W 5Eajaf wen ItaJf Aimaatte
PJH Kred U Watrous, Publisher
BBMS ' Uiltjacrlpllon Hates Ono Year. $1 (0; Six Months. 76c; Tnre Month. 80c
BBBB 1 i ,
Bflfll i ADVEItTlfitNO IIATKS IS llFnCOT JANUARY 1, 1014.
H .DISPLAY ADVRIlTIBINa-c-rtr Inch per Single Issue, JScS per Inch
Bflfll Bur Month, 30c Each Issue.
H r POSITION rull Position, Top of Column. Next Heading, add St per
flM wt to above. Atonrsldo Heading Matter, add 10 per cent to above.
Hj REAUKHB Per Line, One Time. JOo: per Line, Subsequent, (e.
H PIIOFESSIONAL CAHD8 Not 0er One Inch, 11.00 per Month.
H . LEO ALB Ten Cents per Line First Insertion Five Csnts per Line Bach
BHHJj afeaaqusnt Issue.
H ODITUAItIK8 Cards of Thanks. Ilesolutlons. Eta, at Half Local Head'
H rsj Notice Ilatea. Addresa all Communications to
H 'KBNtLWOHTH, March 2 The
Bflflfl , lilgint social ecnt that has taken
BBflfl Tlaco In Kenllworth for some time,
BBflfl tho first nnnlcrar ball gUen by
flflflfl the Kenllworth I-odxe No S3, I O. O
BBS K In the Kenllworth Auditorium on
fllflfl XUn evening of l'obruary llth
flflflfl An addrcsn of welcome was git en
IHflj liy Mr Arthur Marsh, chaplain of the
flflflfl lodge, after which Mr. Daniel Wet)-
Bflflfl ter rendered a oial solo, being ac
HHHB v-ompanlad b) Mrs. Ororge Kctnroad
HHHB the piano and Mr, William Wood
HHHH liaad on the lolln
Mt Tho grand march wn lead by
Hfl 4 Noble Uraml Bdward Klmbcr and
EHf) "lfe, followed by the members of the
HflflH lodge and Invited gtirsta.
HHH Thn auditorium was beautiful!)
Hflflflj drQorated with carnations, evergreen,
Hflflflj flags and bunting Conspicuous In
HHHH the decorations was the three link
HHBH -vmblem of the Odd Illos
Hflflflj A refreshing luncheon was served
HHHHJ t Vy a cotcrlo of Kcnllworth'a prettiest
Hflflflj xlrls. covers being Isld for a hundnd
HflJ Kuests at a time. From a prettily
HflBB decorated booth several young ladles
HHHHJ served punch throughout the oven
H ing.
HHHHJ The Helper orchestra, under the
Hflflflj tllrectlott of Professor Miller, rendered
HHHH an excellent program of the latest
BflflBI Oance muslo and the happy dancers
BjBHfl tripped the light fantastlo until the
BjHHH small hours of the morning
fljHHj A flah light plcturo was token of
Bflflfl the lodge lit a group, with visiting
HHflHf friends from the Castlo Onto and
B I'rlco lodges of I ) O P.
HflflH ( Invllntlons wrro given to n large
HHJHH uuml-cr and guests wern present from
BBBB9 nil ov'er Carbon county Tho dance
BBJHBl program were ntroly gotten ii and
BaH raoh bid) carried n rarnntlon
HHHjY Tlty Kenllworth lodgo Is tho )oung
HHHm t of the order In the state, but Is
HHHl tho uecoiid lodge In finances, ranking
1 next to tho Halt Utko lodge and to
, May tho Uast, did tlieeim.1es proud
In this their first nnnunl ball
bbbj j Following are the committees tin-
BBBBB jj tUr whoso dlrnetlon tho ball was so
V MUUccMtfully given
HHHm Knti rtalninrnt und Decorations
BBH - Antonio Itosslo, clinlrmuu, Kdnln
BBBVBJ ! I Hnooks, J Jones
Hflflfljft 'I llefrishmtnti Kiln In Snooks, I. K
HHHH I Door Managers -C II Illthu. II
V& (' I'ltlCi: ACADKMY ."SOTIX.
BBBBB) i The house warming nt the new
BBBBB Aradem) dormitory lust I'rldny even
BBBBB I lng vas it film silicon. Tho building
BBBBB was tastefully decorated with the
BBBBB I ' Academy colors, lavendar and white,
BBBBB aind with flow tra nud pi nants. A large
BBBBB rowd was pnsint und spent the
Bflflflfl wcnlng very plenaantly vvltfi mimes,
BBBBB contests, ota A short program vva
BBBBB rendered ronrlstlng of a mkiiI iolo by
BBBBB Mia Mrlle Clarke, n violin solo b)
BflBBB Airs U A Junes nnd u two-purl chor
BBBBB i is by the girls of tho sihool The
BBBBB I refreshment conststid of Ico creum,
BBBBB take and frulce. All prreent highly
BflBBB J complimented the hospltnllt) of tho
Bflflflfl I moIiooI and commended It on the ad-
HBBBBj tlltlon of the splendid new building
BflBBB (rs Itylund enti rlnltied the Junior
BflBBB fttctlou of MIhs llenney'M pluno pupils
BBBBB Uaturduy at 3 30 o'clock Afttr the
BBBBB program refreiUtmi nta, lonrlstlng of
BBBBB lninili and dike, wero served Ihose
Bflflflfl lireminl wero Allco lloffinnun Kdlth
HHHHHj Oiilley. Kulherliifl MuDonitld, I.llllan
HHHflHJ Johnston, Irene l.lo)d, Ioll) It) land
HHflBJ mi dMIss 1 Inline)
BflflflflJ o
BflflflflJ r rpworth league Hunda) night
BBWH Isadora MIks I'lelils and June Chris-
HH ' Thn Plillologlun I.lterar) ocl ty
BflHJHHif liuld Ita ngulnr muting Moiidii) even
HflflPflJ' lug, llio following program was ron-
HflBIBl I .
jf ' Parllanientur) Drill
HHBjuJfK ' IMnndolln solo Mrs. Jones
HHHJr J trading Hoy Cotlrull
Hflfln Wl,r Dlxeutwlun . Mr Fluids
fljBWV Heading MIhh Fluids
HHBjl , Current Uvvnts . lluorae Stevuntuu
HflBia m Quito a fow took udvantage of the
HflHBJ r ipen liuliso for the puhllt Inst Tliurs-
BflflBBj luy afternoon nnd enjojed the tour
HHHBB through all tho rooms nt the no v
BflflflflJ ttormltor), and on visiting the spa
HHHJBJ vlous dining room were served with
HflflflM light refreshment In the form of
HHHEyg , -Truluv
HBHW ' 1
HHHPQ Tho Standard lleartirs will meet at
HHHBaH the dormltor) March tth
O u " ii.l (iitAiu'vrn
flflfljf 'JUUI.Vi: Sri'DHNTh in jum:
flD M. O Mnugliun, ihulrmnn of the
HHHrH graduation committee of the Carbon
HHHeM . uiunt) high school, unnuuiurN that
BflflflflJ l the favult) hus passtd fuvorubl) on
HHHEflj tho graduation of all the seniors In
HHHHHj that Institution and Hoy XJurktr, u
HHHhBJ Junior, provided that nch auccess-
HHHHHj full) paa.io In the studks he Is now
HHHHH tnklng Those who will be graduutid
HHHHH ' tire ollu Futisutt, Irtno Thomns. U-
HHHDHj j man Varnrr, Milton Olstn. 2et.li Purr,
HHHHHj 1 ' JVnna Junes, William Thomiis. Indru
HBBBBj J 1 .Avcrett, Claru Oman, OLorgo Howie)
HBBBJB I ' Clarcuio llobluott and Hoy Darker
H Lot 30x100 feat for sale Just east of
HflfH Turner building on Main street Spa-
BflfljPnj trial bargain If taken at once. Terms.
BHHJ W Inquire of O. D, Papas, TO Commercial
Hftl trset. Bait LaX Clt;f. 4Stf.
HL Hubber stamps of overy description
BHBVsrc: I old by Tho Advocate Advt.
liAIMt- lll(b.K INTO Ml.bTINO
Mrs. Carlos Uunderson, Mrs J F
Pace, Mrs. U. U llursle), Mrs. 1'. li.
Woods, Mrs. M. Wilson, Mrs. L. A.
LAUber and Mrs. hila Wlckham,
ennperoned by Judge Woods and J
it. siuntHjn called on tho city council
lueuuu) nlgnt to urge a satisfactory
disposal ot a matter tho womon had
uvvn preparing fur sura time. Ap
puuntiy it was a great weight After
some uellberatlun tne councllmen de
emed to permit the women to present
tnelr case. Ihe data seemed over
wnelmlug, for each lauy entered with
a largo package, which waa quickly
tallied. J W Lvofbourow was tho
first to scent the mission of the ladles.
tie Immediately moved adjournment
until the following evening. Uefore
a vote could be taken the aroma from
(lie tabled packages had reached all
tho councllmen. The vote to adjourn
was unanimous.
At tills point of the proceedings
Master Jamie Loofbouruw entered
wltn mora Uata In the form of silver
wnie, ulnars and linen; the tabled
package being brottgnt forth, were
Jounu to contain a carefully prepared
luncluon, nnd thu council chamber
was converted Into a banquet hall In a
surprlulngly abort time. A diplomat,
In the guiuu ol hut coffee, cKectcd a
permanent disposal of all the matter
propared and presented by the ladles,
mucn to tha satisfaction of all con
cerned. '
John Itosa was sentenced by Judge
Chrletcnaon, Saturday, to an Indeter
minate term of not, more than five
years In tho state penitentiary,
Tito Joseph Nelson Supply compnnv
vs. Wright Osborno company, cum
was continued until next term.
American Stoker company vs Car
lion County High School district el nl.
was contlnuod
Merchants Hank vs. Carbon Count)
High School, continued
1-iulc Wllroti wag granted nit Inter
locutory dei ten nf dlvorco from Jo.
srph Wilson, und the custody of the
minor child
Tho Jury In ttu case of Cosmos An
drulakl vr. T. 1' Keller brought In
a verdict In favor of Kilter
The Krelc) tiistllute waa awarded
Judgment ngalnut N K Scamuunt nnd
V F Olson for 1140 principal, t K
Interest, 3& nttnrnt) m fee and $13
Upon motion of attorney for plain
tiff tho rase nf a W Hrnndtilt vs. I
C Jones was dismissed ut cost of tho
Smnot-Nlxon Lumber oompnn) vvua
awarded Judgment against It J Tur
ntr und F II. Overbaugh, copartners
doing business In Price under tho
firm name of Price Amusement Co
John Hcnrplno granted an Interlocu
tory decree of divorce upon paying
I1SP0 allmoii)
Ulllan Darker granted an Interlocu
tory decree of divorce from IU) Darker
Try Till 1'or Neuralgia.
Thousand of people keep on suf
fering with neuralgia because they do
not know what to do for It Neuralgia
Is ft vain In tha nerves. What )ou
want to do I to soothe tho nerve It
self. Apply Sloan's Liniment to the
urface over the painful partdo not
rub It In. Hlonn's Liniment penetrates
very quickly to the sore. Irritated
nerve, and allay the Inflammation
(let a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for
35 cent of any druggist and have It
In the house against colds, sore and
awollon Joints, lumbago, sciatica and
like ailments. Your money back If
not satisfied, but It does give almost
Instunt relief. -Advt
Strain Ural.
All desiring steam heat Installation
for buildings, apply to J, II. Mansort,
leasee of the Price Klectrlo Light and
Power Plant
Cod's Uts for Potts.
It Ood uiada pwli for anythlotr It
was to koep u'Jvo Hie traolUoax of
the puro, tbo holy and thu bcautirul
To Revive Fern.
Nitrate of oda dissolved lu water
should bo tlven to ferns that aro
email or weak, one-quartor of &a
ounco ot nitrate to a gallon ot water.
One half nu ounce of nitrate to a cat
ion of water should be used on plants
that aro large and vigorous. Boot and
alt aro alio good to use occasionally.
Mlttaktn 6hrwdnit.
There Is a mistaken brand ot
threw dne. s which retard telling tbo
truth a to aty that It Isn't worth
Rtclp for Happlnti.
It you want to be continuously hap
py you must know when to bo blind,
when to be deaf and when to be dumb.
Dally Thought.
What your heart think great Is
great. The oul emphasis lu alwa) a
right. Einexeon.
Stationery of all kind. The Advo
cate Advt
' y
First Democratic Assembly Since 1895
Ends After 637 Days of Strenuous
Labor on Epoch-Making Legislation
Many Prominent Leaders Retire.
The sixty-third congress, first under
complete domination of the Democrat
ic party since 1895, ended today at
it had been In almost continuous
session since President Wilson's In
auguration two )ear sgo. Dcglnnlng
with an extra sesstott. called by the
president April 7. 1913. the congress
ha worked actually 3T da) a.
Much Important legislation waa ac
complished but much contemplated,
ome of It hard pressed by the presi
dent and party leaders, waa left un
done. It I the present Intention of
the prerldcnt and his advisers to give
congress a rest Itather than force
an extra session, they would leave the
remainder of the administration's
constructive aspiration to a new con
gress next winter, which, although un
der democratic control, will have a
greatly reduced majority In the house
Foremost In the enactment of the
sixty-third congress wero.
The Underwood Simmons tariff
act, with the Income tax, which re
placed the Payne-Aldrlch tariff law
The federal reserve act reorganis
ing the currency s)stem.
Made New Tritut Law.
1. Antitrust law a to supplement
tho Sherman act Including the Clay
ton law nnd federal trade commission
act the former providing for punish
ment nf Individuals who violate busi
ness regulations nnd the latter estab
lishing a government Institution to
aid In keeping business within the law
Hepeal of the Panama canal tolls
exemption for American coastwise
Act directing the building nt a cott
of f3C.000.000 nf u government rail
road to the mineral fields of Alaska
Act to regulate cotton exchanges
and to penalise dialings In putt I)
speculative cotton future sales.
A special Interim! revenue tax, com
monly called tho "wnr tax"
A government war risk Insurance
bureau to Insure the American ships
ugaltiHt the Imxurd of war, and an
net providing for the transfer of foreign-owned
or built ship to Aimrl
cull nglstr)
Of those iiuasiiriM which fulled of
mnctmrnl or could not be consider d
for lack of time the following nro re
gardud by Diiuoctutle leader as para
mount Hill for government puriliuw or
ihnrtir nf tinnitoicunlc ships for the
tittnhltshmetit or un American mer
chant marine which encountered ,tho
most stubborn filibuster In the his
tor) of the Mtiuite, criuted an Insur
gent movement In the Deinocrulle
ranks and held up general legislation
for weeks of the last action
Mil rue') Tl cto Uplulil.
2 The Immigration bill. Including
a llti rue) lest for admission of aliens,
Willi li piiiwed both houses, was Vtloul
by PicNldvnl Wilson and fallid b) a
narrow margin to n pass the house on
a motion to overturn the veto
Conwrvntlvo measure urgid l) the
prcsldiut to provide n new sjstem for
teasing of vvuttrpower sites and a
leasing s)stim to open the mini ml
resources of tho countr)
Dill to enlarge the measuro of Phil
ippine self government and to txtind
promise of ultimate Independent o to
1 lllpluo people, a measuro vvhlih
passed the house nnd wtifc npproved
b) n m nate committee
Kcgututlon 1 1) Hie Intirstato com
mission of tho UwUfl of railroad set ur
lilt orlglnall) a part of the admin
istration untltrust program
Hural crtdlts legislation contem
plating the establishment of a )stim
of farm mortgage loan bunks, pirlnl
ently urged throughout iiuigris.
In udditloii to tho foregoing, at ores
of general legislative bill covering it
vvldu range of subjects dlod with the
end or the congress, among them
measure for ftdtrul road Improve
ment, Mmenil waterway development,
reorguiiliatlun nf the civil servlee, to
piofclMt Importation of cuuvltt made
goods, and soverul measure for reor
ganlxatlon of tho arm)
Ihii Dig Imnih-) I 'nil.
3 Ihe last session of tho rongres
was notable too, for the fullun of
two greut Issue, nutlonul prohli lllon
and woman suffrage Proposed ton
stllutlonal amendment precipitated
two of the most exciting legislative
buttle In thn liUtor) of the housu of
ripresentutlvea, both measure falling
to receive u nocesiHir) two. third vote
Foreign relations nt the nutlon wero
constant!) to the foro almost from the
beginning of the congrea. The Mex
ican Hltuatlon requiring close atten
tion from the outset u ha tho Kuril
ptiiu war 'throughout the acsslon tho
president nnd the stnato foreign rela
tions committee wero In fnquent con
ference und much was dono to re
strain unusual demonstrations which
might have disturbed International
tranquility r.urly In the session gen
eral arbitration treaties with severul
great foreign power were renewed
for flve)ear periods, and tvvent)-lx
peace commission treaties providing
for Investigation of International dis
pute before rosort to nnns were ne
gotiated and rutlflcd A treaty to en
force the regulations adopted by tho
I,ondon Sufel) at Sea conference wus
ratified last Dectmber, but with an
umendment making reservation
whluh cume too late for other power
to consider, thus preventing enforce
ment of thi convention A treaty
with Nlcuragua providing for acquire
ment ot tho Nlearaguan cunal i jte
and naval muttons for 13,000,000 was
left unratified by tha senate and the
r ,
pending treaty with Colombia direct
ing payment of 138,000.000 for the
Panama canal strip was held In by
the foreign relations commlttco
Dlffinncni Arising Over Patronage.
I The closing session of the con
grrsi was almost wholly devoted to
appropriation bills, the ship purchase
bill fight, nnd a few general meas
urea. Aside from appropriations,
about tho only Important legislative
enactment Included the creation of
the coast guard by consolidation of tho
life stvlng und revenue cutter ser
vicer, reclassification of grades In the
diplomatic and consular service, re
quirement of reglstiatlon of and Im
puting special taxes upon nil dealer,
manufacturers or Importer of opium,
or Us derivatives, and the crratlon of
the Hotky Mountain national parkin
Much debate on the condition of na
tional defenses enlivened the closing
rerslon Proporal for special Investi
gation of the preparedness of the na
tion for war all failed House naval
nnd military tommlttec. however,
enndut led public bearings on the sub
ject In connection with tho military
suppl) bills.
The congress also was marked by
and some Democratic senator over
difference between President Wilson
patronage, a spirited contest over con
firmation nf nominees for the federal
reserve board, two sucrcHsful filibus
ters ono In tho summer session
agnlnkt the river nnd harbors ap
propriation bill and the other the fight
of Itepubllcans nnd Democratic ut
iles against the slilp purchase bill;
an unsuccessful effort In the senate
to establish a cloturo rule to limit pro
longed debute, Institution ot a special
Inqulr) Into outside Influences exerted
ngalnsc the ship purchase bill, a gen
eral lobby Inv litigation which extend
ed for mail) months, nnd proposal of
an Inquli) Into senatorial campaign
Willi tho full of the gnVcl toda)
many imtor und congressmen, long
national figure pawed Into private
life Kuialor who retire are Hoot n(
New Yolk, llurlon of Ohio INrklnsof,
California. Thornton of Louisiana,
llrlstow of KnnsHS, Hit phi niton of
Wlsionsln Crawford of South Dakota
Camden of Kciituck) und While ot
Alnbama Hi pusi ntallvts ruder
wood leavts the Iioum' to go to tho
senate Scores of rcprvmntatlve In
the house give wa) In nt w members.
Cough Mctlltlua For children.
Nevtr give a child a cough medicine
that contain opium In any form.
When opium Is given other and more
serious dlseax may follow. Long
experience nua demonstrated that
there la no belter or gator modlcln
for coughs, colds and croup In child
ren than Chamberlain' Cough Him
edy. It I equally valuable for adult.
Try It. It contain no opium or other
harmful drug For aale by all deal
er. Advt.
Our Job department I up to date.
Try us on that next order of printing
The Advocate Advt
Dcglnnlng Monday, February 1,
toiS, the undersigned will plaro their
business on n cash basis, selling for
cash only. This step I taken to pro
tect the undersigned and their cash
customers. Under the credit system
the cash customers are compelled to
pay for the losses sustained through
credit to customer. Hoping none of
our customer feel agrleved at thl
step, we remain.
Very truly yours.
Secretary and Treasurer Utah Meat
FOH HI5.ST on easy torms, forty
ucre or land with water, or forty
hare ot wuter, undtr Price Hher
Irrigation company canal Appl) to
Harold li Katough, Hulbrook, Ari
zona. c-9.
i on iti:.N r.
One four-room house. See II. C.
Smith, Price, Utah.
A-JLAJLJ-.e-f..JL..-1-A-A. A ,.-...
" ::
i: TiaC COUMAMM12tTb.
" 1 Cleanliness. ,,
3 No Long Wull. ',',
'. '. 3. No Short Weights, ; ;
;; 4 Courteous Treatment.
S flood aoods. ','.
', '. t Low Price. ' '
',', 7. Quick Service.
;; 8, Freo Delivery. '.',
'. ! 9. There On Time. ; ;
; 10 Sure of Ucst Qualltlts. ;;
; Wo ask our co-operation In
, thl plan to protect our own "
Interest a well a our own, '. ',
, ,
Groct-rlcH of All Kind. "
I ) Domcsilo ami Imported (loot). ' '
'.'. pho.vu is. ;;
iv Tin: snfcvrii judicial-nw.
trlct Court of the State of Utah, Hi
and for Carbon Count) flconfe E
Ford Trustee, on behalf of hlmseir
and nil other stockholders of the 3a
vo Hotel Compan) similarly situated
who ma) see fit to mr In nhd be
made parties to this action nnd con
tribute to the expense thereof, I lain
tiff vs Savoy Hotel Compan), a cor
poration. K N II. Jensen John Jen
rcli. H)nim Halrd, nnd C It Mnrcu
sen, representing themselves and all
other stockholders of the Savo) Ho
tel Company who do not come In nnd
!ceomo parties plaintiff to thl no
tion. lHfendanta. Notice Notice Is
Itereb) given that the undersigned nt
receiver for the hotel coronTrBWr
filed a petition In the abov? 7 flK
court for the sale of nil of ikC&UttBflj
of tho Savoy Hotel ComDB BBs
said petition will be heard GnVBB
day of March. 1J16. and an? ih
persons who have any ol.i ktBflj
protests to make against the i"? BJ
said property must file the a BB
the clerk of tho above enthlS
on or before the 9th day or VBB
1915 i) m. shiheman; nL 7.MJB
Flrat pub. Feb. 26, last March?. B
ltubber stamps of every dp7rl
old by .The Advocate. Ada
Subscrlbo for Tho Advocate BK
,.H' nt, ' "ZB
I Crown Brand I
I .ffilil ::
3f The Kind You All LuW ;;
98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49 i
!: 4
X Wc Make a Specialty of
I Beef, Veal ::
Pork and ;
Utah Market I
V Turner Block, Price, Utah.
I 0 Q 90 Los Angeles j
VUU.STo and Return ;;
:: ROUND TRIP FROM Miter a-ramma
Visit Both Expositions
jj San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake
j; 1MBEI5 n SIIE MILT, HUKI ttlb Wr. 3BA i:
: : Tor Particulars, Call oa Nearest Ageat, or Write :