gifli'i I
glglglgV ' . i i i r i
H ' To tio 1'ntrotm of Uio rrieo Elee-
trio Light Plant.
m it
Kt. f tf yoa havo any troublo with your
V light or motor telephone the
Hk ' I power bouao and same will bo Ukon
E U eare of at once. 17tf.
B ! Notice to OntUo Trcacrs.
K i I havo leased tho George Frand-
HB ,. ms property on D oarer crook and
Bs i U ownors ot cattle with tho oxoop-
H n Uoa ot those of Oco. Frandson
K A moot Uko them off ot this loaee or
Hf they "will bo orrallod and the own-
Ki n ubaiUod to the expenses at-
H 5 teadant (he Impounding ot stock.
1, BAR
H KvsrylMsg First-CUss a4
iH j Ue-te-Dale.
H Courtoout and Pair Trralmont
B l to All.
m f , . .
, Proprietor. I
H ! '
H ' Statloaery ot all kladi. -Advocate
H PtiMtsfclBg Co. Advt.
In tho cvont ot a flro that every
one may know In what part ot thoj
city It 1. Trice has been divided
Into four dlatrlcU. Main streol
and Eighth street are tho dividing
llnet Tho southwest district haa
been designated as District No. 1;
the northwest dlatrlot has boon des
ignated aa District No. 2; the north
eaat district as DUtrlct No. 3, and
tho southeast district M DUtrlct
No. 4. The fire whkUe will blow
one long blaat tor Dlatrlct No. 1,
then a few abort toots, followod by
another long blast. Thus, eaoh
district will bo designated by tho
number of long blaaU.
AtteatloH to called to the fact
that the wagon to arrlre with the
heee oarU receiveo a reward of fire
dollar and the second wagoa two
and a half dollars.
Can't Kcrp It Secret
The splendid work of Chamber
laln'a Tablets la dally becoming
mora widely known. No anch graul
remedy for otomach and Urcr trou
bles has error boon known, For Mto
by all dealers. Adrt.
, '
Another shipment of the famoui
L. C. Smith A Hros. typewriters Iim
been recolrod this week by The Ad
vocate. Trice, 976, payable In IS
monthly Installments, The Adrocate.
Phono ua tor prices on laco cur
tains, blankets, quilts, etc City
Laundry. Phono 18. lBlf.
Office and school supplies. Ad
rocate Publishing Co. Adrt.
H M 1 1 1 1 1 H I I H 1 1 1 1 I I II 1 1 M I M H t M I t t I 1 1 I H I I444
I 1 The Duchesne Stage And i
Transportation Co.
H ; Autos leave Cotton and Ver-
H- nal daily and reach all im-
H;' portant points on the Uinta
H; reservation.
Kj Excellent accommodations along
B the entire route.
H J TinillimitMUllHHtMlllllllllMlMIIIMIItlMlt
B; Everything New, Clean and Up-to-date
H) Bath Rooms for Guests
Bi ARS. J. BEDDOES, Proprietor
l L I
H r 1
Topic Bar
H Only Highest Grade of Domestic and Imported Goods
H Handled Over Our Bar and Cigar Counter.
Hj J. H. JAMES, Prop.
H I Jos.' T. Barton I i!
Hf Has meved to a new location three doors north of
2 the First National Bank.
B He has fust received the finest and most extensive
j Km of Plumbing and Heating Fixtures ever
Ej Jv brought to Price. The nubile is invited to drop
H in and inspect them, Phone 17.
H Ktidiufters for Drayige and Transferring.
iB """ " J ::
lji ..
. Fc'i . .,i ,
fikti:k.v cans ok Tiioirn,KT8
Thirty nns ot Mdeklnftw flngcr
Injc trout. 3000 Ao iho in, wore i
ehUipod from the Murray hatchery
o Pish Warden Antono MActsen Fri-1
day tor planting In Plan, Inko and
fifteen cans of rainbow trout for
planting In tho etreams noar l'rlco.
Kniin tlio titiit of Clirlit.
A mlmlonary from Habylonla rn
In town Friday eollolting eubocrlp
tlons for on orphans' homo tvt Nln
evah Ttie Institution Is conductcl
entirely by iilmsnlf and ono or two
members ot hls family. They take
care ot a hundred and twcnty-flvo
children all of whom ho states
loop on tho floor 4n ono (room. Ho
It now necking to ralee 1,500 with
which to croot Another etory, which
he bcllcTos wUl proro mere healthy
and sanitary. 1ast year n. chil
dren's ilUease klllod twonty-lvo of
his wards.
This man .from the country whore
Josus Christ was bom Is of tho
Chaldean faith and .ho says ho
tnya ho speAks and writes tho miiw
IftngunKo that Christ did. Tho
Chaldeans on account ot being
ChrJatlaiu arc powecutod by tho
Moslem Turk ami It was only three
years ago UiAt Nlnoyah was attack
ed and acvcral thousand men, wo
men and children maasnered Tho
tnlnslonary sas his father, brothors
and mnny other rolatWcs woro kill
ed -by tho Turks, and he hinuwlf Is
scarred from head to foot, (ho re
ault of wounds received nt tliat
- So tdttor Is the fooling against
tho Christians that they live In fear
all' tin Umo of an attack by tho
Modoms. Thus Jn tho post few
years itiie Chaldeans htivo not only
boon besot by Uio foes of Turkey
as a nntlon but lntornal troubles
liavo done more to thin their ranks
than tho outsldo onony.
Acconllng to tho missionary the
high cost or living Is reduced to a
minimum In Ilabytonlo. Ito Is the
possessor ot a email tract which
has been In tho family for genera
tions. This tract supports his en
tire orphan home. Sheep furnish
tho wool for tho clothing nnd tho
grains are ground by a water wheel.
Tho Institution Is entirely ioU-sup-porting.
Try The Advocate for job work.
Its Funny What a Difier !
ence a Few Clothes 'I
Make. !;
j: Get that Roy-1:
i; al Tailor look :
The kins of Europe in-
i hcrit Royal looks, but
! they haven't anything !;
; I on you. You can come
't to this store any time ?
and order your Royal !
! looks. The new Royal
! Tailor samples are here.
J The finest made to mcas- !
; urc clothes at $16 to $35
i; Frank L. Buckio ij
192 Ninth St., Price, Ut.
ti u mini ii tn tn iif
::successor TO::
!: FRANK'S !!
ii STUDIO ji
II. C. Oriffin, ono of tho : '.
', foremost photographers of '. ',
) Colorado, has purchased tho ' '
Pranks Studio and Invitee the ' '
: people of I'rloe to oxamlno ', ',
I ; his work ead prices, Mr. ' '
; OrUiin comes to Price with '
', : the most expensive ions ever ', ',
; ; seen in the city. Work guar- ; ;
anteod. Prlcos reasonable. ' '
Vt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n u is
Don't Be Afraid I
To snd the children to our
store. U you haven't children
'phone your order In. We
take the wat car in filling
orders m It you were person
ally present.
We Deliver Promptly
anything- in Fresh, Stlt or
BmokM Meats, Poultry, Fish,
VegeuiMei and drooerles.
Tlie No Trust Market
Phoae No, 31. Price, UUh.
Afrtn i H i M i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ;
I Good Things to Eat
At our store. The stock of '
Groceries was never isxrc ;
: ...relics. Eeryih-afres!:;
;.ra& SJ ar.itary. ;;
Good Clothes to Wear
I We have the best in wearing j '-
apparel. Good, serviceable
Clothing for the wiritcr seas j j
on. Anything from under '
: wear to a necktie. j
The Best Shoes Obtainable
Unusual care is used in the ;
selection of our boots and ::
shoes. Wc handle none but I
the most dependable. ;
I Carbon-Emery Stores Co.
J. M. HKvTni:,
Osntral Superintendent. Stores at Hiawatha, Ulack Hawk,
MohrUnd and Katt Hiawatha. ;
1 1 1 H-K-t-l-H-l-H-H-H-l M 1 1 1 M 1 1 III 1 1 tfH-t-H-H-f'
turo, Ofttco ot the SecrotAry, Wash
ington, D. 0., Mity 3D, 1014. Notlco
No. 104. Notlco is horoby given
that tho Secretary ot Agrloulutro,
hat, under authority conferred by
law, lasuod Regulations 1 am 0 In
clusive, superseding tho Regulations
ot tho Secrotary of Agriculture, gov
erning tho Inspection, disinfection,
certification, treatment, handling,
uud niothod and manner of delivery
and shipment of llvo stock which 1
the subject of Iniorstato commerce,
bearing date of March 22, 1007, and
tiftcctlvo April 16, 1007, as amend
ed. Tho now regulations, dated'May
20, 1014, and designated as D. A.
1. Order 210 (llegulatlons Oovern
Ing tho Interstate Movement of Live
Stock), wUl becomn effeotivo on
and after July 1, 1914. Copies of
this orxlur may be obtained from
tho Chief of the Uurcau of Animal
Industry, Washington, D. O. D. ?.
HOUSTON, Secrotary of Agriculture
Coal Entry. Sec. 2347, It. S.(
Land Offloo at Salt Lake City, UUh,
June 6, 1014. Notlco is hereby
given that Gertrude Do.Myer Italns,
of Bait Lake City, county of Salt
Lake, atato ot Utah, haa this day
filed In thla offloo application to
purchase, Burial No. 012701, under
the provisions of Boctlon 2347, U.
8. Revised Statute, tho 8KUNKU,
and Lots 1, 2 and 3 ot Sec. 6, Twp.
13 South, Rango 0 East, Salt Lake
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho loads described, or de
siring to objoot for any roason to
tho entry thoreof by tho applicant,
should file their affidavits of pro
test in this offloo during Uio thirty
day period ot publtcaUon Immodlato
ly following tho first prlnW lasuo
ot this notlco, otherwise tho appU
cation may be allowod. E. I). R.
First pub Juno 11; last July 0-14.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offloo at Salt Lake Olty, UUh,
May 26, 1014. Notlco is horoby
given that Euia M. Craln, asslgnoe
of Harry A. Craln, of Prloo, UUh,
who, on November 7, 1012, mado
Desert Land Entry, Serial No. 010,
A85, for WH ot BWtt, Sec. 27, and
EH ot 8BU, Section 28, Township
14 South, Rango 10 East, Salt Lako
meridian, has filed notice of lnten
Uon to make final desert-land proof
to establish claim to the land above
described, before J. D. Mlddleton,
U, 8. commissioner, at Price, UUh,
en tho 6th day ot July, 1914,
Claimant names as witnesses J. W.
Qeatry, Creoloy IL Ackeraan, Aibert
Pace and Oswald T. Harlow, all of
Price, Utah. B. D u. THOMPSON,
First pui May 28; laat July 2-14.
Clothes tailored la Prlco at the
Modern Talloro, next to tho Savoy.
Rubber stamps of evoiy descrip
tion sold by Tho Advocuto Publlsh
Ing Co. Advt.
Stationery ot all kinds. Advocate
Publishing Co. Advt.
horoby glvon, that under and by vir
tue ot an oxocuUon issued out of
I tho district court ot tho Seventh
Judicial district ot Uio otAto ot Utah,
county ot Carbon, and to m odlrec
ted and delivered as sliorlf f of said
county, I havo levied on, and will
on tho 30th day of Juno, 1914, at
2 o'clock ot said day, at Scofleld, in -
said county, offer for salo at public
auction, to tho highest and boet bid
der for cash, tho follow) rj describ
ed lands and premise situated in
tho county ot Oarbon, stato of UUh,
moro particularly deaorlbod n fol
lows:! Lot Six (C) In Dlock Four (4)
as plattod in Plat "A," Scoficdd
Towns! to Survoy, Scotleld, Carbon
county, Utah; lens Utfit picoo or
i parcel as herein described: Begin
ning twenty-four (24) foot north of
tho southeast cornor ot oold lot,
thence north twenty-throo (23)
toot; thonco west oightyalx (80)
foot moro or loss to Uio west boun
dary lino; thence south twonty-thrw
(23) feet; thonco oast eighty-six
(86) foe, two (2) Inches to tho
place oX beginning; together wlUi
all and singular tonamonts, herodi
torn eats and appurtenances thoroun
to belonging or In any wlso apper
taining. To be sold as Uio property of
Mary Kroba at tho suit ot D. Plea
da. Terms of imlo cash.
Dated Juno 8, 1914.
T. F. KELTER, Sheriff.
First pub. Juno 11; lost June 26-14
Office, Bolt Lako City, Utah, May
27, 1914. To Whom It May Con
corn: Not loo la hereby glvon that
tho atato of UUh has filed in this
office Usts of landi, soloctod by tho
said state, under Beotion 6 of tho
act of congress, aprovod July 16,
1804, no indemnity school -.lauds,
vis: Serial 012030. Lot 2, Beotion
7, Twp, 13 South, Rango 0 East,
8HU8BU, Sec 20; BW8WU Sec.
21; NWKNWU Boo 28; and NBU
NEW eo. 20, Twp. 13 South, Rango
! 10 East, 8. L. M,
Copies ot sold lists, so far as
Ithoy relate to said tracts by de
jscrlptlvo sub-divisions, havo boon
conspicuously posted In this offloo
for Inspection by any person inter
j eetod and by the public generally,
During tho period ot publication
of this notice, or any time thereaf
ter, ud before final approval and
certification under departmental
regulations of April 26, 1907, pro
tests or contests against tho claim
o the stato to any of tho tracts or
subdivision hereinbefore described,
on tho ground that the sarao is
moro valuablo for alnsral than for
agricultural purposes will bo ro
oelved and noted for report to the
general land office at Washington,
D. c. Failure so to protest or oon
test, within tho Umo spoolfied, will
bo oonsldored sufficient evldoace of
tho non-mlnoral character ot tho
tracts and the selections thereof,
helug othorwlso froo from objoctlon,
will bo approved to tho otato. E.
D. R. THOMPSON, Register.
Flrot pub. Juno 18; lost July 23-14.
Coal Entry. (Soc. 2347, JB
Land Office at Baft Lako CkrH
Juno IS, 1914. Notice u jH
give Uiat IOwU Emory Droiigfl
Salt Lako City, county ot SiUtH
state ot Utah, has this dar ftH
thU offico application to ptnH
Serial No. 012742, under thH
slons ot Sootlon 2347, U 8 ftH
SUtutos, tho NBHSWJi, j
NWU, and Lota 4 and C, o(
6, Twp. 13 South, Range Igfl
Salt Lako .meridian. U
Any and all persons clalfa
vcrsely tho lands doscrtbedlH
firing to object for nhr MMga
Uio entry thereof by Uio te
should ftlo thoir affidavits (ffl
test In this offloo during tttg
dny period ot publication )H
atcly following tho tlret prlt
sue ot this notlco, othorwUe(
plication may bo allowod K. ggH
THOMPSON, Register. H
First pub. Juno 2C; oat Joljgfl
Careful teeU proro A-theeal
tho new a&Uphloglstla UquUtH
trates te tho seat of the taH
and roaeves tho cause ot csltH
tarrh, eoHhs ad tonsllltUM
proves vory effective tor isAtigB
Uon eottsed by fetaato troaMnl
It. At aU drug stores. Wsttfl
lng your anbtcrlpUon, ask t
11.00 botUe. Advt. V
SUtlonory of all klndi, A4nH
Publishing Co. Advt. H
The White Dl
hat In all ages beon dscatjH
emblem of poaco, nnd It htE
variably been true, especU
fumlly affairs, where 70a 1
a tack of
While Dove Flour
poaco and harmony prtu
This Is a high gradt
flour, every sack U guarean
sold by the Price Comal
Co., Price Trading Co,, CA
County Commlislon Co., 1
Trust Meat and Orocor Co.,
don Store, In fact, no first eft
rrocory store hat his stock m
plote unlets they carry a
brand of flour.
Regltterad Trademark 7(tnl
The High Efficiency
Oovorament Equivalent I
2104 Lbs.
Uuequnllcd for Storagt.
Will Not Slack.
Rett ot Steaming and
Heating Qualities,
independent Goal & Gokt
Mines. Kenllworth, UUh
Gou. Offices, Walker Rank Ml
The Concrete
Everthing la concrete.
tlmatM furnished a
lags, feuBdatleai, walks, st
rto. Latest modern metsoh
We Save too Mow
We do our buying In cos
atlon with mora than 6000 e
loading retail druggists, Wtf
the very best and highest
ties at th very lowest
priest possible to seeure la H
murkbU of the world. B
you realise why
The Rexall Store
can save you meaeyT Dos't J
how It Is possible for
Mil you hotter merehsBdlH
lower yrlcts than would U r
tible for asy UdlvldMl drf
on who bay aleos, sd f
ally through a mMdtouss
jobber at that?
Dos't you understand "
why It U that wo have the Hf
utatlon of selling botUr Q
at as low or lower prlctt tf
onr eompttltorsT
We will never Uuowluy
undersold. '
Joe B, Roberts