Newspaper Page Text
'f -SHST --- ... V- ; B1 1 : JipEjastern Utah Ad vocate Jl 1 ' 'M, liffililr' Utah's Best Weekly, Published In the "Biggest Little City on Earth" . $ jll t rJHnMMflEHnT ' ' rK,CK- utaii Thursday, junk 25, ton. nummmk a. , V mmm1 ' J HP jWIIPlEIE!): it A'NmbM! AT tK BAM" if SjwVIHPnMi,N0, fl - ,y7i7J3V. . f '.'MMrfjHH9feA Nw" Mb. . S ' iA f IHBm railroad eacln- H'Fwflv&flP"M th0 mot t - VTj SShimSp mforond onstruc- f '' " ' "'feljKPwil t of tho UUh ' HbWI fjSifct" Uno between ' I jiMlte eoal fields of VQMMNiQp W1r ncarlng V "iSSrJiifeVnon "J tho ; fe.viyB1 tUo "n1 I V V iMNBkyflMstfft t whlolt to now In ,'''"'' ' USflN Hclc by tho Don- r't UttfSF railroad, -wilt '' , tiaiW b put 4t service at tlio f 4fVy r Ht trafllc ar- ,gMMMl taftWWM the UUh rUvtl- 1 v' v,p cAb M the Deavor nnd - lh4aaM jr n Thtstlo (a .', ; tSkjwkfllW . Railway com- .'' feSPP11 C'rbon county , ' ''MWrMt'Mliit of tho win- T',Sw,Wm Plained. k ' ' ' fIJh odmmimt et tb bulldo-.g , ; t If Jb to 4 cv tb hObos Tt VmH'lnr C company r mU OoiMriMwtaMt Kul corapuny X 'MIH' giMM loctl about , . ' fhmlH 'myif-Wh tlU ot VrUn. i V) JX mt rtM f thu Houtkorn " IN adWmMl m ImIH trntwetn 4h Mtl IM4 ( CmHmm eouBty abI r Mm mo MkMV'Mlnri, hut It ; wm M fkri 4lMt Wm road could " Mtf ! Mw Mtput, and (ho Utak WBlliiii.jMiiiaay Incor- ' w .wmt a lino botwvon 1 Ti Mmr Mm proiK)HMl routo .fffitlMMttMflr 1 111 itll tho lino of tho ! .A ' (lMMr a4 Kte ttiMdo from Proro ) "'T ..-I CMte Bt, whero it dlvorjtod '" ! JWNk country to Uio ' iaW, .TMifWiMHiht about no. J "UttoakMt a olnt Uafflo ar- .'iaifWMtt IhMmhi tho two coin : ' .'iImu. jgfru ,hM ll wtu O Aggjyt tho twontyHwv- W jai'fiMaS Cattlo Onto and I k iiai, Jmr link ot twenty war-i mm, -fttotto and i'rovo, wtMiteiHBMMMMfl 'aMt, um tho - .tmtm H.Mk Wfrn A Ulo Ornn.Io i-K 1 Maar iai)0htt auto to Tfcte- hS 1V. Un4r Wto aamo i(ro f -tau '- M uuh llallwn'p Hvjwiaainy twM lrra to Thlatlo U "fr-l 2" tf Denver & IUo ' .' '' CVfJMiNO iptaar. Awjordlag to tho -" .AmtBt fktiui tko Denver & Ulo I '1 wny wltt amto tho entire ' ( ' . M H 4m tb Bouthorn Utah i ' ,S o NMH Heavy aVafilc. " ' ' "j w Hm i datonded for Uio I ''CjMKt4kaYtet kind of traffic, and j (. kSriSae-rate at eroat oz- . 'i'' jaia-jvl wMag eJano In oorae In- I' . , eiaMi"(la Mf tho 1100,000 " rr"ikIwTe Uct la laid with Y ' ' VitMrtr, )mhm tttol and tho brldso V . " aM'ii-Uel conairacUon, Tho MHJa alM Ub tMtwoon CmUoo .Oa'lMi the wlnwi rouenU nn i ;'aMalMe ot woro than $2,000,- ' i f 7"" "fourteen nillw of thU . '.' v Mafc Im comptetod. Tho trad I v" ' ' N rtkBMHMlnder of UU etttlon i V f9K! t ho flntihod iu July 4 v i Mi MMJto'! fv-r aenico In fleptomber. , ' tTh 'eBjtaKrln work ou tho lino . i M4,tM reth country from .' t, CfcMtM jlXW la Mokrknd la a dU- i H jjJJMt MMiin, m4 thowh calling for . j Imjbmmm 4'Uay he reauU more PMHmm Mm eapMQ. The re- fi, MjMMtMV,.Mitiiirifc ioai U ooa , mmj, wwk o that It to !' 5f4 tW .pM of level ro tu ( MiMjiS J Brer 4 Wo aiH(le " -.-, v 'aiMMMMkM lewwtair Uie oer V '' aataWKMk. Cv) lb itttaUaum. Un- I' i ' ' toiaMTMSV Jod4 core from tho f ,-JtV' iwtrn as'A he huadlnd eafoly with ' v. ' ' MjhM)'ii Nklnjt powar. " '' ' V Haja-VyMtiwt cnt4e from CasUo i ' f ! 1m Mtnea U 8 por cont, nnd ' j ?' t4 Mlr ia A few lostnooa. The i v v T " v jhW'liiM on o calculated m to" ' ! IX m v,tal5ir', to kundlo m any, J J" m 5jL ta 4h, winea m It ou handle load from thoni, mnVlPg the traffic practically tako enro ot It Mir. The Denver A Rio Orando company eatlmofM that with ono ot IU Mallot cnglnoa It can handlo 76 load In ich train from ilohrland ami 75 omptles on the rcutrn trip. Ihtrlnjc All-HU-cl Can. Tho Wah Railway company ro oently placed nn ordor for COO all eteel 100,000 pounds nppotlty coal car far IU own ueo. No order for towor hna been placed up to thWt time, tho Klo Orando oompny betnx depended upon to furAMi all that may be required In that line. Tho BOO coal can ordered reprceont an expenditure ot more than half a million dollara. In anticipation of added trans portation facilities tho coal compan ies Jiave been maklnK Improvements fur Increased output at tho mines, wMcti, when completed, will mean tho loading ot approximately 300 cars per day According to tho esti mates, four trains each way will I handle the empties nnd tho day's output between MohrlfttvV and Cas tle Qato. but the movement ot these cans between Castle Onto and This tle is another proposition, onpcASally from Castle Onto to Soldier Sum mit, on tho Denver & IUo Grande, llutween the latter points ll a steep grade, and tho averngo train con sists of about thirty loads, thus making an Inrreaso of ten trains daily up tho mountain. Tho estimate ot 300 loads daily I may -also bo Increased It somo ot I the other coal companies in tho field decide to connect up with tho now road. Tho Standard Coal com pany has opened n mow ml no In Spring Canyon, and 41 Is probable that It, as woll as tho Knight Coal company, may dooldo to toko advan tage pf tho additional transportation facilities. Output Is iHcrraM-d. To provide for tho greatest possi ble euttmt the Castlo Valley Coal company eoostrueted a sew tlpplo loatjear, the Illsck Hawk company W'arnvngliiB for similar Improve ments this )ear, and tho Consolida ted Fuel company will make Its Im provement during 1316. The Stan dard Coal company bos erected a concrete 4!imlo of tho lutost model nnd It Is arranscd to load box as well as coal cars, something un usual in this part ot tho country Tho contract for 13,000 tons of' coal for tho Arrow Hock Irrigation prooct near Ilolse awarded -to the Utah Coal Balea Agency will bo Aho first big .movement of coal over tho now road. The conl will come from the Hiawatha mine, operated by the Consolidated Fuel eontpany. Any part of the order that moves prior to tho completion ot tho track be tween Castle . Gate ami Mohrland will be handle 'over tlie lino of the Southern UUH '.railroad Into Trice for delivery to tho Denver and Ulo drando. The coal hnndled by the new line into I'rovo will bo deliver ed to the Salt Lake Jloto and tho Denver and Rio QratMle, TIE MDMJGMTESIS Mornn Mvt Jackson Hero On tUo ruurtli ot July. Wliat promUeo to bo ono of the best boxing bouts in tho history or Trlco will bo pulled off at tho Alr domo on July Fourth at 2 p. an. be tween Dattllng Joe Moran aud Young Peter Jacksolj. Moran comes hero woll recommended Ho has mot such fighters ta "Ounbost" Smith, Jack Dillon, Al Kaufman, Jim Uarry, Jack Ioster and Jim Coffey, tho Irish giant. The two men meet on a basis of wlnnor take - everything. Besides the main oyont. Promoter Dave dross has arranged a ton-iound aeml-wlndup between lloscoo Taylor, one of tho best lightweights on tho Pacific coast, and Joe l'eaton, itho Helper boxer. Many ot the fight tans bellove this will bo tuUy as good as the main eveat. There wHl also be a six-round curtain raestr. kewe "Kid" Ro Bieo, the a reek toW f'am Salt lke, and J'XW'f- Davli, feather weight ehaalga'' of UUh. Popular nrlco will srvll. HJU to Jkop .Tif ping. It a bill introduced by Senator AYorks pfuC4 congress there will bo no more- tipping on trains or steamboatf. -A lav to this effect, but more, ar-reachttig, baa boon e'icowu'!lyd'jpfudrin Canada. r, tho Eko oeiatitoaryw8re. Advt. COMMISSIONERS' PROGRAM CARRIES TRUE TO . FORM As Predicted by The Advocate Jos. R. Sharf) Turns Down Protests Against Increased Townsite Valuations. Tho Advocate advanced the sug gestlon lost week tbat Iho invitation sent to tho coal companies which had their assessed valuations raised by an action of the county commis sioners sitting as n board of equsll intlon a week ago Monday, was imply for the purpose of tho com missioners securing an opportunity to tell tho companies If they did not like It they could lump It. ThU was true, but only half the reason. Tho other half was that Commis sioner Sharp might havo a chance to mako on nnnrcholtlc speech ag ainst tho operating camps ot Car bon county. And he anado a dandy. To bo suro it was overburdened with tho most glaring absurdities and con tained Impoiwllilo theories that even ii Utopian socialist would hosltato In being the nuthor oL Tho text ot tho argument, sum med up briefly, was About n fol lows: Although much of tho land on wldoh tho valuation m raided from twonty dollars per aero to 1J1000 an Acre "was .not utUlted In any manner whoiovor, In hU opinion it would bo it tho operating com panies threw their o&mps open to Mloanmon, storekeepers and other business men and that therefore the board should Uko into considera tion what might be possible rather than the truo hiatus In tho cam?. One of the representatives of to Utah Fuel company iWMested that tho board of county commissioners was not outlining tho bustnnss pol icy of tho company .but that it was being dono by a board ot director. To this Mr. Sharp replied that while that had been Alio onoe, It was go ing to bo different from now on, it It were pOMlble for tho board to change matters. In the balanco of this artlclo The Advocate will Tetor to tho board as Mr. Sharp. While a full board was present the two other members ant during the special session with n "mo too" attitude and agrcod with him to tho minutest detail. Attorney Hitter of tho firm ot AllUton & Hitter and Attorney Erlcfci sen of tho firm of llraffet & Erlck ten appeared on behalf ot tho UUh Fuel company and protested Against tho action of tho board In raising tlio valuation on 310 acres of land from $20 to f 1000 an aero. Tho land involved is In t0-aoro subdivi sions whero the compny haa erectod houses .for minors. Mr. lUttcr explained that tho to tal number of minors' houses own ed by tho company was 810; that approximately fifteen of them could bo placed on An acre ot ground and that If tbo .board so wished tho com pany would bo willing to stand for an Increasod A&oGsment on this ba sis but that an ussoesod valuation of $310,000 was absolutely out ot tho question. Thoo liounos aro rentod to tbo miners at 10 a month. In tho event a minor prefers to erect bio own dwellig ho may do so and only a rental charge ot $3 per year or 25 cents per month ts then made for lo ground. Tho UUh Fuel ToproseUtlves fur thor sbowod that theso samo houses! were now asocabod moro propartlou-1 ately than any other Improvements In tho county. Thoy cost for ma- ferial and construction $600 and the stato board assesses 'thorn for ! two-thirds ot their value or $400. If thewe houses were fcullt in any thing like a ooaa-pact arrangement they would occupy about tlftyfour aores of grouad. To a valuation of $64,000 the ooaeaay would offer no objeotlo&s. Tho constltuttoa of tbo sUto pro vides that tho county assessor must assess coal land at tho prloo ptld the government for tho samo and tho attorney general has given as his opinion that tho lands involved must therefore bo oasoaRed at tho figures tho comnanle paid far thorn it they aro nd tor mining pur :poao8. Tho attorneys olalro thoy aro not usod tor any other pur poses and that If the mlnoa were to i $2t, " close down tho houses would ot course be of no value. In other words they aro usod wholly In con nection with .mining jporatloni. Mr. Sharp ntntod that ItOreMd not believe tho attorney gonorat wo right In his advlco and that tho lands would bo worth moro It tho companies allowed them to bo used for competitive businesses which ho said, ought to bo done. Tho Increased assessment would mako difference ot about $13,000 to tho Utah Puol company Alone. Deforo the matter of ho increase In tho assessment ot dowAtlto prop erty was taken up, a ropresenUtlvo ot tho Wasatch Live Stock company appeared beforo tho board, repre senting that the company's valua tion on graiing land had been In I creased greatly and asked for relief. Mr. Sharp told hlra that tho land, although uudovelopod, was undor lald with flno measures of coal. Tlio representative said that hin com pany was not In tho coal mining business, and that as a matter ot j'faet experts had given as their op inion that the greater part ot tho land in questiou was part ot a goo I logical fault. Mr. Sharp was cer jtnln that tho land was valunblo for coal mining purposes and stated that ono reonon for tho Increased assessed valuation was that tho company holding tho land should derolop It. Tho company's request was therefor turned down, ' ELKS EXPECTED ON 10TK Will Pnrtiebly Visit lVlco IHi'r a Couple of Hours. The special trninlood of Klks from Salt Lake City that will arrive on No. 2 time Friday night, July 10th, will recelvo a royal reception by lo cal enlhuslaits and tho Dost Poo tlo On lOnrth will bo serenaded by tlio Price oand as Uio train palls Into tho depot. At a meeting ot the Chamber ot Commerce Tuesday nlght'a commit too consisting of Nelins, Dolo and Averlll was appointed so act with tho regular entertainment commit tee In a request to the cMy council to turn it lie tpwn over to tbo visi tors from 10 to 13 o'clock. This will gtvo tho Klks an opportunity to salute dopartod mumhors, as U their usual custom, at esaotiy 11 o'clock. A formal Invitation wlU be sent tho leople in char go ot tho trip by tho Price Chamber of Commerce and al so by thu mayor In Uie event tlio cltliens do not like tho manner in 'which tho visiting Rika handlo (ho town during their stay hero tho I usual routine ot administration will prevail after their departure. ' A committee was also appatntod 'to confer with tho city council to ascertain It arrangements could nut be mado to havo a cement walk built to tho oomctorV ft&l to Uko steps toward getting water on tlii graveyara puii. It was decided to ask tho band to play at a more sultablo hour on Saturday nights. Dotweon C and 7 o'clock Is too early to please roost of tho eoplo and an hour later In beginning would bo moro satlafao tory to the majority of tho residents. lEM-rlMlfEIW Two I'srties Pisa to Meet on Uio Same Day. July 18th will probably bo tho dato for tho county conventions ot both tho democratic and progressive parties. This U tho word sent out I from Salt Lako by the amalgamated I bull moose and donkey Authorities. J Warren Peacock returned tho latter art of last wook from Ely, Nov. Ho says that section looks prosperous and that business men In thooVada town, are", woll satis fied with conditions', mm hhk aim ; U Ohm Natural Life In the HUte Penitentiary. Thodore Manolls, the Greek mur derer, will escape the gallows, Uio Into .having sgreed to accept a plea ond degree, Manolls received his sentence yesterday ot imprisonment for lite at hard labor In tho state penitentiary. It will bo remombored that Mano lls committed one ot the most foul crimes In the history ot tlio county. LoeT winter at Sunnysldo ho struck down his follow In the mtno In or der to take from Ms person some thing over a hundred dollars. Tho act was a roost brutal ono. In his thick on his companion ho struck him several times on tho head with a miner's pick, inflicting such ghastly wannds that tho man's brains ooted out ot his head. Tho ana llnngered for a few days after tho attack but died without regain ing consciousness, Manolls escaped from Sunnysldo nnd succeeded In eluding tho offi cers for several days. He was cap tured by Sheriff Keller belaw Wol-i llngton where ho had talked to somo Greek workmen on tlio rail road track and of whom ho had mado request that they communi o&to with somo former friends In Price to arrange for him a ticket to New York. Murder In the first degree was charged, but tlio dlitrlct attorney, upon tbo request of Attorney Woods for tho defense, agreed to accept a Plea of guilty In tho second degreo. O, C. Nolsou had boon employed by friends ot tho murdered msn to no slat In tho prosecution. DISTRICT C0URTPROCEWIiaS In tho matter of 11, It. McDonald vs. the City of Price t sJ, the de murrer was sot for Argument July 6, 1014. M State of Utah vs. Gordon Pottery embeztloment Paso dismissed on motion of the district Attorney. Marin Lnmpkln vs Augustine Lampkln, plaintiff granted an In terlocutory decree of divorce and custody of minor child. State of Utah vs. Frank Cordova; defendant dUinUxwl on me'-ion ot district attorney bocauso of Insuffi ciency ot evidence. Alexader albson, William Kvans, Irvln Bills, doo. A. Green, C. A. 'Outwits and W. . Jones wero ex cused as trial Jurors ou tbo ground ot not possessing requlslto qualifi cations. T. I). IUggs nnd B. P. Con ahnn wero excused on account ot being locomotive engineers. Henry Flock, having presentod a doctor's certificate for poor health, was ex cused, Frank Warren, W. P. Mil ler, W. II. Parkor, Wllllani Moore and J H. Adams woro not served, Hugh Hunter "was excused on ac count ot sickness. W. H. McClurg was excused until July 0th. Thomas Chantry nnd It. Johnson wero ex cused until Juno 20th. Tho re maining Jurors woro exoused until Juno 23d at 3 o'clock. State of UUh vs. Bhorldan Davis; case reset for Juno 24th at 10 a. m. Dlsmltwod on account of Insuf ficiency of evidence. Stato of Utah vs. Al Dronnlck et al; case reset for Juno 23d at 2 p. in. DufondonU dismissed on Insuf ficiency ot evidence. Stato of UUh vs, Emery Davis; defendant entered A plea ot guilty and was sentenced to a term In tbo penitentiary of sot loss than 3 months nor moro than 3 years. Stato of Utah vs. Jerome Hop kins, burglary. Defendant entered plea of guilty and was sentenced to a period of not loss than 6 motUlis nor moro than 3 years in tho atato penitentiary, SUto of UUh vs. Walter Pose walk, burglary. Case continued un til Juno 29th. Clara Voltrl vs. Tony VeUrl. Plaintiff granted Interlocutory de cree of divorce. The petition of Lyman n. and Edith L. RoblBsofl for adoption ot Harold I.yaa Roblaeea was granted. FOURTH OF JULY MA88 MEKTINO OAIiliKI) TONIGHT Circulars aro out calling- a moot Ig of the cltltens to discuss tho ad visability of a Fourth of July cele bration. Tbo mooting will bo held In tho city hall. Pop corn ifrosh evoryiinlght at tho Eko. Advt. ,1' mimmm PRELIMINARY HHOWKD KfOMM ."$ H WAH AORKHHOK. n '? , ' H mmmmmI Had Tlirratrnrd IWcihfcHtt's ItiWitaJ '' IVw Hours Hrforo Uie Itiiiiiity ljN.' H AttAcknt Yntcrio WMi sTJtpr!?' t JB .45- H Domlneck Valerlo, a well kftenm H cltlten of Hcotleld, U again A fee B man. The chargo of wurder a- mmmPJI atnsl htm was dismissed by JtMtfe BmmPJI of tho Peaco A. J. Ie ftstunUy r J night. Tho preliminary hearts - pHHJ lasted nil day Saturday a4 that H night until almost 11 o'eioek. H The evldenco submitted left . H room to doubt but that it wm fr- M ty a cose of self defense. Net am- ) JH ly iiad Florlo Uirestoned Vtf'H H life tlio morning of tho shoettag kut , H also assaulted him as ho was - H lng out ot hU bedroom. flH FMorio had been on a debase Um eliro flight preceding and wei H Valerlo's bedroom about 8 e'eteek H in tho morning, deraandlog a -- B drod and twenty-ttvo doUars. Vswl H told him ho did not owe him y H money asd that ho was sck, bwt K H Florlo would come bock Uh t H day ho would talk tbo mAt ror H with him. it was tbo merMsg- H tho 30tli ot May and Valerte, vebo H had a wreath of flowers lylag,J HH tho bed, said to Florl, wb vmm.Ma , H brother-in-law. I want you and iwwr bbVbYbYmI slf to come with e to the ssius- J lery todsy to beVp me deeorai pmt M wlfo's grave. Florlo replied thai b Jfl ild not need o go to the bother tf Hl iistBg the flowers that way as IfesT JbY wouhl bo .needed for bis own arav. f Holding a knlfo over htm, the bre-rj H ther-ln-law s4d: "Unless yen smm - , JjH through with tho money you will this today." H The wltB(tea were J, G. Jsrgsn- fl son, I2dward A. Newcombe, P O. Jensen, Mrs. Geo. KJorlo, Joe Cos- tie, Joseph Traroposch and JwtHt Poma H The defondnnt's attorneys 4iwe4 ' EH that Florlo was n man to be fssrs.1 mmSmmsI nod had been .mixed u Ik ssvWal cutting scraies In Seotleld. Two mo ho had sUbbod In Uie back. M damaging evidence was I at rod seed HgAlnst the defendant and H f Um j witnesses agreel that Fl-erlo was ,H tho aggressor, attacking Valerie .as '' H he was attempting to baek awy from him. In his hand Klwle k-sM H a heavy drinking glass. H As Florlo left tho bar to tr ,H tho room ot Valerlo for O IMrd H Uiup, ho ilwlared in the press so H several witnesses Ms lBteotle( H killing him, ami took wKh htw a 'JmH heavy glass wlUi whch be strslc ' MmmmmI Valerlo as soon as they aset, 'Wd . H tho glass falling to Uio floor Flirt l grabbed Valerlo by Uie throatot H Uio samo Umo at temp ting to 4aw H his knlfo for the purpos of '- B patching him, when Valerlo, y H lutd heard the previous thr4'fMMt 'H equipped himself with a ,rv4r' cimmmI fired two shoU, ono catvrlsj;, ' H body ot Florlo and cau4gbWi. IH death. H fTho caeo ot Uie stato was' vary iH ably presented by County AUefttey McWhlnney, who crucially esawMaed H eocli of Uio eight witness sub- o - r poenaetl In behalf of tlio state, of- m! ter whlclt Uio dofondant wa ptaesA BmmI Uon mo auina ana suujcii IHH thorough examination and res Hfl arolnatlon Tho clean cut Jut4Mca- - 3 HH tlon ot tho defendant was so atMar. mm ont that In ordering his dssaharsw bImh Justice Leo stated iluat b wM C" HmI regard It on Imposition up th n mB1 taxpayera and an Injustice to to 9mH defendant to do other than to ni-r f9IPI hW discharge. , OMfiUB The defendant was represeaUd hsr r ,mmH Attorneys King and lirKet. ' 9HH GOHLIN l-XtHORD TO MOW -, tHH HIS LAUGK HHlHtP MssMMI , "WmSH W. T doslln, tbo Grand Jw attest ,S oH sheeman who has heeo 1b. to Uto SmSH courU for dkiabeying va e4mr mt 'mD tbo stato board of sheep ln(M . 19HB Is engaged In a shoep bsm! M ImH war ou Piaon mesa, Colo., nr Ms " , H stato line Cowboys held ' Xte 'V 1 fMfl herders and ordered them to fast- "IImmH with movo their flocks, -which tfua H flMH claimed bad croascV tb "4bsJk o X Hfl line' ' The stock war iws4mj rj 5 JOSH be fc hitter ono, m H