Newspaper Page Text
I j9 Attend the Carbon-Emery Fair, Price, Utah, Sept. 24-25-36 ffl Eastern Utah Advocate --.- 1 Utah'g Beat Weakly, Published In th "Biggest Little City on Earth" " EH l HH 1 1 I II YBAX. ?f --------------- . i ' flflBJ f PRICK, UTAH. THURSDAY, SKIT. 17, mil. NUMRKR ST SH REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS FUSE Practically Unanimity for Amal I gamation Both Conventions I Bitter Against Management I of Public Affairs. HeNIBLICAK KM0CRATIC TKKET fl State HepresentaUro OE0R0E O. FRANDflEN fl Republican fl 0AMUEL Q. NA7f)R fl Democrat flecnty Commissioner, 4-Year Term s 3, ie Mint? Commissioner, 2-Year Term fl OBOROB RUFF V County Clerk M B. S. HORLBY V County Sheriff fl THOMAS F. KELTKR J,4 County Attorney BM 0. O. MoWHINNBY BBS: County Treasurer BflJL J. W. HILL J' County Recorder V J08IK FmSOEKALD Hfljeaaty Superintendent of School OARL R. MARCUSEN Hflt Couaty Assessor V OEOROB COLLINOILVM flflj County Surveyor flf W. N. WETZRL HflfcitrenKly cauille criticism of the HflklaUtratlon of tho present board BBS county commissioner wm the Bfljnete of both the abusers tkVA4 Hfljubllcan county conventions held HfljPrlco Friday of lost wcek Tho Hfljubllcans mot at tho county court in while tho domocrat held , Bjwh In tho city hnll. Tho morn-l flflj. was occupied by caucuses of' flflj delegate of each party when flflj Aontlmont waa canvassed ro jflVllog a fusion ticket and tlioro flfl scarcely n dissenting tolco to flflj pro posed amalgamation. BBBoth conTenllona woro called to BBBWr at 2 o'olock, the republican Chairman Klrkpatrlck and tho Joe ratio by Chairman Madscn. BBflt tho republican convention on BflJ(on of C 0, MoWhlnney, It. It. Klrkpatrlck wm mado temporary chairman and Carl It. Marcuaon oo retary. On motion duly carried tho following committee wero appoint cd by tho chair! Credential- Ar thur Olbton, Samuel Dugmoro and Ocorgo Haymond. Platform and Resolution Carl K Marctmen, F E. Wood and Ilobcrt Monties, Sr. Permanent Organization and Or der of Business Carloa CJundcrson, William Crow and awjlym Jmn, Republican Delegate. Tho credonllal committee report ed tho attendance of thirty-eight delegate, m follows: Wlntor Quarter Alfred New ron, Tho. Boiler, Robert Monxlos, Br., Wm. Young. Bcoflcld Lara Jensen, WUlard 8tlltman. CaaUe Gate WlUlam Crow, J. R. Ilaehelor, Wm. Babcock, John Lof ley. Helper -Joaeph Ilarbogllo, I. A. Loe. wcM John- T. Rowloy, William Knight. Price C C. McWhteneyt Carlo Ound arson, Carl R, Msrcuscn, Mo Cluro Wilson, George 0. Frandten, Jyt.KU'..RJ.yTurHrt .yRi Wood. R. n. Klrkpatrlek. Wellington WIlMam Norton. Bunnyalde W. N. Woltel, Bam uel Dugmoro, George Colllnghnm, Robert William, A. D. VsnWng goncr, James West field. Clear Oreok--C K. Jensen, OwJ lym Jones, Bam Woodhead, Wciley nui. Carbonvlllo Hobort Powell. Hiawatha Ocorgo Hnymond, T. Low la. Carbon John Forrester fltorra Arthur Olbion. Tlio report of the committee on platform, and resolutions ami tho Joint committee of tho democrntlo R-affet Makes An Attractive H Offer to His Calumniators BBBJd tho ndltor of Tho Advocatot BBBj During tho paat tow days povernl per tan a havo been clrcula BBB& report about tho city of I'rloe ht I waa Inatxumcntal In BBBf4nBlnjc proatltutoa Into tho democratic primary hold In thl city BBBV Sontomber 8th. Theao report aro abaolutely fnleo, and I will BBBvBAto Jio um of one thouaand dollar a to nny charity that may m named by tho roforooa horelnaftor nrovldoil If any proof n ttui BBBvt of such acouaatlona la forthcoralnjc to tho aatlafocMon of auch BBBVreea, provided my opponontn will pay two hundred dollar to BBBv llkowluo devoted In caso tho finding aro In my favor BBBj The author of tho atntemont that Mr. Mnd-on or Mr. OUaftr BBjtod "reaorU." nlao know that aMortlon to bo n most damnnblo BBBj' Aa a moan of determining tho fact, I will appoint ono person BBS roforeo, tho dafomer may appoint ono, and tho two may velect BBBvtblrd, and a majority of tho thrvo may roako a finding upon BBBkIi proof as any porcon or pornon may dcslro to offer. BBBt I am not dlspoaod to tako thla action In vlow of nny nocos BBBbT of pomonal defense, but make It In order that tho vllllflora tho people In attondanco nt tho primary may h callod to no BjBBVint or bo hold "to a responsibility for their acurrllous n-.ertlons. BjBjf My offorta In behalf of aoourtng tho largo nttendanco present, BBBt tbo primary woro dovotod excluilvoJy to tho voting lUt from BlBBalch ho name at nlnety-thrco reglfttorod votor who are dmo BBBB'a were chosen and for whom conveyancen woro provided to aid BBBm assembling at tho rrlmnry Theao poraoni Inoludod no prosU BBBBa nor pimps, aud so far as I know, no person of elthor typo BBBjftlclpatod In tbo proceeding of either faction at tho primary. BBBBo Carbon County Now Jn Its last Usuo haa also dofnmod thoso BBB1 pooplo by referring to tho constat of tho personnel of tho con BBBBtlou In tho following language BBBB "High I'rvacB Nell Mndoen of ScofMd and Sam aiascr of BBBUo Onto wero asslgnod to tho task of seeing that the faithful BBjBfo on hand in sufficient numbers, and put In a vory busy day BBBBund tho saloons and othor 'resort,' Tho result of their moro BBBBjoi praiseworthy of farts was soon when tbo convention waa oall BBBVto order Over in. 'Hraffet oomw' waa a very complot colloc BBBv of punblors, a sprinkling of pimps and prostltutos, and all tho BBBBponkconorA A"d bartender who could bo provallod upon - lend BBflBV OMlstanco. nusy among thorn, Issuing ordora nnd passing BBBBund ballots containing a list of hand picked dolegatos, wore tho BBBBWr. resldenoo SaR Lako, Bam Olaser, Catlo a ate, and Miulson, BBV lld On tho othor sldo of the bouse was a goodly number of BBBBjpt democrats and a largo number of spectator who had gath BBBBV out of curiosity." No doKroo of political forvor can extenuate auch ilumnlatlon BBflBV? tod ngalnat tho wlvoa, mother and daughter of tho citizens flflflflttrloo, aud It would Lo difficult to find a parallel for tho men flflflfluy of tho odltor or tho Carbon County News In such dofama fljfljVof a community which Is kind enough to afford hlra his llvoll- jflflff Your truly, Jfllflff MAHK P. DHAFFRT. VflflK Dated, Price, Utah, Sept. 12,. 1914. ' flflflflWi - T VtfM l'iMiliLB i'- U aJ fllfllByfci'Mt tjmgmBtKMfBtiiigm2mJtggdtM land republican convention on tw lon may bo seen elsewhcro In thta impression. I It. It. Klrkpatrlck was m rule tho 'chairman of tho republican county jcommltteo and Oeorgo K. Nelma, re publican nominee for Justice of tho peaco for Prlco precinct, secretary. I Owing to tho fact that a spectac ular performance wo promised by tho OUonOIotfmnnn Interlopers, tho cuts In tho cUy halt wero filled by spectators. Nothing of a pcnaatlon al nature occurred, howover. Roth delegation from Prlco woro Allowed votes Jn tho convention. Tho cre dentials committee reported sealtng of Price delegate as follows: Dr. B. F Chamberlain, T. F. Keller, J. A. Crockett, Thoa, Fltagoratd, Ooo. A. Nixon, Jesse Johnatun, 7.. II. Peterson, Abo Powell and Mr. Oeo. O. Hornor. Following tho report of tho committee on credentials, tho delegates elected by tho democratic rump primary left the hall quietly amid tho cheer of tho regularly scaled delegate. Wellington, Ken llworth, Carbon, Btorra and part of Helper, followed tho Prlco lead. Democratic Committees. At the democratic convention tho following committee wero appoint ed by tho chairman: Committee on Credentials W. B. W'HIIam, 0. F. Dorgaa and BahvucI Naylor. I Committee on Platform and Res olutions CeoTgo RuK, T. F. Keltor and C. M. Anderson.. Committee on Permanent Organi sation attd Order of Uuslneas Md ney Potter, John flllUtca and Tho. FlUgerald. , Special Conforenoo Committee John A. Crockett, Dr. E. F. Cham berlain and Roy Nellson. Nell M. MndK wo ro-oleotcd a chairman of the county central com mittee and John A. Crockett, sec retary. RHPURMCANH rM.'IKIK CN- DATIM TOHTIIIOT KCONOSIY Ty .!-. ,,.-, i'k',1. '" FMtowuig U tho platform adopted by the republican convention' f' To 4ho Republican County Cos vontlon of Carbon ounty, Utah. Re port of ommlUeo On PJatform am) Resolution. Mt Chairman: Wo, your committee en platform and resolutions, beg leave to report and rocoMinond the adoption of tho fol lowing platform and resolution; Whereas, Tho republican party l and ever ha boon nationally and lo cally ho great conservator of tho public welfare, ever alert to tho es tablishing of reform necessary to carry Into effect tho great prtnotplo of tho greatest good to tho greatest number, regarding a public office as a pubJIa trust, and wxacUug from all Jt representative In otfJoo a acred regard for tho wolfaro of the people whom they aro chosen to servo, and a constant recognition of tho important fact that all public officials, from tho hJghent to tho lowest, aro but servants Jn whom a vast con fid once Js roposcd, and mindful of tho foot that tho great fclory of our party is a direct re oult and consequence of tho integ rity and fulthfulncs of its careful ly chosen representatives and their xwvlous regard for Uio preservation of tbo high winded principles upon which havo been founded ami per petuated our glorious republican In tltutloiui: , Now, therefore, we do hereby re affirm our allegiance to the princi ple of republication, as enunciated Jn the national platform ratified by tho republican party of alio stato of Utah. Aud I Whereas, There aro conditions ex isting in Carbon county to romedy which will require tho co-operation of all good citizens Independent of party affiliations; and, Whereas, Tho solution of local complication in tbo Interest of good government may and sliould bo brought about (ndopondont of and free from partisan iaauon and tho best rosult may thereby bo achloved Jn behalf of tho gonoral publlo Jn Carbon county; Now, therefore, bo It Resolved, That this convention la favorable to tho nomination only of oucji publlo officials to act a ser vanda of tho peoplo Jn Carbon coun ty as rop resent the highest typo of efficiency and fitness for tho sev eral office to bo filled, and who will at all times bo true servants of tho jcoplo, not alono In numo but In actual fact and deed, and for tho purpose of accomplishing thla object so much desired by all good oltlenM that this, convention fav ors an equitable division of tho of , " ficob to bo filled In Carbon county between tho two groat political or ganisations; that wo recognise tho disposition of tbo democratic parly to aid In accomplishing this purpsoo by a fair and cqultnblo division be tween tho democratic and repull can parties of tho office lo bo tin ted Jn order to remedy the deplor (able local conditions brought about by tho mismanagement of Interlop ing, experimental fad political or ganisation. And bo it further 'Resolved, That the candidate ckoson by thj convention bo plcdg a to an economical and bulnos administration of tho affair of the county government; tho tralnten sines ami repair of public highways, tho equitable and just distribution of tax burdens; the enforcement of law and order; tho constant im provement of our educational sys tem; tho adoption of sanitary mea Mre for tho security of tho health of tho people, and tho recognition of tho everlasting prlnclplo upon which our organization Js founded that equal and exact Justloo should be accorded to all. Your ooinmUtoe therefore rccom flwnd that a special committee, comprising tbroo qualified delegates JH'ttltondanco at this convention, bo itfotntcd by the chairman to con tr with a committee of the demo cratic county convention now in session, for tho purpose of devUIng a .plan of cqutUblo distribution of tWe county office between tho two g-rt organization, and that upon the appointment of such committee a .recess be had pondjng such Joint oeswtdcrntlon, and that such com Mltteo report to htl convention Jts recommendation Jn tho premise. CARL R. MA IIC UH UN, F. B. W00D8, KOBT. MBNZIIM, Bit., Committee on Platform and Res olution. DKMOCHATH FLAY PUKHnNT COUNTY ADMINIHTHAT10N Tho democratic coivsHtion unnU JAlSljfftiSAilJuSl t k ' tt-. - ol Hte commute on platform "aa? resohitJeM: Mr. Chairman! The eowmllteo chosen by tbl honorable body to devise a paltform and prepare mid rocommend resolutions for adoption, havo tho honor to submit tho fol lowing: Whereas, Tho national platform of tho democratic party, embodying a Jt does tho essential principles upo which all Just government Js founded, and upon which Uio great est president in the history of our government has firmly stood while successfully demonstrating to tho American people by tbo enforcement of democratic legislation that tho happiness of our people and tho prosperity of our aution 1 thereby promoted ar.d made secure, and In our International relation has, by a close regard for democratic prin ciple at all times, maintained In Meourity the proHporlly and tran qulllty of tho greatest of Batious, thus demonstrating to all thinking observers the utter, futility of any othor plan or scheme of government to work out and successfully solve tho great problems of governmeut; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That Uio democrat of Carbon county, Jn oouveutlon as sembled, do hereby declare our fi delity to tho national democratic or ganization, aud do adopt tho plat form of said organization. And Whereas, Through maladmlolsii. llou In tho conduct of county af fair tbo public highways of Carbon county hnvo been neglected and many Important thoroughfares uro at this tlmo Impassable; aud Whurvu. Tho manifest duty of tho county oommui&louent Jn tho prciuUos has been neglected and dUrogurdod while tho funds paid by taxpayer for such purpose havo boon diverted and dissipated Jn ex pensive, uuuocedGury, 111 advised and Jutllo litigation carried ou for tho purpose of gratifying tho malice of private individuals, who Jn Uio main uro not taxpayers, aud who Ju tho uggregato liavo llttlo or no consid eration for the public wolfaro; now thoNforo bo Jt Ilesolvod, That tbo nominees of this convention bo pledged to au economical, Just and Impartial ex ecution of tho duties devolving up on them, and particularly to tho re habilitation of tho main public thor oughfare through tbo county, to the end that tho taxpayer may bo accojdod tho legitimate publlo ben cfJUi to bo derived from tho legal HppUcatiou of tho taxes paid by them to tho purpoaos contemplated Iby law. And Whereas, For nearly two years our county has boon sorely afflicted by a severe mlefortuno whloh can only bo iromodlod by tho careful cl cctlnn, independent of partisanship, of county officials npoclalty adapted by experience and known Integrity of purpose U discharge tho Impor tant duties devolving upon the nor vant to bo chooon at this conven tion; and Whereas, A gonoral demand em anate from all olaane of tAxpaycm Including- the miner Jn his cabin, tho farmer, the merchant, tho stock grower, tho professional man, and all upright citizens that tho para mount duty of this convention be recognized in choosing for office n clean cut roster of official pledged to a fair and Intelligent odminlstra totn of county government without fear or favor, and in recognition of the prlnclplo that tho rights of all are equal and entitled to ovenhand ed and Impartial consideration by our public officials; and Whereas, In response to this pop ular and rightful demand of the iaxpaylng public, and In considera tion of tho expressed Inclination of many member of tho republican party within Carbon county to Join with this organization in placing beforo the people a set of officers who will represent the best type of citizenship regardless of political affiliations; Wo thcrcforo recommend that a committee comprising three of tbo (Concluded on page eight.) Kit HI AID 1 iDEDBJlTTE . 1 Visaflfl FAIR MANAOKMKNT WILL tltVK AH THItKK DANCKH. 'fllffl Kvcrytiody KcqutXcd Ut Huy Tick. rts to Aslt in Mwfcwsnf'ilte flflvJ Thro Dy O-Mt-nliiiw 'kuruW- Wafll Hohh Adopted My CiiiiniUoc'. ' IBl The fair manngomont ho bad thW flsfll year to use every menn peMlbte to lisfll finance tho Cnrbcn.-Btuery fasr wKk- Bssfll out calling on the peoplo of Prte for contributions. The coal com- panic have been very liberal In BflV their donations, yet we find that w ! will have to raise somo money by IflvJ moan ot holding dances for tho flBj fair benefit On Thurmiay night wo wilt hM M a dance at tho city hall. Qsod su- flBJ Ic ha been secured. Tho prlee 4 BflJ (UckoU will be 7C cents, Daaetoc ), will oammeftcs at 8:39 stwrp. Oa jflH Friday night we wJH give a tUoes at the high school gy, ticket ma flBBJ dollar, which will be for sale by tk student body of the Carbon sevstiy flH high school, who havo kjftdly flflfl (Continue cm pg fer) BH Joint Resolution Adopted I By Two Party Committees I To the Honorable ChalrmeH fd Detifste Asem4drt In Oh- VPRtten, at Uio IcmbUeA aw Pi'inucrrntc CowHtf CtHivB(ast lV (JMlnnpni The (IrlrNAtes eowrtsturt Vy sffMJu(iMtt n J4feB )VS eottfereHes coinmrKoB of the diimxirAtto sntl i-n'0'Wmn smHMtr sm- fl sty Kavn mK hi . eoAfgrense sninmant i,ttte -th'uIhUiiimi off, A flflj said MtvitlAfM, iHtd have to wpommnul the ndopKoii by h of B rnOd euHVwititms of Hhi foileyvlnK htomMn shd rrsuliulcni H WhrmM, The parnmitMnt tmrpoc of aR etriMttlilo poUMssl MrxnHlMNefM Is to choose M rc-rVAMt of the prepta sMsmm Mt44 flflj 1 c(wtlty ami Mpprlctte to awhhho the tmpArtAA trwrtA rrpes iflfl Ml In thrm Ity Iaw amI flflj Whwuw, Tttevn tUA hi CarbfrR tttHtttf a K"ml rmhHc de- CTsfll wMd that 1b m-Hr t eerrref, rHvg simwi ad l mMkr Aeewrei flwJ Hie HoeUoH to office ef sMsmm pwwwislinc m Wtt type ef f. flflj fktenry, Ac.rrpuWle And dcmorrAdc frHe idtetiJ refr to be flH lafhtfitflnl by psrtjssnslilp; ami flfll Where, Through the unfortHnstc rleotion to office of tors' lvj inniKrn of ah rxntlc pArty, the public fMAri Imvc Wn squsitdwd flfl for tlto mAiAtcHSHcc of lawyers who hare fiWml from thv rewMsr flflj trcAmrr thousands of del bun dppropriAHi ti theh hk, but eu BH tcAMfdy In rccompcHsn for services rendered In comic(hH wMM Bfl varlotH suits wlilcli they have Induced the1 hoArd of county eowimls- slonrrs to lwttitHtc, nwi Ih wMeh suIIm she cmMty has Ihvn wti flfl formly defootol nnd thereby tile fHiiu provided by the taxpayf flflj for die malntcHAHce of county KovernmeHt, the JmpnrrruMHtt of flfl putdlo JilgtiwAy ml oHier kMi purposes for wWdi ctminiVwIowers' flfl are by Uw AUliorisd to rrpeml the money of Mte (Aspsyvrs, have flflj liccn MiAMirfulIy waiai1 with tlio rfkult that the mstn Ithshwsfs. fl9 leading through CsrtioH county fmwi Item rrmkd U beeomo flflj an lmHMMAlil series of chuck holr while tiie unUwful diversiett flflj of such funds has depleted tlio puldJo treAsury And burdened the flflj taxpayers vritii oxeesslve Interest and has reullr In the Impost. flflj tion f (he niaxlmuiu of tavatlon with a minimum of benefit In the genrrnl pubMct nnd , flfll Wlx-rcAM, To remedy such condition ttiere shouM be elected fljfl to office men of well rstnhllslied ami HHlmpescl.HWo Intcfcrity ami fljfl reniU and of InUdllgi-noe ennugji to recognize the fact that net- IBfl titer peiiuiual mnllrc nor antipathy toward IndlvhlHal or corpora. fljfl tlons sIiohM ever Iki pcnultuil to away tlio JudgiHent of tho pub fljfl lie official duirgetl mIUi Uio reftpon-MldtUy as a aervnnt of the pee- fljfl pin of dUcharglns (lie Important truwt Incident to tlio otflces v,Uh BBJ which they are honenil by tiie suffrage of tlio citizen; and BJfl WliiTt'as, liio vociferation of tlio knocker ami (he slander of Bfl tho Krnftcr nnt certain to lw dlivotiil iialnnt all official who, in BBJ Uio faltiiful dlsdmiici of tlielr trust. Incur tiie i!llirtxiiro of tlve BBBJ pnrnklU-s wltq'ov sck to lench n IIvoIIIkmmI from the public treas. BBJ ury, an eternal nnd toiiNtniit lglnnce on the part of the public of- flfl ficlnls uro essentially nuoeasary to craiwnc Uio puhllo fluids to the ' fljB etui tluvt tho tnvpayent may obtain full value for the larc" exae. BBJ tlons aiiuiially made upon tiiem for Uio maintenance of county gov 'J BBJ eniiiienti Now, Uierefore, lie it BBJ Resolved, That this committee riicoiumetiil the dUUIon of the BB rocuty office lit Carbon county by Uio nomination of republican BBJ and democrats IndUcrhnlnatoly, and jonr comiulUoe furUier recctm- BH iiMmd that each of wild convenUons place In nomination Uio fed- Bfl lowing perMoiui nx tho iioiiilnec of both parties to bo voted upon at aflfl tlio eusulnff election, and whose names ore to lx placed upon tho BBJ official ballot of ImiIIi the demiK-raUc and rrpulillniHS, to-wit: jBBJ For County ComiuUstoner, 4-year term . .. A. J. LKH BH I)p County Commissioner, U-year Utiii., OHOrHlK RUFF jBjl For Omuty Clerk -- .. . .. K. B. HORSLKY Bfl lr County Bherlff . . . . ..THOMAS F. KEJnm BBJ For County Attorney . . . 0. 0. McWIIlNXKY Sjfl For County Treasurer .. . - J, W. HILTi B For County Recorder L , JOHIH FITZOEIULW BH For County Buirt, of Schools CARL It. MAltCUHE.V BBJ For County Assessor . .. . ..QEORO OOLLINaHAM Bfl For Ouunty Surveyor . .. . W. N. W13TZKL BJ Respectfully SubmltUxl, flflj J. A. CROOiCKTT, O. O. McVHINNEY, . JOHN 8TILLIT013, W, D. 8TILUMAN, THOMAS IlTy.nUltAM), C. K. .THNSKN, flflj DcinocruUc (-'onimUUx-incH. Republican Commlttooinen. JjBJ Dated, IVicc, Utah, September 11, 1011. 'BBJ