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3HK KABTKRX UTAH ADVOCATE. THUIIHDAV, JCUK 23, 1914. VKk 8KVKK SaH IhiawathaI COAL! ' 1 1 1 i ii 1"" - i ' A ITH THK HH8T. IT DOM III NOT KI.ACK. IT DOBS I NOT CliLHKHR. I; White Bouse j Bar !; RETAIL AND WHOLESALE !; !; The Best In Wines, Llq- !; , !' uors and Cigars ' r golo Agents far J; COOKS' OOLDEN BEER j; ; PEACOCK BROS., Props. ;i MmcirniuiNG tutvcK ThU (low U made troa the choicest Turkey Red Hard Wheat Rrery each guaranteed (o (It aathtfaetlefl, aed ha a ebesaleal test of 43 per cent gluten. For 81 by Price Commission Go, Phase IH4L, I JOSEPH HENRY !; Transferring and D raying ji 1 ! Phone 65 1 1 Freight Given Our Special At- J tentlon. ', Only Bonded Drayman In Town. ' W.H.MBRAYER'S ggm Is aged 8 Md full years in JHtflfii dtle-ckrred Bi oak casks. ktjff Therefore it tffUmj Sossesses ISaBX eable good- flgfc ness its ""Sr!T aging is a j double rea- &ar$wi spnwkyjott should eyer sBB--cJ insist on fsaSif Cedar Brwk. E3j Dealer a Name wJSBBRh Here imm mmm Tin Basr Bros., Mir. Go. Itfaelesale Liefer Dealew Belt Lk Otf, Utah Dr. M. V. Maloney j I DWtTWT 'I . Fatal setae. Prices i 1 reasonable. Written guarantee ,' I g4ves irUh alt work. Crown . and bridge work a seeetaHy. J Plato that fK and ae net ,' ! ak tbe nseath sere, rin years (a Carte eevaty. Be- J1 tteaate and elnaUea glad- ly gtvs tree ef eharce. S Kevra I-IS a. m. and 1-6 p. m. Band'vys, 10 to IS a. j ) Of flee tn Parker Wwtr Bleek, over Resall Dm Were. WHY NOT SAY HELLO TO THEM? Your friend all want to talk te you over the 'ebon. Belter bur It put la. With a telephone la your horn you can ran errand, go shopping, do business, ate., without tear tng borne. You will enjoy the convenience. Why not have lit EAHTRKN UTAH TfcLK PIIO.VK COMPANY. LARS . FRANDSENJ I I Manufacturer of !' j; Brick of Ail Kinds jj , ' Yards adjoining tbe Den- ver and Rio Ora-ide Railroad ,' company on tbe aoutb, three i block east of depot. Office ( i't at borne, corner Main and 'i ', SUUt atreet. fMimatr Olren and rHcre S ' , Quoted Oa Application. i 1. O. Box B8; riione 43X. '', 1 1 PRICK, UTAH. 1 1 PRICE ilClub Bari; HAItllY A. CHAIN 1 1 Proprietor. ! FIRHT-CIiASfl HHHOHT IOIt ' aKNTLHMKN. ! SouUi NtaUi Street, IMee. ! ;O.S, Harris jj 1 1 Ererythlac In 'i ! Concrete i Work. i J PRICB, UTAH. J i Eitlmate on IlullJInae. Walk ,' and all Kind of Contract 1 1 Cheerfully PurnUbed. Modern Machinery and Method. ,' QP (Quiet Plaee) SAL OON AND ROOMINO HOUSK. Located Jut Eal ot tbe New Braffet BuUdlny. Neatly furnlibed room and ererytbine etrlctly flrtUclaa. Nothing- but the beat of goods kept In stock. Come and ace. JOHN O. lXWUKSTEIt. Proprietor. "" The Model Tailor Shop Suits to Order by Home Tailors Next to Savoy Hotel Telephone 196 C. Mirabelii, Rop. Call and Delirer. PAIOE, UTAH l WiKinUOK -. tratal tbrech m MHUnd Trail freaa Kew Yark, MUblfan, WtaeM hi, Kaki-uka, Calaradc ad XMuaa. Tkey all vfrt iraaaaa aail lew re pair eeet than any athara. 550 5U in Utah this Yew. (Adretttaaneat.; IS TORN TO RIECES " EY HED liS 8AM 12 ANIMAI APPKAHKI) H CKNTIiY AT t'ANTAQKg. Well Known Tnilnrr In Sot Un liy tie Klcncl BontrtJt, Hrrnklnff Irnrtlmlly Kwry ltonc In Ilia lly. Kanoraon D. Dkrtirlch, n Cornell Rraduato and noted nnlmnl ttralnor who nppoarod recently nt lVrntngo, BaH Lnko City, wen not upon by fire angry Hon nt Chicago Bunday morning and waa literally torn to plooe by the Infuriated beast. Tlio lion could not bo drlrcn away until forced back by formnldohydo fumei Nearly crvory bono In Dietrich' body hud boon txrokon nnd It had been Korod beyond recognition by the bCAMt. While tlio lion wero tearing Dlo trloli limb from limb, hla flnncee, the real animal trainer In chargo of tlio beaaU, waa telling Oy DoVroy, lieaxl animal keeper at Lincoln pnrk, that the llona were the Inmost In cnptlrlty nnd were not dangerous. A telephone mcMngc Informing her of the tragedy Intermjrtcd hor re mark to DeVrcy. Dietrich waa mnriAger of the nnl mnl net called "Mile Adglo'a per forming llona," and wm engaged to the lion tamer. They wero to bo married nt Atlantic City, whero they wero to open hor performance next tweek. Tho lions, ten In number, ro In two cagoit placed inaldo a box car. Dietrich had entered ono of the eogot to wnjer tho animal and pre pare tho ear for Its trip, while hU flnnoee, AdKlo Caatlllo, went to Un coin park to visit Cy DoVrey. 8try of Uio Tmmly. Whon DMrldi reached tho car ho found Oconto McCord, nn attendant. In charge. 'These fellow nrv pretty menu today with tho wentbor," McCord says ho remarked to Dietrich na tho latter entered tho enr to water tho beaatn and dean tlio car, "Tbcy nevor -would hurt me in n thousand year," said Dtotrlch, a he opened tho cago door and slam med It behind Mm. "Trilby," n old lloneaa, rolled on her bock nnd struck nt Dtotrlch pin) fully as ho walked paat her. "Lok oul, bo," wnrned McCord. "Don't bo n coward," returned Dietrich. "They aro Just playing." Juat Uien thcro waa a yellow flash through tho nlr nnd boforo MoConl could shout a warning "Teddy," a young Hon, had thrown tilmolf upon Dietrich and knocked him acroM the cage. Mom's Tried to Hno. The llon'a cUtws slashed Into Dlo trloh'a Alioulder nnd tho blood wo flowing when McCord sprang to hi feet and grabbed n pitchfork. Four other llona hnd Joined "Toddy," growling loudly ami lathing their tall along tho aide of Uio cage. "Teddy" jnndo another tprlng to ward Uio bleeding man, but llio aged llonos Jumped In front of Dietrich oa though to proteot Mm ami swerved tho angry Hon to ono aide. Dlotrlch waa trying to forco hi way to tho door of tho cage, but was caught In tho rush of Uio other llona ami went down under tho growling, clawing, biting, scratching mas. Old "Trilby" was punned aWo. McCord had grabbed a nltcbfark, but tho Jack of room' prevented lta uso and lie waa unnble to get tho fork Into Uio car. With one lat cry of "My Ood, got mo out ot here," Dietrich foil to Uio floor again a "Toddy" hit him with lit paw a blow tbat Ma Cord aw slash open hla cheat from shoulder to nhouldcr. McCord run from Uio car Into tbo street shouting for bolp. WltHlfl a chart thno two wagon loads of policemen and hte fire do partmont apparatus arrived at tho aceno. An effort was mado to got tbo body, but Uio Uona refused to back away, Dlowa on the snouts from short atlcka nnd dubs only brought ingry anuria nnd blows at tho bars with, paws, Fin-vlly McCord got hold of tho bolt that was around HAPPY MOTHERHOOD. Thelianptnesiof motherhood Utooolteu checked bccaiiH,' the mother's strength J uotnmal to her cares, while berunsclfiilt devotion neglccta lirr own litnlth. It Is t duty of hutband or friend to see that she gets the pure medicinal nouiiih meut in Scott's KmuLlou, which 1 not c dnifr or stimulant but nature's con centrated oil-food tonic to enrich and en llveu tbe blood, strengthen the nerve and aid the aiipetite. Physician everywhere prescribe Scott's Hmulsion for over worked, nervous, tired women; it build up and holds up their strength. Get Keett'a at your nearest dreg store. Dietrich' waist and a ropo waa tied to Uilfl Tlio body was lifted to tho op ot the cago and held thoro whllo men kept tbo llona awny with Iron cd which had been brought In. The body, torn beyond rocognl- lon, waa taken to an undertaking oom neaf by. OoHgiod l'or Tliroe Yeats. "I am a lover ot your godeond to humanity and science. Your modi cine, Dr. King's New Discovery, cured my cough of three yean standing," aay Jennie Flemmlng ot Now Dover, O. Have you an, an noying cough? la It stubborn and wont yield to treatment? Get n 60 cent bottlo of Dr King' Now Dis covery today What It did Tor Jon Mo Flommlng It will do for you, no matter how stubborn or how chronU a cough may be It stops a cough nnd stops throat nnd lung trouble. Itallot or money back. 60c nnd $1, nt your druggist. Ducklen's Arnica Balvo for pimples. Advt. Modern KnttM I 'arm l'ooiry. "Turn on tho electric light, mother, And atari the oleotrto fsn. And aet yourself down boalde mo On this velvet, Imported divan Fur a hoart-to-heart talk of tho old time, When wo lived In a houso built ot nod, And didn't have nuUiin' to apeak of Hut a trust In old Kanaia nnd Ood. "Wotook up this hundred nnd flirty, An old soUlior's homestead, and here Wo ncrlnvpod nnd wo saved tor a llvln', An' a allm ono, too, year after year. An' what wlUi Uio drought on' the hoppers, Thing often look dospuUy pray, Hut we kept the old faith pot a bllln' Till thing got to oomln' our wsy." IiullKi-alionT tWt IUt? No Appe Utr. A treatment of Kloctrlc Blttcra Increases your appetite; stops Indi gestion; you' can eat everything, A real eprlng tonic tor liver, kidney nnd stomach troubles. CleaMe your whole system and you feel fine ICIectrlo Dlttera did more for Mr. T. D. Peeblo'a stomach trouble than any mcdlclno bo ever tried. Oct n bottle today. 60o and ?1 00 at your druggist. IiuckleV Arnica Balve for ecseaa. Advt. Have your eleaBtag aad pressing den at the Modern Tailors, neat to the Savoy. Advt. Family washing, rough dry, at 7 cent per pound. City Laundry. Phono 18. 15tf The Garden Store Dried Apples Prunes Peaches Two Pound for SB oenU. Dried Apricots Two Pound for 80 eeetW. EsWf S coats a doses. Prompt and Free Delivery. Phone 1M, The GARDEN STORE The City Tailors , Mt W.' Miller, Manager Cleaning and Pressing. Hats Cleaned and Block ed. Suits made to order and fit guaranteed. Kentucky Liquor House I MARRY OESA8, Prop. jH sbbBs a a Dlatribntors of H HUOWKHJKR H BOMLITX H ZANQ . . H AMKRIOAN BXAUTY ' , H Kg Heer from Mgttt OaUons Up. H Year Bostnus Solicited. alH Free DeUver7 In Prtee. aH Kentucky Liquor House I mmnniiMMUftmnmnituitMMm H I S. A. ELAM I I WATCHMAKER I Watches cleaned, repaired, re- H adjusted and close rated, same as large cities and watch fac- H tories. High grade work only. o H D. & R. G. I Time Inspector I Helper, Utah H lllltHtmiMIMMUIIUUMIIIMHMMHIIIHM llfl if! DEPOT SALOON fl 1 I G. W. BRANDON, Preprltter. H Nothing but the choicest of Wines, H Liquors and Cigars, served over our bar. H kj We Buy I Beet Hides, Pelts, Furs, Wool and Bikwix .'' - B XXNTUOKY LIQUOR HOU8H M Phone 153 PRICE, UTAH H n '- c9 I SUNNYSIDE LIQUOR HOUSE I I XJtTAIL LIQUOR HKHOKAXT8, WM , Sunnyslde, Castle Oate, Winter Quarters sad Clear Creek, Utah. ) H NOTHING RUT THK BJWT IN WOOC M S Bine Wines, Brandies, Beer and Cordial for the rumlly Tm4s, '" M Pool and tlllard Table. -' H $50,000 Capital ;; I ?60f000 Surptis arul Undivkkd Should Impress the Depositors The plosser bank of Carbon county through veil deserved, as ' H ha kept paaee with the growth and progress ot Prlee and rnrtin ", r H eeaaty. Every faellKy far VaniJllng er baetBee. 'H ij THE FIRST ISflORAL BANl ! 1 ttKE, UTA1