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H THK EASTERN UTAH ADVOOATK; THUHBDAV. JUNK 3.1, HUI. PAtH! TffTinK. ! THE STORES OF! EXCELLENCE! Jj For a quarter of a century the name of the Wa- T IB satch Store company has stood for the Highest X H Grade in Merchandise. We have dealt only in X H standard articles, believing that the best is al- B ways the cheapest. The high quality of our v H goods applies to every line in our stores: 7 H Groceries of all Kinds, X H Meats and Canned Goods, H Dry Goods and Notions, X H Clothing and Furnishings. I f f Wasatch Store Co. f H Btores at Buaayalde, CaaUe Oste, Winter Quarters aad V M Clsar Creek. ee B fcWe Strive I To Please B We earry a nost complete itock ot General Merehan- j H dUe, laeludlng Htapl and Fancy Orocerlea, Shoes, Dry HF Good aad NoUob. H Wo ea furnish aavtblng for tho ranchman or sheep- H! BOA. V Our pries are tUo lowest and our goods are ot tba , H It k a pleaeuro to quote prloc and how good. i I J. M. MILLER H COLTON, UTAH Utah Fuel Company B MINERS AND SHIPPERS UCARBON COUNTY CO&LS j I jr I ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COKE j; H Carbon County Coals Are the Best. H I tfee Market for Horse, Mule for Mlaes, Hay sad Orals, Mbui H step, Tic aad Bfwga aad Various Otber Leesl Pred-eta. H '- ! I HOME INDUSTRIES PATRONIZED Seavf2 Otflee Seve-tft Fleer Judge BuUdla, gait Lake Ctty. Via at OlMr Creek, Whiter Quarters, Caatle Sate, Utah MUe, aad -yU. Carbea Ceaaty, Utah. J The Central Barber Shop ; and Pool Hall Parkcr-Wceter Block, Price, Utah i Basement Under Drug Store S. PALLAS, Prop. ATTOItNKYS I'. B. WOODS AUorByAt-Law, Wlti practice In all the state, aad federal courti. Office ta Parker Weetor Block. Price, Utah. I). I). HOUTZ AMeney-at-Lavr Practice la all ike courts of the stato and tho federal courts. Office, Eighth floor Kearna Building, Bait Lake CHy, Utah. O. O. McWUlNNEY AUorney-sl-Lnw Will practice In all the oourti of the state. Office at Couaty Ceurt Hoase, Price, Utah. W. D. LIVINOBTON Lawyer Water aud minim HtlgaUon given spoclal attention. Land matters, col lections and all legal business. Wilt pracUoe In all the eourta. Boyd Park IJulldlag, Salt Lake City, Utah Samuel A, Kin. Claude L Kins KINO A KINO Attonieys-ntIiiw Commercial Illock, Salt Lake City w. ii. rnvi: AUonirj.nt-I.nw Practices In all eourta of the stato Also la the federal courts. Office Corner "11" and Eighth streats, Price. Utah. HlCHAItl) It. THUHMAN Attorn cy-nt-Lavr Will practice tn all stato and fedora! courts. 222 Boston Ilutld Ing, Salt Lake City, UUh. ntKnnmcK ii. iiiumi AtlonieynULaw Will practice la all of the state and the federal court. Offlee over the Klko Theater Building, Helper, Utah. FICKDINAND ER10KHKN Lawyer 717-71 Judge Bldgf 8alt Lake City I.. O. HOI"JMANN AtteraeyaULaw Offle In Parker-Weeter Block PIUCB, UTAH. PHYSICIANS A. O. yOKKNBEN Pliyslclan and HurtoN . Specialist In women's and chil dren's diseases, deneral surgery and medicine. Office, Parker A Wootor Block. V. V. 1'ISK Pliyslclaa ami Burgeea PKICB, UTAH MIHGELI1ANHOU8 WKT-JOi A HKHIU-S Mlalng aad U B-teers. Land aad Mine Barreya. Cevaty Burreyer Carbea Ceunty, CeuBty Ceurt House, Prise, Utah It. J. TUHNKR Civil anil Mining KBghtrcr Surreys of all kinds. M1m ex amlnatlons and reports on oosJ lands. P. O. Dox 32, Price, Uuh I'lTZOKKAIJ) UKOH. LAXD CO. Irrigated Iuuls , 425 Atlas Dlock, Salt Lake City 11. J. Fitigerald, Attorney. TtJco Pleaty of Ttmo to Eat. There U a eyin thai "rapid et iBg la slow amlolde." It you hare formed the habit f etlte too rap idly you are seat likely Mffer-ag froaa K-gewtloa or oaUUon, which wBl veealt erentuft-y ta ee oue lUne-a ualeae oorreeted. Dlee Uea fcegtM ta the aaouth. Food should he thoroughly nsHed aad la-allTated. Then when you hAT a taUaesa of the atosaach or feel dull aad etupld afiter ettag, Uko ose ot Chas-erla!a' Tablete. Many aotero caseb ot otosaaeh trou bio aad constipation hare been our Ad by the uso of these tablet. Tbey are easy to take and moat agree able In effect. Sold by all dealore AdTt, Location notlcos carried In stock at The Advocate. Adtt, Ogden Packing Co. I X OPENS I NEW BRANCH AT PRICE I UTAH PRODUCTS jf Ask for Nectar Brand Hams and Bacon, Gold Leaf and H Sc6o Lily Brands of Lard. Also full line of Fresh i H Meats and Sausages. H 7 L These Goods arc all Manufactured 4l M ? under Government Inspection. : " H ! TKLBPIIONn 221 M 1 OGDEN PACKING & PROVISION CO. I I ! ODGEN SALT' LAKE PRICE fl HK""eeX H SUPPLY m III PRIME rat KANSAS CITY, Mo, Juno 19 -CaUIo nupply Uils week hu loon llRhtest of tho year, total run Unro ly roAchlnR IB, 000 head Improvl tnoUturo condition In nnt4vo torrl tor rovlvlng pastured, and male Inc tho corn rop snfo for a few weeks, cut down tho run of natlvo cattlo Tho s-iino Influonco will I proUibly keep down tho supply next! wook and thoro will probably Ik nj good nutrkot Killing grndne nrol generally 26 conls hlghor UiU weak ad stockorn and brooder aro to to. 75 cent Jilghor No strictly prlmo' natlreA woro horo, eome good to' chotoo steers soiling at $8 00 (o SO, Including aomo of tho first shipment train Missouri bluo gram pastures, wintered iitoers, corned on the raiu Medium and plain natives ranged down to $7 00, cows largely al 6 60 to $7, a few at $7 60, bet tor to $0. bull $C 76 to 7 00. Tool $0 to J 10 Vory tow Wost orns liavo been received this week, a tow medium sugar mill atoor Monday nt fS.36 Quarantlno sup ply has also boon doflolont, only half as largo as a )oar ago, as Ok labomn has lianlly gotten alarted yot, Bonio good NorUt Texas fed steorsMkl at $7 06 to $S 10, though they wero not choice, some mlddlci olass South Texaa tont at $0 60 to 17 06, ami aomo low grndo Oklaho ma gTOAftcni around $0 26 Tho flrnt Osago wlntorod steers ot tlio eea non sold In 4Jie natlvo division this wcok at 10 80 to $7 36 Demand for stock cattlo Is far grantor Uian tho eupply, and price- liavo almost recovorod rocont losoa Most of ho atockors dl this week at $7 to $7 60, whereas last week most ealoa woro at $7 ami downwards 8prlng lambs aro JilUter this weok, boat At $9 36 lost two day, and wotbont aro strong, natives bo Ing worth up to $0 36, and light Toxaa wothora at $0.16 Host na tlvo owes soil arond $6, Texas owes up to $5,60 Uils week common owes and wethers $4.26 to $5, goat $3 to $3,90. Itooelpta aro very light, and there la no chanco for any liberal supply hero for almost two months ahead. "The HohUicth Capital." "Tho convention at Price will long live In tho luomortca ot thoeo who woro your guota," writes C. 8 nurton, vice president ot tho Utah State National bank ot Salt Lake to Mayor a undersoil, "and I am sure you sent away tho entlro delegation as boosters tor tho 'sou thern capital ' " ltonjniulii P, Wliroler Dead. Donjamin F Wheeler, founder ot tho town ot Aspen, Colo , and a vealthy mine owner of that stato, died In Loa Angelas laet Friday, An attack ot ptomnlno poisoning two years ago caused com plicae ns from which ho never fully recover ed. Ho was 06 years old. Work Temporarily Stopped. On account of Ahe lock ot Jordan sand to ralx with tho cement, In spector Wilson etoppod work on tho sidewalks Saturday V new supply of outside sand was received tho first ot tho week and work allowed to rcsumo. Colorado V, 8. Attorney. Horry n. Todrow ot Boulder, Colo., has boon named by Presldont Wilson as attorney general for tho state of Colorado. i Legal blanks of erory description cartiod In stock. The Advocate Pub lishing Co.Advt. EKO Theater 1 i iErf '8?vBnRi '! wf i9S'VIM 9riJr'vmm)'''' VP ! bWVt"CTsPJHbW iilt t'l5f .1-') i H swar T j KaauFi 1 'j t ! Jsfv wt $ Ji BBL V SF J SSBBBSBSBBBP' Jmw i ' awMK i LR 9k l '')tB( j ! ?L iji l-T ilssPilss-M0PI a-s-sl P'',m'm? Brl ! "A Iidy of Quality," that cele brated drama which has oharmod hundreds ot audience In tho lesjlU muto theaters, and Is now presented to millions of moving picture fol lowers by tho famous Playure Film company, v. Ill bo tho offering nt the Klio Uieater on Juno 30th WhUo tits brilliant reproduction of Inci pient transpiring In a plcturranua period In It-olf Is an event In tho prcselaUon of photo dramas, tho fact that tho title rolo Is played by Mutt remarkably rtevor charaoter ac- MU Pearl Illnklus Demi. MU Pearl Hlnklns, tho 13-yonr-old daughter ot Mr. W. 8 Hln klns ot Illawntlm, died In Salt Lnko City at St Mark' hospital after an operation tor npiodlcltU on Thurs day, Juno Ifttb Tho funeral oc curred In Price Friday aftornoon ot last week Service wero conduct ed by Dlshop Albert liryner and John Potior Tho school children of Mock Hawk und Hlawatlui wore In attendance Tho father died four year ago. four sons, all ln Uio employ of the Consolidated Fuel company, and Mrs. Hlnklns rosldo In lUawatlta. CAltl) OF THANKS. Tho undersigned tako this rooana of expressing their hoartfoH thanks and appreciation for tho klndnoai shown thora during the sickness and death ot tholr daughtor and slstor, Penrl Hlnklns, who departed tbt llfo at Salt Uako City, Thurs day, tho 18th day ot Juno, 1914. MnS. W 8. HINKIN8 AND SONS. Airship Death Toll. Nino army official lost their live at an exhibition at Vienna l&at Saturday Tho bocldent uaa caused though tho ripping ot a dirrlglblo by a blplnne. Helttne Henney nCAOKMl Or PIANO AXB VOKB fitse A4esr Tesefh 1H. tress CecllU Loftus dda 100 per H cent to the atlracUvonoM ot the ot- H forlng. This U .MUw LottM' tint M nppearanco In tlio 4lcnt drw and H tho inlllons who haie seen her la H both ajreat play and oa the Yu4e- H vtlle wtage ot Kurapo and Aiaerleft H will undoubtedly want to eee her In H a new departure which baa 1h H tagvd and proscnted la the west H known lavish t)la with reMarkable H attention to ttotalt aeeoclated with H tho great production of tho fe H Players Film company. H The Utah Saloon I I J. W, (JKNTKY, Mmt. H fluent Hcsort in IurtorM Utalt. M WINKH. LIQUOH8 AND jM OIUAHe). lH WHOI.KftALK AND KRTAIL. tH VAIi HLATO llKWt ON TAP. H HOUTK NINTH KTKHST. H PKICK, UTAH. H PI.ORO 74A. We Deliver the H OeoJs. H BAR I Eight-Year Old Cedar i H Brook Whisky 5 aad everything tk Mtkest ' H grade la the Lle,-er aad Cir ' jH Has. H CHAS. AVERILL I PJUO, UTAH. H DR. X. F. CKAMBKRLAIX H OtMee ever OeUUa. R)et H PRIJ .... TJTA3C M tefcs5Rla5iF SStl U K0iJLiJ-iJL IDA yism&snm rl-flKjkn-r-yC TURKISH y"4 " njfJfc'- 1 xjv H xaSu H lMantv iMBtant ftitMjuti vw SMii iii is nit IM bsbsbsI WYaf IX J1" ..MYSpr -VI l yiltlis r ' f I" HNS. TMt I H iYsF I W a wewt & 90. M wrr-M -- nw m " 1SiMmW MW -" rT VT i 1-I--IA & -- . LJ l it td 6--J