Newspaper Page Text
THE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1915. PAGETHRH1 M You Will Not Regret j : Doing Your Trading Witli Us I t y ( . y . y t Wc give the best value for the money. We ' don't try to catch you on some small five cent $ article, but give you full value on every dollar ' you spend with us. We give you the best value t for your money when you trade with us. Wc V ' do our business strictly on business principles t and like for you to do the same. We have cv- ' crything you want. Call on us, we have the X goods and the prices. , y y t -) y ' y y ; Wasatch Store Co. f Stores nt Suhnysldc, Cnstlo Gate, Winter Qunrtcra and V t Clear Creek. We Strive ; To Please : Wo carry a most comploto stock of General l, Merchandise, including Staplo and Fnncy Grocer- ica, Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions. ' Wo can furnish anything for the ranchman or ; sheepman. ! Our prices aro tho lowest nnd our goods nro of H tho best W It is a pleasure to quote prices and show goods. ( J. M. MILLER COLTON, UTAH I Utah Fuel Company MINERS AND SHIPPERS CARBON COUNTY CO&LS ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COKE ; Carbon County Coals Aro the Best. ; In tho market for norses, Mules for Mines, Hoy nnd Grain, j Mine Props, Ties, Spraga and Various Other Local Products HOME INDUSTRIES PATRONIZED General Offices Seventh Floor Judge Building, Salt Lake City. Mines at Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, Castle Gate, ; Utah Mine and Sunnysido, Carbon County, Utah. " The Central Barber Shop ' and Pool Hall Silvagni Block, Price, Utah I Basement Under Corner - v . ' I S. PALLAS, Prop. H PUTTINa ON OF CARD I; STATU HUPUKMK COUIIT (JIVIZH A Ilini HOT POKKIt DFCIHIOX. , V.ycn tho (julrt Little Home 8ctdon ' l'or tlio Filthy Lurro May lcn the lrlon flatcn to Tlioc lnrtlcluitliiR Older Justice Klrnup Dissents. , Next time ou nit In a nice, quiet gamo of cards, tet somebody elm bo the banker, no matter If the session 4 staged In the privacy of your own or eomebody else's home. Otherwise tho Kates of the state prison may yawn for you. Such In the sense of a ruling by the supremo court Isst flat urday In the enso of tho atate against Tom Poutls, proprietor of a Ureck coffee house nt Rait tjiko City, Poulls was convicted of conducting n gam bling house by permitting hi friends to play card for money In his place of business. He appealed and the Judgment lit affirmed. Ho stands convicted of a felony and the atate prlmin awiills him. Hevcral attorneys who have read the opinion Interpret It aa placing a ban on nil card games everywhere un less played aolely "for fun." They declared that the opinion meana that nnono who conducts a game of card played for any valuable consideration, or nllowa It to be conducted In his home or place of business la guilty of conducting n Rambling house, which la a felony The opinion aaya: "Moreover, the offense la complete If the game la played, carried on or conducted In any house, street or alley or other place, public or prlvntr, nnd It la sufficient that It bo played only nnee or for nny Indefinite length of time If played for money, credit or representative thing of value." Tim opinion gnca further nnd do clnrra that the pemon la guilty If he conduct tho game either ns owner or emptoyo of nnothcr, whether for hire or nou Tho opinion la written by Justice J. 13. I'rlrk nnd concurred In by Justice W. M. McCnrty. Chief Justice D. N. Htroup dissents, holding thnt the evidence Is not sufficient to convict I'oulla under tho felony clause of the statute, though he might bo guilty under the misdemeanor clause. HIGH SMI NOTES The Carbon stnff lias derided to run two morn Issues only of tho rrgulnr paper. All energies are being turned In tho direction of tho annual. It la to be the finest the school enn pro duce. Tim seniors must bo busy at some thing. They nro putting spare time In on a play, "Confusion." Front the histrionic ability, which tho class iHiasta of. surely tho 19I6's will sur- , prise everyone. Tho mcuhanlu nrta department has i lrgun work on n six-foot daxenport i which will constitute part of tho Utnh i educational exhibit nt the World's i Fair. Tho boys nro nlo working on draucra nnd cabinets for the shop 1 benches. ' The faculty nnd students Join In 1 welcoming the fifth, sixth, seventh ! und eighth grades: of the district school when It was found that they were without iiuarters. Although their outline rrowds us, we are moil ) willing to render thorn uny possible aiwlslance. 1 The high school board decided to I send two of tho Instructors, Miss Frost mid Mr. Maughnn, to tho Farmers" Itoundup which will take place In ) logun tho week Wglnnlng January c 1 8th. Wo are glad to bo so iiitlinntcl) connected with nn affair of such state C wide Importance. Tho Juniors aro busy working out ulcus for tho best prom In the history i' f Hit. Curboii county high school they i ' s.ty. There Is bound to bo soma clever i ! arlglnnllty. Tho prom has always ', been the most clnbomlo soclul event ', of the year nnd tho olawi of 1916 ex- ' i pecta to tnako the affair llvo up to Its 'i reputntlon. Iook forward to the prom In February. , i lloth faculty nnd students were ,' happily surprised to find n bcnutlful ,' brortn tablet on the tnst wall of the i1 mnlu hall ufter the hollduys. The tablet benrs tho nnmea of the high school board who mndo possible our . splendidly equipped high school to- C gather with tho dato of Its founding. The school la surely a monument to ' the earnest labors of tho then county ,' superintendent. C. II. Marcusen. nnd all tho other board members. !' Jnnuary lth C, C. II. B. gymna- ! sluml What la It? One of tho most i Important social nnd nthlctlo affairs ' of the senson. Tho Mohrland basket- i, ball team will play tho high school i team nt 8 o'clock. The gamo bids 'i fulr to be very exciting for Mohrland S has a faBt team nnd the high school ' boy. will fight hard. After the gamo there will bo n grand ball, the music ,' for which will be furnished by the ,' Mohrlnnd orchestra of eleven pieces. ,' It will furnlah the very best kind of ' muBlc, Punch will be served. A spo- clal train will bring tho poople from the south camps. Bpeclat committees " have been appointed to see that all the guests are made acquainted and all have n rousing good time. During the holldayn several needed Improvements were made In the high school. In the domeBtlo science de partment new tops were put on all of the tobies and the floor was repaired. Last Baturday tho school board ap propriated three-fourths of the cost of nn elcctrlo Ice cmam froexer, the department to stand the remainder of tho expense. This addition to the equipment will make It possible for the domestlo science department to cater for private partite. This will not only aid the town, but will give the girls valuable experience In such Jf work. la coBaJdeiartom c Ike klad- I Ogden Packing Co. I i Branch House at Price j 1 & II t UTAH PRODUCTS Ask for Nectar Brand Hams nnd Bacon, Gold Leaf and . , H j Sco Lily Brands of Lard. Also full line of Fresh 4: H Y Meats and Sausages. v I, M i i Only Utah Packers Operating j M ! under Government Inspection. 1 M TBLKVUOUB 331. Y I I OGDEN PACKING & PROVISION CO. j I & ODGEN SALT LAKE ' PRICE 1 fe y 1 H ness of the board, MIm Frost served I the members with refreshments. A screen was built before the door lend ing to the pool room. A diving ladder and n spring board were put In There Is everything now In the pool room toi Insure good swimming. . tlDSHAN nrgr Arcn In Houlticasicni Vlati to Ho Head) For Kncry. Approximately three hundred and fifty thousand acres of land In Ban Juan county will be opened to enlrv on January 21th under homestead nnd desert entry regulations, accord ing to ndxlcrs received from the gen eral land commissioner nt Washing ton. D. C. Tho lands In question were under consideration In connection with a Carey act development scheme, but thn United Mate land office was ad vised by the Utah land commissioners that efforts properly to finance tho reclamation project nro not likely to be successful, WANTICP. Five hundred head of sheep to feed. II. Erlcksen. Klmo. Utah. IN THIS DIKTItlOT COUIIT OF Till. Beventh Judicial District, County of Carbon. Btato of Utah. In the Matter of the Audgnment For tho Ileneflt of Creditors of Domonlck Valerlo nnd John I'oma, co-partners doing busi ness; under tho firm name nnd stylo of Valerlo A I'oma. Notice of Assign ment For tho lleuoflt of Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that on the th day of December. 114. Domonlck Vn erlo and John I'oma, co-partners do ing business under tho firm name and stylo of Valerlo & I'oma. of Bcofleld, Utah, made an assignment to W D. Btlllmati of Bcofleld, Carbon county, state of Utah, for tho benefit of cred itors of the assignors and transferred all of tho property of said co-partnership to W. D. Bllllman as assignee, nnd upon the trusts provided by law; nnd the said transfer has been rocord cil In tho offlco of the county recorder of Carbon county. Utah. Notlco Is further given to the creditors of, and nil persons having clnlmn ngnlnst tho said assignors to exhibit such claims with necessary vouchers, verified by tho oath of tho creditor, to said W. D. Bllllman nt Bcofleld, Utah, which said pluco Is the plaeo of business of said assignor, on or before three months after the dnto of the first publication or this notice. Dated, Bcoflold. Utnh, December 31, 114. W. D. HTIM. MAN, Assignee. First publication January 7. 1916. Ijist publication February 4, 191 E. IN TUB DIKTItlOT COUIIT OF TUB Bovenlh Judicial District of the State of Utah, County of Carbon. Ashlon Jenkins Company, n. Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Noah C. Welmer, Jane Doo Welmer (first name unknown), , James It. Mnsscr, Jane Doo Manser (first name unknown), M. M. Itcevrs, Mary A. Iteeves, C. V McOnry, Irrl gated Lands Company, a Corporation, William D. Livingston, nnd O. M. inilott. DefendantsSummons. Tho Btato of Utah to tho Bald De fendants. You are hereby summoned to np-i pear within twenty da)s after the. service of this summons, upon you, I If served within tho county In which I this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, nnd' defend the nliove entitled action! nnd In caso or your failure so to do, Judg-. ment will bo rendered against you I according to the demnnd of the com plaint which has ben filed with clerk of said court- This action Is brought to recover Judgment foreclosing plain tiffs mortgage upon the land and other property described In said com plaint. IIOOTH, Mill, HAIXJKH. IlICH A FAIIKH. Plaintiff's Attor neys. P. O. Address, No. 008 Iloaton Ilultdlng, Bait Lake City, Utah. HTAT13 OF UTAH, COUNTY OF CAItnON. 8U. 1, E. B. Horstey, clerk of the Bev enth Judicial District Court of the state of Utah In and for the county of Carbon do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a full, true nnd correct copy of the original complaint and summons. In the case of Aahton Jonklns Company, a Corporation, vs. Noah C Welmer, as above entitled In the ' vtlon therein entitled, filed In my ot i ice. Wit n cm my hand and the seal of said court nt Price, Carbon county, Utah, this lth day of December, A. D. 114. (Beal) i:. B. HOIlBI.KY, Clerk. First pub. Dec. 31; last Jan. 31 -IE. NOTKIi: FOIl PtlHI.ICATION. 1K tmrlmont of the Interior. U. H. Land offlro at Ball Lake City, Utah. Decem ber 11, 1914. Notlco la hereby given that Chris K. Jensen, of Clear Creek. Utah, who, on December 39, 1910, mndu desert-land entry, Berlal No, n60, for BWU and Hit or BI5W. Heo. 10. and NH of NWW. Bee. 18, Twp 18 Boulh, Itango 11 Bast, Bait Lake meridian, hits filed notice of In tention to mitko rinal desort-land proof, to establish claim to tho land above descrlbod, before the olerk ol tho district court, nt Price, Utah, or the 27th day of January, 1916 Claim ant names as witnesses It. J. Turnci nnd II. II. McDonald of Prlre, Utah William Jewkes nnd David Jewkes ol Orangevllle. Utah. K. D. It. THOMP BON. Iteglster. First pub. Dec, 17; last Jan. 16-16. f Kentucky Liquor House HARRY GESAS, Prop. Distributors of jf I, BUDWEISER SCHLITZ V ZANG - Your Business Solicited. Free Delivery In Price. Souvenir Plate given away with each $1.50 purc'hase of Wine or Whiskey. ? u. m i J Kentucky Liquor House ynaMBaaavaaKMaaanMMB'lManiiMawMHMasMSM The SI Js Hl Supreme II Men's jfl Tailor Shop H of this town. S That's our aim. Our 1.H whole husiness is to help 11 the well dressed man l dress well. FRANK L. BUCKIO iTiie White Dovej I haa In nil agrt been deemed an B emblem of pence, nnd It has In- variably been true, especially la family affairs, where you find H a White Dove Flour peace nnd harmony prevails jH This Is a high grade Utah jH Flour, every suck Is guaranteed, jsl sold by the Price Commission H Co., Price Trading Co., Carbon fH County Commission Co., No J Trust Meat nnd Orocery Co.. jH Garden Btore. In fact, no first- alass grocery store has lit stoei: jal comploto unless ho carries thli brand of H lleglstered Trademark 78671 H Tho High nrflclency BM COAL Government ICqulvalent H 3104 M Unequalled for Storage. HiH Will Not Slack. IH Iiest of Steaming nnd H Heating Qunlltles. H Independent Goal & Coke Go H I Mines at Kcnllworth, Utah. H Oen. Offices, Walker Hank Illdg. H SALT LAKIS CITY. H I NORTHERN I I BAR I Everything First-Class and M Up-to-Date. M IBBH Courteous and Fair Treatment M to H 4 , ACKKriMAN A FOItD, H Proprietors. hl REtbr s4aB cat every eeHsi H 1