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K8ECTIN of JJJ-JJ8.6118 opportunities to the rancher than the farming country contiguous to price, the land is fertile and pro- ! M (UCES IMMENSE CROI S. F ROM A HORTICULTURAL STANDPOINT AS WELL, CONDITIONS AKB IDEAL. THE MARKETS, ON ACCOUNT OF THE PROXIMITY TO THE STATE'S H HP.EST COAL CAMPS, ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE AND AMONG THE BEST IN THE ENTIRE WKT. LAND IN THIS VICINITY WILL NEVER BE CHEAPER THAN IT IS RIGHT NOW JH before w taiwi Mrtlcnw W f V-V' m? L 7W' JL IW I ' LP JLP -U lb HH chliV'twIlMiM.oiildto , -t,lo In onlcr Hint tho one vvW -WW ?V V rVVWWVVW fT r f IW W"W IntetwteM In what lie lin.l to sell ' JJeitcil may bo surely rcnclicd M -r ,,cjr olly klllW ,K i,nrilculant . H -- TWENTYlltSTYEAIL PRICE,"cARolfc6lJNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JAN.287li)15. NUMBElM. jj 1MISSI0NERSWANT XPRESSIONOFVOTERS IKK l'HOIHIONH UK MADK to muh- iswaiTKDNnfW ' nflrm ppolntmcnl" Iy Hlicrlfl Hiry -ontnblcV ""d Justices n Approved New Apjwlnt- jitt Made Oppose Apiwlnlincnt rf Am-""". The board of county commissioners t to a special session Monday A I board wan present J It Bhnrp dilfnl Win T Hamilton and Al- ri llryner ult sn outstanding Indebtedness .ifronts the present board, mort of ich U owing on account of the iKtnent rendered ngulnsl the fomi on the N B Ncllson decision Other tilers arc nlm Involved. After a iutthy din uiwlon by the mrmhc nt, was dcilded to mil a meeting of r uipncra of tho county to meet th the commissioners on tlin 7th of it month t nrrlve nt it conclusion r tho meeting of the outstanding Mjfitlon If the convention In fu ? rMc to the proportion, there will doubt ho tailed a bond election to let mine the wishes of tho Inxpa) t la bonding tho county to meet tho DI. The foil wing business was trans f led Application of Joseph Fattier for a mor license at lllnck Hank was laid erand the clerk Instructed to noil- I) I) lloutx of tho application , Upon application of W. K. Henry, " ha U llrj ner of Trice nml John J Ich of Wellington were appointed t puly sheriffs to receive tho maxl- mm sttarlr provided by law. ? The following lndn were npprov i. I For constables J W. Klrkman, ' Y Coo, l i: Hrotkir, Jitmia M vrton Htevc Davis, John Hlllltoe, C Klmber, fir Justlccrt of the pence Hn J Cram V Potter, llcrt llolf i n ind Mi rgitn I) Hvnns Ura. Man t Palmer. 'n widow, up ! ntled for u.j)Utiinc and Wit xranted ' n dollarn pir month In merihan Motion t lloiur curried that tho ' d of ni'li county department tike an of their renpettl filial and fil with tho cwunty clerk rthwlth t arrled The follow I ntt liquor IIouiihom weru rtntrd I rank DulliiKky. Kenll ' orth wholf-Mli it nd retail, Ihmiu Ucr, Vjnniild wholwMile fur two uilnaum, Hherlff It nr wrm ullowcd tho fol. ', wlnif mpi liin m hook an forum, tirtsa n i em and aminunltlnu, onw 'mil ttrnitd nhoL kuii. SOO lutttr ead nx I adttew, not to oont over no dot' r(ai thrto rubber MtumpMi ne dot n r. elpt bookii. I' H linilro at thu MQUt of W ' l)rif r w ih appointed duiut uh- ir at a Kiiliiri of S3 00 itr day The l nd of Thou I' Koltcr n herlff viua rtleawd and return d to - A Wi ll hum mid II It MuDonuld IWportnif Hhirlff ICtltcr. lleordr 'Kfra'J and Truanurer IlnlllnKr re n r ed nnd ordered fllod Dr I I ) tak w ui niipnlntod count) Nrm ta 'Inrj 1 u k am appolntud tiortl tural Inxpo tor for Carbon count ll inin i Hornley vvun appointed lfe Inpr lor Tli f iijvwnif hralth off leer and "Kl' r a utnl itnlUtlox wero up i utt 1 Hitin dt Vr A W lowd lrl e WitiinKlou, Hurptir and Car 1 ii l( r nr y y pUk. 'atr Uato, Carbon and Cnincron Or I M Neher K nllworth Dr It Uuwd W nl r quartern und Heoflold Dr ' I M Dermoid , " ra uud Standurd Dr. 1 H Itcl S, M Hiowatliu ana Illusk Hawk Dr. J I wd ' I sr frtik and Utah Mine Or E. I Uurph The lirk wh nulhorlied to "uo u nant to thu Utuli HxpoHltlon tom m ilan for olKht hundred dollars. The follow ini; reaolutlon was ptjis-d wlurrnH In a tnewiaBo to tho state itxtalaturc novv In ucbbIoii tho uovcr nor 1 1 tin, maie has reuoinmondid a lv prnvldliiK for tho appolntmout of co nly aiwtBora by tho Htato board of eiuallxatlon, nnd Wheruua, Iniimnuch an tlo atato wurd of oquallxutlnn Ih an appointive "oJJ and not olectlvo; nnd an such huuid thev bo further authorized to hmo. the count) luucaaoro of tho o ral rountna of the atuto the pooplo uuid bt hui.j, , ted to tho condition o. nubmlttiinf tho naseasment of their pnperty In thu atato .to an appoint ive body, and vheruuvvo conatdor tho Msm(,nt of prprty undor auch C'lidlllorw ut. uhfAmerlcnu Now tnereforu bo It 'V lUnolved Ihut this board of com miaRinnirj of Carbon county hcroby 5 rejucBt of tho Honorable J. Mil lltcn our ropreacntatlvo In tho a lei Ulaturo, that ho uuo every effort V "hln his power and within hln In Hiluence to defeat the proposed ap- Pointment of county aaseaaora by tho '' board of equalization. WONDERFUL OLASS DOME OP THE PALACE OF HORTICULTURE, PAKAMA-PACIFIO INTERNA TIONAL EXPOSITION. SAN FRANGI6C0, 1915. ui.soiiimov ' S T Humllton movid tin nilop Hon of the follow In rimilutlon When am, puniunnt to the law the irwmiirer of Carbon count) reelvd In pH)iuent of laxea Impomd to meet tho count) n cxpenaea for the jcur 1911-191 4 ctrtnln outatandlnK vrar rntita of tho Imtuo of the )ear 1912, nml prcicdlnit )cnri. auRrrRnUiiR; IlilJIICH thireby deplotlnK the count) treiiaiir) by thnl amount, and renderlnir the county unable to pay lonim to that nmounl advnncid from time to time durlnx tho )iar 1914 by the Helper Htntn bank for the pur pose of pnjInK tlio count) expennoa of that iar nn they became due. and, Whereat the Heventh Judicial dis trict lourt declared valid axalnat this count) a. certain warrant bwucd to N. H NelliMin of Mount I'liaiuint, Utah, In pament of p. loan of 117.4(4 64 made by him to tho count) In the )cnr 1911, nnd, Wheriiia, them lire still olitstnndlnK and unpaid iitht r wnrrnnts of tho count) iiwutd durlnx tho )enr 1913 und prod dim; years, nKKrcRallnK I13.SS4 73 nnd. WlurHiK. tho count) Is Indebted In the follow Intc sums Tho sum of j:noouo, the sum of linsooo, the auin of I3S00 00 the said sums hilV- UK been approprlitrd for tho Willow ('reek road the Helper brldRo uud tho stule Mnd cuinuiliwlon, nnd WlurcftN. there la filed with the count) clerk certain clulms for labor und material furnished to tho count) durlnx the )ear 1912, iiRBrtRatliiK 1X173 13 for whUh vvnrrauta were not approved uud IimumI nspcetlvel) b) tho iMjurd of e4immlaloiii rs und clerk of that )ue, till of which warrants und claims ui.Krexalv a total iouiit Indobtedneas of 19,3S 08, tho ftTuwlir IKirt of such liidebtedlivss Is xood In im)iuent of count) tuxes und there fore liable to Jcopurdlx the oouuD's reveuui for tho uurront )eor. In like inaiuur ns the above said iniieclloil wui runts jMiivurdlzed tho count) credit for tho )eurs 1913 nnd 101 4V und. Wtu runs sueh Jeopardlxlux of the county's credit van b iivolded onl) us follows, to-wlt 1 11) u spoelul lev) upon tho proprt) of the taxpa)rs of tho count) aufllolent to realize the sum of "JlO.lSit OS durlnx the )oar 1916. or 3 lly the sale of londs for thu ubuvo amount of $69,189 08 puyaUu jurlnx n uerlea of ten, or twent) youra. Now thuroforo le It resolved That tho board of eounty commissioners Imwki u cull to tho taxHi)era of this eounty for u msullnx to l held In the count) court house Tuesday, Kebru ar) 9, 1911, at tho hour of 3 o clock p in . for tils purpose of determining from thu wiahia expressed by the sdld taxpa)ers at n-vld meotlnx what manner of payment of the count) s Indebtedness shall be delded upon, and that the wld commissioners ciause to be published In eoch of tho three newspapirs In thla county for a period of two coiuwultlve Issues u notice of said meetlnx and have printed SOO of said notices and mailed tu taxpa)cra llvlnx without the coun- Tho said motion belnx duly second ed by Albert Hryner and being put by tho chair waa carried unanlmoual) J It HHAItr. Chairman, W T HAMILTON AM1I511T Dlt.NEIl 13 B llOUSI.nV, Clerk. J. TOM PITCH 1HJ8Y. Tho car limit bill, one of tho series uf measures to bo Introduced at the suggestion of tho railway employes of the atate, was presented In the house of representatives last week by Carbon county's representative, J Tom Pitch Tho measure provides that It shall be unlawful to operate an passenger train In Utah having more than nine cars, exclusive of rail road offlcere private cars. The bill exempts from Its provisions lee r c railroads und railroads less than fifty mllea In length A fine of rom ono hundred o one thousand dollara Is prov Wf x proposed uct for each violation of Its P7tVe'presontatlve Pitch Is also author of a bill providing for full crows on switch engines TOWN OF SCOHELD IS THREATENED BY FIRE HlhTKM ItlTKNTIiV INKTAIil.KI) conx wnu uMi:iuii:Nn riumes Qiilekl) KxlliiKuUhcd II) tho rnimpt Action of Volunteer Do pnrtiui nt liuMiihc AiMimtus I'mvcM Ailiipinlc 1'or I'mtct lion. Rpeclal to The Advocate. 8COKIKI.D. Jan It. Knlurdny nt 3 o'clock p m Tiro broke out In tho attic of the I O O. I and K of 1' hall and for u time threatened the entire community, having gained con siderable heudwn) before belnx dis covered b) J II A) re. the flro chief, who at tho time wna engaged In shav ing Hum Pnggunl a rent clouds of smoke rising In the nlr from tho bulldlnx first attracted Ills attention and but a few minutes after u blaze broke through the roof. Pagganl was left with one half of his faee shaved and n xonernl alarm sounded by the chief Luckily, Ie Thomas, n local mer chant, was driving by In his sleigh nnd within five minutes ho hod huo i ceded In reaching th fire hmiiw und bringing the hoso earl to the scene, when a full force of water was turned onto tho blaze. Thu vnluntiirflre boys did bravo t und nnblevrtJfk. Chopping n hole through'tTio roof by their qulek ac tion tho blaze wan wholl) extinguish ed . (lreat credit Is dun to Mr A) re, Dan Manson und Joseph llroylca, who took the land nnd fearlessly fought their way through tho flro uud smoke to save the bulldlnx ' Umt fall considerable criticism waa dlrc(od at Mayor Madson And the members of tho town board because thoy levied a small town tux to assist In financing tho bu)lnx or the flro upiMirutus, but It Is safe to my that through their foresight thirty thous nnd dollars worth of proper!) was saved In thla one tnatume Theie U no queatlon but thnl fur the Scofleld fire sstm, rucenll) Installed the grentur portion of tho business sec tion of the town uud some of the residence portion would have been wiped out by Kuturduys fire 'Die fire system cost 133(0 und con sluts of ii lurgo cistern, which Is kept full of water by the return water from tho steam heut Installation of the Mndsen Mercantile compaii) und sup plied by thu Hoofleld eloctrli power I plant, u large pumy which Is In stalled In t" S-owcr house u hose curt which Is equipped with steam heat tu guurd ngulnst frost, two hose carls, twelve hundred feet of two nnd one-half Inch hose and a small amount of other equipment. Tho cis tern has uu Intake from 1' creek htornxu HUMS. Special Correspondence BCOFIEI.D, Jan 35 Miss Tllllo Ilyland of Price Is a guest of Mrs. MIIlo Purmley Mlas Badle Iwls la spending a week In Price C. II Punk and family uro moving to Bunn)sldc, where. Mr. Punk has accipted the position of otatlou agent He has been agent at Bcofleld for a number of )ears. Ills many friends wish him every success. Mr Pred Kllfoyle hua been very 111 with rheumatlsni, but Is now some what 'mproved President Hush of the Denver nnd Itio drunde and Vice President Cowlo of tho Utah Puel company have been Inspecting the several coal camps In this vicinity ppitiiio HP-Aiuvn nr.1,1) on J tin: m:w piioihiiitios iiii.i. i , i The senate committee nn ngrh ul- ' lure nnd lirlgrntlnn held Its first pub lie hearing TuNidny night In the sen- , ate chamber on tho prohibition bill The ndvoeictea of the measure were heard Wednesday night nnd Prldny night tho opponents of the bill will be given ii hearing Rome ftdvorntrs of n state wide pro hibition bill desire tho mensure Hi be submitted to a vote of tho people by referendum Others wnnt a straight prohibition I III pnssed h) the legisla ture, to take efrert the first of next )enr A f w are In favor of n ebn Htltutlonsl amendment w tilth If pass ed would become effective In about four yennc. The officers of the Utah Htato Ped erntlon,ofjl'rohlbltlon nnd Itetlermenl lengina Ki In faorof a straight bill Bo far, tho Wootton bill for state wide prohibition Is the only liquor measure before the legislature Tho organized prohibition forces will have no more nc circling In tho announce ments of J M Whltnker. president of the Utah Pederatlon of Prohibition nnd llettorment leagues. Tho organ ized prohibition workers, he says uni ted nnd collaborated on the Wootton bill nnd agreed tu Introduce no other, but to lentcr support on the one It Ih extremely likely however, that ther liquor bills. In no sense na mill i -m1 and fiir-reiuihlng on Its prohlbl I lions na tho Wootton measure will be IntmdiKed, Some of them ma) be 1 looked for the coming week Sl.or MM'IIIMtH. DICK AM) l,li (JAMUUMJ I'lUllllllirim ctutcrdny nflernoon and this morn ing Hherlff W. 1C Usury uud Deput) Hherlff J U. IlDiier vsenl "down the line as It were, uud told SAlooumen what might bo expected under the present progressive udmlnlstratlnn The salute letter of tho luw must be udhered to. according tu their In strm tlmin to saloon proprietors. The state statutes will le strict!) enforced No games of eihunoe whatever will lie HTinltted There am bo no shak ing or dice for the drinks nnd no Karnes of etcl-ds The slot machine must go. according to the sheriffs In structions, nnd several of the saloon men havo nlreudy moved out the ma chine. Closing must occur iromiely at 10 ocloik ni und saloons must be vacated on ftuudu). There shall U uu screen In front of the oars to pre vent a full view from the outside to the Interior of the burrooin , -. Nutlet) Is III lib) given that Chapter 10(1 or the Soh.Ioii Ijius or Utali, lull, rulatliu to tho wilt- or IntuxUutliiK liquor, nml nil uits niucmlutor) thereto uud luirllciilurly the following pro visions will bo strictly enforced In (itrlNiii count) Halous not to I to k riullli tl to Ih- oihii uu hiimln), nor nricr 10 eAloch i in Saloons not lo Ijo iMriullteil Sunday mill after the hour or c losing. hales or Intoxicating llqucn-H iiiiikI lxi coiiUucel to one rcKim. All MIiiiIm, screens nml cur tain muni be vvlilulrnwii from Hie doors nut) windows after the hour or closing and on Sun day. No tumbling will bo criiilt I eel. No clinlrs, benches, nor any other furniture will Ihj k rnilt tiil In roouiM, nice pt Im hind tho bar, nnel only be liliul llio t-ur nn Is iicccsMary for the ntte uiliints, jr. K. HHNIIV, Sheriff or Carbon County. THOMAS rOUTH, Attorney or Curlioii Count) L Vl Tu Iceland Copenhagen, Jnn 35 The parla mont of Iceland, thirty-four if whose forty members are elected by popular suffrage, has passed a incasuie for olddlng tho sale of atcohollo liquors. The remaining stock In tho Danish dependency has been exported -lOOKS-BETTER-FOR-COKE darkling Kn)s Demand Tor Cupiar Kxrccels Present Hupply. The situation looks very favorable for the resumption of full work nt the unn)slde coke mines nnd according to D C Jackllng In Bait take Hundny. there la more demand for copper than there Is a supply at the present time Tho following Is taken from Mon day's Destret News Pnr tho first time In months, tho I tah Copper compan) has orders for copper that exceed Its capnelty ror immediate delivery, and If the Im proved copper market continues fie torm ni work nt the mines and the mills will soon be Increased, net tint ing l l C Jackllng vice president id managing director or the com pnnv He expresses optlmlstlt views u ernlng the financial nnd business sPiiatliin Bjenrrnll) nnd predbts that 'within n few months tills countr) will ' e reached as nearl) n stage or normal netlvlty ns It Is posslbe for one part of the world to do when tho other parts arc writhing In distress In his reference to nipper. Mr Jnekllng state il that tho compan) present ordecs do not b) an) means exireel the pAxlurtlon of the big mine but that they cvxreed Its nblllt) to de liver nt present, It taking practical!) ninety days to prepare the metal for the market. This Is the first lime hoveir. he slid thnl such a condi tion has exldted In mouths. Until export nnd domestli demand ror copper have materially lurrrsscd during recent w,eks," Mr Jackllng said nnd prenenf" copper prices nnd the continually Improving market make nn encouraging outlook ror cop per producers." Mr Jackllng explained that while exports to Oermany have practically been eliminated, other nations, In cluding practically all the allies nnd tho neutral powers, nre buying much more than prior to the opening or the war World Muxl Have Copiar. There la n price tlcull) regular need In the world ror copper," he said ' Much or the raw copper that former ly was shipped to oVynnnj left that nation In ftnlshceT'nuinurncturen. and was shipped from them to man) parts of the world Including this country This demand for nipper, nnd for ar ticles made of copper, continues In the world, and If Oermany cannot supply that demand other nations logically will suppl) It Hence there Is now fonsldcruhl) more demand for copper In other nations than there previous!) was Itussla Japan uud other nations ure bottoming much grimier users of the red metal The fact that Herman) has ctuesed to buy copper ili'i-s but in that the wc.ild will discontinue tn use the metal, nnd the fin l that we are again shipping larger amounts of ll dm not nt all Imply that It Is be Ing shipped to (lrrmnny Indirectly 'lliinliiMes everywhere In this imm try Is rapidly Improving nnd the present condition Is fier belter than vn the must ontlmlstle business In terests hoped ror two months ixK" It Is of course Impossible for this nation In resume lln activities nor mally while the rest of the world Is writhing In distress, but within n few months business In this country will have reached ns nmerl) a normal con dition nn Is possible iifidsr those cir cumstance R. Money Is us na) and Interest Is us low as the) should be If money wuro lower It would preweiit nn Inducement to the Incautious In make Investments which ct millions would In no way warrant" lKNCI OP 'lltDK IS i win i i hi: PMricD status CHICAGO. Jan 30 Por the flrel lime In history the United Mates Is experiencing the sensation of a real trsdH balance" In Its rovor, Dr IW ward K Pratt, older of tho federal bureau of foreign und domestic com merce, told the Illinois Hankers' nwwi- latlon nt Its anniiur dinner here to night. As a result of the developments abroad during the last six mouths, Dr Pratt said, "we havo turned tho corner and nre facing n new era of business expansion In this country an era which has made tho term home market' obsolete nnd nrchnlc, und put In Its place the unfamiliar termor world ' ' Ho explain ed that, whllo tho export excess In favor of the United Btatca had ranged annually for 14 years from $350,000, 000 to $580,000,000, "Invisible fac tors" had made this only an apparent favnrablo balance MIIOVH PHOMPHOTH POIt GHOWTH AHP. VHItV llltK.Iir With the opening or rourtcvn thou sand acres or Irrigable land, I) lug to tho (Riuth or M)lun, which for the first time will have water for this sprUigV seeding, tho prospccU are In--drdS bright ror tho lown or M)ton nnd ror tho home seeker desiring to locate ICnqugh water Is now avail able to Irrigate, more than a thousand acres Whj-n this land Is under cul tivation It will Klvo Mytnn at least three times hur present population to do bualnesH with The land consists of well drained loam and clay mills and Is especially adapted to grain raising Cheap oloi Is uvullable, with creamery pork packing plant nnd cannery near at hand Tho Uintah Power & Light compan)''! 150-barrel mill Is kept busy shlplnx flour to Ashley nllc) and suppl)ng the Indian department HI! I FiHI I hi:i:hIi WOULD m ti:iiiai,i.y I H APPi.trr nun: m county. M i H Hcunto Hill Would liuml City (Viten- , M eIN Willi Pull Authority lei llajidle H Cororntr l'roH rt) llrnitle: Mrs- H Slices PrnKMMl. i H Those provisions of the Uth laws- ; H which have caused tho city of Price H so mo difficulty nnd Involved It tn , H litigation nre sought to ba amended j H by Senntor Pcrr) In Henata Hill No. . H Tho proponed measure gives Very ex- IH tensive powers lo city councils with- IH out n vote of tho people. Portions of M tho bill nre ns follows illlB "To upproprlato money for corpor- 'H ate purposes only, nnd provide for SfH pn)inent of debts nnd expenses of tho ilH corporntlon nnd lo purchase, rocelve, 9H hold, soil, lease, convey, mid dlsposa l of properl), renl nnd personal, for the '11 boncflt or the city, both within and 91 without Its corporate boundaries; to VM H Improve nnd prnteit such property, fSal nnd to do alt either things In rolatlo'u liH thereto us natural persons," IflH The hilt also gives city councils the iflH right to construct or authorize the (flH oonstrtictlon of waterworks within or il without their limits, nnd for the pur- aal pose of maintaining nnd protecting JI the sinio from Injury nnd the water iH from pollution, their Jurisdiction shall jjH extend over the territory occupied by H auch works, and over nil lands, rcner- )H volrs, streams, canals, ditches, plpcn, :H and drains used In and necrsaary for H tho construction, maintenance nnd H operation or the same, and over lite JH stream or sou no from which tho w jH ter la taken up lo the course of saW H stream or wnteh'UiiIipl)'; and over all jl water ahed lands and water sheds H constituting tho nria draining Into H such stream or water source; and to H enact nit orelltinnns nnd rrgulnlluna B neccssar)' to can) the power heroin Hfl conferred Into effect und In thla lo- H half all cities are given authority and iH Jurisdiction to enact ordinances pre H venting pollution or contamination of ,'H tho streams or water sources nnd iH water sheds from which the Inhabl- jH tants or such cities derive their water jH suppl) In whole or In part ror domes- tH tic or cullnao purposea and also In JH enact ordinances prohibiting und reg- iH ulallng the construitlon or malntcn- llH iiucu or any closet privy, outhouse or flH urinal within two hundred feel of any JH stream or wale r source from which jH culinary nnd domestle wnler for the J Inhabitants or such cities Is derived, and providing ror permits for the con- lll struetlon und inulntenancet of the IH i same, nni In grnntlng said permit Hl such clt) may uiiiiok therutu such jH i reasonable conditions and require- SH menls fur the protection or tho publlo ll I health us It deems irocr iH 'In) '(linn Prohibited, JH Toy idstols and even nlr guns will H bo prohibited In the stnfe If Honato JH Hill No 13, Introduced by Benutor H Cnttrull, becouiiH a law Not only fll does the bll provide that It shall bo jH unluwful for any person to give. sell. tH or otherwise dlsKise of any target jH gun, to any person under the age of sixteen years, or to give, sell, or jH othurwlsu dlsiiose or nn) toy pistol or jH nlr .gun to any person whomsoever, aH but ll shall he unlawful for any per- H son, under the age of sixteen years to jH havo In his poseeslon or lo uso any jH target gun, or for any person whom- H soever to havo In his pot-suasion, or H to use any toy pistol or air gun what- fH soever iH Would Help lleKlid(ilt Mothers, IH Betinto 1111 No 30 seeks to provldu partial suiiport fur depeudiiut mo- H thcrs und provides that It shall be the M duty of the county commissioners of HJ eaah county In this state and they are D hereby authorized to provide funds in M an nmnunt not exceeding In uny one M )onr the sum of ten thousand dollara. H Stiilo Mil Por Schools. H Benato Hill No Z b) Senator Kck- H erslu) would give relief to thosu school M districts or tho state whore the rev- M enues are Insufficient for tha con- M dueling of schools for at least a period M of twenty-eight weeks. M Aid to Deputy Shrrtrf Widows. H Benato Hill No 14 provides for the iH appropriating of $3500 each to the M widows of Nephl Jensen, Otto Wit- jH beck, W J Qrant and Vasa Mande- sl rich, who were killed at Illngham last IbH year by the bandit, Lopez. Il No Hullroael Pat-ecu, fl Uvery state, county and municipal I official would ba prevenlod from re- Il oelvlng passes over any railroad In iH tho state by Senate Hill No 31. lH Would Abolish Voting Malhlncti. iH Senate mil No 23 seeks to abolish itH tho uso of voting machines. !H Sluto Cupltol Alxjlit Heady. 'jjHH Thu last part of tho present legts- H lature will be held In tho new cupltol B building It Is thuught now that oo- flH cupancy or It will be posslblo by tho HH 5th of Ptbrimry M