OCR Interpretation

Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, September 24, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091022/1914-09-24/ed-1/seq-5/

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l . lit si .. StfssW.sHJpM.. -m.J.JBima
BB- AMik Uar J bwtoc, on, Wno tea!ne- .
MB by Mas. A dollar pt la the bank at compound interest tk
BB Mi lMtMtir. H aot parched or buraed by drouUi' solWWh
BB fre or Wt. K wwet be lajurd by Mat or by old, by tallno or
BB . Jr brew by mm peatlloatlal friend or boon oeaaloa it
BB beyo tb reh ef earthquake r Ugatalsg, acoHt. sneak thUf
BB Utg or miirdrr. ! c 70 by da, and by lht, Sunday.
BM g4 keUd. aM week day. art, all th to it. It will not rua? nor
BB ,t, hot t ta by m. U will aprout aad matur a crop Matr-
BM rt for ym wjf jw (fcrettchei all eternity and then be a ereab
BB and m readr to go ea working far you ad your descendant a U
Iff ." tTfli4 ? ' t MM be a .lave that neither
BB tmto, drink sr afee, nor dies, and need so oterew.
H T.!!!!af ?vH?jr.,B 4Tte e60UBl l t
twiynii laterert I U be lavsatraoat, the moat profitable biMtaeaa
$ greatest aad grandest aeo-taUea that I know anytbfog ahowt.
BB The democrat of Etaery county
BB oM their eenrealloa at CaMlo.Pato
BB oa the SSth.
BB Mrs. IloUy McDonald returned
BM Wednesday Bight alter a month's
BB Tlalt with reUUre la Salt Lko.
BB, The new picture- shew In the P.
BB O. SUvagnl building under the taan
BB ngenveot of Johnson aad Darrnh op
B ened Monday night.
BB Ono of the workmon at Ccrow's
BB camp had hU loft log broken Mon
BB day aaoralag aad waa brought to
BB the county hospital for attention.
BB Attention called to u ndver
K (leateat of Abe .National Fuel coa
H paay la thla Wmhio of Tho Adrocate,
H' -whloh offom fi jer cent gold bonda
H In deBOffltaaUena of C00 and 1000
H forf 476 oa4 $9C0 rc(xctlvcly.
H Tho Uelhxiue Now Eta aaya that
B oil from that aoctlon will be placed
H on the market this wock. Quito a
H few rrico peoplo havo examined tho
H DoDoquo flolit and bolknro It baa
H, great poanlbllMloA. One well to
B producing eovonty barrcOa of oil a
H day.
HM "lro at Konllworth on Kxldny of
H Irut week destroyed the granary of
H the lndepndnt Cool and Coke
H company, itOKotber with 1U oontonta.
H The properly la -coTcrod by Inaur
H mvoo la the agency of R, W.
H Crockett & Co., at 1'rtce and with
H Bolt Lake City Agent.
H Alfred I'orklna la gettlBg aloag
H apleadldly and there la every ladl
B cailoa that after the three opera
H. tteaa lie 14 on the road to cowplete
B meareor. He write CbM bo to
HM comjBg out of the klnka rapldly
H Mm. rerklna la back again la rrico,
H harlas returned froea 8ait Lake laut
H Suaday evening.
H J. C Jwuion, the JIbor City ab
H atraetor, Ma been awarded the con
H trad by tho at&te board of exam
B laers for tranacrlWng all of the
HV rooocdu of Wasatch county pertain
B lng to ibo new county of Uuehoanc,
Bff' which will como Into cxWcnoo on
BMt Jaaucry let The ettlmatod corrt U
BM 3000, wJilch will bo paid by tho
BM" At tho Teach Day celebration at
Baf. Perron "KM" DarU w&e unable to
B; threw Oleon, tho deaf and dumb
Bj wreatlor ot tho Peaoh City, aad tho
l&tter was declared winner, Davla
BBDarla undertook to throw tho K;r
BBroa boy In thirty talnutea. Oin
Bl Mid to bo one of the eomln:
BV coming lightweight wrettlera of the
B etote.
Bff' The Adtooate atatd laM wiek
BS that work would comiaeaoe at enco
Bft on the BoaecaonWlllla building on
Bm; the McDonald oonwr. Mr. WUUa
Bv now Informs Tho Advocate that thlr
Bb' atatemeat la tow it they eaa stake
Bissn- f
H Visitors to the
' Carbon-Emery
V, Fair wili find a
H hearty welcome
at our store.
m Come in and
B rest while in the
We will have
I on display a swell
showing on Mil-
linery that will
I be a treat to the
I eye.
I Bessie KiRRidy, MHIInery
B I , ,
contracts to have the conetruclon
comploled before cold weather sot
In. Otherwise It wjll not go up un
til spring.
A man giving hU name as J. W.
WeJdroa dropped la to Price Twos
day and betforo leaving forged two
check and succeeded In getUrut
both cashed one for fiJ.SO with
tho namo of J. M. Whltmoro sign
ed to it and one for 117.00, pur
porting to be signed by Joseph
flharp. The follow u apprehend
ed last night by ghorlff Keller.
John K Williamson, preeWont of
the National Kuel company, waa
transacting business In Prlco Tucn
day. ThU company owns 132S
acroe of pntentcd cool land oa Gor
don Greek. It Is to build a rallrond
to the property, a dtetancc of about
thirteen miles from Helper. Owlnc
to the coadltlon of the money mar
ket at this time a short dolajr has
been eocountored in 'tho aUntlng of
tho work.
J. M. WhlUiMce vUltcd the park
at Saturday and wo moro than
woll pleomvl with the dry land crops
raised by his son, June. Mil year.
This park land 1 perhapa as woll
adapted for dry fawning n any that
can bo found In hte atnto. Tho soil
U nzonpllonatly rich and deep and
Isufflclont precaution for tho as
suranco of crop taken this particu
lar ilry fanning soot Win out of tho
doubtful claaa.
D. M. Krost of Myton, woll known
to all of the old timers of Kastern
Utah, ba oold his drug sotro to n
sow concern. All of the early act
tier havo a pleasant recollection of
Judge lArost, who, before tho opening-
of the reservation wa dtatloned
at Price as agent for tho then op
erating gllsoalte company at Castle
Peak, soar Myton The judge Is n
famous atorjr toller aad U brimful
of nlensant reminiscence of tho
WcU III Jnany irlond here will
be pleased to know that tho autumn
of lit life la being pleasantly ami
comfortAlily Jtpont amldM happy
urraundlnga, two pplendld eon-ln-lawMAnd
a grandson that resombles
his grandad.
Jowoll D. Alartln, Indian agent ut
fort Duchesne, who was here Mon
day to look into the Oconto l'nuni
bltdi case, saya th'ot the Indians
aro taking a great deal of Interest
in tho Myton county fair and will
have somo oxcollont display. Tho
department Is doing ovorytblng pos
sible to encourage the Ule In ngrl
culturo and horticulture and at tho
last two fairs held In tho Uintah
basin thtiy have onrrlod away n
largo number of prlrr for bo ex
hibits, Tlibt year Colo Bella, com- i
mlualoner of Indian affalm at j
Washlngtou, will attend the Myton
fair and twoertaln first hand what'
kind of aahowlng tho wards of the i
government are making.
In keeping up with Ita steadily
lncnlng budnoss, Tho Advocate
ha found It neccMtary to install
ono ot the most modern typesetting
mnchliivs built. During next week
tho wow linotype wjll arrive. Tel
egraphic advice from tbo weatorn
agoucy of the Mergentbolor Lino
typo com puny at Ban Francisco
give tho information that tho now
machine was ehlppud SJoeilay of
thla week. Tho shipment, it Is
hoped, will bo rocolved so that tbo
Installation of the now laachlno
can be accomplished during the first
week in October.
Tho now machine Is practically a
comploto printing shop In itself and
la capablo of setting type from tbo
nonpariel site to tbo larger typos
used In dLsplay advertisements,
'lalUni to Uie Pair.
You are cordially Invited to make
our garage your headquarters. AVe
will Elvo you free storago apace nil
during fair week. Thero will be a
Ford expert with us to take care of
your Kord oar.
Come in and go through tho larg
est garage In Eastern Utah.
l'WCB AUTO f 8TAOB 00.
LAdls' Ullor made cult at ta
Modem Tallow, aaac't ta Bavsy.
tmic JUaranw vxa AvooAr. tuhsday, bkpt. 24, 1911, rA0B nyM I
Dmnp Democrat aad Progrclvt
WU1 IViie.
The progrvclvcs and Uie rem
nant of the democratic party of
Carbon county, that la, thoeo who
wore unable to run tho regular
democratic primary at Price ea the
11th, will fuse at the county court
house at 3 o'clock. Tho rump dem
ocrats and tho progressive will
nuoke a dlrlidon of the offices, aad
whllo tho loader of both ore on
deavorlng to maintain a atrlot sl
lence as to tbo nominee, The Advo
cate make tho following gueaa on
the nomination:
W. H. Hamilton of Helper, com
mlasloner for four years.
Albert 'bryncr or H. O. Mathla ef
Price, commissioner for two year.
Thesaaa Fouts, county attorney.
A. Balltagor of Price, oouaty trea
surer. J. Tom Fitob ot Helper, repre
sentative. W. K. Henry Storrs, county sher
iff. Levi N. lUrmoa of Price, county
W. N. Draper of Wellington,
county nasessor.
Carlo Woodward, Winter Quar
, tens, county eupt. of sebooU.
I Mrs. Wlllbvra Forrester, county
1 The cuonty nurveyor, It Is said,
I will como either from Wellington
or Panthor canyon.
Naturally tho dolegatf at thla
afternoon' convention may change
tho ahovo lineup to some extent,
but as 11 look a few beur before
jit I not probabto that tho forego
' lng prediction la far off.
i At any rate the division of of
, flee Is na follows:
1 Hump doinoorats county clerk,
at-toMor,, superintendent of school,
'two-)sr conimUslonor, reoordar.
I Tho progressives take the four
'year cotnmlMloner, sheriff, repro
cntatlvo, itronsurcr and attorney.
Ktthor sUlo may have the county
I surveyor.
IA Urgoaudlcnco enjoyed the fash
ion -how pictures at tho Eko thoa
tor Wednesday al-lit. The hats were
'exhibited by Ileaftlo Xcnnody, Mil
llnory, arul tho suit, dresse and
coat by the Golden Rule store.
Those who participated In exhib
iting tho bats, dremes aad eeata
were Mrs. Sta-aloy O. Price, 'Mr.
Frank Rebtaeea, Mhw Manle Flack,
MIm Cora Alllaon aad MUae Salome
Klsenbath, who were selected for
their port by MUs AUce Hurat of
! tho high aclkool
Mobrland defeated Standard by a
score of 11 to S on the Price dia
mond Sunday afternoon. There wore
1 large representations here from
I both of tho mining camp and con-
slderablo money changed hands on
tbo result. Both pitcher were hit
freely, hut Wosley of Mohrland kept
! his hits scattered with men on tho
I Tho battery fur Mohrland was
Manning and Miller, and for State-
I dard, Wesley and Pollock.
In all probability thore will bo
! no socialist ticket put up in Carbon
county this year. One prominent
Price aoclallit In talking to The Ad
I vocate about the matter stated that
ho did not believe there was n local
In tho county that had kept up It
arganlutlon, and, as far a ho
know there would be absolutely no
effort to put a socialist list of nom
inations before tho voters. In Em
ory county a socialist ticket will be
put up.
They any Hucklo gives away rata
D. & It, O. It. K.
One alngle fore for the round
trip to Salt Irfiko and return Octo
ber let to 9th lnclu-tve, final limit
Ootober lSUi.
Special Prices
Sept. 25 to .Oct. 25
Address, 169 N. 8th St,
i ii
Midway Offer Many PlraMag At
traction Whllo tho KxMMfa Are
UnaMualljr FlaeMtate's HlMn
First Aid Ooattwt to He HeM
The great enthuaUsm aad the
large crowd In attendance at the
opening of the Carbea-Kesery fair
today glvo absolute aaauraace that
the event U going to be a apleadld
The FlUgerald, Stone and Expo
sition Amueemont oempaey I fur-BliM-ng
the attraction. The flrat
aaow on the "Midway" it the "Dev
il's Chimney," featuring mich well
known bicycle rider aa 11. Wilcox
of Kansas City aad Ned Youfig,
western champion. Tho cycle whirl
used I the smallest In the world
aad la at an angle of 41 degrees.
The management state that tho
"Devil' Chimney" I open to any
rider who thinks he can rldo tho
Another Interest lng feature is tho
dancing of Mile. Do Leon, n dancer
of International famo. The Tory
latest 1 shown in modern dancing
by this artist.
For lover of athlotlo exhibitions
"Young" Wolgast, "Peg" WMson,
"Kid" Smith and "Young" Jtltchio
will afford entertainment-
At the Hindu Myetery, Bhow,"
conducted by a real Hindu, all of
tho wonderful trlcka ami roaglo ot
his country can bo aeon.
Other attractions are: "Tin Olrl
In tho Well," fenturlng "Vera," the
tulrmr dancer, aomething now and
navel In tho way ot dancing ho;
big vaudavUle, Iner Sistera & Co,;
lAdy Alcare, famous cabaret ontor
talnor In all latest things that make
atnuaoment lover forget their busi
ness corca; "The Great Wolgoet,"
trco attraction, one of lli greatust
hV.h diver In the world.
The fair building U orammod fall
with exhibit from lmory and Car
bon counties, greatly exceeding the
dUplay of last year, A Iotko num
ber at vkfteers have already arrived
an By tomorrow the full capacity
of the eHy wilt be needed to take
care of the ousels.
Tho entire day Saturday will be
dovoted to the First Aid oontet
and the apodal trains from the
camps wj!l all hnro arrived befoiu
10 o'clock in Uie mernlng, bringing
probably two thousand employes for
that day's aport.
W. 1U Williams' Brother Dead.
W. II. Williams, auiforlntendont
of tho Utah Fuel company, received
a message Thursday of loat week
that hi brother died on that dote
from u poratytlo stroke. He wo
burled at hi homo at HoUtngton,
Kansas. Docoaecd was 00 years of
WoolmcH to Meet.
A cu noting of tho board of direc
tor of the Utah Woolgrowers' as
sociation ha been called for Octo
ber 3d, the notice having bean sent
out Monday by Secretary C. 11.
Stewart. The mooting I for the
purpose of arranging plana for tho
woolgrowera' convention to be hold
In Salt I.ako City In Notombcr.
Dr. J. J. Uuawell, ophthalmic spe
cialist of Salt Lake, will bo at the
Mathla Hotel Wednesday and Thurs
day until 4 o'clock p. m., Septem
bur 23d und 24 th. No charge for
touting eyes. Ileforence: Mrs. M.
Mathls, Mr. J. 8. Varoer, Mrs. C.
A. Oulwlu, MUs Cora Lee, Mr.
Monrls Deck, Mrs. W. W. McCoy of
Woodsldo, and other. Advt.
"OriglnaT Container.
A we understand It, wbea the de
partment of sgrionltare, promulgating
rules for handling milk, advises; "Da
not remove milk from tho original con
tainer," It does not mean exactly what
It says.
r"silne Amsnlty,
"My hasbaad," she said, "alwaya
wants me to look ray best, 'no matter
what the oest." "Well," ber friond
replied, "one can hardly blame him for
feeling as he does." Chicago ReooreV
One Little Sin.
It Is astonishing bow soon the
wbolo conscience begins to unravel
It a single stitch drop; one little ita
Indulged makes a bole you could put
your heaq, through Charles Buxtoa.
Almoat Hopeless Cais.
Mrs, Fllumlns Is wo!pcd about her,
new husband. She fears be will never
become elegant and refined, because
be cannot learn to put on a monocle
without twisting bis mouth up to oaa
Subscrtbs for The AdvcnaU. (
' j : u
We Have a Good Line of I
Mackinaw Coats I
For Men,
Also Corduroy and Sheep-lined Coats ' H
As winter is npproachinj!, you mijlht as H
well prepare for the cold IN O W ! fl
We have a Cheap Line of Suits, well 81
worth the money, that we can fit you in H
A New Line of the Latest Models in H
Men's Hats i 1
. &
We Still Carry the fl
Bostonian Shoes 1
For Men I
New York Cash Store I
Hart Shaffner & Marx Clothing I
d mS3m31bbbhv bb
Ba"iIBBlll sr si
Mr. and Mrs. New-marrlodx H
Begin your married life riant. One of
the moat necessary things towards & good iH
matrimonial beginning is an attractive H
home. Wo can supply you with handsome,
well-made furniture that will make that BbI
new home as beautiful as your dreams. H
Also our furniture is SUBSTANTIAL, will bVJ
wear well, and give you full value for the BbI
money you put in it. Our PRICES will not BBI
force you to quit buying before you have BBI
what you need. H
Pace A Tlngloy H
Opposite the Banks, Main St., Price
Stockgrowers' and I
Farmers5 Store I
Groceries and Farm Supplies. fl
We are now handling Grain, H
Hay and Flour in Carload lots H
190 -PHONE 190 H
- ' ' ' J BB

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