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Mr m I I 9'lpomnt Valley Owl Co., V of HU'Vl Of NWHlWH of V nwk of KWVi iffK of ."WH; RH of rVH ofKW l ',.KH of mVK t W. 1 3.1. T U, It 1 1791.41 M . VIiMnt Valley Cml Co., 8W BBS1! H- 8r 34, T II, It 7 .. ,. II, Tl l ri.Mni Valler Coal Co., XW V . T ll n 7 .. .. 1I.7K BBS 'l'niwnt Valley Onl Oo.f nit BKf ofKoc I.T1I, ttl 87.84 BBS1. i'i.-Mtit Valley Ceal C.. ICH ! i.r Hrr K, T 14. ft T 12. II . IMotmnt Valley Cowl Of., UK BB! " of KWW: WH itrwy f .".. ... Til. lit .. .. V. 10.14 l 1'l.mwnt Voller Coal Co.. Iftt H .,fNRX,hl,TII,IU., 11.11 BBBi I'l'itMtit Valley Coal Co.. UK H,' .r flKfc. Sec ,T II. It 7.. 14.04 i 1 1 KMin Villr Onal On., W'H .f XWK, fcc I. T II, It 7.. BBBt 'l. .uaant Valley Coal Co., WH . ;n. t II, It 7 110.14 , 1'I.Knant Valla Ot Cv., V H.' ;f Her II, T II. It 7 .. .. 1M.7I BBB) "l. nmnt Valley Cttal C4 Mil ' U of Nljy,. Hac 17, T II, t H 7 .. .. .41 B 1'f.naanl Valley Coal Oo, WU H ..f Niiiii mvu. i t BE) I l. It 7 IOI.I0 l 1' Mnyil. NIIM of NWWI I' NWV, of N'HVi. 8M I, T It. It 7 O.SI ' J-naaanl Valley Ctml On., I'r ' Prop 1.19 BBBL I'b-aaanl Valley Con I C t'er f Prop 1.17 i I'l.nannt Valler Ceal Pa, Per BBBH IT'ip 6.11 BMBf AHrr.l I lay. Per I'ttjit .... 1.41 Be) M Awlerwon, Ur Trap .. 1.71 BJBJB Jt.. Milton. 1'er lri .. .. J.I BMBE Owtiyln Jonea. Par I'rop .... 1.71 BMBK J Mntim. l'tir l'roi .. .. 1.71 BMBJI Jn Atideraoti, Par Trap ... 1.71 BJBBf -. !t Anilfnmn, Par Prep .. 1.14 BBSS lv.ui Klranrana, Par Prap .. 1.71 BJBBJ Jn- Hittammpa, Par Prap .. 1.71 BBB1 A Kniijta. Par Prap .... 1.73 BJBJBJ I" . Ney. Per Prt 1.71 BJJBJ i:u Jordan. Par Proi 1.71 H V I. ttiirtotl. Par Prop 4. II J Weill. llllla. Par Prop .... 9.47 K At- Htratr, Par Prop 1.71 H i: II ItcyniiliU, Par Prop .. 1.71 BVJ 4lro Tlta. Per Pmp 1.71 B JuniPN Jpihwm. Per Prop .... $.01 ..tnmcit llntilrln. Par Prop ... Z.7S Jd, k Krklla, Per Prop .. .. 1.71 lro Mnrx, Per Prop 1.73 J Hurry Kniic. Per Prop . . . . 4.31 B Otilnry Aiulrraon. Per Prop 1.73 J, Jitalt Tyrer, Per Prni 1.73 H Jamea 1 til tt. Per Prop 1.31 H Jninra Averelt, Per Prop ... C.ll H .Iami Ijirnoti, Per Prop 1.73 B It C Nellmm. Per Prop .... 1.73 Wm IteTCO Phillip. Per Prop .... 3.70 MB llkn Vlllann, Per Prop .... 1.73 B Men Kvrrett, Per Prop .,., 1.73 b Andy Pljarko, Par Prop .... 3.76 B Antono Haver, Per Prop ,. . 1.73 f Thou. HraUon, Per Prop .... 1.73 m i -on In Mleheloir. Per Prop .. 1.73 JK Tom HerfaU. Per Prop .... 1.73 BK lvo, Apnatolakla, Per Prop.. 1.73 ( Vfm, cirnnfitllln. Per Prop .. 1.73 t Auk. TnpnlovM. Per Prop .. 1.73 J J no Anllker, Per Prop .... 1.73 k Tiiny (lerMnt, Per Prop ... 1.73 f Mat Patuer, Per Prop .... 1.73 John llnlmllo, Per Prop . ... 1.73 r Jonua llnlln. Per Prop .... 31.00 V Jtm I'rklln, Improvcmenta s and Per Prop 17.33 m Alex llrown, linprovemcnla S and Per Prop 10.34 H 3tnlt tlelkllala, Improvcmenta K nnil Per Prop Ill V Altevo Nelmel, Improvement B nnil Per Prop 13.06 Kll Wllaon. Per Prop 1.73 V Henry tlnnmtnn, Improvo K monla nnti Per Prop . . .. 13.13 H Alatt Kllponrn, Improvemonl f anil Per Prop 13.01 1 Henry llnraniiiw. Per Prop.. I. IB R 1-hI Irftmrnl, Per Prop CM pJlJJJJJK Kph Kent. Per Prop 3.7U H -Owiir Monnen, Per Prop ... 1.73 L J ' aunilenum. Per Prop .. I. II B Jnuir llaltn, Improvement nnil Pit Prop 9 88 P, llrrmnn Mmliuin, Improve- Kll tnont nnil Per Prop .. .. 30. 7 tJJJJJJjH Nl k (IrorueUklit.. Per Prop l m Tutu ilunU. Per Property 3.4t fSfJB -Mult Katn. Per Proi 1.73 B Jot llnnlllit. Per Prop .. .. 1.73 B Jamler Jixian. Per Prop ... 1.73 H Omar llokknln. Improve H inenta ami Per Prop .. .. 13.01 H Jn llimkena, ImprovementM H mill Per Prop 1 3. OS H inlrow KmiKii. Per Prop.. 173 B Alex Curtla. ImprovementM H nnil Per Prop -4.31 H t)iii JurvU. Improvement IK unit Per Prop 4.31 K Jim Dunkla, Per Prop 3.41 H Antiinu KelftUlH, Per Prop .. 1.73 H lttino PliiKtorl, Pvr Prop ... 1.73 B Xluy Calllosl, Improvvmenta BBBBk Prop 5.34 AB Jaiuea (lurmiin, linprovementa K uii'l Per Prop B.ll B Mtnvo (Irellua, Impnivument K nnil Per Prui 7.76 B Alfrtiuo iirrntinlo, Per Prop 1.73 K JLHka Hal Honu, Per Proi 1.73 B Antono lllohloK, Per Prop.. 1.73 B Wnl l-wy. Per Prop 3.4( B -J K Miiki. Improvementannil B 4.31 H K Kuuttlllii. Improvement B: ,,nJ ,Vr lru" ',51 j J no. Hlllltoo, ImprovementM B uml Prop 4.31 AbBK J J J on oh. Pur Prop 1.73 BBBB Jn" l'"ll' k. Per Prop .. ., 1.73 B elm. Ilullierc, Improvement B uml Per Pro) 1,11 BjBjBBBj J Votery, Per Prop ., ,. .. 3.4I BB It Koprlilakl. Per Prop .... 3,41 BH '' llulllmiui, Improvement BbB iu"1 l't,r 'ru ,sl BBBBBI W ItoMtnim, Per Prop ,, .. 2. it BBB M ArnuNnn. Per Pro 1,73 BBB DuXil cloiinleii. Pur Prop ,. 6.16 BBBBBI lien I.UKWlir, Per Prop ., .. 3.69 BBBBBk Jo Aiiilermin, Per l'rop .... 1,73 BBBBBK 1v l owiiMrd. Per Prop .... 1.73 BBt 11 A Hill, Per Prop 1.73 BjBBBBS U llarnlumprtklit Par Prop.. 1.73 B J"' riulak. Par Prop 1.73 BBBBt' Nl k Herinlil-. Pr l'rop .... 1.71 B l HU KowiilMkla. , Improve- B iiunta ami Par Proi 3.41 B J'"1 Maratwkla, Improve- B menu ami Par Proi 3.41 B ''' '" Chatar. Improvamanta BBBBBb "iJ I'er 3.41 BBbV '' "-. '' fmp 1 .It BBBBBB Aii iiu Tauoar, Par Prop ... 1.71 BBBBBV D irtlay. Par Prop 1.71 B v Wllda. Par Prop .... 1.71 BBBB J lUddow, Par Prop .... 1.71 BBBBBB' Vj tor liana. Par Prop 3.11 H F s..nunK-k, Par Prop .. .. 1.71 BJBBBBB r' " Kur, Par Prop .... 1.73 BBBjBjB '"' "lk Pot-mi Improvamatita BBBB ",J -1, ro BBBBBBT ii -' Si'otella, ImprovaHianla H u.d 'r Prop BBBBBBT -i Ji laooaa. l-ar l'rop .. 1.71 B Uh.i KprljwK. Par Prop ... 1.71 BBH A "l"1'1 ''r lpol l-7- BBBBBBl ' Jv lavnaak, liMprovaiatenMi B i i w Prop BBBBBB a K0 Hnole. Par Prop .. .. 1.71 BBi i'. rdon, Par Prop 1.87 BBBBt lit liuaael, ImprovamanU BBBBBBf er Iroi 7,TI BjBBBBB I'ruiik Art tial, Par Prop .... 1.73 BBBBBBf T.'ii. Tam-or, Par Prop .... 1.71 BBBBBI ' "ul" "''c0'. l'" Crop .7 BBBBBI i'1- lir '1k' Coi Co.. Par B BBBBBBl li miu'' .iv I'oal Co., Pr B BBBBBBf PI. iint aliiy roiil Co., Per BbbbbIv ss BBBBH" yu-anant Valley Coal Co., Not HBttflBBB Proceda of Mlna at CleiT Hbbbbbbbk " " ' Creik .. , .. ..S9II.B4 PlaHmnl Vnllar On! 04., Per Prop .. ., .. .. 110.73 Pleaaant Valley CSonl Oe-, Per Pnra .. .... .. ., .. .. 390. 7 PloKMRt Valley Omi Co., Pr Prop .. .. 37.41 P. V. Cool Co., Xt 1'rocaoiki of Utah Mlno at Mwd Creak 1070.31 Walta Purico A Co.. II., Pr Prop .. KisxiiiWoiiTii scuooii DiSTititrr NO. II. Carbon Co. t.inti Co., all nf IVc 31, T II. It II 111.76 CariHin Co. I -a ml Co., MM of pVo DR. T II. Illl K2.61 Caroofi Co. Inel Co., nil of aVe , T II. K I .. MI. 7t Carhnn Co. lailtd Co., H of 8KM, Hae II, T 11, It 1 ..., UK r'arnon Co., laintl Co., WWtt of Nllt4; NHS nf KWMs a S of NW H. e 14. T It, It II .. .. H0.34 .lm. Arrotico, H or MWH, Sao II, T H, It II 37. IC Carbon Ce lml Co.. all of S-r I. T II. Hll II0.4& (artmN Co. Irfiml Co., Ixit 7, H. I, T It, It II 37.16 Carbon Co. LHI Co., ItH of Nil H; 811 K of S'i HV M of KK. 8c 9, T It. It II 131.91 Carbon Co. Iml Co.. V of NKM; NWM f HhvSi W M of KWMs NU' of HV K. Mac II. T It It II .. .. 101.63 Carbon Co. I -ami Co., Per Prop 90.91 (Tarbon Co. I .ami Co.. Per Prop 33.60 Carbon Co. I .uml C., Per Prop .6t Carbon Cm. I-bihI Co., Per Prop 33.16 Carbon Co. t-aml Co., Par Prou 41.61 Carbon Co. taw) oa.. Par Prop , M.0 Carbon Co. l-aml Co.. IVr Prop 41.14 Carbon Co. I -nnil Ct., Par Pro) 41.10 Carbon Co. I ml do.. Par Proi M-7 Carbon Co. l-aml Co., Per Prop 4. It OarlHin (Jo. Iind Co Per Prop 10.06 Cnrbon Co. l-aml Co., Per Prop 97 CnrlHin Co. l-iind Co Per Prop 10 Ciirt.on Co, 1-nnd Co., Per Prop 2.46 Carbon Co. I-nnd Co., Per Prop .. .71 Jon IlriiKn. Per Prop I. II J no. Jiivnn, Per Prop 1.71 IIukIi Pnllcrlon, Per Prop .. 1.71 A. PUtotnla, Per Proi 1.71 Dun Htamlah. Per Prop .... 1.73 Toney PaPadnkl. Per Prop 1.73 Antone Vldmnr. Per Prop .. 1.73 Kvlch Itnukl, Per Prop .. .. 1.73 Jno. Polciuec, Per Prnp ,.,, 1.73 Toney Corlucol, Per Prop .. 1,71 Mlka Mnrovlteli, Per Prop .. 1.71 Itobt Treanlc Per Prop .... 1.71 lllrd Dyer, Per Prop 1.71 Hteve Worhi'. Per Proii .... 1.71 J. II. Illiieklmm. Per Prop .. 3.4. Irn K. (lood, Per I'rop .... 1.71 Toney lloiuil. Per I'rop .. .. 1.71 JiiIIiim HiirniHin, Per Prop ... 1.71 W. U (llli-M. Per Prop 1.71 O. W. tlnmlieck, Per Prop .. 3.69 W. II. MeClurir, Per Prop ,. 3.69 T. K. HoM-ellet, Per Prop ... 3.46 Art Mnrali, Per Prop 1.73 Jno. Taylor, Per Prop 2.69 Mr. Jane Phillip. Per Prop 1.73 Jno. Perlne. Per Prop 1.73 Horn llotlno. Per Prop .... 1.73 Itert Moricmi, Per l'ro 2.69 Henry Taylor. Per Prop .... 1.73 Jamr Morimn, Per Prop ... 1.73 J. Itnicerrl, Per Prop 1.73 T. V. Hnyeoek, Per Prop ... 1.73 Ham Kllllpc. Per Prop 1.73 Tom Tnmar, Per I'rop .... 1.73 Krlck Kimkl. Per Proi 1.73 llrlK llnmllton, Per Prop .. 1.71 Kucene Wilkin, Per Prop .. 1.71 Tony Hkerl, Per Prop .. .. 1.71 Jullu June, Per Prop .... 1.71 Jnmea llurton. Per I'rop ... 1.71 Henry Winter, IVr Prop .... 1.71 Mike Mlrhetedl. Per Prop .. 1.71 Theodore Yutnru. Per I'rop 1.73 Jno. Nltwia & Co.. Per Prop.. 16.60 fltoth I'armiliwM. Per Prop .. 1.73 Jon MiitHimlillit. Per I'rop ... 3.46 Pele 1-nrvln, Per Prop .. .. 1.71 Duff I'lrnnn. Per Prop .. .. 1.71 Joo 8u pv It I, Per Prop 1.71 r. Ciutrell. Per Proi 1.71 John Coeoln. Per I'rop .... 1.71 N'lek Htefom. Per I'rop .... 1.71 Mnrtln Hluk. Per Prop 1.71 Jnmea Clmine. Per Prop ... 1.71 ritnth KntM-dliiKW). Per Prop.. 11.21 Itlll PlutlM. Per Prop 1.73 Krnnk Miller, Per Proi 1.73 Jno. 'lilkiiliiklM. Per Prop .. 1.73 Oeo. Metn. Per Prop 1.73 Tony (llttlnimUlH, Per Prop .. 1.73 Hunt Thnmldnkl, Per Prop.. 1.73 Jninm Havulakl. Per Prop., 1.73 t .liluiknlakl. Per Prop .. 1.73 (Hint Nanapl. Per I'rop .... 1.73 Mike Vaurl. Per I'rop .... 1.73 Htelo Klitmoa. Per Prop .... 1.73 Hunt Vnlim. Per Prop 1.73 lllll Ploiimtl. Per Prop 1.71 Jno. Deivmn. Per Prop ..., 1.73 Tonev Kiilnrukln. Per Prop.. 1.71 K. .Miller. Per Prop 1.73 Jnmea lleverald. Per Prop . . 1.73 Oeo. Iliuoa, Per Proi 1.71 A. I llllman. Per Prop 1.71 Jon llown, Per Proi 1.71 Jno. I'lenae, Per Prop .. .. 1.71 Nlek Mnrlduklm Per Prop . 1.73 Jon lllondw. Per Proi 1.71 Jame Huttwy, Per Prop .... 1.71 Pete Crtllliino. Per Prop .... 1.71 C. II llrown. Per Prop .... 1.71 C. 1 Uttrenta. Per Prop ... 1.71 U I). TliomiHWMi, Par Prop.. 1.71 Hold. Tomlek. Per Prop .... 1.71 lllll ManloniMt, IVr Prop .... 171 It. H. Dnwd, Per Prop 10.11 UAUIIONVII.I.K SCIIOOI, IMSTItHT NO. ia. Prle Itlver Irrlaatlun Co., Idita 3 and S, fto 1. T It, It 8 .. ., II. Mary J. Kofcley. Ita II rJa U of NW .-or of 8WU of KB H. IfcH.l. T II, III I II rda. 8 tl rda. W IS nU. X 31 rla to bag 11.16 B. T. Jonaa, W4 of SBK. gc 1. T 14. It 11.71 W. I. MvlMHaton, Ia t, $he 4. T 14. It 10 10.i Ada M. Soulhworth, VU of IWIi, Ve I. TH, H it ,. 11.71 H. A. Soulhworth. Ut I. laaa County Itoad. Sao I, T II, It 18 II. IS Uirna PtKtnan. NRH of W U. Sao . T 14. K II .. .. 17.41 K, XV. Powell. Bait SW cor of KWH of Sac I. T II, It II, K U rda. S II rda, W II nl to baa, alao baa KW cor 7, S I rda, B 14 rda, K II rda. W 14 rda to bafc- .. 11.11 K. T'. 1 or all. lia NB cor of SBK uf SW M of Sao I, T 14. It II. W to rda. U II rda, B JO rda. N 10 r4a to Ue 1.71 H. It. W..tald J. M. Vhlt mora. KM of SBU: 8WK of MRU, Sao I. T 14. It II 11.(11 Iauat OramaUhla. SBK of SBU. Sao I, T II, R II .. 11.11 Oae, B. Boli, Par Prop .... n.u i'Iam llyland. Stt of KflK uf TWM. Sao 7. T H, H II .. it. II A. a Btwonaaii. tUft' KW oor Qf NVK fit iWK ftl 7. T 14. It 10, H M . ? . ., C. IL MiKJBtlerlck. I?6. ft 8 af .WW of W of SVH. to!.T 4t. , 914 ft. K l rL K II rite, W 111 ft, ft III ft. W ft (n bag 17.41 Jno. O. Davl. 8BK of 8WW. 8o 7. T 14. n II .. .. 10. Jno K. Manan-i A leo. Kat lakl. IWK of NKH. ",. 7, T 14, It 10 ! II. A. SfMthwortli. NW of KB H. Sac 7. T 14. It To ... " Oeo. Itytand. NMU r "KK: HKH of KBM, 8eo 7. T II. Illl 7-'4 Ada M. SoMthworlh. WW of mv, Sec . T 14, It 10 .. 11.71 C. II. Bmpay, llK HW cor of SNK of ItWH . Sao I, , T 14. It 10, K 11 ra I ft. K 10 nl, 8 It rda I ft. W 80 rda to bff 31.40 Nalaon Ituakln. KNtj: KW of SKVi; NWW nf SBM. Sw8, T 14. It I0 . 31.67 Mm C. II. MeKlmlerlck. Per Prop 1.17 Sarah K. PowalL Par Proi. .. 11.14 H. O. Mathla, W of 8tt. , . Sec II. T II, It X 10.89 II. 1. Mathla. SWW of MWK. II, T It. It I HIAWATHA. SCIIOOli . DISTItlOT NO. I. Iltack llRwk Coal Co. MW f SBWi KW f 8WU. laaa It af Vv! Sec 17. T It. It .. 10.16 lllark Hawk Coal Co. HW of Sac 23. T It, It 111.17 ItlM.'k Hawk (Nwt Co.. KWW of NWW of KKW; I5H of NKH of XKt.; WW f KB H of NKV,; ICW of KWK of NKW; SAVH of KWW of NBK.lic 14. T 16. It 8 ..1041.11 Iltack Hawk Coal Co.. KKK of KKH of KWWi W of NBW of NWH; KWW of KKW of KWW; KWW of KWW. Sac II. T 16, It 8 .. 111.96 lllack llnwk Coal Co., HW of KKH. SBW of KWW: ftV W of SBW; KRW of 8WW. , ,. Sac SI. Tit. It I 1 -7S lllack Hawk Cool Co.. WW of KWW. Sac It. T 16. It 8 .. .61 Ctinmlidatetl fuel Co., HI8U of 8IW. Hcc II. T 16. It 7 17.1 Conanlldated Piii'l Co.. N'itW of NKU. Hec 16, T II, It 7 10.11 Conaolldnted I'll el Co.. HW nf KWW: WW of SWW. oc 17. T 16. It 8 18.76 CotiMolliloteil I'll el Co., nil of Heo II. T II, It 1 414.81 Conitolldiileil l'uel Co., nil of Hec IW. T 16. It 8 406.01 Conaolldnted l'uel Co., HW of HWW, Hcc 20, T It, It X .. 47.88 Connolldntrd Puel Co.NHU of KWW of HWWi HWW of NWlli HWU of HWW: NH of HKW: KIW W HW U; HW f NWVi of HWU: NWW of NWVi of HWW. Heo 27, T It It 8 363.21 CnniMilldittcd l'uel Co., HltU or HKW of KWW j HISU of KWW f KWW: HWU of hww of Niew; HW: kkw of KWW: hww of KWW; KW of KWW "f KWWi HWW f KWV of NWWi NV, or HKW of NWWi HW U of HltU of NWU: HK U of KKW: Ni of HWU of KliUi HKW f HWU or KKU: KWW or NKU. Hoc 29. T 16. It X 1306.86 Ciinwillilntril Puel ('o., nil of Hot' 30, T IB, It K 412.66 (TonwilliUteii Puel Co.. HltU of HWU. Hec 21. T 16. It X .14 Coniuilldntcd I'll.-I Co.. NIU of KWW. Hec 21, T It, It X .11 Conaollilated Puel Co., NW of 8111 II. T It, It 8 8.17 Conxollilitteil l'uel Co., HWU or hiu: hw r mvu, h.- 21, T It, It 0 1.01 CoiiMnlldnled l'uel Co.. WH or NIW. NWH. Ie" It f W, Hoc 3K, T It, It 9 73.69 Conolldnteil l'uel Co.. HKH of KKU. lea It of W, Hre 29. T It, It 9 6.86 Conwilldntod l'uel Co., HKW or NWU, tea It of W, Heo SO. T It, It 9 6.20 Peter Jounukaa. HWU or KW U; kw or hww: kwu r HWU. Heo 21, T It, It I .. 20.67 Itul Piiruccl. KKU or HW U; hku of KKU; NW r HKW. Kw 38. T It, It 8 .. 30.32 Uml Puruccl. KKW or HKU. Sac II. XT It, It 8 4.11 McDonald lleoleatntc ft In v. Co..HW of HWW. Heo II, T It, It X 6.19 I'rttnk 14. Hnilth. HKU or NK U: pt WW or KKU, Hoe It. T It. It i 17.11 AliKUNt J. Papitao. IteK 800 ft H of NW cor KKU of Heo II. T It. It 8. H 418 ft, K 4IX ft. K 118 ft. W 118 rt tit IwK 10.12 lltlirene Kantolil. Ileic ISO ft It or NW cor or NRU or Heo It. T II. It 8. K 220 ft. H 1173 ft. W210 ft. N 1673 It lo beg 6.89 P. O. Hflvntsnl, HKU or NWU Hoc St. T II, It X 4.61 M. M. IteoVoa. KWU or NKU Heo I. T 11. It 10 1V6I I'rfil Mantey ft Mac Millar. NW r NKU. known a lol I 2. Hac 4, T It, It 10 . . 19.39 Tin. K. Iliwa. 8KV. of NKU 4. T It. It la 9.61 lala II. Parka, HKU or HKU H- 9. T It. It 10 9.61 P. M. Hunter. KW of HKU. nW 17. T It, It 10 19.39 Data II. Parka. SWW of KKU. Sa V. T II. It IN 9. , Mario Kutwra. KKW Ho 21. T It. It 10 18.18 The Irrlaatail Ijinda Co., Per Prop Il.ll It. II. Paala. Per Proi II Carbon-Bntary iHoraa Co., Par I'rop 419.91 Carbon-Binary Store Co.. Par IVop 172.71 Jim Meletaa. Par Prop .... 1 1 10 Auffuat Quarvntt, improve- mania and Par Prop . . . . 1 S . 01 Tlioa. U r.-eo. Per Prop .. 1.71 M. B. mark. Par Prop .... 1.73 Mlka Koaollana, Per Prop .. 1.73 Bd 8. Day. Per Prop til J. II. dinger. Per Prop .... 7.75 II. J. I lay. Per Prop 1.73 P. Auiettl, Par Prop 1.71 C. It. Haatimyer Par Prop .. 1.71 J. 8. Max, Par Prop Ill Jerome Aay. Per Prop ., ., 11.61 Petro Klrorelll. Per Prop ... 1.73 lib-hard Clark, Per Prop ... 1.73 Irvine Wtaer. Par Prop . . . . 1 . Tl CaMlodo Cecoarllll. Per Prop 1.73 Mat Camlirvan, Per Prop ... 1.71 Wm. O-Ketl. Per Prop 7. . . 1.71 Jno. Blomherda. Par Prop .. 1.71 Nlok Tuect. Per Prop 1.7 .Alexia Melltta. Per Prop .. .. 1.71 I Harr) Koulorea. Per Prop .. .7 Chaa. PMtlll. Par Prop ." . . 1.71 Iiula Sarm-t-no, Per Prop ... -j.TI Anaeln Vomhroaeo, Par I'rop 1.73 Joe Plonotll. Ier Prop .... 1.71 I Itafel Phlrrlllo. Per Prop .. 1.71 Harry Koulorea. ler Prop .. 1.71 , Alexia Uelltla. Per Prop .... 1 71 Jim r-ratelle. Par Prop .... Il7j . H5J Sr?;n' p,er sp T. W. HoUen. Per Prop .... l. ' fc, HHton. Per Prop .. i ?. Mike Moaulre, Per Prop ... z . A. W. Mwen.PwProp .. .. . if. U. 0krle4nm, ParVprop. ff U J. Martin, Per Prep .. J'5 lr.JwrtJXf'rw:: : Henry Parrtmond, PPW ' Wm1nrrto.n Pr Prop ... C. n. Jenarh. Per Prop .. '-'j Sam W- herlr. Per Prop ,'! WerVarmcHl.. Per I'rop.. A. II. Klchardaon. Per Prop.. JiJ CUrence tVmmorA Per I'rop Ijj P. It. Moaa, Per Prop f-IJ Wm. K-ktc, Per I'roji l rmn Wa.herly. Per I'rop ... J tlon. Howard. Per 'Prop IJ KlTk Papad.kl-. IVr, ''" " 'r irbi'WProp :. Jam- Pr-H-arlno. Per Prop.. 8.TJ Jnn -elan. Per I'rop ;J jno. Ilrotu. Per Prop i:J T,,m Verda. Per Prop .... Jame Ih-uflaa. Improvemenia and Per I'rop I'll 8cott Wertf leld. Per Prop ... . Martin Mlllerich. IVr Prop .. .l K. M. Hawa. Ir Prop .... Moaea Hawa. Per Prop-. Thoa. Moriran. I'" Prop " Itobt. WhHehead. Par Prop.. K. J. Cortla. Per Prop - O. lament. Per Prop .. ' Chrta Poaum. Par Prop ... j" lh-ca ivnter. Per Prop . II. M. Itoae. Per Prop (H Hoehner. Per Prop .... j " U P. Conahan. Per Prop .. IjJ Bam Dexlar. Per Prop .1 J. W. Johnann. Par Prop JJJ Oeo. A. Sohulta. Per Prop. . . 3.4i It. 1. Hloomer, Per Prop " m TwIM. Par Prop. " Jno. Whlmpey. Per Prop.. .. 1.7 j. P. Cameron, Par I'rop J J J. It. Morrow. IVr Prop .... J.ix D. V Sucey. Per Prop .... J" Che Saxton. IVr Prop '? J. J. Ilayea. Per Prop ! Ou Adama. IVr Prop 1 71 O. S. Johnann, IVr Prop ... J-Jj J. It Adama, Par Prop .... J K. A. Itnph. IVr Prop ... . J. p. Mom, Per Prop ... J " j. n. Hood, IVr I'rop ;" lter Iay. IVr Prop J" M. C. Olaen. IVr Prop J JJ aoo. W. Hooch. Per Prop .. 173 Hoy lltevena. Per Prop .. f.lj llfflnw OMfleld. Per I'rop .. J. IX J. M. Illlcy. Per Prop -73 J. O. Crimea. Par Prop .... I.J C. C. (Illl. Per Proi J. 73 II. It. Vo. Per Prop. 1.71 Prank lvoi". Per Prop .. I.l Clw. Avenilt. Per Prop .... 6.20 Itruec Hlrtkln. Per I'rop 1.71 I.c Tatlnn, Per Prop.. .... 1.71 Jn. Norton. Per Prop 1.71 Thi. Hardy. Per I'rop .... 1.73 II. H. Kukla. Per Prop 1.73 Mike 7.iiMin, Per I'roji .... 1. 73 Peter Caalamto. Per Prop .. 1.73 P. Ilelaene. Per Prop 1-73 II. Harm, Per Prop 1.73 lllll Ollvcttn, Per I'rop .... 1.73 Itobt. Itlley. Per Prop .... 1 71 Mnt Naluritle. Per Prop .... 1.71 Nick Ternnovn. Per Prop ... 171 Joe Toinlanlll. Per Prop .... 1.71 Jno. iHwmaaler, Per Prop .. 1.71 Oeo. Colderelll, Per Prop .. 1.73 P. M. Htintlnittnn. Per Prop.. 1.71 llnrl Per Prop .. 1.03 Jnmea Hnlnl, Per Prop .... 1.73 Onenr Kvnn. IVr I'rop .. .. 1.71 JnmcN Watt, Per Prop .. ., 1.71 Harry Hall IVr Prop 1.71 Albert Pheraon, Per Prop ,. 1.71 Carlo Condoln. IVr Prop. .. 1.71 Am Halley, Per I'rop 1.71 Wm. MrKenxle. Per I'rop .. 1.71 Ju. Wllmiii. IVr I'rop 1,71 Andy Malerbrnnk. Per Prop.. 1,71 Clamnee Common. Per Prop 1.71 It. Haycock. IVr Prop .. .. 1.71 Horn Moena. Per Prop .... 1.73 Oeo. Wllaon. Per Prnp .... 1.73 J ii m r Ward. Per Prop .... 1.73 ):. C. Unwell. Per Prop .... 1.73 T. I). Wyiit. IVr Prop 1.73 Toney Vechl. IVr Prop .... 1.73 Jno. X. KrbMman. Per Prop.. 1.73 T. II. William. IVr Prop .. 1.73 Jno. NleolH, IVr I'rop 1.73 tevo ProeatHkl, Per Prop., 1.73 Pele KavnrakU, Per Prop . 1 73 Mike HlHinbulakl. Per Prnp 1.73 lOttal Preitnle, IVr Prop.... 1.73 Aneelo Plant. Per Prop .... 1.73 Pete Kuknkl. IVr Prop .... 1.73 Mike Halloa, Per Prop 1.73 Mike 1'apiwm, Per I'rop .. .. 11.20 Anicla Pnparakl. Per Prop 1.73 Iter Job. Per Prop 1.73 Pete Knrnvleh. Per I'rop. .. 1.73 Hel Mrkiir. IVr Prop 1.73 T. Halo. IVr Prop 34.41 A. II. lavlilon. Per I'rop .. 1.73 J. W. Ileneh. IVr Prop .... 1.71 Hy lilril. Per I'rop 1.71 X. I. Adam. IVr I'rop .... 1.71 On OiMHlart. IVr Prop .. .. 1.18 IJava iJtlnl. Per Prop 1.71 Well Meclinm." Per Prop .. 1.73 J. O. Htanley, Per Prop .... 1.73 1). V. Hmlth. IVr Prop 1.73 K. IC. Holland. Per Prop. .. 3.69 C. II. Power. Per Prop .. ,. t.tR Joe ItniiMkHin, IVr Prop.. .. 1.73 Jnn. KaiMn. IVr Prop .. .. 13.78 Illoek Iluwk Coal Co., Im provement 1919.21 Pluck llnwk Fuel Co., Per Prop ConNollilatml l'uel Co., Im provement 1920.12 Conaollilnted l'uel Co., Per Prop 2910.61 ConHofldntcd l'uel Co., IVr Prop 18.23 Utah Hallway Company.. . . 8 19 . St Illaak llnwk Coal Co., Per Prop 17.91 ConaolliUtcd fuel Co., Net Proroed of Mine 2461.98 STOItltS SOIIOOli DISTItlCT NO II Fprlnit Canyon Coal tin., HW or KKW: KW nr HKUi HK W or 8K: See t. T It. It 9 217.80 RprliiK Canyon Cool Co., KKW or NKW: NKU of HKU of I SKW. ' R. T 13, It 9, .. 11.41 Cprlmc Canyon Coal Co.. NW or kkw or Kww: xw or SWW: KW or SRW; SKU of SRW: 8W of NWWi SH of KKW ofKWWi SW ! of KRW. Sec 16. T 11. 119. . 1118.71 Hprlnv Canyon Coal Co., KRW of KWW: SRW or KWW. Sec 17. T It. It I 11.89 fiprln Canyon Coal Co.. KW W of KRW. KRW of KRW. Sao IS. T II. HI 10.89 Hprln Canyon Coal Co., SHU of SWW. Sao II. T II, III 1.41 Standard Coal Co., SWW nr SKW; KW of SRWi SRW of SWW: KW or SWW: SW of NKll; KWW of KBWi KWW Sec I. T II, K 9. ., 161.18 Standard Cool Co.. SW of of SWW; SWW of SUH.Sae I. T It. R I 1. 68 no. Arrnnoo, NKW of SRW, Sec II. T 13. H 6 .. .. 7. 1.41 no. Arront-o. KRW of SWW. Ut 3, Sec 7. T IS. It I. .. 11.11 IStnmal P. Annie, KRW or NKW. Sec II.? II. H II .. 1.41 Prank Piccolo, Per Prop .. prlng Canyon Merc. Co., Per . Prl 17.41 Peter Uarbogllo, Per Prop .. 14.11 elar Harbadli. NWW of SKW. Se.- II. T II, It 9 .. 1.41 Aatona Rlnato, Improve .. "if ",". uq Per l-4 i NA 0&?'OWM,uft V Pr8n f' v YSH"tf. Por Prop .. 2.71 (loo. Snffte, Par Prop .. ... .7 w Qmt, Par Prop J.7i t 8lownrt, Par Proi 2. 71 Savoy Hotel enndi Cafe Price's Leading Hotel OPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Special Weekly Rates : : Family Sunday Dinners, 6 to 8 p. in. :: HI IIWIII II I I II II SMI I HI III I ll-HI lllll HIIMMHa I The Big Attraction at Our ij Store is the Little Prices I I I , We want you to come in any time and compare our prices with the prices quoted to you elsewhere. If you haven't time to come, just phone your order and it will have our prompt and careful attention. 4 1 ii Poultry, Eggs, Meats and Produce i Carbon County Com. Co. tmilUntltllllllllHIIHIIHIMIItlMIIHMIHHH H $50,000 Capital, J I : $60,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits I Should Impress the Depositors I i' The pioneer bank of Carbon county through well do- H served merit litis kept pace with the growth and progress or Price and Carlwn county. Every facility for nnndllns ) H your business. THE HRST "NATIONAL BANK I PRICE, UTAH. I I M -1 1 fl We Buy I Beef Hides, Pelts, Furs, Wool and Beeswax. I KENTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE. Phone 153 PCE, UTAH B .. .;v! M 1 The Wisdom in SavingJ A man who aavt a ilullar la a Umnfuotor; ono who tfoclim another BJ iivo n dollar l a ultlc l.enefurtor anil hIiouIiI lm knlshtml tlw"' BH Jollar put In th lnk at I'lmipoiiiul InUreat lukea root Inalnntf.. It T M paroheil or l.urnwl by druiitlm; m. killed i,y froat or aloot It cannot M JuriKl by heat or cold, l.y famine or iiwttllenco, by fire or flood, " Btj M le lost through a hol. In the im-ki. nor iMirrowed by aome iirBll" ntli in HH or boon imi.anlon. It la beyond Hie rattan of mrtlmunko or llhtnlnC. Uant. sneak thief, thtiif or murUerar. It work for you by day "!iJ l . HundHja. lrHal holiday and week day are all the ttamo to It It w !l not " H nor rot, nor b faien by worma. It will aprout and malurw it r.i 'n'c'7, B for yu every year thrttUKhout all eternity and than bo a frmn "J M ut M o gt. on worklnv for you and your deacemlanta h tha day It wn find to the bank. It will to a alave that never wta, drink nor ilci nor and need no overaeer. i B The Inveatment of money In aalnK m-count nt the bank t ' nmL Intereat la the toat Inwatimnt, the moat profitable Inuiliica n" BBl and Krandeat etulaton that I kn..w anythlnic ubout. fVfl ritifi: ti)iMi:nti.i, .v savin;k hank M Topic Bar I M0N0(UtAM NO. ( H A SPECIALTY. , Only IliKhojit Grade of Domwtic and Imported Goods H Handled Over Our liar and Cigar Counter. H bbbbb! bbH J. H. JAMES, Prop. i.l bbI