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B J I J Kb i , H ' " UTAH'S BEST WEEKLY, PUBLISHED IN "THE BIGGEST LITTLE CITY ON EARTH." j H 'H TWENTIETH YEAR. PRICE, CARBON COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 19M. NUMBER 49 jH 1 (JB If llllY I ALLOWED BY (OUNTY '' B "H i BJf (uut noi.ns i:kpi:nhks in hi:. ,,B MOVMj CASKS ll.t.KUW. '' I it BJ ctmmll()iii n Mut tUfiiml In Cur ( t BJ tton futility $10(17 l'3icn- nnit B Attorney Icc In High School Cac, ' H haloon Investigation nml June nml 1 B disc U'Rnl. BJ Yrnterdnv morning District Judge ' BX A H Chrlstennon handed ilown hi BJ, j lulon In lite demurrer to the an- i BS nwtri In the three ntw-i tf Carbon B r-inty, IhrotiK'i It attorney ( ( Mc- Be Vhlnnr, against Commkeelntier lien- V JJ t ,n llandnlph. WIIIIhih T Hamilton L Bj i nil Joseph It Sharp nml their ure- i BJ tint. The American Surety comiinn) of r ,Srw York a rtirHinilliin I) V Mlkel- f, hn. Nell M Madeen nml T II , BJl Tnomn. BJ Thcnn are the cane which were In- i BJj ntituted lant spring In the nnmo of 7 BJ Carbon count) l Count) Attnrne) BE M Whlnncy, nml In whlili It Ik nought ija to roe-over from the commissioner fJB motion pnlil out of thp count) trcfln- . BJ ury In the rtmonl cane against Hher- 1 JJJ Iff Keller nml Count) Attnrne) Mr- JJJ Whlnncy. In Hip saloon Investigation: JJJ conducted li) the board of cummin- Bf doner, In thp nttpniptpil nudlt of tlip ; Bj high school book In Hip cmplo)inpnt J of ppoclnl counsel In tho(lwll)m Join B cauo; nnd In the niplo)mpnt of J W BJ Kdmund A. Co for work In Conner. ' B ,lon w,th tn, " w Hiixtvr cnup BJ Tho ruling of tlio court lit vlrtuall) 1 BJ In effect Hint Hip commissioner, or BJ their nuretlis, must coer bntk Into ' BJ tho treanur) nil rnonc) pnld out In BJ the rrultH of Ocn N Hill against Kcl- BJ ter and McWhlnnp) In tho other BJ matter. Including the cmplo)mcnt of BJ Attorney Nelson nnd Hrnford to np- BJ pear before tint attorney general nnd BJ nk thnt rcmonl charge ho lodged J against Hip rtlicrlff nnd nttornp), the BJ court In nf the opinion that ttimn uerc B proper ctmrRiM nRnln-t the cniinl) B The tntnl nmoiint of monp)' KoiiKht B to bo riTovind In tin three miltM U B 2340.16 Of thlx amount Hip lourt BJ holdit thnt II0B7 7S wait unlnwfull) nl- BJl lowed by thn conimlHHlonvrtt nnd Hint BJ tint tO mod proper!) nlloucd fife In thn flmt null, which benni thn BJl docknt niimbir 776, thn totirt In of If thp opinion Hint the commlftMnnPtM BJ nctpd within their JnrlKilU tloti In nl. BJP lowing one bill of I7B In emptoUnR BJ O C. Net-nil nn ppecjfll ctunt -In a BB HAloan liiNentlRiiHoii conduited b) the BB bonrd and nlm n bill for $100 In e- BB rurlnic thn ciTvlrrn of Nnlnon nml Hnn- H ford to npenr In-fore thn nttornu) Ken- BW erl. Itemi) for 1200, retnlnir fien In BB thn Keller-MiWhlnney runtoinl cnn", BB US nxpeniM'M Incurred by Netoon In BB thcw mattirK. 1400 nttorue) feex nnd BB 140 and it: 30 iillnweil thn tun nttor- B neyii In thn mime row m nre conclili r d BJl Improper chnrRi . B In thn xeconil enw dixket number B 7HJ, 1100 nttorney fee to Nelwin nml B Hanford In thn remonl himch Ik held BB l.i bn Improperly ullowid while l.5n BB nttornc) feex In the einplo)inciit of BB th name uttorne)N In the uttenilited BJf hlRh Nchnnl nudlt Ih deemed bRiil by BJ the court BB In thn third milt, doiket number BB 791. Atiorne) H It Thurmnn nn JJB properly nlloweil thp mim of f 100 for BB erlcpM In the null) in Jonen rnw. J W KdmiimlK Co uiih properly nl- BB lowed Hip iiim of $307,110 for MenlKN BB In Hip HiDdir nudlt, $84 JB un nn BJ Improper Iti m to Allen T Hiinfnrd for BB rntlrond fure, expenxeii nnd HersUeN nt BB: $:5 per dn In thn 1 1 til ciiHen nn wnii BB nbk a xlmlliir Item tn the name nttor- BB, ney nmountliiif tn ICO 10 110 win B prnpeil) nlluuid In tourt con In nnd BB nherlff fem In the nttempted IiIrIi J; nehool cum n. Hw sti'.vi:nsov caki: dismissi:i. H M hU heurlnu Tiicndn) eenln le- BJ forn Dlntrht JuilR" Albert II ChrU- BB- tnnnon, C II Htexonmiu unn dlnmlnned BJl un tho clmrRe of perjury It "III Ik BJ remembertd thnt thn enne Krew out BB "f the certlfb ntlon tn the nomination BJ of J I, Itidd nn proRTPKnlxe nominee JJB for nator from thn Twelfth nenn- B torlivl dlntrlrt Itepiibllcnnii iliilmed B that tho nomination wiim Irreuular BJf nwlnR tn thn fact Hint thn innentlon B wsh Improperly inlled itedd'H name BB aH withdrawn from thn ballot iim n BB) proRTrule nominee BJ Thn tentlmon) Inlrndured nt thp BJ lienrlns wnn ulmont wholly or n iioru- BB tln nature In diNinliwInK thn cane BB JudRn ChrlflteiiHon nlttliiK iim n ioiii- BBk mlttlni; maKUtrnte. ntntid that If Hip BBC matter hud been broiiKht tn lib) ntteli- BBjJ Hon In n clll matter he would )me B nimtldered Hint no convention hail BB bn n held but Hmt he wiim unable to B fli any rrlmlnnl liitnut nn the defen- BB dnnt JIB So t villi wan IntriMlui-ed b) the f drieudant JJB Wltnin for the atate were Don BB Cifltiin of Vernal the Miiator-elei t B f m Him dlatrl'l Mark Tuttte, an- B e tin it i, auillliir. John II face BJK rlmlrmitn "f tli pruRrwy count) JJB n n T I. Ilolman, deputy JJBi r re(Hr f Mtr.te and A J B 'iti h itAMtW JB 1(1 VHNUIS I'Oll HICI'inMIHCIt JJjK Heoteinbi r raltuity nperetlmc Inonme B and opt ruling revenue Hibt year nliow- BB (l lie. rennen or the iorri)omllnK BBL in mtb of laat year, neeordlnir t (he BBF ie mmtrv of iwrniue ami expense nf BB nt urn riiAiln In the I'nltoil BUtnd. pre- BB I red by the bureau of railway moiio- BB mi h. The nummary Klvee the follow. ?. Inir lirb f aieount of the Hltuatlon BBr Itallwuy uiieratlnc Income for BB: B ptemlwr reduted to a per mile of BE linn ImHla and compared with that BBX f r Hi pti miter 113 ahow a a decreaee BB ' r thru dollar or 0 t per lent, while Be operatlnK Income per mile for Vep Bl t miter, mil. allowed a deareaae of BE ' 1 per lent from that of Bptemlter BK J IS Total operating rmeliuen iter Bi in ile for BeptcmUr dti reooed 6 0 per S 'nt ah compir I with 8pUmer K 1913. i peratl) K p neta l r mill de B creaaed 8 1 per cnt and net optra B ting revenue p r mll deoree . Wj lr ennt " JJJJKi IE0PARD HRRKTED II) ZION " I nriucr Carlton (mint) llolifciit M lemptn uiii llieft Hum tMtpnnl prominent In Cnrlmn xint) tlurlHR the time Hint the Utah f'oiintriii Hon iiinimn wan oiterHtliiR here wan arretted b) the Salt ltke IKtlbe earl) Munda) ntornlnR while hp waa attemptlnR to Ret nun) with nn. other man' nutnmoblle Iepard Rt n very unmwiry retMi tathin In Carbon eninty while the U C wan innntruntliiR the full railway In 1912 nnd 1913 nnd It In alleged that he wa mlxefl up In many crimen that net ii r red hem during that imtIihI Arcftnllng to the Halt ljfke Trlbunn he and n man b the name nf William .tohmrnn found themneHen outtlannefl In an nutnmoblle men through the elt n'reeln nlmr(l) before da) light Hunday morning nnd an n rmult were landed In the til) Jail nil n barge of grand Inn-eiiy for the alleged theft nf tin autnmoi lie In wtibh the ritfle ThnitiKboiit the greater part of the night Patrolman Jantea WmMlnrd, William nt John and V II llemlrlek win liad been hunting for n Riilrk mr belnnglng tn Hubert Kennler of the Kentler Hartmeiita. The ear wan atulen from In front nf the Sembili hotel nn Hatunla) night At Beeoml Went and rirnl Nnrth ntreeta the d Icemen enught night nf the car being driven nl high npeed The) rccng nleed It by tho dencrlptlun nnd Raw chane The pnee become morn than thp drl er of the lending car could mnunge, nnd bin car going north on Hecoml Went ntrpel. Ngnn In ekld Hilddenly It btgnn giving nn Imitation of n fticrr) -go-round nnd Wnodnrd barely mi veil bin car from colliding with It, luiMng nlowrd up when ha nbnered Hint the other enr wnn wnbbllng lle- Jire the men could move from their entn Patrolman ltrndrlcknon wan out of the police nutn nnd Into tho atolcn one nnd Informed the men thnt they were under nrrent leopard prolcatod that hp wn bad. I) Intoxicated nnd did not rememlter halng been Joy riding Un nald he had lcen n bartender In Halt Ijikn nt one time, nnd had nli tended bar nt Prlio early lant nprlng fMTIII) KTATIX TltOO! AllIZ HKNT T) NACO, AUIONA WAHHINOTON. D C, Dec No nggremihn at Hon on the part of thp fnlted Htnten In cuntemplati d In the nendlng of additional troop tn Naco Arte An offlilal ntntemenl wa Innued toiln) nt thn White lloune After a conference with Prenldent WlUon Hetretnr) Tumult) inadu the following ntntement 'It tin been thoiiRht wine tn ntrengthrn the fori en at Nnto lucntinc nf thn re ktena cnrelennnem nf thn eontendlng fnctlonn tin re. In falling tn control Hia.dlrpcthii of their fjre. Of courne nn nggrennlve action la con tempKitcd " A number of (manage hno been received from American IMng along thn border prottntlng ugnlmt thn con tinued firing Into United Htnten terri tory by follower of (lenernl I flit and 0 nernl Mn)torenn Morn thnn n ncore nf piople hne been killed and wound ed on the American aide jtir Kcirctari Oarrlnon nald thn commiinib ra at Naco hnd been order ed not to fire ncrnn Hip Mexican bnr dtr unlrnn they riHled order to do nn from WitMltltiRton fnder onllnar) lirtiimntuncea din irctlou would be with thn command ur Thn White lloune announcement Hint no nggrtnnhn action wna contem plated wan gem rally Interpreted n meaning the troop 'could take dp feunlve notion until Mr Oarrlnon made hi nnnuuniement piiicu wtku hiippi.v wiiriii) m: iiKMriri:n .Ion Ciimmertlnl ( lull I'mitoM-n lb lie fli lal l'gUlulluii. I'lirnuant tn a nport from thv mini tallon cominlttic, thn bonrd of gor nor of the Halt Ijike Coiuinerelul elub udopted n rimilutlon Monday urging Hint thn ntntu Itglnlnture oniut hucIi law iim will be niciwuir) tn ex tend the Jurlmllrtlnn of thn gin em inent of all title of thn Htate, flrnt, HMond nnd third iliian, tn ghe them complete control over all nlream that urn the noun in of their water niippl) Thn rvnolutlon nnk the Ugtalutiirn to empower city boariln of bialth and other city department of fk lain to re mon any caunn ur thing that tend dlrectl) or ludlreitly tn Impair the hill I til" of the people A cop) of thn renolutlon wn forwarded to Oovcrnor Hpry. Or Knmuel a I'uul, Knit Iikn linallb commlanloner, nnd thn leghln live commltttn of thn club IIiiiIicmio Count) Content. Three nf tho noilalUt imidldnteH In the nnt i-ounty nf Dm limine at tho recent utoctliiii hutu brought loiiteNt u the district court II C (Ira), tho tnuul) attorney, J It I'eti rwui com mlnalouer for twn-yenr term, and Uirn MarMlng Nherlff All allege Irregu larllle In the lount "MflEMraiSTK Cniinll) Oolng lii Hnw-WoHh 1'ii1imm 1'ik.lit t'oHMH CHICAno Deo 8 'If wj. nan whlatle a w mum the graveyard, we are truing tn be all right" Thla waa the oumment nn the Industrial ultua Hon made tonight by JiHtepH O Can non of Dantllle In hi flrnt formal aii iiearanne nince the ieop!e of the klghteeiith llllnol dlatrh t returned him to lougre for hU twentieth lerm, after an abaenae of two year. The former member told member of the I lunula Manufacturer' aawocut Hon lie waa glad to 'come batk." es pecially no eluoe after bin defiat two year ago he had prepared to make hi peaie wltb hi Maker Itallroad mut oon be -Kranted an lmreoe In rate, ha nald, or tn a ear ur u they would be In uch iibyalcal lonc'ttlon people would u afraid to ride on thnm. Hi ugiud with 8 nator Wck of MttOriui hunett whu pre. edi d him on the piigrum that eaiWHrollt t aummUMi 'ii vv uHwtMtirtorr ami UIHWfMfefuL HAVE YOU SHOPPED EARLY7 " r, im0f n ;jiiiii m Mi HOMD IS W A Hill to Ho Introdiictil nt the Cuming Scwlnn uf Cougrcnn. CongrcKnmnn Hd Tat lor uf Colorado hn Introduced n bill tn congrcwi which, If enitcted will bo of Immonnn benefit to thn nmnlt toikmcn It protlde for thv entry uf fl 40. acre tract n grating homrnteada. Thn bill In for the purpunn of enab ling farmer tn laka up large area of foulhlll bind, broken lountr) and re gion whern mnt ot the terrllnryJal untlllnble but whli h him nmnll flf trlit where farming may lm carried nn Mr TiDlnr an) thnt It will probably reieltc thn oppodllon of thn largo ntockmen who runlnt thn em roach ment upon their rnngen but hn mild "that people ore more Important thnn cattle" nnd that he anticipate tho pannage uf the. bill The nreaa taken up under till tneanuro miint flrnt bo denlgnated nn proper land for nuch entry by the neirutary of tho Interior IS FREED, THEN AftRESTED Prlco fSrtvk Aoiulttcil for While 8lnrry lmv DcMirtnllou. Mike N'lkiiN, though ncnulttcd In the United Htnten dlntrlct court Mondn) afternoon of tho charge of hating trnnnported Allin Whitney from Idaho to Helper, Ulnh. for Immoral pur- Iionen, tvn nrrentcd by A'liilln Nebe ;er. United rltnti mnmhnl, n few inlnulcH nfter hn ttna freed Thn nnw predlmment In tvhldi N'l kn find hlmnelf I thn renull nf In tentlgutlon made b) thn federal bu reau of Immigration The bureau In endeavoring to have Nlktm deported to Clrtcce bnraiian nf hi allegid con mctlon with bourn n of the In thn fnltid Htatin. Hn wa rcleanid un $1000 bnll Allen Whitney tintlfled In the trial Hint he wu married to Nlkim nfter hi nrrent und hi r etlilcnie wu ruled out, freeing N'lkaa. wii.i woiik roit wool, WAiti:iiofhi: roit ion Considerable Interent I being maul fenlcd by tho memlierhlp of thn Com mercial club nn Hie proponed entnb llnhmont In Halt ImUo nt a wool ttnrn Iiouhc und the mutter ha been re ferred tn tho now Induntrle commit tee Thn mutter wn tnken up by tho Commercial club following action nt the annual contention of tho National Wnolgrowera' luvioelatlon hero recent I) In fixing fait Itke a thn perma nent headquarter uf the organisa tion The cnmmlttee nf the Cuinmertlal club I aeeklng Information a to the poaalhllttle of irm urlng torK and tranalt freight rate fur Bait I-ake a are given the Chicago and other won) center. If thin I poewlhle there may be erected In Salt Iake a warehomm with a capacity fur atnrlng from 10, 000,000 to 25,000,000 pound of wool. The propoaUlon of an annual ntteep allow fur ialt I-ke also I to be oon aldered by the new Induntrle committee. to inni'f a I'li'oiiinnioN Hm 'line i.KdihiaTfitic There waa a ineetng Haturday f ternoon In Salt l.ake of the Utah fed eration of Prohibition and Iletterment leagnea at whli li regular bualneaM wa tranaaoted and legal committee ail liointed tn aaatat In drafting a uft able prohibition bill lie ubmltted to the legtalature next month The ft deration I In touih with leader of the movement In the country and they are atiiilylnk, the Ixiet meoaure now In for. e In other elate A naolutloii wa adopted calling upon league and aaolatliii of the nute fasortij probtoltluu to nd in Huggeetton u to tlaunj Hint ahould I Lh wmbudltul In the Will. MHMyttgggMa'tiJL mm mmwmm Vil Pay Only Dniungc Mmll fltcil lly PublMicil Tariff. Unblllty of rnllrond for lont bag gage doe not exited tho amount nn Rumed by tho rnllrond In It publish ed tariff, rutin the I nlted Htate nil premn court, In rotemlng tho Ulnh nupromn court Tuendny In thn n of Charlotte A, Homer ngulnnt thn Ore gon Uhort Line. I. The cuii originated in tho Third dlntrlct court of Ulnh. Ohnrtnltn Un met uell 4 Tvcnvrr fnrthelna of n trunk nt tho Halt likn baggage nta Hon The dlntrlct court granted her a Judgment of 1404 nml on appeal by the railroad Hm tnto nupremn court nfflrmed thn Judgment Tho rnllrond contt tided that It llo blllty did not extend be)ond thn $100 llmluulon nnnnunred In It tariff, and beiauna of thn pre client at ntnke. It curried thn cao to tho hlghent trl bunal In thn Innd, It wa the opinion of tho Utah nu premn lourt thnt. rcgnrdlen of It published llmltntlun or llabllll), Hm railroad wa responsible under Hie common law for tho full nmotint of thn damage The United Htali nu prcme court hold to tho iontrnr nml declare that thn pnnnengi r In pur chasing n ticket I bound to tho pub lished llmltntlun 1 1 firm: hphakhumiip CO.NTIWT IS PltOMIHi:i The dimoiratn elected to thn liglt Inturn hate placed I) II Morrln of Wunhlngton county In tho nuo for thu Npenki rkhlp und nrc now attempting tn neiure the nlgnatun of nil pro gnsltcn und the lone socialist mem btr of the lowir houn tn political contract Hint they will vote for Mr Murri. Tho republican uitrli num ber three. Wllford Did of Iron county, Cliarlin It Mnbe) of Dnvl county und I It Amlirnon of Hanpetu count) The grcutiHt trouble which thu re piiblbun iiindldnte urn expurlenclng nt thU time I whethir u iuihiin of tin republlenn member mIiiiII bo held or not tn decide Willi h of the three I In gu In fure tho legislature Tho prngriHlti propose to create a deadlock und llien offer Purlcy I Chrlntennen a lomproinlno cundldute lor nponker In return for tho peakurhli It I Mold thu progrenlte are willing to uld tho republican In pamilug certain dimlrud legislation nnd It may be that it ileal would hi; Miiljlnltted whoreb) for tho iimkurhlp and u fen of the clerk thu progrciwitea might align with tho republican exiept In an far a their platform I t unci rued HOBSONJESOLUTIOS Will lie Votiil On nt Hie PicMiul Ses sion uf CuuglOM. Dlacuaalng thu legUUillve piogram for the lxt -third newtlou of congreeo. Itepreneiiutlv Underwood, tho ma jority leader In the liniiae, dntlare thai there will lie a vole un the pro poaed HoImmii resolution fur Hubml lon to the nlaten of a conntltutlonal amendment for uatluual prohlbli'on ThU ha not been Im luded In the pru Jecleil program of lagUlMtloii that nave been dlnouiwwHl alnae admlnlgtra ilou leader returned to Waahlngton "There will be a vote on the prohi bition conatltullpnal amendment be fore adjournment, Mr Underwood declared, 'and eventually a rule ' pave the way fur a vote on It will . brought out in the houae " According to both majority leader, the appropriation bill will have the right of way and lie rueiiei) a rapidly t Hwlble Conaervatlcin legislation, the alilp purihaoe bill and tho houae olll to pate the wa) far ultimate Phil Ipplnu hub pendente are flit nu tin prugrnpi of geiural legUlntlun NINE USESJ UNREST liuliistrliil Commlsxloii Milken llrjKifi to Congrcn. WAHHINOTON. D C, Dec 7 Nine cardinal inline of Industrial un nnt most generally agreed upon by employer nnd employe nllku, were prenenled tn enngrrn today by the lommlnslon nu Industrial relation In jit preliminary report na follow Ijirgelv n wurld-wldo motemtnt arising from, a laudable desire for lu.tter tttlnir enntlltliiniL -A'.vrntenl nanli)nl -b)W Wage, long hour and Improper working condi tion In mnny Industrie n. A denlro on the part of tho tvorkern fur n voire In thn determination of condition under which they labor nnd n revolt against arbitrary treatment of Individual worker nnd a uppr.nlon uf organisation f in mplo) ment nud the Insecurity or empln)mcnt. fnJiiKt illstrlliutlon nf the prodiul nf Industry Mlnundi rntandlng nnd prejudice Agitation und agitator. The rapid rUu In prlee a compared with wage The rapidly growing feeling thnt re drcK for Injurle nnd oppreanlon can not bn secured through existing Insti tution. On tho principle of cnllectlto bar gaining the Investigator found virtu ally nil wltnenac with the exception or those repnnentlng thn Industrial Worker of tho World to be In accord A In any uggeted method of uppll tallon of Hint principle, however, wide dlvirgniicn of opinion wn noted While vlrtuntl) unuulmuu agree ment of wltiieKMc wu found In favor nf the formation of n federal cninml nlon of mediation und conciliation, the report point out Hint 'prnutlcally ev ery wllmnn hn cxprenseil thu ntrong int disapproval of any form of com pulMory arbllrntlon ' " Of unimplo)iuent, tho report an) "Nothing ionic mi clear In thn enmnilnnlon nn thu Imperative neun blty of orgunllng u murkut for labor on n modern bunlnts basin, nn tbut Hiiro will bo no vucaut Job nnd Idlu work men In the Mumn lommunlt) ut thn itame time, ur within dlalamo where thn transportation I practicable Tho i.insciiBU of oiilulon I thnt legisla tion for a national Bjstem of labor txchiingi I un Immediate neccnlt " DEAD MAN FOUND ON TRACKS ItcuiiiliiN Iilciillflcil iih 'llionei of Clirls Pi ICChOII, At 10 o'clock liiMt night the Hherlfr office received notlfliuHuu thai the body uf it deud man had boen found an the D. At It O track three-quarter uf a mile till aide of Panther. A ooronur" Jury eonnl sting uf J U Ho ner, Herman llomley and Joweph Ia l wa Miiinniuneil and. with Justice l,ee, left fur the eene an hour after ward, returning with the remain erl tbl niornliiK Nothing wa found on the perwnn nf the iiufortiirnte vvhloh would lend to hi Identification The head had been i ruahed either by a freight ur No 4 luuMenger train The mupihmiI Hon I that he wa riding the beam. Had Itecome numlwd by the colli and fallen off The remain were taken to the lo an) undertaking iwrlura and will lie burled tomorrow , Several who have visited the under taking iiarlont tliht morning i llm that the remain are time of Chrbt Peter eon, who fur Home time nt ha been employed by the Utah Gonetruotlon company AequalnUnce of Peterson believe that ha mat with foul play and that hi body waa placed on the rail road trai k to cover up trace of a c rime Mr Annie It Mclntyr. mother of Mr Cha Oulwlt and Mr A C Stile, arrlvetl In Price last night from Mountain Home win re she lulled 'during the Hummer Hlie will be In I'rbe during the winter .Anj-j ...... 1JTTf'imjii BBBBMBBB9aeSti!ieStJi ""t?!i5.""' UNITED STATES HAS I WPEHY I H 1)1 Ml-S 111 POUTS AH lO UNPHIU jH pitriiMs roit iif.fKVHix BB Sn)n I toad In Clenr for llunlnrws tn I IJJJ Travel to I'm lomlcil Hiuvc Mnr- 'B ltd ur SouHi Ann rlcn Must Mo H Huppllitl II) the Vnltctl Hinlcn t oiintr)' ltcMiiilbllli) Oncroiin. 'BB PretHdent Wlbmn dellverod lit an- M tiHal ad drenn to rnngreo Tuendny IH- j JJJB tmrllng from the teat of hi prepared BJJ in nonage the prenldent devoted ennnld JJB ereble time In arm we ring thn attack 'M nf thoee who have nmlendnd thnt tho I Wl Unlleil HUten waa iinpremred for nn- VJV tbinal defenae and In gltlng notlco to JJJJJ the biMgnea world thai the leglnlntltn BBJ pregmm of hi admlulntratlon, a It BBJ affect the regulation ur biialne, wan JJB prnrtlenlly completed He nald It had BJ reMllted III a clear read for busluen i BBJ to travel to urn luuded Hunena.' i MB Hoiieat bunlnea men, tho prenldent BBJ dnetartd, meil have nothing to rear ,BBJ In Infilling the vvny outlined In the BBJ trust nnd current ) hllln. While tho i BBJ president dwelt briefly upon His nub- BBJ jpcl hi word were Interpreted a nn BJ assurance thnt no further Important .BBJ busluen legislation wn contemplated. BJ The prenldent remark In part with t JBB relation to bunlnen legislation wprn n follow! BBJ Program uf regulation. BBl "Our program uf legislation with bWJ regard to tho regulation of bunlnen 1 IBBI now virtually complete. It hn been BJB put forth, a wn Intended a a whole JJJB and leaven tin conjecture a to what I BBI to follow Thn rond at lant Ilea clear iBBI and firm before builnen. It I a rond JJJB which It can travel without fear or JJJB embarrassment It I thn road to un- BJ grudged, unclouded miccenn. In It BJl aver) hunint man, every man who be JJJB licve that the public intercut t part 'JJJB of til own Interest, WHY walk with )BJJ twrfect ctinfldctirn ' I BBJ ill thu lext of ill ndilren which IBBJ touched Upon llin udmlnlntratlon leg- JJJB Illative program fur Hie elon, Urg- JJJB Ing passage of bill for Philippine In- JJJB dependence, government-owned mer- BJH chnnt marine, and noma other proj- J cct begun but unfinished at thn last ,JJJB session, thn president devoted most 'JJJB time tn dismissing the question of nn- liBJJJ tloniil defense deploring n pulley of fJJJJI militarism but emlornliig n develop- fiBVJ ment of tho Nntlonnl Uunrd and a rBVJ mllllnr) training for cllUenn ..War Iutrrruil Trndn. BBJJ War tin Interrupted thn menna nt "IJB trade, nald thn pre nldent, and also the JJJJJJ iirucrNMe uf produttlon In Huropn BBB It I dentro)lng men nnd rrnource BJ wholesale nnd upon a acala unprcce- BJB dented and appalling Thorn la reu- B son tn fear thnt the time 1 near. It It B bn not already nt hand whon no vera I iBJJJ uf thn countrle of Kurope will find JJJB It difficult tn do fur their people what JJB the) have hitherto been uiwa)a eanlly BBJ able tn do mnny eannntlnl nnd fun- BBJ dnmentnl thing. At an) rate they BBJ will need our help nnd our manifold JBB nervier n the) hnve never needed 1BBBJ them before, nnd tvn hnuld Im ready, BBB mom fit nnd read) thnn wo hnvo ever BB been BJB It I of equal lOnHeqtiencn that tho BBB nation vv hum Kurope hnn usually aup- i BBB piled with Innumerable nrtlele of IbSBH manufacture und commerce of which tBVJI they urn In constant need nnd without 'JJJJJJ which their economic development BBB halt nnd stands still, can now get BBB only a small part of what they for- BJB merly Imported und eagerly look to ua JJJJJJ to Mtippl) their nil but empt market. JJJJJJ Thl I particularly true of our own JJJJJJ neighbor, tho state great nnd nmnll, JJJJJJ of Central nnd Houlh America. Their JJJJJJ Iim or trade have hitherto run chief- JJJJJJ ly nlhwnrt thn Men, not tn our porta JJJJB but tn the port of Oreal llrltnln and BBB of thn older continent of Kurope I BBJ do not stop to Inquire why, or to makn BBBJ any comment nn probabln cause. BBBJ What Interest iim Just now I not tho BBBJ explanation, hut the fact and our duty BBJj and opportunity In the presence of It. BBBJ Hero are market which wu must aup- BBBJ ply. nnd wn must find the mean of BBBJ nition Thn fnlted Hlntr. thl groat BBB people for whom we speak und act, BBBJ should bn ready n never before, to BBBJ serve Itself nnd to nerve mankind; I BBBJ ready with It resources. It energies. j JJJJJJJJJ II force of produi Hon, and It mean laBBBj uf illstrlliutlon BBBJ Duties jBBBJJ I close, a I begin,, liy reminding JjBBJJ you of the great tnk nnd ilutle of BBBJ ponce which chiillungn our best pow- BBBJ tr und Invite iim tn build what will BBBJ lant, the task tn whli h Wn can ad- JJJJJB dree oui Helve now and at all time a JJJJJB with freehearted xest nnd with nil thu JJJJJJJ finest gift of const ruetlte wisdom Wn JJJJJJJ Hisen To develop our life and our 'JJJJJJB reeeurie, to supply our own pec BBBj pie and the penpie of the world uu BBBB their med arise from the abundant jBBBB plenl) of our f I. bl and our mart if BBBB trade to enrl b the nomiiien n nf our BBBJ own aUle and of the world with thu BBBB prodMiU of our iit'nea, our farm and BBBB our fae tn 'e tin the rentlnn nf in r BBBB thought and the fruit of our iliarac BBBB ter thla I what will hold our nttvn- BBBB Hon and our enthusiasm Mtnadlly n vr BBBB and In )eara to lonie, a we strive to BBBB show In our lire na a nation what lib- BBBJ ert) and the Inspirations ot an email- BBBBJ Ipated spirit may do for men and for .BBBBj ocletle. for Indl Iiliial fur statin, BBBBJ and for mankind . JJJJBBBBBJ IIuIiicm IViuilllloii hiitlsruclory BBBBJJ While bind n eundltlona In Prlrn H and In the elate generally are not all BBBBJ that could be dealred neverthcl. tw, jBBBBJ Judglug from pre report, they are BBBJ ooiuilderably In Her than euitwhcr' BBB In taxlt hale Tueoday W P Vcbt, BBB publisher of the tllrei tory nf the BBBB UounUlii HUitcn Telephone companv BBBBJ stated at a ianiiuet that In n re e ut JJJJJJJJJ vlelt througA seven Htate he found JJJJJJB bualnesa better In flib than In uny JJBBB other placet In hi ttrrlt r Travi I JJJJJJ Ing men who uu un "'tit I title x BjJJJJD uu condition, xtnt. h t Price con :BBBBJ oougratulate birsiir n her cnnier BWJJJJJJ elul activity In comparison with other JJJJJJJJJ town in the JBBBBJ -rtiaiaaBBkuateaB&SKsafiSMayfcettLii. bWJB9H