Newspaper Page Text
I T1IE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914. PAGE THRWH SB I Wasatch Store ! Company I I : I W COMPLETE OUTFITTERS FOR THE FAMILY. 3 t m WE HANDLE EVERYTHING TO SUPPLY YOUR j M NEEDS. 3 I " "' K Nothing but the Standard Brands of Groceries, Dry , m Goods, Fresh, Salt and Cured Meats, m Boots and Shoes. 1 I I Wasatch Store Co. j Stores at Sunnyside, Castle Gate, Winter Quarters and i Clear Creek. I We Strive I To Please H We carry a most complete stock of General Merchandise, including Staple and Fancy Grocer H ies, Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions. We can furnish anything for the ranchman or m sheepman. Our prices are the lowest and our goods are of B the best. It is a pleasure to quote prices and show goods. I J. M. MILLER COLTON, UTAH Utah Fuel Company H MINERS AND SHIPPERS CARBON COUNTY C0gfl5 I r also manufacturers of coke H Carbon County Coals Are the Best. Htho market for Horses, Mules for Mines, Hay and Grain, ; HLno Props, Ties, Sprags and Various Other Local Products aa I HOME INDUSTRIES PATRONIZED --. ( Hpcral Offices Seventh Flopr' Judge Building, Salt Lake By. Mines at Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, Castle Gate, Bh Mino and Sunnyaltio, Carbon County, Utah. The Central Barber Shop m and Pool Hall H Silvani Block, Price, Utah B Basement Under Corner H S. PALLAS, Prop. mm in h i AiUUtK Ni:i:ns and ddmands or com. Mtr.NITY MITT. lH'Wmriit Itrlnit Made n lo Dry Cunning t'on.lliion -Tliminii(l of IlntbnW IVnmiMnrto Vnrlrtlcx of I'mdiicta SiKvtM.fnl Here lly M. O. MntiRlmn. Agricultural studies ahould meet the needs nnd itpmnmli of the com munlly. QueMlon of prnctlcnl lm- portnnce should bo studied nnd solv ed those queatlon that arc of value nnd help In Improtlng tho condition of the community tin a whole nnd which when united will aid the Indl- tldual In being aide to succeed In hi work nnd render to tho community more and better service. Hervlee la that for which we ahould train the aludeiit of iiRrlrulture an well aa those who tiunmo other atudlca. Agricultural work ahould bo co-op. erntlve In It naturo, by which the student cornea very largely In personal contact with the farmers themsolve In everj' itny work The atudenta ahould go direct to the field and Htmly thn soils, the preparation of the seed beds, the time for planting, the ', proper culture, tho proper harvest- Ing nnd marketing of crops, etc. They ahould (fn right Into the dairy herd ', nnd with the niwIMnnce of n pair of arnica and n Itabcock tenter find ex it notly what every cow la doing who '. ther ahe makea profit for the owner or consume the proflta made by the " other cow. Thla the Carlton County High achool la trying to aecomplUh Several experlmenla arc now under ' way and many more aro planned and aome have Already matured, Under the climatic indltlon which prevail here. It la a tuctlon whether dry farming can be practiced or not The one big factor la precipitation. No ' experlmenla hnte yet been obtained by anyone In thla county that give nny definite Information on thla our K 1 1, tit V The agricultural department hna r seen thn need of knowing tho annual precipitation, not for agricultural pur- poaea alone, but from the ntnndpolnt ,' of homeaeekera nnd aettlcrs, who want ' to know the condition of thta region lefore coming here to make their homes. They muat know aomethlng , of the climate, nnd precipitation la a ' i very Important factor, Bo tho depart 'i ment purchnaed two rnln gnugca and In now nt work obtaining recorda 'i which are In duplicate, hence avoid ! Ing error na much aa possible. i Along with recorda of rainfall, wo find no recorda of temperature mln .' Imum and maximum nnd no recorda i of clear and cloudy daya, direction of i the wlnda, etc. Rxperlmenta along , i thrac llnra are now being conducted ,' by the department, and It la working , ' In connection with the United Hlateji , ' weather bureau of Bait !.ak City. i' Theae reaulta when completed will bo (' of wonderful value to the people. i The department acta up n hotbed C each aprlng and demonatrnte to tho community nt largo tho value of the nnip. Several thouaanda of planta uie atartcd In thrae hotlteda which 'i nre Inter dlatrlbuted to the people of S the community who have gurden ' apot. Different vnrlellea nre linn , ' died with the purpoaa In view of de. ,' elding upon thn beat variety for thla aectlon of thn country. Thoro are aoveral orchnnia in and around Trice city. Several of theae i are pruned each year by boa of the i. department, thua malting their work practical aa well aa benontlng the i owner. The Carbon County High achool la 1 1 new and thn aurroundlng grounda 'i were completely bnrren until laat year when tho boy of the agricultural ' department pdanted a lawn which , ' now covers part of the ground nenr , ' cat tha building. The plat I In good ' condition at the prraent time. ' Cnnaldernbla work hna been done ' along the lines of tenting the aoll by ! meana of teat tubea to determine Ita ', nature and borlnga to determine Its ', depth nt different placea. S The department further co-oper- ' i ntea with the community in holding ' farmern' mvetlnga nt the high achool, , ' where live dlacuaidona are carried on i ' pcrtulnlng to nceda nnd condlllona of ' thl community. Other work or n ' practical nature la being curried on and many experlmenla of different i, klnda are being planned for the fu- ture. j IDAHO LEGISLATURE REPUBLICAK i " ( Ilotli 1Ioumh Will Do Vnilcr Control or (!. O, I. Mcmbcra. i UOIRH, Ida., Nov. T. Hepubllcnns i will control the next legislature of thla i mute, huvlng, according to return i complete from the thirty-three coun- i tie, elected nineteen senators and i thirty. three representatives. The re i publicans have both. There Is a total ' of thirty-three senators making up 1 the upper house and sixty represents- ' lives making up the lower. The dem r ocrats elected eleven senators and f twenty-six roprenentatlveH, the pro- I Bresslt'c two senators and one repro- f sentatlve, and the soclallats one sen- C ator. On strictly party Iumuch tho re- publlcuns will have no trouble In tho legislature. Tholr main worry trill be with thn new governor, who a democrat Likewise tha governor will be handicapped In putting his policies through with a republican legislature. llcmarkablo Cure For Croup, "Lost winter when my little boy had croup I got him a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Itemedy. I honestly be Hove It saved his life," writes Mr. J. 11. Cook, Indiana, Pa, "It cut the Phlegm and relieved his coughing spells. I am moat grateful for what this remedy has done for him." Kor rala -by all dealers. Advt Lo&Mlon notice carried In stock at The Advuca'". Advt. i I Ogden Packing Co. I I Branch House at Price '' fl I UTAH PRODUCTS 'H 4t Ask (or Ncctnr Brand Hams nnd Bacon, Gold Leaf and iH Sco Lily Brands of Lard. Also full line of Fresh IH V Meats and Sausages. v IH i -- --- x iH Only Utah Packers Operating & 'H under Government Inspection. X H I OGDEN PACKING & PROVISION CO. I I ! ODGEN SALT LAKE PRICE S H Y gsaaaaaaal eeVeeeeeeeVe$ee TWO KIM,i:i IN A Wltr.CK M1U TIIOMI'M)H hlMtlNOK Diehard Kllllnn nnd Ivan DeiiRou. two young tvorklngmen who ttero henUng their way nlKinrd n sheep train that left Orren Itlvcr Mondn) evening of Inst week, wero horribly mangled and Inatnnlly killed near Thompsona nt 7 10. A drawhead bruko and dropped down, enulns the derailment of a string of empty atock enra, five of which were burned. Tho aheep were not hurt The mutilated body of Kllllnn was brought to Ureen Itlvcr and Interred In tho cemetery- Denson was burled nt Thompson. Kllllnn wns nn Odd fellow holding membership In thn Itlngham Canyon lodge, lie had MO In his pockets, together with lodge receipts. A bank piuubook showed that he had drawn ISO, but part or thla was probably burned. Kllllnn was about 30 years of nge. Kllllnn was torn nil to piece, hi right leg being gone entirely nnd not being found. Highland I-odgo No, II, I. O. O. 1' at Dlngham tva tele grapjicd and they nuthnrlxed tho drecn Diver lodge to expend $76 In burying the man. Ivan Denson, the other unfortunate man, wn probably 36 yenr of age, being of Hwedlsh decent nnd a mem ber of some orgnnlxntlons In Hwodon. Mo was a big, strong man, Ho had addresses of several people In Minne sota on his person. Try Till I'or Yonr Cough. Thousands of people keep coughing because unable to gt Uts right rem edy. Coughs sr caused by Inflam mation of throat and bronchal tubea. What you need la to soothe this In flammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates the delicate mucous lining, mlses tho phlegm nnd quickly relieves the congested mem branes. Oct a 60c bottlo from your druggist "Or. King's New Discovery quickly and completely stopped my cough," writes J, It. Watts, Kloydale, Texas, Money back If not satisfied, but It nearly always helps, Advt , , C It IxmU. It IS. Lewis. LEWIS & SON Plumbtag and Heatisg Katlmate fumlahod and work guaranteed, . . . Jobbing given Prompt Attention. I. O. Dox a 13. -North Ninth St. 1'ltlCi; UTAH. This Is YOUR, Newspaper. Get Full Value From It By HOLLAND. TIIIB paper U yours. It Is j wlmt jou make It It will serve you well a you will let It, And It I only ' through the untied force of j tbe big family of readers that iucIi a paper I possible at ucu a price. , Hut do you get all out of toe paper that you can get all that you nre entitled lot I You do not unless you read tbe advertlalug columns. Reside the new of tbe day and the happening of tbe ' world, there are adrertke I meats that will keep you I posted on business affairs, I that will give you the sew of commercial life. These ad vertlsement tall you which art 01 moat reliable store, wast are tbe purest foods to I eat tbe most serviceable and fashionable merchandise tad tbe mot reliable product. OBr TIIB HABIT. HBAD TriE ADVnnTIHEMKNTS AND pnoriT ny TnBM r PROFESSIONAL CDS ATTORNEYS P. E. WOODS Attornoy-at-Law Will practice In nil tbe atate and federal courts. Offlco In tho Parker Weeter Utock, Trice, Utah. D. D. HOUTZ Attorncy-at-Law Practices In all the courts of the state and the federal courts. Office, eighth Floor Kearns Ilulldlng. Salt lAko City, Utah. ' C. C. McWHINNEY i Attontey-at-Lavr Will practice In all the courts of the state. Offlco at County Court Houie. Price, Utah. W. D. LIVINGSTON Lawyer Water and mining litigation given special attention. Lend matters, col lections and all legal business. Will pr.oUc In alt the courts. Boyd Fork Ilulldlng, Bait Lake City, Utah. Samuel A. King Claude I King KING & KING Attomeys-at-Law Commercial Ulock. Salt Lake City W. !!. FRYE . Attoraey-at-Law Practice In all courts of the state. Also In the federal courts. Office In tho Mile Uulldlng, Price, Utah. RICHARD B. THURMAN Attorney-at-Lavr Will practice In all sUte and fed eral courts. Sit Doiton Bulldlag, Salt Lake City, Utah. FERDINAND ERICKSEN Lawyer 717-71 Judge Dldg., Salt Lake City L. 0. HOFFMANN Attoraey-at-Law Office In Parker-Wetter Ulock rillCE, UTAH. GEORGE A. COLE Attoraey-at-Law Federal and state land office prac tice. Water right. 831 Iioston Dulldlnr, Salt Lake City PHYSICIANS A. C. SORENSEN Physician and Surgeon Specialist In Women's and Chil dren's disease. Oeneral Surgery and Medicine, Office In Farker-Weeter Dlock. Frice, Utah. PKICB, UTA1L F. F. FISK Physician and Surgeon PIUCE, UTAIL DR, E. F. CHAMDERLAIN Physician and Surge Office over Oolden Dule, a ' - MISCELLANEOUS H WETEL & IIEHRES jH Mining nnd Civil I'liRlnccni I-nnd and Mine Surveys. County H Surveyor Carbon County, County isbbbbbbbbb! Court House, Price, Utnh. riaaaBBBa! B R. J. TURNER 'jH Cltll nnd Mining toiglnccr Surveys of alt kinds. Mine exam- !H Innlton and report on coal lans.' ' H I. O. Dox 13, Price, Utah. 'gaH riT7.(i:tlAI.D DDOH. IAND CO. 4gal Irrigated Lamia H 436 Atlna Dlock Salt Lake OHy lgal II. J. Fltxgerald, Attorney gaLaaal HELENE HENNEY '- jH TILVCIIIClt OF PIANO AND VOICB- H I'HICi: ACADEMY H Telephone 137. H FOR BALK OU TKADR. H Ose alx-kone power Special Ms IHH trio Falrbsakj. Morse ft Co. Qu HH llaa Beglae with pulley, ahotUKC, H belting, ate. Good at Bow. A4f- fl eato PuMltblBs; Co, fH p M Don't Be Afraid To send the children to our l store. If you haven't children JsagB 'phone your order In. We Uka liBaaaaaal the same care m filling orders 1 as If you were personally pres- H We Deliver Promptly H anything In Fresh, Salt er IH Smoked Meats, Poultry, FUh, H Vegetables and Orocerles. H The No Trust Market H JOSEPH JONES. Prop. Phone SI IMHCB, UTA H MRS. I HOUSE I KEEPER I Have you been in the H habit of dealing with in, H if so you have found out H for yourself the saving H to be derived therefrom. H If not we are always H pleased to show you our H line and give you prices. H The GARDEN STORE I t I. H 'akaal SSSBBBB