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THE EASTERN UTAH .ADVOCATE; TH.UB8PAY, JANUARY 21, 1915. PAfeE'SKViKrl I-1H p The Garden Store Dealers in Foreign and Domdstic Fruits, Nuts, Green and Fancy Gro ceries, Etc. Pipes, Cigars, Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, Fresh Confectionery a Speci alty. Phone 104. The GARDEN. STORE Ranchmen Take Notice When In 1'rico try the KOZY Lunch Room You can get meals from 25c up. Everything Clean and Wholesome. Wc Serve Nothing But THE BEST. II Trial Will Convinco You TalcumToiletTreat A good Talcum Powder (or tho lummer tollot. It U e necrulty and a luxury keeps the akin aoft and I dainty, prevent lunburn and freckle, aaaurea com fortablo appearance, and absorb perspiration. We carry all the beet known Talcum, and we hao any odor you want at The MISSION Pharmacy or the REXALL Store. I king&'horsley Electrical Supplies WTg handle a complete line of Globes and all kinds of Electrical , Supplies. KING & HORSLEY Telephone 73y and 217 !j White House I Bar 1 1 Tho Heat In Wlnea, Liquor ami Ji '! Clears. I i; Bole Aeenta For J I j! COOPS' GOLDEN BEER j I . PRAOOOK BUO&, Proprietor. OJd man Hiorm pondered a oo4di U dW I not s.m possible Ibat this slen der. handsome dflrk eJred wft a detectlrr It did not mutch np wltb tbe tnlPM ir hud rrnd In hooka Khe wan jnat IlkP any othtr arlrl. nothing niysttriu whatever "It's ri-uily prlou, Zodora." said Jonn Itp trlf-rt my han.t at detective work, but I haven't BalmM an Inch. I admit that I ntn totally at ra I've ecu the thins once at a creat distance, nd I don't wondt-r Hint Uie native are biking fur other parts." "Hnve you any old Ume enemlesr he asked. Ml come bark once or twice a year for n day or two I seldom go Into tho vlllace Pre been In New Vork for nearly fourteen yenm and hate quite forKottcn tmw the nclRhbor lok How the deuce could I hare any enemies?- MI meiin your father tie may have dlschnri?cl some one who alma at hav Ins revenue." Mjp sugRusted. "There hmji't been any ono discharg ed from this place since I was a kid and you can tnke It from me that the chnp who l plnylnc this game has n brain better educated than the run of help hereabout " "I am koIiijj tn mnko Kome Invrstlgn tlons. and yon must let me go my own way No taplni after me when I want to ko Into Ihe vlllace. Some one In the vlllnue will know whnt la golnp on No one would come from tho out I side to play n en mo llko thl " "All MkIiL If any one can cet to the bottom of this muddle It will Ik your lovely self Mood luck, aweethenrtr Three or four days passed Ztnlorn went about her work systematically Ono dny she came Uon n bit of news that startled her profoundly It was of such a character Hint she dnrcd not linpnrt Ihli news to John, tie must be kept In tola) Ignorance. The brnln Hint lind Instigated tills really criminal joke wjs In New York. It was the tool of this cuunliiff brnln she mint bring to llclit mid coufuidon Ilrr unclcl How the mnn hntal John, to piny so despl cnble n Jest upon hi people! The old suspicion returned. stroiiKer thnn ever She wns crofting a bit afraid of this undo of hers; she wns beginning to tin drrstniid Hint flesh nnd blood did not ntwnys count Hut uhyt Why s'i uld he wish to harm John Worm? It wns an unanswerable iin-tlim She real bed Hint fom now on she uiut be on her guard. Her uncle mutt never lesini Hint she entertained Ihe lenst sus plclon. That night they nil rrrelvnl n. shock The hand suddenly npiH-itrcd on the side of Hie house, nnd eren ns the rushed out to loik nt It It slowly faded Zudora threw a quirk. Ircllng glance The Old Man Accused Htr, but John Intervened. but then) una no xt of light In the distance to couflrm her suspicion Hut a "magic lantern" wns being focused against Ihe side of tho house The re sult of thl vUltiitlon wns the fltinl ex chIus of the help, with the exception of the housemaid and the boy who did ebon's about the houte. The mutter hnd been fully explained to theso two None tho less they were badly fright enciL When the spectral hnnd appeared the next night old man Htorru seized his ahotKUU and nturtctl out with blood In his eye The result of his rage und ex cltement wns n bndly lacerated arm for the housemaid. The old rami an-um-d her. but John Intervened. The poor girl bud only lieeu tirlous to see how neiir she could gel m the specter She wns fortunnte to hnve earnped with her Ufa Later John begun to show preoccu pallou. nnd when questioned by . dorn he ndinllteil Hint there hnd been nn episode of hi jnuimcr days Hint he hnd nil hut forgotten The dnrk su In the wilin of the hnnd hud ilunll) brought hack the scene vhldlj "I used to come home during college dnys to hunt u Utile There's quail and partridge gnlore In NoveiulaT I used to tnke jniing .lliiiin Ihilton ulong to curry the game He was only n kid Well t make a long stor short. I was careless In hsndlliig tin gun. nnd some of the charge went into llolton hand The best thing wo can do then. Is to loente hint lie wasn't alwnjs quite right In the upi-er story Hut how the dickens he should come to think up such a hoax nnd spring It after nil these years gets me." Zudnm said nothing There was nothing for her to sny Ko we'll tnke n look Into Jimmy s af fnlrs." concluded John 1 Hut Jimmy hod not been sceu by any I one for several Veeks. The specter i auddenly censed operations A week i passed, and both Storm and Zudora ' concluded to return lo town, but to f return secretly the Orst time the hand madfjta appearance attain. Oddly enobgb Storm also -had Vague suspicion regarding the brnln behind rtolton bnt. perhnpx foollhly he re fratnetl from confiding to Zudorn fie had become reasonably sure that Has sam All wns somewhen In the bark ground Jimmy llolton wm Inmiwtble of pertx'trntlng a honx of this rxcnllar order without capital. At any rate he was determined to put the matter bold ly to Hassrtm All Amed was not going to admit him at first Orders were orders. Hut when Btorm devhii-ed that be would come back with a policeman Allied mnclud ed to accept the leswr of two etlls. Btorm found blmseir In the familiar drawing room Zudora seemed eiery where lu the arrangeuient of (he (low rs, the pictures, the music rack "Well, sir.' said a cold voice from behind, "thl Is nn honor forced uxm m lECli HHr,'.aLH MklwVCfaLVs!HUiHBiH ' mbhKbkih.H aaBsjjyyirj j'i bbM He 8uddnly UrM Dick Hi Hand, but Storm Was Tea Quick For Him. me. I hnve forbidden you the hospital It) of this house "I nm well aware of that." returned H'.orm, quite ns coldly as Hassam AIL "I have not come for hiMpltnllty Whnt I demand to know I. what the devil do you mean by wiling u half wilted boy up to such n beastly game as Hint acc!rnl hand)" Htnrm shisik bis tut miller Hassam Mi's nose All tho fury npilnM this young man bubbled up In llasnui All' henrt nnd liieniitlnusly tns srmltted lo over (low the brim lie wnnted John Htnrin dend dend ut his fecL He suddenly drew back his hand, but Htortu wns too quick for him Allied, seeing his master In danger, seized a vase and stole up behind Florin Hut from her Isiudolr nhove. Zudorn hnd heard Hie loud tolccs Rhe held In her hnnd only n Issik Hhe Hung It with uioro nct'iirncy thnn I gencrnlly cnillteil to the feminine arm It hit Amed squarely on the shoulder: ami the vase clattered to the floor John (lung llassnm All from htm nnd faced Xudora "I nm mirry, dear, to bnvo a rumpus like thl. but I lost my temper" "And perhaps I lost mine." said llns sum All, recugulzlug the need of a bit of diplomacy "I had forbidden hi in the house. Zudnrn. He pushed his way In with threats of police." "Yon wen wrung. John." inld Zu dorn with no small diplomacy herself There la nothing to prevent my see Ing you when und where 1 will, but this Is my uncle's bouse He has n per feet light tu deny you admittance If he so w Ishcrt." John swallowed bard. He was not ttXiM-ctlug a rebuke from such a quer ttr He npologlml again uud left the house At his Huirtmcnt a telegrum ouallnl him The spwter had rein u ed, and the fanners were patrolling tho Zudora Wi Suddenly Oraoaed In and Securely bound county with shotguns A carrier pi gcou ncqualiited Zudora with the fact The next morning Ihe two left for the south '.uiloru nor Johu referral to the row wltb Hassam Alt "11 me ftoru alone I'he sight ol you may scare away this boy," she aid -All right," n agreed, but with the mental reservation Hint he would foi low her and remain within rail Zudora found Jlniruj llolton and Jim ray no! ton found her, mucn to nr m comfort and alarm Sap tvui gone far I opwte to where the siecter nand J usiislli aptieared. and she discovered 1 In n window of a shm-k on the up- I j slte hill Ihe ryrloiHfin eye she hsd I hitherto hnntetl for in vain Without It the slightest hesltanc) she Miugtit tho ' $ shai k, kno. ked Intrepidly and was suit. 1 1 deuly draggetl III and eurel iHiuiid. I In the dim light she niiiid see that Hoi T ton was not untom iinl ith iii-Hiilty. I Storm hint pnuulpeil not to toilow, T but she ueter went "Ol at nliilit with 7 out his being somewhere neat He t had seeii the tlashlug ete A brie! tableau of Zudora stniuutniu m the J doorua) was enough He nearly . a mad ns oi Jimmy llmiou Ho Umil the fellow natglilt and left lilm X exhausted and thornuglil) eiiweil tn u f corner and then liu-ralfd Zudora T In the tittle ol the shuck win n giant Mtcreoptlnm. lapnhle of tlimwiug a X coiiiviitratinl ray a thousand (arils or more i'he plate projti letl was Miiliy S nn ray exsiire ot Hoitnus tiaud. t John threatened and nijolnl and eteti i otTered money to llolton it he would T confess who had set him up to this I trick Hut Jliiimt reliiMil to dlrtitgrt t his secret He feared the threats of J 1 Hassam All far more than the threats T of his victim . A week later the crops were being i I harvested and udorn and .lolin r- 4 tlirtleil tn Hie clt. eaeli SM-relly won I ' derliiu what the next ordeal would Hold 4 for tbeai 1 I Til IIRIIIITI.IIIRtt.l T ' Didn't Recognne Her 4 j Hhe wa ol a ouicvhnt haughty ua 2 I lure nnd Mug on a whopping excdi ; thin with a friend hapieiieil to ctilei ', a gllmie ot an aciiiialntatire she t ; not wfh to recognize '. "IjpI us go this way past the silk rounter I Just saw Mime one I don I ', care to meet ' ' "Who Is her inked her friend wii ! did not we any one near them "Oh some horrid woman with a '. smirk on her face Of course I hate ; only n bowing arqualntanie with bet '. and. although her fnre Is familiar t ; ran not remember her name" ', They finished their shopping, and the ; two women found thcmclvc at the ! same point where one ol them had ecu her disagreeable ncqiinlntiuiee "There she Is again Why I do be Here she's been here nil the tune!" she nld. M)lntlng to the pcron In qurs i Hon Thnt woman Homines snkes. Hint's yourself you see In the mirror there" -Kansas City Htnr i A Lucky Imitation. , Mnrshnl (lourko. the famous Hussion general, wns a terrible itiitocrnL Ou ' one occasion nn Impersonator of rrle- brntel men was iK-rloruitng nt a then , ter In Odessa One vrenlug he rcciilv ed a mysterious messagu. which rend. "Study (lenernl (lourko." In llussln ' It I better not to Inquire Into matters , that one does not understand, nnd so the artist spent an hour lu privately Impersonating the oulis'nitle Itusslan. Just us the evening Nrformauru wns about to lomnieiiiv an order of arrest signed by (lourko was presented to tho Impersonator, and without expinnstlou he wits led through the strevt to the marshal' puluee and Into an apart oicut where the terrible man was seat ed. They tell uie that you Iiiiht onato celebrated men," he haired "lniKronnte rneP Hiving a bnstr lisik at (lourko, the performer turniil lo the mirror to "make up" It wns mi anxious time, fur If the marshal should tnke exception to the representation he had unlimited power' to bullet pun Ishnietit The Impersonator dragged himself together and turned to the marshal a copy or his own face und overhearing manner (lourko burst Into a roar of laughter, and Hie dan geroua moment wns over. When PsderewtWi Wii Poor, lnderewskl's Urst really liuortnnt ungugemeut ms a pianist was lu Tarts He wns engaged to play In the draw lug room of a lady Miiioiu for lur mu slrales. and his feu, which seemed to him enormous was t.v. He mnuaged to ersiiade the hiimaiie ngent lu pay film in adwinte, ami when Taderew ski had reilii'iniHl n dress suit from pawn uud paid fur shoes, gloves, tie aud other essfiitlals tie had no mone) left for cuh hire, so he wns forced to walk to the sielle of bis engagement The mush loving audience lnplred him He piacO with rifling pasiou and mastery or his instrument as tint er before Ills niien mo instant I nnd iinmlstakiible I'he asr plaer 1 had snihb-nl) ikmoiiio the lion or the hour and fame and fortune were ns 1 sored hlui At last, after disengaging i blmwlf from his admirers, he turned . to leave, when his hostess remember lug with regret Ihe smailness of the fee for so marvelous a performance offered him her carriage Tor his return I home Hut I'nderew ski's pride cuiue to the rescue in his courteum yet re j served way he made a turmni tiow. ' and saying 'No. thank you. madame; I my own' Is Halting' he ter pod out for his long walk honluwaril. I'ear sous Weekly Try This Tor Neuralgia. Thousand of people keep on suf fering with neuralgia bocause they do not know what to do for It Neuralgia Is a pain In tho nerve. What you want to do I t soothe the nerve It self. Apply Sloan's Liniment to the surface over the painful part do not rub It In. flloan's Liniment penetrate very quickly to the sore. Irritated nerve and allay the Inflammation aet a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cent of dny druggist and have It In the house against cold, sore and swollen Joint, lumbago, aclatlca and like ailments Your money back If not satisfied, but It doea give almost Instant relief. Advt. i Subscribe for The Advocate. WHY WE ASK FOR i I Your Patronage I i; 1 Wc keep tiie goods in stock which experience j WM tenches us the people want. , jrBI Wo mnko our prices just ns low ns 1b consistent ill witli Kood business prncticcs. ' Wo insure our customers courteous treatment nnd "'lH nil the mlvnntngcs within our power. 'lll Come in and look at the follow- 'H ing lines: Winter Goods of All Descriptions. jfijH Fresh Line of Groceries. I'JIbbI Dishes nnd Granite Ware. Ilfil JMen's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Rubbers. Pijl Men's lints. jlll All Kinds of General Merchandise. ilaH j Carbon-Emery Stores Co. I J. M. I1EATIE, General Superintendent. Ifil Stores at Hlnwntha, Illack Hawk, Mohrland and East ulfl Hlnwatlta nnd Carbon. T liH nl V QjlJUJZr full ol die and action, tilled with the ! k H 0"-ii Vi.BP5 "ro ' nne pHtion and lollowcd " H .. "SJSss1' by 250 short siorlca ol adventute. w. til mike . H I TfieMJTH'S COMMION il I fv Better Than Ever in 1915 ? H Then the Family Pace, a rare fidliorlal Pace, Boys' Pace. ; Girls' Pace, Doctor's Advice, and "a ion of fun," Articles oh vM . Travel, Science, Education. From the best minds to the best H minds, the best the world can produce for you and everyone p jM J I ' ' I In the home. There is no nee k H V Three Current Issues Free "mlJ to eiiihuslasm for The ' " H V i,.d.Bii.n.wTiiccoMPANioN ouili's Companion. T H . 1.1 hi unJ r.a Hum Cminl linn , t- T flH 1 free. hut., iki. cmp., Wat, rM, 52 Tunes a ) car & M y r-..u aol l2 H ThoM wka utMrilx nw, uailia S2 H folk. si Uu..o( Tin: companion Aore r,ood rending than you will L H t Y.!01, , '"'" Tfc. Kct In ny ol the monthly T M ''""Csl..Jrnx. ,niKxlne. ' y M y SUIJSCRII'TIONS KCCCIVED AT THIS OFFICE ' y TO ADVOCATE SUBSCRIBERS 1 y This is the time of the year when you beftin to y ' y think about renewing your subscriptions to your y flH y fnvoritc publications. The Advocate is in n posi- y AH y tion to save its subscribers some real money on any y y paper or published in the United States, y H y Some of our combinations you will find very attrac- y H y live. Picking out at random three of the most pop- y H y ular magazines published, together with The Advo- y H y cate we can make a saving to you of $1.25. For y y instance: y t Cosmopolitan, regular price, $1,50 V H Everybody's, regular price , . 1.50 r H McClurc's, regular price, 1.50 y H t The Advocate, regular price 1.50 y H y y y Total $6.00 y y y Ouu Pi'ICK. To subscribers wc will make thi6 j y entire combination for $4.75. A X ; I j We will make a combination on X I y any paper or magazine published. 1 RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS. l ; Gunnyside, Custlo Gate, Winter Quarters and Clear Creek. H ; NOTHING HUT THE DEST IN STOCK. 5 ! Fine Wine, Brandies, Beers and Cordials for the Family fl ; Trade. Pool and Billiarji Table). J