Newspaper Page Text
Wi 1 H PAGE EIGHT THE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914. -. M IHSTillJil 1HIHI Hi M KII.MVI (111X1)124 I HOM Tlllim H ' TO I IITV Ci:rH H I 1nt llrtilpt tln-nltr tlnl Price Arr H Quito frngulnr Hliecp unit IjiiiiIi n I Shipment Drtllnr llrrntir mill B (-'(Miter Hti nily. B KANSAS CITV Mo Nov Cnt BflB tin receipt thin week, although stlm- flflfl iilnteil sllglill) by the closing of live BflB arfiK.k market east of tho Mississippi flBB river, nro still 3000 less than taut work BflB anil 6000 Irm than rnimr week last BBflj area Killing grndca nro 30 to SO B enla higher than tlm good clow) last B -week. There him been nttlvo compe flflB tltlnn on all kind of kllllna; cattle, uul markets have been active and BBBB amappy The best cattle have sold at B i ! CO to 110 7ft. moat of them bought BflB ( nr ahlpmcnt to New York City Wis- &, ern steer drought S IS thin week ) that mtld at ft 78 lam week nml M 3$ K l threw wreka ago Cowm aliove tan J 'rn have also taken the full advance BBBB winning grades IS to 10 renta higher BflBV Quarantine steer lino aolil nt l 76 t7 40 thla week that formerly notil ' l l IS to t 7S, hut tho common BflK trcr ilo not show quite na much BflBfl jraln Culorailo href ateera aolil at BBBB 1 40 Monday. Texan Colorado at BBBB 4tl.N0, fifty renta higher than they K I av been selling Blocker and feed H nold ii quarter higher Monda) flBB" lint tho demanil haa died off lnce Hf atnil the niHancri haa been lot There flBB m plent) of buyer wanting stockcr B ami feeder hut multiplied) of gov t wnnienl iirdera reaiitictlng the fight E n fo"1 "Id mouth disease ha had ih K-nurnc)- id aoppreaa I no uesiro to H I uy for the present There la nhsol- H t wtely no danger In making purchaaea BBhB; ww and some bargain might he ae- H ' cured next week Itecelpta here urn H ( xpoted to he larger next week, hut H (ttero will he a large Increaae In tho H j lcwand and rommlnslon men are H Jaklng fur a good market H ' Hog receipt Here heavier thin BBB -week, 9000 here today, and the mnr. rt made Irregular ndveiucs during Bflflf fht week A large number of order BflBflF from the Kant, were filled today tit l jwiiva ateady with )etcrdn. top at flBH I.i. hulk 17 30 to 7 76. An order H, sW fifteen double deck car of hoga m T JSew )rk City waa recehed hero H hKi morning, hut It km not filled for ' 41m reaaon that railroad could not B Xwnlah that many UUInfectcd dou- m W. Had thla order heen filled the K jtrtuea would have Jitmpvd U. 1'ack H 1 t beught what hog were left by the l anler hu)era at It to ii conu lower H pcloe. but the got no good hog. H 1 Hhaep and lamb recelpta aro 1 000 i Seat than loat week, and prlcea are 10 J to 71 cent higher. Native miring 1 twmbti oM at l II today, to be ahlp l JMmI M fur ataughteri anil KaMern 1 M44i vaU the top yeatcrtlay, I 74 ' MwtM hMex aruumt ti.7l, yearling t C7. UKetm and breedtng atock B an Nhout Mcady, with little doing In H Kat line Here I another chance H ( Ar thoee who refuite to come under H". h" ttT microbe to oecuro auch atoik H' -pty. B ' lTTf.i: HITH A VALUATION' H OK fM,9e AKi: DIXTItOM'.tl H CUICAOO. Nov (Control of foot B ' aunl mouth dlneaae at the Chicago B 174on totkard. whhh waa placed B -Mailer quarantine lat Katurda), ha B xyrn brought about, federal und atute H aMtthorltlra announced toda) H WHh the exception of -ent)'-fUe K awca among eight hundred prim dat B r rattle, quarantined In the Uolatlon B uMfi4tl, there la not a trace of tho BBBBJ) K-wo nlthln the mile Mtuare ard BBBJi! "Thfl (Uiiea among the price rattle, It BBBBJ wtui Mid, wire mild and the Infilled BBBB auilmala were ropondlng apvedll) to BBBB tmaltnent For the flrat time In forty-nine B yeara, alnce the orgnnltutlou of the E jranla, not a living row, atevr, hog nr F ahti vtnn In the eniloiurn today The H bat Infilled animal wua ahot to diath B Ait burled In quhk lime )cterda B In alt. 1043 animal, valued at I5S, n 89. have been alaln lnr the quar- H antlnn uaa ordered H ' Work nf illnlnfullng the loiut atock H, ' yard hIII be vomplled tomorrow nf. B teraooh. according to l'reiildent A O B Xonard, who euld the llllnol the H atock cnnimtulou will be aaked to In- B feit thu work with a view to an lin- . xtKxIlute reopening BW H Slnuigi r Attempt to !u 1'rliv lliyl m Han Out of CommlMlon. H A iitwiirdly attack wua mud, upon j T)r A C Koruiuen of l'rlie Mondu B -while ho wua uttuudlng to profeuton B al buMlnra In the toun of Helper K Aa thu doctor ateppod out of one of B tlie drug atorea u atranger met him at BBBBB tho exit and atmck him vlolentC on BBBBB tlin Ml aide of the face and h Ith uf- BBBBB flclent violence to knock him down BBBJBm Aa he ntttmpted to nrlna the man BBBb klikcd him nenrt'.ie loft tempi whlth BBBBB put th doctor to xleup Not anlUfled BBBBB -with thla. however hi nauallunt tie- BBBBB Ilvt-red tvvo welt (l)rectid blow ut hi BBBBB head and It uaa aome time before the BBBBB Vrloe ihyaUlan recovered from the BBBBB auwault. BBBBB The aasautt la unexplalnable Dr BBBBV Knun never naw hla aaaallant be- BBBB rora and I nbaolulely at a to to BBBBI know wli ho waa attacked BBBBV Tb fellow waa arrcited at once H) uJ "M bound over to the dUtrlct BBBBI' atort by tli Helper Juattce In the BBBBB amm of rtnlt Ijikc City Vcterlnnrlnn Take Ix trn IVcrnullon flU.T T.AKB CITV Nov 10 Aa n apeelal precnullon ngalnat ponilbln de velopment nf tho font and mouth din cn nmong tattle of Utah nml capo t tally In the Knit hake dlotrlcl, nil alaughter liounea and atockynrda with in the Jtirliillrtloii of J W Treman, city vetirlnnrlan and lnpector of menta and food, are to he (Uninfect ed and extra lnpectlon I to be made regularl Or Treman nnnouncea that he be lieve there la no apeilnl danger of tho illeae getting Into Utah hccauiw nf the atrkt quarantine maintained by the government ntilhorltlen, but there I n ban polhlllt) of It com ing from a roundabout aourre and to guard agnlnt thla ho propose to ex i rcle every precaution porwlhte with in hi JurlKillctlon I will have epeelnl dlalnfectlon at all the alaughter houeca and at the aloik)arda, aald the doctor, 'and I Hill redouble m general Inapectlon work at all place where the dlncaao might nppear ahould It be Introduced Into the atatc There I n great ndvantnge In dis covering the dlene qulckl). If It doea get atarted and I wilt leave nothing undone to get flrat Information ahould the dli aae happen v get Into our atate Although Utah has not formally d i lurid n quarantine again! cattle ol other atatea na have Colorado and. Idaho It I on the alert to guard ag ainst tho dreaded foot and mouth dla ease of tattle which haa caused the losing of the stockyards of Chicago, quarantine will bo declared at any tlmo It la deemed advisable In the meantime Or A C oung atntc Inspector of live atock will Inspect nil shipment nnd will ulton no dicatd rattle to enter the atate and none nf, nny variety to romo Into t tub from Nel rnkn or point east of there UTAH OZOKERITE MAY SUPPLHHE WORLD IIM'lll AIVACi: llt'l'.TO IMI'Oll TATIONH 111 I Ml CIT Ol I. The following Interesting Item rel ative In Utah asphalt appeared re cently In the Halt hake Tribune "For tho purpose of determining whether Utah asphalt ran supply tho constant!) Increasing demand for oxo. kerltt tho price of which material la advamlng rapid!), due to I la Impor tation being rut off, Dr David T Day, chief of the United Htatca geological aurvry department, haa had the t'tnh aaphalt nnalyxcd. Dr Day I pro ceeding on the theory that there may be enough oxokerlte in tho Utah aa phalt to supply tho user of that ma terial In making up their good. The Hurnpean war haa stopped the pro duction of oxokerlte In Qallcla, Aus tria, aald to be the only other place In tho world where tho product la found In commercial quantities. "Accompanied by T lloblnnon of the aurve), Dr Day visited the depos It nt Cotton and Holdler Hummll and In Hpanlsh Fork canton and other point In Hanpete and Carlion toun tie. They report that the govern ment la anxious to have th deposits developed and will do much to en courage production Dr Da) return ed to Washington, but Mr lloblnson I stilt engaged In Investigating the Utah fields. From four to ten mite In u nor therly dlrtctlon from Hunn)lde In Carbon count) the mliurul appear In a blanket formation A layer of aa phalt autid will lie covered with a hi)er of ahale and In turn covered b) another layer of asphalt Hume or these deposit are a thousand feet In dipth and engineer have estimated more than a billion ton of the ma terial In eight "The bitumen sandstone rurrlc ap proximately m to 13 H per cent bi tumen. Conservative melallurglial rngluetr have plated the content at 10 per cent A largo number of ex lirlment have been tarried on for thu purpoe of discovering some me thod of rapidly and chutpl) extratt Ing the bitumen from the gangut Hxperta any that there I a fortune awaiting the methanlial genlu that Invent suih a proce. Home Idea of the demand for the bitumen, to any nothing of the oxo kerlte und the gllMonltu It contains, ma) be had when II 1 rtmemberud lt"it the tlty of Chicago ulono risur futea each iar appruxlmatel) 100 mile of street The resurfuilng re quire 40 333 tun of pure bitumen per )eur The product I ulso gain ing an Increasing use In roofing ma terial, prtservutlvu pnlntv und tisnn Insulation for vlettrloal Mulpnunt The United Htutts urv) give llfty ub for the material the pure natural hltumui la now wild at 131 per ton The Kgyptiau usphult, however, 1 wild nt a mini mum prhe of l0 per ton In New ork The Utah asphalt I different from any other produ ed In thu world, due to the fact that It contain a nmall proportion of cither gllsonlto or ozo kerite or both. In auth proportions na to make It moru valuable for paving und other purpoata. Utah, Wasatch (Jriind. Uintah and Duihino coun Ilea also contain deposit or thla mu lt rial" The I'ullaa Cand) computi) I mak lug eluboruto preparation for the holldu). All of their candle are now being made l huhd and the chicolatea are llkev'S?- hand dipped Special cundy ljitjt at reductd raleal will le on aulv Advt I illlU II MEW (LOSEDJAST WEEK TOWNS 1 CA1IHOV AM) HVII'in COUNTIIJ4 11SlTHt Intliiilntlr AiutUniTa Vttiiiitcil nml I'rnrllcnl Hutijcct Wen IIciismiI lly HviTt Irrlgnllon Invr-itlgn-lions Inilc lly ttobert II fltewort County Form Demonstrator Price, Utah, Nov iO The fore part of last wtek closed one of tho beat nnd moat successful Institute trip In Carbon nnd Kmery counties among the farmer, huslnrm people and ladle and the rrpreentatlve of the Utah Agricultural College have mad) In Kastern Utah During the visit In l'rlie, Welling ton Huntington nnd Castle Dale we hud with u I'rofcKor Olln Denver and Itlo (Irantte railroad commis sioner or farm demonstrator for that road. Ml Gertrude McChe)ne, head of the home economic work of tho atate I'rofesaor John T Calne HI aaslstant director of the extension di vision nf the college, nnd Professor I M Wlnsor the Irrigation drainage engineer of the state The remainder nf the trip In Ornngevllle Fcrron Ktneiy and Cleveland hc had to make without tho company of Mr Olln and I'rofeKBor Calno a the) were com pelled to return horn Alt told, we had an excellent trip the meeting being attended 1 good enthusiastic crowd and the Held ' trip resulting In doing much good Mis McChe)no organized and re nrganlxed homo etonomle clut a In rviry town visited nnd got the work well started We loo for some very credltahlo work done nmong the la die of rath town thla season Home good Irrigation nnd drainage Investigation were made and we hope to lie able to solve aome of our prob lem hern thl coming season In the meeting such subjects a The Oenerul Development of Our flection nf Ihe Htate," 'The Livestock UualncM, Homo Hanltutlon," ' Or ganization " 'Irrigation and Drain age," nnd Conservation of the Pre cipitation Moisture," were dismissed These oiiaslona visits from our friends are going to result In doing much good. If we. aa farmer, aa housewlviN, aa business men will put Into prartlco aome of the grand teach ing. Wn have a wonderful countr) here, and ngrltulturo must grow In tho fu ture It depend upon us all to help mako thl noted development Let u use better nnd Improved methods on tho farm, he enthusiastic In our work and boost for the section In whlth wo live A little later on I expect aome of our visitor with ua again and will try to visit Orten Itlver nnd other town that wo were compelled to mis this time. llcinarkabte Cure lor Croup. "Last winter when my little boy had croup I gift, htm a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. I honestly be lieve It saved hi life," writes Mrs. J. II Cook, Indiana. Pa. "It cut the phlegm and relieved his coughing spell. I am most grateful for what thla remedy has dono for htm" For sale by all dealers. Advt Feeder Wanted. Horses, cattlo or sheep for pu'iire or to fatten. What have you 7 I N Hune, Kmery, Utah 4 (if EARN SAVE Reading Advertisements Will Help You Do Bath By HOLLAND. VyllAT ou save Is more ' Important than what you earn. Rpeud all that you get, and jrou will never litre a surplus. Bare even a little, nd jrou are making bead- WSJ There are various ways of savlus but one of tits most effective ta to spend your money wisely. ot can do this by reading the advertise ments In this psper closely and by taking advantage of the offers made Vou can thus save without denying yourself what you need Men. hauls regularly adver tise everything that you eat, wear, need for tbs boms or require In your business. Tbe advertisements tell you where you tau buy cheaply and at the same time gtt goods of quality PliACriCiS TKOB KCONOMY-IIUY AnVKUTIHUn G.OODS Even If you do not want to buy, It pays tu resd the ad vertisements and keep post ed, so you will know where to buy wheu tbe time comes. I' 'I MOhgJlo Ranges bBBBJBBBJi HriBi BBBBBBSBBBBBBBsDaVaWBBBBBBBBBL .-v , T -. A v '"itlMI ' 1 iK- II .BBBBBBBBBSBSBSBSBSBKr7sBBVZ9 & JLIBb) JKIM ML! . Oaf SBlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa" I BBBB ..BaBBBBBBBBBBsSBaBBWak JR JLCm,MMllmmbmKHKEBJ waa sJHHBBsbbIBBbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbb '1 ! PRICE, UTAH. ' 1 Extra Values in Ladies' Suits Coals; 1 1 Suits I I Coats " I $9.90, $12.50, Goods $4.98, $7.90, I $14.75, $16.50. Come $9.90. $12.50. ;; ' J in and ' ;; I x i 1 let us ( n ;; I X Mackinaws show Sweaters ;; I i $3.98 and $4.98. vou $1.69, $2.25, $2.98. ;. I It Is Surely So, I Itllv Olrlt Vou'vo n Very narrow SklrL Little girt Are you flure It Doesn't hurl, Little girl? That' n Mincing little Htrlde, Where the Htrret la Wild nnd wide, Are ou Hure there'a Itoom Inside, Little girl 7 What wilt Happen If )ou Hllp, Little girl? Aren't )ou Afraid 'twill Hip. Little girl? You had lletter lake A siuk Bo If an) thing ahould Crack, It would Heive )ou Coming back, Little girl It the Ilottom out A bit, Utile girl It I Much too tight A fit. Little girl Aa the Matter aadl) Htunds, You'll lie Walking on lour hand. And In That event MY LANDHtltl Little girl LOT VOU HALU IaiI 10x100 feet for sale Just east of Turner building on Main street. Spe cial bargain If taken at once. Terms. Inquire of O. D. Papas, 70 Commercial Btreet. Halt Lake City. 4Itf Important. Hear In mind that Chamberlains Tablets nut only move the bowel but Improve the appetite and strengthen Ihe dlgtstlon For aale by ull dealers. AdvL Stationery of all kinds. The Advo cate AdvL iv Tin: sr.i..Tit judiciu, is. trlot Court of the Binto or Utah, In nnd l'or tho County of Carbon Oeorge H 1'ord, Trustee, on llehalf of Him self and All Othtr Hlockholders of the Bavo) Hotel Company Hlmllurl) Situated Who May 8ie Pit to Come In nnd He Made Parties to Thla Action nnd Contribute to the Kxpcnsc Iher.or Plalntirr, vb Savo Hotel Compun u Corporation. K N II Jtnstn John Jensen, Hyrum llalrd and C II Marrusen lleprexantlng ThimHelve and All Other Htockhold tra or the Huvo) Hotel Company Who Ma) Not Come In und lletome Partlts Plaintiff to Thl Action Defendants. .Nollie to Creditors, NotUe I lureb) ghn that D M Bhlreman was appolntid rettlvur for tho property or the Bavo) Hotel com pany b) the Hon A II ChrUtenson, Judfce or the district tourt of the Sev enth Judicial district of the state or Utah, on ho 2d da of Sepember, 1014 Bald receiver glvea notice to all credi tors to pnsent tliclr claims properly itemlxtd and sworn to on or before the 17th day of Dcttmbcr, 1914), nt the ofriio or the rtcelver ut tho Savoy llotel Price, Utah o M 8III11E MAN, Itecelver or tne Savoy Hotel Compuny Plrst pub Nov i last Nov 86-14 (II 111 LOSES TO PROVO SCHOOl V MHITOHH HI-LI) DOWN TO lOUlt TI HV TO htn'KS. Oiilshlcr Pln)ol Almost rrrorlcK (Jamc Tai kllng ami Lino Ilucka Pnimtnctit IVaturr of Tliclr Sur er. (Contributed ) In one nf the fiercest football gnmra p1a)ed In Carbon county, Provo high school beat Carbon county high school fourteen to arven Tho game waa fast and close throughout, the reault being In doubt to Ihe end All the local high school students and many townspeople wltneaaed the game, which la Ihe last one nf the season on the Price ground. Coach Maughan of the Carbon team attribute the defeat to poor tram work, fumbling, and the poor officiating The local eleven had no team work whatever Time after time the hack were thrown for a lose when good Interference would have netted substantial gain. The splen did team work of the visitor stood out strong In contrast to that of the home team lletti r Interference than their haa seldom been seen Fumbles figured largel) In the re sult Six time the Carbon team lost the hall by this method while the1 Provo pla)ers finished the game with no fumbles charged against them lloth tenuis are dissatisfied with the nfflilatlng The umpire appar-l entlylld not know the rule and thei Carlton team ilnlm that on tvvo in caslon he called fourth down on them when It should have been scc-l ond The local tiam lost the ball both times when they claim, with fair umpiring, the) would have wnr-1 td The rawest decision or the day otmrred with onl) one minute to' ploy lly effntlve use or the forward! paa Carbon put the ball to tho vis itor fifteen-) nrd line, where another I pas completed a touchdown and lied' the moro A technlrnllt) nroao and the umpire took the ball batk to tho firtrvn-)ard line The high school team contend that the umpire viola-1 ted the rule whlth virtually robbed them of n tie I Ton) Doner A Ollwon. Ill Prnnd en nnd Jack Vlgnetto showed up well) for the high aihool Tony made the onl touchdown of the du) and piny ed n remarkable defensive gumo nt end Oil son on the otlur mil pla)edi a might) good game on defense He not only -run the pin) In" but ho got the man na well Provo soon round his end to ho n atone wnll nnd ahirt.d their attack PrundBon wua the onl) white nnd bluo man that could muke an) ground His terrific Ino smashes netted from ten to f if -' teen ) aril every try Captain Vlgn etto puueil n strong game on offense i nnd defense He ran the team In' good shape and all his forward pnxsi,, went nlril) thrown The high Bihool fellows do not np !lfur.t!,a ,(,tt"1 ,,t "l"f"umKed our !.!!h J.l1. 'ut nro waking till dark tach night In preparation for thu ro- ha" KamU Wlth thB Utnh tounV ...PnrlK"! .Ilni"l r)ner lift end guard, II Lee, center, Darker, right guard. Itoblnett. right tatkle. aiboon right end. Mgnetto nuartcrback funirf2" n" 'l""1""' M Krandacn fullback, Urndloy right halfback Umpire. C C Fields, reftrce, C W Tingle, substitutions. Mion for t ifl Prnndsen lB Touchdown, Mr) tier, goal kClti V after touchdown, llradte) Conistn. 'BbI ttvo weight, Provo ten pounds te tin BbI man heavier BUKMORNPflOECT I Immense Tract May Soon Come tV tier Irrigation. M Whllo It has not been officially h. .H nnunccd, It aeem very probabl. tatt tho Immense Iluckhorn Fists Irrla. -H Hon project In Kmery county win h- celve attention by next spring. Fi weeks ago W H Wattls, prralti( the Utah Construction company, tUt'lH head offices at Ogdrn, and 1Wh4 M Nlblry made a careful Inspectles ,H .the proposed reservoir, tha dltrk Km !H 'and the lands embraced In the Hner jH prise. Ijiter they were rotlaw4 WlH engineers nnd Sunday A llowt suVorlntendent of tho contrHkj I company, returned from the bsbtSbI where he his been for Ihe past M BH I making nn Investigation of the edaBBB structlon rrnturra or the undtruM(-BBB ! Tho Iluckhorn Flats comprise iif the very extensive cultivable wm-BB I In tho state More than 30.00 Mrs H can bs brought undor ditch ituif tlmated cost of a million dollars. TVt H diversion dam I twelve mile sWn H Huntington and tho storage resents; BB comprising approximately two ttaw-iH nnd acre, eighteen miles below ImBB same town BBfl Tho Utah Construction rompssrf BVa tently rompletid tho t'tah rllBB itontrnct and last week flnUhM tt BBB nhlptnent nf lu entire outfit to OfieX whero tha grcfUr part of It hu Um BB stored Aicofdlng to the nfflfWl if BB the rompan) there "urn very fi W BBI contrail In wight nnd they ouUW BBB glad to tnko hold of the IIuciImm BB proposition even If the) were oMlH H to take bonds In the company fort H largo portion of the contract prkt BHB I The Woods Uros. will be pie! It H meet their friends at their m market In the Turner bullilsf W BBfl ' JM BjBj Money I Back I Spelh the quality in our M merchnndise, and we H back it up. THERE IS H NOUJUSTASGOOD" H AS ROYAL and HAR- H VEST, BOUQUET and H TURKEY RED flour H and other Payson mill H products at the price w H charge. KINti COAL H is the BEST. Bluedrayi, M '-DO IT NOWH M IKuiirFnrill g(oipSl SUMNERSl m BMBk-aag-ui . y j.V fcii allBlaBBWawaBi