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Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, January 21, 1915, Image 4

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I gaatrnt Italy Afttiaaig
B Fred I Watrous, Publisher.
B 1 stabacrlptlon Hates One Tear, $1.60; Blx Month, 78c: Tnrce Month. (Oe
H DISPLAY ADVnilTIHINO Per Inch per Single luue, tie; per Inch
H pve Month, 20c I5ach Issue,
M POSITION Full Position, Top of Column, Next Heading, add 26 per
IB cent to above. Alongside Heading Matter, add 10 per cent to above.
tB , HBADKHB Per Line, One Time, 10c; per Line, flubsiuent, 6c.
I PHOFESfllONAL GAUDS Not Over One Inch, 11.00 per Month.
HH LEO ALU Ten Cent per Lino First Insortton. Five Cent per Line Each
H ; feaequent Issue.
H . OUITUAIttna Cardi of Thanks. Hesolutlons, Etc., at Half Local Head.
bur Notice Hales. Address all Communications to
H During the holidays several needed improvements were
H mndo in the high school. In the domestic science department
H new tops were put on all of the tables and the floor was ro-
H paired. Last Saturday the school board appropriated three-
H fourths of the cost of an electric ico cream freezer, tho depart-
H ment to stand the remainder of tho expense. Thin addition to
H tho equipment will make it posslblo for tho domestic sclcnco
H department to cater for private parties. This will not only
H aid tho town, but will give the girls valuable experience in
Hl such work. In consideration of the kindness of tho board,
H f MIsb Frost nerved the members with refreshments. A screen
H was built for tho door leading to tho pool room. A diving lad-
H ' dcr and a spring board were put in. There is everything now
H i in the pool room to insuro good Bwlmmlng.
H j Tho above paragraph is taken from tho school notes of Carbon
m 1 County High school, published in last week's Advocate. Aro we
H i to understand that tho domestic sclcnco department of this insti-
H,, tution is to como in competition with business men at Price who
aro paying city licenses and contributing in taxes towards tho
M ' maintenance of the institution? During Christmas the domestic
m aclenco department of tho high school sold candies and tho liko to
t' people locally, when wo have merchants and candymakcra who
t would have appreciated tho trade that rightfully belongs to them.
j It occurs to Tho Advocate that here Is n matter that might bo
i looked into by tho high school board. If Wo aro correctly informed
i there aro other kinds of merchandise peddled from tho high school
B that should rightfully go to local merchants.
M Friends of good roads wcro deeply disappointed by the govcr-
H nor's references to trans-continental highways in his mensagc to
W tho legislature, says tho Salt Lako Tribune. Departing from his
B ' usual manner of judicial calm, tho govemor displayed a spirit of
H sarcasm in dealing with tho subject, and went so far as to warn
B the legislators that they should not heed any demands for money
B to be expended in constructing links of transcontinental highways.
HB It is to be regretted that the governor did not speak more at length
B upon the failure of tho work up to date, continues the Tribune.
B He migh have explained many things that the public would bo glad
B'. to know. Why did the expenditure of $35,000 accomplish so llttlo?
Bl If the road was hastily constructed and is practically valueless, as
V j l'ie governor intimates, why not explain tho reasons to the public?
B It might bo well for tho legislature to Investigate the manner in
B which the appropriation was expended, and to fix tho blame. Tho
B governor suggests that tho state should confino its work for the
B I present to n system of highways which will take care of tho dc-
B , mantis of tho people of Utah. Such a system, he says, will pro-
B vide . toadwny through tho stato from cast to west and from
B l north to south, furnishing a choice of roads to puss through Utah.
Bi The city council is proceeding In tho right direction in putting
B ' up to tho property holders in Prico tho matter of acquiring addi-
B tional water rights. Whilo good water for a healthy, growing
B community is essential, nevertheless, it ir of primary importance
Bj that title to water bo first secured. Good water rights that arc
H for salo uro very scarco in Easlcni Utah at anything like a reason-
B ablo figure and thero is llttlo question but that they can bo nc-
H j quired now more cheaply than in a year, two years or five years.
HH Tho matter will bo up before tho voters before many weeks and
B i Tho Advocato suggests to theni that Prico must have additional
B water in order that tho community be safeguarded on its neces-
B nary requirements. Other things necessary for n moro Hanitary
B supply will doubtless be taken euro of us tho community is finan-
BJ dally able to meet them.
HHf Willie, perhaps, it is n breach of etiquette to criticise a news-
B v v paper's dress to tho samo extent as it would bo to make comments
B on a gentleman's nccktlo or the latest spats worn by tho feminists,
B nevertheless wo cannot refrain from remarking about tho first
B I mats made by Mergcnthalcr and tho type faces introduced by
B Cnxton and Gutenberg which rise up like ghosts of tho bygone and
B now peer at us through tho columns of the Vernal Express.
i Parley P. Chrlstcnscn, progressive representative from Salt
Lnko county, is sulking in his tent Tho allied forces attempted to
put Parley over as speaker for tho house. It was impossible.
B) Well, tho distinguished gentleman has ono of those ideal phy-
B ilquea for police duties nnd ns tho new sheriff of Carbon county is
B looking for a good deputy, something might be accomplished out
B of the proscnt situation.
K J. L. Ewlng has sold out the Midvalo Messenger. Sprunt and
B'r Pearl are tho new publishers. Tho paper seems to have additional
Bft advertising matter under tho new management and considerably
B , less editorial nun roprtorial ability.
Hjl ' An Eastorn physician states that lovo is a disease and can bo
M ! cured by surgical operation. The same thing haa,bcon advocated
H , by moat girls and women. "Cut it out," is tho way they usually
B put
Bh It is up to the people. They may cither return to protection
8 and prosperity or stick to free trade and adversity. They certainly
Blf will not set both free trado and prosperity. San Francisco Citron-
B1 Because it is suggested that polygamy will be practiced in
B I Germany upon tho termination of tho war docsn't'mean that there
Bl Ia an un,luo immigration to tho country of Wilhelm.
M "And the little, old Ford just rambled right along," said tho
Bh cnl W at tho minstrel show tho other noght and which seema to
HgHA bo tho Almighty truth.
Mcnt.-Oen. NclMit A. Mllcn TaJka of
nwult of the War In Kurppe.
I'ermlMlon of polygamy In Kurope
after the close of the war If foreseen
aa a poMllilllty by LleuL-Qen. .Netaon
A. Miles. He thinks that a plurality
of wlvca may be necemary In order
to make up for the great lorn of men
In battle.
"In some countries," aa) General
Mile, "tjiere will not remain enough
men to rebuild the ruined homes. The
destruction of humaftlty In this war
Is beyond anything- heretofore dream
ed of. After the thirty ears' war
Oermany permitted a plurality of
wliea, no treat had been the Ions of
men In the country. It la not Impos
sible that such conditions will follow
this conflict, for war Is destroying
men ns never before.
"The hopo of the world hereafter
Is a federation. A federation of na
tions, some say, Is a vision. Hut this
la not true. The great nations of tho
world aro no further apart today In
communications. Ideals, or civilization
than were tho thirteen American col
onies after noven years of fighting.
Yet thesa colonies wero united Into
n federation that endured.
"Just so It Is perfectly feasible to
plan a world federation, uniting the
great nations as the colonies woro
united 'In a union that shall mean
enduring peocc."
Insurance; Adjuster Hero.
A. I McDonald, adjuster for the
Utah Home Insurance company, Is
here today to look over the recent
public school building loss. This
company, through Its local agent, A.
W Horsloy, carried n risk of -12,000
on the property. Edward Kltol, ad
juster for the Aetna, In which tho
bu'ldlng was lhsured for $6000
through the McDonald' Ileal Estate A
Investment company, will probably
be In I'rlco during the week to mako
n report to his company.
Cough Mcrilrlno For Children.
Never give a child a cough medicine
that contains opium In any form.
When opium Is given other and more
serious diseases may follow. Long
experience has demonstrated that
there Is no better or safer medicine
for coughs, colds and croup In child
ren than Chamberlain's Cough Hom
ed y. It Is equally valuable for adults.
Try It. It contains no opium or other
harmful drug. For sale by alt deal
ers. Ad vt
j "Start the New Year Right" ;
I There is only one way to do this, that is by trading ;
with the people that sell you Dependable Merchandise
I at prices that will save you money. The co-operative ;
f buying for 70 busy stores, enables us to do this.
f Something in the "Home Heavy Woolen Hose
it Knit Hosiery" for the all sizes, 25c the pair.
whole family at 49c Ladies' Knit Skirts, 49c, ;
the pair. 69c, 98c and $1.49.
Cotton Blankets, 49, 69, Jersey Leggins, 39 and
98 and $1.49. 49 cents.
? Wool Nap Blankets- Sw,eQaoeQrS' $1,98, $298,
X $1.69, $1.98, $2.49. $3-98-
Cotlon Union Suits, 49, 69, 98c.
y Woolen Blankets, $2.98, w,..,,,!,,, ,m i or
$3.98, $4.98 and $5.90. wgfc """"' S"'"' $1'69- $1'98'
-JIC. JPe-nxie tj-Co-Ixtc - S ,
No. 8012.
itni'oiiT of Tin: condition of tub
at Trice, In the stato of Utah, at the closo of business. Decern tier 31, 1H.
Ioans nnd discounts , JHMS6.82
Overdrafts, unsecured , i, (71.00
IT H. bond deposited to secure circulation (par value) (0,000.00
Other bonds In secure postal savings 7,000 00
Ilonds, securities, eta, on hand (other than stocks), Including
premiums on same 4.731.36
Subscription to stock of Federal Iteserve..
bank tl.100.00
Is amount unpaid 4,000.00 (00.00
All other stocks. Including premium on same E,30(.(7 (.100,17
Other real estate owned 7,47t.21
Due from Federal Iteserve Hank 4,(00.00
Due from npprovrd rcscrvo agents In other rrsenn cities 3(,SI0,3(
Due from banks and bankers (other than above) 1 3,360.98
Outside checks and other cash Items, 1(74.(2
fractional currency 92.12 ((7.(4
Checks on banks In tho same city or town as reporting bank 1,10(.1S
Notes of other national banks , 2,(00.00
Lawful money reserve In txinkl
Specie 28,031.75
Redemption fund with U. a Treasurer (not more than ( per cent
on circulation) 3,(00.00
Total $412,907.12
Capital stock paid In f (0,000.00
Rurplus fund , , 30,000.00
Undivided profits (9,(33.30
Reserved for taxes,!... (,000.00 $14,(33.30
Less current expenses. Interest, and taxes paid... 3,0(3.41 (,(33.(2
Circulating nates $(0,000.00
Lens amount on hand and In Treasury for re
demption or-ln transit 2,000.00 43,000.00
Due to banks nnd bankers (other than abovo) 103,771,03
Dividends unpaid 35.00
Demand deposits.
Individual deposits subject to check $107,(30,(9
Certificates of deposit due In I cm than 30 days.. (,200.31
Cashier's checks outstanding 1,499.31
Postal savings deposits 4,016.84 118,(47.35
Tlmo deposits:
Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 das 48,839,93
Other bonds borrowed without furnishing collateral security for
same , 7,000,00
Total $ 412,907.13
Htate of Utah, County of Carbon, as.
I. A. W. MoKtnnon, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the aboa statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
A. W. McKINNON, Cashier.
Correct Attest: J. M. WIIlTMOIlIi, l
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of January, 1915,
ALH13UT nilYNKIt, Notary Public
' .
Everything New, Clean and Up-to-date
Bath Rooms for Guests
MRS. J. BEDDOES, Proprietor
ISBjsBWSBBtBsiraiiisiiMSiwsiijiigjMMLSssLiissBassax irrnsa naiiiimiiiiiiii
now 'V- f s r" . . .
The story of tho Union Pacific rail
road building through Kastern Utah
has been revived nnd acordlng to the
press there Is strong talk of con
necting the two ends of tho system
nntampmont, Wyo., nnd Park O
The lino would go through the Ulw
basin and bo rich In resources In i
tiro length.
Savoy Hotel
and Cafe
Price's Leading Hotel
Special Weekly Rates
: : Family Sunday Dinners, 6 to 8 p. m. : :
jdz&Mr Tires and Accessories
Attrffl . where you get the extra Firestone
ifly quality at the price of only medium grade.
fjr Tires, Tubes and Accessories
iVV F,?1?!r-S"n,l,y: " on'y averaio price becauso Plrestone
&Q? ,b1ulWe,firo.i""0,t'Peclalltna tho Firestone Factory Is tlio
KVjft 5!' "America where only tires are made. Como iu to.
Vygjtay ftn1 leirn why Plrestono efficiency can give you
MV3A Most for Your Mtmcy-Jn Fint Cott and Final Economy
Price Electric Co.

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