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THE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1915. PAGE SEVEN H pThe Garden Store Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Green and Fancy Gro ceries, Etc. Pipes, Cigars, Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, Fresh Confectionery a Speci alty. Phone 104. The GARDEN STORE Ranchmen Take Notice When la Prico trj tbo KOZY Lunch Room You can get meals from 25c up. Everything Clean and Wholesome. Wc Serve Nothing But THE BEST. A Trial Will Convince You TalcumToiletTreat A cood Talcum Powder (or the iiinmir toilet It U ft necessity and a luxury keeps the akin soft and dainty, prevents (unburn and freoklea, assure com forublo appearance, and absorbs perspiration. W carry all the best known Talcums, and wi have any odor you want. at Tho MISSION Pharmacy or tho REXALL Store. I KING &H0RSLEY Electrical Supplies Ye nandlc a complete line of Globes and all kinds of Electrical Supplies. IE & HQRSLEY Telephone 73y and 217 I; White House Bar niTTAID AND WHOLESALE H i riio Itcst In Wines, Liquors anil Clears. Bui A sent i For I ; COOK' GOLDEN BEER I , - niAOOOK BROS., freftrUtow. "Lead on" hiT!..? IrJ"01"1 tttXtt led th w tc hi; cell like shop nm) threw back tbv curtain rerentln ibe furnace and crucible IMtlr he placed a piece of carbon In the receptacle and turned a witch There came a blinding flash. and the heat of It drove tlassam AH backward toward the wall "We mum wait a few momenta. Sometimes the beat Is too small, some times too hot. The secret U the me dium heat" The pUer threw, off the power, stood tmrnotsble for tbe space of four minutes, th.-n delicately picked out a black lump ThU be sklllfoUy broke with a small hammer. Presently be held out his palm A crystal a little larucr than a plnbead Iny upon It "What U Itr asked Hawnm All. "A diamond of tbe purest water," was the exultant answer. "The main obstacle In producing dlnmomts artl filially has been the Rrent i-xiense foi each t!Xrtment It was not pracU csl diamond makln Tlnre was no comennatlon In the mult It sum med up. Just a mnn of science striving to ntnt from nature one of her Rrcut est secrets It touts me atiout one fourth of whnt enth diamond Is worth Hut I must have a blsger furnace, more powr I Imre figured out the relative diRTvcs of bent" "Will you let me tnke this crystal to n Jewelcrl" asked Ilossam AIL tre mendously Interested. "Certnlnly I have sold in my to pawnbrokers, but I ha to U-cn afraid to come out liio the open" "Trust me." snld llnsunm AIL 80 be took the dlninotid nway. lie was still n bit skeptlcnL It mtcht be thnt this diamond cutter was not such a fool us he looked. In somo scientific manner the crystnl iulbt hare been prcrlously couflned In tbe carbon. If the mnn offend to sell his Invention llasxam All would feci assured that there wns Immliooitcmcnt somewhere . flfeiKi UtB-Cif l 1 ?" B "A diamond ot ths purest wstsr." In the iMukKmund lie was himself too oM u bird to be cnucht ut such n k'niue Hut If thle was honestly douel Me wus Informed nt tho Jeweler's that the crystal was an uncut diamond, iwrfruly white, nnd worth nltout $10 So far so good llassam All returned to the tnreutor "It's a white diamond, worth nbout ftO. Now, before we to any further, let me see n pleco of carbon." The Inrcntor exhibited his Oxk and Invited llassam All to make bis selec tlcu. To Unssnm's mind, had each piece contained a diamond the Inren tor already itossessed n small fortune Ho was befflnnlnff to feel nnssured. Boon another diamond came to life as It were. llaasam All was courlucvd There was no charlatanism In htm. The man had discovered one of iln greatest scents In the world. "Oh. I have failures. Bomellmea the carbon Is not rlj:ht Asnln, tbo power U not strong jnoucb Hut I will show you some of b ecms I have already made." lie went to tbe cupboard and pro duced his little hoard. He poured them Into llassam All's hntuls Tho gems weru all exquisitely cut nnd pol Isbed The largest wns about the all., of au ordlunry ixirlor umtcti head "How many here?" Inquired tho vis (tor, now geuuluely astonished "Ten." Hnssain All counted them. He shook his head. "Only tight." MlmioHMlblel" "Count them yourself" The Inventor did so ne ran to the cupboard and starched every noolt "I have been robbed r "Bh; not so loud!' warned llassam All "You say you nut ten atom In j-ttSH i1 VP3vPBilKy4TMi ' 0DEL&d-H ! ' The Crystal Wm an Une Dlssd. ' ! there nere are but el l 1 werde. some one baa beea stain the , rufeMrd. U adrWelaj && thief without drawing" iBe" pollt in Tut seals on tbe door and Ibe lock I notice that tbe wall Is very thin" "Haht Altmann U an old fool Be thinks I am a locksmith." contemptav ously Tou never can tell I will come to morrow, and together we'll exaatee the scala." "Rul what do you tblnkT "About vfhatr "The etoseA," "Ob, l,aro quite ceruln tbat la the event of your being able to make the atones In carat sites you will not only be famous, but rich. 8UII. you know what a sensitive thing a diamond hi It would be wise to keep your secret until you have made your fortune." "I'm no fool If It got about that t made diamonds at a profit however i Ths Trap Wss Nsstly Arrsnosd snd Lsid. small, the diamond raniket would go to ainnsli." Beats were applied to the cuptxxird, nnd llnssnm All went away The moment he wns gone the dla inoud culler iH-mtrd lilluxilf furloiiKly What bud Kjficd blui to tnke 11ms miiii All so ulterly Into tils ciintldciKeT And there wns a thief about How could nny one Imve known tint I he nnd illiiimttuts) And mure puxxllng than nil tlse, why limtnl the thief taken them nil? Ho did not sleep well thnt illitit When be and Hasnam All broke tbo (.cnls lu tbe uiurulng thrre wcrv but six stones left "Altmnnnr cried tho dlamuud cut ter "He hns some hole In the wall I'll kill hlmr "lie stllir wild Hnssnm All sternly, rclxtug the man and shaking him vlo lently "If be It guilty and bears you. ffoodby to your gems We'll put a dic tograph In and find out what the cheesrmakrr nnd bis family talk about You needn't worry about the expense I'll sec to tbat And we'll go to work at once A dictograph down the wall r' FHBBwjr sLm. CiV 'J Vr iTamW sLHst The Cry Hsd flssn Prsctiosl Jokt aud u beur trap In frout or tht cup board, ami we'll soou know who Hie culprit Is' Tho dlrtot;mpb was promptly install id. mid the trap was nently srruu:rO und luld Hut tbe converHutlou m-urtl id was useless, aud nobody stepped luto the bear trap Two more ills nioudrt were gone I "listen," said llassam All "I'll rush nut yelling 'llrvl Klrr That will ilear tho cheese shop and give me a chanie to mnke au Investigation "1 leave everything to you." snld the naif demented luveutor He wus (miiii lug and holding bis baud over bl heart "It U making roe 111 My heart Is bud." , Tilings fell out ft Haxsnin All pre dieted Only ho had uot expiitrd John Storm In tbe cheese shop At IIm crj if Ore Htonu ran out with tbe others ui.d accidentally dropped bis pun base Basaam AJI saw tbe package fall, and Instead of entering tbe shop, be ran to tbe package and picked K op, on tbe principle that anything belonging to Jobs Mens might eveotaally prove eeefat Be thrust K Uto tats pocket u4 4Mt4 hawk t isO k ara rations but If wss now tixi M. The " cheesemaker, seeing no signs of flrr . nnywhere had rrlurned to his sbop ; So Hnam All made his way bark to ! the diamond cuttefs When he open el the iwckage and found some cheese . be swore nnd dung It from him sat ; gely Tben be pit ked It up and broke ', It It was a gtxd cbevse, and It woold be shameful to waste It ', "Inikr ne cried suddenly Krom tbe i het-fte he pluckiM a small dla ', moud 'I knew Itr extlalmed the unhappy ! dlamuud cutter. "It's Altmnnn. after alir ; jileantlme Btorm, having ost hU ibeese In tbe smnll riot slid learning thnt tbe try bud been a pructlcnl joke . or the clerer m-heme of n ietty Iblef returned to the shop, mimewhnt ruflliil In spirit to punhnse another ctit-e- ; He hnd ornnely tnken It Into hH hand ' when the diamond cutter, followed b ; two iNilliviuen in rue rushing In nnd , deiunndeil the n rrcut of every one lu the "Ikpi- Unit Is to nty. Ktorm, tbe rhi-i-m-uiiikei ninl his wife I'liey did ) not tnke tils dtiugliter who n-innlniil iH'hltid wirplng 1 Hturm was permitted to telephone Zuilorn 1 "Whnt Is the mnllerr she de 3 innndiil J "It si-ems Hint Tve been nrrestetl ns i an Hivniupllie of Altmntin, tho cheese uinkei on the ilmrue of stealing din . motiils from n ilhiinoiul cutter llrltm next dour 'I he dliiiiionds were found In ii clict-o I bought As n matter of ; fact. I think It's n prnctlcnl Joke ol . some sort uii know where AltmsunH ; Is Nothing wrlous rnn MMslbly come . of It. but I'll lint? to do n lot or bu Ing when I lente the police station Tho Inimh Is on me somewhere" ; "I'll hnve you out before midnight ', she declnretl Hut he neurly lost her life In the ', funinec room The illnmond ruttel ; rnu nmuck when be snw her enter III ! rhnmltcr of M-crets, mid he tlew nt bei ; like an enrnged tiger tibc elndetl blui ! and picked up hnmmer. with whlili to defend herself The hnuitner wns nothing to the mnduinn lie reached out to clutch her when he gnve u weird cry, stumbled and fell licmllong ULsBBBaaiSBBBBBw Mi wisi flsaf LaaV BBaaaV ''"'a. MCr M He Rsaohsd Out to Clutch Hsr. Into tbe furnace mouth. Ills heart bad given out Aud so Hassan) All would never be able to add diamonds to bis pyramids of shining gold Out tbe death of tbe diamond cutter complicated matters, and, despite the pruteatutlous or Inuoceuie on tbe part or tho victims, they were t)cld When the truth did come out tliuill Iho whole city hiugbed quietly '.u dora dlscowrcd tbe tbleves-n pair of bright eyed tulie who bud dcililcd to go house building with illnmuuds ns a cornerstone (TO II K CONTINUEU.J In ths Prsssncs of Death. Bonie yenrx ago u Bwiumvn vessel was cuugbi lu a terrlblo gale. The cuptnln had his wire oil boartl. aud when the wind wns still rising he told her to go dun n below and sleep, for all wns well He remained ou tbe bridge till the iimtu came up nnd snld' "We've done nil wo can Hadn't you better tell the clmps to get out tbe boats IT "Yes, )cs, my lad, If you think ho.' snld the rnptiilii. who know tbo only choice left wns whether to go down with Hie ship or In u hiiiiiII bout, whlili couldn't live tin seconds In that sen The engineer came up with the new that tbe tire were all out "Very well my lads." said Iho cap tsln quietly "Bare jourselvtii If you can" "Won't you retcb tbe wire on dwk sir?" naked one or Ibe men "No." was the cnltn reply "!.et her sleep, poor gtrll I am going down to bnv a smoke" And. smoklug by the bedside or bis sleeping wire, be went down with the ship Keep It Handy for Illioutiintlani. No use to squirm and wince and try to wear out your rheumatism It will wear you out Instead. Apply soma Sloqn'a Liniment Need not rub It In just let It penetratn all through the affected parts, relieve the sornnesa and draw the pain. You get ease at once and feel no much better you want to go right out at onco and toll othei sufferers about Sloan's. Oct a bottle of Sloan's I.lnlmont for 2G cents of any druggist and have It In the house against colds, sore and swollen Joints, lumbago, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back If not satisfied, but It doe give almost Instant relief. Buy a boitle today. Advt Steam Host AU 4trl etemm heat Installation for bulldlBte, apply to J. U. Uaacon. Imm U the Prtee Rlsctrlo Light tad rewer lUt WAY WE ASK FOR I 1 I Your Patronage I 1 afl BBsl ! 1 We keep the (roods in stock which experience I ', tenches us the people wnnt. X Wc mnke our prices just ns low ns is consistent 7 with good business prncticcs. ? fl Wc insure our customers courteous treatment nnd H h nil the ndvnntngcs within our rawer. Come in and look at the follow- I I I ing lines: i I l Winter Goods or All Descriptions. r Fresh Line or Groceries. H Dishes nnd Grnnitc Wnrc. H l Men'H, LntllcH', Misses' und Children's Rubbers. H f Men's Hnts. l t All Kinds of Gcncrnl Merchandise. H T ' ' l r ' ' i L "- i i H t. ' ' fH f k nHi CariM-Emery Stores Co. H 1 J. M. IlEATIE, General Superintendent. M Stores at Hiawntha, DIack Hawk, Mohrland and East IH Ilinwnlha nnd Cnrbon. I iH i H ! (iwVr a cnic ' Y xNV.mI-9 full ol lite and action, llllcd will. Hie . M sJ1 P "ro ' "nc inspiration and followed r H A s Ls by 250 abort storlrt of adventure, 4 t Y ulllmake 4 M eYOUTH'S COMPANION n I X Better Than Ever in 1915 M 4 Then the Family Pace, a rare Editorial Porc, Boys' Page. H T Girls' Pace, Doctor's Advice, and "a ton of fun," Articles of VM t Travel, Science, Education. From the best minds to the best i IH X4 minds, the best the world can produce for you and everyone H X i 1 In the home. There Is no orc H Y Three Current Imhm Free limli 10 eiiihtislasm for The , H y udeikTiiE companion Youth's Companion. H . lt u ! yu TW Curt I Imum . , ., n X free. uu. iku cwiimmi wm. ,a 52 Times a Year 4 jH y iu not 12 v H TkM .Ko tuUriU mw, unJlag S3 T IH I fw ik S2U.U...I the companion More Kood reading than you wil' 4 X (r l9l?'1,'B,,'TS;,r7,n,,c" p"Un rci In any of the monthly T H SUBSCHMTIONS HCCEIVED AT THIS OFriCE y M TO ADVOCATE SUBSCRIBERS I y This is the time of the year when you begin to y H y think about renewing your subscriptions to your y tH y favorite publications. The Advocate is in a posi- H y tion to save its subscribers some real money on any y jM y paper or m:iga.ine published in the United States. V H y Some of our combinations you will find very attrac- r H y tivc. Picking out at random three of the most pop- V H X ular magazines published, together with The Advo- v y catc we can make a saving to you of $1.25. For T D y instance: r X Cosmopolitan, regular price, $1.50 jt M t Everybody's, regular price, . . . , 1.50 T M McClure'6, regular price, 1.50 T M The Advocate, regular price 1.50 t M X Total . "liOO X I ! Ouu Pl'lCE. To subscribers we will make this J 1 entire combination for 3-4. 7S. M ; ; f $ We will make a combination on ;J I x any paper or magazine published. H RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS. H Sunnyoide, Castle Gate, Winter Quarters and Clear Creek. fM NOTHING BUT THE BEST IN STOCK. M , Fine Wines, Brandies. Beers and Cordials for the Family ) Trade. Pool and Billiard Table. f jH