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iWB mrwa fl B&sBsBH tBal I ;astenr Utah Advocate I iBB ' Utah's Best Weekly Published In the "Biggest Little City on Earth" II -. L H JyKNTarTM YKAK..- - - . . pni(Xf vrAHf tiyjrjsoAYj J IMA' 2, 1914. ' i ) NOMRKR 9. BB BwsBsBF - " ' ' ! ... i .,,,.. A . ... Vst aW-m . BbVB " " ' ' " ' '' ii hi, .iiii ,. ii hi ii.mi .. ,i - - yf fc , fa y Tf' fJBVMH Karbdn County Has Best Conducted Coal. Camps in the World I BJTMOST CARE FOR ' SAFETY AND COMFORT Biighest Wages Known Paid to Em H ployes Inside Conditions Ideal. . Isbb t. BB Hotter (etMllMon protfttt In' Hie Vosl mWntc't cnmpi of Carbon BH count then to any other' cosl Vecllon of UioVntl re" world. BH Not "only nrw Uio lilgticit wngv known to Uio production of coal BB paid miner mill office employe, but Uio actual lltlng Cfimlllloiui B nro superior to nnjr In Uio country from ono end of It to tlio oilier. HB Tlio forvitolng at nmotijr a number of oilier oommimlittory BH utAtamrHt made Iry ono of tho forrmmt, If not tlio forcniowt, conl ' HBj mining c-tTt of tlio WL HB The Kcntlcninn rroponMhlo for thrno opinion I J, 8. Tlnnupnon, HB formerly gvncrnl superintendent of Uio Colorado Fuel & Iron com- BH piuijr, IhAh uhom llirro In no higher AuUiorlsy on conl mnllmi And BHJ conl auHp conditions In tlio conn try. HB Mr. Thompson was In trlco tlio first pf Uio cck xIrKIiir Homo BH friend AHd AcquAlnfAHcV tlio wcro formerly ei'nplojnl In Uio HB Colorado conl flrJd. 1IU icclnl iiiImIom In Cmlion count)- nt Oil BH Unto U to thoroughly Inspect Uio cnnips of. Uio Utah iSacl com- HB puny for a director' report on thrm. A nn expert Mr. Thump BH son's work Inkrn hlin Jo prnctlnilljr orcry conl cmnp In Uio Unltcil BBJ Ktntf nml CnnniU mill III iwlvloo oh quraUoini pcrtAlnlnie to Uichi BBJ In conxMmtt (Jm Unt word. IIlitcM rngnjciM In cJprtt coat mln BB lnc Miirk, Mr. llioHthOn aUo occuplm n clmlr At Uio Colorado BB Hchool of Mine. Hff Whllo liU prlnclpnl work In Utah BBbAA bcwi dorotcd to tho ommlna HAlon of tho proportloA of tho Utah BBruel ooinpany, ho has nlo as a BBmAttcr of Informntlon and tutura Jroforcncc vUltod tho Consolidated BBcompany'a ntlnoA nnd moat of tho BBkmaUor cntuiia in Carbon county BB "Thorv 1 jUAt ono camp tttiwt 1 BBknow of on tho ooutlncnt," aald Hwr Tbompaon, "iliat oomoa clean to ipproachliip tho all ji round inlnlfiR BBrandlttotw tlint JiTCiAtl In CarboA Hacouaty That camp Is in tho pror Kooo of AWrta, Canada. I wna Huaiply AAtonlahed at tho nplondW BiMUrlcA paid by tho oparatora horo Bnod thowxcoltent Uvlas surround Inga of tho minora Ami other urn Bployca, and nowhoro aro mlnlnR op BBoratloDA conducted with Arcator ro ward for to aafety and comfort of tho men iboth Inaldo and out aid o of Hflho mlnca From a mining man' BAUndpolnt (tho Inaldo oondltlona Horo practically Ideal and tho wasw BSpahl aro considerably In oxctwa of any paid olnewhoro either In thU Bloountry or In Canada." H In hla rcnuvrka Mr. Thompaon ro Blfornvl not only to tho camp of tho Huuh Fuel hut nlao to tho other Hcatupa of Cabran county, evury ono HoX wltlch aro operating (Jonp tho HhljUi cliusi atAninrd montlonod. H While It lina boon only wltlvln tho H paat few yonra that tho mining coin Be panlcm of Carbon county havo taken H up extenalvoly Flntt Aid work, tUU Hla rapidly being porXectod, and Mr. BTThompMn doacrlboa jnany of tho Bf underground hoapltnUt aa being tho BJ boAt In tho country. H KveryUiing pooAlhlo la dono by Bf tho compnnlca to mako tho jnlnera' H hfluaoa oomfortablo and BAtiUary H placoa of roaldcnco. lach eprlnK Bf tltouaandA and thouAanda of dollaru J aro osiiondod In ropalrlng, roputat H Inc nnd roplaatorlnK thoao Ivomoa. Then, too, thoro la not tho eamo BJ dbjpoAltlon aliown by Uio companloa, BJ no common olaowliaro, to mooch tho H minora on suppllo furnUhod by tho companl Aa U vroll known, tho B company jtoroa carry an oxoolloat H prndo of dry goods, grocorlou and othor auppllfA nnd thoao aro avail B ahlo at price that cannot bo dupll B catod for tho tamo cIoaa of pood B at othor retail establlalunont in Uio B samo territory H DANf:u KllOM COATi HU8T iu:uuci:i) to siinimum B In An excellent wxltoup of tho B Somoreet mlno of tlio UUh Fuel B company, tho lat iasuo of tho Mln B log Review, commontlng upon tho B dust prevention featuro, lvaa this to B . B Tho combating of duat, ono of B the great monacos to mining oporo B tloni, 1a accomplished In a manner B that Is probably Uio moat original B and oifoctlvo method In practloo, at B least through tho Wcutorn Btatoa, B Tho water eupply for sprlnkllnK B Is obtalnod by tho use of mlno B pumps, which produoo from mlno B sources approximately 235,000 enl B lona per day. ThU wator Is plaood B directly Into tho sprinkling linos at nil lerols, by tho urn) of ono 3-Inch two-Atnge, cloclrlcAlly operated tur bine, and ono 4-Inch four-stago tur bine. 1) ranch plpo lines aro connoctod Into tho mnln dlschargo lino at each level, and cdnduotod tholr onUro length; thrce-quarter-lnch plpo linos aro conducted into the faco of ev ery working place, ami each miner Is provided with a hoso llito and blhhf. The mlper U, jyatfint t KJi5 hliplnco w0s otrKnyfcf tho rule enforced' thai s-hold hi working place be found not In A tato ot saturation, tils ImmoiUato dlschargo Is tho penalty. It seldom bocomea AocoAsary to censure for oegloot; tho miner re&lltea that the harmful dust must not bo found .floating in tho atmosphero whore In ho must brvatho and ork, and as a consequenco before taking down coal from the .face, which In falling would generally cause a cloud of dust to bo suspondod In tho ntmos phore, ho Ioavva tho working faco and turns on tho water, which U nlwny at full prvasuro, and thor oughly waters tho walla and floor of tho working place. Tho writer noted In many Instances where this course was pursued beforo and af ter tho fall of coal was mado. In addition to caring for tho immodlato working face, a enrpa ot men are ongagod In sprinkling all haulage ways and Uio outor part of tho working rooms; nil traveling waya and disused workings aro thorough ly cared for in thLs manner, thus u condition ot completo saturation ob tains throughout tho mlno. KELLY tiBHE M Kn)iUr nnd Joik Cuiws Uo Over to October Term. Charles Kelly, tho young man who about alx montha ago uhot and killed a roommate in a local room ing house, Tuesday pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and was sentenced by Judgo Chrlstonaon to ono oar at hard labor In Uio state penltonUary It will bo recalled by Advocato readors that Kelly and a fellow Toomor had troublo over a friendly game of casino. No ono wltncoood tho shooting. In tho matter of tho Helper Stato bank va. Shekrey Sheyn, tho oamo was contlnuod for tho term. Tho H. W. Snyder and Owilym Jones cases wore continued to tho October torm of court. Tl Charles Spry caso was continued unUl tho 0th ot July. Tuesday all tho Jurors wero ex cused until tho 6th. . , U. B. Navy Goes pry. Sooretary Daniels' famous ordor banishing Intoxicants from tho navy went Into offoct Tuesday. It not only nbollsboa tho offlcors' tradi tional "wlno -moaa," hut prohibit All alcoholic liquors from ovory eb'P ond shoro station qt tho nayy. k ' ' is3sbbbBbI HMB aVaVJ BBMA' flBHBWBBBfi BbVBbVM , bVsI lVbbbbbwSmhYM&wJ bbbB 'bbibVJ Bannldo Mlnm, Crtntlo Ua(p. Winter QuArton. Mlno "ko l BHHyldcs v Htr jBBHH bjbSbjbI BBBBBBfl3BBBBBB BBsWBKLf BBsi CaaUo OMk Mlnrs. Coka Ovens At NlghU Miniature Views of Utah Fuel Camps in Carbon County, small mm rot m Monilng' KxcrcliM nnd Children's 8;ortA INir AfUTiioon. There will bo no attempt .mado by Uio cltliena of Prloo to atago nn olaborato Fourth of July celobrn Uon. Tliis was decided upon at a meeting of tho 1'rlco Chamber of Comroorco Thursday night ot last week. Many of Uio surrounding towns will have celebrations to oommora orato Uio notion's blrtlwlay and it was thought advlsablo that "tho biggest UUlo city" plvo way to othara in tho flold and not to try anything on n largo scale. Quito a number Mill bo unablo to leave Prloo on Uiat day and it rua thought that tbo children es pecially should bo considered In tho matter. There will thoroforo bo ap propriate patriotic exorcises in tho city hall in tho morning and sports for tlio young folks in tho after noon. MORNma rrtoanAM Master ot Ceremonies, A. J. Leo. Hand Concert, 9 o'clock. Tho exorcises will bo held In the It, D. 8. tabernaclo as follows; SelocUon, band, "America," congregation. Beloctlon, orchestra. Reading of Declaration ot Indo pendonoo, ItuUi Mlllburn. Short addresses by Itev. Jos. B. Ferris, Walter Hoffmann, Prof. h. A. Jones. Solo, Verglo Ferguson, SolocUon, band, Commltteo: J. E. Ferris, Mrs. h. O. Hoffmann, Mrs. Ollvo Mlllburn, 0. R. Marouson. AFTBRVOON PROORAM Following is tho afternoon pro gram ot children's sports: From 2 to 4 o'clock, children's danco in tho city hall. Rasoball gamo for boy scouts and others at 4 o.'clock, BRIM) TAKEITINTO UST0V Hhrrlff Go, to aiyton For Well Known Attorney. Frederick L. Rrlml, former dep uty county attorney, Arrived In Price last night on No. 4. Sheriff T. F. Keller was also a passenger on tho samo train. In fact Ilrlml accompanied tho peace officer to Prloo from Myton, whoro Mr. Keller went to roquost that tho aUorney return with hliu to PtIco to answer to n charge ot Issuing fraudulent checks. Uriml lias quite a fow worUika checks scattered through Carbon county and It will bo ro momberod that E. C. Ilryner woa the prosecuting witness In a com plaint charging Rrlml with this of fonso, Rritnl was brought back from. Salt take and arraigned be foro Justice Mlddloton. Ho won bound over to Uio district court but released on a 2C0 bond signed by R. R. Klrkpntrlck nnd Honry Wado. Rrlml then dropped out of sight but It was learned that ho had estab lished himself nt Myton and Bhorlff Kelter, on addlUonal complaints, wont ovor to tho reservation town and took him Into custody. Tho Advocato understands that some of tho Myton pooplo aro also holding some chocks Issued by him whllo thoro. Thoro aro two now boys In Price. Ono was horn to it ho wlfo of Blmer Shiner on tho 20th and ono to tho wlfo ot Will Mclntlro on tho 28th. Mrs. Holly McDonald went up to Salt Lake City Bunday to receive medical treatment. It may bo nec essary for tor to go to a hospital. Children's raoos from C to 0. Miscellaneous races trom 0 to 6:30. List of raoea: Hoop, potato, bean bag, sa6k, threo legged, wheelbar row, Chun go clothes for boys, relay, riret and second prizes glvon. c - ELKS TO WE 01 IITI Accept An Invitation to Htop a Few 1 lours In Price. Tho 101 kn' spoolal will atop At Prloo Friday night, July 10th. Tho InvitnUon extended to tho Host Pooplo On Earth from Salt Luko and Provo has been eagerly accepted and according to tho pres ent schedule they will arrive In "tho biggest little olty" at 10U6 p. m. a week from tomorrow. Accompanying tho uggrogaUon wJU bo a forty-seven plooo band. While doflnlto plans havo not been arranged for their reception nothing olaborato will bo Attempted. Tho local band wiU probably meet tbom at tho Prico depot and tho town will bo formally turned over to thorn. Lottora from tbo oommltteo in chargo ot Uio oxcumlon state that no unusual program will bo expect ed, but that they will appreciate that nothing outside ot a gnnorai roundup bo pulled off nnd an op portunity glvon to shako hands wlUi brother Elks, It la expected that at leant two hundred ami fifty Elks will bo on tho special P. P. Chrlstonson, secretary ot tho Elks' Denver com mittee, writes: "Not being direct ed in any other way by your com mittee, wo will Juit unload at Prloo, turn tho band looso, and do such othor things as occur to us," IOCAIj OITION EMXmONB MAKE NO CHANCJE IN UTAH In tho wet-dry elections hold In several ot tho towns ot tbo state no change whatever was mado In tho llconaing or non-licensing of sa loons. Tho wots, however, show quite a guln ovor two yot ago. Mldvalo and Sandy remain wot by Increased maJorlUes whUo Murray and Coppenfleld remain dry by bare tnajoriUos, i atsBsisSAsmiMmr-''-'- (tl- . IWlFOn I 11M1D I ciikomo WAmw o PKopi.trH BBj .MONKV DRAW STIl'KM). jH ,u b1 County ConinibwInHors IHnrHolh (o IBBJ I'rwnt Trivial Mattrr Ilrforo BB State Ilonnt of i:iUAllsAtlo-i M liicli Continue IIU Trhteclm Jn BB Ily a special meeUng ot tho board IBB of county cominlftAloners Momlay, 0. BBJ C. Nelson and Alton T. Sanlonl are BBJ again tho roclplonte ot emoluniontsi BBJ trom tho people's treasuryr ' BBJ Through a rntoluUon lwuw4 H unanimously Uieso gentlemen, boh BBJ ot thorn, singly and Individually, Bfo H to bo'pald fees for nppiirUli: bVor BBJ tbo stnto board of oqunUzallon with BBJ a roquost that,valiiaUofisal Hunny BBJ sldo and Bcofkld be1 ralsod! Tho BBJ Annie resolution provides that W. T. BBJ Hamilton nnd J. R. Sharp M a- -BVJ pointed a oommlUee to nsko aa- BBJ peAralioo at tho t&m tLme. BBJ Tho board, it seems, through BBJ somo particularly clovor lnvelinA- BBJ ting has Just discovered that tho BJ U P Coal company aaa not been BBJ AAsoAsod on its output At 8cotte4d BBJ to Uio same value It vaa in 1913. BB Whllo about every mother's se to Bfl Cwboo county knows that tho U. BBfl P. company has long been In A stale 'BBJ ot Idlescss, and that therefore the BBJ state board could find IttUo or Be BBJ thing to sahcas on output The re- BBJ otoUAtilrther lAttowts, thAtUw BBJ The rsohttloH foltows: BBJ Whereas, The Mate beard el BBJ eqtiaUsAtlefl'A assessment oa ree BBJ erty In Carbon county, Utah, wlthta BBJ tho JurlsdlcUon ot said heard shows BBJ a decrease In valuation. ajshiimiUms BBJ to 1128,679 And a deeroAse to vstae BBJ In the act proceeds ot mines la the BBJ amount of $464,181, And, BBJ Whereas, Tho amosscJ vaVuatlen bVawJ on property In Carbon county node BbwJ by the samo board 1a lower by BBJ . IS7.800 In tho year 1914 than for BBfl Uio year 1913, and, IB Whereas, Other property, for ex- BBfl ample coke mado from cool appear BBJ to bo not AAoscd or inadequately BBB assessed, and so too tlio U. P. OoaI HB company nt Scoflold, Ac., now BBB therefore be It fllBfl Resolved, That CommJASionors W. BBB T. Hamilton and J R. Sharp bo ap- BBB pointed a commltteo to appear be- BBB tore tho said board ot equnlltatkm BBB at Salt Lake City, Utah, to notify BBB said board of said decrease In aa- BBfl sessed valuaUon, nnd that Attorneys BBa O. 0. Nelson nnd Allen T. Sanford BBB aro herewith employed to represent BBB Carbon county in it claim for such BBBJ lncroaao and additional nssoAsment BBJ as shown herein, and to overcome BflB Uio docroaso In valuatlou of taxable HBJ property In Carbon county. BBJ Trip Poatpotwd, BBB It has boon thought advlsablo to BBB postpone tho contemplated nutomo- HBBJ bllo trip to Wolllrwton and tho Aua- BBjJ Un ranch next Sunday. On that HBBJ date eo many who aro desirous ot BBB going on tho excursion will bo out BBB of town. Tho matter la In the BBB hands of Uio promotion commlUoo BBflJ ot tlio chamber ot comrrrce'. An- jf ttouncomont will bo mr next week BBfl of tho date of Uio excursion which H will probably occur a wook from HBJ Sunday. flflflj Oommltteo Had Money Left. HBBJ The bankers' committee, after all HHJ expenses bad been paid for tho BBBJ Prlco convention, hod funds remain- HBBJ Ing to tho amount ot $103.40, and BBBJ at a meeting last night tlio balance BBBJ was donated as follows: $25 to the BBBJ band, $25 to baseball oqulprnont, BBBJ $26 70 to Fourth of July committee, BBBJ and $26 70 to Twenty-Fourth com- BBJ tnltteo. BBBJ Ducks SUU Diseased. jBBB Tho dlsoaso that has eo sorlously BBBJ nf foe tod Utah ducko is still proval- BBBJ ent. The state fish and gamo do- BBBJ partmant baa been unablo to trace fBfll 'government oxperts nvo duo to ar- IjbasBB rlvo next week to lnvosttgate he BBBJ BBBJ BflsHsi J. BBBH JB JsVJBbI Ma&dfatitidjtyuftf-It ' JStik LaBBBl