Newspaper Page Text
aHf H HL- W IAMMN UTAH ADVOCATE. THUHBDAY, SKIT. 21, 1914. PAM MHM isfl llAWATHA C O A & ! B SafjBsrS' HtTS THR BUST, IX BOM m NOT UOKtITDOM, B not otanamu While Rouse ij I Bar Retail and wholesale '; The Beit in Wines, L! j ' H uors and Cigars m Bole A feats tar KOORS' GOLDEN BEER j; HEACOCK BROS., Props. jj I infill LaB SW BBvjra ' LaB PkMH H rM HS1P B JRmcirvmuiNGcutvtEj aaaf WAY ciyv.wAwv"ia Hi' ( Bila flour la made Croat the koteest Turkey Rod Hard Wheat Brery Mek guaranteed (o giro KtUafaotlon, aad. has a chest leal Hwt of 43 par cent glutea. B Pot Sal oy rice Commission Go. B Pkea 188, jOSEPI ransferring and Draying M Phono 65 Btrslgbt Qlvea Our Social At. H teatlea. H&I7 Donded Drayman In Town. 1 B.M9BHAYERS Mraf aged 8 MB Hi years in ijBm We-charred MHSS ' erefore it jiKi ssesses wSjJBv ble good- rtijjg s its rs ing is a itzzzzzfc iblerea- $M why you S&tgg uld ever L,,.,- list on IffiKSffl I Baer Bros,, for, Go. ft ' , tr JHk WhrJasale laqaas- Dirfsrs v ' a J Dr. M. V. Maloney i . Palalese atetaods. Priest ' reaseaable. Wrtttea guarantee I , flvsa with all work. Crewa Ji aad bridge work a seeetaHy. ' , Plates that m u 4t Mt , wlwlli) stents, sore, rtro ,' years la Carbon eeaaty. B. ' ,; UtH(NU4IUtlMUH glad- J1 , -r aljrwi.f rea, afcen. 1 J MwitB 141 a. it. aad 1-S !. ' . Bvadftys, 19 to It aa. ,' , Of flee la Parker Wester '! fr Bleek, ever Reaall Drag Were. 1 WHY NOT SAY HELLO TO THEM? Tour friends all waat to talk to you orr the 'phoaa, Bfltter hare It put la. WIt a ttptiea la your ho yea oaa rue erraad. go iheaptog, do bualaoM, ., without lear lag homo. Tou will eajoy the convonlcneo Why not have Itl KASTKHN UTAU TKLK PHONK COMPANY. I Manufacturtr ot ',' : Brick of All Kinds : Yards adjolalng the Dn- ' iter and Rio Oraado Railroad , ceBapany on the south, three . blocks east of depou Oftlee ' at home, corner Main aad ' Slith strtets. ' KxlmVlcs aiven and Prtwa ' Quoted Oh Arpllcation. P. O. box 0fl Phone 4.1X, ' PRICK, UTAH. iQub Bar J HARRY A. CRAW ', Preprle(er. 1 ! FIRr-CIiAJ RB80RT FOR ' awrrxsMKN. ! ! ; Btmlh NhiUi Street, Prtee. i;C.S. Harris; 1 1 - BTerythlag la J Concrete i Work. I PRICE, UTAH J lUtlmatos on Uutldlnga. Walks ,' and alt Kinds ot Contracts ' 1 1 Cheerfully Puralshed. Modern ', Machinery aad Method. , fQP I (Quiet Place) SAL, OON AND ItOOMINO IIOU8B. Located Jttsi Bast ot Ue New Braffet BuUdlag. Neatly faralshed room aad ererytalag strictly flret-elasa. Nothhag but the beat of goods kept la stock. Come aad see. JOHN a FORRHBTKR. Proprietor. f ' ' The Model Tailor Shop Suits to Order by Home Tailors Next to Savoy Hotel Telephone 196 . C. Mirabelli, Prop. Call and Deliver. PRICB, UTAH MGIJ1 MRS trarol threajA m MMIaad TaH froaa Hew Tort, Mlehlgaa, Wlseo sU, Nebraska, Celerade aad Kaaema. Ther M frt aaeeeea aad tees re pair et Uaa aay eUer. 550 Said In UtahlWs Yaf. (AdTerttsemeevt) : GAM Mr? Bid LpBKB KANSAB CITY, Mo, Bcvt II No complaint U heard froai tho cat tlo eeltora this week about market conditions While ; prime cattlo haT boon horo to extend tho limit ot the markot range to M extreaM top, the best cattle hero stopping at 110 3E, grades ot cattlo below the , top havo mored readily "It vtm easier to sell thecn this week," h tho way tho Tarloua aatosmon ex Ptxa the aJtuntlon, though BOno ot thorn wJU concede an alvnoo of mora than 10 to 15 cents 8trln ot pAaturo cattle in tho procos ot marketing have nold for 10 cents tnoro thin week thnn previous shir menu have brought Hulk ot tho Kansas pasture otcerseold at $$? (S to $8 GO, although a fair number, brought upwards to f 9 26, Includ ing steers to Illinois parties ai S8 05 to $8 86 for short feed lug. Cows and can tiers sell rondlljr At firm prices, and e lockers and toed ors are slightly higher for tho week TJght money Is hampertoc tho country trade somewhat, clso keenness of tho demand would e4e- , vate prices above the present range, 0 to 8 26. Tho panhnndlo coun try 1 shipping freely, and sold beef steers up to $7 76 this week, ycor lings and twos at 7 to $7 76, cows 6 26 to $6 25, odd head up to $7, veal calves $0 to $10 50 Tho first Colorados came In this week, com I TRUTH TELLS ; i And the TRUTH It ToU ( In Our Advertisements ; I By HOLLAND. M' i:itCUANTH have Itnra- , ed that tb Truth TtlU i whin the Truth Is Told. ' 1 I Hence tiny are scrupulous ' that their sdvcrtlKements are i accurate. Hack of every ad 1 vsrtbwiinuit, back of every statement msde to st tract i cumom. Is the reputatloa of 1 the merchant, bis hops of continued succcm. Deception msy ! proRtabl i for a time, but deceptlee can- I ' aot be 'petdiattcnt, aad the ' i profit tuned on iUceptlon ts i necessarily brief. Truth Is ' ' the more effective as It ts of looser cfuintlon. Kalteheod j ' lores lt effectlrtov as soea aa It Is dlcoverrd, ' The mtrchants who sdver i tlse la this psper are boaor- , able moo. sod this would make them truthful Bat 1 sbove all they are good bast- am men, and tbey know that TO UK 8UCCK8H1-UL TIIKY MUST DB , TllUTHrUI ' Read the advertlsemenbi , sad proOt by them. You can , rely absolutely on the stats- i saenta made la tits advsrtls- hut columns, i I i THE NEWSPAPER ; IS THE NATIONAL SHOW WINDOW By HOLLAND. YOU often stop and look la show windows, don't you? You may uot need any of the goods on display, but you stop and look, and you feel that the time Is not wssted because you have learned I somotblng There Is snothcr show whv , dow that Is available every day, a ahoy window that con stantly changes and which you can look Into without standing on the street That show window Is the netvsp per. Merchants and manufacture irs use our sdvcrtlslng col- ' amns Issue after Issue to j show you their goods and to ' tell you of their merits. The nowest tiling, are pictured j and described. Don't neglect this show i window It is intended for your use It often yon a chance to gain valusbl knowledge You wrong your self If you don't ROAD TUB ADVEHT18EMENT8. if in '! ( nin in y ... T ? posed laxgoly ot horned steers that went to killers at $7 10 to $7 50, weighing about 1060 pounds flood goneral rains conllinuo to fall, and iasturo conditions aro Ideal for tho season nd Into corn Ja filling out better than was counted on three weoka ago Hog maxkota aro un even, and aro closing tho week sharply lower Receipts have drop ped to nearly nothing, account of tho action ot buyers In demanding lower prices, only 2000 here today. Top today Is $8 95, bulk $8 66 to f 8 90. Quality ts running very good It Is doubtful whether pack ers can hold tho ndvantago they have slexed tho last -row days, as hog product Is being vended at a profit, and competition for tho sup ply ot llvo hogs develops keenness when tho supply is at all large. Higher prkes first of tho week are expected. Sheep and Umhs aro 26 to 36 higher this week. Tho big string of Ab Smith Utah lambs has beoa marketed on different days at $7 75 to 17.96, tho closing ahlp incnt selllnc; at tho latter price to day. Tho sort on these lasabs has been very light, only 6 per cent. Fat owes are worth arouad f 6.25, young brooding; ewes of quality up to 5.60. Receipts continue to modoiato, 7000 hero today. Price River Irrigation company stock, a limited amount, ut seven teen doUsxa a share. Terms. R. W. Crockett A Co. ' ' sa-smi liB 1 Htm i m iii i There is a Best ! Ribbon for hjfour purpose 1 Yes, vc make dozens of dilTcrcnt kinds of type- writer ribbons. Wc make scores of different kinds of carbon papers. f Wc sell the most com- filete ribbon anil carbon 1 ines on the market to H I ' 1 nut mark this point1 We have only one kind of ribbon j and only one kind of carbon paper for YOU. I , There Is s Lett ribbon and a bc carbfHr paper for your i purpose, Jiut as there it a bct nbbon and a beU i arbon paper II I for any other purpose. Wc f hate the bctt nbboni and the bft cirlwn papers for every ! purpose. Let ut know jour purpose 1 II hat ou require of a nbbon or a carbon paper, and hc will name the ribbons and carbon pjper that ou ought to use 1 Our Paragon J Typewriter Ribbons ind Red Seal Carbon. Papers r I are recognized as the leading II I 1 nbbon and carbon lines on tho market. I I They arc the leading lines i not only in quality, but in com- ' plctcncss. And this (."implctc- I I II ncss makes it certain that c j! I hac got the exact ribbon and carbon paper for YOU. ' Just unto us, tell us what III machine you use and what your requirements arc, and tee if we haven't. II Remington M Typewriter Company I H (lacorpsnttd) 1 I flalt Laks CMjr, il 1 " Vk' 1 f jpiisal"tlW I' si I ;;MHtlHimiHHIMtUMIIIIHIHWMMmMM Good Things to Eat , I I aaaaaaal At our store. The stock of M ; Groceries was never more complete. Everything fresh, wM clean and sanitary. H aafl j; Good Clothes to Wear 1 We have the best in wearing IH apparel. Good, serviceablb, ' IH Clothing for the winter Rcas- ; . IH on. Anything from under H wear to a necktie. IH i: The Bjst SIims Obttjnapjfl i I n r . ,. nH Unusual care is used in the H selection of our boots and !L i shoes. Wc handle none but ' '.l H the most dependable. IB bbbbB I Carbon-Emery Stores Co. I J. M. RHATTIK, H Qeaeral Baperlateadeat. Stores at Hiawatha, Blaek Kawk, H Mehrlaad aad Hast HUwaths. LH aaaafl HM I Mvt ! He ! Ml 1Mtfr4MtMIt H SSr quality at the price of only medium grade. H If fimtotte TOYH TIr, Tub and AccoMoridM M )AniAKlve RxtraOiiallty nt only average price because Firestons B OsNtulldersTroTire Specialists and the Firestone Factory Is the ' M afiLx M hirRctt In Amerlut where oaly tires are made. Come la ( SH Jl day and learn why FlrettoBs efficiency can give you H kCVVlT Afo tot Your MnrlH Flnt Cost tuul final Aewwwtv H Price Eleotrio Co. PRICE, UTAH H Itemarkablo Cure of Dysentery. "I was attacked with dysentery about July 16ta aad used tho doe tor's medicine aad ether resaedles with so relief, ealy getttB- wes alt the ttase. X was uaable to do aaythlBjf aad ay wetcht dropped fro 146 to 116 pounds. I suffered for about two swaths waea I was advised to use CUamberlala'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Resly, I used two bottles of it aad It gave me permanent relief," writes B. W. 1IIU of Snwo IIIU, N. C. Tr sale by all dooeJers. Advt. All ef the fruits et the eeasoa at ttte Bko store Advt. 1 1 IadlffostloH? Caa't Kat7 No Apf e- A treatment of Elc,trlc Rlttora Increases your appetite; atops Indl sjestloa; you can eat everything. A .real spring toolo for liver, kldaoy and stomach troubles. Cleanses your wholo system and you fool fine. Kloctrle Dtttors did moro for Mr T D. Peeblo'a stomach troubles than any modlclno ho ever tried. Oct a bottle today EOc and $1 00 at your druggist. Ilucklen's Arnica Salvo for ecxema Advt. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION. Mr. L. A. Jouos, teacher of vio lin. Studied four yearn wRh Prof. Adolph Schellscb&Udt, De Puw Uni versity, areeacasUe, Ind.; one year ia New England Cons curatory, Boa tea, Mass ; lastructor of vlolla two years ia De Pmiw. Uulveralty, t Resides: vOer."Mala(a5 Fourth aumaser selda are daaaetesu. H They ladUabt lew vitality aad eft-js H lead to serious threat aad taw H troubles, laaladlB saasBBsgUea. Dr, B Xiac'a New Dseevry will reWeva msbH the eegh er eM yrcsaptlf aaWI ate- H vest aoiBBltssjtfoas. It s seeealac B aad aallseelle aad aaakea yen (eel B Better at eaee. Te delsy Is 4a- H greus--ft a betUe of Dr. Klac'a H New Dieeorery at eae. Measf bask H If set MtUfled. Ie aad 81.S9 a H bottle at year draagtat. AdrU (bbbbbb j jH Ranchmen B Take Notice Wbea la Price try tbe B KOZY Lunch Room H You can get meals from H 25c .up. H Everything Clean and H Wholesome, H We Serve Nothing But H THE BEST. H 1 Iriwl.Wiittai Yin a t t H ' si. us in s h ii isw ! ass bBBBIIH