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Df' ""1rK jiw-Bnw---Baa-M-am''i mtKmjm &.' $ Hxrxa j- H Itathe Carbon-Emery Fair, Frice, Utah Sept. 24-i25-:2& I 1; pastern Utah Advocate I H i Utah's &zt Weakly, Published Jn the "Blfirgreat Little City on Earth" '& 'M PRICK, UTAH. THUHWUY, 8EIT. , 1914. NUMMK M H KpilllllflllSWAk BAiH DOWN KUHOPK8 KTKOXG. K KHT DKt'KNHHH. Ltonc We Phut HfAmtMnt to the It United W(w TBnifd Down Hy BHJrttta Country, OernBy Secretly flflf Kmhi factored Horrrbto iHtitruc flflff hro Tnstramciit. Prom a military nlandpolnt, ono Hft (he greatest mnrrola of tho Eu Lean wr J tho alxtcon-lnch gun Bed by the German which ha BHKocceded In demolishing tho strong HKt defense Hint human ogoncy ha BHJhsii able to construct. HI Louis Oatbtnann, a Oorman rel Hfcnt of Chicago, said to havo in BHJhntod Uio new German slego gun flflfttd afcoll ueed with audi disastrous BHLutta against tho Ilelglan and reach fortification In tho present V Tfcta Chicago Intention U said to BiTe been rejected by tho United BHJtate government except for coast Harense after a series ef teet hold Hm Bandy Hook experiment station HL 1891 Tho Inventor U ald to aro taken hi device to dot-many Hnd later to have aold It to tho BHmropps. Hr J ataman n wm at ono timo con BHleoted with Northwestern unlvcralty W 1b eald to have invented tho Bu shortly before the Spanish flflBerloan war. The fkwt shells were ml la a small Chicago machine Hwi. Later (he United State gov BHflnment appropriated $200,000 to Ht the Invention and a npeelal BflflM-wM builtto Wiwl.tVf.UHft Bflfl diameter, welgbtr.'8e'pe4d Bl carried wot than 600 pounds Bflfl guncotton or nttreglycerlno. Tho HfleUs were four feet long and built flflm two section which woro screw BBl together. In the teals at Sandy BHfteok the projectile wore auocese-1 Hdly mile. ft K ta stilt too early to base genor BHfl predictions concerning tho war In Hm future upon tho engagement Bflfl tho present groat European nj(l, any Berlin dispatch. Hh prediction, however, dee seem BflflirJy JuatUled already It ta that Hm day of the fortress ha passed. BHEti new 42 centimeter (lt.B Inch) Bage gun ol the Gorman force ap Bsar to havo demonstrated anil Kr to demolUh the strongest fortl Keatkns etw made. 1'icturc of tho MBoltUon of Llogo bear striking KtUwony (o the iowr of this new Ban A single projectile demolished BHuerly wall of relnforeed ceaont pBad steel, ripped open steel to wont BKkd piled Uio tnaee upon Uio fort's rKAtaderi!. pTft ThW new slego gun ha been tho HprprUe of tho war. It ha been fflieoutedly aarxvtod that no nation Hm uay wlUtary secret that nre VXet In pontialon of all other ln BBerUnt nations, but event have Lurod not only that fho oxlatenoe WS this terrlblo weapon was not HiMwa to foreign nation, but that BB4y a limited number of high Oor Mua nrmy officials themselves had pBe much os hoard of It. A member BBx tho relchatag, whoso namo 1 not BBlvun, 1 quoted a follows In a BsBeriuiin widot' BB "Tho fact Una tho aonuan nrmy BBVoMCMoed uch a eun wna a much Bftst a surprise to the fJerwans as to BBkroliicr, for It conistrucUonfand BBVature woro kept eocrot, a tho lt BBVaUoti deuuindod, no that even in m empire only a Umttod number mow nbout It. When the trials BBroru finished and all was ready to BBeeeln the construction of tho now BmRttn, tho problem prceented itself BHpf making IhU wondortul work of without attracting any fttton foa. BBJ "Moro than forty oftlcor pArtlcU BBBatod In the preliminary dbtctwuton BBBwor the pruparation of the' BllHary BBBHidgct for tho oooslderaUon U the BBBnideet oouimlaalon of the retchstuff. BBBVMn the oubject t 'arma' wan BBBWhod the bead of this dopart BBBft&t requeetod that this part of tho BBBjudcot bo sot dofoated at that tirao, BBvt tho close of tho ecaston lio told BBBye confidentially that A new slogo BVu we n oonsldoratlon. Tho un BBWnl stuff, lie said, had urgently re BBBWoated that not a word be said BjBtbout tho matter In tho budget." MlMIGiMD OfEB Ute Indian Croircwt) to Crime m ChnrgiM In CoieitWnt. Oeorge I'aum'bltch, the Ute rl oner M the county Jail, wa Men day bound over to the district uourt in the earn of $1000 by Juatioo A. J. Lee. ThevMeaoe brought out at the preliminary hearing contain ed practically tho same facta m published by The Advocate at the time of the shooting. Ilobert P. Clark, a traveling man, In driving his auto between Cotton and Price overtook the Indian in a drunken condition. Ho had not gone far, however, bolng detained by a bad mud hole. 1'numWtch rode up to him and accused him of hav ing found a Jug of whisky whloh ho claimed to have lost. Clark told him he had not seen tho Jug and the Indian ovon attomptod to help him get the auto out of tho mud. Ho hod no fenr of bolng harmed by tho drunken man when tho Ute shot htel in the back with a .22 riflo. The bullet struck tho fifth verte bra. Clark 1 able to got around and attend to bualnoas although his rlgh leg I stilt pnralyxod and It is quite poiwlble he wlt always be crippled on account of the shoot-UK- Jswell D. Martin, acting auper vtsor of the Uintah and Uncompah ere n gooey, and a-n Indian Interpre ter attended ho hearing. No effort will be .aado to clear Paumbltch, who confesses to tho fact a aboro stated and to which he testified at the hearing. Mr. Martin engaged Attorney P. E. Wood to look after the Indian ease at the next term it court. AVKRAOK ATTKNDANCK AT QUAKTKRLY COKPKHKXCK , The auarterty eettlerenee ef Ik Cihwfa.kAwrJatosJi the fcaeenwnt et-U'&ewMe-JrfSew Septeaber 19th and 26th, eet Meftdng at 2 o'clock Saturday after noon Thore were present the stake presidency, a majority of the high council, bltbop and counsel lor of wards, Klmer Rudger Claw 'son of the council of the twelve, El der Jonathan O. Kimball of the first council of soventle and an av erago attendance of members from the near by ward. Elder Itudgor Clawaon in his rtv. marks dwelt upon the necwslty of living In accordance with the "Word of Wisdom" if wo would enjoy the bleJng predicted therein. lie spoke of the authority vested In the presidency of the stake In presiding over all of its department and an llko manner the .bishops of tho wards, He nleo made a splendid talk on tho personality of Ood, and gave a general encouragement to all to live the life of ft Latter-day Saint. KIdor Jonathan a. Kimball eald he hao a meaaage to tho soveatlea and read from the "Doctrlno and Covenant" the duties required of their hands. Ho gave some very good instruction as to how tho Latter-day Balnba should conduct Uiemaelvos In all walks of lifo, em phasising tho eoclal training in tho young men ud young ladle asso ciation. In public spooklne,' he suld, we aliould get on Wi. think it over and work It out. The latter-day Saint, the elder eald, had a neok laco made up of all poarls and en umerated fanny of thorn, and that "faith which comes by hearing thq word of Ood" was the first pcari an the ctrlng. Ho nlo JSve the following ad vice: Christ religion makes a man good to his family and other. The mutual uewl to organise and provWo for aoMol '.rtalnmont, and how to oou'dact reception awl dances, and also to do some work and glvo thought on dross culture awl make eome reforms along that line. During the conforom." conven tion ei tie utnaJ aiVwgUn clans Tvero beW aid splendid talk made tt EWer iear A, Klrlwan and Sister Bmily CvAJ-. w R, the other vitltlng brethren upon the course of atudy outlined, for the mutuaU and religion claae this, seaaon, Tho OasUe Oate choir furnUhed the elnglns for t10 8unla, Bttor" noon; A splendid conference woo held and yory much eujoyod by oil. EltNEST B. JIOItHL. Stake Clerk. Stationery of all kinds. Advocate SUNNYSIDlMAILBAG WEHFWf BEVKN HUNDKKU AND rtVTX IM)LL,H TAKKM. ReojlAterrtt lncka(fc Myntcrinur lbuippcr (HH FamhI Ir Um ' CVnva IVucti BpctUl Agfnt ! Working On Cac McUcvrn Ktfe lKry Occnrml at lepod Tuemlny night of laat wtyk a reg istered .packngo containing $760 In bill and gold wo abstracted from tho mall pouoh from Sunnysldo. Tho money wa a remittance from the Sunnysldo postmater to the Bait Lake poatofflce. The loss waa dlacovered by Postnuwiter H. C. Smith the following morning, hi regtetefod advice cftlUag fer the missing package. He Immediately called roeUBASter Twaddle en the phone, asking Mm If he had not he glected to place the package la the pouch. Twaddlo replied that the register left 8unrtyatdo on the after noeei prevloB. On retwrntng to hi office and eaamlnlng tiie bag, Mr. Smith dlsoovered that a small alH bad been made Juet under the draw string.. Postmaster Smith at oace noti fied the SaK Lake peatettlee and BpecttU Ageat Magee was detailed on 'Jie matter. After a week' la vestiatlea the estleer 1 of the opinion that the mo Bey was taken from the sack either en board the train, which arrived late Tuesday night, or at the depot, where the eaek remataad rr aljiht. 'mm jJPBIflWBBBHSJRIv " aiUHCKMH OP XATfOK This appeal to the churches ef the United State ha been ied by the eseewUvo eoMmlttee ef the Aaiftriean Red Ore: "Oar president turn by procUma tlen deatgnated ftUy, Oeteber 4, a a day of prayer for peace. U. has beea suggested ta many quar ters that on this Sunday a collec tion be taken up In every church to relieve suffering In the war rav aged count rlea of Europe. Tho Med Cross, which Is charged with the pedal duty of aiding the sick and wounded In time of war, ronpoctful! urge that opportunttr be given in each eliurch to every person who so desire to make a contribution to be given to the American Red Cross, which 1 Impartially aiding erery country In a apJrlt of com mon humanity And which recognises no distinction of race or nationality. However, every contributor who de Ires to designate any pariloular fund or country to which hi or her contribution shall bo applied may do eo and such request will be re-peoted. HOHIIKIW OAlU TItAIN NKAK LOS AXM.I.KH AND OUT 0M) LOS ANQBLIIB, Sept 20. -Two armed men hold up and robbed the Southern Pacific north bound pa tcngertraln late tonight eleven mile north of hero. They are re ported to have procured nearly a thousand dollars from the pawon gora. Tho t'rain. proceodod after n jnlf hour delay. The holdup is the second At about the tho same time of night and place, wlChln two month. tOn tho previous occasion robber went through a southbound train made up moatly of day coaches and ob tained about $3300. They escaped and efforU to trail them with blood hound were futile, The hound parted, a rabbit and forgot everything' ele. re.vcHA villa vhoclalmh REVOLUTION XOAINST ClIIi:P The loa threatened break be tween Villa and Carranxn la, Mexico aoema to have occurred, according to the following dtepatch from No gaioji dated yoetorday: ".Notioc were ported here today that Ooneral Villa hod proclaimed a revolution against Carrnnxa. Gov ernor Maytorena of Sonera, who Is Bupported by Villa, la to command hero end 1 reported to bo prooar- Ing to march ngnlnat Oencrol Hen Jamln Hill, Oarranra'a military con mandor In tho otate." XtlH 0Elti BTREKir MR ImU A. IabIkt, Jr Meet lKs4h Thrt-aJi AceMrnt at Depot. Seven -ycr-old Lout A Iuber, Jr., late Monday afternoon wa rua over by tho Sunayatde train as tt pulUng Into the Rrlce depot. Two track poaaed over the IKtle fettew'a lea, crush lag the bene in each but a short dlatsnee below the ta-tgh. Ono foot wa entirely cut tttt Just above the ankle, The ether Hub waa caught higher up. Death feilewed tho shocking accident four Weuns later while he wa being op efnted upon. 5-The child with some companions ihtvd been playing along the rail rend track He and several ether boya ran alongsldo tho Incoming fain when one of thorn Jostled him, calming hm to tall and roll under the wheel. Haatity byataader picked tho in ured boy up, called physicians and rttehed him te h4a homo In an auto mobile, but the terrible wound were beyond the peselbllky of hu man agency to contend with, and he passed away at 8:26 o'clock in the evening. Kveryono who saw the little boy at the time of and after tho accl dent will vividly remember with what remarkable courage be bore himself. Not a cry or complaint escaped the ohlldUh llfs from Uio timo the car wheel cruelly mangled hi limb until be smilingly went to the operating table. Carefully ho related over and over again to hi father and mother ut how tho ac cident came about and before Uio spark ef life went out aaaured them that be wa not to blame. Pimerai service were held from the home at 2 o'clock yesterday af teraeea and were attended by prac tically the entire eeeaamaKy. P-reatr sasaMaaaL bbbMMWbV sVaaaat a4aafttt ACYHM Wa ---a- - ""a.JSfc. aBKJBkAABB .! W iai J jbV trWsr'lr eWI-al & fKW wf ' TW Jk !V&eBBft aaalraW fam-al tAA fva CTV pfraa-Bp-afmr Tfaa0 W ' itraa'?al a the Imaseaes fleral oMertnas, BeM ttful ynf were teat' for Salt Lake, ivevei aad Oraad JuaeUea borne a the eeaaetery. The wh4 etamiMil'i rn wMk ibe pare. Mr. 4. WaV L. A. Laiaer, erer ibeer great 1, - At b shae ef bU death Lei A. Lauber, J., wa 7 year and twenty-one day M. He wa bern la Prlee. The bereaved parents, Mr and Mr. Lauber, desire to eareea through these coWma their thaak nnd deep appreclattea. fer the man tier in which their friend ae Undly aasleted them la earleg tor their little en during hi laat mortal hew. COLTO.H OftOKKMTK MAY KHPLAOK POIMiaNT PHODUCT One of the preduet ef petroleum thai iva beea espertW by the Uni ted State te a vaW beweea $9, 000,008 and $18,069,860 dwie the laat three yTar ta paratfte wJU In aplte of these leraje exports, natural tnineral wax (oxokerHe) 1 Import od, for tho reason that Its melting point Is Tory high, and altiiough tho paraffin wax from petroleum can be sroduced with this high melting point, the proccxs Is diffi cult and costly Ozokerite occurs In oonslderablo quantity Jn Utah In the region of Cotton, and ha bwn pwxlucol there, but tha cost of ex tracting it from low grade material, toguthor with the coat of transpor tation to tho market, which U the ISautern States, has made it possible tor tho foreign material, whloh comes from dallcta, to compete with It nuccoaofutly. InrosUnatlon by tho deparlment have failed to dlacovor any roaaon for the common praotlco of selling commercial Turkewtnn aUalfa seed at a higher price than that obtain ed for domeatlo seed. Turkestan alfalfa has beea grown In the Uni ted States for about fifteen yearn, with the result that It ta now de clared that this variety has nothing to ireoommend It for general two in thla country. It i particularly un auited to tho humid climate of the East, and 1 not eufllclen!ly hardy to warrant its general use la tho Uppor Mississippi VnUey, where box. dincea is on Important factor. In Europe U has been found equally unsatisfactory, and in eoneequonca bring a lowor price In the inarVoUi tbore than locally grown seed; or, where this 1 not available, French or Italian. Mar. 1 1 ii f 1 1 m ; aJftTateaMafr'J" COAL OPERATORS I SEEK CONTRACTS I Good Prospects of Landing .Supplies I For United States Naval Opera- U tions On Pacific Coast. I The coal producer of Utah havo united in requesting the United 8tates government to construct at tho naval coatlnc atntlon in San Prancleco bay a tormina! that will make It poeslblo to deliver Utah coal to the Pacific fleet at Ban Praaclcoo bay. Prom tho govern ment Uio local operator are receiv ing considerable encouragement and they are now eeatldont that tho coal used by the United Btaie gov erament oa the, coast will be sup plied by Utah. This will mean hi added production about. 100,009 ton ot coal annually fer Utah. The bead of nine big eeal pro ducing companies of Carbon coun ty have atg-nod a letter to Paymas ter General T. J. Cowle, chlof of the bureau of HUf and account, setting forth tho roeaons why Utah coal should be used kn supplying the ships of tho Pacific fleet. They have recelvod a letter from Mr. Cowje promising an Investigation nt the proposition set forth by the Lettem have also been eeat W FresUent Wilson seUwg forth the opsertuaKy for the navy depart ment to seeure Utah eeal fer the alHik..9l'iit.;.h iJiissLt raaraai'. i sbx aw deaasaaseajt wi aba easieat that the stars Uy wsawaHy ts ilaaie the protis paa. AMiag the ejeratoM eflUK la their ef forts te open a PaelNe eeaat mar Vet far Utah eeal are SMaaewr Bmeet and gatbertawd et Vth, Seaater Tho ma and Maeratb t C-aaM-aUlld BBtMMMeB MtfWlaUktaW atft4 ftLaBBaaaM tlf MVHa4a'aV taVaaaat IBalsttfsM'kMltsI ttv Xahn ef OaHtoraia. Hay Prem Vtnslai, At preeent the Paclfle fleet i supplted with coal from Vltadala, hauled by water through the easutl. OwinsT to the long haal k peeve neeeesary fer the geveramtat to keep a great amount of eeal atesed at the eeal deek in California Crjy. The eeal doek ta made 6aly for a water bawl. At preaent it waned be leceasary Jn order to pet mm eeal the baUlesht! to retmajipwrt' H row the rallread tefaataat by. 'wa ir to the eeal deek. Ibe, eapease ef aeh eons4retei weM aei, be larae and' weald enaai the' -tor to take the eeal tralmt direct to the deek. The coal opralore point out that it 1 an unnatural condition wbree by the government buys coal trom tho eastern part of the United States or from foreign count rhs to uo as tuol for tho baitloshipa and to supply the army and uavy post at coaet point, when thoro ta ex cellent coal In tho western part of tho United States araHablo. Tito development of Uio coal in dustry in Utah will be greatly has tened, it 1 pointed out, by this ox tension or tho western market and w(lt anoourage the development of Yaet undeveloped oonl beds In tho West. Utah coal (a much more avollabto than. Virginia coal, since It can be Mipplled n large quaatl tie on short notice, thus saving the government the truble and ox penae of keopfng a great quantity of coat stored at the ooullng ta7 tlon. Then, too, the operators point out that water route to the paottte are always subject to poWbl Interrup tion, whorco tho Utah' coal -would nlwaya be available in qiuatltk to make' the PaeUlc fleet indepQudeat of ibe Atlantla cat'upply. Mean Mg Bavlng. Should the government aocode to the requcat of the operators, and It uvoms probable that It will, there will be a groator jopjwrtuulty for Utah to supply bunker coal to mer cliaatmon on itho "Pacific ooaaLTb,e lncrooao In tbo Pacific common: duo te the opening of, tiia Pflunnin canal moan r. greaUy lnoreosod do- gy-xaaaa-atflBateMaBhaMiM mand for eoal at Padlto eeaat BBJ point and the presOo tawed br jBj UUh coal through W seieetlea by the Eovornmoot would give than stato the big share ef the banker Bj cool builneaa of vessel ef all BBJ class t. BBJ The coal operator algal ac; the re- BBJ queat addressed to Paymaater Oea- BJ oral Cowle are A. H. Cowle, X. L. BBJ Carpenter, C. N. Strevell, Jama Jt. ! Maya, P A. Sweet, Jesse KnlpM BJ and P. N. Cameras. The letter flflj sent by them to the navy depart BJ cnent fellow: Hflj "We would reefeetfuUy Invito BBJ your attention and eerteu eeaeM- eraUon to what we feef to be a BBJ unnattiral eendklon, in that the BBJ oea reHlrMU of the Uaited BBJ State navy and the army at Mar BBJ Island, the Presidio and eUewber BBJ along the Pacific coast have, fer BJ many eyara, and are now being nee- BBJ piled wMh foreign coala er eeab BJ mined on the eastern eeaat et Mna United States and trasvipored by BJ veaael to the varloa eeallag sto- BBJ tlena and ether Paeifle eeaat aetata BBI of eensumpUefl, netwltbatandwc ab BS W tUt lalaad oa the VaeKta ttoa , BBJ of the United Mate am lara bed- ImM ftf aAaTttaM4aB?VsB taVOAl rf tsaVilstC MbV WbbbbbbbI aadbUskeaat. rsMaeBBaMV bbb attsaV BBaW4sBBBBBasaal BtaV4aB m mbbbbbbbbbI ljJtMi7iiSrart-'H'ir owned by the gevsraeaent, under si. BbJ Oyod $mm WnMCI WVH mm iMIV'eH BBBj MaIh kattf(o,flli WlAlt m ItsMN1 bbbI 7d ta eatabltahed. H The rbe et mi avaitaale to BV the Paeilee sic re are, for" aavtaw BBJ IvIwOttral saMaTNI wmmnF&WQv mmm tvaaaMav AaBBBJ of the t eeaat ef ibe VaM4 BiHlH H)i$fQ tK sMMNaM4fl &t tMl bbbbbbbbb! WWl ftlt djpNI -r SpM-v-fft JrHNg BflBBBJ Utah, theretore feat Mmi the seal H rentttrement et the Faaefte stop. Bl tegtaaily and aataraify, ebeeld be Mtcflled item thta aecUea et the Bl eewatry. BBjI "ta 4WrW er generally iaat tletaisus-abe water wiatea aormaltr Bl available r the lasvemiut ef eeal to the Paaifla eeat am svbjeat to Bfll to w that, it weald be a nattaaat JBBJ advaeitaae tor the govemmnet to be prepared to yreeapUy and eesnomt- Bfl eaDr handle eeaW from close'lalaajL Bflfl aeHwes, aweh as UUb( aad to e Bflfl tabHsh stteh retatiea wetk abe aal Bflfl peluw of oar woatem stale a flflfl wM eaeewraoe them (a the fur- Bflfl tber development ef the enoteaena flflfl coal dJ(flit of the Went. Bflfl IWW PaclMMM. H "While H ta truo that the United H States ha estnbWshod a very mod- flflfl torn ceaVmr; etation at Colleornta flflfl City Jn San Pranctaco bay, yet, a flflfl we understand, such fACllltles, at flflfl thla date, pVeflde only for tbo ban- flflj dllng of ooal by the waior route. flflfl However, tt la our lufuj.iin.tton Uiat flflfl your department has been conalder- flflfl lng tho advleablUty of. provldbig fa- V cllltlos that wilt permit at tho eoon- iflVfl omlcal and protunt tranator tuid flflj handling by pange of Valand coals flflj leaded Jn railroad, car fram roll- road tremiorUa to the dock at Cal- flflflj !ifomla city.. Wo earneatlyr treat flflj i that wo have been oarreotly Utorm- flflflj ed, and that euoh facilities saay flflflj aeon beoomo a reality, .not only at jflflj CallfiorviA dty, but at all other flflj government coaling ataUons on the flflflj Paclrle ooasi, jflflfl 'The underttLgned. coal pxoAueera flflflj I of Carbon county, Utah, reapectful- jflflflj lly repreoent to7ou Uiat, in the year flflflj 1 1&13 they produced 3.25O.Q00 ton jflflj of -filturaUioua coat, which we do flflflj not bollove la equaled In quality by flflflj any oUier bitumlaoua coal Mold in flflflj tbo Untd State, unless' it be the flflflj PochahonU arl Now It Iyer flelda of Virginia. This Utah coal flflflj U of vory hard texture; free jflflflj foreign cubatancee, law in ash uild flflflj ' aM (Concluded on pjko eight.) flflflj Ji" Z2 . . flflfll