Newspaper Page Text
H r t bbbbbbH Eastern Utah Advocate 4 I - - Utah's &st Wkly, Published In the "Biggest Little City on Earth" " 4 h 'M a ' bbbbbbbv .. n, rWmtlWH, YKAR. rRICK, UTAH, THLKSDAY, JUNK 18, 1914. NUMBMt .) S bbbbH BANKRS (01 TO wejpflir TWO DAYS CltOWDKD FULL OP DfTEKHSTlXa FKATURHB. Depart For Home Wltfc Kxeellcnt ImpmseUm of Prtee sad Carfeoa Oeaaey Prominent Speaker at) OaarcMteS From Other Ate" 'SM ft -J -r- , , Th state bankers have come and i gone, carrying back with them to their homo a splendid impression of Price and Carbon county Not j only tmi they willing to any upon departure that Price Is "tho biggest V little city," but that Carbon county ', 1 tho wealthier In tho stale Tti mea of finance eto busy from tho caJnuto tlioy irtruok town uatll they barely caught No 3 Sat urday afternoon. Nothing moro could possibly hnro been crowded Into tho two days' session. Much moro could hnvo boon aeon had tlmo permitted but from Tnumday night until Saturday everything pos sible waa dono to giro tho visitor an idoa of tho immonslty of tho re source of Carbon county It h Imposaiblo to nhow thorn tho Utah Fuel company big camps In tho ahort space of time, but through their trip to Konllworth and Hiawatha, all realised what an ,j enormous coal production U ahead J of Carbon county and tho state of 1 Utah, and as obo membor expressed it, "Tho half ha not bn toWl " Not u many of tho atate bank on casio n had been expected by the committee Quito a, few who had contemplated attending tho eon veaUoa woro Informed at the last minute that tho Midland trail wm set la good ahnpe for auto tratflo aad decided not to atiowpt tho trip Extremely atonny weather for a period of ton day Just boforo tho date of tho convention also pre vented many from tho moro isolated action from attempting to reach the railroad. "There were, however, about 80 In attendance from outoldo point and all of tho largest financial in atltutlon of Salt Lako and Ogdon were represented. The two most prominent banker In the otnto, W. 6 McComlck and Prank Knox, came early and stayed to the end. Oreat credit is due to tho Pxico committer having charge of tho ' ; detail ork of the convention. Ev ery feature was well arranged nnd splendidly handled There were no hitches and no bobbles V 1st tons wore nmtgned Accommodation im mediately upon registering at tho headquarters at tho Tavern. Every , thing passed off so amoothly that j the casual observer would hae been led to bollevo that Trice had a convention every day Kopoclolly aro the ladles who had ' charge of tho preparing and tho serving of the banquet entitled to unstinted praise. This feature could not possibly .have boon im- , proved upon Not only wo the or- ! vice perfect, but the several courso dinner was ono of excellence and superabundance. The most entertaining as well as t the roost Instructive feature of tho oonvuntlon was the excursion to 1 Hiawatha Baturday, Not only did tho v Wot re take part In the trip, but a largo numbqr of Trice people availed themselves of tho opportun ity to Inspect lite coal inlno opero I ttona at the Consolidated camp, , i Superintendent II E Lewi met j 1 (he excursionist at West Hiawatha. ?j Arrangements bad been carefully 1 planned for the tramway trip into tho mine at East Hiawatha. There were about a .auadrod aad fifty la the crowd, all of whom -were load ed Into tho coal cable cam. Tho 1 pty wae taken into the alee, my- . ral thousB4 feet through the SO- A loot coal vela. W The actual digging o( coal by ma- j chlnery wm a rwelatkw to aearly Si ereryone in the party and the cour- TO tesy ehowa the vHors by tho com- fT vany'a official wa keenly appro- 1 dated by everyone. Tho roammotb 1 -fan keeps a tine, cool circulating , j current of fresh air in,, tho, work- j .lot whloh proved.' a deMgntful I ohaneolranvtho beatoJh9.day9R ' 2 the outside, j Tho Hiawatha band watt on hand I during tho on tiro time tho excur sionists were in the camp and their muitc was highly appreciated The party reached Price on tho re turn n time tor the banker to catch No :, but with An exceeding ly mall margin a both train pull ed Into the depots side by side. Frod B. Fsrasworth of New York City, neorctary of the American Banker' Aesoointlon, spoke for an hour on the Alms, object and aetlv ttlos of the Amerloaa amocUtion. Ho repotted that the association was at this time composed of 14,t00 banks, located ta all part of the eoantry, with correspondent In all paw of the world, ife coanUment edtho Utah aesectetioa cm the ttet that only four state in. tho union had a large a percentage of the banks represented In tho associa tion Ninety-two of tho hundred and eighteen bank In Utnh belong to tho stoto aAsoclatlon, Tho speak er thought the now federal rosenro banking bill wa fully 70 per cent to tho good, and it was tho duty of tho bank to obey tt provisions. llusseU Lowry, vtoo preaMont of the American National bank of Ban Francisco, wn not on tho program, but he iiwdo ono of the "btttL ami most oonvinolng of the Aldrceos of tho session He, too, rcallxed, ho said, that the tmnknr as a elas woro not beloved by thepubllc, nnd ho lcl loved It wa their own fault. Ho got no applause nnd ald he didn't expect any, A I Ulgolow of Ogden apoko briefly on tho over draft Aultance and opined that tho best way to abolish K was to pass and enforce draatlc law against It. No pis ce was named by tho bank er as tho noxt meeting point Thl matter 1 left to tho oxecutivo committee It wa rather expected tnat Vernal or ome other town In the Uintah basin would be after next year convention, and while a brother remote section of tho state many of tho banker would bo glad to have an opportunity of a trip to tho Aahley valley and tho reserva tion. Howcrer, no delegate from that oeotlon of tho state woro In attendance Tho nominating committee to set 4xit officers far the ensuing year wa appointed by tho president a follows A T lllgolow, Ogen; W S MoCornlck ad W. W. Armstrong, Salt Lake, italph E. Hoag, Ogdon, nnd A a Harbor, Iiewlaton. "IMJINO IT, DOINO IT; Kl'MlYIKHlVH IM)INtJ IT Eruption In ono form or another harras Oie country from ono ond to the other California hod no soonor got her labor trouble quell ed than Mt lesson broke looee a a real, live, aotlfo volcano, tho on ly ono tho United State enn claim In Dutto the United Mine Work ers of America and tho Industrial Workers of the World aro engaged in bitter physical etrlfo Labor trouble In Colorado are comparatively quiet Tho federal troop remain among the striker but tho governor of Moninna ha asked the fodoral government it they, or some of them, may bo sent to Dutto. Suffragette aro Atlll occupying the attention of tho poophs of Eng land. Their dopredatlon continue, until no property In London Is safe from their vlolousnosa and vandal ism, and the peaco and safety of the king and queen are threatened through tho activities of Ueo crank whom Queen Mary call "fu ries " Theodore rtoosevelt ha attacked the London "mapologists" in their own lair and told them ho did dis cover tho Itlver of Doubt and that he does not intend to stand any fur ther Insinuations from thorn a to tho correctness of his representa tions. Villa Is reported to have seceded from General Carranza and quietly take possession of Juarex, Chihua hua and Tonreon and the Niagara taedlator have abandoned hope of pacUylag Hwloo, Moot the only real quiet tfelag to report 1 the fcwtoa, of the demo crat aod progressive at Salt Lake last Thursday. Their nr'Um ka net as yet eaue4 a ripptu on the political water of the coaawn weaiUi of Utlh. Lake Rapidly Ilblng. The level of. tho qroat Salt lako is rapidly rising. The level is 6.7 Ctot above the toro lino at Saltalr, a gala fit ,3 of a,too in two woek. nnd. 8 tc 'a foot higher than it wan cnouyoar Jigo. .AtthojrAttt watflC to running Into tho lako tt ia probaWo that It may reach flat 7 foot thia season INDUSTRY GETS ANOTHER JOLT Wearied of Short Inactivity Against Coal Companies Commissioners Pass Them Juicy Lemon in Increased Valuations. Not having harraased the coal compante et Carbon county for somo time,, the commissioner Tues day morning camo out of their tem porary hibernation and nocked it to tho producing oarop to the itune of half a million dollar in increased AAsrnsment Four Individual hold er of real eetato In tho mining camn had their aaseesment raised almost ten fold. All affected by the action of tho county board aro to bo notified to meet said board on Saturday, Juno 20lh, it ther feel like it Whothor it 1 the Intention 6t tho coinmU nloner to (n any way chango their ralnd If tho companion or Indivi dual protest ngaltiAt tho increased nssosMncnt or whether they seek tho opportunity of almply tiding tho Interested ones that it they don't like it they can lump It, no information con be gleaned from tho resolution, which raUe town etto property from tho price of $3 50 to tho aura of 11000 per aero. Tho proceeding of tho hoard wa foreshadowed by the Carbon County News of Inst week. Like tho judge who said ho would take the case boforo him under advisement until the following Tuesday, whon he would decide In favor of tho de fendant, the New forecasted the action of the board otmeat a week in advance In the Increased asiesswent the Utah Fuel company draw about two-third of the amount. Other companies are affected from 30 to 80 acre. Tho Increase oa the acreage of the coal oompanlo 1 a folio Kcnllworth, to acre; Storm, to acres; Mack Hawk and Hiawatha, 80 acre: Clear Creek, 60 acres; Panther, 20 acre; Winter Quarters, 60 acros, Castlo Gaio, 60 acre, Sunnyslde, 130 acres. Individual atfooted are) Fred Paternoster, $100 aenmnt to $1100, dco C Whltmore. $200 ia $1200, Oeo N Hill, $120 to 1120; McDonald Heal Estate V Investment company, $200 to $700 Following 4 tho resolution "Whorens, Tho following describ ed property locatod In the sovcrnl coal mlno camp of Carbon county ho been heretofore assessed at $2 SO an acre, and "Whereas, Such assessment should be made against such property only as I appurtenant to coal mines, and ''Whoroos, The ld property ha been put o other uses than thorn contemplated by tho law authorlx ing $2 60 per acre assessment, vti Commerce, rental, etc Now there fore, Iks It "nesolved, That tho said descrlb odj property be oeaeased at a sum commensurate to the use to which It Js now put, and that such assess went be $1000 per acre." Moved by Commissioner J, It Sharp and seconded by B Randolph that notice of the above own lent be mado by the clerk to he owners of said property, and that if any ob jections to such assessment be saade by the owner thereof, that they meet with the board to present such objection on Saturday, June 20th, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m JUNE TERM OF DISTRICT COURT OPENS WITH VERY HEAVY CALENDAR Judge Albert It Chxistonson op ened court bore Monday morning Both tho criminal and civil docket are long ones and it will be well In to July before the present torm W adjourned' Following is the dookof CRIMINAL CASES. Btato of Utah v dwilyra Jonos; felony. Bet for trial Juno 30th Btato v. It. W. Bnydor; embex alomont Set for July 1st. Btnto vs. Theodora ManolU; murder In the first degree Set tor June 22d. State vs. Owllym Jones; embex tlomont. Sot for Juno 30th. State v. Al Ilrenalck, B Ilarrtn ger, It. A. Gordon and Carl Oit; rubbery Set for Jubo 24th. Btato v Charles Kelly; murder in the first degree. Sot for Juno 29th State Ye Cordon II. Potter; em bexxlement. Bet for June 24th. Btato vs. Charles Spry; bastardy Set far July 2d. State v Sheridan Davis; robbery. Sot tor Juao 2Eti, State v Joromo Hopkins; burg lary in tho third degree. Bet tor Juno 26th. State ts. Frank Cordova; pander ing. Set for Juao 36th. Mate vs. Jarne VlUafranca; con ducting a BambUBg Rome. Flooded guiWy to fraubll&c and wa fined fifty 4oUm, FaM. State ts. Walter Pasewalk; burg lary in the thlid degree. Set for Juao 26th. State v Xmery Karri; burglary In the third dstMee. Set for June 26th. State ts. Bob Ivanu; gambling. Pleaded guilty and wa fined fifty dollar Paid. LAW AND MOTION, Joo MWjoro.jrad John Bcarpino vs. aeorgo 0 W!dtmoro and Potox tib. Jonos. .Sot, tar July OUu A. M. Btrom y. William Down ard ot al. Sot for July I6th, Carbon County v. aeorgo Mag- ann vt al Domurrer sustained ; 10 day to amend Carbon County . Henry Chock ed Set for July 16th. J. Tom Fitch r. Muaslo Floyd Demurrer overruled. W F. William, adm , vs It W Crockett. Sot far July Kth. A Madson & Sons Mejvnntlle Co. J F. Droylen et ux. Passed for present, Carbon County vs Oeorgo K At aulakls Demurrer orerrubxl; 30 day to answer. Mary II. lUrcli vs Charles Bpry Dtunurrer overruled; 20 day to answer. Julia Puakl v. LuJ Poakl Set for July 16th. Carbon County vs Utah Fuel Co. Sot .for July 10th. D. V. MlckleJohn v Abraham areenhatgh and Mary Oroenhalgb Demurrer ovuruled; 10 day to an itver. Btnto t. W. W llrown and M. W Miller. Demurrer overruled; 30 lay to ontiwor. First National Dank ot Colo ts. W. II, Frye et al Motion for new trial denied. Tho William Iloylance company vs O. T, Olson et al. Set for July 1Mb. Joseph It. Sharp ts. deorgo 0. Whltmoro et al. Bet for July 8th, Shekrey Bhoya v. Andrew Oman. Continued for tern Jo Orako va. C. A. Frank. &t for July 13th. joe Tomaelll t 0. A. Frank nnd aeorgo M. Miller. Cao dis-i mJed at cost ot plaintiff, J, H. Magerl T. Prioo Ice Cold Storage Co. Dismissed at cost of plaintiff. ' Spring Canyon Coal Co. v. A. Bl egantl Continued for term Consolidated Wagon ft Machine Co, va Lnr Frandano and 0. D. Mllnor Domurrer ot Lar Fxand Bon overruled; 10 day to answer. ' Tho Ilelpes Stao,I8nlt y Oeprgo A Coklnoa. Continued. Florlan Oardner v Jolin Btorich et al Sot for uly 14th. W H Jowkes et us vs City of Price Dismissed at cast of plain tiff. David 8 Allison r Loretta Alli son Continued. John W Prince v Mary J, Bwa dor et ml Bet for July 14th H J Major va. John U. Dry nor and American Barety company of New York Continued Oeorgo N. Hill vs. Thorna F Kel ter, shorlff ot Carboa county. Sot for July 6th Oeorgo N Hill vs. Advocate Pub lishing Co. Bet for July 7th. Charles P MoCary vs Creoley H Ackerman Continued. Oeorgo N Hill vs C 0 MeWhln ney, county attorney ot Carbon county Set tor July 7th Maria Lomptn vs Auguttln Ixim pin Bet for July 14th Carbon County rs Ilanton Ran dolph et al Sot for July 16th Mlnnlo J Baggerly v Iloy D. Ila?torly Divorce granted, $16 a month alimony for support ot minor child. Dtunkontl vs J 8. Bax Sot for July IStb In tho matter of tho estate ot C. J Bconle. deceased C It. Marcu sen petition for final dlschargo wn granted. TElEfflMMMMQW Utah lUiurtmns Dmlro Dally Pa per to !poHo Tlirlr Cause. Tho Lako ICvenlng Telegram, it Is reported, U to become a demo cratic paper It i stated that the two former owner ot the Telegram, Thomn Kenrtw ami David Kolth, will retain control of the bom), and through them of the poUcyo f the paper. Other ownom will be prom inent domocrat ot Utah, who ham long sought to gain control of a dally publication that will advocate dewooraUo poUeie; and Oeorgo K. Hale, general maBOfer et the pPr, wiU sign an Agreement that wW al low the bondholder to dictate the editorial policy ot the paper. One condition to this W that that poller must be against United Hate Sen ator Ileyl Bmoot. Whllo It is dented by Mr Kearns, who is chief creditor of tho popar. Unit lio Jibs received any anoney a yet, lie admitted, however, that the persona behind the plan havo until July 1t to completo tho deal. It is undoratood that tho bondholder will take charge ot the editorial pol icy ot the Telegram in the near fu ture. Mr Halo state that Mr. Moyle and Mr Wallace ore interested In tho bond issue, but to how far reaching their power ovor the edi torial policy will bo ho would not ay. W. It. Wallace, demooraUc na tional commieteeman, refuse to make any statement regarding tho negotiations proposed or pending for the control of the Telegram ex cepting to ay that no transfer would "be mode this week. Lbonbeo In the Tolls Again. A. D. Ltsoabee, a former Price banbor, and who ha been here the past tow weeks, wa arrested by tho sheriff office Monday night on advice from Colfax, Wash., where, It I alleged he 1 wonted for a fel ony. The dUtpatch requested that ho be held until on of floor could roach ihoro. A deputy sheriff arrived from Calfux last atght and today will take LUonbeo back to Washington. Tho charge on wtilch ho U wanted 1 grand larcVy, having sold on au tomobile on which ho bad mado part payment and given hi note (or tho balance. Now Locomotive Ir Standard. Tho Standard Coal company ha Just received and placed in com mission a 7W-ton Baldwin Woat ingbouse baretee! frame gathering locomotive. This locomotive ha a reel tor the electric twin cable that Is operated by a motor that I loca ted within the drum. The motor is la circuit continuously while the cable i used. Thu the motor torque i used to keep the cable taut, and also i ready to reel up the cable whea there ia slrk The motor ha not been in use lone enough to pas any comment on Its operation other that that Jt la giv ing good service p to the present. Tho uuotor operate on a 6 per cent grade. Soft drinks, peanut and cigar at the Eko storo Advt. Economy Jar clamps for ealo at "Tho Varloty " Advt. MM HID K ; (UT MiEU! - DllMO VHTRATOR FIX1H HMVlHtAJl H DIHKAHKH HKKK. H Hy Prompt Action, However, ? H Itrres That They On Be Hir' H ly IvnMllcateil Cartxm ami - H rry Crops Oimpare K uwlf H 1Ui ThiM KUenliere. f B sssssH Ilobert H. Stewa, coueity tmi JH demonstrator, l baek from as elM H day attendance at tho UMh AtfiT cultural college, where the sets- H Ion staff held a serle of -) , H Ing attd report from the MM H men woro recelvotl, Several day H were taken tor the vWtleg et fan) B in tho Cache valley and la Hoc JH- H dor county Among some et them H inspected woro the Peterson' Art B farm at Peteraltoro, tho CaiftW Jrn H toy cow .and Berkshire hogi Mm H tho Merrill pig farm, tho Cid Milk factory farm, tho Woeiler, H dairy farm ot KIcMleld, and IhW Hire potato and beet farm a4 ttvai H Pond dairy farm of Lowlst, to H W F Hnnsen purebred sheee row H at Fielding and tho Adlle Hrefwl H farm nt Corlnno. Mr Btowart report that Dr. WMi H tsoe I pleeJMxl with the pr 1 tho demontratloi work i make; H throughout the etste and congrtw late tho people of Carbon a4 Ms- ery countle on the maaster M IH which they hre hocked Hr tho moremont, J H While the crop in CoeKe ai H rWx Rider counties are loekla fMsi Mr Stewart say that crops at him H ore equally a good. "Jwt IHf", H vlou to leaving for Lobmsi," Mm, Btowart atated to The A4ve, "I H found that a bacterial dUea wT H working on the stem ef the MI M fa; also a tungu d4ette U tt H ing tho leave Farmer sesuid out H their olffllfa at once. Th4 wlH H check these disease at leaat for a season To allow the aMoW t H tand longer Jiienn h hi Jen. AW H tho measuring worm are lsnelsly ,c M the alfalfa Cut your olfaKa at H once and kilt the." f H KABTKKV UTAH MKHCHANT 1 IN HUHINHtM DOWN MAM M Charles Olsser, a promfMRt m '-' H chant at Sunnylde arul for a v H her of year engaged in itslnw at H Helper and elsowhore threughswl H Eastern Utah, has sold hi Intorost H in the Bunnystdo Mercantile H pany to hi brother, Bm Washf. H Whllo In New York Cky reey M Charic Closer purchased an ifttor H oat with hi brathor-ln-law Nik H die' waist manufacturing coasswi. H and will In future reside Is atk-- H am. Many friend In thl siot of tho etate will wish him wU U H wh&torer ho undertake H Mcdonald filkh injunction ; H BUIT AOA1NHT C1TV OK PHfOM H Through bis attorneys, Prief A H FouU, D It McDonald yestsMoy M tiled suit against tho oUy ia waik M the mayor and tho an em bee of the H city council and J, II Manooa an H roodo defendant, Plalaiff am H that Manson bo required to eurr- iH dor to tho city of Price the olciiisa H light and powor plant AaH E. B. HOKBLKY ANNOUNCMH aLsi CNI)II)AOY FOR OLUMK flH H E. 8. Horaley, tho proseat eowaty H clerk, is tho flmt oaplnwHt a H political position in CaTboH eeity jH to announce hi candidacy. Mi a- mH nouncoment appear elsewhere ia H thl tmnrosolon, in which ho stasia H that ho will be a camMd4 afx H the nest repubUcaa cottety osarsa'. H tion for the nomination of caaiiy clerk, fliii Ketwixt and Betw-aea. H Out south ot Myton 1 a sihsal i iH district, tielieved to be wUU Wa. """ ,H satch county, that ha for yaaa .BH been controlled and opera fR Carbon county, ay tho Dw asLB Itecord 5 ,, ,H The commtatorr last wW - 0 aH dored the county ic4erk to write 0j- fD bon , county official rogardiac ft taal Joint urvey by Carbon aid WaJ. satch county nurveyon of th'4v H trict- lni disputed rrtty,lf Jp M country in thia neck of the wni'aa aH la becoming too Important to aHal:. '''aH of any gueas work, ' JHb1 Jlsfl BBB1 J 1 - ... X '" yji J SH