I Eastern Utah Advocate I
1 Utrt' Best Weekly, Published In the "Bluest Lritlle City on Earth" ' H
I 'TWEXnpnt'vKAR. j PRICK. UTAH. THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1914. JtUMllKK Id si
I rtemdcnts ot Potter's Hub-lHvWo
Petition to Come Into the City
Water Proportion From Alma
Ureal wood Presented anil Tttrned
Down Minor Matter.
At Tuesday evening's meeting of
the eky council It u decided to al
low tho Icmo of Uio city lighting
pUtit to J. II Mnnson of Sco field
to stand hUIi until Uio next gen
eral election, which may bo dono
under tho law Mayor G undersea
nod tho council bctlovo that a good
contract for tho city ha been en
tered Into one, In fact, that U a
big saving to the property ownon
and taxpayers. s
Formar action of tho city council
In Brant I n P. 0. SUvugnl permis
sion to construct an outside en
tmnoo to lila building at tho cornor
of Main and KlghUi street dm re
considered and tho privilege ro
"Inded It wm considered by tho
council that outalde or sidewalk en
trance aro not safe, and R 1 for
this reason that the council ,took
soeond action.
Tho petition of residents of lV)t
tor's addition for annotation to tho
city wm laid over until tb Best
meeting, there being certain tech
nicalities to he conformed to before
tho plat of tho addition la formally
The street supervisor wm placed
la charge of City Psrk under tho
direction ot the park committee of
the council.
Upon request of local members
of the order the Modem Woodmen
were fives the free use of Oky Hall
on May 6th and 6th, during the
abate sect here of that order, when
e-rerel hundred Visitor to the etty
are expected to be the- city's guewts.
Kitty dollar toward entortalnuiont
ot tho Woodmen wm dona tod from
the city treasury.
Altua Greenwood's water reservoir
proposition, Involving on expendi
ture of twenty-eight thousand dot
Ian, on mo up tor brief considera
tion, but wm turned down without
much ceremony Tho reservoir pro
posed to bo built la on aorue land
belonging to tho SouUiwortbs at
Carbonvlllo nnd would bo filled
from tho Spring dlon canal
Tho Price Chamber ot Cosnmorco
1 allowed the free use of the cUy
hall the first Thuraday evening ot
each month for Ms sessions.
A. plumbing ordinance, drawn
alone the lines of Uio Bait Lake
Olty ordinance bearing on the hum
.object, wm ordered incorporated
in tho set ot roviaed ordinance
oos to bo published In book torn
A Uro alarm whistle hoa been
placed at tho lighting plant, A. code
of alga a la for flrv, designating tho
location of any blase that may
break out, will bo adoptad.
The recorder wm Instructed to
advertise for bids for tho construc
tion ot a now city Jail building, no
tice of which appears on another
page ot tola impression,
DENVER, Colo, April 31 A
! known death lUt ot tv.onty-lx meat,
women ami children, and n maxi
mum possibility ot fifty dead, m
the mult ot 'ho battio at Ludlow
Monday between atato troops and
striking coil minors, roused official
Colorado tonight to a high touslou
Squads ot armed men from Fremont
county and from near Denver, go
ing to reinforce the clx hundred or
Doro strikers now at Ludlow, pre
easod renewal of violence- at any
,' time,
' The discharge of four train crows
ot the Colorado and Southern rail
i rood for refusing to take trains of
soldiers and ammunition from Trlnl
dad to Ludlow caused talk of a
j ntrlko by the Brotherhood ot Loco-
motive onglncere and Trainmen, and
bsbbbbsB&P'sskCV MMnmrijntemsf' V 'vssBsVsMMMov 9'ssBsWBz2BsuisrsBSSwl al
E SZEafcrffiffli? "- Jpjff' ' -Au -nffr tlrajjjIPTsWMTsWsM
Vvra Crux la the chief port of Maileo and lha daties collected tfcare Wave been rellrdipon by Huerta lo pa
much of hli expentes of war and Eovuramefll American sad other foreign warships havs bees itatloned there for
many months
Home Uooil Htoek Wrfnvn On tlie
Htreets Laat Tuemfaijr AflerdoeM
IIiifMr Ilnnd KnUvena Tldng
WIUi Some Hteelleat Mh4c
DaHee at City Hall In MrealMg.
Prof. John T Calne, III, and Dr.
Itobert J. Evans ot the agricultural
college at Logan addressed on au
dience at City 1111 loet Momloy
evonlng. Pnfoor Calne upoko on
tho Importouco ot "Care and Selec
tion In stock Raining," and Dr.
Kvans on "Standardization ot Fnrm
Produce." A program cunsbMIng Df
a solo by MUs Mulroney, reading by
Miss Buuua Johnson, solo by Prof.
Irving Gingrich wm given Miss
Fix ot tho Carbon County High
school of Prloo and Prof M. 0
Maughnn gavo reading on domestic
science nnd agricultural club work.
Principal Cowlea of tho high school
nnd 0. R. Marcusen, county super
intendent, aUo gavo short talks
Tusday wm the closing day ot
the college Institute work. Prof.
John T. CsJne, III, Dr. Robert J.
Kvans and Demonctnitor Itobert H.
Stewart held weetlap and did dn
oeatratloa work in Oreon Rivor,
WolllniKon, Huntlngtoa, Castle Dale,
Forron, Uinor, Orangovlllo und
Price. The animals shown In most
of the towns ere very good, Km
cry, perhaps, having tho beet lineup
of horses. They woro cordially ro
colved In every town by larpo, on
tbuslastlo crowds.
Price, hoAevor, did not show
officers of the Colorado Stato Fed
eration ot Labor tonight planned a
Meeting forthwith to discuss again
the advisability ot calling a stato
wldo goners rtrlke,
McAnwhllo the administration of
ficials ot Uie state nwaltod author
ity from Oovernor Ammous, now in
Washington, to call a special session
of Uio atate legislature to provldo
funds tor tho state ml 11 la and mea
sure for dealing with tho strike
At it late hour tonight Lieutenant
Oovernor Fltsgornld and John Mo
Leanon, president of District 15 of
tho United MXno Workers, ovor long
dlstanco telephono agrcod to send a
committee into the batlo xono at
Ludlow In on attompt to effect an
armistice The committee will not
loavo Trinidad before morning.
(leheral llufcrta li rvfusrd lo order
the Ainrrlcnn Bag saluted at Tauiplco
and faces an Invasion of the country
which has been trying to gotern
quite m great an interest as vu
expected, there being but a few far
mers and bwlcMs men and their
wive prAt at either of the -meetings.
The agricultural condition
are taring on a Tory goal opeot,
and It Is the belle! ot all that soae
day in the Bear future Carbon sad
Kawry counties vlU be great agri
cultural (Wstrlots, especially in dai
rying and Uvo stock, sad In the cul
tivable crops. Dr. Evans sad Pro
fessor Calne returned o Logan
Monday evening
Helper's Union urnj band, by far
the best musical organization in
Kaetom Utah, furnished music dur
ing the day (Tuesday) ut Price.
Many compliments were passed up
on the proficiency of tho organiza
tion. In tho evening thoro was a
v.ell attended dance at City Hall.
In tho event ot trouble with Mex
ico involving tho usual enormous
expenditure ot money by tho nation
in tlmo of wnr, the samo will prob
ably be raised by a special stamp
tax and xoa n emergency tax
It Is eatlmatod that the proposed
Increase ot the tncomo tax will
yield an additional revenue ot ap
proximately 110,000,000. Tho spe
cial revenue irfamp tax can bo made
to yield another 1180,000,000. These
two special -taxes will supply all the !
war funds necessary, at leaat ut tho
outbreak of the -ar should it fol-i
low present developments. '
Heavier expenditures wlir come,
wlth the calling out of the mllltla,
but thin would como later U hM
boon decided by tho army experts
that tho regular army will have to
bo augmented, It for no other pur
pose than to do patrol duty along
tho Texas border and prevont guor
llla Invasion.
i Try The Aavosat fer Job work.
m mm
Kdila I. Carpenter of Mie ConsolJ
tUtnl Fuel Itaek Hmwe Aftr
' IoniyIhk Wife In Foreiim ImmI
For llewefli of Mir H1U 1;
t Is Now Mueh Improvnd,
"Of course, I saw My thins
that were weaderful nod many that
were beautiful, but I ju free to say
that the prettiest thing I saw
abroad was the flag of this country,
the glorious stars and stripes," Mys
K. L. Carpenter, president pt tho
Consolidated Fuel company and tho
other Sharp interests iu Carbon
county, In Monday's Tribune,
Mr. Carpenter vls4tl a number
ot the countries and many ot tho
cities of Kurope, going abroad for
Mr. Carpenter's health. Tho latter
Is now at Vienna, Austria, whero
she U progressing favorably toward
recovery. Discussing bis trip Mr
Carpenter Mid.
"We left New York, making w
first stop at Uie Madeira Islands,
one of the most beautiful spots on
the globe, and our second stop at
aibrsltar. From Gibraltar wo went
to Kod, Seville and draaada,
Spain, in the order named, and
vlowed tho woadera of these famous
old cities Among other things, we
mw the room in which Queen Isa
bella received Columbus, upon his
return, after bis discovery of the
new world.
Monte Carlo Daxzles.
"We then returned to Otbraltar
and sailed through tho Mediterran
ean sea, stopping one day at Al
giers and then going to Alexandria
Wo also visited Monte Carlo, world
famed gambling place Monto Carlo
is a btautlfu! city, but It soumed
lo cue Urn I lb prtu,lpal 03tyjZ
at the peoplo wm gambling Tho
tables were crowded day and ulght
principally at night and the
scene is a bowllderlng one
"At Naples we stoppod only a
short time, and It was hero that I
encountered the cheapest transpor
tation that I have ever heard of.
Throo of us took a coupo, drove a
half inllo and bock, and tho chargo
wu only fourteen centn In our
"Alexandria and Cairo were our
next stopping places. Cairo la the
dirtiest city and you can got less
for your money there than any city
I liavo ever seen, Of course, we
went to tho pyramids, and I cUwk
ed to tho top, on other tourists do.
I was assisted by three Arubs, 'two
pushed and ono pullee,' as thoy say
there. An amusing thJng happened
to mo on tho climb. About half
way up, vio bod our fortunes told
Tho man who told my fortuno said
(Concluded on page eight.)
Also Some Twenty American I
Marines Wounded --- Mexi- I
can Losses Are More Than I
Hundred and Fifty In Skip. I
Carrnnta hu notified President Wil
son that ho considers the nlexuro of
Vont Cms unjustifiable. Ho Invites
the United States to withdraw Its
troops from Mexican soil and to ded
with the constitutionalist govern
ment ha regard to our demands of
reparation for IiuhjH to tho Ameri
can flag at Tamplco,
This Is tho meet serious develop
ment ot the situation tonight. It In
dlcites that Uie United States wlU
have io fight, not merely the fol
lower ot Huorta, but the whole ot
Charge 0'BhUBnty hu been
given his passports by Huerta and
this terminates diplomatic relations
between the UsOted State a ad the
do facto Kovernment.
Kspecteri to Declare War.
Huerta's ksttdUg of psssyorU te
Charge O'StMUghnessr w regard
d m a meet sHtloRsi dev4oi
went la the sHuatlea and k wm
believed te forecaet a dcUrstlen of
war on the part ef rfeterU. The giv
ing of passports te a eh rue d'af
faires, la meat eases, though not in
variably, Ium preceded a declaration
ot war.
The list ot essuailiea at Vera
Crux in the fighting of Wednesday
shows thai eight Americans woro
AnU-AmrrtcsM Demons Irs tin m.
NEW YORK. April 28. A pri
vate dispatch received here early
this morning from Mexleo CMy and
dated last sight Mid that mobs
were forming in the capital for on
dntl-AmerlssA dewesetrAUon,
Given His l'nMports.
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 23
Charge O'SlMMfhseitsr telegraphed
the state department under date ot
Wednesday night m toHewe:
"Having been given my passports
I am leaving tomorrow sight or Fri
day morning."
VKIIA CRUZ, April 21. Vera
Crux U in the hands ot forees from
tho I nlted State warships. bt tho
occupation ot the port wm not ac
complished without less ot Ameri
can lives. Four Americans, blue
jackets and marine, woro kltiod by
tho fire of Mexlcae soldiers, and
twenty fell wottnded. The Mexlrnn
lota la not known, but It (s bellovod
to have been heavy,
The water frost, the enstam
house and aM important plors, In
cluding those under the terminal
viorks, from which extend tho rail
roiU in Dim aatiIUJ, liavs keen uw
cuplcd All the territory around
tho Mexican consulate 1 strongly
patrolled and detachments hold
other sections ot tho city The Mexi
can commander, General Mom, ot
tered a stubborn resistance, and for
many hanro thero was fighting hi
tho strcots.
Rear Admiral FJotcher, in com
mnnd of tho United States warshlfw.
prefaced hla occupation ot the port
by a demand, through the Ameri
can consul, W W, Canada, for its
surrender. General Maos promptly
declined to accodo to this demand,
and shortly afterwards ton whale
boats were eont off from tho sldo of
the transport Prnlrlo loaded with
marines. ,
Tho women of tho American col
ony In Vara Crux bod already been I
placed aboard tho chnrtcrd steam
ers Eeperauta and Mexico, but tho I
foreign colony, especially tho Amorl-'
con section, was greatly augmented.
(bis morning when threat tralntonda
arrived from tho capital, Some ot'
I these remained ashore, but many M
were taken aboard the steamers. H
I Bo far m can bo learned none ot
tho refugees wm injured. B
Him Wurllko Appearance. H
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 22.- M
American oporatluiu in Mexico at H
Vera Crus took on renewed sspeew B
ot war today when Rear Admiral HJ
Badger landed more marine from HJ
the AUantlo fleet and the United
States forces proceeded to take tk
entire city.
Whllo tho orders ot Uio pmsMewt HJ
were tclng carrfcrd out to Uie let- HLJ
tor, it wm made opponent in es HJ
forcnees at tho White House that HJ
the UnHed Mates wlU "sit Oght"
at Vena Crux, and that no further HJ
steps of pacification wlU be taken H
at this time. HJ
For the present R wm declarod HJ
on high authority that the fortMs at HL
Vera Cms would held the city te HJ
convlnee HuerM that this govern M
meat bmh buew,4n4 that ne HJ
action wlii be taken at Temples a- H
Ism there are retaliatory aeUoas e H
the part ot the Huerta governs. H
No rdM, k -was mated, have H
been sent te the American eMleen H
wHh refereace te laading at Tarn- M
plee, iste only order being sent M
there referring te (Mreetieas tor M
ships sent te Vera Crux. Admteal H
Dadger wtU remain at vm Onts H
until further notiee. H
UImm Mimta U Itoady. H
WAIHIW1TON, D. C, AprH 12-
Oovernor Spry had a conforenee M
with President Wileen teday. Ve 1
esproMtd the hope that a call re H
troops will not become necessary, H
but snaurcd the president that hi M
case ef exigency thy Utah mllltla H
was at ills command Prtsldant H
WUeoa expressed deep gratitude M
April A squad ot Metesn sel- M
diew at Tamplco urrett and M
marches through the streets the M
paymaster ef the United Slates gun- M
beat Dolphin and seven men, the M
crew e-t tho Dolphin whaUbeat Ad- M
mlral Mao demands an apelegy a4 M
a public Mlute ef the Amerlean H
flag by p m., April l&Ut. H
April 10 Administration directs M
Admiral Mayo not to enforce- lime M
limit. HuertJ announces lio Is in- M
vestlgatlng Incident. M
April 12 -Unltetl Btates notUUs H
Huorta that it stands bach of Ad- H
mlral Mayo and bis demand. M
April 13 President Wilson an- H
n ounces that Huorta mut salute ll
tho flag fl
April H President's cabinet con- M
Idors insult to tho flag Atlantla M
fleot onlcrud to Tamplco M
April IB Pool tic fleet onlerod te M
prepare to oo-vernU oil u,l MMUt U
ot Mexico with AUantlo fleet e M
oast coast President receives as- H
surance from congreM tliat ho will M
bo given complete authority to han- H
dlo Uio sltuaUon. M
April 1 Q Huorta notUles United
Btatos he will salute Uto American H
flag It tho United Stolen salutes
tho Mexican ting in return H
April 17- Huerta demands that H
"gun for gun" saluto be fired, Cas- H
(net considers his request nnd Unl-
ted StatM refuses to acoode, repeat- H
Ing Is original douiond, M
April 18 President Wilson svotl- H
flee Huerta that unless be yields by M
6pm Sunday, April 19th, he will H
lay the situation, before congreM en D
Monday. H
April 19, 8 a ra HuorU asks H
for an extension ot tlmo limit. This H
la refused, M
6 p in. HuerU refuses to s!U B
and time limit expires. f, ' H
. i 1 v B
Stationery ot all kinds, Advocatt H
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