ffli wit ii mm cue
H i
B (Continued from page one.)
H i collector of tho old nccounU (or
H light And water allowed receipts
' amounting to $C18.
Quite a number of complaints
IIB against sign board i and billboards
H I on tho I1 o walk i were made Tho
B marshal trim Instructed to keep tho
B walks rlenr from nil such obatrtie-
B 1 tlons.
BBb A lengthy communication from
PpV TJnglneer Itlehnrd n. I.ymnn of Salt
BBb Lake pertaining to several systoma
PBB 5 of water filtering wns rend. No
PBB ( definite action was tnkou In regard
BBBft to
BKBK , Tho matter of n sldowalk and
BBB ' wntcr line to tho cemetery wm re-
BKBB for rod to the Btreot and road com-
BKBB mlttec. Itcapectful oonaldemtlon
BKBB, was given to a communication from
BMBH tho chamber of commerce In regard
BKVB to the proposition and something
BKBK ' Along tills lino will probably bo
BKVB done In tho Immediate future, nl
BBH ' tli on Eh Uio city U not in slinpo to
PVH ' go to tho cxitenao of constructing n
BKVM cement walk to tho burying ground
BKBB ,' Extensive sower extension.' on
PBH Seronth and Ninth atrecta and tho
BMBB . oxtonalon of water mnlna on various
P streets and tho exponto of paving
!"" crossings, culverts, etc., ran tho
bill up rory high and will rcqulro
ovory font of tho avatlabto roTonuea
p i 'to meet thciw Increased oxpondl-
BIBB t turo.
B ' Legal blanka of every description
BKBB i carried In atock. Ths Advocate Pub-
BKBB llahlng Co. -Advt.
. , ,
Hi Fourth
I! : of July
I! Special
M Wide Ribbon,
H' good line of col-
L , ors, suitable for
K , girdles or 'hair
K bows
Rr 50c Ribbon reduced
E to 35c
H 35c Ribbon reduced
K 25c
Hr 25c Ribbon reduced
t 15c
B . The Special Sale
. on trimmed hats
K continues. Some
B very good bar-
B gains
W P Olson, former mayor of
I'rlce, believes that gambling should
bo stamped out Mr Olaon no sta
led In tho course of bla examina
tion touching his qualifications n
Juror In tho Kolter ease Ho also
toted that If It was shown that
gambling wns conducted In any of
tho saloons of I'rlce during tho
time that hla administration coun
tenanced It, ho would have no hesi
tancy In removing Mr Kolter aa
sheriff for failure to perform hla
duties In closing It up
It waa rather a bad fifteen win
titea that l'rlco'a former mayor
(who ran a very wldo opon town)
spent under flro from Bam King, a
lawyer from tho suburb of 8alt
Lake For some reason Mr Olson
gavo tho Impression that lw waa
very desirous of being a Juror In
tho case and his statements that ho
was agalnat gambling caused broad
smites on tho faces of the rather
largo alied audience and ono or two
who smiled too loudly were repri
manded by tho bailiff
In answer to a question from Mr
King aa to tho exact tlmo bo had
fomo to tho conclusion that gamb
ling waa an evil and should recelvo
tho consuro of all right minded
people, wlicUier beforo or after tho
Inst municipal election, Mr. Olson
thought that tho reform Idea had
occurred to him about a year ago,
which fftntetnent also seomed to
alrlko tho nlrth spot of thoao present.
Tho defense exhausted Jta tlrat
peremptory challongo In advising
tho ex-mayor thnt ho would not bo
Imposed upon to tho oxtcnt of hav
ing to tit In Judgment upon tho
county peace officer.
AMI HOMI Till! HUN' dance,
Tho White Ulvcr Utcs and Un
compnhgro Indiana of tho Uintah
Indian reoervntlnn hold Uielr sun'
danco on tho roaervntlon promises,
dospllo tho ban which Cato Bolls,!
Indian commissioner At Washington, I
recontly placed on this form of ro
Ilgloua ceremony, resulting In an
order to nit Indian Agonta and Uni
ted State marshals to atop tho
Icarnlng that Cato Bella had
given orders prohibiting tho aun
dance, raoro than 300 room bens of
the Uto and Uncompahgro tribes re
sorted to rwbUo tactics. Though
they apttearod to be amwunbllng near
Varnal on their old danco ground '
tho Indiana cultivated nn knpreaaion
among authorities that they would
not hold their sun danoo until Aug
ust. Then they began leaving their
aid danco ground, but In com., .
an with a aocrot understanding
they scattered In groups and pro
reeded to an uninhabited section of
the reaervatlon.
The plot Is said to have been d
Mgnod by "IlodCap," son of "Old
Wnlkor," ono of tho most famous
chlefa of tho Whlteltlvor Utea, to
whom tho history of Uio atato de
votes several ptgoa. "Ill Cap"
won renown about eight ear ai;o
when he Instituted a rovolt on tho
Uintah reservation and led hla tribe
to Routh Dakota. Fodoral troops
had to eacort tho tribe back to tho
Uintah reservation. In nla deter
Jiilimllon to liold tho aun danco re
gardless of order, "Red Cap" Is
snld to hnvo been assisted by "IU1
Dog" and "Cooyto lkn," two other
leaders of tho Uintah rAorvntlon,
tho latter being connected with tho
Uncompahgre. j
Soft drlnlca, poanuU and cigars
at tho Bko store. Advt.
pjj I
Stockgrowers' and
Farmers' Store
K j Groceries and Farm Supplies.
Hj; ! We arex now handling Grain,
H ;, Hay and Flour in Carload lots
, 190 PHONE 190
( J
bbE He vvsizzzr:
Br rys'
HbbbbV . fllii vrir
Icane On tlty Plant Without Voto
Held Void.
In tho matter of the caao of D
it McDonald against tho city of
I'rlce and J 11 Mnnson, plaintiff
took the first heat Monday (morn
ing The demurrer Interposed by
the defendants waa oorrulod by
.the court Stanley I'rlce represen
ted tho plaintiff and City Attorney
McWhlnney and Ferdinand Krtck
aen the defendants
The action wns baaed on a sUt
uto of 1913. which, In tho words of
Judge Krlckeen, was not "happily
worded ' The court, however, held I
that ho bctlctcd tho In tout of tho
statute waa sufficiently plain thnt!
tho etty council had no authority to
lcwc the plant without a voto of
tho people
Defendants' nttorncjn contendod
that tho slntuto was ambtguou and
that It would bo ImpoSBlblo for n
city council to lease municipal prop
erty under Ita terms; that, under
Section 1, the council would tlrat
have to decide that It wished to
ell tho plant and then paaa n res
olution that It did not wish io pell
but wished Xo teano and thnt under
Bcctlon 3 It would bo necessary for
a leasee to pny tho full nppralaod
value of tho plant together with nil
outstanding Indobtcdncm on tho
lMinda and accrued Interest. Kcly
Ing upon a statute of 1911 tho nt
torncya for Uio defendants cinlmed
tho city council had full power to
leaao tho pUnt.
Ifebcr Itusaell of Nino Mile met
I with a shocking death In tho local
I freight yards Monday morning by
I being thrown under a freight train.
.Tho wheels aevored tho body Into
four piece, crushing tho feature
'beyond recognition.
I Ho hod como to Prlco with n
I bunch of sheep which had boon
loaded for Kansas City. Ho thought
tho train waa pulling out and as ho
was to accompany tho sheep coat
In' attempted to board It but missed
his footing and was thrown under
neath Tho deceased waa only 30 years
of ago and leaves a wlfo and four
children Interment took plnoo hero
yesterday, services being conducted
from tho tabornnclo.
Mrs. L. A. Jones, teacher oX vio
lin. Btudlod tour years wKh Prof.
Adolph RchelUchnvldt, Do Vauw uni
versity, OreoncasUe, Ind.j on year
la New England Conservatory, Bos
ton, Mass.; Instructor of violin two
years In Do Pauw University.
RorMwnco. Cor. Main and Fourth
streets, near Academy Bide Advt.
Subscribe for Ths Advocats.
Advertisements under tills head
will bo diargvd for at Uio rata of
one cent a won! per Issue. Minimum
advertisement, 15 cents.
WANTED To repair, any old thing,
at Goodman's Itepalr Shop
FOIt BAI.K Two room cottago fur
nished, ohenp; also now bunga
low. Inquire this offloo.
FOft SALE Gtowart range, Singer
sowing machine, sanitary couch,
sotteo with leather cushions at
iocs than half price. Inqulro &t
Mrs. Connor's, next to Jonas'
WANTHD UmbrcJIan, to repair and
recover, ut Goodman's nopalr
ONE HUNDHKD Children wantod to
try our now roller skatoa Satur
day afternoon. Ton cents admis
sion. Alrdomo.
COMPETENT "aTlUi wanto.1 for
steady omploymont at tho now
alrdomo. Boo F. D. Ovoroaueb,
I'llICB AMUSEMENT CO. wants oio
thousand patrons to gain health
and happinoas at tho now alr
Alrdonio. OIIlli WANTED for general houoo
work for all or part of tho wook.
Address 0. K., ooro of Tho Advo
Mto. f,
WANTED Sewing machines, to re
pair, at Oopd man's Itepalr Slum.
LOST Twenty-ono Jowol, open face
Elgin watch lost botwoon horo
nod Wellington. Iloturn to this
o;flri sad rocolvo Toward.
Just Received a Shipment of Ladies' White Waists!
98c and $1.49 J
White Wash Dresses, New Styles 1
$4.98, $5.90; $6.90, $7.90 1
Light Weight Coats 'M
. $9,90 and $10.90 J
Ailvocato Cnso Oocs Otit. I
Tho editor of Tho Advoonto wont
up to Sunnysldo Tuesday to mako
nrrangomenta for tho nttendanco of
his witnesses In tho libel mitt ag
ainst this paper by Geo. N, Hill, to
learn upon his return Hint tho caao
by an order of tho court bad gono
over until Uio October term. This
matter was set Xor trial by Jury Im
mediately following tho MoWhlnncy
caso. Judgo Chrlatenson statod
that It would bo Imposslblo to hear
more than two jury cases, those of
Hill ngntnat Kolter and MoWhlnncy
It will thoreforo probably bo tho
first Jury case to bo reachod during
tho October term of court.
Fair Opining.
Tills question Is from a Connecticut
woman's dairy, dated 1700: "We had
roast pork for dinner, and Doctor 8,
who carved, held up a rib on hla fork
and said, 'Hero, ladles, Is what Moth
er Eve waa mado of ' 'Yes,' salt! Sis
ter Pstty, 'and It's from vory much tho
same kind of crlttor." Christian
Farm Diplomat.
"Do you want a Job as a farmhand P
"No." replied Plodding Pete. "You
have beon kind to ms In ths past,
and I think too much of you to make
you aa objsct of Jealous batted araosg
all your neighbors."
Sapphhis Hsadsd List
fUpphlrss comprised nearly two
thirds of ths value of gam talaerata
producid In ths United Status last
Good Qualltlss of Bamboo.
A lighthouse of bamboo, which Is
la use In Japan, la aald to hava great
powar of resisting the wavta, and doea
not rot like ordinary wood.
Tho Advoonto for good printing.
11TOMUN pciid more nion-
i " ey than men, and they
IHiiid It v Uor They not only
, buy most of the articles used
In III home, hut they ulso
buy fur their children and of
ten for tlu'lr inuii folks.
Wouiun also read the nd
vortlseuients moru than men
do This makes them better
and Mifor buyera than men.
They havo equipped thorn,
selves with tho knowledge
that makes them cffcctlvo,
They know the best atorea,
the best merchandise, the
best values. Ily rending ths
advertisements women are
enabled to shop more eco-
nomlcally, to make the mon
ey go farther. ,
DOINO "iuWInq,
jj i
AllANDKOME book or suty psges profuely Illustrated In mJ(
und ghlng detailed descriptions of the Panama Pacific lu'j
tlonai Eiposltlon to be held In San Kraiidsco from Kb a.
Dee 4, 1015, and of the Panama canal and canal region, M
be mulled 'ij- tli Exposition free of charge to all tnqulrera Tlu Wt
Is Inletiiliil as a crnrral guide to prospertlvr vIMtora and will 1i3
tain Information concerning the great engineering feat which thr ssj
sltion Is celobrnte Write to the Munugcr Ilurrau of Public
Panams-Psrlflr tntrrnationsl Exposition, KxKltlon ltulldlnc, (ton raj
Cisco, for booklet
' - --
yvf-a J ' L' ' 'i "v S "-'. i-H
ia?SWM&,i"-L hTvb1
Wm. 511 to &
irlV" "A W 4v1VL'IhVvI fafi
-9RA & k 7B
4 .-J. jill I, U
Crocker Co, olflclal photosruphsrs.
THE picture shows ono panel of an enormous frleie "TtiiCIs
of Pheaton." by llnitio 7Jmm. for the outside of the hi1!
dome of tho Palace of Pine Arts at ths Psnams.Psclflc l"
tlonai Exposition in ID lft.
Eko Theater
1ST BM fl) y tM T 1 1' iT ruxH
r KHI J'SPSIi v -fitfl
tI f!-H)l fNMS! f MIBMB
'" - MlPli! i 1119
Tho announcement that "An Am
orlciui aUxen" is coming to tho
Eko theater for an ongagomont of
ono night only, Tuesday, July nth,
undoubtedly will bo tho occasion of
tho packing of that popular placo of
imusoment whore photo dramas
bold sway Coupled with tho foot
that this four rcol production is
wild to bo ono of tho bent of tho
output ot Uio famous I,ll)TB
pnny Is tho feature that JM
rymoro appeara In tbe 'B
Tho natno of Darrymore
generations has been H
card Jn Uio boat thoater
land. John Is a brotbtf
Darrymoro and a son of fl
Maurlco Jarrymoro o
dlitlngulahod Qoorgio Pr
I LiilfiE? of "ighclass Ranges S UM N E R ' SI
Elv ' l