Newspaper Page Text
i m I THE EASTEKN UTAH ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1915. PAGE flY If I The Wtedom in Saving I A m who nth ii dollar U a benefactors one who teochea another to .a,, a dollar a Public benefactor and should be knighted by the state a Slkcr put la the bank at compound Interest take root Tn.Untlvi it I. ... Arched or btmwd br drouths; not killed by frwt or Xl tl ? $$, J.e.t er wM by famine or pestilence" Xr fir? SrSlood?1 u Im no. JT1 fUlVtaS; I I- btt.T b?rM.We1 by P1n"a7f lend or boon companion. It I beyond the reach of earthquake or tlhtnln. accl. aeat tl,ll,?UC w rw?V' U work ' ou by day and by nUM. SMdaya. 1NTI holidays and week days are alt the same to It It will not rust Mr wt. Mr be eaten by worms. It will sprout and mature a crop of Inte ler you every year thromhout all eternity and then be aa frean and a ready . on working for you and your defendant, aa the day It waa tint carried te the bank. It will be a atavo that never eats, drinks nor sleeps, no die aad need bo ovemeer. The tareetment of money In a aavlnjrs account at the bank at compound trterwt U the beat Inyeetment. the mott profitable bualnesa and the jrreatest aa4 grandest speculation that I know anything- about e PRICK COMMKUCIAIj A 8AVIM18 HANK. PBICEIMCINITY Urn. Davo Donald of flcoflcld In TWtlnB rolatlvca In Price thla week Br M. V Maloney wan a Tucada) vWtor to Bait Lake City on business. The asacascd valuation of Utah's w county, Duchesne, la $1,215,000. Iwls Kvsns made a business trip te 7.lon Uat Saturday, returning Mon y. Attorney I A. McOec wo a visitor te Rait Iake City ocr Bunday and Monday. Mis Ioulso Wlnslow, niece of Mm. j. )l Itobertt, visited In Price over naturday and Bunday. P. C Bullvnn la taking caro of the sllectlon end of the legal business nrm of Price A Kouta. socially adapted to that style of work Im Hcnney played the nccompanl stent for Mr McCnllcy. Mr. K H. Horalcy haa been quite r-k during the past week. Hr con ation la now much Improved. Choa. Avcrlll nnd family laat I-rl-4ay moved from the Olson Plata to Ike Jones brick bungalow on Ninth street The Kpworth iienxuo will Rive a so lnl at the Methodlut church Krlda) renin, January 22d All aro wcl tme. Mm. V. IX Woods la rry much Im roved from a severe attack of rheum atism with which ahn haa been suf firing alnce Thanksgiving. An Item In the Helper Times atatca taat C V. Hamilton, who haa been la the mercantile tiunlnciui at Helper, leaves thla week for Los Angolca Holly McDonald, secretary of the UaDonald Ileal Katato ft Inveatment ompany, waa In Bait Lake on busl can Friday and Baturday of lait week. II. K. Lewi, the Conaolldated sup rlntendrnt, waa trttcsoctlng business la the county neat MonHny. The aouth min aro working fdurNwd fle days a week. Mrs. W. K. Henry, wife of tho aher Iff -elect moved down from Storra Monday and with her family la oc Mpylng tho living apnrtmunta of the eeunty Jail. Klcht Indiana from Idaho and the Wntah Indian reaervatlon will enter Ike Utah aohool for the deaf and blind tkle year, One of them la blind and even aro deaf. B, Kato, a Japaneee, waa fined lit aad coata amounting to 110,05 In Jua tee Ice'a court Monday morning for iwllng aome Japaneae wlno to cuitom 't on New Year" a day. MIm Marguerite Horaliy, who lioa en the bookkeeper for John A. Kor Hh, leavea Ills employ thla week and Ike coming week will take the poal Mon of deputy county clerk. ItcporU from outlying aectlona nre Mat It la frured that not enough anow koa fallen to protect alfulfa and fall ruin nnd that moat of the roota will k "fmien out" before spring A great deal of trouble la being ex xrlcnccd thla wlnUr In keeping the kjilrunta from frucxlng up nnd It haa keen neceaanry to keep a loal (Ire around thorn nlmoat contlnuoualy, y The Uintah Telophono company, which haa ownership In the telephone Miio from Price and from Colton to Hie rravrvatlon, laat week declared a 4 per tent oaml'Unnuul dividend Mlia Ida Tanner, who for tho past talf tear haa been In tho employ of rko Conaolldated Wagon A Maohtno compan), haa accepted a position aa alonographor In County Attorney I oula office Itlahop Bamticl Dugmorn la down from flunnvalde today nnd reports work very alack In the big coke camp Ho far It haa worked but ono day thla week J II. Mannon returned Monday from a bualnem trip to Hcotldd Ilualnoaa la not very brlak In the up per campa although the mlnea have beon ablo to work moro than half of the time. Attornev C C McWhlnney la ex pceted In Prlco about tho flrat of February In lettera to frlehda here ho haa not ntated whether ho wilt lo tain In California or return to "the blggMit llttlo city" Mr. Frank Till, whoao hualiand waa killed at 8unn)alde laat fall by n pre mature oxploalon, haa received a check for 11500 from tho llrotherhood of American Yeomen The deceaavd waa a member of tho Myton lodge. Tho llraervatlon Newa In Ita laat liwun atatca that a commercial vein of coal haa been dlacovcrcdni-ar Myton Coal now at that town la huled from Deep Creek or the AahleyVaUcy nnd coata dollvend from flO to 113 per ton After an lllmaa of moro than a vrar Mr. Frank Bcavo of Helper, nged 2C )ear. paaed nwny Inat Tueaday night at IS o'clock Bhe leavea a huaband and a child 2 cnm old to mourn her loiw. Tho funernl waa held Thuraday afternoon at 2 o clock VIkIK brother have had aome at tractlvo atatlonery printed thla week for tho grocery hualne they will con duct upon tho completion of the Ig-lla-llonomo building Aleck and 8am Vlglla nro to lt the proprietor. The) will occupy tho tuat room. Thn aawmlll plant of the Uintah Ilulldera Hupply company, 30 mllea north of Myton, burned to the ground laat week. Thero waa no naurancaon thn property nnd the lona a catlmutcd at 17.000. The atoikholdcr In the compan) were Myton people. Wm, O Neal, reprtaentntlvn from Ducheane county, nnd who wm a rep reaentatlvn In thn leglalaluro when thn Hun. Thomn Kearna waa made aunator from Utah, haa conceived the Idea that the payment of taxea twice a )car would be the proper ayatem. 8. C, Prlco IVIday of InM week pur chajted from II. It McDonald the cor ner on Hlxth and JC atreeta, directly nppoaltox thn McDonald residence Juat aa aoon aa tho ground thawa out Mr. Prlco will commence the erection of a modern bungalow on the prop erty. Ilobert Btnwart, agricultural dem onatrator for Carbon and Kmory oountlta, left Sunday fur Logan, where tho big farmers' and houaekeopera' roundup will bo held. Very fow of tho agriculturist of the two countlea will bo ablo to attend, owing to the fnut that moat of tho former have little sale for their product raised thla year, Harold Ilrooka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oraon T Ilrooka, haa not aa yet len operated upon, according to th most recent advice from Iloston, whero ha waa taken by hla father two week ago. The npoclaltst taking caro of hi iao haa not decided what courao to purauu In tho mutter. Bult Luko phy atoluna advised un opntlon on the brain Frank Av trill, the oldest loy of Mr and Mr. Chaa. Avcrlll, arrived homo Friday of last week, after a thrtia )tur norvleo In tho U B arm) Army duty hue left him In rather bail health, at least for tho tlmo be ing Through an accident the heel bono of tho right foot became ahat tored and It I causing him consider ulila troublo Dressed Turkeys Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Oysters, Celery, Grapes, . Apples, Lettuce. X All Kinds of Packing House Products. ; Utah Market I Y Turner Block, Price, Utah. The entertainment given Friday night at the tabernacle by Profeanor McCalley waa well attended by a highly appreciative audience While tho entortalnment was not of the very highest classical order, )et hla violin solos were well chosen and art istically rendered. Hla reading, which were of the Hlley claaa, were very much enjoyed, aa he seemed ea- One of the beat shows wen In Prlco for many, many months perhaps evcral ) ears waa that of the Merry Minstrel Maids, an Ad' mlesa com pany. They held forth at the Kko theater Monday and Tueaday nlghta nnd pla)cd to a futl house on each occasion The lady performer had plent) of "pep" and vim and every one cnJo)ed their performance. They will return In about ntx week. M P Ilraffet. W. B McCornkk, John Dern, F D Kimball, A. Ueevc. Oeorge It Dern nnd J. C Dick com pose tho new directorate of tho !w er Mnmmoth Mining company at Tin tic The svme persons aro similarly connected with the May Day, another of tho Dern group, stocks of both companli being largely held by Car bon county speculator In mining ahnrc. "Doc" Bhuler la very jubilant over the arrival lost week of a diploma from the atato fair association which awarded htm first prlte on hla exhibit of hla famouH liniment and the In gredient necessary to compound It The award reads, "For the best dis play of herb medicine and liniment" During the post week the valued In strument has an honored place In the window of the Prlco Commercial ft Kavlnga bank Wallace Lnwry, secretary nnd treas urer of the Kostern Utah Wootgrow. era association, returned )esterday from CJroen Illver, whero ho punhns ed aevent)-flve head of scrub burros The so animal will b killed and heavily poisoned with strychnine nnd the larcasses scattered from Colton nnd along tho range to Bunn)slde. In thl way It I thought It wilt bo pos slide to rid this section of coyotes nnd wolves. Friends In Price of Mr. Clarn Mil thl Thomas, wife of J Arthur Thom as of Halt iMkn city nnd daughter of Mrs. F.tnma Malhl. are pained to learn that Mr Thomna lin been committed to the mental hospital nt Provn Mrs. Thomn ho been n fall ing health for a considerable time nnd everything nt the command of medlrnl men hn been done In the hope of Improving her condition Mr nnd Mrs. Thomn have two children", nged about ( nnd 5 years, respective ly Mr Thomas condition I such that the family have strong hopes of her carl) betterment isino Klrkendall, aged SO curs, a nntlve of Indiana nnd the father of Frnnk Klrkendall, fnrmrrl) of Winter Qunrtem died nt Ball Lake City last Tuesdnv Dei eased had been a resi dent of Utah for more than flft year. Ho resided In Bait take City, but was engaged In mining In several of the outlying camps. Deceased la aurvlved by the one son only, who la now chief clerk and prlvnto aecretar) to 11. O Williams, general manager of thn Utah Fuel company nt Bait taku City Funernl atrvltra nro to be held this (Thursday) aftirnonn. The Insurance adjuatera have not as )et been heard fiom In rcipird te the settlement of tho loss on tho aohool building although they aro ex pected to arrive In Prlco any day and fix up tho mutter. Immediately after the adjustment la determined, the trusteis will cal for n expression of thn taxpa)ors na to their wishes In bonding the district for rebuilding, the amount of money It la di sired to spend nnd whether one or two atruc turea should be erected It I con tended by many that two building In different aectlona of the community would more conveniently servo the aohool population. At a stockholders' mtetlng of thn Kastern Utah Woolgrowers" associa tion held In Price Thursday of last week, It was decided to assess each member one cent a head for sheep owned. The purpose of the assess ment Is to ralsa money to defruy the expense of putting out poison for wolves and coyotes, especially tho latter, which nro doing an Immenso amount of damage to the sheep In dustry of Kastern Utah, In fact thu coyote Im one of the serious menacta to the flock and causes moro loss thn nny other ona thing Following the suggestion of the statu associa tion, each section of the state, whiro sheep rang, will be ntrewed with miat, heavily poisoned with strychnine Af.DIlY MnH This la examination week. Wednia day, Thursday and Friday being given over to mldyour nxum.i Bomo anxl et) Is being folt by .imo of the stu dent, who havo begun tho proeww of "cramming " Thomas and Harbert Nosh will be udded to tho dormitory orowd next week Tho boy seouts, under the super vision of Scoutmaster C. C. Fields, are enjoying some now equipment In the neadem) gymnasium Tho Phllologlan I.ltcrnr) welttty held Its regular Monday night meet ing Januan ISth Tho following pro gram waa given after the devotlonula and a most Interesting und llvo vvlro parliamentary drill Mandolin Trio Mr. Jones, UunJco llowmun nnd Oeorge Ilowmun War News Disousslon C C Fields. Current Kvents Hoy Cottroll. Piano Duet David Jones and Jaa Pland Children's Coughs Children's Colds Ilotli Are bcrlous. When one of your little ones shows symptoms of an approaching cold, give It Dr Dells Pine Tar Honey at once It acts quickly, and prevents the cold growing worse. Very heal ing soothes the lungs, loosens the mucous, strengthens the system. It's guaranteed. Only Ho at your drug gist liuy a bottle today, Ducklen's Arnica Balve for sores Advt Our Job department is up to date. Try us on that next oraer of printing The Advocate. Advt KKKP FISII1N. C" HI Bummers was the durndeat cusa Fer catchln' fish he sure waa great' He never used to make a fuss About the kind of pole er bait Pr weather neither, he'd Just say, "I got to ketch a me today." An' toward the creek you'd see him stlde, A-whlstlln' soft an' walkln' wldo I say one day to HI, say I, "How do )ou always ketch 'em. HIT" He gave his bait another awltch In, An' chucklln' sa), 'I Jest keep fish In'" HI took to readln' law nt night And pretty soon, tho first we knowed He had a lawsuit, won his fight, An' was a taw)er! I'll be blowedl He knowed more law than Bqulre Mc- Nab' An' though he had no "gift of gab" To brag about, somehow hn made A aober sort of talk that played The mischief with the other side Ono day, when someone asked If Hl'd Kxplnln how ho got In condlshlon, He laufhed an' said, "I Jest keep flshln'" Well, HI Is Oov'nor Homers now; A big man round the state, you mo the snmo old HI, somehow; The same old chnmpcin fsher, jet It vvnsn't so much the ball er pole. It wasn't so much thn flshln' hole, That won for HI hi big success; "Two Just hi flshln' on, I guess; A cheerful, stlddy, hopeful kind Of keepln' nt It don t you mind? And that Is what 1 can't help wlshln' That more of us would Jest keep flshln. Chicago News. MimiODIKT Clll'llCll ni:h. Tho fltandard Hearer held regular monthly meeting In the parlor of tho girls' dormitory Tuesday afternoon Those present wero Mis Olllllnnd, Mrs, Cantrlll, Jcsslo Ilslllnger, Vivian Fr)e, IMIth West, Iletllah West. Hatel Cleveland Miss Henney nnd Thelma Foul. Mrs. Cnntrlll read two chap ter from a very Interesting book called 'Talk to Olrls," and thn les son from the 'Child In thn Midst" wo studied Ilefreshments wire served by Mrs. Cutttrlll nnd Hnxol Cleveland o The Kpworth Inguo will hold an other ono of their good time socials nt Alio church nt 8 o'clock Friday night, January IM Kverjonn who enJojB good, wholesome, fun Is In vited The TJpworth league meet every v Bunday night at 7:30 o'clock. . o The senior bible study rtns of the Dpwnrth league met last night with Mrs. Harold Paten Mr Hooding, who la thn teacher of thla class, put thn members through an excellent review test M. I. A. I'NTF.UTUNMKNT. Wednesday evening, Jnnunry 27th, the Mutual Improvement associations will present Hilly I.yndnll's Itoad show In tho U D B tnbernaclo nt S o'clock sharp. The following aro some of the hits Orohestm fantasia by Ixmgcy Mixed double quartet by Wilson, "Hocking tho Moon to Bleep," In the Chestnut Bhade by Felrl. A ona-nct comedy. Tho Buffrngets. Male quartet, "Thero Lttlo Olrl, Don't Cry," by James Whttcomb Ill ley. Thn Stars' Hall, by Hlomqulst We can't name all of them, but watch for tho folder programs. They will bo out noon Illllousncs and Constipation Cured. If you are ever troubled with bil iousness or constipation you will Im Interested In the statement of It. F Itrwln, Peru, Ind "A year ago last winter I had an attack of Indigestion followed by bllluuanosa and constipa tion. Bcelng Chamborlaln'a Tablets o highly recommended, I bought a bottlo of them and they helped me right away." For aalo by all dealers. Adv. Our Job department la up to dato. Try ua on that next order of printing. The Advocate Advt. (Advertisement) TO OUR PATRONS. Price, January i, 1815. Mr. A. D MaaLean, Price, Utah Dear Blr You havo ii policy of Insur ance on dwelling house that ex pires on tho 16th of this month. ' We would be pleased to havo this business of yours nnd would npprcelato the placing of It with ' us Wo can mako the premium on this $7 10 for three years Instead of 9.00, whtah you havo hereto fore paid, a svlng to you of f l.0. Very truly your, it. w. cuocKirrr co, Dy O K Nolms, President TO OUH PATHONH When wo dismissed Quo IS Nelms front our employe we were gentlemen enough, to give htm plenty of notice, and for our klndmss, when he found out that he won going to leuvo our employ, ho stole our expiration, so If you get Mueh a letter as the above, pay no attention to same, for wo will re new jour policy and glvo you a com pany that pus their losses. Wo have paid over 133,000 In Iomhcb within tho paat 14 months, and the assets of tho companies which we represent In thla ngonoy la over one hundred and twenty-four million dollars, and this Is tho reason that wo do mpre Insurance business than all of the rest of the agents between Bait Lake and Orand Junction, and we do not have to ad vertise that any of our companies havo sent over unother $200,000,00, from across the water to keep their reserve up They havo always had It, and got It now, to promptly ray your loss. Phone us our expense, and we do the rest MoDONALD REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. "W Have No Competitors." 1 Overcoats for Boys I Going at Cost. I Big Reduction in I M Men's Overcoats. H We have a few Mackinaw H Coats in prices that will H suit you. H If you want a good shoe, H one that will wear and H fit, try the Boston- !H ian For Men. H New York Cash Store I The PRICE vr&s so low jfl IV in need of Furniture, don't over- H look this opportunity. ALL FURNITURE TO lH BE SOLD AT COST. iH Iron Beds from $3.00 up. Hl Braao Beds from $8.25 up. ilH Heaters, Ranges, Cook Stoves, Springs LB1 MatreBses, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Side- afl boards, Buffets. HH EVERYTHING goes at oost. , EASTERN UTAH FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING CO. IH Paoe & Tlngley LH Opposite the Banks, Main St., Prioe. SH Stockgrowers' and m Farmers' Store I Groceries and Farm Supplies. M We are now handling Grain, M Hay and Flour in Carload lots M PRICES?--JUST INQUIRE H - 190 PHONE 190 H