B K K-VsTER! UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JUXH 23, 1B1J. rA0B pjyj; 'H R01AL fl BAKING POWDER fl ABSOLUTELY PURE 9 Insures the most delicious and healthful food H By the use of Royal Baking Powder a H great many more articles of food may be . readily made at home, all healthful, dc BB licious, and economical, adding much I variety and attractiveness to the menu. B The" Royal Baker and Paitry Cook," H containing five hundred practical receipt for nit kinds of baking and cookery, free. .Address Royal M Baking Powder Co., New York. I 1 CEMCIIITY Hl Itltor la around again After H severe atego of rhcumatlam. HBtorney D D HouU ia In a (kilt B hospital undergoing an opera Hfor appondicltl. Borge Mela was colled to Bun H tho first of the- week to oovr H a refrigerator plant. Btorncy M I DrAffet woa'a Bngor for Denver Tuesday night, fle lie- goe on company business. H.in A Forsytho and family will BB today for a visit at Rprlng E and l'rovo Mr. Forsytho will Br. about tho tlrat. H&wlolRh Methon and wife lost ' Ha- 13 months old baby lost lion HSfnornlnx The Infant died from BUan of tho bowel. HKrls Jensen had tho mUfortuno get thrown from n rinany Bo Thursday or lout week. Ho HV I Ted a broken collar bono. Hra, y K Ocltx, wire of Dr. HJltx of Price, vUlted In Helper H Tuesday, tlio guest of Mr. II. BjMartln, Highland avenue. -HeJ-Hj Times. BBi. Oraon Strang of Twin Kalis, HJ, is vlsklng her mother, Mra. HVa Avery of WelMncton. Thla HSnr final visit io her old homo In BBn yean. Hhn Avery -of Konllworth da suf HiC from a broken arm Juat Ho tho elbow. The Accident waa Bmh by Mr Mvry getting ml&od Han a runaway ro, Alfred l'orklns returned Haorday from Salt Lake, where Haweui to attend a sister during HSblrUi of n child which arrived jly week before laat. Hftlra Murl Hoaklnaon, alstor of ft Fred L Wnlrous, ia visiting in Bfte Rho la on her way Irom Salt Bft to Steamboat Spring, Colo., Hve her parenta roaldo. HkIro Chrlatenaon, UUtrlot At Hey Cherry and Court Btonogrn HH Aider, took advantage of ad HHnmont of court Thuwday even HSand event the week-end at ML. Hunt Hra Peter Forester and. daugh HSof Mohrland woto pleasant call-. Hat Tho Advocato offlco loat Frl H They wore on their way for a HSplng trip for tho sum nun- In Bftr canyon HSeorgo Itylaud lias commencod ftk on tho Robert McKuno nvd HSco on Eighth street across from ft Miller When completed tho bung-low will be one of the niftiest In "tho blggcat lltilo city." h. A Jncobsen, mochanle In the D. It, a. sbopa at Scofleld, who waa drawn a a Juror for thla term of court, waa excused by Judgo ChrUtensou ye-rterday for tho term and returned to hla home this morn Inc. A number of tho ladle of Prlco of a musical parody, "Tho Carbon County Fair," July 3 and 4. Vila Clare Andrews of Jacksonville, Fin., who arrived here tho first of the week, will look after tho nutnago mont of tho comedy. Mra. L. L. Laubor of Prlco la v -siting in this city at the homo of Ivor parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Uench. Mm, A. D. Bqulrc entertained for her Sunday, Mra. Fred Cox Mon day, Mra John Hall Tuesday and Mra, Frank Cox "Wednesday. Man ti Moesonger. Alfred ("Bl") I'crkln of tho Ad vocato underwent an operation laat Tueaday morning for tho removal of a small blood tumor on hla left aide. "81" submitted to forty-mln-uto cutting without nnaesthetlea and export to bo able to resuma hla work In a few days. R. Vf. Crockett and on, Robert W., Jr., visited at Bcotleld over Sat urday, returning on No. C Sunday, rrho upper oompa r still rntlior quiet and only working a fow dnya each week. Beginning with tho 1st of July, however, It I expected they U1 bo running roll tfano. Vorno Winders of Desert Lake had both bands aevorely burned lost Tueaday. Ho had previously receiv ed some bad scratches on barb wire and both of thorn wuro tied up and turpanllno pUtced on tho cloths. In lighting a clgnretto tho cloth and turpetUlno caught tire. Dr C. K. Chamberlain has decided to erect a residence and will com anenco work on It within tho Imme diate future He haa two locations -under oonalileratlon, one im Eighth and ono on Seventh iitreet. Martin Mulvey, father of Mra. Chamberlain, will apond tho Fourth In Price. Fred ara-nes and roothor, Mm. MarUia dramca of Nino Mile, were tronsaoUng bualneaa In tho county aont Tueaday. Mr. Oramea has had n aerloua alckneaa, njuxmdkltla be ing tho oilmnnt, and haa been un ablo to do a fli-eat deal of work for tho pant year. Hla condition 1 Im proving, liowevor. Charloa Ilonomo of Rock Springs, Wyo., who, with Frank VllUa re cently purchaaod the McDonald cor ner and aubmlttod a bid to tho gov ernment for postoffic quarter, to tnrne today to his home. No word has beon received fxora tho poat- sjsjSF-riiri--'i-M lltorl"llll-' SB I Watermelons, I Cantaloupes, I All Fruits in season jj I Sure Seal Jars. ICarbon County Com. Co. ii HmHHWTWIIIIMWIIKHmiHIMMIH HS' otfloo department as to tho dlapooi tlon of several btda lor a poatofftoo site. J. M Millard arrived In town to day from Altonah. Ho toya there Is excellent fishing on the reserva tion ithls year and quite a few flah rrmen along the atreame. Mr. Mil lard cmiio In by way of Indian enn )on and down tho Midland trail. All of this road, with the exception of, the troll, ho state, is In fairly good condition. Sam Dexter, chief oloctrlctan at Hiawatha, waa a caller at Tho Ad vocato office laat Friday. In keep ing with the reat of the coal camps throughout tho county thono of the Consolidated are emerging from the recent retrenchment and Mr. Dex ter says that he IxtUovaa U will bo but a, abort .time until Ihey are working full tlmo again. It la now estimated by somo that there will not bo more than flO, 000 worth of bond to be handled for tho construction of the eldo walks A largo umber of property owners have algnlflod their desire to pay coh for tho work ami take tho discount, quite a few of thla 1 number nro among tho largest own , era of property affected by the aldo walk tax. J II. Montgomery and wlfo and fttepchltdron, Paul and Harold Fon taine, atopped over In Prlco Mon day on their way to Myton, whero they have town and farm Interests. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery havo apent tho poat eight months In Salt Iako City Mr. Montgomery will start a moving picture ahow at My ton and tho other towns on the res ervation. Tho annual school election take place July 13th. Two trusteea will bo oloctod this year to till the places of John Potter, nppolnteo, and John II. Pace, whoso term ex pire I.lttlo Interest In candidates has been manifested up to tho pres ent time, although Th Advocato un derstands that Mra. A.I). Mncl.ean will receive tho support of the Wo- men's Rettcrmont Ieaguo for the poaltlon. Mr. and Mra. C. C. McWhlnncy entertained Iho After Dinner club Thursday night of last week. Mra. W. R. Anderson won tho ladles' prlto and Mr. F. K. Woods tho gen tleman's. Tho gueirta wero Mr. and Mrs. W F Olson, Mr and Mra. F. B. Woods, Mra W. Z. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Klrkpatrlck, Mr. and Mra. Matt (l)lmour, Mr. ... M Peyton, Dr. F. F. Flsk, Mr. T C. Larson, Mr. Sam King and Mis Ruth lOof!ourow. A.' Uowmiui, superintendent of the Utah Construction company, return turned Monday from a trip to his ranch In the Twin Falls, Ida., sec tion. "On account of these lovely democratic times," ald Ilowman, "tho construction company Is doing practically nothing. Their outfits are acntturod from Prlco to Califor nia and with tho exception of IltUo odd Jot hero and thoro no work Is going on and tho future dooa not look any boltvr." Mr. Ilowman haa n ling ranch In Idaho and has just disposed of tovcrnl hundred of Ida Increoao. 1'rlru Won One flume. Tho local baseball team's hoodoo did not put In an nppoaraneo lost Sunday unltl it become neeeaaary for Prko ami Mohrland to play off a tlo In a eevon-dnnlng game. Then, howevor, the Jinx allowed up strong er than horeo radUh and tho aou ithorn visltora walked away with a scoro of six to nlno In their favor The Prlco boys broko even on the lay by defeating Bunnyildo by n rroro of nine to tMO. Doth games wore witnessed by a good attendance. Tho laat gomo vns particularly exciting and took the seventh Inning to decide it MarTlfljo' -lrciiMrt. Frank Cordova of Walsenburg, Colo., and Mrs. Nora Thompson of Salt hako City, Juno 22. Merrill Clifford Nowren and Miss Nellie Mention, both of Winter Quarters, ' Juno 23d. Room ami Hoard Wuntcd. Young unmarried roan dcalroa room and board In prlvato family. No olxtftlona to several blocka from huslnoca center. Iioforuncoa ex chnngel. Addrona thla office. Ad. "Don't forgot" tho Variety Storo handle Economy fruit Jars, Tho miaat eanltary jar on tho market. Advt. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury a mtrcury will surely dtroy the seni or -melt and cumplatnly Uoramco llio whole ytem wlien enlcrlnr It tliroush tlis mucous surfacis. Such articles should never be used except on prescription from reputable physicians, as the demava they will do l ten foil to the eoo1 you ran possibly derive from them. Hills Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, actlnir directly upon the blood and mucous sur. fates of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be aura you get the genu ine. It U taken Internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. 3. Cheney Co. Tes timonial free. Bold by Drucatata. Prlco We pr botUa. Wika Men's TaeaJar tW tee semtlsatleeii Well AtU-ndnl at Hciifleld Ut Sot unlay and Sunday. ' The Carbon stake quarterly con ference convoned at Scofleld, Juno 20th and 2 1st, commencing with a priesthood meeting Saturday even ing, June 20th, at 7 30 o'clock. Thoro were in attendance Presi dent Arthur W Horslcy nd John II Pace of the ntako presidency, Elder Anthony Ivina of tho coun cil of tho twelve, Patriarch Hyrum O. Smith, members of the high council, bishops and counselors of rtncral of tho ward ami other etaka officer. Kldcr Hyrum O Smith ex plained In his iramarka that wo ahould not seek office, but prepare ourselves for usotulnnse ami magni fy that which is required of us. When patriarchs wero ordained they wero not placed upon tho aholf, but placed in another flotd of labor. Ho related tho doaeont of the patriarchs down .to this dlaponaalton. In ro gard to Mormon lam each ono had to decide -for him or herself. He also poka of tho dangers of members of tho church marrying thoso not of their faith and exhorted all to pay their tithing, fast offerings, kcop the word of Wladom and not follow tho faahlan of tho world. Elder Anthony W. Ivin In hts remark wild how different It was with tho Church or Christ and those of tho world. Tho latter had splr lutol advisors, but in the Church of Jcius Christ of Latter-day Salnta nearly every malo member held tho priesthood and had a part en tho government thereof and could tako part In diseasing thing for It wet fare. Ho apoke of tho restoration of tho prlenthood and tho organlxa tlon of tho Chrch of Christ Jn thla dlapensatlon and otUned how tho sacrament was Instituted by tho Savior nt tho cloeo of .the Feast of tho Pomover. Ho aUo spoko of Urn fulfillment of tho prophecy of tho prophet who said, "Tho Lord's I house ahould bo established In the I top of tho mountain and all na- tlon ahould flow unto It." Report wero given of the stake and ward. Tho relief society held It conference on Saturday at x10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Thoro was a splendid turnout at all tho meet ings. Conference adourned to moot at Price, September 10th and 20th. .CELEBATING THE FOURTH. On Hundred snd Thlrtyelx Yesrs Ago end New. Ono of tho moti who nlgued the Dec laration of ItidttHMidi'iH.'t Is an Id to hove oiprnwd the dtmlro that ho might rise from liln grave a hundred years later io wltnexs Uv manner In which poaterlty observed tho Fourth of July, ir bis wUh could have beeu gratified the vcucrnblo patriot would J havo found n decided change In the manner of the celebration, but none In 1 the feeling ublch limplrcd It. Poster , Ity, too. would undoubtedly have turn- ed tho tublr on blm. eagerly qumtloU' J lag blm In turn as to the celebrations In his day. but even without his aid Un questions can bo answered. Will coming years suo greater cele brations and rejoicings? The methods of celebrating doubtlcm will bo modi Oct). Pcrhu leM tiuglug of boll and nolo of (auuon imi) attend It, but the enthtiHlasm of the people Is still un mistakable, and lu whatever form It Onds expression, sn long as tho Fourth of July Is celebrated with unabated (fill and our children are fired by It with the same patriotism which ani mated their fathers and their forefa thers, our nation Is safe The boys who today burn powder in Its honor will not bo slow should need arise to bum powder In it defense. IPayi wmmmmmmmmmmmmm Y at our office or f PAY THE DRIVER f T V For hay, lirain, coal y t or other merchandise J X on and after July 1st. X '! i. -ii ! X It will save us money 43 and we will 6ell cheap- & A er than hefore. X I McKune For-1 1 warding Co. I ssm Ki utt ifii iMh .. if, in. ir. m g s y ssrsria-sr esi esi ana'. .; it' j K I -u u , i m , . jM There's No Secret About This Sale I 1 BBBBBsl Here arc broken lots of Suits odd sizes H and patterns all new HART SCHAFF- M NER & MARX clothes this Spring. t Rather than carry these good I H Suits over, we have . H Lowered the Prices ,1 as an inducement for you to H buy. There's a liberal reduc- l H tion too- so liberal that your H profit increases in leaps and H bounds. The best way is to H see these benefits. H We have a nice line of Ladies' and Chil- 11 dren's Oxfords. Also a complete line of H BOSTONIAN SHOES for Men. H H The New York Cash Store I TUB W18DOM IN HA VINO. 1b A man who save a dollar 1 a beBsaotors eae who teaches a- l other to aavo a dollar Io r. public benefactor and should bo knighted' i H by tho enato. A dollar put In tho bank at comsottBd latereat tAke ' iH root Instantly, K la sot parched or bureod hy drouthaj sot klUM by H front or sleet. It oanaot be Injured by heM or by old, by fanlno er 'M pestlleBoe, by tkro or flood. It wlU not be loat through a hole I tho JH pocket, nor borrowed by aosae pesrtllentlal friend or boon oowpanlaa. It i H U beyond the reach of earthquake or llgMtUag, aocteeat, saeak tWf, H thug or murderer. U work for you by day aad by night, Suaday, W- M gal ttolldaya aad week day a-re Ml tho same to It. It wtU not ruat nor M rot, nor be eaten by worcM It will asraut ad Bture a eren of IftUr- H est for you every year throughout all etornlty and the, be aa I rash. M and a ready to go ea workls for you d your deeeada4 a the ) M day R waa first carried to the bank. It will be a ahtv that neither , M eats, drink nor 4eep, nor die, and Beoda no overeeer, M Tho InveetmeRt of moaoy In a sarin aeaeunt at the bnnk at M compound Interest U the best laTeataveat, tho saoat mrefltabla buslaea M and tho groatost and graadeat Mpec-ulaUen that I knew anythkut abowC M ritlCR OOMMKKCIAIi A SAVINGS HANK. ) Boft drinks, peanut and cigars at tho Eko atore. Advt. SliaVe Off Your KlieumafcUw. Now- 1 tho Ume to get rid of yuor ThoumaUam. Try twenty-tlr cent bottlo of Chamberlain's Lini ment and seo how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear, Sold by all doalors. Advt. July (tli IUcundoHM via Denver Jk Itlo Grande. Ono elnglo faro or tho round trip; on sale July 3d and 4th, good until July 0th returning. All of the fruits of tho season at Uto Kko store, Advt. Small Boys Used "Squibs." In tho early diiya of the Fourth of July celobrallou the small boy bad to content tbeicselte with squlbs,M or small balls of moltteneil powder, which flited and gnve out sparks In tho dark ness: with the rapid waving of fire brands, the sight of glowing bonfire and perhaps n limited participation In the "fuu of nrv"-uuinel). the tosslug of flro bulls made of tow saturated with tar or turpentine Into the ulr, an amusement In which many tuuu and boys fruiiuently took part. McKlnley on th Fourth. Let us always rviuvmber that, what ever dlfftrttiR-cs about politics may have existed or still exist, we are all Americans before we nro partisans and cherish the welfare of all tho people above party or suite. Ood bless every undertaking which revives patriotism and rebukes the In different and lawless. William Me Klnley. July 4, 1S0T. PROllATK AND flUAHDIANSHU' NOTIOB. Consult County Clerk or Itespectlvo Signers for Further Information. NOTTQK TO CIU:i)lTOH8 Kutato of Thomas J. Cummlnes, deceased. Credltoru will present claims with vouchers to tho undoralgnod at Hel per, Utah, on or boforo tho 25th day of October, A, D. 1914. HERMAN fl. MAItTIN, Administrator of Estate of Thorn eu Cutmnlngs, Deceased. Dato of frlat publication 25ith day of Juno, A. D. 1914. 4. B REX I I AIRDOME 1 Price's Health Resort ! Motion Pictures Roller Skating fl Dancing M All in the open air. ! Roller Skating Mondays H 25c DancinWednesdaydnd !H Saturday, 5c per couple. H Motion Pictures Tucs- !H day, Thursday, Friday 'H and Sundays, 10c. 'H . SBBBBsl Every 'Detail Complete, fl Superb M:naeernent. H Price Amuse- I ment Co. I F. B. Overbaugh, Mi'r. M 1BBBBB v..,. . , M aaaaaaaa!