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B hh !hb fl R5,EICS AEnAifpn THnnnrifni?rUin?,T?VERL00K T,1E PACT T1IlS VEAU T AT A CR0P 0F WHEAT WILL MEAN GOLD DOLLARS THIS FALL. A SHORTAGE OF IIUEAD- I fl L'FF& ! JS iQi 4 rinS i : nnlwin . Jl?.RLD' N0T 0NLY AMONG THE HELLIGERENT POWERS OF EUROPE DOES THIS CONDITION PREVAIL, HUT EVEN IN THE STATE! lH UTAH THb 1J14 l.kui UAb i uuvbD INSUFFICIENT FOR USUAL DEMAND3 AT ORDINARY PRICES. EVERY RANCHER HAS A PATCH THAT WHEAT CAN HE GROWN ONJT BSTCrtssteru Utah JUwoite nmm I Hlctl ma p If Hi,.) only burn (lie particular HH H TWENTY-FHtSTYEAR PRICeTcARHON COUNTYT UTAH, rRlDAy.FEH. 26, t9Ui. NUMliERT v " H Bl PROMISES ! ! u iimvixx m.i.i i:i pain TIIX I comim.i-tk. HJ, .Hcttlon grreiiictitM llcelnrnl K-simitiiI DriniK'rnli) Annouiieo HJ,,tml nf otlng I'ur Wotilton , H-nltflic ilmll rulhirr lu Do , H ilotirboii Vote. HJ prr rlr tlun agreement In-HJtt-r 1! m rnlN uml the progrta- 1 Hkae d hired off nt n niiicu of Briti nti'J progrcMdvc member K , Kl itarp ii nil tin- lender of HL i i .rtiix If lil In tin- llotnl fcs.Jr.r' Hy night Tin- prbgn ( HL c . tli.') Milt nut hereafter HJ,r that thrlr member nf (tin HJt.,rr art' liouiul In (iny way to ( Btith the demucmb or for any Hjr.ntl mcaaurc W. II. Wallaie, Hjuroid M Nicphcn represented . HTnmrntl Mate committee. Wt- Walton. A T Moon. W. I). Uv ' Bi. J II Turnrr, IIukIi A. Mi , HJ nil It 11. Porter reprc rented onrt-Mlvr. HJ final pllt between the Into ( Hil nllle ocilirri-d over l.ic m. Hjf tin- dtmoirnt with rcfrryuie Hofitlun of llii- Woolton Hinte , Hyihlt Itlun Mil In the limine Hf munjfnitnri mill commiric t Hjitlrr n( the home, w hh h Ik ton ; HJik the bill, wan In Kewloii nl the , jHl'Uh nnil pnvloii to tin- guth f HJof thi progrcNlvc nnil demo , HJchirlii I Wnrnlik, chairman , HJ nnnltti) nnnuunrcd Hjthr c-unimlttce IiiiiI not agreed t HJ hiiii nilim n(H tin Woolton Mil HJ n iHirtnl to (In. hniifc Tliurn- Morning t HJllitiilcil lull Out Senate. I HJ AJ UK waa rnlleu It) the ill-Ill- I HJ roiciti iw li'iiiiiTu in 7 HJ'"' I ' IK'- 'f t'lr Wnnltun lilll f U lioui unlit tlu wnntf puwh , HvitlAtUn nml r, (err nil um Tin r Hftltlnn lilll km Iii hi iiiv-il ih a HBi.r the r.'lmtr to forv' the In . BV nml ri-frrrmliir tliniuxli. thut Hl'ijErrwiUrM uml (li-inncrntN nilKlit Bklilnl In lurry nut thrlr cum- HaplnlKui of milimltilnic tin' lliiuor FBn to it otr of tint pfoplr. W HB-HuK' pliuili-il wllh the ili-mii-. Hct i fall In lln nml holil up tlir 'Hj'l't" prohlliltlnn lilll In ncqoril Htllli ihU plan W O. I.llnic k HBnil the pruKTvKnlvn lemlrri Bl thut thilr pari) Imil.Tn In tin Hjiure hail np.ilfmlly pt. ilKnl i Hx '" n n fi'rrnilum on the ; HE qumtion und, furthi r, thut tin- HBmIiii Inlfnili'il In iMrr) out iHjpalfrm plfilKif i:vir)thln ' iOnnlni; immthlv In fixing up tin f Hvn lull mid huldlng It buck. iHtHinurl OMhiim. ilrmnrral. of ' H miiIj udilrrmul tin- niiitliiK.' t Oldhim tulil thn. niniTHtl i ', Ht" tli it hr Mould vote for th.i . B"11 "'I "t thi llrnt opinrliiiilt 7 HW"1 ' unit oppuhiMl to any nm , Hj,;1'' im mini., to tin i. ill Hi t. H !"'1' ll ln l,lM "(,,,r' M hy "ohrr tHJr, :' of K nil mid VHJ'' I riiikirlinff ilHiuiiirHl uf , HJ 'I f tiimi tiki-ii l th HJ1 '! iii iuImtk of tin. huuin- HJ ' ' f ''ltnr r tin- iiii ; HJ1 thf pruKTi'imlvi'M then rullod ( : r.iil. imuiin in w.)ri SHJ r und i He ilinioi'i-Hti to ' HJ''it thi-lr pliitfnrin plidui of it 'HJ' 'ii lii l. r ni..inn 't Kp ' Kti-phi-nn urgi'il the drmo- I HJ'1 ' t" I'll!) I Hi' llltH tlllllKH i HJ '' ' mil out In thulr plat- VH' I' Wlllllll.. HUH Hllllllt I HJ1 lit I to Mr l.hliiKHtoii uml HH'r Kr ttt I. ihut he wiik )P ' ' 'lillirr (hi dumocriitN In I.H)' "nil Uml, n h fur iin he mux Hf n ' 'll' deniiMiatH eoulil do iim HJ I IOK I , MS1 lt"n thut tht nonlt wiir ! Ho rink were tile nrKlimunt HJ' '' I'ortir I it hefore th.i uieft i.HJ1 ''ml. itH did T. T. Ilurtun, Jiiiikirhorr uml Ibron I) Nehu- S ' """ i"iiirt After tint mit , HJ: "'". uml the pniKreiMlveH I IB' nK n,IHt ""' ti'rnu'il "the rHi '''ll'" t tl Unmo'Tiiti. '. P1'1 ""p "'HI In the .111111111 f HV'r "lleniptlnK to urRiie Mr Old fH!"1' ,,"kln,f "l the prohi.'. ton ,"" the vluu point of thu pro ( Hr" II" " tiiiuii i onif u. h..' JBMr Oldham retired, leaeli L HF ' ' 1 1 p "-r nn of tin room. Q Hi huh nil llroki' I iilili. ( I "Kri rlt lenilur m rled . ' 'Irmiinutu hud liroken fulth JW ' "' 'hue with tli proKrtiwiM'ii. j W '"'t.'nl thut tin- id uiuirutH lme j ' "B il-elt(nl In nil plat ,HJ'n",,, ' hiih luiMi iiimii up, thirKi thM the liourliunii have '?'; !''"' f'e PIOKri, Urn III (he AHf1 'u'ry "PPortunlty. H '" di'uoirnl' Tor me." im '.' Mr MOngiiton, und hU re SWL w,r" K,e"ni'l hy four other (Hi i UtiiM- "Wii h.iv hud '? Mm" ,nB "'"tlun, and 1 think AHJ'lwltUely thut nevrr naln i "" uimoiraiM and progremilvm VHF!' l,uh nr hy county of I'tah. AV lmofrHtH lived up to thiHr J HJK,'', "' 'heir platform It would VHT.iV' ,mu "mead they promU Alllta ,'" Immedlutiily turn I K na do ftt"hT. I urn through yHnvm and I thlnh the prngriwilvo iHln Who1" '" dliufurtad with the I HJ"1 Pry not only In the rUte. f Hf ,hl" tlQn We MiktJ irn'tn M FAVORS REFERENDUM I'loaiiH,,!,,. I'lihllcntliin Itlitrr eulnt WiMitlon lilll. The l'rnxremive. Hie .iffl.lnl orgnn of the I'rtiKiemhe imrly. mm .omtii to the fore, oppwulng the Woottnn prnlill Itlun Mil After urntir iihiiHIim of neeltiKlnn the llllle potltli n pup, r Tnm furwiirtl under the nponiMir nlilii or flte of the lender of the pr i greiwihe pnrt) lu the iKnte n tin title prtge of the rurrent Iwtiie np ear 1Mb HilMie t., ,P niemhi rn of llle leghitalure, Mini ewpe. IxlK In tin I rteim. irflli mnl proicrrMte mimlrml r the leKlxIntiir.. gMiMlliiii lultlitlir nml ' rertemliiin , l.htunr Qitretlon ' The tmtloii or ihe proiti hi m I or the Ihiitur tmrrii- hIh.i M nut le nmde n tmrl) lMie Ii , nioril ' iimue npim Hhleh Imllildimln uf I till imrtlefi hmirmly illffir We deelitre thut MM nueKtlunn kIimiIiI he deiernilniHl h the reh n ndiim I provided ror In our iinKlltiitlnn I wllleh we plinlge niirnelp to j 111 like effeithe Ii) proper li'Klilil linn. Ilenioiriille platforin ' Willi I l'iople to Hit hie. L Mipior iiiieNllun We hellee Hint the lliUor quen- J lion nil nil Id he referred to the people, whom' expreKted ul(e nhiill he rriiiRnlml an nupreme on Ih Ik. n on nil other iui'Mlinn or pilMli pulley; nml to thin end we pli dge our pnri to fuhmlt the illiefllon or otnte-wlile prnhllilllon to the ne or the piMiple h refrr emliini. l'niKreiHii.e pUtfornt In Hie pnWnt miHliin of Ihe I'IhIi lrKinlnture the lliltliitlxe nml referendum nml Ihe lliiuor iiiim Hon lire twin meiimireit. There l I HI uiie luMienl iDiirH-' Ii) whli h Mith mil) he renllied. Kill llle Woottnn lliiuor hilt, und milunlt Ihe llipinr niii-Hlli'ii lu the ft it Ii eleelornle . ItefeiiliiK eilltorliill) to the Muni tion, the l'riKreMl' mlU ulteittlnn In llle mil tllllt llle Jlrllermellt I'll Kile, prior to elei Hon. mM-ured plmlKeN from cnilillitHte for the leglitlnttire lo pniM u law MiilimiUIng the prohlMtlon Uentli.) to it vote of the people. None wan pledKi'd, It iiHKiTtK, to an urhltrnr) rtnle-wlde prohlhltlon ineiimire On the ntlur Imnd, It dm lire Hut Uni term) nt leiigue hud ptedicid Itwlf lo work ror llle piiMiuKe of Ihe Itlltlntlve nml referendum hill thut the people might huiv the oipnriunlt) to Mite on the fiuentlon I'ontlnulug It imi)k The mrmhfri" of Ihe prrxunt liKlxliiliire were eleilid hy ole from liith nldeH of the lliiuor (jutrtlon, The) owe nlleglnnce to biitli.prolilhltlunUlii und nnll-prn-hlMtlonlHM lo Nuhmlt thin quentlun In Hie i leetoriile or I'tiih. ( lliirl mllll-t I.CIIRUC. No Ii KlKlntor In Iniund to follow Ihe Iti'ttirment Imgue when It iil'HUilniifil Itn pnxltlliiKor nuhinll ting the oui'itliin lit nn eleellun hull) to iletermllie thin IhiiUe with out regiird to pirt) Item The Ih tterment league, of I'tnh difterled Ihi.tM' who promlteil to ehainplnn lln (unite when It with out em Use Hhillliluneil nil t'ffnrt t i'iinlt the iiuertl'ill Ii) u re(r erelidum The leuRUe promlpiHl It'i l'f"ri'le en lie to aid In tHtWinK n rtervniliim Ihw Tim llettermeiit leiigue niuy ! the highlit lllisllf hill It olioiltd ri'iflu Mm lewuill nlong with olhem who ure leiM prelen tl'iuM. thut iMillthul pluiiH mid, pro nil Hen ure llimle lo he rullowed und kpt Whnteer the motl'iH or the lisigue mil) he. Ihe Wool toil Mil l lint ii fulfillment of ItK pleilgiwl, either lo llle iDglnhitorH who eHMillKid ItM en il He. or to Ihone who Jnliii'il In mi effort to unite tin lliiior iiuetUlun In t'tuh. The litMKiit''M hi Hon U h hlttur dis appointment to IIn real friend. hiiiI II niiwt not ! illHHppolntiH! If It rormer friend rel like IU mil tender without nn) hiinetH ef fort lo gel the Initiative uml refer-nudum. Mli lluth Mnrlln of ltmk JtupliU. Iiiwn, ut priaenl engaged In lunching In the llluwnthK public mhoul. whh In I'llce from Hulnnluy till Monda). Hie giiem of Mm T It. MoMlllan. tonight lo live up to ihelr plutrorm plidgm und Ihe) reruwd to do w One demoirut Htawrleil Ihut he wur go Iiik in vole for thin Mil und admitted he hud mil read II You cunt beat The prugreHelvitii Hhiiwed their din pleUHUte In ever) poMMc wh), mil Harold M. Hl.'phetlH. who reprioenleil the demoir.ilii. uilmltteil Hint t'' demoiulli li'iidel were not Pining enough lo di he Ihe demm mlli mum lintr of Ihe leglHlature Into line tliut iumpdlgn pledge might be fulfilled. Ill, ilk Ih CnmplfK'. The break wllh the ilemnirutii over the prohlhltlon bill I complctu. There nre no binding Hrr irom nuvv on. Th progri'Mln-p iidmlited thl.- Wudnet da night uml Immediately began pienanitlonn to nul'' overturen to th rpubllviini In the nenute to j"u ' prognmilvci. In mrnlng out their pUimrm pledgew with the end III lw that the progressive pari) und the re publican party might be reunited It iva Huud jy iwjms ""Hr",1: that the progiriwlwi n wlllliig to Klve ircdlt fOI psJigc oi " "W"' wldVpmhlblll....'blll and the "Illative and rcfrendum to th rnnju " the. majority Py will "id,,h)": giwlve In crying ' " ihtXr plutform which th democrw repudtale4 t tho ruuriu Ut otgnt. One Turn of the Four Mile Course For the Big Auto Races to Be Held Inside the 1915 Exposition Gates TIIK Vinderbllt Cup Itnce and Ihe (irind I'm ure enrlj rmlurrn or Hie I'liumim I'nrinc Ititrrumlnnni Kipn'i lion ii Sun r'rmicliico The Vauderblli Cup tlace im Keb. 'SI and the ilrnml I'rlt on rh '.'7 The i:i illluu runriie I the moil oovel errr laid out. and a part of It Itr between the exhibit police. latr build Inn and ferritin putllloiii and parallel to the Ooldf u Gate. The prlxr inane; for the two tacre la JIMkiO. In addltlio lo the rup . NEWSfflJl TOW MK-iiiiiI I'm-ltlc to (ilvc l. IhmiI- lt I'lrrl miIIiI Throuali Train. The rimt polld througli tmln "or npiraleil tut ween HI Irfiulu and the I'm Ifle miaft will HIW throUKll I'rlee on the 1 1 tli ilnv nr Aurll The train will be mm pored eiltllely or new nil Hteel enra nnil will tw run over the Mlnwjurl I'm lib from Ht IhiIh to rueblo. Coin.. 1 wit) of Kiiliwc Clt. from I'ueblo lo rkilt lAke CUy over the li.'iiirr and Itlo Orondn ami from 8nll Ijvke I'll) to Han I'mnelwii over Ihe rnlk of Ihe Went) rn I'nelf Ii The thiee mllrtHid nyrlema nier whlih. the erc U to he operuted nre under one gem ml management. Mr. II. I". Miuh being prerldent or nil or the rompiiiiliH, On nciiiunt or the world wide fame of the Denver nnd Itlo Ornnde na a arcnli route nnd the tv underfill IVn ther Itlver canyon Irnv erred by Ihe Weatern I'aiUltviia well na Ihe benull ful vlewf nlong "the Mlanourl river on the Mhwturl l' III, the new train hua been named the "Hrenli l.lmllil." it will leave HI Unit nt I 00 p. m dull), arrive In Knmna City nt 9 30 the name evening, I'ueblo nt 5 16 p m. the following day. Hall IJike CM) nt 1.30 p. m of ihe next da) nnd Han Crnnelefo nt ft IK p. m of Ihe da following, making ihe total run In elioe to three du)a In eiiulpmi nt h tram wiy lie one or Ihe line! In Hie i nimtr) The wild eteel nra being built if p lull) ror Ulla-wrvlie Will be equipped with untl-tele oping ilivln'H and vri known imtdern linpnivement and aafe. ty upplluiiie The Itnln will be made up of it luggHgi iir one large mod ern da) com Ii. n rei lining hair cur In which no eitru charge will In mad fur i atM a dining cnr. u I'ollmnn tout lt nr u Hiamlard Cullman lil.'ipllig nr and ii" ot'M nation II luur alei I'lng ur DOINGS IN THE UTAH STATE LEGISLATURE I Ilium' lilll No 13 b) I'ltill. pro tiding ror mllrouilH to eiuli engine with I imiii mindlepiiwer hendllghla ua recommenileil It) the IntemtHle com merte niiiinileMi.ii. hua hi en luvor hl reMirtwl ly the lonunlitec. The Hideout bill providing thai milling lillld ehoilld bo iiKermil ut u nluatlon greater tlmn thut provided b) Ihe cont-lllutlon. or nt u prbe In oxiiiaa or the nmount paid the gov ernment, wu wlthdmivn but Hulur ilu) There Ih unother bill In thi houw nlong MniJIar llnea ihut I lut ing -el luuijy yonldered by the, Ii gla lulore. rrealdmil I'eir) or hie niiti would llko lo we the portrait uf Hie inembura ot ihe capltol (numU alon hung In the new building, cording to mmute Joint reaulutlmi '' 10. lloiiMi Mill No. : provldiH for tin toneiilliliitlijii or ull iHliool illtil.i4 in ciith uilint) or the tUnte. There le lit tle doubt but Hun thl menur will puna both bmnehiH oi the leglUtuiv uml reielve the (.Ignuturif uf the gin . ernor. Thla protioiied leglfclatlnn una a ruvored muinir.' l the lute .' Nelaoii, atate aupi rlntendent of pu't He Inntru. Hon. IIoumi Joint Memorial No I ') Itepnuntatlve Mbc) aaka ipnKK'.n to appropriate the mim jf l!5.01u.WJ for the building of rJ,lu, ln ",,r Ptul or the linlou, llouae Ull. I2r3. PUPW'd bv bom branthe makTa It a felon) in re telve money" from Uepravid womuii Hcnato IHU So. S0 oj(i lor innuul appropriation or 1101,000 for the atiito rou tommlwlon for expeiidlturn on nil utate ro,da. Callfornlu capllftllaU have financed a million dolUr toal ompuny tu op rule dopoMtj. near-Cdr- City Utah. Airanjomunt been rnada wlOt the lUn rtdro-toad to bull npur lo tba proposed ntlove. pIumbers i"" FOUND GUILTY l)KH MOIN'CH. Ieb 21 -Thlri rl ma'ter plumber who have len "ii ttlal here Hii'c I'chrilar) IOiIi on charajea of violating the Hhvriuitii mill'tril! law. Were iimvlrtiil lit a Jur) In rederul couit todii) Judgt John C I'olloik Will pun eliell later It wan julwirgeiMu .U'v IndljOludBtr returned bin- June Ith that flic na iintlou lind been opt rating In vto lutliin or Ihe rlhermnn nntl'trii't liw ever rlnco lla orgnlilintlon In IMi Hint that It had conplred lo lntrrcr' with the huMncKH of pliimbira i.ivl plumbing auppl) huufu-a no! meiiibi ra uf the ntAoclntlun In the trial the prone, utlun proveit the conplrnc) iharge by reeiilutlon alleged lo have In en paaaed ut mi cl inic of the nraoi lallon In llnltlmore, New Orlean. New York nnd Clevi land, by tetlmun) of former eit plo)ea or the unwiclatlon. und b) men who wild they had auirend from mu ehlnatliHi", ur the urganliallou The drfniiiHi wna hiiwd on n gem ml denial or thu chargea, eu Kim I by lea llimin) to how that hundred or In dependent pluuthi ra had In in iilile to obtain aupplliH mid curr) on their blllneaa ilivMplte the fin t Hint they did not la-long lo llie iiKNoelutlon. 1'niler tin Hhnrmmi antl-trunt ml tinplrai) lu retralnt or tnule I piinbihuMe Ii) H (llle ur not to exceed 16000 or Iniprlauntnent tml In exieed one year or both. Muillur Cuc In I'tnh. Thlrte. n nitur plumbera or I'tnh anil uric or Colorado were Indicted uuit rail The) uro Churl. a J. Illg aon. Wlllluni H lllghum. I'oatei W Jouea. John A. rur)lll. Will IteeK, II en r llrecn. Jamea Mucbvlh, A. J A twin. Irving M lllglv). Wllllum Ito eller. I'urle) U Jumea. I'runk O. Cur thii) und Ito) Hpemer. Uliih. und Chrla living. Colorado. It la ihurgml thai they attempted to .iinrplre ug alnat plumbing aupply iimnnfiictiiriTH who cold to plumlerit who were not liiumbi ra or the National AMmiclutlon or Muntir I'lumhera, A demurriT I tit tl b the plumbcrt wua overruled b) Judge John A Mur ahull tarl) In Jnnuar). und Ihe cure will prohubl) iiiini up dining April term or the rederul court Kl IS Will llliick lluvvk TiiiiihI miln sciilctl in Stop lllufc. The llluik Hawk mlnv la etlll burn ' Ing ami ull ufforla up tu thla Hmu lo , uxtlntCiilMi thu Mam have been futile ' The tunnel wua opened tho rlrat of the .iok and men nttemptcd to go i lutliin. but yo fieri ii wua the heat Ihut I thl uitlon hum lniioHlhlu. With the taking out of the bulkhead the fire. whlih la loiuttd at the rote of the .tunnel, again buiet Into flame und ua Lu rentill the npeplng lla been waled. It la not thought, huwiiviir, but that l the Milling of thu mine will huvu the , afflict or extlngulahtng the III u toni- pletnl) II A. Heldon nf the Krulta Merrun I llle i.ompuny, owiur uf the New York Caah K torn nt I'rlte, nrilved hum Hun dny to aiwlut A. Walcli. nutnagur or the local loni.ern, In disponing of the largo dork of good, Thu company liar decided to Abandon l'rk'u u u hurlncau field ai will be eeen from a half pugo advuritaement In thla woek'a Advocate. In tho cloli)g out te ome very attractive bargain are of fered. With the completion of (ha Ml, Mr. WnUh and family will re iwra to the!. former homo at Frulta, ASK FOR METACREAfiE Wellington uml I'rlii' I'uiiiuth MiiUc iillciilli.u lu Sugnr Conitiiii). The fur m i' ra uf Wellington mm ii riHiilt or the iiuiM miellng held IiinI Week III the couit 1 1 oil.', have over ailhmrllted In their liiilli'iitl(in In tle t'bth-Idaho HugHr nimpati) ror beet ntienge. i;p until )etirda) I'rlcti fiirinii had naked ror but alxt-U aire but Ii I iirtitln Hint by Kaiur da) till amount will be lucrcum tl li. ovir our hiimltid lleorge An tin. field mnnagtr of the augnr cumpiiny. In hla talk to the farmer ur thl nation, linked that ut liat two hundred acre be pledged, but miggrnted thut i le hundred acre In ench or thu ronimunlllea of Wel lington. I'rlee und Hprlng Olen be mi drrlnken, The people of the latter town have nut )et taken hold of the proposition vir) enthuliitliiill) but with u little vturk there It la thought thai thi prnducirf vlll psallre Urn Im portiuue of thn inditrli) and come tu the Iront Wllh Ihe itrrlred, one hun dred ui Te. si'.VATfui MioirrH mi.i. 'Clio. VIDIX I'Oll MTi: AND lll'II.DIXtJ A Hip or the bill Introduced by Henator Hmtiot provtillnr. for n poat ofltn alt and building at I'rlie ha bum received b) II. II. Mi Donald. The bill mi Introduced on the 13th of the preM'iit month, read twice nnd leferred to tilt committee on public ground and building, following la thn text or llle bill: He It eimtled b) Hie aenate und linuae or representative or Ihe I'nlled fltntcrt or Amerlni In con. great) aaaeinbled Ihut the neere tar) or Hie triHiwir) be, uml he I hereb) aotholUi d and dlrei led to aiiiulre b) purclMKc. londrmna Hon or olherwlixi, u wile nnd taue to be creeled thereon u unliable bullillug foi tin u M- und uciom iiuiil itlun of the poNtorriie und other orriiea nf govemmint ut 1'rlic. Carlloii iiiiint), Ctah, the ciHtt of aald building not to ex ceed 110,000. WOOMiltOWHIlH IIOI.HINM OCT I'Oll IIKllllIlt l"ltlCI! More wool mile and rifuaala have been reptirled from Ihe headquarter of the National WoolgrovteiV iihho ilntlou a follow Denny A Clark of Duliol. Ida., re fuaed ofrer of S7I4 ceilla for their tllli, Horn KlHcmunn llru.. O I. Un ion of HolHu. fold 175. 0P0 pound nt & cent. A K. Klmbnll or Klko, Nev , rcfuwd 2t 'ent Tor Merino wooli II. I) I'hllllpa or Miiltu. Mont., reruned :& cent. Coluirn Umd nnd I. lie Htock oompnny or Malta, nrueed 88 tenia I BOiSfOLM Count) CoiiiiiiIh loner Will Cull lltt.- Hon lu Tukt I'p litilcbtctliiiw. The liunrti or iiinnti commliHlonet wilt meet next Til'lil lof Hi" pulul purpoae or palng t riill tt mlUuy au i lei Hon to vote 3! did worth or bond In pa) off 'll Iu'iMiIiii-h 1 Ilu I count). A prevloim iiouluiloti, ur Ipubllahed In thu I'rlit pup. nr m in .iffeit thut nn eleittin rliuuUt In lull ed, rubjeit to the teu'lui' lit or it liiii Renting held Ihe flrft of the nioutli, for the rum of 180,000, l.uifal mUltt I it ml veil hy the commlsalonera alncv 'thut lime, hqwevur, la that uu elei l Hon for more than the real known In debtedniN'. to-wit u Judgment ag nlnat the county by N. 8. Nelbton and miuh warranta a have been taken In by the. county Ireavurrr on tax pay ment, would pat be Irgul. ThLe am ount to approximator IJD.OOO and hence thn aiithorttaton for the I jano of more than that amount will (not be naked for, UDEUN I IIM 19' I i M i-roi'i.i. wti.t, von os tui:vi- H i noes mi iksci: HHJ Mi. McctliiR I'litiinibln to lloiullnr nhllcct .Mile Ii .Miller lmplo)nl HH Submit I 'In ui I 'or llulldlng lit. HBJ Col X.ttl.Utld. HHJ Theiv will Ih n bond eliftlou eik ' HJjl Mnreli 1 9 tu determine Whether th ' HJ I'rlee whiml dlrlrlrt la In fitvor 0 : HHJ Voting Hie mini of 120.000 tit be i mil HHJ lu the building or another kI m HHJ hour.' in replace the one reeently ( HHJ lro)ed b) rire i HHJ Notliea to thl ef ret I nre poKtiil lie M Ihe puc tor the and other plifc In thtr HHJ I HHJ llehldea llle 130.000, If voted, lllcr J H H nvulliilile the aum of 119,000 lit np ( HHJ Id) on the building. Thla mount. I HH haa been recclvrd from the fire lnur- HhJ unce cftmpanlea on nccviiint or thi S HHJ fire Thn tutal nmount or the rUVi HHJ wua IZtl.OOO, but Hie Inmirancc com- 1 HHJ panic fiinaldereil thn brick In Hut ffi HHJ wall ol thn burnt building worth at , HHJ Irani 1 1000 nnd the proffered aotlle- ' HHJ nieitt of H, 000 wna nccepted by thnr H board. iH A meeting uf the taxpayer of the HHJ I'llie dlntrht wa held In the. latter- HHJ unite Haturdny night to determine. HHJ the vvIhIi of the people In the mnttetr j HHJ of bonding the dlNtrlct nnd erecting: , hVJ another w html building. An uxprrNt- a H tl b) "Hume prcrenl" the entlmenb HVJ vvaa In litvor of u mtinol laind leue. H It It not poMlble lo lifitul tho ill- JHl trlet for more than 130,000, that. HHJ nmount iepreeiitlng i per cent of thn iHH Inxuble vnliiiitlon of ihe dlrtrlit. .Thu. HH ir the boid nre Voted, together wlllx HbJJI the IIV.0IIU lunilume, II will enubtn WjJB nn crei Hon of n atrm ture roalliiK JHHJ iD.oOO 3BH Mlk . Mllltr or Hull ltka Iih tHVJJ I't't'ii engaged b) the t hool board ti HJHJ prepure plnii'i lor the prupoHed build- HHJJ lug In fa ct, John Cotter, who nctett, IHHj aa ehnli mail nt thu Hnturduy night. WB met ting. Minted that tho bourd bull HVJjl dii'ldrd 10 employ Mr. MIllui to thn exrlUHlon or over) one clue. Thl fen- HHJ ture neem to ibn the. only dlacordant. HH one lu thu entire action of thn taiaril. jHH nnd II la polble wilt lief en t thn- iBHJ JHH New plana tuibmltled by Arnhltccl: HH Miller provide for a nlxteno room IHH atruclure There la no lamomrut. utt. HB colitunipluted by the plana flmu HHJ diuwu, nml the heating plant wljl li . HHJ oiiinlilii, over which will bit lowttmH HHJ the toilet for the aevt ml rcaima. fHB NO MORE OVERMtAFTS . i I Couipl roller Cut I 'out DoivtilOii'' Tli- J H ccoiiiiiiimIuIIoii. HH The tla) ur Hie featlve overdliift, I H pitHt, Nn lomer may Ihe dapimlloi; HHJ wllh HllrD-rtve icul In the bunfr. HHJ "gel by" wllh n check ror it dollar nnil HHJ alx lilt. Thu thread bale und rmraleil, . hVJ oxeitMi, thai )uu reull) thought )uiv S HH had mure fuiulti that our ihetk I'ulj-, HHJ fit ror will avail )ou nothing, living; 'i HHJ caught it uu y from home without HHJ enough ihnnge will not even puaa tht , HHJ guunllet tr )our milium la abort. Tlia HHJ following I the liiftriutli.M will out HHJ b) thu compti oiler (if currency to mi HHJ bnlika' HH "The grunting b) aome bank oC HVJ uit'ommoiliitlon In the rorm or over HHJ Ir.ifta I objeetlotiublti am! can not H be couiitenumed by thla ufflct HH 'Thla prmtlie ajiould leiiw eutlreyl' HHJ To f.n Dilate the uccomplUhmcnt ot HJ thla reaillt Hid milijeit haa been tukult HHJ up by thla offl e with tho bunking HJ depurimenta or arloiia irtuliH, anil BVJ IheiHi uiithorltlea huve gencmlly HHJ agreed to take the ncivH-nry ni'tloit HHJ tu witire tho effcillvi) co-operntlon uf HHJ Htntc bank lu uttulnlng the end do- HHJ HVJ "oil ure reilicated to adopt u rttm- J lutliin dlrei ting thut no nrricer or em- HHJ plo)c or )(iur bank ahulli pay or- HHJ charge to Iim iii'ount of nny depol- HHJ tur nny cheek uf auch ilepuKltuc vhcin HHJ theiv are not Miifriclenl fuiida i n do- 1 poult to the credit of the drt .' or Hl Ihe check In meet Ihe WIIIK'. HHJ "l'lui.u fiirwurd n certirted -iir,or HHJ thu roMiltitlon In thl office i won HHJ na It ha been ndopteil Ia t the vao- HHJ lullon hIiovv the numea of the dtrec- H torn pruKint at thu minting." HHJ itiaii tha.nsi'Hio! . H ' . ' ?t H Oeotge Dlumuntl uml other tu v' HHJ OUKt Dlumuntl, Iota 35 ami. HHJ JO, blk 17, Helper TownMtn HHJ Hurt e $111011 HH MeDonuld lleul KMute und Jn- HH ventmenl Co to I'eter lloaone, iHVJ one. third Intercrt In SKt or HJ Hi:V4. Hue. a. Twp. 13, Itange 1BVJ V eail .... HH I'ctrr llonone mid wire tu loul BVJ Colombo, lota 31 and 23, blk HJ 13. Helper T3 iHH Tiiuiuum i'rutt und wife to J. K. HJ Crowley, nil of tola 10 and IV, HH blk 11, I'rntfH Kurvcy of Wei- ,HH llngton . -n,v.! 30 iH Iivl II. I'are to furnret Ann iHH Tate and Lawrence Dewey. . IHH I'uie, tract n Reo It, Twp H,' . t HH Hange 10 lUnry O. Mathta tu Barah, A,. ' Mathla, tract n Heo 17, twp- H 14. range 10 ,, i BH iHH