. iH IB
tH JPsaB
l IH JMHWiyOPX T1IE EAHTBIty UTAn AB VOOATjgrgg: y J()tjY P( 1014. T- -'"
! WM The Eastern Utah Advocate
jB The Adrocate Publishing Company (Inc.)
MB Fred It. Watroui, Managor
' jB flsHmulptlon Hates- Ono Tear, $1.60; Six Mo., 76c; Three Mo., 60c
j jB DISPLAY ADVERTI8INQ per Inch per Single Imuo, 2Cc; per Inch
i H 9e Month, 20c Bach Imuo
H ' F08IT10N Full Poslllon, Top of Column, Next nradlng, add 26
. V Ir cent to above. Alongside It ea dine MatUr, add 10 per cent to abore.
J flssssssssm READERS Per Line, Ono Time, 10c; per Line, Subieqnent, 6c.
I LNsssV' PROFESSIONAL CARDS Not Over One Inch, $1.00 per Month.
', fXHr LEOALfl Ton ConU por Line First Intertlon. Five Cent per Line
m BMk Subaoquent Imuo.
j flB OniTUAniBS Cards or Thanks, Resolution, Ktc, nt Half Local
I H Remains Notlco Rale. Address all Communication! to
H I'g J" tJl-ti. l! -Ji i in ji 1 j.-i. . ii. . j... i.n n.ilm.
H Announcement under thla Jicad-
j H will bo charpod (or At ho rato
t H f $10 for caoh o.nnouncomort, tiunc
R ru0 up ho ltlmo lhc
V iMUbig of tho convonUon of tho
B, roMtlcal party for which tho carull-
H declare hlmsolf.
HH 1 hereby announco jnyoclf a a
B, candidate for tho nomination of
m reeresontallre to congress from the
HH First congressional district subject
H to the Action of tho republican ets-to
H eoarcntlon.
H 1 Hereby announce eiytelf m a
mK eaa4M(Q far tho nomlnsUoo of
B j eewUjr clerk, subjoot to tho aotloa
B t of the reeuoUoaa county coaveatloa
HE ' t Oaroon oewity, Utah,
Hk The ono Industry tht haa not
K; hurt by the present 4mlnl-
E' tmtlon t that of the pawnbrokers.
EBBH Men break out with smallpox
BBBBBB ' 'key break Into houses ami soino-
BBBS tle thoy break Into Jail Itul very
BBBBB few attempt to break Into a jury.
BBSSE' t Kvon ,lftl 110 c"y counclt known
V of the cxlotoaco or tho 1013 aUtuto
Bf . rerilkf tho leasing and soiling of
HB ' MHiHlctpal light and power plants, I
H f Judlel! standpoint there cor-
jlH " -talRly can b no criticism agoJnei It
B ''V for 1U otkn by fair wlwfe! wen. (
B y. j Wwwlea of th prceent MtnWiUtm-p
H "WWlWirwiiiHiiiij wii'iiu mn jhiw'i
H ,., Ht of jl poMlltte In all -Kobabll-
BBB j' , , (Hy J4fie ChrWenson wilt nevea b
BBw 114 tHn (e Interpret a more aw-
BBBBj' Mruoim ahd YHguo atalutc. A more
EBBEf earcl)y drawn provision of tho
ii, iVIah law can hardly bo luinalnod.
.Tlio AdvocKte fool qulto aofo In
i aajrlng that Mr. I'rlce, attorney tbr
pppjp ; Mr. McDonald, v,-o alio nfrnld of
BBBBk ' Hho statute aa bo rcllod oitllroly )n
K jjl nl" (vrxnnint boforo tho court on
KBBBfi 1 1 -tho 1911 statute and nuulo absolute
f. ,'.' 1? "o Mtironco to tho 1013 provl-
BBVBY , I j alon. It wna, howevor. on tlio lat
IBBS 1 1 j or ataluto tliat Judgo Ctirlstcnson
B Ii j JrondiviM hU opinion In tho matter.
BBVfl k . I IlosUlva tlio usual .county officer
BBVH i to be olectvd tlivro la also n atato
BBBBf ' i ij acnotor to bo elctol for Kinnry,
I'1' Mrbon and Uintah count!. Bcy
i -
To I'mory ami Coltun of Ulntnh aro
I atho wily nainoH that have been
gggjs 1 1 whlspcrtvl up to dnto. lKHh ar ro-
BBBB 11 publicans.
eK U ' ' '
BBEsl't s' P,,nI)' nvo onrwlldatca
BBBlf J havo tut t shown up cither for
BBBBgL(j. I commissioner, recorder, county ut
Hf. J j tornoy, county sliorlff. trtxisurcr,
B! roproiontntlv, onctt0r or auinirln-
BBBf , tondent o( schools, altliounh In nil
BBBf prolMtblllty oeral prmont inown
H ; f oenta will oak for tho nomination
BBBC,, for tlio saiiio positions thoy now
K' i II Ha tho lQKll eoneluslon tliat
Hr: . lo,h '. T. llamllton and Ilonton
H! 8 ! ItapdalpU would bo oarull.latos for
Kf H ( ro-loollon to the positions of com-
IBBBw ' I tahialomvji. Tho lUdpor innu haa n
) fhorlff bo a bumbllnjr, It U aald.
IVlion Randolph' rofusod flatfooted.
ggHi: ' '-3" to becumo u oandldato on tiny
EBVJLF' kid of a tlckot for corambulonor
BBu 3 ' 3" attompt was wado by tho Kows
Hs i, to brlnp hLru out m a oandldato for
BBB&y sheriff, without rosult, however.
BBBBkI Aa tho situation now lines up on
BBBjj tho horizon W. P. Olson will bo n
BBBflgj candldato for somothlni; on eojno
BBBBI tlckot. Kualon at this tlmo botweon
BBBBfi prosreealvcM and domocrnti econis
BBaHD Among tho Impossibilities nnd It U
BBBB1 not thought, tho former PrJeo may-
BBBVil ora political ccruploa nro so woll
gBBBfl doflnod aa 4o preclude him from
throwing In heart and aoul with tho
bull mooeo imrty and among tho
tnombcra of tho latter nfiKrcgntlon
there la a dlcponltlon to hand Mr.
Olson tho nomination 'for some good
sounding official job.
Those in Carbon county hiving
politico! aspiration nro keeping
them very much under their hnt.
8o quiet really la the political nt
moaphcro that a llvoly scramble, es
pecially among tho republican, for
the various county office la pre
dicted, along tho iwvrao llnea prob
ably of tho norcr falling calm be
fore a storra. Then, too, tho keen
obKrvcr teea large republican ma
jorities ahead In Carbon county.
Both A. II. ChrUtcnton and E. S.
Horsley are firmly convinced, how
ever that the candldato lose noth
ing by getting early Into tho raco
and they nro therefore avowed can
didates for tho rcftpoctlvo office of
representative to congress from tho
First district and clerk of Carbon
I'osUuaster Bmlth I In receipt of
Instruction that Uio atar route bo
iweon Dragon and Vernal haa been
Ibcontlnued nnd that all mall (or
ho Uintah country tnuat go by way
f Colton, except to Atcheo nnd
ytrnT ttomt o mtiVWrtiJiaiL
While tho foregoing Instruction
to Poaltnaster Smith, nnd lmllnr
nne hnvo no doubt benn recoiled
by nU distributing office, would
seeni to leave no doubt but that
the mail for Vernal and tho other
point In tho Aahtey valley ! to
bo sent In via Colton, thnt emn
to be but halt tho irtory. Tho Col
toifVornnl contractor claim that
their bid doe not call for tho trans
portation of Uio Vcrnnl moll nnd
hnvo reruned to handle It.
The Duchesne Rtago A Transpor
tation compnny tate tliat )U ca
pacity will bo 'rowdod to It utmost
to handle inall itnd parcel post to
tho reservation Tlio Uintah Rail
way company, wlioso contract ex
pired Juno SOUi. llkowtse rtfuiK'a to
handle tlio mall, and tho Vernal
KxpreM arriving hero yesterday
morning, although puUlUlunl on
I'llday of last veek, July 3d, atntr
Hint no mall had been received In
Vernal alnco the pryxillng Tueoduy.
Coutrattor and poitmatvr are at
sea In tho matter, It being tho pro
lumptlon, however, that tho postof
flf departmont In letting tho con
tract to tho Duchesne company did
so with tho Intention that thla com
pany should handlo all mall both
for reservation point and Vcrnnl
From talk with tho postofflco ln
apeolora who woro In Prlco nttompt
Ing to seouro hid from thi place It
vns understood that tho hid. which
wa nwarded to the Duchesne com
pany, meant tho carrying of all mall
to Vornal nnd Intermediate point.
With moat Pro,gSj!c to Longfellow.
Under tho county cgSSf, fto
Tho niackmlth-Ugttndt
Tho Smith, a BmWtten la fa,
With commodlon. ,CjhaDj8)
And tho concave JJiuoy paw
Aro on tho most roggfy plaM
HI hair 1 crjop nRfi 8nd hort,
HI face 1 like a
HI eock nro wet kjjy,mt,oo sweat,
Ho grab whnto'cr 7tt,
And look cooh twltEcr nn,j 0cr
For ho' the chertngjgg.
Week In, week outfS morn till night
You can hear thi figw blow;
You can hear him iKtag hi knocking stedgo
At thing dlallkcl Q.
Who alls high up oijnnmb above
Where the golden cjUut grow.
And taxpayor comlitSj,0 (ram toll,
Ik In at the oourtWBO door,
And frown to co tfijtindthrlft board,
Aod bear tho blackfitTli roar,
And watch tlio coutgJyarrftnt ty
Like chatf from a (Jwitklng floor.
He goes 'most dally jih Hoard
And alts a1ong!do J 5t
Tho (our-year itcraerjaBj tho dosert Lord
To tho blacksmith' S. tho bow.
Joe sound to htm llSlyoddy' flout
In far off Armacdd5
Or, mayhap, on tho 1th r "Doubl"
In Drailtlan waters R Ing,
Dot with mot pronSSi -cl Progrosalvo quako
Tlio pair Uio public St tnnU shake.
Knocking, shaking m4 harvesting,
Onward Uirough Priw ho goes:
Each seMlon sees s graft begun,
Each eeUng see m clone;
Graft warrants fromj o county tree
Afford hi night's n .
Thank, thanks to U , our worthy friend,
For the lesson thou ut taught;
Thus At Uio flaming Mrgo of mooch
Your fortune must M wrought,
And only through u leechlngs
I All great reforms nti brought.
tit will bo no parUcular prise to I'rico peoplo to loom -that 81
las haa onto rod divorce proceci ng against Mrs. Grundy on th
ground of Incompatibility of ten; cr. Tho complaint also contain othei
more serious charge. A numi r of residents hereabout havo beei
named as co-ronpondentii. Ed
JPnHftf iJj(lByJifctj)
stomach, Hver and kidneys In a
healthy condition. Hid Uio body of
poison and waste. Improve your
complexion by flushing tho liter
and kidney. "I got mora Tellef
from ono box of Dr. King's New
Llfo l'lll than any medicine 1 ovor
tried," ay C. E. Hatfield of Chi
cago, 111, 26c, at your druggist.
t t
Red and
I Black
Raspberries S
I Cherries I
A All kinds Small Fruit. A
f f
i J. S. BOYOR, Jr. ?
(O. J. Ilnrmon A
A residence.) A
Ily Rorton Ilraloy.
lord, lot mo )lo llko a Regular Man,
WIUi regular frlomla and truo,
Let me play tho gmo on n regular plan,
And play It that way all through;
Lot mo win or lose wlUi a rvfliilar smllo
Aiui novvr bo known to whine,
For that la n "Regular Fellow'u" tylo
And I want to make It mine!
0 ulvo mo a regular chanco In life,
Tho amo as tho rert, I pray,
And glvo mo a regular girl for a wlfo
To help mo along tho way;
Lot ua kuov tho lot of humanity,
It regular oe and joys,
An$ roUo a regular family
Of regular girl nnd uoynl
Let mo llvo to a rognlnr good old ng,
WIUi regular snow-whlto hair,
Having dono ray labor and oarnod my wogo
Apd plaed my game for fair;
And bo nt last when tho people ncan
' My Xoco on It regular blor,
They'll say, "Woll, ho was a Regular Manl"
,And drop a regular toarl
h )
"""' ' iiiTin-"i--iT -Hi"- i,
tVsrPTMiiiiMBBiMk t 3r i sy"ffiTFr'iL''j'' ""'"i
And the TRUTH li Told
In Our Advertisements
MERCHANTS havo team
ed that tho Truth Tell
when the Truth U Told.
j Uciiro they ure scrupulous
that ttielr advertisement aro
accurate. Rack of every ad
UTtutoiiU'iit, book of every
statement made to attract
custom, I the rcputntlon ot
the tuerclMiit, hi hope or
continued success.
Deception tuny be profltablo
for a time, but deception can
not be crmntieiit, aud the
profit based on deception I
nccetisarlly brlct. Truth Is
the more effective, a It Is or
longer duration. I'nUehood
low It effectiveness soon
f l I discovered.
Tho merchant who adver
tlso In litis paper are honor
ablo men. and this would
make them truthful. Hut
nUno all tliey aro good tjul
or men. and they know that
Read the advertisement
and profit by them You can
rely Hlwoliilely on the state
ment mode In the advertis
ing columns,
fH i I 1 I'TW-HIHtHH
Loose Leaf
; ; Special rulings, sizes
:; and shapes.
:: Without doubt the best
: : loose leaf book on
Ij the market.
Complete lino ot blank books an
stationery. Advocate Publishing c
Mrs. Housekeeper:- H
The health of your whole family depends H
upon your kitchen. It's poor polioy to H
eoonomize in your kitchen furmishings. M
No woman should save on her kitohen thingrj, jB
that SHORTEN LABOR and make a kitohen M
SANITARY. Buy a kitchen cabinet. We know V
you will want one if you examine our M
speoial line of them. It will save you H
hundreds of stepB every day and make H
dinner getting Just fun. The PRICES we m
charge for them are small oompared to H
their real value. K
Paoe & Tlngley H
Opposite the Banks, Main St., Price. H
5 When you can't get your particu- j ; M
X lar work in cleaning and pressing ,1 B
done anywhere else, give the j; b'
J: Acme Cleaners ::-
X and Tailors a "UZ
, X Work Guaranteed.- :PKona 63. f D
! Wade Building, South 8th Street. 'M
I i tLs.sK111
Plumbing and
Heating , " k
Work solicited in any part of Eastern Utah. lBo
Estimates Furnished. Carload o( 4 inch a'm
Sewer Pipe cominji See me for prices. siK'ni
Mno v
John a. forsytb!::
I sssssVnK
- Bfforln
. sHHHf the
,7, miiuaim. "'-".-.i-1 ."U-- - --wt-it-ssisssssssssst
x!vi i SsSSli 'nlsB,i i
SS.S ?l SApE boys' raagazloe ;(Hh-h-1
''t mmifmuZ-. "TWEanH f'"''f07"1.,otthiu,ipM.r cim B
W! tW ? .UAJ'S" '''." '"ii L!""'",H K
zWSi fc Mr m 4!.? W ' Vi,., !. irM.i M" w
?' yj American Boy - $1.00 B i
JTy siroBkj
fZAuMS Combination offer S2.00MnLIJ
: Do you know that tho now anu
; PhtoiUU. inubJ, A-theucre""
: than thTl' to PP,y
: 1 , e .dar pou,tl0 Preparation.
; nd u QuJcker , rouoj
7 It k hlth u ,urs,cal droMlng
? a Jl bwS nd antlMptlc. it
wsrantoo 0f satwactlon or mono
busk. Whon pajrlnc Tottr K
tlon to our paper Mk '' ibBBBBBBK'
b'tl( froo. Wo have U 'E
"Don't forgot" tho '"HSslphf
handloo Boonomy fruit 'H' "1
moat eaaltary Jar on b 0v
Advt. ssssssB