Merchandise
si ' ' .
H l Now Open For Business at the Old
I Golden Rule Stand.
H L. i , , j
smH -M -- -.
clkvkmnd rm.
D Lamph and Moroni Ovcson, M
I A scout drill Instructors, paid
Cleveland a visit on Wednesday of
last week nnd instructed local mem
bers In drill tactics After the
maneuvers nbout twenty teams with
plows nnd scrapers worked on the
M I A lot This work la prepara
tory for the planting of a lawn and
the setting out of tree Clovclnnd
residents aro determined to be up-to-date
quite an enterprise In garden
truck raising has commenced In this
vicinity Moet of the produce will
go to the mining camps
J V. Ward has built a hotbouso
nnd contemplate supplying the mar
ket all winter with fresh vegetables ,
and plants Ue has tomatoes In
blosiom '
The wlfo of John Williams died
of dropsy on Friday, the 10th InsU,
nnd was burled from tho family
residence Sunday afternoon Elders
William T Lamph and Louis V
Oveeon, Jr , wore tho speakers. De
ceased came here from Tennessee
Sho leaves two sons by a former
husband Mr and Mrs John Lewis
of fiunnystdo wore hero to attend
tho funeral.
Miss Sarnh Ovcson, who sprained
her ankle severely several weeks
ago, hns had the plaster cast re
moved. Monday morning had the appear
ance of Pioneer Day, aa all 'kinds of
team and outfits drove up In front
of tho hnll, prepared to go to work
on tho ditch
Tho Illack Hawk and HUwntha
district Is making effort to have a
branch of the Carbon county high
school established nt Illack Hawk
At tho meeting' of tbo high school
bonrd Saturday afternoon a commit
too composed of 0. H. Mnrcuson, Lo
Hoy Cowles nnd Moil ah Hnll report
ed that It had visited the district
but had rood red the Information
thnt on account of the slackness of
business nt tho conl camps tho peo
ple did uot feel like offering much
Inducement at this Umo to help in
putting up tho necessary buildings
for the accommodation of tho pu
pils Mr. Dooltn, however, stated
tha tho was not at Illack Hawk dur
ing thv committee's visit and he be
ltovod 11 could be arranged so that
accommodations could bo afforded
Tho uinttcr will ho decided upon In
ter, probably nt tho next meeting of
tho boanl
The board decided to sell ltn au
to trucks If possible nnd Noll M
Mndsen and Ihomns Pouts were nu
thnrlred to negotiate n sale for
Tho high school gnrngo at Cnstio
Uato the board decided to offer to
tho lowu of Castlo. Onto for tho
hum of $600
Construction has stopped .on tho
I. O. Sllvagnl building on tho M 11
church corner Mr. Bllvagnl ntatoa
that on account of tho liquor agltn-l.-u
in ' iho blvKvst lltllo city" ho
will cease operations until after tbo
"wot" and "dry" election In June.
The plaits for this splendid struc
ture call tor an expenditure of f 35,
000 It ia also statod that work
will not commecce on the Fred I'n
ternoster building on the opposite
corner until after the matter coinee
to a vote. '
roil I.KA8K.
Anyone desiring to lciso grating
land for lambing a herd of sheep
near Bcofleld, Utah, will plooao ap
ply at once to Nell M Madien,
Scotlcld 15-18
Oougti Medicine for Children.
Too much care cannot be used In
selecting a cough medicine for the
children. It should bo pleasant to
take, contain no harmful substance
and bo most effectual. Chamber
lain's Cough Komedy moots these
roqulrumonU and Is a favorlto with
tho motbors ot youuj: children ev
erywhere. For sale- by all dealers.
Our Job department Is up to data.
Try us on that next order of print
ing. The Advocate Publishing Co
Dargulns In Typewriters.
Aaothor eWpment of tho famous
L. 0. Smith & Bros, typewriters ha
been received this week by Tho Ad
'vocate. I'rlco, $76. payablo In $S
monthly Installments. The AdvocaJa
Have your cleaning and pressing
dono at tbo Modern Tailors, next to
the Bavoy Adv.
Itubber stamps of evory descrip
tion sold by Tbo Advqcato Publish
ing Co. Advt,
We are now located in our
new room where we have on
display a new and large line
of goods. The following are j
lines received the past week : I
Children's Hats Children's Dresses
Straw . . . 25c,. 39c, 49c, 69c 49c, 69c, 98c, 1.49, 1-98, 2.98
Trimmed, 98c, 1.49, 1.69, 1.98
Dressing Sacques 98c, $1.98, $2.98
49c and 98c Silk $5.90
Men's Hats Men's Dress Pants
98c, 1.49, $1-98, $2.49, $2.98 $1.98, $2.49, $2.98, $3.98
Remember we carry the most complete v
line of Shoes in Eastern Utah, and every
pair guaranteed.
My heme, consisting ot tlvo room
house asd ether Improvements, to
gether wlUt full lot. Nloo orchard,
shade sad lawn. One block south
ot Prlee academy. Building on cor
ner of MghUi and II streets, occu
pied by Brandon saloon. Office fur
niture, futures ttnd law library. Al
so all household furniture Double
buggy bartieea, saddles and Imple
ments ad tools Docauso of 111
health and necessity of chango ot
cHaate, I am forced to sell at a
great sacrifice. Must sell at once,
nids received at office m Miles
building, Prke, Utah.
five hundred new spring woolens
at the Modern Tailors, next to tho
Bavoyj Advt.
Wines, Liquors
and Cigars
j; For Sale j;
I One soft muii Brick
; Machine, capacity 10,-
000 per day, complete !
outfit, consisting of
!' Canvas, Trucks, Wheel- !'
! barrows, Etc. Will sell ;-
cheap. See or write
5 Box 43. Price, Utah. J;
Do you knew that the now anti
phlogistic liquid, A-theuca-lne, Is
much easier to apply aad romovo
tUsn the clay poultice preparations
and Is quicker In relieving sorenocs
and congestion la all Inflammation
conditions? Aa a surgical dressing
It is both hssllng aad tatlteptlc. It
Is sold by all druggists under a
guarantee of satisfaction or mosey
back. Whoa paying your subscrip
tion to our paper, ask for a 11.00
boUle free. We have It for you.
We haven't time to say f
much. ?
Too busy serving ;ur i
many patrons. ' I
$ Our business is growing f
by leaps and bounds.
There is a reason, Mr. Builder. Z
It will pay you to call and in- 1
t vestigate. . " - f
i t T
J Prompt service and 'courteous f
A treatment a specialty.1' ' X
Y ' -
J ' T.
I Lumber Company I '
T it
V '
I - Wall Paper Just Received at SUMNER'S 1
aHra" " 1sL'sbBbKSmsH
smsmss """""i'"ii'iiisli 'I'irrlns Yasasi'i'" ' " .-. . wKSbsHsBhIsssssH