H I ' ' .
m (
H '
H 40 acres of first clnss Innd, full writer right, only thmc
H miles from town, 15 ncrca under cultivation, nicely lo-
H cntcd. $1,000 down, balance on time to suit purchns
; cr. A SNAP.
H 40 ncrca raw Innd, with 20 ncrcs water right; close in and
H right on river. $1000; half down andlmlanco on time.
H 40 acres, mile and one-half from town. Real truck gar-
H den. Will sell in any sized tracts. Small payment
H - down, balance on timo to suit purchaser.
H 115 acres, cloao to good town, 30 acres in cultivation, wn-
H ter right for same, priro $1500; $1000 down, lytlance
M ' on time. This is liko getting money from home.
m ' '
H 20 acres, two miles from town, all in alfalfa, first-class
H water right, on Stato highway. Choico land, fine lo-
H cation.
H 40 acres close in to largo conl camp, good business prop
H ' crty. Water can bo hnd by digging well; other busi-
H ncsA houses across the rond from this snap. $1500
H cash. $2000, part cash and balance on time. You
Hl should sco this.
B B0 acres near East Hinwatha coal camp; good business
I; ; property; also good running for milch cows, goats or ;;
; sheep. Will sell In any sized tract. ;
; 40 acres nice level land nenr Black Hawk conl mining ;;
B camp. Will sell as a wholo or part, at reasonable fig-
H uro, for cash or on timo.
tj 1 acre land right cloao in, Utah mlno coal camp. Will sell
M cheap. This Is good business location.
H I --
H ; McDonald Real Estate and
H Investment Company
i Sum Olaser returned to Cnstln
1: Onto liuit Haturday after sswrnl tlixji
1 nl Price on business matters.
B W. W. l.cwls and family are plan-
H nlng to leave Price nnd ninka their
1 future hums nl ona of thn town" In
B Itonerl Mcnilca. Hr.. one of the
H old timo uml substantial resident of
"Winter Quartern, wns doing business
Bl lit the county seat thin week.
Hi Milt Olson came onr from Hip
B town of Km fry Inst Krldity. Ho bun
H' h warm spot in lit hmrt for Price uml
H, may again enter Carlton county's IiIkIi
H. here
B -Veter Ihtrhoallo was up from
Jl Hunnsldo Ittst 1'rliln) iiml 8uturdn.
1 trnnsaetltiK business nt Prlee nnd
H Helper Huun)lde In now hotter In n
business way thun It has been for
B some
H Attoruoy A, CI. McUee made n trip
H to Halt Itko City Hundity. lie wilt not
H moe hl fnuilly to Price until Juno
HH Mr McOro thla Krek received tiln ap-
HjK polntment t local nttorney for the
H) American Hurety company of Now
i York
H Vf I Kimtor of tho t'tnh Pul
B oompan,' office forco at Halt I-nk
Hjj City him len In l'rlco the Inut nvwrnl
K' la' with Atlornv) Urnffct a nil
H Krlakn Mr, i'ontrr, who U litlt.
l IntC In thn Kant. iiccompanlfJ him um
Hl for a thl city.
H C W HIiorfM, iipeclnl usunt out of
H Denver. Colo., for the Olobo Kxprcm
M oompnny oprutliiK on the IHnur uml
Hp lllo (Irttndu In Colorado and tho Went-
H em I'aulflo ytom. una ilolnx IhihIuciw
H In l'rlco lint ThurHdny and Krlduy.
H Iator ho
P Krank Arrlll. the oldcut hoii of Mr
H imjllni. Qluu. Axerlll, U expected
H liomBtomorrow. The ouns man hai
H been In the army erlcu, hl vnllt
R ment period Imvlnc terminated but a
Hj few da iiko. lie wua down at Vera
IH Crua with the United Htatca troop.
IHi Nell M. Madaen came down from
j Hcoflold laat Krlduy and waa here over
Hutnrdny on liuMnea. Thrre In not
na much anow around tho upper
rnmpa lit thla limn na In pnat neimonK.
Thn Clear Creek, Mud Creek and
Winter Quartern mlnm nrn working
five and nU da) a a week.
T. H. Thnmaa, one of tho oldent
anil brat t'llliena of Winter Quarter,
onmn down to l'rlco Inut week and
una here mtvornl d, lie miffern
from rheumatUni, hut aencrnlly xetM
relief nfter helnic In thla tower alti
tude for a abort time Hn aaa that
thlnipt nrn ImproMns; n little nt the
three, upjier coal iiirnpa of the I'tah
I'll el company.
Mm M O Wllllnma, wife of thn
Kunernl miinnKcr of tho Utah I'uel
iiimjiimy. left Halt Uikn City I ant week
for Iaim AtlKelra, Cain., for tho benefit
of her health. Mm. Wllllama boa
been In n hoapltul for cernl week
nnd la luvtimpunlcd by her nurw. Mtu
l.lllln llohu. Mr. mid Mrn. Wllllama
realded nt Cnatln tliitn prevlmm to
moliiK to Zlou. Mnny frlemU In Car
bon county will wlah Mra. Wllllnma n
apeedy recovery In the land of nun
Nlilue nnd flow era.
on tin: riin.i).
An IntercMliiic Incident la told of the
omnlpreaeiit nltruUm exhibited by !
dlera on both aldra In the went Kuro
peon conflict.
A llelvlan near Zurenburc middonly
found hlmnelf oppoalte an old Herman
of the lnndaturm. After blualnc nway
ut each other for no me time the little
llelKlun wan hit The (lermun lumo
tearlnic up. The Ilelclnn wan atllt
eonneloua nnd la ery unlet until tho
nermun leaned ir him, then mado
u quick thriut with bin bit) one! Hint
ulmoat ended futall) for thin enemy
The (lernmn Jumped up looklns
ery much muio)ed Then the llel
Ulan noticed that he hnd it linlf bottla
uf voKtiac (Kruncli brnndy) In hla
band. "You're, n h I of it fellow,"
mild the (lermun. "I wan roIhk to
Kiwi ou nil of thla ii'gnac, but now
)ou'll only not half or It."
The HelKlan wild ufterward the
coKnuc auved hla life He wna p kked
up a little later.
Which foreKolmc Incident I belne
ued by the national wholennle liquor
deakrn aa an arKument aKulrwt prohibition.
An Adumlea mlnatrel company will
pluy nt the Kko Monday night not a
man In tho entire bunch.
B Goodman's Repair Shop.
m Scissors nnd Knivet Sharpened, Saws filed, Furniture and
HW Stoves repaired. Gun and Lock Work a Speciality.
"Merry Mlntnl 3Inliln" Open An Kn
RBKcnicnt On January lHtli.
Mnny l'rlco theater-goera are look
Inic forward to thn nhow that will be
prencnted nt the Kko theater by the
'Merry Minstrel Malda." Theae jounK
women, who are noted for benuty. nro
brought to l'rlco by Ornce HUnanll,
one of the attcccnnful thcntrlcnt mnnn
Rern In thin rountry
Thin company linn been meeting
with great nuc-enn thr.iuRhout tho
Went nnd enme-j to Price with on
tliimlaatlo prnlnen of thentcr manager.
The offer la In truth an ' Ailnmlcm
Mimical Bhow no cnlleil bccnlino there
In not a man In the presentation from
ntnrt to flnlnh Hen the managerial
ponttlonn nro occupied by women
Aa n npeclnl ndded feature, there
will bo Kveljll Nenblt Thnw'a Tango
dance, not n tnolnK plcturo emlon
but tho rent article Those who nrc
looking for delightful entertainment
an provided by n company of hand
nome. clever glrln, nhoutd ncn thin big
nhow at tho Kko on the night of the
i:nti:iita!N.mi:vt hiiday
wii.ii nij i:xci:ition.Ui
The l'rlco public U to enjoy nome
thlng exceptional In tho way of enter
tainment Friday evening, January 1C,
nt the Uilernncle On nccount of the
deprcmed financial altuntlnn through
out thn country, no orgnnltatlon In
I'rlce ban felt capable of running n
rt Miliar Ijieum cournu with nuccew,
Connequcntly llltto In the wny of en
tertainment ban been afforded tin. In
View of thin nil wilt bo delighted to
hear Hint Chnrlea Itlley McCnltcy will
bo with tin tomorrow evening nnd give
II n an cnjo)nblo entertnlnmcnt lie
Interpretn Itlley nnd other humorlntn
with plennlng iiblllt) together with
giving Impersonations, violin nolon nnd
ImllAtlonn. There rnu be no doubt of
bin plennlng ever) one, for Hint la what
he nlnnjn dnen. Ho ban entertained
itiidlclicen not only nil over the nor
thern pnrt of thn ritatc, but through
nut thn Went Cache, Davis, Utah nnd
Knit Itkn countlen praise hln work. In
tho Halt Uike Tribune of Unturdny,
January Stb, nppenrcd tho following
"Munlc lovera were well entertained
nl tho lllo rlrnnde llaptlst church by
Charlea Itlley McCalle). the violinist
nnd Impernountor. The concert wnn
given by Mr McCiilley In compliment
to Mrn, O W Kllng nnd her brother,
thn Itnv II I' llronnon, pastor of the
church The church wnn crowded to
cnpiicll). nnd the work of Mr Mc
Calle) Justified thn expectations of
the uudlence All artist of high class.
Mr McCallcy did not confine himself
to tho cumbersome music, understood
by few -thn brand generally known an
classical Belectlng for hln prlnclpul
numliers nome of tho most pleasing
compositions of tho "romantic." era,
he Interspersed bin performance with
tho cheerful common melodies known
to all And hln 'talking stunt' In
which he drew from thn airings of
hla Instrument sound that were nl
most plain, spoken words, delighted
)oung nod old alike. Those who
heard Mr McCalley vnJo)cd it treat
both from n musical nnd entertaining
Adults, SO iunt, children, 25 tents,
spvchtl rule to ucMdemy mid high
school students, !5 cents.
One four-room houie. Bee II. C
Smith, I'rlce. Utah.
I'Oll ItKNT Modern four room
house Mra. Winifred Callahan, No.
Heventh Htrcet. I-tf.
Subscribe for Tho Advocate.
some Germndc and
Our price isalways right,
by the sack or large lots.
and you can't get busy
too quick. We handle
THE BEST also in Hay,
Grain and Salt, and the
Minn Forwarding
Plumbing and Heating
Estimate furnished and work
guaranteed. Jobbing given
Prompt Attention.
1 O. Ilo 213. Turner Ulock
I However,the Finger of ARSON !
Has Never Been Pointed nvbtn
I: In Our Direction . .-!, i
V ... (From Eastern Utah Advocate, j M
vt Jnnunry 7, 1915.) t J
$ -TO OUR PATRONS. - , ,
i '
I'rlce, January i. 116. '
. 'Mr. A. I). MacLenn. 'f ?
1 Price, Utah. ,u
DenrSlrV, W "
You have a policy of Insur- 'M- J f
X ance on dwelling- house that ox- 4i '
s plres on the 18th of thla month.
t We would be pleased to have
X H thla business of )oura and would v
jHF appreclato the placlntt of It with
K us. r
X H We can make tho premium on . ,
mH this $7.60 for three )enra. Instead a '.
f of $8.00, which you have hereto- V
1 K fore psld, n savins; to you of ft, SO. A
t -U-UU Very truly yours, X
t iH ---W u- vv- CllOCKKIT tk CO
V WjW Ily O. R. Nolms, President. L
X LLLLLLLLw When we dismissed Geo. K. Kclms
t km-m-Bm-WK from our employe, we wero gentlemen , T
KiaiW enoiiRh, to Klvn him plenty of notice, ' J 1
.. kkkWmkkw nnJ for our kluness, when ho found ,M fo
T HB out that he wna g;oln to J
t la employ, he stole our expiration, no If
4 B oil Ret such a letter na tho abovo, pay 4,
X B no nttentlon to same, for o will ro- X
v H now your policy, nnd give you a com-
LLLLLLW Pny thai pays their losses. We hnvo , i ?
X aililiHayav P"td ovcr O'.OOO In lowci within tho 1
V Hk-m-m-mWJ-M V1 months, nnd the nssets of the ,
H5B53 compnitlen which we ropresent In this r
X nrYvSrM ngency la 01 er onn hundred and twvn- l
t F'K-VSsI ty-four million dollars, and thla la the
4 I "OCC3al rcnaon thnt wc do more Insurance t i
X business than all of tho rest of the
mconts between Salt Lnke and Ornnd ; f X
Junction, nnd we do not hnvo to nd- T
X verllso Hint any of our companion '
hnvo sent over another $100,000.00, t JL
4 from across the water to keep their 7
X rcservo up. They have always had It, j r
V nnd irot It now, to promptly pay your . -, JL
toss. Phone ua our oxponso, nnd we do Y
X the rest M
i.nvitmi:nt company. y
X "Wo Hao No Competitors."
X . T
V The diction nnd Krnmmnr of our friend up tho roHd would in- III CuintM Y Ta
I dlcato thnt ho should bo ATTENDING NIGHT SCHOOL inatend of U Uf lirnP.Hllll (Vlrll JL
! tO'inB to writo insurnnco in competition with THE LIVE ONES. Ill II VI UWlVll U VVtf
A AND, HY THE WAY, thla firm haa placed with Price Com- G. E. NELMS, President
X mcrclal nnd Savlnmi Bank of Price FIVE HUNDRED ($500.00) Between tho Two Banks. 4
X DOLLAHS thnt will be given to any charity in Carbon County upon t
V proof thnt any Iosa incurred in thla agency by any of the insurance 'We'll Go Your BondB." A
y companies now represented has never been paid. Everything In Insurance i
nt(u ovi:mi.fMN(j or
tiii: ctaii w.vn:u uwh
Ititiimmcmlnllon In Mnile to tho lot
cnior lly Htnto IiRlnccr.
Thnt a thorou:li Icglstntlto ocr
lutiilltiic of t.'tnh's wntcr lntts In Indls
persublo In tho Interests of proper
adjudication of wntcr rlithts In the
stale. Is tho opinion of State Hnulnter
W. I) llrera, ua set forth In his til
ennlnl report, filed Monday with Gov
ernor Hpry. Proper ndjudlcntlon nnd
conservation of tho water resources of
the statu Mould, In the opinion of Mr
lleers, result In u $200,000,000 In
urease In the land nluea of tho slate.
To the end thnt effective water Irs;
Islntlon may be accomplished, Mr
Ileus reiommi'iid thnt durlnR the
present sendlon of the Icitlslnturo it
oommlsslon bo appointed to liiNvstl
Bate tho iiuestlon, prepanitor) to the
I makliiK of n report to tho IcKlsluturo
at tho 1917 session. The recommen
dation Includes tho siiKKt-stlon that
needful apruprlatlon for the expenses
of the commission be made.
Mr. lleera would hae tho work of
ln estivation completed within tho
first eur of tho life of tho commis
sion uml tho flndlnKS act forth In tho
form of needed legislation
Your Cold la Dnncerou llrcnk It
U Now.
A cold Is readily catching;. A run
down a)stem la susceptible, to germs.
You owe It to yourself and to others
of your household to fight the germs
at once. Dr. Hell's Pine Tar Honey
Is fine for colds and coughs. It loos
en the mucous, stops the cough nnd
soothes the lungs, it's guaranteed.
Only 25o at your druggist. Advt
i'ivi: oirr of twi:.nty.i'ivi:
i:illcotlllo, N Y, bus an "honesty
rntlng ' of only 20 per cent, nccordlne
to nn experiment b Wnller 11 Mof
fltt, a newspaper manager. Mofflt re
cently gue twcntWIto dlmca to n de
partment store, leaNlng Instructions
thnt nil extra dime wna to be RKen
to tho first twenty-five purchnsera.
Tito men pocketed tho chnngo with
out counting, fifteen bolted for the
door, and only fle reminded clerks
thoy had received ten cents change
too much.
Excellent l'or btomach Trouble.
"Chamberlaln'a Tablets nro Just fine
for stomach trouble," writes Mra. a
C Dunn, Arnold, Pa. "I was bother
ed with constipation for aome time
nnd frequently had bilious attacks.
Chamberlaln'a Tablets afforded me
great relief from the first, and since
taking one bottlo of them I feel like
a different person " For sale by all
dealers. Advt
II . I
I The Big Attraction at Our i
I! Store is the Little Prices I
Wc want you to come in any time ;
and compare our prices with the ; ;
prices quoted to you elsewhere. If
you haven't time to come, just ;;
; phone your order and it will have ; ;
our prompt and careful attention. ;;
il Poultry, Eggs, Meats and Produce jj
. i
I Carbon County Com. Co. I
jr PUT A
X f
Y Carburntor on your Fo-d car t
y and feci il jump when you i
Y open the throttle.
Y 4
y More Economy, Easier Starting
y 4
Price Auto and Stage Co. jj
y Phone 36. ,
T i'
i The Howe of Higfcclass Ranges S UMNER'S l