Newspaper Page Text
bbj " ) bbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj BBJ' bY I Eastern Utah ; H , Utah'a Bgt Wakly, Published In tht "Blggenst MfENTIETH YJCAX. 1 PXICE, UTAH, OCTOBER 1, 114. piisr ill (iAIPOF STIRS Ho MKN' KILLBO AND THKr.U ' I.VJUK80. V of AcMcitt Not Khohh Holler d Ilecrntly Kft Inspected mhI vrrlMUleil By the) Me Mho Met BAtll. BBtwo men were kllleit and three BBh Injured Monday morning at 7:40 BHtrk when one of tho boiler of the Bflg Canyon Coal company cxplod BBJ' The dead aro A. I). Klllott, age BBBand Fireman Asa, Strong, St; tha BBpred are W C Pennington, face BBfetecl; It. A. Oomllnp, burned and BBJevd: Ouy Hackney. right leg Bcn and face and arm soverely BBKed, None of the Injured will die. ie cause of the exuloslon la not BBm. The bolter houae la located BBjlialf mllo from the mine. It fur m power and light and the mine BBEolosed down for three day whilo n were twin made. The roof BBJJhe boiler houae was blown off, BBjthe engine room, separated from BJBkoller room by a rock wall, woa BBjUntact Bjf holler tthleh blow up waa one BBJ net of Ave of the marine type, BBftigrleld boiler, which are consld BBT among the aafeat boiler made. Morge A. Motri aaW after the ac Bt that no estimate could lie BBJi of the Iom entailed by the ex BBkn and the consequent Inaction BS mine. He saM thoro U no ex Bmtlon of the accident. The men BBie bolter houae were on duty; BBjrthlng teemed to be working tin BBBiormal condition and there waa BBBng to give Vsxxdng of the ex BBJVn. "It la one ef these thin happen of wMch nobedy seems BBft able to tire an account," Mtd BBvtorra. Ha exploalon waa terrific. The re Iron bolter waa blown Into BBjVent. and the huge pieces of BBjB were hurled thrnwgfe Me reef BBjVlfh Into the air. The Wdies f red men were round mkmc the BBW badly bnrisetf. bsjNtsd . d. Those wha eseansd said tha BBJfnff rooked with the eeenuaaten Ne wreck nf the hewse waa cow BBJ' They attribute their escape BBftd fortune aa all five of the men were In the boiler houae were the machinery when the explo BBwccurred. BBBsen from Htorra wero aoon on BBkene and assisted In taking the HAv of the dead to their homes, BBB a aorrowlng wife and family old at each home of the death BBb husband and father. BBB Klllott came here from Mon W, He la aunlved by a wife and BBBltd, Mr. Strong formerly lived BBBlngvllle. He 1 aurvlved by a BB&nd four children, BBV Strong haa a brother return cm Kurope. He arrived flat BBI' In Quebec Word haa been o Chicago to Intercept: him, 2 him to come direct to Storrs BBB of hla home In Bjirlngvllle. BBBsas len aent to other member BBBh dead men' famlllea In the where they formerly lived, m local omen of the Spring MCoal company It waa doclar ria boiler had just been over ttnd that the threo men Injur BBB botlermakera who had Just BBBT up and the bolter waa being BBB' up. The men had already BBK on another boiler when the vn occurred. At preaent It l BBBble to tell the cauae of tho no- HtnJured men were all taktftt to BBBuiltal at Slorra. BBBbody of Mr. Strong waa taken BBBlngvllle. where the deceased BBBtercsted. BBBixploslon broke tho water lines BBu -team line ao that It waa Vy to clone down the property BBBt-e day. Work waa renamed BATION H'OUK KTAKTH BBBVILLIA-HONOMO HUILIlINf Hfcatlon work commoncud Mon- the Vlllla-Uonumo building the McOonuld corner, Ulghth Sin atreeta. Home fetv altora Wava been made In the flrxt f tho proponed new structure, at flrat Intcndod that tho eec mry aliould have a large lodge But Mr Villa Inform Tho Ad that It will have four houae- apartment. The Drooku re company will occupy tho u'uco on the ground lloor, Lara Von ha the contract for the gflvVam tlitulldlnff. Aclallata Mrot at Helper. tvaa a meting of the eoelal EarlHin county at Helper Mon Qpit for the purpone of dlwoua ) matter of the advisability of a county ticket In tho flrld. Vte notion waa taken, but the learna from local socialist fended the meeting that the Ji opinion wa that a ticket tot be put up this year. Tula Vwevcr, waa not fully derided ) many of the party leading V belluve thoy should go be V voters with a complete list tuitions. There remain about r' tor a duflnlto deoUlon In ft a legal ticket mny bo Itled oounty clerk. . rirSKIAIISJIIFFLEI lccr ny BcIIotoI to Be Germ Car. rter In Hloil fol-onlng Cn-. JKi hSf0r ca "f Mo t'Olaonlng !?i.h tV. IT' UBder th0 ntlon of Utah phjalclnna recently It tt theory that Is entertained by the state K of health. Development of casea of m.'ik,r"T.!0 d,wa common that the iwmo germ would be found responsible for the affliction of both man and the four-footed pests. Tha Ueer fly wm flnaly arraigned, through tho Investigations of members of the board, a the creature guilty of tak Ing the eerma from the carcasses of dead rabbits and Inoculating human beings with It by bltlnir th.m. Some time ago numerous rases of Poisoning believed to hate como from tho source under consideration were reported to the board of health from the northern part nf the state, lie cent reports of similar rases In Mil lard county hae led to a belief that the trouble there may be of the same nature and origin. Soveral recent coses have been reported from Hinck ley In Millard county Jtcport of tho disease, for which no description or method of treatmrrt i-xlsta In the history of medicine, haa been made to the bureau of public health nt Waehlngton and a prom lee received from the board of health that a laboratory man would be sent hero to study the disease and Ha origin. mm w if wjii I'ormrr TlHMMm Merchant fllres KtntW-fc VrrMon. H. O. Ballard, a former well known merchant at Thompsons and county commlwsoaw of Grand ceunty, la now living In Bedford, Kng. In wrtMng to MhM Jennie Clark and to the Times at Moab recently the gentleman anwHtg other thing any: "Imppeaeynu have heard and read abotit tho great war that Is blw waged In Uwrape. Here In Kngtend people ean. taHc and think e nothing else, and although, thanks to Kng land being an tstand and Saving a 4HHt navy. kMtM Wn a4 I MmW H imin wm be sNhsVVMl U n horrors and sttfferl mulcted by the Invasion of a foreigti army, sKh as poer peepleof Brhrtum and Krance nrn now experiencing. fcHMI many bravo soldiers and sailors have al ready been killed and wounded, and I am afraid thrra will bo ery many mure before the war Is ended. "I hope you and all American boys and girls wilt be told how strenuously Kngllsh statesmen strove to avert this Huropean calamity, but were unsuc cessful owlns to the action of the mili tary arlatocracy which control the government of Germany " iti:si,imo.H or condoi.i:ncii With heuu bowed down In grief, but submltlnH to the will of the All Wlso Qod, who has seen fit to take from us our beloved friend and mem ber, our society offers the following resolutions- Itesolved. That In the death of Klla Stanford Ualllnger, our society hit lost an eateemed and honored member, who evinced her Interest In many ways; nluays gracious and kind; never losing an opportunity to lend a helping hand, Itesolved, That w extend our deopest sympathy to her beloved hus band, the bereaved children, her mother, brother and sisters, know ing that In tha family circle, Mrs. Ualllnger lovely- personality reached the senlth of human love. May they look for comfort to the Divine Master, knowing she rests from her labors and her works do follow her. Itesolved, That a copy or these resolutions be sent to the family; a copy be Inscribed Into the mlnuto book of our society, and also copies bo sunt to the New and Advocate. Mltfl. H. H. ItOIMNKTT. illtB, K. J. THOMAS, MItS. J. II. ItlDI.CTO.V, Committee. oastm: oath woman 11119 IX A HOSI'ITAIi last evonlng Telegram sajs that Mrs. Julia Haney, about 10 year of ago and who arrived In Salt Lake City Sunday night from Castle auto, died In the county hospital at i o'clock yesterday morning of might's ills. 4;use, The deceased arrived In the city on a Denver and Itto dranJe train and upon her arrival was so III that It was. necessary to carry her from the train. Patrolman It. W. MoKenna placed her In the new drand Hotel bus. The night clerk refused to recoUe her as a guest and transferred her to the Moxum Hotel. The dying v ian was Inter taken to ths count) hospital where she remained In a semi-con-solou condition until she passed away. A sister of tho deceased living In Colorado Springs ha been noti fied, t Carlton Senatorial Dclcgutos, The following delegate were elect cd to attend tho democrata senatorial convention at Qreen Itlyer yeuterday afternoon: Noll M. Madsen, T. t Kclter, J. A. Crookett, Uent Ho If sou and Jess Jqhnstone. Tho Csv throe named atended, going donr ye.itcr-l day afternoon. ' ' SMC 1MAMT DIUTII COMIX I.VKTANTANKOUH. IiY TO NOTIH) IHVINC Htm Down By AutoniobHe nnd Bdy lraKrl 1'Hty I'crt Was oh Way to Mall Box to Ibm lirttcrs Wties VcWckJ Ovcrtakn him. Tho tie. Kranklln S. flpauldlng, bishop of tho Episcopal church of the dloceac of Utah, was Instantly killed at 10 o'clock Monday night when run down by nn automobllo driven by Miss Adrlonne King, IT-year-old daughter nf William It King. The accident occurred on South Templo near Fifth East. Miss King was alone In the nuto moblls nt tho time of tho accident and fnlnted when the machine struck lllahop Rpauldlng. The automobile, uncontrolled and dragging the life less body of lis victim, ran across the street, leaped tho curbstone on the south side of South Temple and crashed Into a steel telephone pole op posite K street Mis. Xing was thrown against the steering wheel and was severely bruised and cut by broken glass from the wlndehleliL As was hla nightly custom, Bishop Spalding was walking from ht home Ut B, First South, to a small box at the corner of B street and South Tm Pie. Ho carried In his hand a bundle of letters. When struck by the auto mobile he was on the north side of the cur track and his body waa dragged distance of thirty yard Walking diagonally arrow the street his back to tha automobile, l)lhop SpakBfNt failed to see the au lomobllo until It was almoH upon him. Miss King, driving- west steer ed to the fight but Bishop Spalding apparently hurried In the nam dlrec thin to avoid the machine. The he turned and retraced his steps, ht In the same Instant Mlaa Kin- turned her machine to the left and the col list on came. DnHMrrnl Under Car. The right band feeder and the ra diator fjWuctheMrtasM Ms right Me. Hta H side, but the clohWg caught eft the fsftder and his bedy, hahT under thi machine, was dragged "-og until the autemeMIe struck tha curbing n the opposite side of the street A suden lurch of the heavy Htaefclneaa K leaped the curbstone threw the body Into the street where k re malned until the arrival of tha poHce ambulance with Dr. H. B. flprsgue. The body waa placed on a stretcher and taken to pollco headquarters. An examination showed that Ulshop Spalding had received a fracture of the skull over the right eye. a broken Vcr. and two sisters survive him. Iloth arms were broken. Dr. Sprsgus said that desth undoubtedly had been Instantaneous. Kranklln Spencer Spalding was born at Erie, J'a.. March 13, 1186. He waa the eldest son of the lit Itev. John Franklin Spalding and Ivlna D. Spencer Spalding, his father be tug bishop of Denver until his death alKiut ton yeara ago. His mother, a brother, William 8, Spalding, of Den ver, and two slaters survive him. The sisters are Mia Klliaheth Spalding, who live wlllt Jier mother In Den ver, but who now Is with her mother on a visit with her mother' sinter In Hrle, and Miss Sarah Spalding, who Is serratury of Miss Madeira's school for young ladles In Washington, D. C. Dlshop Spalding received a bache lor's degree from I'rlnceton univer sity In HIT, I). D from the general theological seminary In 1191 and S, T D. from the same seminary In 10$. Ho always was sotlve In church and educational work. He had charge of All Saints church In Denver. 1891-92, of Jarvls Hall and St f.uke' at Montclalr, Colo., 1192. 86, and was rector of St Paul's church at Iv'rle. l'a., IltO-llOt. At the general convention of the Uplscopal church In lloaton, held In October, IftOt. Mr. Spalding was elcc tod a bishop and he was consecrated In December of the same year, arriv ing In Salt I-ako tha first Sunday In January. 1905. Ha first cume here as blahop of Salt J.uko. the terrl lory of which at that time Included Utah, Nov ads. Western Colorado and tho southwestern cornor of Wyoming, Including Hvanston, The field was divided In October, 1907, and Ulshop Spalding was then made Ulshop of Utah, with Supervision over the work of this state. Since thn death of Ulshop Itoblnuon of Nevada about a year ago Ulshop Spalding was loked after his work and expected to do so until a successor was chosen. t i. Yeomen JxxJo OrgunJotl, The Yeomen organised a home stead here Monday night with twenty-eight charter members. The fol lowing officer were elected: Foreman, A. I Stout, Master of Ceremonies, A. J, Lee. Correspondent Wt B. Anderson. Master of Accounts, A. II. Hunten. Chaplain, U It Fullmer. Guard. W. I Uenfer. Watchman, is. Ueruudl. Overseer, Leo Leonard. Sentinel, John JJeddoc. At the Dko theuter Friday night Yeomen pictures will be exhibited, shoeing tho drill Work of Oils organ ization and scones lit tho homo caatlo of tho order at Dcs Moines, Iowa. i m i mm rHtorlnl CWiTrtle AhneM VhahI moms re Vernal Msn. The Advornlo takes pleasure In In troducing to Its readers or at least those readers not acquainted with him. the Hon. Doh n. Coltnn of Veri nal, the next senator from this sena torial district Friday afternoon Mr Colton was unanimously nominated by the con vention which consisted of twenty nine delegate. He received St votes as against 1 for J. I. Miller of Moab, whose name was placed before the convention by John llrown of Grand county and seconded by Ulshop Ilrlnkcrhoff of Kmtry. Charles DeMolay of Vernal present fd the name of Mr. Colton and A. W. Horsley of 1'rlco seconded the nomi nation In a splendid addrees to the ablegates, railing attention to the fact that this waa the first time that Uin tah county had naked for the noml nation, that ahe had alwaia remained fulthful to Carbon county fend that four years sgo when a. A. Ivrson re rjlved tho nomination It was Under stndd that Carbon should lind It sup port four ears hence to Uintah coun ty. The vote on tho two candidates stood a follow- For Colton. Carbon 9, Uintah T, Umery 9. For Miller, Orand . Carbon I, Kmery 1. The delegation from Uintah In at tendance consisted of the following Hon, Don It Colton. Hon. Cha. De Molay. Q. J. llracken and Ed Samuels. SMMTI CHMEIIXI BJIIS Arrrwtrtt Per tWg as U. 8. Km. Hoy Hd rasafe Barf Checks. M. II, Steele, as he gives his name, a particularly smooth young man, twenty-seven years of age, has Invol untarlly taken board and room at the county Jail for the next nne hun dred and thlrty-Hve days, convicted on ft charge of having passed quite a number of worthies checks In tft Green Itlvrr section. He posed as an employe of the government geo hwenl department and pulled the smnt off so cleverly that hn even duped real employes In that federal department In fact IHeele worked his grail drectly undsr tho mosm of the guvernmM mm and set wily wt flm wvt mmsnt' aenpfcyea an iM suffered from eewteete -tended !. Hele w arrested In X Lake CHr by Deputy P. H, Riley of Oree Hever and brought to Price. C. G. It H. AXD ACAOKMY IX HKASONW rillHT GAMK Incitement ran high Friday nf fair week when th seaaon's flrst game of football was called. Aa the teams of I rice Academy and Carbon High school lined up on the gridiron the onlooker scanned them at a loss to conjeture Just how the game would end. While It cannot be said that either loam h peclaliy husky, the gamo proved that both aro gritty. What tho smaller boys lack In phys lijue they more than make up for In courageous tenacity. Iloth aides played splendid ball, considering the earllness of the sea son. School lias not been In session long enough yet for the coaches to put out flnlahed ball, but Individuals nf both schools stood In tho lime light Keith of the Price Academy played wonderful ball. He ishowd great skill In circling the ends for long gains. For the High school there was no partlculsr star. Among tho entire elevon who worked hard, Leon ard might be mentioned for tho gain ha made through the lino Claude Uryner, Hoy Fausett John Vlguettu, Clarenco Itblnett and Itulon Uryner gulned by their good forward paases, sucreaaful tackling and able work at he enda, The forward passes caUaed In a large measure the score, 30 to 0, In favor of the High school. Prospects are bright for two good teams. Each srhool Is now busy ar ranging several gum us with the out side teams. Half these gumrs will Im played In Price. Prof Jones and Mrs. Cleveland en tertained the teams and some of the nt tho Academy, OWlAN'l.KII HAND miltGLAUH i:nti:ii many pihou houhich What nppear to have been a well organised band of burglir on last Saturday night and again Monday night entered half a doxen places of business In tho city The gang made effectual entrance at the Kentucky Liquor House, Urandnn's saloon, the Oreek coffee house, the suda water works, the Price Commission com piny and the Toplo bar, but was re warded with comiiHratlvulv Intl., booty. At the liquor establishment tho biggest haul was made, where the sum of 110 was taken from the cash register. The Price Battling company lost only il.Qv, the Toplo bar $1.00 and Brandon had a smalt quantity of whiskey and beer taken. The burgtur left absolutely no clue behind them, From tha coffee house they took a suit case which con tained a watch valued at about 113. Through tho recovery of the time piece. If It Is ever found, remain tho only poslblo means of IdenUfyJng the burglars. Prohibition Contention. The Prohlhltlqnlst will put a state ticket In theflold. Thty meet at Salt Lake qity n October 6th at tsl5 p, m. ut Ilarrot hall, "S. Advocate - '-' I Little City on Eeir-th I -- NUMBER M CARBOMMERY FAIR I BRINGS THOUSANDS Biggest Event of Kind Ever Pulled Off I in Eastern Utah Displays Remark- II able First Aid Contest Attracts 9 Many Visitors Everyone Satisfied. H The second fair of the CarboM-Emery Fair aKltkHi fmm I Into history us the most icceful event of anything of a bIwdW H nature ever attempted In Eastern Utah. Immense crowds were here from every section of th tw I counties; the contestants wero treated fairly and liberally an B there was no hitch or delay In the entire threo days celebration. si. Wfc 8Ve 0f the thre (,,l', WM th f,rt W tonUml li It,flyn t wns not only keenly apfH-eclated by vMitrc ;,S SMIptnt? tT lthe UUh Kuel Mm ' CHiWaVl fuel and the Independent camps, but ako by the hout ef vWtom from other town and citltw aa well. oi H mL!uih 8prU P1,0" lvrtld and with rtt credit to the management and -atiafactton to Ukmmj wlw entered I The agricultural exhlWta were eepeclally fine am) pleM(n te I everyone who mw the Interior of the dlepUy bwlroWnd I tt '"HUS? f 1EMterB UUh re t0 WEtti that thly m cxhlWt Mich excellent producU. Nothing finer can be $Z the atate than were exhibited. From the aUndpolnt of attracUng a large erowd, MtkfactkM I on the part of thoae who attended an4 xmJtJdZ the fair was a succern from atart to flnien. Following are the teams and (he camps they represented) Bunnystde Team No. 1, Krneet Lloyd, captain; Harry fttobba. J, W. Iunn. James Thorpe. Jafc Turner, w"?..fl?'?Ul0"' ,0,M, . J. W. Llttlsiohn, captain M. K. ret- we'bi",..4'..T' Jo. Ills, P. K. HuMattd, X4t TJwmaa. MaMt,j(Xjle)sadA heatt, eaptata; 'idward JeWTiil HahMwerth, Rlhrd Hareoeft, WH Warn HMer. Joseph Ba4e. Team ..?' ?'." r '"lih. caput! rK Hlgglnbotlom, Karl Nelon. Oeorge Hughea, Henry Hollngwvorth, K. J, Curtis. Mohr andTeam No. 1, Francis (Iruudvlg, iMptulnj a. a. Johnson, Hert Chrlstensen. Htav Uunnel), Q. . Miller, J, P. Wldetlch. Team No. S, A. O. Sterratt. captalai Ctarsnr Harmon. lUrry Hrennan, at Leav lit. Frank Jones, Don Leavltt. SUndardvlllo W. V. Jones, cap tain; J. It. Cameron, Titus Jones, John Anderson, Andy Kasterbrook. Wlllam Shields. fltorrs a. It Bhort, captain! lien Sellars, Fred Thomas, ttert Davis, John Harrison, John Haddow. Wlaokhawk Oeorgo Plerson, cap tain; John Hurst, Illlly Moors Thos. Davis, U it Thomas, Daniel Witch erly. Castle Oate-Itobert J. Hsnderson, captain; Jack Itamage, Jack Hretn son, Albert Warded, James Lakls, Leonard Taylor. Utah Mine John Haddow, captain: Wllford Huff. W. K. Hu. Victor Kjln, Hay Wlldn. William K. Sdwards, Wlnttr Quarters James 1111, cap. tain; George Clark, John Thorpe, Harry Hall, Alfred Newren, KHanley Harvey. Kenllworth John Hurst captain; Arthur Marsh, Joseph Parr, Hamlet Howard, William Ituthwell, Moses Davis. Judges In charge or the contest were Dr. J. C. Itohert. J. L. Hoard man, J. T. Mooro and It IL ChUholm of tho United States llureuu of Mines; J. K. Petit state mine Inspoctor; Dr. Hlopansky of Helper at. J Dr. A. J. Lanst-u of the government service. The winner of tho various etenU Were as follow; une-man eventf flunnyildn team No. 1, ilrst prlso; Hiawatha team No. 1, second prlre. Two -man event Hunnysldo team No, z and Htandurdtllle tied for rirslj Hiawatha teum No. 1 won second prUo. Three-man event Mohrland teams Nos. 1 and 2 tied for flrst place, with Sunnysldo team No. 1 and Standard tied for second munoy. The money was split Full team of II vo mon Castle date, Ilrst; Storrs, second. (1HKK.V JtlVKK DISPLAY IH ONli OV THK VlJtV MiaiT The agriaultural and horticultural o'fclbitd from Qruen lllver were espe cially fine and It wo well worth more than tho price of admission to the fair grounds to view this very re markable display. Tho following are among some of the wonderful prod ucts sent up to the fair by the Oreen lllver peoplei A squash weighing 108 pounds, said to measure nearly six feet In circum ference. A Duchess DoAnglome pear weigh ing twenty-three ounces, flvo pears that weighed an even hundred ounces. Judge T. 8. Tanner wow them in his yard. Corn stalk thli teen feet high. Ear oorn. Jap squash, feterlta, mllo tnulxe, winter watermelon Hubbard . H sunftowers for decoraHoa mU womir- BB ou other products. BB HIIKK PACKINd tVMPAWY H MAKHH KXOsMJWff.WatniAV 'SH-i, r .- ... -""tBBJ ChH sf the twitsWas..mpasj,a that "'"H sfcwd It suprscUtl the twislnsss It ws reerrlg rm the Price s.otlea hd waa therefore wHtenc t heto ateiwr In any manner at last Bb week fair was the Ogdn Packliw PrnvMon cempany. Its display was ue ef the very much admlrad eahlb. u'i'. "f '?rtrt, hM. e. lard, pickled lambs tongue, bollwl BB Ki-0?,02 f"' ". lolo nd pknlo sfeouldem. ThM company BB from the time It opened up bwdneai BB lHii.r,Mil!i! ? flsnld local spirit and that It waa ready and wW- M lug at alt times to co-oierate with M home people In any merKortou BB movement The excelUnt buneas H has done In Its few months' open here shows that this kind of a poller pays. BJ HOItHi: ItAl'IM PHOVK H L'XCITINU FKTUKiH H The horse racing featuro of the fair waa partlccUrly exciting and as ev- BB eryoHe likes a good, clean horse race, the blesuhers were Filled with Sfec- , tators to witness these events whle BB rrsultod as follows: In tha. quarter mllo dah the OIen horso won from Steven's black mar Brl and lb llrown sorrel. M Utowh's sorrel bwit tho Scoi.M horse In tho one-half mile dash. Olsen won from llrown In the one- quarter dash. BBJ D. II Lovcrldgv of Maob beat WW BBJ Swaaey of Castle Dale In a quartur- Bfl mile race. BBJ Htaven beat Urown In one-hatf- H mile dash mid also the Ottoson horse. H COMPLini: LIKT OP PK1.I: . WIN.VHHH I.V NIWT A1IVOCATK 1 It Is Impossible this week to glvo a H list of the many prlie winners at thu BBJ fair, owing to the fact that nearly all H of the dctull work was placed on Mr. H Lee's shoulders, unil from the muss of BBI details uttondsnt a celebration of this BBJ character, he has been greatly over- H burdened. The list of successful ex- hlbltors will appeur completo In tho BB following Issue of The Advocate. BBJ L. II. iti:i)I). DI1MOCHATIO HKNATOHIAIi NO.MLVKK M At Oreen Itlver last night U H. H Iledd of arayson was chosen aa tho BB nominee of the democratlo son.rtor- BBJ lal convention. The San Juan man Bfl was elected on the third ballot On BBJ the first ballot the names before the BBJ convuntlon besides that of Mr. Iledd BBJ wero J. W NUon of Huntington and IBBJ W. D. Thompson, Mr. Nixon drop- BBJ ped out on the second ballot and BBJ threw his support to tho wining can- H dldato. l.mory county was repre- BBJ sented by five dutegttes. Carbon county by five, San Juan by one and BBJ Grand by twc. Uintah county woo BBJ not represented. Noll M. Madsen waa BBJ olected permanent chairman and T, BBJ I''. Kolter secretary. BVJ Sam Uackal of the Kentucky LI- H quor House has purchased thu Tlnd- Hg welser saloon at Helper. Mr .i3acl".- al states that he lias no Intention of H ohungtng his resldeuco from Price, BBJ and that ha will reniutn In the em- BBJ Ploy of Mr. Qesoa, BVJ bBB