Newspaper Page Text
I 'I9HB 111 Eastern Utah Advocate pm I I- " UTAH'S BEST WEEKLY, PUULISIIED IN "THE BIGGEST LITTLE CITY ON EARTH." ) B ENTIETH YEAR. PRICE, CARBON COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 191 1. NUMBER 6S fl pMllINS bnvifi l(Vt' ' If8IM, MTi:i W TiiiM)nmtT ixht. Ki Conitlllon Snltl to lie Kvcep KatltX owl, Iti-scrvc Atmnilnnt Ml Miort Time Money Clicn New Mfirm Working Smoothly. BcfllllNOTON D C, Dec. 14. EicUl c million throughout the El BUtr have Improved grcitll) Ki hit few month, ncronllnic to Bi t tlir rnlernl reserve Inmnl ft ti me of tho mimt prominent rrarfthrt nnlr) Credit eon ill were Mll to be cxeeplloiwll) rn rvt nhundntit nml abort Bmntn irip Br ri-, rt were made by mcmlicr Be ml it r ' mn II the only hotly BferlicJ v tho federal rceervo net Br- mlu t to tho federal reaervo B. In 'tiding such well known fin-B- J I' Morgan nml J II Por B Their opinions on conditions Bin- icuntrc were recelvcel with But I the board n n mnt prom Blndlatlin Hint business genor B nvlvlng nml on the upwnrd B -tin B) council held It flrnt neaslon Btihlav ntul met twlen with the B It mink' no concrete rciom Bttlotm although the board nuked Bdvl -e on question relating to deposit, tho tine of acceptance Bhn admission Into tho federal Bn of stnlo hunk. Through nn Buta committee ine council will By nulimlt It conclusions on lhco Bu. B 1'iircl Iwoird Mtateinent to. B reciting tho event of tho flrnt Bog which rctd In part B the Joint incrtlnic It wn ug- with refereneo to state hank Won Hint en re tie uscel In order Belt to the DHtcin only those In Bona which were strong and en- of pirforniltiK the Men Ion In BVrrlnl way, while nt the name BVtklng pain to protect the tin BJtank of tho n) -Irm In the full Brent i f their privilege. Care BWrnlnatlun of all entering bank BWmmi It wn stated thiit Hny pnrtit or th eountry, ntnlo BJtre rend) nnd wlllInK to wok BVlon to the )tem under iroper Bun In substantial number Br meeting developed un tin Bvdegrcc of enthusiasm over the Bkt of the federal rewne y Btpnrtl ulurly with refereneo to BVarlng of check when properly BWrdrd nnd applied " Br Imiird nnnounred tonight Hint BJderul hunk In Cleveland und Bk City today lowered their re Hit rntrM to corrcpond to those BJttrd )rtcrdiiy for Atlanta. A Br retirement of emergency cur Hi expected to follow theito re- BACK TOTHE MINES BKm In otomdo IWIng Adjusted BKmiil Men do to Work. HfVrit Colo, Dei M--Two BV un' :i toil miner through BB) rt ite I v.c tH(iired Muplo) BBln the itrlke wn inlled off BBtk. r rdlug to announcement BB J din It UiWHiin, Colorado BB" of the Intt rnntlounl oxecutho BBf the I nlliil Mine Worker or BBi Ijiwron explulneil, how BBhnt the organization Iiiih not BBe re pi rt upon which to de BBj the number with accuracy BBommlttiu ha been appoint d BB)rMm tho termination of the BB Thl iommlttee eoiulta of BB-I llaiM, John It. I-awnon. BHwilklnron, D A tYumptoii BHlxrt llarlun, all member of BBJtrnitlonal exccutlvo board. BBjateuunt lutd bj thn new BBJko ntmun ta nwreplng reatrle BBJ tho paxnent of Htrlke bene BBphe union After ordering nil BB" ' f tho organization to apply BBjk at tho mine, the Btntiiment BBJ tl t 'the organization will BBjr to tikii iaru of lilweklUteil BBh t tho 1 1 hi of It ubl'lty" BBp-' i of the dtntement hoh BBpk 1 1 the rinuni lal coiulltloii of BBp'i!' tl n at thl time, and due BBj'ir' rl-i i of women nnd Uill BBjII Mm who Iiuno no clomi BBJtl i In Hit Htrlke region or BBJt I I IKlrt n ilependent upon BBr ' t t'pcitttl to druw re BBI;I r 'i is made noeeomtry on BBv f f limited fund nt our B-N IINTMI COUNTV BBBM II M" IN IH'CIUiSNK BBBl uhi ', rount) urejor of BBl nt haa returned from BBVt. j)ure ho conferred with BB'ii' "tn count) uro)or of BBKl Jul) und tounty survjyor BBMirhesne count), with refer BBBtlir boiintlary lino between BBBnd DutlicMiio countloB, nay BBB I xprtM. No action wn BBBd nnio will bo taken until BBB -'nt r immlmloner or the BBB-'j tn'-tt In January BBBt rep rt ha reached Varnal BBBff' t that It I udmltUd In BBj that tho 11 Oh meridian or BBB' hl'li hiiM been designated BBBuut) line upliu tho new high BBBUdlng In the mlddla, placing BB1 m I Intuh and tlio uthur BBBf lieunc TO PROBEJill HEMS t'niiiU or Comnirnlnl Saving nml lU'iiefll Trnii.frrrctl ttnlnw folly. t Allegation that the orflccr of the t nlon Having nnd Investment com pnn) nnd the Commerelnl Savings and Heneflt company have connived nnd tonducted the affair of tho concern i a unlawfully to transfer nlmut HO.O00 from tho trcaaury to their own pocket nnd are now Indebted to vnriouh patron to the amount of nboul $100,000, which they cannot pa), arc mndc In n stilt filed lnl Thurmlay at Halt Ivke City agnlnt the eampAtile and their officer nk Ing niipolnlmmt of a receiver nnd nn nceountlng The null I brought by William K Kernley nnd other, who nay they have been victimized by the opt ration of tho compan). It I ehnrged that the eomtwnr bwoti nlmitt flftv thou, nnd proteetlou tork nt n mr value or one dollar, which wan to be mild ror -protection r tnvealor In 9100 Hhareti or Inveatment irioek nt a pur value or one hundred dollar Thl InvpHtment irtotk It I alleged, waa ittibl to the uiHHMpectlng on payment running from three 4x tltillnr n month Many aollellor were put out nnd Mold the toek brvadeat on the biilltllng nml loan plan, with great priiml-c of return to the Inventor. It I nllrgcd that thn officer, named In the ult n I). J. William, N V. June, (leorge A. (luff, John T. Mor rl, Mllo K Cumtnlng. Ilenjnmln K. dimming. Jr. M. II Krlebel nml W P William, either conducted tho hiiftlnc Improperly or Ignored the liUHltiei nml let June nnd (luff linn die It In n manner Hint remitted In li r,M if ntnl rulti tl Im i.tntniml Ihnl the officer tranf erred twenty thou linn hnre or protection hnrr to themclve 'Tor norvlec perrormed," thru organlzetl the Commercial Hav ing company nnd transferred the toik to that Then, It I wild, they imltl themlvc 12 to 30 per rent dividend on thl twenty tliounatifl dollar worth or tock, taking the money put In by Inventor vvho were pn)lug their three to lx dollar a mouth ror tock to do It. There arc ovcrl toukholdcr or the Union at Trice who are "tung" In uin ranging from u. hundred to a thoiiMind ilollnr on vtovk In thn I'nloii, iKjiighl through tho Wllllnnn'e breatiHe of the ropreentntlou of tho latter, who are personally known lo rn I ly. U. J. William, the foxy one of the hunch, I out with n denial or nny Intentional wrong doing, which or cnurae I to be cxpeuted, I loth the t'nlon and tho Commirelnl rompanlt hold Momn real VMlate nt 1'rlce, itim inonl) referred to n the William e Into Price Hloikholder or the t'nlon are working with nnd through Kern le) to try nnd recover what they can from the wreckage .It'hIICK KWIII.HSON COMMITS IIIMSin.r TO IMI'ltlhONMr.NT I'robubl) n unlipie u Juatlce court document a i-nn be found In the nn iml or the count), enme down from Hunilde Monday To any the leat. It I tho only one on record In vvhlih the J u Mt lee cek to commit hlmeir to Jnll nnd Imptme a heavy fine upon hlmneir or the ofreme or the real de fendant. following I the caption of the commitment "In the JuMlce'n Court, before .. .Jimtlie of the rente, In nnd l'or 8nnn)iddo Product. L'nrhlu Count), Htnto of Utah. Thn Htate of I'tnh v. Andrew laef, de feiitlnnt. Commitment." Then follow the wording of the tommltment. which belde being un iiKiinl In that the Jimtlte flnt hluueir one hundred nnd fifty dollar nnd thirl) tin) In Jail. I icbto more or lea a literary gem. Thua: 'The Htate or Utah to the Hherlfr, of Corbln County, Greeting An order having been made thl da) It) me that Wm II Hnndcnion. de fendant, be held to nn-wrr upon n ehargn or or wllfuly trjlng to tako l'erelon or Frank Nado hou and wire by rorte with thret or bodley Ingory nnd uUcr herlnd hi evldenie and him idenlng Oulltey I Tut a rino of one hundred nnd fifty Dollarn nnd thlrtoy da) ImprUenment on Defend nut and coat or ID 60" Tho commitment Is then signed b) Win II Handeron, Juallie of tho pence IIAIIH AlilHN I.VJIOII IN llli: STATU III' AHI.ONA IMIOKNIN. Dee 14 Clov Oeorge W V Hunt proclaimed lato today tho iiUHiHiire onrried at tho Novembt r election. Including the prohibition and the nntl-ullen labor moamire, efrt Hva Jununr) 1, 1915. Tho attack upon the dr law In tho form nf four emnte application for Injunction will bu filed In the federal court probah!) tomonow nt Tncnon The SO per cont meaaure, compel ling tho emplo)iuent or 80 per cunt American citizen In till bimineiw with rivo or more employe. hn been pro textetl to the atato dopartmont ulreudy by tho Urltlah und Italian tmban dora upon theor) that It violate tho treaty right or alien. I'lJIH.IMI OltDINANClCS. At meellngH of tho city council on Monday und Tuesday night the rend ing or tho city ordinance wmm com pleted nnd It wu decided to publish them In book form fifteen will bo bound In full sliuep and thirty-five in papor binding It wns the Idea or tho oouiiull that ouuh bualne firm In the city should bo In poaHetudon of u com plete copy of thg ordinance. Location notloes carried In itock at The Advocate, Advt. SEVEN TO CONTEST ELECTION RESULTS Seek to Have Vote at Helper and Price Declared Null and Void Many Irregularities Alleged by Republican-Democratic Nominees. During the day eeven eonteel pro ceding will tie flted by defeated can didate for county ofriec nt thn No vember election The title or the ountet nre na foll-ow MeWblney v. foul: Iturr v. Hryner, Colling, ham v. lraMr; I-a v. Ilamlllon: MaretiMn v. OoMlng. UHI va. Ilallln ger. and Wetiel v. 1'oreater The neren conteatnnt nk that nil vole-t credited the eenteatnnt In the llilper nnd Price preelnet be de clared by the dlatrlrt court to be null nnd void nml be excluded from thn official count or vote ror conteatnnt nml conteatee ror the acveral office ror which the conteatnnt were can didate. In each Inalance the nature or the complaint In practically the name with the exception of the number nf vot credited to the candidate by the cnnvnatlng board The particular ground upon which the conteatnnt bne their content In the Helper district nre n follow TImt the voting In anld dlatrlct wn through error, fraud, mlatakc and malcondurt on tho part or the pre tended Judge or election. Context ant then allege Hint It H Alllnon, Ham Hteln nnd Knoch llr)ner wcro np polntetl by the board or county com mbetloner or Carbon county n thn Judge or election of Helper precinct, but that none or ald pcrnon np pointed took or milmirlbed to thn ctinatltutlonnl or oath or office nnd that no peron iiuallfled a n Judge or elei tlon In icild precinct, nnd further, that Mild Hteln nnd Mr) tier cnucd to be opened the aealed package con taining the official ballot of nald,thtf nbmmce pf tUtUMtldlAl lleon; that aald pretendeti Judge of election railed to provide, nny guard rail or other equivalent or nny mean or ohMtructlng b)tander nnd npccln tor from approaching within alx reel or any other dlatnnce or the balolt box or or the voting booth or com partmeut nnd that no obstruction or dlviNlon wa eroetetl or provided whereby llie npproatii or ii)innuer or other prraon could be or wa pre vented nnd that by rrnon or which, b)Htandera, pectntor nnd the grncrnl public were lllegall) permlttnl tlur Ing all hour from the opening of the poll until the cloao thereof, to be nnd remain In chow proxlmlt) to nnd within the prohibited dlatnnce of the ballot box nnd the voting booth und upurtment i" that tirlvitc) wa not afforded the elector and that necur Ity rronl obaervatlon, lnt rfereiice, In tlmldatlon and nnno)nnce contem lilatcd by law a necexniry nnd tiroper were entire!) cllaregitrded, and Hint largo number or pcraon were per mitted to remain within a distance or le than alx reel or the ballot box, booth nnd compartment during vlr tunll) all the time from the opening to the cloalng or the poll und were permitted to Intermingle with voter while in thn net of obtaining ballot nml voting at mild election The conteatant further allege that wild pretended Judge n of election per mitted William T Hamilton, candi date for the office of county commia aloner ror tho four) ear term, and J. T Pitch, candidate ror the office or Mtnte reprcaentatlvc, to bo and remain nt the entrance to tho room wluro audi election wo In progre und within twenty feet from the ballot Imix where vote wore being deposited nnd during marly all the time while auch election wn In progrrn anld pretended Judge permitted mid Ham ilton und rituli to thero electioneer and to anno), pcramide, Intimidate nnd Influence voter und purajn com ing to aald election place for tho pur poo of voting by entreaty, converna tlon nnd urgument und to pout und keep posted outalde of the room wherein audi election wa In prngrcsa u tuple ballot marked to Indlciito how the ballot might bo coat for tho progressive candidate nt Much elec tion und Hint a largo number or vo ter were HiibJuoted to audi Interfer ence, nnuoyauctt. Intimidation ami peraunalon of audi candidate, that ut neven o'clock tho Judge declared tho poll ulcivd and oxc 'udad from the room tho general publk there bh acmbleil and locked the door of aald room und that on!) a row lertmna having u key to the door or -Haiti room were permitted to outer, except mid; persona vvlio entereit by the In vltutlnn or permbwlon or pencona poa HeMHed or audi u key and that nuih kea wure poaseased only b) William T Hamilton. Joseph llarbogllo nnd Wllllnm Cook, and that audi maleon duet wu oommltlttd with the knowl edge nnd conMent or the protended Judge or election, that wild Judge permitted one 1 1) nibnon to elee tloneer within Hie polling room on behalf of tho progrtMMlve candidate, Hint a private citizen wna permitted to enter the polling place und to have untie to the ballot box and tho bal lot therein uontalnd alout 3 o'olouk the following morning und ullnwtKl him to nort ballot and otherwise tumpcr und Intorfero with them; that after the Inning or the poll Hit aald Judge of election c-uimxl the voting booth to be placed agalnat the win down of th riH.iti wherein the eleetbin wa hebl " n to effeclunll) exclude all iWratln through avch vvlndn-r. that aald William T llamiltnn at dlf rerent time ilorlng the night nf No-Miil-cr Id anil In the earl) morning hour of November uti niutiml to net and nctonll) did net an n Judge or aald election nnd actually took ihhwc altin or nnd tnnde enlrha Umn one or the official tally aheel nnd pnrtlel pntcd In the count or the offlelnl Iml Iota and wn allowed to relieve nnd take the place or anltl Knneh llr)ner, who nt tllffcrcnt time went to a ilia taut part or the room nnd lept while nald llnmllton acted In hi atentl; Hint aald ballot box wn not kept locked no that tho ballot would be free from being tnmtiered with. Hoiking to throw out tho Prlro dis trict, tho contestant make tho rl lowing allegation That nt n meeting or the board or county commissioner nn April 9th, I9I3, three election precinct were created In anld district, thnt on Octo Iter 19, 1114, the following election Judge were named by the commis sioner John Mathl. John Potter nnd John II. Pnre, Judge of district No. I, which Nhoiild Include nil name rrom A to O, John Prlncet, Heren Ol hcii ami John A rr)th, Judge or tllntrbt No. 2, which should Imludn nil mime from 11 to N, George I'iiu sett, IM Olson and George 1". Ockc), Judge of district No. 3, which ahould Include nil name from O to 7., that Judge ot election within nald Prlca ircclnrt.BBdthnta)heMYotr had no lfiinnk"br kilowlnlT tlie location of nny or the voting prevluola therein nnd that no territorial boundarle or geo graphical division or dmlgnntloni wcro mnde or attemtited and that by reason or auch failure un the part or tlie county commissioner no valid registration or the voirra or either or aid pretended three election pro duct wu made or kept and no valid legal election wn had within cither or nald pretended election district and no valid or legal vote wcro cast therein ror tho reason that audi pre tended dlatrlct have no real exist ence! that one Matt Ollmour, u mem ber or thn progrcMlvo party, wna oho sen to net nn thn registration agent ror each und nil or aald thrco pretend cd election dlatrlct, no thnt na to ut least tuo of hiiuIi pretended election district nn iiuallfled registration agent wn nppoluted to net or acted. The contestant further nvor that neither John Mathl nor John Pace nor John Potter went qualified eler tor or dlatrlct No. 1 nnd that neither or them had tho right to vote In the dlatrlct which they pretended to rep resent. A almllnr allegation I made In reference to John Prince, Heren Ol xen und John A. l'orr)th, pretended Judge or dlatrlct No, 3. In dlatrlct No. 3 It I uv erred thnt fleorgo I'uu sett wu not u qualified elector of pre tended dlatrlct No 3 lly reason of these, alleged Irregularis the con tentunt aver that nil of tho vote cast In tho three districts wero fraudulent und void nml that tho aald Judge hud no uuthorll) to count them or Include them In tho election return In their prn)er to the court the kontcNtanla oak that nil vote credited thn contestant nnd contesttc In tho priHlnct of Price nnd Helper bo de clared null nnd void nnd be excluded rrom the offlalal tount or volt ror contestant und contestce ror tho sev eral county office conteatcd ami that the official cm n van nnd return of the county commhwloner of Carbon coun ty, sitting n n board of cunvuHer, be corrected nfter thn exclusion of thn vote cast In Price nnd Helper pre -elm ta In tho event the onteatnnta nro NucceHHful In having tho vote In thn two precinct thrown out on account of tho alleged Irregularities it would mean tho election of tho entlro rcpub-lloun-democrutlc ticket with the ex ception of tho county recorder and Ntntn representative. Hhnuld Helper ulono bo thrown out, Marouiwin. WcUd and Hill would huve majori ties over their opponent. In accordance with the olootlon atn tute tho content must bo hoard not lea than ten nor more than twenty du)a after It ha been filed with tho county clerk. Tho oomplulntH b) the auverul con testant will bo verified during the afternoon and riled with tho county clerk W. N Wetzol und doorgo Col llnghum or Hunnyalde, candidate for the office of oount) urve)or und count) uHHcNwor, respective!), George Huff or Heoflold, candidate) for the two-ytutr term commissioner, und J W Hilt of Wellington, candidate for the office of treasurer, will arrive In 1'rloe during the day to Hwenr to tho oumplalnt. Our Job department ti up to date Try u on that next order of printing Tho Advocate. Advt MORE GAMERED j t'tnli Itnltwny del Another Half Mil lion Dollar Worth An order ror rive hundred all-steel Hil enr or the lateet t)pe. represent ing nn expenditure or approximately hair a million dollar, ha ben plarcd b) the Utah llnlhvii) compnu), to pro-tr-t the traffic originating along It line Nearly a hundred or the earn huve been receive tl nnd practically all or the remainder nre now on their vvny hero rrom Pittsburg The car are known a the general crvleo t)po gondola. With the exception or coal earn no ither equipment hn been ordered Tho power nnd other clnnso or equip ment thnt may be neecnry ror the pcratlun or tho road will be rurnlsh ed b) the ) It O. which operate the road nt Panther Junction, n mile north or Helper, and run flft) -eight mile to the mine nt lllnek Hawk und Mohrland It wa turned over to the operating detHtrtment of the I) A It O by the Utah rallwn) aome thlrt) day ago i.isr or .intoit-i iiii.wvn nut iiik vicau or tm.-v The list or Juror to nerve. In thn district court or Carbon county dur ing 101ft. n elrnwii by tho Jury com mlsslonirn, hns been completed by the county clerk It follow: Winter Quarter Chn. P. Ander- on, Alfred Nevvren. Win T l.vnn. Noah Potter, Niels Nlctnon, John I-. Parr), Jnme Wallace, Joseph llloh- lard nnd Joseph II Cox. Heofleld Prank Htubb. Mntt Wnh Un, Chan. Moehle, K J l.tewellyn, Jnme Pultrr, A I Johnson (Jorgen on), John II NlelNon, J W Wennz, Ariel lllehnrtls, ttwl Kvnn Castle (late Morgan Kvnn. Henry llninpnon. Alma Hardy, C 15. I lost wleh, N C Chrlstensen, C W. Pul sipher, J A Thorp, Alfred Olson. Iiul N Oakley, IMwnrd Cox, J. C. Know, Vcrn T Aver Dnvl llarne. J i: llntchelor, W II llnhcook. K. Chamberlain. Wllllnm Kdmnn Helper K A Oman, J Tom Plteh, Joneph l.lttlzeittl. Ham Hteln, M P. Ilergera, Itny Miller. T II Warren, Knrl Wilcox, II I'lnlm, P II Young, Alma llnycock, J M Holme. J A. Ilnlverietin, J H Moore, I. T Ilorken llngen, Josyph PlumlHTg, II 1' Moss, P.. V. Itrown. A. J. Htufrord, John I llajnt.. K. natUJWtayeToftti HCoeiy, ItA. WnrnpletTMloiVrrTCK llson, K II. Illnckwell. Hprlng Olen John Tr)on. John Jensen, David Itowley, K N. P. Jen mn Price George A Nixon, J. W Ioof hoiirovv, Uir 1'riindMen, A. W. Illrtb, Heren Olsen. M T. Ilarniuit, John A Mnthla, A II Hunleu, Orson Ijirson, MeClure Wllsun, Herman II Hominy. John 1' llrncr, Joseph June, George K Nclin. II II Giictxmnn. II) rum I riuidscn. U It. I'lillmer. W J West. J T Ijcoiiurd, J M Hanson. C W Tingle), John Dooley, John Unas. It J Turner, John Potter, John II Pace J Ilex Miller. Andrew Oman, Law rence Whltmore, J I) Crltc blow, Wil liam Mclntlre. Hurry I. Ho, Hub ert Illshop, Itnsmus Krantlsen, II It McDonald, Itobert McKiinc, Krnstus Vntlerson, Martin Anderson, Lara Gutideraon, A J Iee, J. H ltedd, Curl ISmpoy, Owen I.loyd, A. W, Hhlncr J It, Pace, l.eo Ionnrd, I. A Ijiuber. Wellington Win II Tltlwell, Hr., J It (loldlng. W i: June. Prank Hill, Jnme l.lddcll, William Itlch, Albert Harries, Irvln Ilranch, Hurve) A Pine gar, Humuel Hlilmmtins, J r Kunnyslde George N Hill, II. A. Johnson, A II. lltipklnson, aeorge Colllngham, John I Uvans, William Marshall, Warren N Conrnd, It M Palmer, J H. Vurner, Dave Hteven son, Arthur ChrUtenaen, Net Nelson, J C Twaddle, A l 1 1 ad ley. I M ward llurton, Hteven Johnaon, Itldiard Im ter, Hul Tii)lor, Jus, C Woodward, John A Olson. Thomii Itlcharde, Dave Crawford Clear Creek l.ovl W Heynold. C. M Anderaon, Kd llolllmaii, W U llurton, John I. Ilcnaon, Jnme Aver tl, Itceao Phillip, Dnvl Gordon, J. Y lladdow, Holier Ward, Oeorgo Hartley Kenllworlh A. I. Tii)lor, Henry Ulbb, Art Hiimelw right, Jnme A. llurton, I.d H. Klmber, It. M Davis, llerl Morgan Curbonvllle It W Powell. Hiawatha K. I. Hlmmon. W. It. Whlloheud, J. N Norton, W I. I-ninp Whitehead, J N Norton, George D I la) mond, W L lnmph, John Patter son, Oacur liluokburn. It II. Ilronk llluok Hawk I 1" Crngun. P J O'Connor, I. I.oon Curpontor, It Ilru baker, J. It Doolln, a W Thurston, V C ChrUteuaon, Levi It Thomas. Htorr A II. Lelchty, Oeo A Hhop imrd, Ituasoll Storm, David McMillan, (IharltHt llaltw, Morri Murtell, II. II. HtrlnRham, CharleH Carlson, W W June, 15 C Cruvca Carbon J W Crnwrortl, Hubert Ooroltl O. C, MiWIIINNHV UliSHJVh! C. It. MAItCUSISN KI-KtriHI) At the regular monthly meeting or tho high Mchool board held luat Hatur day, C C. McWhlnnoy tendered hi resignation uh clerk or the board, due to tho fact thut he will leave for Cal ifornia about the flrnt of January, und upon motion the name vvua ac cepted C It. Murouaen, president of tho iHiard, who will be relieved of that position on tho 4th of January when H A. Guiding. Htipurliilmulunt of sehoolH-eloet, will uwmmo the office or president, wuh elected a clerk In Mr, MoWhlnney'H place. Hubber atampi ot every deacrlptloo old by The Advocate. Advt STATE ASKS CONTROL ' in mnmm to in: tki: immhoiatk. tiY to sirrn.i: M.rri:it. H I'tnh Claim Itlglil or Coal DcpoelUt BmbI Cutler Knnhllog Act Interior Dfv- VmBBBBBj INirtincnt lie liiclnul to (live Up Au- affnVaVal tliority Over Cnrtsiu Wins. . fBBBJ Htep will bn taken Immediately by liBVaVJ the legal tlcMtrtmeiit of tlio atnla to ' VBBBJ curry the eonimvcmy between thn jBBBJ United Htate Interior deimrtment nnd ' .SBBB the state laud Nwrtl over title to conl I'flBflVJ land In nchevnl ettiiim granted thn Mate under the enabling net. to the BBBBJ United Htatea supreme court for flnvl BpBVJ anil ileflnlte'tleclslun nml settlement. iBjBJBJI Thl liiformatlnn la e-onve)ed by A. It. ' 'BBBB llarne, nttorne) general, upon hi ' 1BBBB return fnun Washington. c. whern ' , BBBB he attended a hearing before the In S j BBBB terlor deiHirlliient na In the state' tllln BpBpj to mineral bearing nnd land em- ,'flBJBJB bruc.Hl m the Mchool neetlon. The SBBBBBJ ease wn brought b) New Mexico, but HflBBBBJ Utah Joined In tho fight, n the vmn jBBBfl questlnii I new- eenfnintlng the Und (BBBB offlelnl or thl 'j BVfl New Mcvlco Iutcretctl. VBBBfl New Mexico wn represented nt tho - VflVfl hearing b) It P Urvlen. commls- ;BBBfl Nlonrr or public lands, nnd M. J, Ue- iBBBfl Guinness, apcelnl assistant to tha nt- IBbAb torney general or New Mexico. W. j BBBB D. Ciindlnnd, president or the tat ' BBBB land board, A It llarne nnd Ilia- J BBBB innrck Hurler represented tho tntn ?BBMB or Utah Thn right wn on the qura- HBBjfl tlon or Jurisdiction or thn Interior de- IBBBb pnrtmeiil and It wn clnlmed by thn iBMBB reprcsentntlve or tho ilnte or Utah jBBBfl thnt the enabling tut gave thn ntntn jBBB title nbaolutn without rrrervutlon nn BBB to mineral bearing or conl land. Thn SBflVB net granting land to New Mexico, BBMb however, contain n mineral reeorva- 'tl tlon clauae, while thn act under which jBBBfl I'tnh became n Rtnlu doe not. Tho liVjVjVjB Interior department crilm Jurladlc- iBBBfl tlon eivcr mineral and coal-bearing jBBBfl land nnd nlwn) had held that while BBBJ the net did not mnkn n reservation for BBBfl I oilnernl-benrlng land. It wa Implied BBBfl .MiJhojsran Js...' " Kcltlciiieiil I lllstunt. ' ' H "Thn nurstlun l n long wn) rrom BBBfl being settled,4' wild llarne. "and I am BBBJ nntlaflctl that the Interior department jBBBJ will uoutlntiu to hold tnnt It ha Juris- 'BBBJ diction over the land in vnlved in thn BBBJ control er) A A Jonr. first aiulnt- BflBfj nnt secretary of tho Interior beforo BBBJ whom tho hearing wan held, wan Im- BBBJ pressed with the argument, but aald BBJ that even n decision on hi part In BfBfj favor of tho state would not nettle (BBBJ tho matter flmill), na hi successor "BBBJ inlgli tlctltlo ntlurwlse. iBBBJ 'Heetlou 0 of thn enabling act un- iBBBJ eler which Utah bicnma a state, grant- BBBJ eel the state of Utah Hectlon 3, 18. BBBJ 33 nnd 3C In every township In the BBJ stale without reservation. Hectlon 10 BBBJ of tho name net provide that when IBBJ these liiiul Mhull bn illMpoed of by thn iBVJVJVJ mate the proceed ahull go to thn IH I'timmon scboola nnd thnt they will IH mt be subject to entry under tho BflBJ liomcateatl law or public land lawn. 'BBBJ "Conl laud are located under tho jBBBJ public land lawn nnd not the mineral iBBBJ not, no thut vvhlln tho enabling act BYJVJVJ may huvn Intended reservation of BBBJ mine nil hind, It did not mean conl ,BVH hind. Thut I the question tu bn BBBJ raised b) uh Just an noon n wo can BBJ get tho matter beforo the aupremo BVfli court of tho United Htate." BvJBl I'lNAIi HONOItH Alti: PAID & lti:OIIOAM7,KD CIIUHCHMAN BBBJ INDl.Pl.NDI.NCl.. Mo., Dec. 13. Without flowers, drapery or pagean- BBBJ try, the bod) or Joseph Hmlth, preal- BBBJ dent or the Itceirgunlzed Church ot BfBB Latter-day Halnt. vvho died Thum- BBBJ day, wn burled here today. In no- BBBJ cordunco with the direction given by BBBJ the patriarch on hi deathbed, thn BBBJ aervltca were nlmple. A fovv of hln BBBJ favorite li) inn vvern sung John Luff, BBBJ a, lifelong friend, pi cached the oer- BBBJ BBBJ The body lay In atuto In tho local BBfl temple throughout tho daylight hour. BBBJ During the servltca u reverent thronir BBBJ crowded the rhiin h nnd stood In thn BBBJ Htiovv outalde. It wu u spirit of quiet BBBJ reaped, rather than deep gTlcf that BBBJ manifested Itself, for number of BBBJ time un hi demthhed President Hmlth BBBJ aald he would rather go than atny, BBBJ "Don't try to keep mo," ho aald. "I BBBJ have lived in) allotted ra." BBBJ Immedlntel) lifter tho aervlcen tho BBBJ quorum of the twelve apostloa, thn BBBJ highest ruling bod) In tho church, BBBJ called ii meeting for tomorrow morn- BBBJ lug to choose u new spiritual louder. BBBfl Heveral your ago Joseph Hmlth un- BBBfl nounceil u divine revelation that IiIh BBBJ hou Prcelerlek M Hmlth ahould bo hi BBBJ successor It I believed tho volco of BBBJ prophec) will be accepted flBBl NICsl.KN aMP WOltlCH H six days iacii wi:i:ic BBBJ Ntwtan I the only coal camp In the BBB Htate that I working Its mine tho BBBfl entlro week, mi) Moub' Times. Whllo BBBfl tho bigger damp In Carbon county BBBfl are working about two duyn every BBBfl week nnd have laid off hundred of BBBfl men, I employing a full force BBBfl and I working tho mines to their ca- BBBfl paulty. This fact I a splendid tostl- BBBfl monlal as to tho excellence of the BBBB uoal from the Grand county camp. BBBfl Thero I a big demand for the Nesleu B Icjti.-il, known tluoughout tho state as BBBB "Dear Conl BBBB ,JiJV L. . riiM 'tiia-slijWJM- JsVbHHB