Newspaper Page Text
BaBBBtt -H PAGE TWO ' THE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, raTOMmm BBB n J W 7 OU will enjoy your grcntcut success when dl- BBBBf 1 rccting tho biggest affairs; will hnvo tact, j50j BBBB JL remarkable will power and originality. BBBk. Tou will bo a hard worker, though your BBBB natural tendency will be toward indolence. You HBBB will Imve a raro gift of language; will be a good BBBB raconteur and enjoy the company of congenial splr- V it, often to your own detriment. You should V marry only wheri you hnvo mastered yourself, prcf- BBH crably a person born in January, June, July or Do- J BBSS' ectnber. You should wear white, black, pink, all 11 BBBBB shades of gnJcn and moonstone, topaz or chrysolito 1 BBBB! ornaments. B BBBB Great persons born in November; St. Augustine, 1 BBBBBJ Tlenvenuto Cellini, George Kliot, Ferdinand do Lcs jj BBBB I "c"'' 'n19 W. 'cld, Andrew Carnegie, Martin BBBB aMV Luthrr and Frdnccs Hodgson Durnctt. 3P.o B n) bH 114ro01VDgl4 BBBBI II .. 8lg . MON.TUE. WED. T1IU. FRI. SAT. J BB r i23 141 5 16 1 7J 8 9 10 11 12l574 7 Yv IP 16.17 18 19 2b 21 J BB 22' 25 24 25 m27 28 H 29r5oTnTTj1 r Ml STOCK Fll AT KBJM BBjt oiii)i:u iirvintK ii:mam ;nni, BBK ciioici: si unit si rrr BBBE 3UrrlptH of (Jimi-nutlnc Ciilllt Mlttlill) BBB Icm Tlinn CirrtxoiiilliiK Wtak of BBBf '" Yrnr IU-t IjiiiiIim N'll I'm In BBBE Mini nl IH.fiO. BBBt KA.NHAH CITV, Mi). N'ov. SO Tho BBB Inrlmllnic ymirllnirN nl IIIMO I,, BBBB: 1..w . ,0 'V ,pn"' "' ll"liK BBBM tl'i'lH '" ,n ,,uch " y. i"nd H TcnrllnifH nn.l tWPN rind quick wle nl BW tronRcr prlr,. IUhm.II , HH ami .Srlirimkn I nl to t.b. B thin In II... M.rr mid fwU MmE BBt Krr.l l,.r,.rr.l ,,. rrm , ,, BBBB I '!"n,ml n,rr,,n ,,f nita bbB . .: r,i;?,,"1 ", - -. -n.J m.r BBW U r,H,i 1t from (Sr&i-irtnl BBpJ "'' tro.lo. .... wni.rwl I ri, vri I bbbI h.,;"l"ww,,,hH, j'Vn?iH S H CONFIDENCE H Merchants Spend Money H o Gain It and Hold It B By BpJ VOL'It euulUlfiue U an j J mi that our maimriic. B (Urer Uf rvpullllilv HlXHll J vim He hik-ihU inom-j to J KAln It anil n uu all urc. I BBBI rN"ir)r tmliiH to retnlti It Vour H conrlleiHo In thv litt-Krltx of BK '"uniim. turvr, our U'llef ,",, jfo",u 1'f'irliiB a iiTlaln j BBB .". nrt' "' UtOMtaiiU. W ant. U one uf ttio liitmiKlblA BBB '""H',,' "'""" " "K'xhI " ami tt,M, i, rfciinlwl by BBB u;lnK ihhii at vMfutiiti t0 He nli kuih itui BBB Mnimfm tun-in .-end mil. BB IUM; Ml""' ) nuiut BBB "? , 'VUv cannot liop.. to Bl i'1'1 "ll" tiitnifjr bade by ttio nmt tnuiKiictioni T,py II)UHt BB J"1 ,ou u 'u.touirr uua BBS m' ru" " PUK,""it'r Ti do BBS "lt,Jr ,lll",t n,,ik tioiut Bj r?,nU "' N" '"mNt frke BBB .'"'l HmilntN for tin. fact V Hint mh. rlNi J k,mnU nre n. V wujHof IiIkIi riaHH. It would BBS '"" m' '" nilr'rtlxt Kuoda tlint will not litsir rlk'id test The B AIIVKUTI8IN0 BBB CUKATKK BBS cuM'inc.Ncu BBS Thvl Hi inuiiufarturer d- BBS '"dH " t,ltf 'lunllt; or bla K product lo mill further ndrer- S " nnd Ml" further In- - cr4M b cuntomer'a coufl. denc. I IiIkIkt Hum nl tlir iimrkrlH Iti telpt nf iiiHrunlliir inttlln ii ro n liun ilrrd mrit lit thnn lout werk. but nre itnublf ln nrlptN nf a yiwr huh IIiIk ntik n biiiiilrml Hint Mxl) rnrit In nit tlilx Hrfk QimllO In llx iiinrHntln' iiffrrlllKM In UlklllK. tllo Init Htrcr nf Ihr wrrk lierf tmliiy nl 17 IS. mlililln KTHilo BlfcrH nl IS 2 to Id 90, flftrvti ( lucnt-rio re M In nliovp Iflxl Mcrk I The Iiiik umrki't In innklnir n miiIi k rrrutrr) frtiin Ibo M'ir- brrHk of ihf inlilille nf tlii' Mirk ItiMclptu vTe mil) cooo iihIh). ntnl It h tin- kwn nut h I ml nf n mnrkft. prlrr up flflicn to t i iil -f l ti'iitit, nnlrr Iii)ith tiiklllK tbi' I hi 1 1 Tup M 17 85. bulk ir mint 17 no lo 7 KU Tup prlrv In Clil. him tmlny la 25 rcnta iimlcr tup licri- Hint HI IiiiIh tup la Z7'4 irnta iinilir KunifciK City, bulk of mtlra licrr rnnitliiff nlmvo iho top prlro PhIiI nt clttirr I'blrnKu or Hi liula Tbla . uiinilltlnn la tlitr to ttio order btijlnjr' trnitn hem. The nulek reenter)' irfl I ".,,, nn.l Inml.a ,U ,e ,ve..L JilKli prevnlllnit prlca nither tlinn to 'v- - " reoelpta Imve f. len lielint eHtliiintea mtch ib.y i,. ; IImi lamba brlnK ". ,! ,'m ' fed ta.,,1,,, , ro, M to. f "i .8. ftedlnir liiinba f C so to 17 I'li.l l-aa reivlpta Inrreaae alrmmr nrliea "III be ikiI.I next week ' I Aevorilliitt to V. H M.ciure. ae.r... m&U ..!"" 'V,V""ml "r'r;r7r . HiM'latlon. eontrHi'ta for next ti-.r' I Mon In ibp eaiern wool innrkt'ta. Cni. 'u-rnliiK tbiitbHik. Mr surZWl I'ioii. n.ltl.ea Hint lint. r. filed revenlly. ,,. ,,,. jruillnir Tlie domeNiit' w,p,,y ,lf . ' 'l, 'Inn of lb,. imr 0 ' K,!X::('i,,,,,,,,,,mr,f',',,'f''r"'b)" IfliKhuid imi cnniiiii .u.,. ",r "" 'lhr aouriiiH f w,ii r the irnlttHl Hlntean h ',', Amerlm. Miuid .m..rlm r, ;.;.;Joo.OfloolH,u,,d.fC lefMhe l-nlliHl Hbitea fr etln0B I HT'Tlaof the lllHliufi.. turem of tanwnin to Imte the mlr, I lifted nre not MM) to be ". I il iH' ,"'r,, W"u,,, ' iunaliler. I able d, la) I,, K-ttlnic w.miI from ili I .'"Z-r "r,,,",, ""' "' m I wit la relli.ud b) Hi,, etldiuit I it u.Mi'r y w,,,n'' fr Itimeit- j WilR IIIIUML MINES 'hiiilH Mu, siu.t !o,i t,si.M. of l.liiillttl Mnrkft Tor PrtNluci. Ilelurnlnir to Halt !ake laat Thurii. lay Carbon county, j. , ,!ti7, HtBtu mm mine Iiwumi lr. mTi1 UiLt h Ilia miuli of tho war in iu,h7 portntlon of tihII. d the re ... Hl o the tariff on CHimdmn im. the mlU. of CHrlMin nnd Kmery inimiilw ire worklnif on u,vrHlle f ot -(h' dnya h week. nre "It la dlfflmilt to dtrinlH h..u air I'ettli. "but ahould ihu L- .".. length otWJtn:;rutvz lui'tloii In trafflo onrtS , "" a-sassasssi republicans have ! half of lower house i:mochvts, I'liouitr-ssn i ami sociai.ihts i:i,i:tT an mi:miii:hs Si'iinte la Hepiiblcnn lly SI Vote Mm It hiirciitntloii na to Ulirtbrr I'munwltpa Will I'iiIIom lieiiiorrnia Or lti-iubllcnli. Itctiirna from all iuntlea In the atate allow Ihnt a He exIMa In the lower luiune of the t'lnh leKbtlnturc The republlenna Imte lwent)-lhree membera In the hntiae of repreaentn lltea nnd the deiimernta, amlnllata nnd proKreanltea iHiinlilneil hitte twen t) .three membera Knnc eminl). which heretoforo hna been roiinted on for the republican mnjorlt) of two mctitlxra In Hie lower houae, elected n demoirat to the atnte leglalature II J Metka of Knnnb dcfenled J V Hpemrr liy a email majority, which waa nut apparent on thn face of the unottUlal return Tel Krama from Kane county con nrm Mr Mecka' election, nlthoURh Hie oftlclal rctiirna liato not been re telted Tbla la Hie llrat time In Hie hlatury of the atnte that either branch of the IrKlHMturo linn been lied. What ef fetl the He will linrv on Hie election of n apenker, the appointment of eterka, arirentit nt nrma, nttaehea nnd the aelet Hon of a rlerk nnd Ida awelnt nnta la not known In the Imuae there nre alt pniKreelvea, one mKlallxt nnd alx deliiiHTHta Whether the pmRrea. alt ea mid the eoelallat will atay with the demmrrita la not known The dt'iuocrnta will nut nominate untune for Hie apenkcrohlp, nl lenat Ihb wnn the atHtetneiit maile Hfllurda) by one of Hie repreaentatltea from Holt l.nke iim lily, even If the loner houae of the leKlalallire la lleil. Whether Hie lead er will determine it dlrferelit method of prveetlure remain to bo nen (Vrlllli-Htia of ele Hun from nil the iilllillea. With the exeeplliitl of Kniie. bate Ihh'II Itlnl with the neeretary of atate It wna mil known until Salur 'ilay MfteriHMin that Mr Meeka had de Ifenled Mr Mietuer III Kane eouut) nnd tin leader of Hie d moei-Hta ma) ji-haNKe their tnlnda on at'teral mattera ,blib tiny had mapeil mil In their .teKlalallte proKraiil All other chii.II-dati-a fur the lower huuae who biul been minutinred na elerteil IniIIi on tibial and titinttlrbtl returtia remain urn hatiKed Wione II Itedd. retuit'll" 1 1 an memiier of the tower Iioiiiw from Han Juan 'iiillil). la eleeleil b) n amnll plurnllt). but aa the tote In Han Juan omit) la extredlllKl) IIkIiI Ilia nut IhoiiRht that n tonteat would ilimiKe the reatlll. Thn repilblleillia Imve it mnjorlt) of alx In the aenate, which aUtiula re mihlluan IS, demuemla t, I pruirrrM f piihllenna In Hie ele.on of u aiienk. endlMked for aevernl dioa oter the lileallon of nil orK-Hlilantlon f hoilae eunnot iirimiilie, the leKlalnliire JilK T ,l.,m,.,.l,, W"rl Th ,!Z . ,,, ,. -....ii iiiMir up parent nal Mu. time for the ,te ,,'f ,le , ". H,a "lh "j,'""'" " 'I I- IhhUw- Hal he demihrata ma) ofTer n eom. .romla,. ,l the wa) of tnklB amne ' ' elcrk.hip return for Kltlnif theapeaker lo the republUana. LI?" l",r",,n,",l "f lif houae from ' aTiniaiT!!!?' u ,nK?rr W,,h 0"'"l nmiiallona, la aa follmta. ichier. r lloraley (ltj Cache. WIN . Man. llrlMU, ),. .,' bblimm (1) in. i '!'''r,,,,n "J CarlMin, J Toui 'eh !). Datla. C II Mley (It . IHieheane. William O'.NVII (I)), J;: Thoo.n'! "rV.Wnl", n' OnrtUdd. ThoinaaHete) lit). Orrnnl. K II limn. ' I"- rn. Wllford Day t; J m t,U",.,i,:V ""Mi lt). Knne lev iV " V ""''. A. A lllnck. le (It); MnrKiiil, C. M Crofl int. 1 I'"". J W Kelly ,. ,eh. c! w l..; (It). Unit U,ke. Kllmbelh lla) V,r;' Ulll Wolatenholme ".,, J I'nrle) . Chrlatenaen (I-). Dun It 1 Shlebla (D). Kmll 8 l.tin.t ( , j lljoula Ilrowi, (D), - . Knnta ) J H houma P. lMe ,.,, Themlnro T 1'iirtoi. (I)), owirict. I', (loodwln (I)). 'Huiiiinll. T. H. Allen (It); ," jUl , J Aiubraon (It), A Jnniia Anij.ird (ID- KeMer A. It. Ilnttley (II,; Tootle j X Aljx llfvlnfR); IMnuth. It. r V V eker (I)). Utnli. J w. WK (it) B , W Talor (lt, U K SteZA it, V n m W"rn,ik "". WHNhlllKtOI, l V "off Vm" wV' wfne' A l,rinUr: V .1.7 S.1 ,s w,,,,,r' Jnmea J Itarker X II,. n,rBo I), l-alkmnn (It). JoaV, h V M. Towel. (It,. Job,, C Child ii )' An Ai-tltt. Liter Memm Henlili. f If you wnnt Bond health, a clear eomplwlon ami freedom froin dU X -HirnnVw,,ni,ii?,Mt ,,iac ,n ow" NOTicit I 8"l!.l'ri yy-,Cox""y f Carbon-aa I iv i1 ,?': rU,' ''"Incl. nald comT. 'J- 17th 0.,'oT Notmlr n't' hour of too o-eloek p ,n "KSCItiniO.V OK ANIJIAU, n brown horae , ti ." mr; w,g,,i abouT'iooo lb- Tl !. f heart on lft HiIkIi and yi' trH.ni1' na the tlATn"" -SP r,I7:!r,r,akin UP ''" " or,.r,,gr;rl'yi,.nih.,h S'ov. iT" 'r PrlMAS.jl iiisrsii AMoNfi I'liovo " CATTliK IS MVSTirVIXIl stmploii l Stiniettlinl Mmllnr to I'oot nnd Moiilli Mnlndy. fter maklni? an lnaertl..n ef rite herda of attle on ITovo enat l-ene". where the preaence of a ei ullnr Ola eaae In aome reapeeta reaembllnff the foot nnd mouth dlaeaac, had been oh aerted. l)r V K Murray, Inapeetor In .barge of the local dltlalon of tho fnlted Stntea bureau of animal In diiatr), retiirneil lo flnlt Lake Vrldn) nlKht. allll uncertain aa to what the mnlndy . The altuatlon la too aorluua to tnKe anap Judgment and nltempl definitely tit any what the dlaenae la. or to any that It la not the foot nnd mouth dla enae." aaa Dr Murrn) "In exnmln InK the lite herda of rattle on I'roto enal ben-Ii I obaerted Hint npproxl nmtel) aetetiD-tlte itllllc were sffeet eil b) bllatera nnd In aome Initanrea alluhl awelllnga In the mouth nnd noa trlla No other part of the lxd) aeema lo be nffected. 'fndi r the clreiimataneeB It may he aald Hint It la too enrly lo determine the enuae or cxnet nature of Iho dla enae I will begin another Inteallgit Hun Saturday Meanwhile Hie herda will tie enrcfully guarded." Ownera of the entile on I'roto caat bench told !r Murray Ihnt no atock ahlpped from the enat recently hnd been ndded to their herda. lnrnlng )catcrdny morning of the dlacoter) of the unexplained a)tnp toma In nnlmnla nenr I'roto, Or A C Young, atate lite atock Inapeetor, In atrueted Dr. I M I'hllpolt of I'roto. one of hla liiapwlura, to mnke nn In teallKitllon. IVrliiiM llry I'urnKP. "Dr l'hllMilt reiHirted to me Hint he thought the bllatera nnd mireneaa In the moulha of the nfleeled tattle had deteloped from browalng on graaa and forage that had become dr)," aald l)r Young ' lie nlao naaureit me that no cattle had been recelted In I'roto or tblnlty from enatern atatea which Imte been quarantined 1 feel m Hulled that It la not fiMit and mouth dlaenae " ll llenlly I.k Itillcu' Hlieiimntlxm. liter) body who la afflicted with rheiimatbtm In nny form ahnuld by all meana keep n bottle of Hlonn'a Lini ment on hand. Thu mlnuto )oii feel palu or Nitreneaa In it Joint or muacle, bathe It with Hlortii'a Liniment. Do nut rub IL Hlonn'a pcnctraiea nlinoat Immediately right lo Ihe aoat of wln, relletlng tho hot, tender, awollen feel ing and making the part enay nnd romrortahle. (let a bottle of Hloan'a Liniment for 21 ccnta of nny druggist and Imte It In Iho houae agnlnat col. la, aoro and awollen Jolnta, rheum atlam, netimlgla, aclntlrit nnd llko all metita. Your money back If not ant lafled, but It doe Rite almoat Initant relief. Adtt filntlonery of nil kind. The Advo cate Advl. 1914. II t -""-"B Kentucky Liquor House! HARRY OESAS, Prop. I Distributors of H BUDWEISER SCIILITZ ZANG I Your Business Solicited. Bj Free Delivery In Price. H Kentucky Liquor House! .BS KING & HORSLEY Electrical Supplies A7p handle a complete VV line of Globes and nil kinds of Electrical Supplies. KING & HORSLEY Telephone 73y and 217 t AT The I City Taikifl M. W. Miller, K' Mnnngcr B Cleaning nnd PreiuaV Hats Cleaned andBldBJ cd. Suits mndctooiBB nnd fit guaranteed. BJj - BB AFTER ALL I The Old Reliable I I Firm I I Is Headquarters for Lumberij and Building Materials. I ie : When you order from us you get B what 'ou want when you want it. I BK t , BH : B; J. C Weeter Lumber Compaiiji: The Incomparable Overlan aBBBBv-, MM BBrty ilSy Overland Model 79P PRIOR nJl1'" 1M mimU " l"o. - HB , U ' LINE, AQENTS. M Bbbbk BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBMBBiiiiiiMkAL .am., Miai mi IBiBBBBBBBffBBBBBTBrnl