Newspaper Page Text
I m I bhw I hSbbbt i THE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. PAGE FIVE SVbBHI B .,-. reterson. Per Prop .. 1 60 J 1L oMfleld. Per Prop . .. l.0 c Preston, Per Prop ... 1 (0 not Bennet. Per Prop . 10 19 wm Dufleld Per Prop 1 CO lO Bishop. Per Prop 1 so kmes Moran. Per Prop ... 1 JO m Saffl Preston. Per Prop 1 (0 i mndcrlckaon, Per Prop 1 CO h. Mill. Per 1'rop . 1 CO 5 J Marshall. Per Prop 1 CO B ur Bjarenaon, Per Prop 6 1 CO Debt HaJfd. Per Prop . 1 CO B rSeodore Johnon. Per Prop 1 CO w Hobertwn, Per Prop 1 CO B oo- "lcV' Per Prop 1 CO Tom Itlchards, Per Prop . 1 CO B MIK Bartola, Per Prop 1 CO B eua Watcrfleld, Per Prop . 2 40 B W C ISIftiuhlt. Per Prop . 1 CO B Joo. Anrus. Per Prop .... 1.C0 B llnry WUcox. Per Prop . 1 CO B (Jeo. BtarKey. Per Prop .... 1 CO B Tony Muclc. Per Prop 1 CO B James Oleson. Per Prop 1 CO B at Olandlllc, Per Prop .. 1 CO H June Kobcrts, Per Prop . 1 CO 1L Ilurton. Per Prop . 1 CO K. Bwantaton. Per Prop .... 1 CO jno. Klsh. Per Prop .. I to Walter lllll. Per Prop 1 CO Bl R Johnson. Per Prop . . . . ICO w. O Mile. Per Prop .. .. 2,40 Bl 1L K. Itevldson, Per Prop ., 1.C0 I p. p Morgan, Per Prop ... 240 j, W Mltlejohn, Per Prop .. 2 40 Al Taylor, Per Prop .. .... 4 10 Bl Uiwrence Cameron, Per P .. 3,20 The Itlchards, Per Prop .. 6,87 BB it T Powell, Per Prop ... 1 CO I y S Dcnnlaon. Por 1'rop ,. 2 40 BB WnVMemmltOs Per Prop . 2 40 Bl C A. Pona. Per Prop 40 I Oeo Kendrlrka, Per Prop .. 1 CO Bl J. H. Lynn. Per Prop .... 2 20 BB u Iturxa, Per Prop . ... C 38 BB M. II Delweller, Per Prop ., 2 40 Bl James Wrslfleld, Per Prop ,. 3 20 Bl J It. MldiMoton, Per Prop .. 3 20 Bl Ed Ilurton, Per Prop .. 2 40 I Mike Hmlth. Per Prop .... 2 40 BB a n. Oough, Per Prop 4 SO I J, I ttvana. Per Prop .... 4 CO BB C. Rtevenimn, Per Prop 2 20 BB Dan Btrvenson. Per Prop . , 2 40 B A. D lladley, Per Prop ... 4 10 V. Honvlncln. Per Prop ,, ,. 2 40 n Thomas, Per Prop . 1 CO I J K Blackburn. Per Prop . 1 CO BB K, Woodward, Per Prop ... 4 10 I a J Griffith, Per Prop .... 1 en '1J )(. Marlial. Per Prop .... 1 CO BE M. Chlno, Per Prop . , 1 CO (J rineirar. Per Prop ... 4 10 I). O lllcharda. Per Prop ., 1 CO (I Joe Denlun. l'er Prop .. 2.40 BBlUtui Dcnlnn. Per Prop ... 2 40 '. !lne. Per Prop 1.60 A- CoMette, Per Prop .. 1 CO 'Bltl IVbeson, Per Prop .. I CO , Joe Provost. Per Prop . 1 CO "BW Housey. Per Prop ...... 1 (0 p'arley I.lnford, Per Prop . 1 CO BkH Clavell. Per Prop .. 1 0 Bwck Carmlca, Per Prop ... 1 CO .BBtl Naugarctt. Per Prop . . 1 CO 'BBoe Plat on. Per Prop 1 (0 Auk Dlcu. Per Prop 1 CO .k. llaRt. Per Prop .. 1 60 BBlla 'dl. Pie Prop ' 60 m Mollnrr, Per Prop t (0 "Bf Im Pam, Per Prop 1 0 flBBBH1' Iff I III ! Ill- Ma I VI Vi - "I Mrdlvad. Per Prop ... 1 10 , Bf- Vlaak. Per Prop .. .. 1.60 '"BB"t'r flaonl. Per Prop .... 1 60 (.fonry Hporctlih, Per Prop 1 60 ''"bank Crlsman. Per Prop .. I CO m Bale. 'er Prop 160 tBBtettr Colonibo, Pi r Prop ... 1 60 "BLV Keiley. Per Prop 1 60 nBBFnK Nailo, Per Prop .... 1.10 "L Alexander, Per Prop .... 1 CO UIH Or nit pa. Per Prop .. 1.60 "BK Juatlt. Per Prop I BBpIr HokI. Per Prop 1 60 BM I'anlon. Per Prop . 1 60 ' H Otanlch, Per Prop .. . 1.J0 M UaaporltPh, Per Prop .... l.0 BB Iankoltch. Per Prop .... 1 JO M Amhroin. Per lrop .... 1 60 Bl KrlblKlo. Per Pro 1.60 Bl Mlnerlah. Per Prop .. .. 1.60 Daniels. Per Prop 1.60 BM 1n(' IVr ro BIk. Hopklnaon. Per Prop.. 2.40 fllaMlni. Per Prop 1.J0 BBrC Preiiton, Per Prop .... 4.10 BkA- McCort. Per Prop .... 2,40 Htr llarbogllo, Per Prop 4,15 BB Krouiw. l'er Prop . . 1-J0 BKW I'owd. Per Prop . . 30 77 IninKleton, Per Prop ... 4 JO h). Crawford. Per Prop 3 20 BR". Hmlth. Per Prop .... 3.20 fc RakaradiiKn. Per Prop 1.C0 ..iiBpIt Jarmanlik, Per Prop 1.60 MlvaK canrea. Per Prop 1 60 PBlalamantarU, Per Prop .. 1.60 . ljror. Per Prop . 1 60 B Oiculln. Per Prop .. 1 60 UIBy Hklner, Per Prop .... 1 60 y Diano, Per Prop 1 60 (HlBBKnloKlu. l'er Prop .. .. 1.60 BB" Marino. Per Prop .... 1.60 HIJlBBVoirrcnlo. Per Prop .. 2.40 BBtrnpaa, Per Prop 1.60 llBBlTerllanla, Per Prop .... 1 60 BBBy Plneran, Per l'rqp ... 1.60 HBllltontl. Pir Prop .. .. 1.60 l BBn,more, Per Prop .. .. 1.60 lUBBr Vrl.oK. IVr Prop .... 1.60 BBBl)uriz. Per Prop 1.60 ' UJiBBpt" CaniKC.ila, l'er Prop 1.60 Br Hlualla. Per Prop .... 1.60 ' IISBBr110! 1rr i'rop 0 BBB(lkrtlno, Per Prop . . .. 1.60 'UICBBBV1 Bcalto. l'er Prop .... 1.60 I'Utlca. Per Prop 1.60 'lll"BBV Conaontlno, Per Prop 1.60 , BBB KaraireorKaii. Per 1'rop 1.60 i BBf Kokoly, Per Prop .. 1.60 j BBBW Nelaon. Per Prop .. 1.C0 I BBr Vallrl. Per Prop .... 1.60 IllBBBC Hangora, Per Prop .. 1.60 BBF'erma. Per Prop ... 1 60 V BlBfcubrodov,ch- Per Prop 1.60 i BBBrlccl- 1er i'rop i60 'lllaBBB Ouamnclo, Per Prop,, 1 60 Bl Valpe, Per Prop .... 1.60 HI BB)"lvat0' 1er IrP li8 BBkAm''ro(' 1ar Prop .., 1.60 ' iBBBrIerHnd. Per Prop .... 1,60 . BBff110 Vor i'rop u nJBBB Carl Llnnren Ter Prop , l 60 Tom Nlcolado, Per Prop , l CO Jno Lurettc. Per Prop i co Angclp Kelippe, r.r Prop 1 CO Joo Caatello, Per Prop . . l CO I O Illche. l'er Prop . . i so I)om Perrl. Per Prop i 60 Itoaa Kadilc, l'er Prop . l CO lAjula Woraah, Per Prop . I CO Joe Sacco. Per Prop i CO Michelle I.ueento, Per Prop 1 CO Dommlnlrn Icroaa, Per Prop 1 CO Hudn Drahaah, Per Prop 1 CO Nicola Perrl, Per Prop . l CO Mlko Pnicanntta, Peer Prop 1 CO Joo Clornlck, l'er Prop , 1 CO Dom ItUhp, Per Prop , . 1 60 Joo Cochm, Per Prop , 1 CO Anicelo OIkIIUo. Per Prop 1 CO I-rank Dcroami, per Prop , 1 CO Jim Arhltal. Per Prop 1 CO ! Bnraconl, Per Prop . I CO O Cocclmllllo, Per Prop ... 1 CO Bnlaatorc Clacco, Per Prop 1 CO Prank PoRnattl. Per Prop 1 CO Marco Koxjan. Per Prop . . 1 CO Krank Micro, Per Prop 1 CO Oomnlck Ollxor, Per Prop . 1 60 Antonio ReicallA, Per Prop 1 CO Antonio Delplaz. Per Prop . 1 CO Tone) llonaqulate. Per Prop 1 CO Joe Ketlppc, Per Prop ,, , 1 CO Joe Dollltta, Per Prop .. , 1 CO t'haa. Pahcttl, Per Prop . . 1 CO Peto Contango, Per Prop . . 1 CO Hen Hoxla. Per Prop ... 1 CO (I 1 1 lacl. Ier Prop , . . 1 CO II Mnrahlta, Per Prop .. 1 CO Joe Ilrocolll, Per Prop . . . 1 CO Htexo Klndllch, Per Prop .. 1 CO I-ouln Chollaa, Per Prop . . 1 CO Pletro Kaho, Per Prop .... 2 bl Ooo Itannla. Per Prop .. .. 1.C0 !xuln Pappaa, Per Prop .... 1 CO Joo Itexek. Per Prop . 1.60 Francesco Itornl, Per Prop,, 1 CO I.IurI Cattaruzza, Per Prop 1 CO Antonio I.ucoo, Per Prop . 1 CO Paariuale Parlse, Per Prop . 1 CO Tone) Worchl, Per Prop 1 CO Dom Ilonnccl, Per Prop ... 1.80 Jno Tollcrlco, Per Prop ... 1.60 (1 Itoaal, Per Prop .... I CO Ount Kcortet, Per Prop .... 1 CO Mike Andrews. Per Prop .. 1.C0 A. I OeanRelea, Per Prop 1 CO A MaRnallch, Per Prop ,. 1.C0 Prk Tnmanlo, Per Prop . . 1 CO I) Knranstcroa, Per Prop , 1 CO Hnnto Itoaa, Per Prop ... 1.60 AnlbAlu Paxalasso, Per Prop 9 SI Jno Itlnlclil. l'er Prop .. . 2 20 Nicola DeClero, Per Prop , . 3,20 I.urI Uoasl, Per Prop 3 20 H Kokonoa, Per Prop . .. 11 It Fain Konsker, Per Prop ... 4.K0 It J Turner, Per Prop .... 16 IS Hctha HlRle, Per Proi 1 CO Ram Cowley, Per Prop . . 2 40 H A Cowley. Improvement on House, No 60S . 4 39 Frank Malko, Improvement imil P r Prop ... . 799 O nustpakls, ImprovcmentM and Per Prop . . . 7 99 J Hlnrlcli, Improvement and Per Prop ..... . 7 91 Chan. Johnson, Improvement and Per Prop . . 67 61 P. Dargrr, Per Prop . ... 1 CO C H Harp, Pr Prop . , I CO Mlkn Tomnalk, Improvement nnd Per Prop .. ... 6 39 piiKn itupeniunKaa. improve menta and Per Prop . . 7 99 O. Onlotilmls, Improvcmonta and Per Prop ..... 4 SO Mike Hcraitakla, Improve- innnlN nnd Per Prop 9 69 Htovn I.lonldakls, Improve. menta nnd Per Prop . 4 SO V Hpellman, Per Prop . . 1.60 Cleo Ixlwls, Improvement and Por Prop . ..... 11.99 O Manadakla. Improvemcnta and Per Prop . ..... 969 K Frank!. Improvomonla and Per Prop 22.37 P. A PondAlakla, Improve- in iinta nnd Per Prop .. .. 12,71 Mr. CJvo, Weatwood. Improve ment on llounn No 635 .. C.39 A Chrlate'nseh, Per Prop .. 2.40 Auk Camllll, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 0 39 Jno Dcila. Improvementa and Per Prop 0.39 Oust Pappaa, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 4, R0 Toncy (lalannkla, Improvn- menta nnd Per Prop .. .. 11.18 Mike Knnkllokn, Improve ment, nnd Per Prop ,. .. 11. IS Itocco Irocco, Improvement nnd Per Prop 7.99 Bam lVrallno, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 19.17 J Mavernkls, Pir Prop . . 1 60 N Mnvernkla, Improvementa on House No. 647 7 99 A. Ynknrnakl. Improvementa and Per Prop 969 Antnne Krnkls, Improvementa nnd Per Prop It. IS J, Alforaa. Improvements nnd Per Prop 11, IS Bam Tnllerrlco, Per Prop .. 3,08 (lea. llnlolmncs. Improve- imnUt nnd Per l'rqp .. .. 11.18 II. Itouse, Per Prop 2 40 A. Nick, Improvementa nnd Por Prop 4 80 Tony Keruotlch, Per Prop .. 1.60 Joe I.utnlmrdo, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 7.18 Jno. Koseo. Improvementa and Per Prop 4 80 CI. Ilernnrdo, Per Prop .... 1C0 K. Pino, Improvementa on House No 658 7.97 N. Putins, Per Prop 1.60 CI, Plnoanl. Improvements on llounn No. 659 4 80 Cleo. Ferlanlo, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 7.99 J Marasco, Improvementa and Per Prop 7,99 J Vuskenlck, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 13.68 Jno. Iluaa, Improvementa and Per Prop .. , .. 0 39 F Pino, Per Prop 1.00 8am Flower, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 11.18 "'MlXBVaL 4, BeeM Dressed Turkeys u."B Geese, Ducks, X Z ;;1B Chickens, Oysters, ? rH Celery, Grapes, p0' iiiH Applesi Lettuce. ;roP ',BM iBVbW Kinds of Packing House Products. Y m zz '4 '.: iS Utah Market I t'BBf : i'H Turner Block, Price, Utah. . :: !'bbL t BK BBBk aiaiiir'ii niaamij-LJsML-,""""i''H'T f,'"i;fflSi Bteve Pallaa, Improvementa and Per Prop . 26 66 Joe Bcalio, Per Prop 1 60 Mike Promalne, Per Prop 2 40 Jno Woraah, Per I'rop 1 60 Frank Pino, Per Prop 2 40 H Otteratrom, Per Prop 1 60 Mike Frangea, l'er Prop 27 71 M Mlnerlch, Per Prop 2 40 Antono Mlnerlch, Per Prop 2 40 F Panlon, Improvementa and Per I'rop . 4 80 J Morlch, Improvementa and Per Prop 3 20 M Ilaarovlch, Improvements nnd Per Prop 4 00 Tom Binron, Per Prop 2 40 Matt Puzxettl, Per Prop . 3 40 Jno C lalakla, Improvementa and Per Prop . , 4 00 Adam Fork, Per Prop . 2 40 T Mlnerlch, Per Prop . 2 40 B. i: Oonea. Per Prop 1 60 a Dratroa. Per I'rop . 2 40 Matt I'lnco, Improvementa and Per Prop 3,20 Jaaprr Cnsiuzxl, Per Prop . 1 CO N Tamrora, Improvements and Per Prop . ... 66 28 Jno ainqulnto, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 4. SO B Uparealll, Improvementa and Per Prop . . . I. SO J JaLlno, Improvementa nnd Per Prop . .... 2.20 Cleo. Lewis, Improvementa and Per Prop 12 24. T Kosokca, Per Prop .. .. . 2.40 Kd Patrick, Per Prop . . 4 SO C A Plenton, Per Prop . . 7 IS Orange HlKboe, Per Prop . . 160 Hunnyslde Merc. Co, Improve menta and Per Prop .. Ill 34 Angllaa Pauloa A Co , Im provements on I.ot 6, Beo C, T 16, It 14 . .... 21 76 Mllxore ft Btarplno Co , Im provement nnd Per Prop 89 46 Pcttr Jones. Per Prop . . 11 18 J II Pesseto, Per Prop . 4 80 Dante Pedrlva. Per Prop .. I 60 Theodore Illkaklas. Per Prop 1.60 Karnest Uvrchcr, Per Prop . 3.76 Fred lurcher, Per Prop .... 37 16 Oust Gallon, Per I'rop . .. 8 31 CI Manadakla, Improvement nnd Por Prop 4 80 Win Bandera, Improvementa nnd Per Prop .... 7 67 Joe Ptixuh, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 7 67 It M Clnlbralch, Improve menta nnd Per Prop , 6,87 Cleo N Hill, Improvementa on llomestiad . .. 1 60 Cleo Ferallno, Improvcnunta nnd Per Prop 6.07 Jno Vomer, Improvementa nnd Per 1'rop . , . . . 8.41 Perre Ktcheborne, Per Prop 84.63 Bait Uikn Asphalt Co, Oum drop nnd Itosebud Consoli dated Plniir claims, desig nated by U 8 flurvcyor (lemriil ns lx)t 37. an re corded In Hook 1, Pages 6. 37 nnd 638 13.78 Utnh Fuel Company, Improve menta 3063 25 Utah Fuel Company, Pir P. 8267.41 Utah Fuel Compnny, Per P.. 166 S3 Utah Fuel Compan). Per P . 276 71 Well Fnrico ft Co Kx , Per P .83 L'lillt CltlXK HCIIOOI. DIKTIllCr .NO, It). Pli nsant Valley Coal Co , RK u of Ni:y; ni:u or hi;u; H4 of 8VV. Heo 17, T 13, It 7 13 78 I'hiiKitnt Valley Coal Co, i:V4. NH of NWIi, Heo 20, T 13, It 7 . 34.46 Plenaant Valley Coal Co, 114 or Ni:U. H 4 of Beo 21, T 13. It 7 ,. .. 79. 6& Pliaannt Valley Coal Co, all or Heo 31, X 13, It 7 .. .. 201.01 Pleasant Valley Coal Co, i:H or BUUi .Si:, Heo 39, T . U. HI 30.67 Plenaant Vullej Coul Co,fli:y or NWvi; lMn 1 and 2, Heo 30. T 16, It 7 24.12 Pleasant Valley Conl Co, Hi:u of NU'U: HU of HWW; U H, lA)ts 1 and 2, Bnu 31, T 13. It 7 .. , in is Pleasant Valley Coal Co. HM or ni:w or bi:u, nwuj -NKW, HWH. HH of si:u: NWJ( of HEW; NH of NIC U of BI5W, Hec 32, T 13, It 7 .. , , , , 9J5 3 Pleusunt Vnlley Conl Co, WV4 f HWW "f NWMIW4 or Ntt'l, or HWW. KHt CH of ; NWM. i:vi or hww: NWW or NWWi HWW of HWU. 12 U or HWW ofNW W. IJH of NWW of HWU, Heo 33, T 13. It 7 .. .. V.1791 40 Pleusant Valley Coal Co . HW W. Hoc 34. T 13. It 7 .. .. 13.78 Pleasant Valley Coal Co , NW . W. 8eo 3. T 14, It 7 .. .. 13.78 Plenaant Vnlley Coal Co, all of Beo 4. T 14. It 7 87.84 Pleasant Vnlley Coal Co, 12 U or Bio 6. T 14, It 7 62.36 Pleasunt Vnlle) Coal Co . 812 W of HWW. WH or HWW, Bto 6, T 14, It 7 10,34 PleuKnnt Vulle) Conl Co, 12 H of NI2W. Hto 8. T 13. It 7.. 65.12 Pleusunt Vnllej Conl Co. BJ4 Of HHW. Heo 8. T 13. It 7.. 34.04 Plenaant Vallv Coal Co, WW of HWW. Heo 9. T 13. 11 7.. 55 12 Plcaannt Vnlley Coal Co, AVV4 of NI2W! WH of HKW, Heo 10, T 13. It 7 110.24 Pleasant Valley Coal Co, WH of Hec 10, T 13. It 7 ... 186.72 Pleuuunt Vulle) Coal Co , NI2 W or NI2W. Heo 17, T 13, K 7 .. , . . ,, ..... 3.46 Pleasant Valley Coal Co, WH or NI2W; NWW, Heo 31, T 13, It 7 166.36 P. l.loid. NI2U or NWWI NWW of N12W, Heo 8, T 13, It 7 c.89 Pleasant Valley Coal Co , Pur Prop 2,io Pleasant Vnlley Coal Co, Per Prop 3,27 Pleasant Vnlley Conl Co , Per Prop .. ,, 0.C8 Alfred Uaes, Por Prop ,,,, 3,46 C M, Andenton, Pur Prop .. 1.73 Jno Hilton, Per Prop ., ,, 2,69 a will m Jonis, Pr Prop .... 1,73 Juioli Mullen, Per Prop .... 1,73 Jno. Anderson, Per Prop ,,, 1.73 Omar Anderson, Per I'rop , 1,24 Ivan Simmons, Pur Prop ,, 1.73 Jno Hurammpa, Por Prop ,, 1,73 A. W Kansas, Per Pro 1.73 P 12 Ney, Per I'rop 1,73 i:il Jordan, l'er Prop 1,73 W U Ilurton, Per I'rop .... 4,31 Westley Hills. l'er Prop .... 9,47 Abo Btrute, Per Prop 1.73 K II Ilenntdo, Per Prop ,, 1.73 Cleo Tito, Per Prop ..... 1,73 Jamta Jenen, Per Prop ,,,, 8,61 Janii Itostrln, Per Prop ... 3,76 Jack I2rlclla. Por Prop .... 1,73 Clio Marx, Por Prop 1,73 Harry Kane, Per Prop .... 31 Ontney Anderson, Per Prop 1,73 Mntt Trer, Per Prop , .... 1,73 Janus HII In, Per Prop 4 31 James Avurott, Per Prop ... 0,89 lion Iarson, Pur Prop 1,73 It. C Nullson, Per I'rip .. .. 1,73 lleoce Phillips, Per Prop .,,, 3 70 Mlko Vlllano, Per Prop ,, ., 1,73 Alden lSverett, Ptr Prop ,,,, 1,73 Antl I'Uacko, Por I'rop .... 2.76 Antone fcever, Per Prop ,, ,, 1.73 Thos. Scatson, Per Prop .... 1,73 liouls MIchaloR, Par Prop ,, 1.73 Tom Iltrfuta, Per Prop .... 1,73 Cleo. Apastolakla, Per Prop,, 1,73 Wm Qranfallla, Per Prop ., 1.73 Aug-. Tapalovcs, Per Prop ., 1,73 Jno Antlker. Per Prop .... 1.73 C Tory derbla. Per Prop . 1.73 Mat Fatuer. Per Prop . 1 73 John llnballo, Per Prop . . 1.73 Jonaa Halta, Per I'rop . 31 00 Jno Krkllnj Improvementa and Per Prop 17 33 Alex Itrovvn, Improvementa and Per Prop . 10 14 Matt Helkllala, Improvementa nnd Per Prop . S CI Bteve Nelmol. Improvementa nnd Per Prop . , 12 OC Kll Wilson. Per Prop . 1 71 Henry Haraome, Improve menta and Per Prop 12 S3 Matt Kllponen. Improvementa and Per Prop . 12 06 Henry Hnrsome, Per Prop 8 89 I.cvl Umml, Per Prop . 6.89 Kph Kent. Per Prop . 2 76 Oscar Monnen, Per Prop 1 73 J P Ounderson, Pir Prop 1 81 James Halta, Improvements and Per Prop 9 66 Herman Madsen, Improve menta and Per Prop 20 67 Nick Qeorgelakls,, Per Prop 6.89 Tom (J 11 n Is, Per Property . 3 46 Matt Kara. Per Prop .. . 1 73 Joe Manilla, Per Prop , 1 73 leandcr Joose, Per Prop . . 173 Oscar llokkata. Improve menta and Per Prop . . 13 09 Jno Huakene. Improvementa nnd Per Prop . ... 13 09 Andrew Kangus. Per Prop . 1 73 Alex Curtis, Improvement nnd Per Prop . . .. 4 31 Chris Jarvls, Improvementa and Per Prop . ... 4.31 Jno. Duakla, Per Prop 3 46 Antone Kelakla, Per I'rop . . I 73 Iltlno Plngtorl, Per Prop .. 1.73 Ouy Call led. Improvements nnd Per Prop 6 34 James Oarman, Improvements and Per Prop .. 6 18 Bteve flrellsa. Improvements and Per Prop ,, .. .. 7.76 AUonzo Ilernnrdo, Per Prop 1 73 Mlko Hal Hena, Per Prop ... 1.73 Antone Mlchlog, Per Prop.. 1.73 Wm I.lvseV, Per Prot 3.46 J. K Makl, Improvcmcnlaand Per I'rop .... 4.31 K Knuttllla, Improvementa nnd Per Prop . . .. 1,31 Jno. Hlllltoo, Improvementa nnd Per I'rop 4,31 J, J, Jones, Per Prop 1.73 Jno. Petlck, Per Prop .. .. 1.73 Chaa. HalVerg, Improvements nnd Per I'rop .... 6.18 CI Votery, Per Prop 3.46 K Knprldnkla, Per Prop .... 3.46 Kd llnlllman, Improvementa nnd Per Prop 4.31 W Itostrom, Per Prop .. . 3.69 12 Arnnaon, Per Prop , .... 1.72 David Oourden, Per Prop . 6, If 8 Hen I.llgwlg, Per Prop .. .. 3.69 Joo Andinton. Per Prop . .. 1,73 Cleo Downard, Per Prop .... 1.73 H A lllll, Per Prop 1.73 M Hurnlampnkl Per Prop.. 1.73 Joe Bulnk, Per Prop .. . . 1.73 Nlik Oermltla, Per Prop . . 1.73 ' Pnul KownlnklM, Improve menta nnd Per Prop . .. 3.46 ' Jim Mnrannkla, Improve 1 menta nnd Per Prop .. .. 3.46 Antono Chntcr, Improvementa nnd Per l'roi 3.46 ' Htevo llenedlit. Per Prop .. 1.73 Aitl.tnn Ti.llf.Mf. Pfll. 1riti I .73 (1. Hartley. Per Prop 1.73 W. H. Wilds, Per Prop . . 1.73 J. Y lladdow. l'er Prop .... 1.73 Victor llano, Per I'rop . . .. 2,69 H. Hontonlck, Per Prop . . .. 1.73 Tony Iltipcr, Per Prop .... 1.73 Frank PierneU Improvementa and Por Prop 3 45 Oust Hcotella. Improvementa and Per Prop , .. 3,46 Oust Juvltnonus, Per Prop .. 1.73 !aula KuprlMok, Per Prop ... 1.73 A. 1 1 nine. Per Prop 1.73 Jno. Jcasensek. Improvementa and Per Prop .. 3.46 Jake Rmole, Per Prop .. .. 1.73 lta Cordon, l'er I'rop .. .. 1.87 David I tunnel, Improvements nnd Per Prop 7.76 Frank Archel. Per Prop .... 1.73 Toney Tnuior, Per Prop .. 1.73 Uhnldo Feed. Per Prop .... 1.73 Pleasant Valley Coal Co , Per Prop 990.61 Pleusant Vnlley Coal Co, Per Prop 1706.96 Pluasanl Valley Coal Co, Per Prop 67.83 Pleasunt Valley Conl Co , Net Proieeda or Mine at Clear Creek 5966.64 Pleasant Valley Coal Co, Per Prop 160.72 Pleasant Valley Coal Co, Per Prop 290,70 PleuMiint Vnlle Coal Co , Per Prop 37.46 P. V. Coal Co . Net Proiteda or Utah Mlno ut Mud Creok 1070.32 Wells rargo ft Co, Kx., Per Prop 1.73 KlIMI.WOItTII KCHOOli DIKTHICT .NO. II. Carbon Co. Iind Co , all of Heo 32, T 12, It It 321.76 Carbon Co Iund Co , N H of Hto 35. T 13, Itll 112,61 Carbon Co, Uind Co , nil of Heo i, T 13, 11 10 321.76 Carlton Co. I-und Co, KH of H12W. Heo 10, T 13, It 10 .... 65.12 Carbon Co, Land Co, NWW or nkw: nkw or nww; HH or NW W. Heo 14, T 13, It 10 110.24 Jno. Arrunio, HH or NWW. Heo 21, T 13, It 10 27.56 Carbon Co Ijvnil Co , all of Hec 2, T 13, lilt 220. 4S Carbon Co. Iind Co , Iot 7, Heo 3, T 13, II 11 37.56 Carbon Co. I.nnd Co, KH of NKW: BRW of NWW! BW W of .NKW, Hea 9, T 13, 11 11 121.96 Carbon Co Land Co, WH or nkw; nww or hi:u: hw W of NWW: NWW of 8W W. Beo 10, T 13 H II .. .. 101.63 Carbon Co, Iand Co , Per I'rop 90.96 Curbon Co. Land Co , Per I'rop l 22.60 Carbon Co, Ijxnd Co , Per Prop 98,68 Carbon Co. Land Co , Per Prop 23,36 Carbon Co. Land Co , Per Prop 42.65 Carbon Co, Land Co , Per Pro 63.08 Carbon Co. Land Co , Per Prop 41.34 Carbon Co, Land Co , Per Prop 44.10 Carbon Co Land. Co , Per Prop 21.74 Carbon Co, I-vnd Co , Per Prop 4.13 Carbon Co. Land Co , Per Prop , 10.06 Carbon Co. Land Co , Per Prop ,97 Carbon Co, Land Co , l'er Prop ,90 Curbon Co Land Co , Por Proi 3.45 Carbon Co. Land Co , Per Prop 72 Joo nraga, Per Prop .. .. .. 8.96 Jno Juvan, Per Prop , 1,73 Hush Kullerton, Per 1'rop .. 1,73 A. Plstotnlo, Per Prop 1,73 Dan Stamlch, l'er I'rop ,. .. 1.73 Toney PaPadakla, Per Prop 1,73 Antone Vldmar, Per Prop 1.73 Kvlch Ilaskl, l'er Prop ,. ., 1.73 Jno. Polenaeo, Per Prop ,,,, 1,78 Toney Corluccl, Per Prop ., 1,73 Mike Murovltch, Per Prop .. 1.73 Itobt Treanlo, Per Prop .... 1,73 IBM) Have You Seen Our Men's IbW and Boys 'K SWEATERS r and ,K Overcoats? B bbH We have a nice line of lined j Bm Gloves and Mitts for jm work or auto. B BBBBa We carry a good line of Dress Jll Shoes for Men and a IbbbI heavy school Shoe lH for the Boys. I'H Call and see our Suits for iH iBBBB Men and Boys. "1 i iBBBB - BLBLBB New York Cash Store I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrh y5?i!tarvf tB) ! BBBBi BBBBPBBBBBBe'' j aTnwo iKc ! BBB siVTBnBBsiiHpSSjVwIIHK? usBaGA MK2Kn BBBh OttunVo-o,- ,f """Bw A3 HHB IBmI Mr. & Mro. Present-hunterx- IbmI If you want, your Chrlotroas gifts to be IvMVJ sane and sensible, give pretty articles of IbwJ furniture for presents. A wife can not be M better suited than with some extra handsome tables or davenports, and a man will be ;BWfll pleased with a oozy arm-chair. Come to our iBWfll store and you can get this CHRISTMAS WORRY jH off your mind In thirty minutes. Our !H unequalled line of handsome furniture will. BAV solve the problem for you and our PRICES H will be fair enough to allow you to buy BbI all the presents you want to. IbmI EASTERN UTAH FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING CO.,- 'U Pace & Tlngley M Opposite the Banks, Main St., Price. VAfj t - BB Stockrowers' and Farmers' Store Groceries and Farm Supplies. H We are now handling Grain, H Hay and Flour in Carload lots H PRICES?JUST INQUIRE 190 PHONE 190 I 1 i JSBBS,