B ' WAfl fl THE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1014. PAGE SEVEW iB I Ihiawatha I ITS TIIK HKST, IT DOES NOT BliACK. IT DORS NOT CMNKEK. I Club Bar IIAnilY A. CHAIN, 1 Proprietor. niurr-ciiAss nnsoivr ron H Oi:NTLKMn.V, i ' H South Ninth Mrcct, Price ij i 1 1 QP ! H (Quiet Place) fl SAL OON i H AND IlOOMIXtl IIOUH1. Hf Located Just Kast of tho New J Draffct Uulldlnir. HJ Neatly furnished room and Hj everything rirat-class. Nothing lut HJ n" f Roods kept In stock. HJ Como and sea. K joiin c. romtiisTicit, HJ Proprietor. B HfccgYMIUIHOHUJ H fYI CTV'WAWg?'M H nFk-M OLIN Ha H ThU flour la mada from tho H Choice Turkey lied Hard Wheat M Rvery aack guaranteed to ilvo sat HJ Jsfactlon, and haa a ohemlcal teal HE of 41 per cent gluten. KB For Bale by B Price Commission Go. K Phono H WH.M9BRAYERS j m'weattfi m Is aged 8 MI H full years in HS K dotible-cliarred fifjl K oak casks. SlftlS! LHK rri r J4lHHk?J h inerefore it fjKJ K possesses fftBoi K siMble goed- ggjfc H ness its "" B aging is a IjSSSF B double rea- fer$&w l ft & !mj& H son why you i-dS B should ever LnmiujrJ H insist on fM m Cedar Brtek. Bjlie Baer Bros., Msr. Co. HB- Wbotcaala Uquor Dealers, Hr SK Lake Ctty, Utah. i DENTIST J' j Painless methods. Prices are Ji i J reasonable. Written guarantee ' ', given with all work. Crown , and bridge work a specialty. J i Platca that fit and do not make the mouth aore. Five yean In 'i j Carbon county. Eitlmate and i , ezamtnatlona gladly given free i of charge. ' i Hours t-13 a. m. and 1-5 ' ) p. m. Sundays, 10 to IS m. j , Offlee In New Bllvagnl nulld- i i Ing, corner Main and Ith Sta. 'i WHY NOT SAY HELLO TO THEM? Tour friends all want to talk to you over the 'phone. Detter have It put In. With a tele phone In your home you can run errands, go shopping, do business, etc., without leaving home. Tou will enjoy the con ventence. Why not have It? KASTKIIN UTAH TIXKPIIONI. COMPANY. I LARS FRANDSENJ Manufacturer of ,' ; Brick of All Kinds ij Yards adjoining the Denver i , and IMo Orando Itallroad com , pnny on the south, three blocks , east of depot. Office at home, ' , corner Main and Blxth streets. ' Intimates Given ami Pliers ji ' Quoltil on Application. i P. O. Hot OS J Phone 4Jx PIIICI UTAH. i ; C. S. Marris everything In ' : Concrete : j! Work. 1 1 PllICB, UTAH ! Estimates on Ilulldlnga, Walks ', and all Kinds of Contracts , Cheerfully Furnished, Modern i Machinery and Methods. i Joftcph Henry, Manager, Nora Myer, Bcc A Treat. HENRY & MYER Transfer Co. PUIIK DISTlMil".!) WATWt AND ici: rrclgtit Oh en Our Sieclal Attention. Call Yellow Dray or PIioho &9y Wc Dclhcr Armour's Very Itcat SleaU. : White House Bar ! IHTTAHj AND WnOLCaAIiU ', riio Heat In Wines, Liquors uutl ' Cigars. Bole Agents For : COORS' GOLDEN BEER PEACOCK IinOH., Proprietors. MWVWWWWVIWV1 I ELITE BAR '' EIGHT YEAU OLD CEDAIt imooic winsiacY. ' And everything, the highest Tade In tho Liquor and Cigar line. : CHAS. AVERILL ! PRICK, UTAH. STATE 1EG1SIATURE I RADICAllY GHANdED MANY I'AMIMAIt PACES AHP. MISSING. Several Vrterniw Iteturn After long Abence Punk Lead Minority Nine Member I let I re ami Former neiubllean Itcttirnn ns Hull Moon-. In both houses of the legtitnturc there will he several familiar fneer mlMlng. Though the republican will be In tontrot of both branches of tho state IrglxtAture,, there wilt be a new president of the senate and a now speoker of the house. President Huh ry Gardner, who has been at the head of the senate for the past three ses sions, was defeated for re-election In Utah county Bpeakrr W. J. tfeoty of Emery county was not a candlrtttu for re-election to the hnuse anrt'hl place was taken by a democrat. In the senato Mcnner X. Smith Mid W N. Williams, veteran legislators of Bait Lnke county, will be missed. For mer Senator John II. Seely of Banpeta made n hnrd fight to return to tho senate, but was unexpectedly beaten by Orlando Ilradley, democrat. Henator J. W. Funk of Caches coun ty wilt be the veteran member of tho upper house of the state legislature. He served through two sessions of the senate and was re-elected by n heavy plurality Senator Funk Is a demo crat and wilt I mi the leader of Hie democratic-progressive minority In the upper house. Had the democrats and progressives secured control of the senate. Senator Funk would un doubtedly have lcen chosen president fif (lift iMnfitn. Nine members of tlie senate rctlro on the first of tho year ami Henator ' Funk wan tho only ono of the nine who was re-elected. Onl fonulor ' Gardner and Senator Funk anight re election. Of the new mrmhern of the senate, two, J. II. Wootton nnl II. T. Reynolds, are graduates front the house, lloth nre from Utah count), tho ft mer a republican and the lat ter a democrat Mr. Woottu'i wuv a mombcr of tho If OH and If It Icftlita lures pnd Mr. Reynolds u metnuer of tho Ifll legislature. In tho house two prominent demo ' crntlr leaders are missing Tiioy nre I 1 Milton II. Welling of llox F.IJer ulid ' Satnuol U Page of Piute, both wimn 1 legislators. Mr. Welling was dvfo'itcd ' for ro-electlun and Mr. Page Is now t registrar of tho United Htatii liivl i office at Vernal. , W. C. Horstey of llox Elder, who , defeated Mr. Welling, rnvereed 111 i usual order of things, lie wim fur i mnrly a memter of 'the -tnutn and i now romrs to the house. Ho ' III bo i prominent In republican councils of i the lower house. i C. It. Mnbey of Davis county, who i Is likely to be the speaker or the ' lower house In 1S1B, was prominent 1 In the tost legislature, being h lender 1 In the movement for the commltton 1 on committees, which wresiol much ' power from the speaker in Hie nini ' Ing of comtnlltwes. The rrpubllrans ,who ore trussing - this time Includo such vetnrtui un John N. Henrle of Garfield, O. John Smith of Kane, Daniel Mi'ltxu and William McMillan of Salt Uko and Francis Nlelson of Ban Juan, noiiu il whom was n. candidate for rot lec tion. Succeeding John N. Hnmtu from Garfield county Is Thomas 8evy, 'ho mini back to the legislature after an absence of nineteen years. Mr. Bovy was a member of thn first statu legislature In tho spring of 189U. An other prominent former member of the legislature Is William O'Neul of Duchesnr county, who In 1899, was u member of the lower house front Wn-salch. U. M. Croft of Morgan count)' was i formerly n repubtlcun member of the houso from that county. Now he Is J In the legislature as a progressive. Prominent mining those re-elected are Samuel Oldham, demnemt, of r Cache county; J. J. Darker, republl i' cun, of Weber county; J. I Van Wag- goner, republlcun, of Waitatch county; t 1-. It. Anderson, republlcun, of Hun- , pete county: Kphrnlm Dastrup, re ! publican, of Wuyne oounty, and Wl ' i ford Day of Iron county. David 11- Morris, democrat, of Rt. ' George, Washington county's pciren i nlal member of the house, was, of ,' course, re-elected und ho Is by all i1 odds the veteran member of the legis i lature from any county, having miss i cd only one or two sessions slnca Utah , became n, state. He will be the recog- i nixed leader of tho large minority In ', tho house, ills side partner will be F. U. Hammond, Br., of Urund voun 'i ty, nlto u demucrut, who lias been i elected from Ornnd county for soveral ( i successive terms. Uyron I). Nebeker , ' of Ulutah county will be welcomed , ' buck to the legislature by his demo , ' crallo aiMoclatvs. Ho served In the i1 house In 1911, but was dufvatcd In . 1912. Ho came back strong last year and won the election In the house, de 5 foatlng Enos Itonnlon, tho man who defeated him two years ago. j 1)KT TOO PlClltlflll. 'i Deer are so plentiful In the La Hill ) forest of Utuh that hunters have been 2 killing them Indiscriminately for the ,i hides, according to Information re , reived at Halt Lake forest lloadiuar , ters. I'red W ChambcrH, state fish , and game commissioner. ha twen no il titled and he plana to go to Mono to Investigate the slaughter More hun ', ting licenses were sold at Moab dur I Ing October thun In any previous yeur, It Is stuted. i ' Don't Dvluv Trcutlng Your Cougli. 'i A sllnht cough often becomes serl- i ous, lungs get uongested, bronohlal 'i tubes fill with mucous. Your vitality ' i Is reduced. You need Dr. Hell's Pine- ( i Tar Honey, U soothes your Irritated , i air passages, loosens mucous and , ' makes your system resist colds, aive , ' the baby and children Dr. Dell's Pine- i Tar Honey, It's guaranteed to help i them. Only 25 cents at your drug- s5 gist Advt. 'NEXT UTAH LWIISIiATUIlE J HAS HKPUlUiiaN MAJOIMTY ; j Utah's next legislature will bo ro- publican, with the ratio of twenty- ' three republicans to nineteen demo- ', crat-progrennlve and one socialist Following Is tho personnel of tho sen ' ate and house as shown by the re- ', turns: The members ot the next senate ' are: ! First district, Dox Elder and Tooele . counties W. B. Hansen, republican, holdover, '. Second district, Cnohe county J.W. Funk, democrat ' Third district, Itlch, Morgan and , Davis counties J. W. Thornley, re- publican holdover. Fourth district Weber county W. , Craig, republican holdover, and Jo , seph diet, democrat Fifth district Bummlt and Wasatch counties L. II. Wight republican . holdover. Blxth district Bait Lake county , W. Mont Ferry, Charles Cottrell, Jr., , and D. It. Hideout republican hold- overs', George II. Dern, democrat and Frnnk Evans, progressive. Seventh district Utah county J. " II. Wootton, republican, and IL T. ', Reynolds, democrat Eighth district, Juab and Millard counties J. It. Edghelll, republican holdover. Ninth district Sanpete count)" Or ; lando Ilradley. democrat ! Tenth district Bevler, Wayne, Piute , and Garfield counties William Beeg miller, republican. Twelfth district. Carbon, Uintah, Emery, Grand and San Juan counties Don 11. Colton, republican. lleprccntalUca. First district, Hox Elder county W C. Horsley republican. Second district. Cache county W. H. Griffin, Jr., progreMtvoi T. W. IVt erson, progressive; Samuel Oldman, democrat Third district. Rich count)' It. M. Pope, republican. Fourth district Weber county J. J. Darker, republican; O. D. Folkman, republican; John C. Child, republican, and Joseph II. Fowlcs, republican. Ifirit iiiIaI llnrinn wmntv CM. Craft democrat Sixth district Davis county C. R. Mabey, republican. Beventh district Tooele county Jn lex Ilevan, soclnltst-progresslvo. Eighth district Halt Lnke count)' Mrs, Ellxabelh A. liny ward, democrat; Mrs. Lilly C. Wolstenholmc. democrat; Dun II. Shields, democrat; W. U. En nls, democrat; J. Louis Ilrowno, dem ocrat. Theodore T. Ilurtnn, democrat; George F. Goodwin, democrat! Emll 8. Lund, democrat; Thomas P. Page, democrat; Parley P. Chrlstenson, democrat Ninth district. Summit county A. P. Ridge, republican. Tenth district, Wasatch county J. II. Van Waggoner, republican. Eleventh district, Utah county J W Wing, republican; C. L. Warnlck, republican: B. E. Taylor, republican; I It. Stewart, republican. Twelfth district Uintah county Rpron D. Nebeker. Thirteenth district Juab county ljiwreiion Iilackett republican. Fourteonth district Sanpete count)' Jnmrs Aagard, republican; L. It. Anderson, republican. Fifteenth district. Carbon county J. Tom Filch, progressive. Sixteenth district. Emery county 1. (. Drowning, democrat Seventeenth district Grand county F n. Hammond, democrat. Eighteenth district, Bevler county Ami It. Ilawley, republican. Nineteenth district, Millard county A. A. Hinckley, republlcun. Twentieth district, Heaver county O. F. McBhane. republican. Twenty-first district, Plule county Twenty-second district Wayne count)- Ephralm Dastrup, republl- " .. . . Twenty-third district, Garflold count)' Thomea Bevy, republican. Twenty-fourth district Iron county Wllford Day, republican. Twonty-fluh district. Washington county D, II. Morris, democrat. Twenty-sixth district, Kano county J. R, Spencer, republican. Twenty-seventh district, Ban Juan rimnt)' Uriah Ncllson, democrat. Twenty-eighth district, Ducheano co unty William O'Nual. ACQUAINTANCE! i You Naturally Trust Fcr- en er Thing Known :: By HOLLAND, WHEN about to engage In a business veuture 70a I prefer to deal with some one you know. Tou bsve more coutldeuco In the advice of an acquaintance tbou In that of fered by a stranger. Confi dence Is based on acquaint auca. In buying goods you prefer to buy those that bare proved their merit You want those of a Ituowa sUndard-tbaae that hare stood the teat of use. These aru tho good that are advertised. Look at our advertising columns and ae If tbla Is not true, Did you ever know an article of inferior merit to be widely advertised? It U a fact that tbs MOUT WIDELY ADVERTISED OOODS ARE THE UEST. Just as you Ond It safest to do business with man yo Iti'CT, you will Qud It MfMt to buy gooda that you know goods with which you hart become acquainted through advertising. iiiiiiiiHHiiuMiMtMMiiiMitimiimimtHMr hVJ When You Buy ! I Groceries I 4B At our Btoro you arc assured that IhVJ tho quality is tho beet that can be 'hVbI secured on tho market. hVbI I When You Buy fl Dry Goods fl It is a certainty that every article IbVJ is dependablo and haa the guaran- jflYJ teo of a reliable manufacturer be- 9h1 hind it B : Our Entire Stock fl Is carefully selected by expert BAV buyers who arc instructed, that HA w- 1HHI tho best is nono too good for our T rAHj trade. fiHYJ Carbon-Emery Stores Co. ; fl hThTh! J. M. BEATTIE, General Superintendent. 4H Stores at Hiawatha, Black Hawk, Mohrland and East IhVJ Hiawatha. IHHJ hhJ tMmmiHHHHMIHOHMHHIHMUmHMtT IhVJ Here's Where You Get H fir?$toue I Tire, Tubes and Accessories B And that means that here you get H the most for your money. Af Most miles per dollar and most msmV H comfort per mile. Phhi hiJ Firestone quality has led the &Wfl MwJ world for fourteen years. There is P&H H no argument about it. K5?I H IhhJ But because they have the largest and rtjftf J tflWJ best equipped tire factory, and only the top- WffiWmf ShA notch men, tho prices are right. Kffi. vfli jHI Call and 8 WtlLJ HH N-SkidSmo9tk Tread All Types All SUtt Hfc H Price Eleotrio Co. H PRICE, UTAH H j UINTAH BASIN LANDS 1 I We have several farms that , H must be sold NOW. Here hB is an opportunity to get one H of the best farms in the Basin at half its value. Write us HKH at once, or come to HSI hVhI hB UINTAH BASIN REALTY CO. I ROOSEVELT, UTA?I M l , J H Furnished rooms for llcht house-1 nubber stamps of svsry dWrtpttew HH keoplnjr. Mathls Hotel. Phone 19. tf Isold by The Advocate Aavt HJH