Newspaper Page Text
H JM I . - ... t, H i I sH illll S(i0tem Utah JUfliKitti I l; I 11',. be rcly rcacbc.1 rw W V V'T' fT . J ? Wl''Mk' r,"" carrie, Imt ttho would be ' Muawf i -tr- v v IntoroMeel In what lio had to sell ' H TWCNTV-KllieT vcTrt.'"" .. - - ItMhoy only knew the -wrtJcutara H 1 TWCNTY ' IH&T Y EA: PWCE, CARBON COUNTY. I.TAU, FK)AYt MARC1 12, 19ir NUMBER 10 ' ' ' hill HI I) NIT IrtKNOR uoiins mlknt un- Ti SIXTIETH I)Y. tt b flopped sntl IrgUlatoni iin, 0 MM llw-Moomj .Notified ttrs-' " Ws" ta,,Jr ,'or AtUonm prMlMxbl. x nt eleventh rcnlon of thr Utah llilar pawed the sixtieth day of rintMtlon nt noon yritvrday, J afclto lite member of both hounr UtrJoa bllti the flock was (topped ,4 tin enjoined In It light. tOUU K l Friday to tho ordinary m it b rtlll Thursday morning. Kh lllh. to the members of thr tt.r. n houae wo ready to adjourn llt'ckck tart night and 00 notified ittuit, but that body decided to nut unlit thLn morning. TV prohibition Mil wna not re- rui by Ootcrnor William Bpry. tt u apparent during rtrrday wtrtoa that something wan taking 'mt. Tbe tenato delaed tho pt.-. Wn tt the howc road appropriation Kk ib4 tart night tho democratic HBfi of tho hour delayed pas. fte of the general opproprlatlonn bill Btftrrutx amendment to It nnd de Mttrr questions which, had be it Burd upon by tho joint upproprin- Bti committee. tbo renate had eompleted lt Bk, there wai a lull and the ap. efetarntj made by Oovirnor Bpry nti u a theme, lor discussion In a ucn of tbo republican membrrn of ttattt In the caueiiN tho que. m of rtuptnaion of role rump up it the rrrult was that thn dcolilon unlrrrrv and the ronatn rauntcrcd tid II o'clock thin morning HI01ER- rooD ni: ixcoira) nv nn: .onuut Aiuioiw. wportOoti JliaitK Claim It Wonhl Cwt Twrnt).no INt CVnt lom Ttoa Wlten Orxrnlrtl I'oilrr lr. ttleOitDmlilp. "Theproponl made hy the llmiTt tVfP"1 ,hnt ,n'' Bovernmtnt takn .Tin JLWfVorn ,c,,,c Bn'1 operut.. il1 .on"'J' J u '1,,v?. 'V thu SStt. M.M r E Ca,v,n- x,c JTn. "oL K,,,irnl manauer for Orenn Short Une. Tiirrday to n ,'!WIf 'I bolkno that it uSSS',Jftn !',' tnl" charact.r that llroad will welcome 1 Uelin Kr.?.Vhlhi lhv Bovernrncnt oinnot R. fM.Vr,rt"'n ,,ntl"(, w'hl" I hrlu t th cot of operation under irrotomTihl) lrAiirnX.ri.P,0.of.a K"vernment on . .2 .1 " "'" 1'',"i""a railroad I I ?ii i" Mac, "Kur", ln wy mind. hwihi..ia.r,f Mt K""nont re KriS?.Vi,hi81 ,h0 '0,, ,f "P. ration. UmiUr linn under prlvato owner- ih w.i: """.'' ,n, t,,,,r rn,M nr .r.h.p " faU" UUd'r Prl tUKrel.i Profit tome. h ton K!,m.,,!rr Kuuni1 "how" " Uhe M.Tn ',ml ,or ,hn "nrt limn m 1? hl. f ,lw ,Mt"l- depart flere hi! !?" onrftted at a profit. 'wJ.u?i,h" ,,rof" como f"17 Vtit h,. '""''rotc. jou will find X to. r.Hr"1'." frm a, 'ar ""' rViVn. ho ,,arc, I'Ort wnle. Imt Medf0P'r? n Propirly com. i.; , or thflr labor In thl nar- ; partmennt t Zr l,H1,ronrf'"','l th oern. miuJ;'" mnlntalnul men ".KiT 't'-their duty to ld thai ,k dl' hll,! J f"" no nwiiiLvTi ,mn,0m'nt i.f th.w II be ",", nilnufl and that It The Xllm. 1" ,0 'UrnU"' ,h'm K 0? ' ran d0 nothlnK but oar? ?CU W.',h ,h" ow'rn 11 of Trn ?r,,fr mlBht fc M? ur.hUt n" thfrr " t0 "id In th- hlr pro,u w, b " lw In ,'h?,of'; department. ment ".t na"lc"r lntaneo ilngfor,, " ,h" "'IroadB lll bn In S?If' h0 wa '"nrly lo ntlojT ran hA,r." ,hot hfty "n The u?l5r bousn 'or 13 00 a '" Pound Xr" ,Tero not obl"fwl "tlon 2'h,!"ntr' ThoMof. M' hi bim1? Mr- Nlchota ta lo, " wrtl1m",0", of hc blK pro. lv. "oww tawe, a)) under cuV- bk wwm Itac VimIcitoii RelU Mnnnllo Itancli to Matill l'r)il(. Oil, of tho Inrseet real Mtati imiib forr. probably the larKwl MB,h and BMiInc lands, nude In Carbon county durlnc thr pnt .nr. Va. conrummntid Mondn), uli, un A" dorKon rold hi Mnetnlle ranch and Rrailnir nnd to Merrlan Crawford rind UuKcno Monk of Nfantt for a con clderatlon of ISO00. Tho purihaKora art prominent In tho neon huxtniK of KoMern t'tah and will moo two herda to thilr nu propcrt). which conxou of nine hun dred and twenty acren. fortj.flve f which In In alfnlfa. Mr. Amlfmon will diwitn hU at tentlon tMi nummer to hU other ranUi on Kotdlrr era k IMIMI MSB muiDATi cot'.vriis uiMi in: mun into n i: KIKTIlKTh. Mcimiuv IU-tfliM .iuot inmilmoiu Snpport of lloth Ibrunelm and I aiinntiloiictl bj- huixrlnlrtidint li (J. onn. Consolidation of xohool dUtrlctM ln to onn county dlntrlct l tho new m. tern which U'tah will adopt If (lour, nor Hpry Him Houe llllt No. t:. b thn coniniltttv on cOuintlon, which parked thn Mniitt lute Hiturda) after, noon The mcallid "coiwolldntlon bill 1 iui' of the mort Important mrai. urrf. of the Miulon The injmmi nt to cttnuolldate ti-hool dletrlcta'lntn 011A cbuht dUtrltt waa Mtnrted romn time bro Tho plan li KnlnlnK HdMprntil rat or throuRhout the iiuntr I)r i: 0 Oounn. ntntc cuprlntduint of public initructlon. In one ot the inoM nrdtnl adtocatea of thn plan nk n nuimure for rlflclunt and nevnomlcnl neliool iroternnienl WI1II0 attendlm: the national ronten tlon of rvhool aup rlnlendetita In fin. clnnatl ncentl Dr. tlottnn wind to I'rtkldmt V. Mont l"i rr of thn aon. alo and Hpeaker I- It. Anderron of the houn. Informing Hum that I'. I Chuton, United ."tutm iNiramlMloncr of education, und other prumlnnt id ucatorn In attendance nt the conten. tlon, r-poko hlithl) In tutor or the con rolldatlon plan Will IM-trllmte lliinliu. Thu bill, which hiv now Ui n pajmod by both hounon and nwalm thn upprotnl of thu Kotirnor, protldia for the dltlilon of thn munl Into fltn illxtrktN, thn illxtrkt tn be dciUnati d by tlu county comralwiJoncr. In I)e. Lcmbcr, J I1C, at a Mitral hoot nine tlon, u rnprHentatitii In to bn tlaetnd to the iouiiO rchool board from aili of lht fltn illlrli.tH In inch count) Thereafter thn whool loiternmi lit In to bu londtii IimI by thU count) h hool board limloail of lj lonrdn In 1 ni h dlrtrht In thn tiuinU Dnplli'Hllon of cimtK of hool Riiiirninint nrn nllinl. nun d b tho plmi 11 tut the 1 ntlrn bur dm of thn i-ehool uperatl iii and miiln. tnniiniii U plnitil upon the count) it u whole, IiikIwiiI of iipon hiniller din trkte. I llmlimlo IkfkltH Onn of thn IhlnRK t be aicomplUh. nd b tho uiniHilldutlnn plan. It ha Itccn pulnlid out eetirnl (line durlue tho M'txlon, In the llmluatlon of tie flcltii In ahool dlxtrlctM whim the population Ik imi mm 1 1 im to bn unnbln to prnpirl) muliitalu the hoIiooIa. Kadi eucctcdlmt leKlKlatum ror noteral earri pnM hni bun till -1 upon to iipprnprlatn money lor thn ponunt of tradurr In dlntrktu where llm ftindn wro liiiufflclunt l ho pie'nt ItKln laturo approprlatid IIj.OOO for that purpohn. Und r thn con.ill I ited plan whern Iho entlin inunt) In in)lnR for tho rupport of III. wihooH no m h con illtlonf will orb, ndmuion mplnln COSILY DUCHKNE HUE Hre Ii-tn)H Jitln lliixlnew. Hloik, CtiiiNlin; i0,ooo lrfv Wtdmrda) mnrnlnK of lit " tho prlnclpul buMmw tdoek of Du chmnn tin cuunt) ut of thn new lounty. wan i-oinphkl) "ll'' oul ' riamtr, nitalllnK I"1"-' ,,f approxl mnteiy $:o,000. IIUfclmwoH wholl) lout by thn fire wire thn 1'loneer Huppl) tomptn). th Duehicno Lumber conipani, Jnintu OulRklnh. Jnwukr, and thn I'opn law office, which lonlalned 11800 worth of law book. Tho I'loniir Huppl), eompa.i) oar rlrd Inimranto to tho umounl or aix thourand dollars nnd thn lumber com pany flvo thousand It. M. l'opo owned all of tho build Intra burned und he and brother, iko J'opi, the ntock of KdJ ,n lhr ".up! ply compan) W. I-'Dcan ftnt',ul IlllllnjcH nro tho proprletom or the lumbtr company M. It l'opo wan tho owotr of the booka anl fUturee of tho law office A cement blMk will b bulk 00 the burned area. Tba county hlja aoUoot brd met lh rtwular rHawlon toftaf. AMWAII Bill m.m i:ci:i:ds kt.ti7s istii. ti:i itinKNcii I'rk'n-Mjtoii Appropriation lcanun U Kltleil ltelrrnticlioite IIIII U 1'nHMtl hit Thousand Dollant For lload Out of IlclM.r. Three million, one hundred and rlxty.four thoiinand nine hundred and elRht-Miten dollnrn and actcnty flto cnta to run tho Blate or Utah tor tno ean and three monlhii wan nked of the IrRlnlature Thuntda) Thin mlRht) aum reprefenta tho RTand total of tho Rcnrral approprla Hon bill to be. Introduced today by thn Joint committee on appropriation and claim and to bo acted upon before tho IcRlslaturc udjournn, which meana romn time today AlthouRh the Joint committee pared and cut nnd rlarhid, prunlnR the budReta or the tarloun Mate depart mentn and InntltutlonH and vlnwinR with nlarm all IrRUlatltn bllln carry. InR approprtatlona, the rrand total or the central appropriation bill i. ceedH tho iKilmatcd ntenun by ap. proximately hair a million dollar. Damaci! Claim Included. Tho bill IncludiK. an la curtomar), all tho appropriation thin leRlalaturn maker, all thn i xp ndlturH nuthurlted by Htatute for the operation of tho ROternnuntal dipirlnuntn and rtale InMltullonn, nnd, br well, the elalmn nRalnrt thn ntate, IncludlnR thoae of cltltxn who cuffind from thn Hatch, touti flood. Thin dlntrtir, taiired I) tho break InR of tint rtatn dam lam nprlnR, ri xultid In damnRca nmountlnR, In thn Llalma nllowrd In thn bill, to 1DG.73I, Th. monc), howitir, dot not como out of thu atato'a Rcnirnl fund, bilnc rrom tho nmnolr land Rrant fund, ndmlnlrtircd l tint itatn land board Kxthnakd retenuo of thn rtatn for two inm Ir ir.18C.tt6 Thn llrown Ina; bill, pnttldinR on annual automo bile tax. Junt imnnil b) both Iioum. Ik expected to ndd 1200,000 to tho rtaln'a coffera In thif next two )eam, nnd thn nmendmcntn to thn law rrlatlnc to cor poration taxrr nrn txpcited to brlnR In an additional $1(0,000. Thin would brlnR thn total retenun up to f :,S3C MG. or aRulnrt the total approprla tlonn of f3.C4,l7?& It murt bu bornn In mind, hnvkotr, that thlr appropriation bill Im iIctIkiiuI to carry thn rtatn for twent-reen monthx, Inntend of two eari. n haa In in lurtomar) The protlnlon for tu ill) -H till monthN In dmlRiiid to obtlnto thu neciirlty of nn imiTKtnry iipproprlntlon ut thu opeulnR of tho m xt l Rlklnturo lt prcM nt Mutli ork. Thn Joint appropriation inmmlitiu, of which Hi nator Chnrlrn Cottrull, or Halt I Jil ii, In chairman, and Iteprmen tatlto Wllfnrd Da), or Iron lounty, in tlcn ihalrnian, hax In en worklni; on till bill Hnco thu hhhIoii opi nud. It wax Into Inrt nlRlit whin tin lommlt tin approved It and William P I-iiir eiihaikir, ilirk or thn oommlttti, fin luliul thu tiihk or pnparlnR It ror thn prluteia. Tho printed bill will bn read) todn), Uoiiil pproprliitliiiix. (iranil uintou hlRhwn), tSS.OOO, road In Dlntuh burin, iSS.OOO, bridge, nirowi Durhnvue rltar, 110,000, hrldKii our 1'rliu rlwr, 16000; n I mini rer un nt to tlrtnd count), $7500. road In Wn)nn lounty. 15000. Oarfleld tounty rond, 11500. Lincoln hlwliun). 30. 00U Indian can) on road. Carbon count), JlS.000. Midland trull repair.. fSOOO, okunlc wah brldRe, $000, Kan Juan count) road. JC000, Iocnn mid Onidin City rond. Iio.oooj .Mor ruii toiinl) nmili, $1,000; Kutkr conn t) rond. $5000: Hekr nnd JImiry i mint) rondf, $5000, IkepCritk road, $10,000, Clara trick brldRe, $6000, MorrTtn count) road. !000, and $50,. 000 for relief or Indian war veteran. Principal Ik iif In Hill. The principal appropriation In the bill nrn uh follow To tho Ruternor $ 35,2i;G0 To the wcretary "I Mate . 3J.287 00 To the Hatu auditor . . 39,64! 00 To tho nttorne) Rincral . 30,315 00 To thn mato trconurur.... 1,835 00 llureau or ImmlRratlon, la bor nnd rtatlntlm 1 1.636 00 Htnto bank oommbAlan 13,218 00 Htate dairy nnd food bu reau 39.75000 Htntn coal mine lnplctor . 13,937 00 Htuto rhemltt 7,300 00 KtHtn Innuramo rommlwlun 15,750 00 rltnti enRlnmr , .. 53,510 00 Htato lit tock Inventor. 33.550 00 Statu board ol rhetp com- mlMloncra .M.1S7.00 Stntn board of equalization 37.660 00 Hoard of pardon 600 00 Htate board of hoalth . 36.837 00 Hoard of hortloulturo .... 9,326 00 Htatn board or land com- mKlonem 71.100 00 fitnto board or idueatlon . 6,175 00 Htato board or examiner 77,136 00 Htate board or loan com- mlMtkinrw 37,000 00 Jutenilo court commlsrlon $7,600 00 National guard of Utah . 106,036 00 Htato nuprcmo court 55521 S2 Dlalrlct tourtfl U3.076 00 Hchool for thn deaf and tho blind 161,30000 Bute board of correction. Xlf,466 00 iJUtu menUl hoplUI .... 180,810 00 HUta indurtrlaVacfcool,.., IIO.OOOOO UiireraHy of tna 76.6M 00 W l Hi NI GLEAR GREEK CKOIKii: KKONOMOf SHOT l.V H.CK AM) ItOllltl.ll. .No tlctt found 04 to Iileullt) of A, fallout Hood Man Hail .Monoy In Two Hank nnd It I IIillcto.1 n ItrRo Sum In 111 Ilelt. OeorRe Ckonomou, n, (Ireik well known throuRhout tho count), tvaa murdered between Clear Crick nnd Hcoflold ramo tlmo between Hntur day nlRht and Hunday mornlnR Tho body wait round early Hunda by the crxw on thu Rwltuli train Thn cbcriff'e nfflcx1 woa nummoned nnd Deputy Itle'h rent to tho acunc Up to thl time, howeter, there In ab solutely no clew to the pirpctratorx of thu crime Kkonomou nan killed by belnir Miot In tho back or tho head. Ilobbiry I prerrumed to hatn been tho motlte for tho murder a the dead man' clothlnR rhowed plainly that tho pookcU had been rifled of their con tents and n re-arch had alo been mndo for a money In It. Whether ono wan found or not or whether thn dead man had any lon-ldernblu amount of money on hi perron I not known positively. L)tnR nonr tho body wai u amnll callbtr rctoltrr and n. dollar wateh In n pocket wn found a di pewit ullp rhowliiR $100 In n Denver bank lie wn ali a depoaitor nt ono of the local bankN wheru ho had to hi credit $300 County Attome) Thomaa Pout nUo t lulled Char Cnek In nn endentor to find out numo clew tli tho Identity of tho murderer but wan unmiceeiu-rul and after it thorouRh Inquiry wan un ablo to uncover nny atldenco thut would lead to thn runpev tlnic of thn criminal laical Ornka belletn that the dead man had u considerable, aum or mono In a belt, onn dbitntil relntlvu ntatlnR that bi wna or thu opinion It amounted to prhap $$00. Hall Ijcko relative of tile dead man hatu been ut Clear Creek and Kcoflctd durliiR thu week and nrn making it cry poilbln effort tn run down tho murder. MUM. JL'LI 1IICH III'.M). Mr. Julia ltlch. wire of Henry J. Itlch or WulllnRtoii, illid Mondn) nlRht from blond polronlliR, cauied b) an ulcerated tooth Thu devtared came to UMIInKtoii about thren month oro from Mon roe, tthirn phn had llted practk-ally all her life. Him wn onn of tho flrat Mittlrr In the comiminlit Hho wna tlw inothir of novintetn rhlldreii, iIrIiI or whom nro allvi A eon nnd dniiRhtir live nt Monrno and nlo it lion and dniiRhter In V)omliiR Hiiildrn thevn her hurband and four miw, J J dvputy xliirlff, Willi im, Jiwo nnd Karl recldn nt WelllnRton I'mural urtlcen ttero held Thum da) nnd wi ro nttundi d by practically thn ntlrn roinmunlt) iail IX) IHUT Tin remain or I'nd M Himford wnro laid to nrt In tho local ci mi tcrj laat Huniln) nf ti moon, runeral er vIiom wern conductid nt the M K. elinrrh. lint I A Jonm nfflclallnir. Thu nltendnnro wn trr larRc, thn i ntiru community hi InR pieNimt to pnj thilr Inat rexpectH to thn memory or one ot tho mort xpli ndlil c haraiturn of thn ell) Kterono felt thn Ions of thl moit worth) )ininic man and thn iln pi Ft ompnthy or all are extended to thu con-owing )ounR widow nnd reUtltitt. riowir ttero preM-nted In Rreat abundanco and tho coffin natid bu lieu lb pllm of tin ni. hMOOT HILL (IM! OP ltKT M(;i;i m Tin: ritiim:T Onn or thn lant MIIh rlgucd b) l'rel dent WiUon wnii thu Kmuot bill vullda ting pending hnmiNtend enlrle madu In good faith prior to January 1, 1911, under tho prot Irion or tho en InrRi'd hornet toad lawn by perron who Lurorn making an rntarRcd i ntry had nnqulred title to land undi r thu home iile'Hil lawn and there roro wtro not qualified to mako i nlarged e ntr whern thu original entry wan lowi than 1(0 uenn. l'tnh a(,rkultural tollrRu, MS, 000 00 llrtnch aKrlculturnl taillcRu nt Cedur City 18,500 00 Htntn fair uwoclatlou ,, 31,(00 00 Hlntu road comlnlmiton 2J'j,00 00 ror deflclth authurUud b thn board of examiner 44,973 98 Mis ullaniou expcime und appropriation , ...... 314,000 00 Kpiclal appropriation ,,. 98,31165 For rtntce i.liaro of ret la- Ing count) maps und platn , .',496 09 LeglMatite oxpenro 3,335,81 To Innuranco companies, refund on account of firemen's fund law, held unconstitutional .,,,,,. 7,67(66 Htato finh and gamei com- mlwkiner v , . 96,366 00 Htate board of examiner.. 8,260 00 Hatohtown flood claims.. 6,731,09 To agricultural oollego to complete power plant ., 30,322,61 MlaeulUor-oun claim ,,., 8,200 00 Oraod total $0,l4, 117.7$ KSWBIDS 1. t). Itepurtiucnt KevkliiR IroosnU I'or Mall lo M)ton. Notice nrn poatod In tho Price pout office urklitR for bid ror the carrying nt tho mall from Helper to Myton and front Watron to Myton. Only ono hid I requested for tho tranaportatlon ot flrat, aeeond, third and fourtli clam matter. Tho proporal ilocn not rpeclfy whe ther the contractor mut carr' thn mill from Helper lo M)ton by way of Indian can) on or otcr tho Nlnemlle route. WaUwn I tho trrmlnu of tho Uin tah mltrond and the route would paa through Ouray. Ilandlctt Port Du chrtnc nnd llooaetclt IMFAIlKill n. i uuhii i:i.i:vat.:i to iitrji. dint or nom Diitixrroits. I- T. .fcrrcr) U Ititlml After Long Irar of Nr-lev Not u Oould I Left on Hoant Mnillnr Anton Hi ivetod In D. It. O, HT LOl'IK. March 9. Thn Mlrourl Pailflc-lron Mountain railway iriurn, nuctrun of thn o-ciillrd Oould line, pared today from tho control of the Oould family. An lection of offlcura nnd director which aiiompllhad thl carried with It, financier gunerall) conceded, eontiol or tho connecting nnd rubordlnatn ltlo Orando-Weatern Pacific rtrm by which cleacondanta of Jay Oould, thn great railway flhnrT tier, linked thu middle west to tho conit. Inntind or thu Oouhtr. a proxy com mitten reprerentnl by Kulm, l,otl ti Co , nnd tho Guarantee Trut company ot New York controlled today' loo tlon, at which C3 per tent of tho Block wb toted. How computet wna thu chnngo wna Indicated In part by thn remotnl of throo Oould nnd l T, Jittery of New Vork, it long-tlmn Oould txccutlte, front tho board. Iluoli I Klitntnl. II P. Huh, Who fUCceedcd Jiffer)' romn tlmo ago rue pre rldent uf thu Den vrr t Illo Ornndo and Wcfrtern Pnel flu railroad, awung Into tho aaddln to day u thalrman of tho board of dl rector of tho Mlnoourl J'uelflo and tho Ht. IajuU-, Iron Mountain & Houthcrn ralltta)r, and hi diction preaonlly to the rvtniu poitloii with thu ltlo (Irandc Weetern Paclllc e)tem ttui comnded to bo probably n matter or cuunto To day ht Kuciecdcd Oeorgu Jay Oould, ton or Jn) Oould, founder of tho fam ily fortune, an chalrmnn or tho board, and Oeorku Juy Oould wna not elected to the new board. HU brother, Prank J Oould, and hU noli, Klngdon Oould, 38 )enrx old, Inrotoforo tku prcaldciita nnd member of tho board, tveru not re-ek-ele'd In cither eapaclt) I'lnle) J Hhuiiard. nn aotlte Mix Miurl Piiilfk rullroiid man, who met MIm He Inn Oould, Juy Oould'a dnugh ttr, a feiw )imm ago when alio wna touring thn )Mem, nnd riinrrled her In 1VI3, wna ru-ilmtid to both direc torates todn)'. Prom Harrnmrntn, Cal, enmn word that a n dilution hud ben Intruduied In thn IvRlilaturn uxklng Congrcur to have thn government purcliawj and operate thn Wixtern Pacific, now op i rating undii it roinlterxhip, Tho nutv director of tho Mluouri Paclfln nrn Kdword A Pnuat. William II. lA.n and I!. J Pcurxon or Ht I3Uli; nnd Mchnla P. Urad), Notvcomb Carlton, A J Hemphill. Cornellux Vanderbllt und W li William or Nuw York Thn old director, elected nro lien Jamln P lluxh, Udgar Mnraton, Kdwln O, Merrill, Pinky J Hlicpard and K, ltncotter Williams. The old directors who nro not on the now board urn Ouorgu J Oould, IM win Oould, Klngdon Oould, Jonim Hpt)er, K. O Adam. J. O Motealfe-, 1 T Jefury und H P Poor iOOD HiS MADE Pint In Illieck Hnttk Mlno IU He till to Ho Well In lliiml. While thn flro In tho llluclc Hattk mine tunnel Ir rtlll burning, thn ion. dltlon I vi ry ratUfaitory nnd thu flame nrn biing rapidly put under control lu fact tho helmet men havo suoeecdid In getting behind thu riro and by tho ut of mall fan flru fight ers without head equipment km now abln to work In thu tunnel near tho hcene nf thu blaro. Hhlpmcnt urn bi Ing mado from tho mlno. No coal Is bclnp; mined, but u large quautlt) full down on uccount of tho boat In tho tunnel and thl Is being taken out and loaded on tho cars. mm. I. K. Whltmoro wan down Hundu) from bait Lake to attend the. funeral of the Utct Pred M Hanfonl. The )"oung man ha, made goou lo the banking buxlntna as government ex aminer and ha been offered a posi tion with tho Utah National bank or Halt Lafco and which he will accept In tbe tRuoeAUte fular. TAXPBI1I0 , I LEASE IKilll PLANT I UVlK.i: M .I()ltITV OP VOTICS AO- M AINHT PHOl'OMTION. H Uutcr ItomU for Ten Tlioimand Dot- M lor Carry b) Small Majority of Tail. H Ono Hiiiiilrnl nnd SerciUy.Slv H Tnxn)rr Cnt llnllot. H Hy an otertvholmlng majority thi. jH taxpacre of Prlco toted agtlruit tho H leailng or thn electrlo light nod power fl plant laat Haturday II) a very men- H gcr innjorlt) they decided that thee H elty council nhould buy $10,000 worth. jH or nddltlunnl primary water rlghui. IH The tote on thn tearing won 64 for H nud 119 agalnat. On buying of wator fH rtock thn toto rtood 93 for nnd 83 H ngalnxt Majority ngalnrt livulng. 83; jH majority tor more water, 10; total H number or vote tnt on teaxtn, 173. H total un water, 176. H Nelthir thoc In fat or ur thotte op- I pored to tho iiurptlon mibmitted due- ptn)ed n great deal of activity during- BH thn entire day Only thowi whose nam lie nppenred on tho tax lint of the ! BH (It) corporation were- entitled to vole i BH I SBBBBsl TAX MEASQRES PUSS ; ' Ono lnOMi Amendment to Ooiwlliu- H tlon AtfettlnR Minn Output. M Thn two tax mramire which have , H occupied tho attention of tho nosatr H for tho last two week ttern panted if m H Tuetday by a toto of 12 to 0 nnd bo- I H tlco nf reconsideration was glvun. lie- 1 H conldcrietlon was later rrfuned and 1 I H thn bill hatn been finally pnttsed b) f H tho inatc Ono mcntniro wan House'. j H bill No. 114 und tho other Bcnate Joint i . H ririkitlon No, 8, nnd both wcru rec- ' H omimnded hy the governor nnd thn ) , ( H rtatn board of equalization Onn pro. H vide for it eonutltutlonnl amendmtnl H which ellmlnuteii thu provudaa that i ' H mine may bo taxed only on an aa- I ) H rcMmrnt not to exceid tho price paid ! ( H thu Kotcrnment for the ground. It Iff H permits taxing mine on not to eve- ! r lnnfl ceed threo time tho net proccoda. ' , i t Tho other Is a hotum bill provldlnr I k ijH limitations In thu levy for taxes that. j ' flH nro designed to compel neieunnl nt '. actual taxh valuutlun Under the- H prrsent law nnd conditions general ' )H property In thu state In taxed on an ' sssl arMCNsment tar) Ing from 14 to 60 per H i-cnt of trun value, whllo mines pa un 100 per cent of thu net proceed. 1 M In the event or tho pahiugo of the , i llouca bill and tho fallurn or the con- Ltltutloual amendment thn taxation H rut i niiiT from thu mine uf tho rule ijl would bu reduced at least about ono ' I third of Its prrM nt iimount, It was rut I j ffH aerted on tho Hour of thu Henatv. f H The Loiistitutlounl umtudment rem- BBH liitlon, H J It No 8, h) Henator I). O M Hideout, lost In thu Henntu Monday,. j ' BBH but after House bill No. 114 had i ' BBH patJRil, tho ameitidmuiit resolution was L iH brought up again and passed by Just , V BBH thu required two-thirds toto ot It k H to if M Curbon county was taken an an ex- Tllssssa amplu by thu leglalutors fuvuring thu g-''ll bill. Honator Kvan said It wan one-. .isH of thn richest counties In tho ntatu in 1 BBH point of resource und ought to be s 1 .srsrlrsl able to gel on without financial trou ' rinnj bk. und )nt ho utld, the county was BBH bankrupt nud offlululs went now try. , BBH tug In tnln to burrow $19, 000 una lent- i J rl poiar) loan for Immediate ncuds. j jnnH In Cnibon count) thu flgurca gltun 1 H rhow thu apportionment of tho otnte :9 boaid or oqualltatlon as totaling- jfH $3,174,334 ror 1913 nnd $3,363,863 'H fur 1914 Mr Vltans uhotted a table . H of nut irotuuds or mine apportion- I j WmM merit ns follow BffB(H 1913 , H Couuilldated Puel $ .8,10!, $ 71.381C i fnBH Ind Coal t Coku 127,161 CI.795 fa B Pleasant Vitlle) Co SS2.C87 370.9U ; ai.H Utah Puel Co , 191,639 8,632. , Basaaaaaaasa Die route In nut proectda of mine. ' f iH i !SBBBBsH hubmlttncl as Kxnniplc. j ? jnnnl Ihero figures, he aald, gavo un ex'- ' : BBH ampin of thn way thu present lawn I u B tteru not enforced and It was curtain i l innH that thi meant thut other Interest BBH of thn alato suffered through having ' m to mukii up thu diffurenee I VsrsH Htnatoi L, II Ulght raid that the , . VB paewige of the Houmi bill llmltloK the- h BBH rule of taxation In u manner tu com- ' Bflfl pel uKkommelil or property at actual ' IsrrsHsi tush valuation without pawling the J BH con.iltutlttiml nmondmont would work , 1 nHH nn Injustlcu on thu property or tho ,1 iHH statu ouuido tho mining Industry ij SH while ehould tho constitutional amend- I BBB ment provall and thn bill pom thn NssssH mining Intercut; would bu lilt hard and jlM unjuitl) to the benefit of other lax- J LbIsbbbbbsbbbI payerd of thn statu I'f HH Tho voto on pnsxage of the reaplu- ,!t H tlon wus as follows ifHM I'or the reuolutlon llrudly. Chex it nHH Kdghelll, Punk, llamnn, Hideouts j )4 Hecgmiller, Thornley and Wootton 0 I f flHRssI Against thu resolution Colton, Cot i i1 jHHfl troll, Craig, Durn, Uckcrsley, Uvonrv HjB Wight nnd Perry 8. j iBHB Thu high chool coonomlca clo BeHsI last I rlday made a thorough Icspcc- I HHB tlon uf thu Oem bakery, which lasti- HBHI tutlon waa painted out by Mtat Vic-ot, I HHHH ths Instructor, n a modeil In every lliHIHiH respect. Proprietor llumsey treated ' 'WEZM bis ru tarts to lemonade and cooa)t ! fsHfissHS imSm