K; THE KABTKRX UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JUIiY 9, 114. PAGH SKVIsW 'flfl AWATHA PALI THK BUST. IT DOBS JOT BLACK, IT DOH8 NOT CWNKER. mmmmamHmmmmmmmm hite House i; Bar AIL AND WHOLESALE !j he Best In Wines, Liq uors and Clears Bole Ageeli fa 'i ORS' GOLDEN BEER j; KCOCK BROS., Props. ; He; wLHP o BvttAV CITV. HW. "A lT1 Vs' ' s k K flour U mad from th mt Turkcr Red Hard Wheat By ak guaranteed tovgW faction, and he a-eheatcal Bt 43 per eent glutee.. R- for Sale by ne Commission Co, H Phone 188. OSEPH HENRY j Hnsfcrring and Draying ;! B rbono 5S rtght OItoq Our 8polal At- tentlon, Bjr Rondod Drayman In Town. ', years m ,UgU, ,i(j e-charred LS ';! casks. wmi Before it (MUM K is a jwjarJ i Hlerea- teM u ever LM.,Jj Hst on fe$sl BvX P lr flPil! SBFcrtf IBiBfiMwllBI Baer Bros,, Her, Go, molaafcl Iiqaer Dealer mU Lake CWy, Utah H; I Dr. M. V. Maloney ; Patalis Methee. Price J retab. Wiilte guaraate , ' give wHk all work. Crow , and brUt work a specialty. i ; Plate that fit utia Ht , i rm)m the aseath sere. Flv year I Carkoa eevaty. JM- , Masai aad aiawiUaUaaa g4d- ) ly g4vs f re el aharjre. ' i . Kmii-9-1 J a. m. aad 1-t p. a. ttaadayt, 1 to IS at. Offte la Parker ft Weeter (i Meek, ever Xexall Drag Mere. ' WHY NOT SAY HELLO TO THEM? Your friend all want to talk to you over the 'phoae. Belter have It put In. Wltk a tetepb'oae la your home you can raa errands, go akopptag, do buslnctt, etc, without lear Ibc home. You will aoy the convenience. Why not have HT KA8TKIIN UTAH TELK- ' 1'IIONE COMPANY. LARS FRANDSEN Manufacturer of ,' Brick of All Kinds ( Yardi adjoining the Dea- !ter aad Rio Oraade Railroad company oa the wutn, three 2 blocks eait of depot. Office ', at home, corner Mala aad ' Sixth itreete. ,' Retlraatce Given and Pricee i QHotd On Application. P. O. Iloz 6H( I'lioiie 4ltX, PRICK, UTAH. i; PRICE Club Bar! HAHIIY A. CHAIN i ' Preprleter. i ! rillHT-CIiAHfl ItKftOKT F-Oll ' OKNTLBMKN, ', i BouUi Nintli Htreet, Price. ic.S. Harris J everything In ! Concrete j Work, l I PRICK, UTAH. ' i:Hllmnli on lIullllluKi, Walka 1 and all Klndu of Contract '. Cheerfully FurnUhed. Modem , , Mbchlnory and Mothodt. ,' QP I (Quiet Place) SAL OON AND IIOOM1NO HOUSE. Located Juit Eaet of the New Draffet RuUdlng. Neatly furnlibed rooma and everything atrletly Xlrt-clan. Nothing but the beet of good kept in atock. Come and aoe. JOHN C. IKOIUtKSTUK. Proprietor. . j The Model Tailor Shop Suits to Order by Home Tailors Next to Savoy Hotel Telephone 196 C. Mirabclli, Prop. Call and Dellvor. PRICE, UTAH WATCHJORD CARS travel through oa Midland Trail froa New York, Mlehlgaa. WUeaa alB, Nebraska, Colorado aad Kan. They all report ineeeaa Md Um re pair eeet thaa any others. 550 Sold in Utah this Year. (AdvertUemeot.) ' Copynxhl. 1K, by I'unuliut 1'm.ilU Intvrrmi mi . i.xptuitluu Co. It. d. Crocker Co, odtclal phototmiihcr. THE LARGEST GLASS BUBBLE IN THE WORLD. STKKU framework of the gifnt donio ot llir Paiac of llortlrultnre t the Panama Paclllc Intcrnntlunnl KibI(Ioii, Kao Kninrlico. 1015. The dome la the larscat rrrr contnictwl. Mng 1SW feet In dlavncter and ISO frrt bleb and niiruitiuiitpd by a banket thirty fret In diameter, which will be filled with gronln flower The dome, lighted from within by whlrllruc colored lights, will reaemble a huge Ore opaL I. W. W.S dtT D0S OF Oliil UO.MH RXPIX)I)M WITH (IHItT IX)RCi: KII.UH KOUIU Wna Prreunialtly to Ito UhciI at Tarrytown, Homo of Ote llockr ffllcra, "WIhto Trial of Mcmlirn of tlio Onlcr Wcro In Take Plnco Uio 1'olliiulnn Monday, NEW YORK, July . Three ncn and a, womnn wro killed todny whon a dynnmlto bomb, anld to bo the moat powerful over uacd In Uo city, vxplodod with trcmondoui foroo In on apartmont lennnlod by Industrial Workers of the WorM. Tht upper part of tho eU-atory tn- mcnt boueo In which tho bomb waa ; being made, woa wrecked. A score i of pontoiia wcro avrloualy Injured 1 and much property damn no waa done In a wldo radius from tho i scono ot tho oxpjoslor.. Thoso dead 1 nod thoso who escaped Injury In tlvc apartment Included I. W. W. i mvu who wero defondunlM In tbu trial to bo begun Monday In Tarry- town, N. Y., whero thoy wcrv nr- rvslAl for crtvitliiK a disturbance a i fow weeks ngo. They went to tho vlllago to ranko dcmonstrntlona outsldo tho Pocantl co Hllla cstnto nnd John D. Hocku- , follor whoro John D. Rockefeller. Jr. had rotlrod after bolng hocklwl In front of his office nt 2C Rrond woy In UJs city by I. W. W. mem bers nnd sympathizer. Including tnivmUvrs of Upton Sinclair' free silence kguo. Their notlvlllea hero nrote from tho coal in I no tttrlVo troublea In Colonido. whore Kookv toller has mining Interests. As soon as one of tho bodies of those killed lit the explosion had been IdcnttMnod ns hat of Arthur C&rou, who cranio hero from lloston nnd who wns ono of tho dofomliinia In Tarrytown, the iolIce bej;nn their lnestlgutlon ot tho explosion on tho theory tbnt a bomb was being constructed ,by Cnron nnl others for possible use at tho I. W. W. hourluga In Tarrytown on Monday. Hlnce the nrrest of tho agitators In that vlllngo there have been rumors of threats to town ofllclnU It the defondnnts wore not released. NEW YORK, July 5. In tho ruin of the tenement wrecked yes terday by the explosion ot n bomb which It J bollevod was Intended tor use ngnlm John 1). Rockefeller or his sun Uio authorities found evl denco todny that Arthur Caron, who a killed with three others, had used lila apartment au n center for tho distribution of Inflammatory literature nnd that It was filled with death dealing explosives. A amall minting preos, revolu tionary pamphlotn and circulars, an oleotrlo dynamo, two oloatrle batter tos, cartridges and bits ot nteel, were anion c Uio artlcloa uncovored which tond, In tho opinion of tbo police, to ahow an nnarahUtlo plot nt assassination. That tho demon stration, halted by the bungling ot uomo ono who was preparing tho Infernal machine for Jts mission, was planned against tho Rockefeller family In Tarrytown, U the theory upon which tho authorities are working. Another shipment of tho famous U C Smith Bros, typewriters hft been received thU week by The Ad vocate. Price, 1 7 6, payable in 5 t OAIlllON COUNTY (ll.TH ITS APPORTIONMENT FROM HTATK State Superintendent of Schools A C. Matheaon haa lasued the An nual certificate ot apportionment of money In the state treasury to tho credit of the high school funds. The apportionment U mado from A total of $100,000 nt the per cap ita rato ot 116.37, with 6E0S stu dent In attendance twenty weeka of the school year. Consequently the total apportionment aggregate ?90, B3B.7S, leaving a halance of $04.26 unnpportlonod. The Inst annual high school ap portionment, mado June 1, 1913, nggregated $07,146.10, whon rec ords showed a twenty week atten dance of 6081 atudcmls nnd a per capita of $17.10. Carbon county by tho apportionment get $1763.18 on a basis of a school population ot 117. Indigestion? Can't ICat? No Appe tite. A treatment ot Klectrle Rltters , Increase your appotlte; steps indi gestion; you can eat everything. A real spring tonic for liver, kidney nnd stomach troubles. Cleanaes your whole sysfam and you fool fine. Kluetrlo Utttcrs did more for Mr. T. D. Peeblo'a stomach trouble than any medicine ho ever tried. Got a 1 bottle today. 60c and $1.00 at your druggUU Qucklen'a Arnica Salvo for oexoma. Advt. Planning HUrng Quarter. So wnllsfactory hna tho business uf tho.Ofidon Pnoktng & Provision company elnoo It entered tho Price field become thnt In all probability thl concern villi In Uio near future mnko nrmngemeaita for some ex Umstvo storngo quartern. Keep Itourl Mim-tucnt Regular. Dr. King's Now I.tfo Pills keep stomach, ltvor and kidneys In a , honlthy condition. Rid tho body of poisons and waste Improvo your complexion by flushing tho liver and kidneys. "I got more relief from ono box of Dr. King's New Llfo Pills than any medicine I ever tried," says C. K. Haldol d ot Chi cago, III. 2Cc, at your druggist. Advt. 1'ourtli Ciuunltleii. According to present figure tho pooplo ot Uio United State cele brated to Uio extent ot 13 killed utid 243 wounded. Cause of Htoiuocli TVouMes. Sedentary habits, luck of outdoor xorolso, Insufficient masUcntton ot food, coiutUpaltou, a torpid llvor, worry nnd wixloty, overeating, par taking of food and drink not nulled to your ago and occupation. Corroct your habits and tako Chamberlain's Tablota and you will eoon be Troll again. For aalo by all dealer. Advt. TOR SAM3. Champion stltclior and finisher, A. C. motor, 110V; D. C. motor, 220V; enclosed Rheostat, Bingor shoo machine. JOHN YATE3, Cas Uo Onto. Adv. HOW CHILDREN GROW" i iMrcti grow by tiourUhraent not i Uv.drd ktomachs or rich foods but ii iiuir that are readily converted into life tiMtainlng blood; too often their digestive iowers cannot procure these qualities from ordinary cxl which results In weakuess. dulluets and sickness. If) our children are under-siie, under weight, catch cold easily, are languid, backward, pale or frail, give them Scott's It tnulslonwhich Is pureraedidaal nourish ment. It sharpen the appetite, builds healthy flesh, firm musclea end active brains. Scott's is growing-food fof children. Refuse alcoholic substitutes. nwuie. 1 1 Kentucky Liquor House ; HARRY OESAS, Prop. IflH H IMstofbntors of '.H BUDWKI8KR ll &CHLITJ5 ilH AMKRIOAN HKAUTY Keg Beer from Bight OalloM Up. ll Yoar UslBrs SoMcKed. H FVtee DeUvery la Price. l ., , J , ,ii i -H Kentucky Liquor House 1 . H illlKmillllllMIMIIIHHIIIIIIMIIIIHMIMUHH 'JH !! S. A. ELAM I WATCHMAKER Watches cleaned, repaired, re- iH adjusted and close rated, same H as large cities and watch f ac- U tories. High grade work only. H D. & R. G. Time Inspector H Helper, Utah M ?HHMMimMUH4HIHnMMMHIHItmHIIIIHT 0 DEPOT SALOON fl I G. W. BRANDON, Proprietor. M Nothing but the choicest of Wines, H Liquors and Cigars, served M over our bar. We Buy I , Beef Hides, Pelts, Furs, Wool and Beeswax KKNTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE H Phone 153 PRICE, UTAH H IU3TAII MljUOIl MRHCHANTH. " H ' Sunnyslde, Castle ate, Wlntor Quarters and Clear Creek, Utah. ', M NtirillNO HUT THK 1UZ8T IN HTOCX. H S Kino Wines, Drandles, Deer and Cordials tor th Faaitly Tr4. )i M Pool nnd Ullard Tables. ,' H $50,000 Capital, j I $60,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits Should Impress the Depositors I The ploaesr bank of Csrbon county through veil deserved asevH '', H hat kept paaoe with the growth and progress of Price and Carfce j JH i eouaty. Xvery facility for handllag our business. , 'k THE FItIaTIONAL BANK 1 PRICE, UTAI I I 8-1 Utile city on eaBth. j - (Concfuded o7PaBo eight.) M AG