OCR Interpretation

Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, December 03, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091022/1914-12-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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1 bbbI
HI Eastern Utah Advocate lipij I
K IVt-iillAr nrciiimtnncrfi 8ur
LnJInft lll Dinlh t'rlind Claim
EtTa I'iiitI) cclilintnl nml Tlint
Hre n- No Motive Shown
Etaqur-t having been held nt llcl
Brtcln t ( nrlxin count) atntc of
on tlir 2th dn of November
Bltlt lxf re .1 l.ee city Jim
m ih i i '-'f I'rltt n munpHtl
Katlcn Cart n count) Ulnh,
Bthe lud of Nntltln Cnrruso
Hiring i' ml ) the Juror whime
B arc j rlbcd herclei the Mild
Bupcn their nnth ilo mi) thnt
Bttllla C rrusa enmc to hln death
K IM eliv nf Novemtier A I)
BSr h IK'1" wound Inflict ted
H Currjs-i Cnrmlcln Haceamorn
Hn Morrill Milil net being felon
BBJttncm whereof, th said Juror
rrcunto not their lutncln thl
BK) of November, 1911
II (I ciahi:
BBJorrg Ins I tho crcllct rentier
Jit coroner Jur Into lant I'rl
"BBbrnoein In the. mnllir of the
BBjf the 32-ycar-old Italian Imi
Kr a neek ago Hundu) The
BBft adduced nl the Inquest In lit
jBBfcirsIa) nnil lrlday coven it a
BBB conflicting statement nnd
BBBsly after the two tin) of rigid
BBllon l Count) Attorney Me
BB that fat In aufflelcnt to form
BBBktnt crtlkt by Juror Mile,
Bd I.IIJcnqult could Ik- oh
Botn the wltncuse.
BBthr evidence, however, the
Hmc to tho conclusion thnt
BBBvrruwt una murdered The
BBBtr the act U ntlll somewhat
BBJftut the count) nttorne) Iks
Jf l on the track to clear up
BBBj of the matter, and that the
BBB tin killing can he traced
Mly where Carrusn hnn been
BBBr to Nimr property tiecaune
jBBBhfutncit In having remitted
his deceased fathir and who
Bn aw the aucceamr to hla
yH finding-thn Jurom worn of
PpBn that C'armlote Hntcumore
BBBj the net and that tlio uro
Be dead man, Jim Carruaa,
ion III were accomplice.
BBBkncu showed that thn four
out hunting n week ago
BBpvcmbcr 22 At tho time
s committed J'm Cnrrunn
BBBletid Cnrmlotc Hncinmore
BBBl Tho deceased Cnrrunn
BBBn Haciumore uud Mori III
BBu testified that hu heard
BBBj looking uround aavv hi
BBBkiK on thn uround Ho
I aVBjm ex UlmliiR "Who nhot
BBBt ' Kiuianiorn mild that ho
i BBBRHkid Cnrrunn to examine
I jBBBk while he hm Mtooplnx
BBjpthera iHidy he mu)m he
I BBBEuro remove tin exploded
jHtl ahotKun and put In n
XBBlldiie Jim Carruaa then
J VMfm"l ,,ml hla tnn remnln
IBBB I rothera icun threuten
. BpBBhlii life If he did not und
BBBBhI up a tnr) for him to
OBBBBk arrived at Helper lie
pflBBuntll Monday and then
whiil Conk that hla tiro
. BBBV wan mhulns. that he
Mf Kolnif nut huntlnK Hun
pouillily riome accident
him Thin Jim Cnrrunn
B: thmo facta to Officer
fmornlrir Cook had to
B thnt mornlnif, return
Jiihortly after noon, and
BrriiKa, HatHnmorn and
pBBBMtliH In the afternoon
f kch of the dead man
J" ( throuKh much of tho
PmV9 between Helper and
PBVas finally led him to tho
ink thoiiKht that death
of an accident and af
j" remulna brought to
t no more about tho
wU NUNptclona becamo
PBBBV n lion of tho three
rationing Jim Currumi
V1 'I tliirn unM
' priudir about tho
lib mViH d In tho bod) be-
.M PflBBpurndny In thn prm
rVv J, Jurora, Hherlff Kel
Ci unt) Attnmo) Mo
PBBBr I' Ink
BBmV" In myntlfylng
pBBBBim thut tho barrol of
e been held at about
jt) flvo degrnen above
ill nil man Tho nn
finil rn almoHt unnx
tint tine man killed vvaa
f0 he no doubt
innSSVAV' otf hlH hrothera
u Kbluod on the atock,
.Lp gotten there ufter
v hU hrother'a shirt
woro arraigned be
pSBBVurgdii) and
i harge of murder
to tho court
liiRBBBlev vvcre npreiiented
?''' The frlinds of
Kclulni that they nrw
xBBBBKof thu charge and
pBIBVii hud lOLldentall)
S W)u vviro foreluuera
Jttlu thu laWH
VlitHo facta aro uo
pBSSV ULtming) eeullar
I ,&&"' I
Hobtrt Carter in Ntw York Prt-
CoiiMillitntlon Made Nefcuir) ItccniiM"
of light Trnvil
Owing to the fnlllng off In pawen
ger travel, the Denver and Itlo Ornndo
I making arrangumenta to take off
one through traln'dall) bctwrin Halt
take and Denver The plan which
the off It tat of the road are connldnr
Ing la In connolldatn trnlnn No 5 and
No I and run them an one train
Train No I la the crack train of the
road nnd haven IK-nVrr nt K o'clock
In the morning and arrlvia In I'rlco
at 7 OK o'clock the next morning
Train Nn i leiivn Denver nt o'clock
In tho morning nnd arrlvia In I'rlco
nt It thn next morning Thean two
tralim have been cnrrjlng the llghtcut
puuienger londii In their hUtor)
To HUpplemtnt the aervlce of tho
Dt liver nnd Itlo Oranua betwien Halt
Ivkn nnd Denvr for the nccommodu
tlnn of tho mniiller atntlnna nnd the
flag atop It la propom d to run train
No IS and No 16, which now oper
ate lutall) brtwei n Dinvir nnd Grand
Juiatton, to Halt Itke nnd on tho re
turn trip to Dtnvtr It will be aovtrnl
dn)a btfnre the official work out the
new itclicduln
The Travel mngaxlne contnln aomo
Inti renting data on the Denver nhd
Itlo (Inindo and Halt Inkc With the
I ioi mt U a numbtr of lllutrtratlun.
Tho trufflo In both the freight and
puiucngir deparlmenU of tho Denver
and Itlo Grande ha fallen off o
luavll) during the lat month that a
largo number of lotomotlve have
hitn ritlml from th airvlto
Monda) urdira wero laauid reducing
the nutnlx.r of workmen In tho 7lun
Nhop b) U7 Thme mon wero laid
off for un Indtflnlto period on account
of alaik work The winter rutnnih
ment la uln at hand
UPON II1H lunuitv iiomi:
(.ntU Prh-et DUcovtra Dtnil Ihxly
Aftir Mt to Kunii)Hhle.
Mra. Hophla llouratanl the aged
motl tr of the Itev. Dorotheo Hour
nxanl. punlor of tho Orcek Orthodox
ohurih wu dlntovtrid dead ahortly
after 7 o clock Wedncnday night on
tho floor of net bedchamlior at tho
prMta home. 457 H Hecond Went
Indication point to munkr with rob
bery n tho motive Tho dUcovery vvoh
made b) Pathir HouraxunU when ha
ruturned from Huntonlde, where ho
went Tiumlay afternoon to vlnlt mom
bent of hi church
Whin dlniovcrtd, tho bod) lay on
the floor, full) clothed '1 tin head had
In on placid on a pillow nnd a heavy
fur rug had been druvvn over tho
lower pnrt of tho body Tho face vva
bruUed und a midluiil examination
latir ahowid that the woman had
bet ii beaten nnd ohokod to death Tlio
pullet) wero HUininonud aoon nfter the
discovery of tho body, but wero un
able to find un) definite clew to tlio
Identity of tho murderer A march
ha leen Imitltutcd for Nlpk Charet
opouloa whom neighbor soy they
anvv at tho prlcta homo ubout seven
o clock Tueday night
When Pathor Ilouraxanla loft Tue
duy afternoon lit mother win left
alone Hlio vva ueen ullva ut ubout
0 o clock Tuesday night by Albert
Warren and Itay Olll. neighbor of
tho doieaaed The woman wa then
tundlng In tho doorway talking to a
man who stood on the front puroh
It I considered probable thnt the
murder vva committed between 8
o clock and mtdnlbht that night,
Neighbor uld lat night that they
had not Keen tho woman all day Wed
ald, to hut up early In the morning
nnd feed htr ahlckena, but uhe did
not do till eterdny morning Thero
wu no Indication of a firo In any of
the three atovea In the house.
S)h Nn Dcnl for Tntnfir of Moffat
Itatil I In I'rogrcM.
New ork, Nov 27 N'cuman Krh,
prmldent of tho Denver A Halt 1-nke
Itullroad compan), who returned to
New ork from Mlnninpolt today,
ha huutd a tatemtnt denlng re
tent nport from Denver that a deal
I In progreiut for the mile ot a con
trolling Intirrnt of thn nuvdand hat
he would be eliminated from It nf
fair . - -
'Ctrtnln men who havn iviught to
obtain n (urge or controlling lnteret
In tho propert)," he said, 'haw been
referred to the Denver people, who
refill d to lonxlder tho proposition
Thero tho matter rraUi."
Tho Krb atatoraent n)- that the
tntlre tnpltal wtock of tho road I do
ponltid undir ii voting trust ngne
ment, whlth doe not expire until
Ma) I, IMS, nnd thnt It I controlled
by eeven trustet. of whom Newmun
I rh Ih one
laildlT IN IHSTOIt
Ihe grenti r part of The Advocate
this vvetk I taken up by tho puhll
tntlon of the dellmiut nt tax list of
Carbon totint), tho largest In thn hi
tor) of thn count), ThU )iur It re
(ulrt almost thlrt) tolumn of
npaie to Inform the delinquent thut
uiiIimn their taxes art paid h) tho
31t of December their iropert) will
I n sold on that date
I,c than one. half of thn annual
tax ha been rcrvlvid ut the count)
trinsurtr office Tho onl) two
turge lompanle thut havo paid up to
date uro the I) . It O und thn In
dt pi ndent Coal ft Coka compan)
und both of tin so concern a far an
thn count) I com erne d, acttltd with
old warrant
In many Instuno lompunlt nnd
private Individual save ciutte n llttlo
b) nllowlng their property to bo nil
vertlscd and pa) the penult) of 2i
i i.r.oi i) inci:m)Ih houm
Titer olndakl ulligtd to have
burnt d tho Hcofleld depot Inst sum
mer, had hi hearing Mnndu) nnd
Tursdii) heforo Just lie of thn Pence
A J lo, and wan hound over to the
district court In the sum of I12S0
Tho evidence against oladakl wo
purel) ilrtumstnntlul Ho hml put In
tluim against Wtllslargn and tho
rnllroud compuny nmountlng to over
ulnetei n hundred dollar on whip
mint to Hcofleld of twtlve parcel
Homo of hi pnckngiH wore saved
when the depot taught fire Five of
tin m showed thut they contained lit
tto of un) vuliii Attorno) 8 A King
wo here from Halt Utke to repress nt
the defendant.
Arizona's 'llancJiiK Deo' to Tnke I'lacii
Dcct ihIm r ID,
PII01:n1. ArU. Dec 2 Klght
men Instead of eleven will die ut Art
xona 'hanging ben' In the Horencn
ponlteutlar) December 19, a u re
Hult of stnjH of execution grunted to
day by Governor Hunt
The condemned men will lose their
live one by one the bonrd of control
ha decided, Instead of simultaneous
ly, a the governor and Warden It It
Him of tho penitentiary wished War
den Him protested that no human
exooutloner could stand thu titrnln of
springing the trap eleven time
Tho new meat market Woodi
' Uro., Turner block. 40tf
Dr. lYIIr. illtr lie lie vet. n CrlU 1
Aiprout litng
NMV OltlC, Nov 2, Thn pri-n-enl
Mar wilt not lat," dtclarnd Dr
IMIx Adlir todny In nn ml dress hi
fore the Hoc let) for Kthlial Culturt,
nt Central Park West nnd Klght)
Fourth ntrtet "It I onl) n prelude
to n greater one Involving nil it.lllm
tlort. A
"Therplw omthlHCviriirM4titan
German) und tlio nlllcie?' 1t contln
ued "There I heard thn first mut
tering or tho holy war Asia and Af
rica against ICuropa nnd America.
Imperialism threaten tho uprising of
the Bast against the Went.
'Homo havo Ihe Idea that tho Kant
should bo self-governed, and It In
tegrity nnd right preserved Other
havo a tundenc) toward Imperial
ism Thn time I coming when thn
United Mate will have to decide
which Mile It will tukt, exploit thn
Kant or forte Imperialism upon It."
Dr, Adler entire discourse was
marked by tnustlo utterance.
'The ulv Dilution of Now York may
also vanish," ho declared "Tho unt
vrrsltles of Now lork aro Inaccessible
to the majorlt) It 1 only thn few
thnt liuve the opportunity to attond
The children here do not havo tho
time und muny of them aro put to
work a aoon a possible
"The United Htatc I developing nn
aristocrat) It I surprising the num
ber of urlstocrat this demotruc) I
developing und man) of them are In
termarrying Into tho aristocracy or
Furope "
Dr Adler said he believed higher
wage to tho working cIilsdcm would
havo a dlrtct Influence In fostering
peace by Increasing trade which could
be divided among tho warring nation,
thero being enough for nil
i'iio;iti.MVii ni nam: in
CHICAGO. Dot .' Prokniwlve
from thlrt) -four atnteM In u conference
Hesalon of of thu executive tommlttee
or tho part) todu) exiried their
confidence In the progreiwlvo purty
principle uud their determination to
continue tho party In action
lleport were heard from the vari
ous states nnd luter a statement wan
lHuod h) the executive committee
through It chairman, Oeorgo W Per
kin or Niw ork, declaring thut thu
progressive orkunlxatlon und cam
paign of education should continue
und thut tho national uunmltt; u of
tho purt) should I e uskeid to fix the
Hint und plate for holding tho na
tional convention tif the part) In 191
und to transact huslneiM Intldontul to
tlio presidential uumpulgn two )tarn
trom now
Not u speaker mude un) suggestion
or abandoning tho purt) und thu sub
ject or umulgamutlou with either or
the older purtltH was not brought up
M A. . . M A Program
Conjoint program or the Inung
Men und Young Women Mutual Im
provement uasociatlon to be held at
tho I. D H amusement hull Hundny
evening, December 6th at 7 o'clock
Mix quartet
Piano Selection Lucille I randaen
Lecture 'Advantage or tho Now
Hanking Law," C It Marounen
Comet-Trombone Duct Proreasor
Johnson and Zack Fahr
Heading Aynes MaoLoan
Chorus 1 Ifth arado Public- school
Tho publlo Ih cordially Invited
l)pholil in Uiiiluli
Frapk Kmcry, tuto sanltarj In
Hpector, hrt Monday for Uintah
uounty, whole ho will nvttlgnto &n
outtreak or t)phold at Hoosevelt unl
Mcmbtr of Nrxt iK-glataltirc lrrady
( onct rtiliie Tlicnisrlvc Over It
Prohibition Is the problem with
which those who will represent Ball
Ijikn count) In the coming legislature
aro now contented More complica
tions hnvo developed In connection
with the proposal to submit n refer
endum on tho question to the voter
nnd It I said the entire delegation
In the tower house I eqilnll) divided
as to what method shall be used
The radicals drnlrn to submit a
constitutional amendment which will
prohibit forever the manufacture or
snle of Intoxicating 4lqunr In the stnto
nnd the conservative desire n refi r
endtitn mere!) no thnt If the state
should vote dr) nnd the people decide
In time to come that the) wnnl It wet
tho) enuld bring nhoul the ehunge
through the Initiative
low Minll 'llu) Do If
In order to hvc h referendum on
thn liquor question there first must
be iHianed n rt fert ndiim law putting
Into force tho referendum t latino of
the constitution nnd proscribing tho
manner In win h a referendum shall
be had At pics, nt there I no law
on tin subject Thn constitution pro
vide In rrgnrd to the referendum a
'The legal voter or itueh fractional
part thereof, or thn state of I'tuh, n
ma) he provided b) law under such
condition nnd In such manner nnd
within such tlmo nn ma) be prescribed
h) law, ma) Initiate nn) dinlrtil legis
lation nnd t nuse the same to he sub
mitted to n vote or the people for ap
proval or rejection or ma) require
an) law passed by thn legislature (ex
cept those law passed by a two-third
vote of thn member elected to each
house of tho Icglslaturo) to be sub
mltted to tho Voter of thn ntato be
fore uih law shall takn effect Ar
ticle 0, Hit Hon 1, Constitution of Utah,
defining legislative power.
Thl nee Hon wu amended b) a vote
or tho people on Novtmbor t, 1P00,
when the Initiative nnd referendum
were uuthnrlxed not only for state
legislation, but for legislation or or
dinance governing political ubdlvl
slons or tho state No law ha ever
put the Initiative nnd referendum In
to at Hon a I defined In the consti
tution New l4ivv First l-ivtcntlnt
Tm member; of tho .legislature
from Halt I-nko county admit that
the) first must havo a law providing
for a general Initiative nnd referen
dum before the will bi nbla to sub
mit n referendum on thn liquor ques
tion Whether tho senate wilt pan a
law putting Into forco the Initiative
and referendum I a question b) the
jirogrtnslve who also fenr thnt such
a mnsurn mil) he defeated In the
house With thn legislator dlvldul
a between n constitutional amend
ment nnd n referendum, tho liquor
question will absorb utttntlon of tho
inembers-clect for several week.
New matter are being called to the
attention of member from Halt I-nka
county Kmll H Lund hu ubmltted
n plan to amend the commission form
of government act far cltlr of the
first und Nccond clns. The plan I
devised tspcclall) for Halt Lake Mr,
Lund desire that each ward havo a
representation of two member on the
city commission and thnt tho ma) or,
tit) recorder, clt) nttorney nnd city
treasurer ho elected at large Ho
would limit tho Hulary of tho ma) or to
f 200 a month nnd the aalarle of com
missioner to 1160 a month In no
cum) would uny sulnry bo more than
1200 n month nor lcn than ICO a
month Uo belli ve that with each
ward having representation, city em
plo)e would be upheld by the uuth
nrltle when right and that alt part
of thn city would recelvo Impartial
Coupled with till amendment ho
propone u civil service utt which
would compel ever) city cmplo)o from
whlto wing up to aecretar) to the
mn) or policemen, firemen and la
borer Included to tnKo nn examina
tion to show their fitness for tho positions.
(iiii:m dimdi:m iossi
Meetings or about forty corpora
tion were hi Id thl past week for
dlvidonil ttctlon or thl numbtr four
reduced divide nils, one pnsxoel It di
vide nd and one cli f erred action, sic)
the llnnton New Ilurenu
Hlnce the war Itgiin, ubout 10 per
ent or the companies acting on divi
dends have cither panned, redutetl or
difcrrcd action on them
Hhan holders or thn Mtecl copper
nnd petroleum tompr tiles havo suf
fered more than other group Hteel
und toner tompunlcH ulune have out
disbursement to share holders at. the
rate or ubout 160,000 000 annually
Thl I approxlmuttl) 67 per cent or
tho loo to shareholder or nil com
panies reporting
Thn rollowlng table show the loss
In dividend to shareholder alnco the
beginning or tho European war
Los to shareholder In re
duced dividends quarter
ly, 40 companies report
ing f 13.OJ0.78C
Loss to shareholder In
passed or deferred divi
dend, quartt rl), 76 uom
punle 13,417,000
Total Iohm quarterly 20,486,785
Ihl I at tho rate of 1105,947,000
Meetings In the week ending No
vember il nuivber oloso to fifty and
several reductions are looked for
Our Job department la up to date.
Try u on that next order of printing
lha Advocate Advt
PiKXiitKHMiMcs ii i: i ost idicn- i yArAfj
rm it j jBB&VJ
Hemic Tnlk or I'rlcnell) tnutot In Or- afaffl
iter to Itctnln l,cgal 1'liiev Social- H
1st ole Softie lent lo Until Identity ' VsVaVaal
Willi Two Other Panic. BBfl
There will tint le nn) progr(tilvfl B
IKirt) in Hall trftke count) or the atntn H
or t'tnh nt the next tint Hon tinlcui H
then In n friend!) content Instituted WMWJ
In thn courts to have n recount of thn aaaaaaaVJ
iHtllot cast In the Inst election On BBBj
the face or the official re turn In Halt
like county and the Mute nt largo
the prugretwlve mrt I tarred by law
from holding n convent! in or from
having n plaet on the otf dial ballot J
tinleen tin membe r nre sufficiently
strong In liuinl-em to get on the ballot
h) p tllloii The fa II ii re of tho pro-
grtrislvt to inst 2 per cent or thn itVaVaVJ
totnl vote inst In Hntl Iikn county i iVjVjVJ
nnd In Hit stnto ntilomntl ally ill- j
iunllfp the party from I elng recog- i aaaaaH
nixed us n politic nl entlt) i
There hit been mn tnlk of a
friendly tiintest In Hnlt l-nke county j j
to determine the statu or the pro-
gnnslve pnrt) In the election Whe- j
the r It will he hnel remain to be Men j
n the cost or such u contest would ,
run Into several thousand or dollar. i
In Halt Uike counf) thero wa nn BBH
volt tallied for the progressive and H
on the offttlal return there I not BbbJ
one vote for the part) In the ntntn
t large thn part) cant only 10(t vole 'J
out or 10,I0 vote, the total vote !
inst In the electon.
Thn progreieslve Vtiln I ten than I J
per tent or tho total vote cast for
I'nltid fltule senator basing tho per- raVaaVJ
tentngn tin the number of progrca- 7 aaaaVJ
slve vote east for I'nlted Htnte sen- tVaVal
nton nnd a little more than I per cent aVVJ
of the total vote cast In tho stnte. (
tinning thn percentage on the progren- BPV1
slve voln cast for supremo Judge In )
order to he able to hold a legal con- WaaVJ
vent Ion In Ul or to appear on the iVjVJ
offlcinl tiullot In thn state, tho pro- (Bb
gressHes must; provldn for a contest -- Hl
m-Mltlltitt tlV) havu easl nt ltM4rfwif
2119 vote or 2 per cent of the total a..w
vote - aSfiJlv Ifffl
Thn mum law nppllrs to the noml- Vrt
nation of a progressive ticket In Halt j
Uike tounl) In thl count) there flBB
wn a totnl or 34.7BR votr cast for ilaaaal
I'nlted Hlate nenator nnd the returns) lVfl
show that there wn not n progrelvw UBVJ
vote tnt In thn count) In order to !
be nbto to hold a legal convention and
to he nsMurt d or a plncn on tho offlcinl Jaaaal
ballot, the progressive will havo to HJ
havn the ballot l-uxr opened In a iBBJ
contest nnd show thnt the) cast nt '
least 896 vote to bo entitled to thn tS9
privilege of a political organisation. !
Thn fusion of the progressive with
the democrat In the county nnd atata '
caused the progressive to lose their Al
Idintlt) un a political organisation and iH
now tho pnrty can nnly nominate 31
through Ihe tlrtulatlon or petition. iB
The soclittlMt luhor party lost It M
plate on the ballot nnd It rights to IBB
hold a tonventlon In both thn statu jtBB
nnd the count) h) fulling to poll t per )l
tent of thn total votn cust Thn so- ;BB
tlallMt part) retulned It place on the jBfl
ballot, both In the tount) and thn lM
state vB
Mute Tiixch (e)ino In Hnplilly lu He-
SHiine' to Call P
Prompt rtsponne nn the part of t'H
pructlcull) ever) county in Utah haa iBJ
resulted In tho receipt by tho state ;Bl
treasiir) of more than $700,000 In tho jBJ
last row duy representing thut much IBJ
or the Mtnte portion or taxrn collect- H
ed In tho countlt. iBJ
CnrlHin count) contributed it por- BJ
Hon b remitting to the slate trea- H
urer tho sum or 112,000 BJ
llfl'ir. Dl CI.IM-S TO JOIN H
1IVMS Willi HVIT liAKi:
Mtmlent or thi) Chambtr or Com- BJ
mine or llutte Mont, hnvo declined BJ
to Join hands with tho Commercial BJ
eluti or Holt Uike In nn orgnnlxutlon BJ
proposed to Hit m 1 rlday by W F. BJ
Jensen president to bo uwud to brine
pressure to bear upon President Wll- BJ
hoii and tho stati tltpurtment to pre-
vent rtKtrlotion being placed un ship-
ment of topper to foreign Innda und BJ
lo prottst against tho placing of cop iBJ
per on Hie list of contraband articles. BJ
Mr Jensen asked the llutte organ- BJ
tuition to Join w Ith the Commercial BJ
nhih of Halt Iike and nlso ha asked
tho commerclul organlxatlona of Colo
rudo, Wyoming Idaho Nevada and
New Mexico to do likewise
According to thu advices recetved
from llutte the tilt gram from Mr.
Jensen a president of the Commer
cial club wa given duo considera
tion b) tho Chamber of Commerce
officials who Hie nothing to be gain
ed for Montana mining Interests by
the propose d co-operation ' Infor
mation wu given thnt tho llutte
Chamber or Commerce already had
taken thl matter up with Montana'
representative In Congress, 'who
havo done nil that could bo done, and
tho uotlon propouod by the Bait Lake
Commercial olub might embarras
them In further errorta."
Locution notices carried In stook at
Tho Advocute Advt.

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