OCR Interpretation

Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, March 19, 1915, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091022/1915-03-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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B AAAi.AA. .. .. .a. .-. .-. .- .. --.A.i.....L --. i t ,t, ,t. ,t, ij.t AA A AttAtTtiilftr ArAA AA.i ,
I1 f Dr. M. V. MALONEY J
I I The Painless Dentist I
H ' j Commencing March 20th, For 30 Days Only, Dr. Maloney will do your Dental Work at the following low ;1
m jt prices, within the reach of all
I I Gold Crowns, 221, $5.00 Gold Fillings, $1.00 & up Full Set of Teeth, $10.00 ;
I i All Bridgework, & 5.00 Silver Fillings, 50c & up. Cleaning . . $1.00 j
; , j? EXTRACTION FREE when teeth are replaced. Dr. Maloney positively extracts teeth without pain I!
B: i & to the patient. No gas or other harmful drug given. You need not dread extraction as you have formerly done. t
H . , m i, a i i ? Written Uuarantee With All Work. evaaaimatimc j- '
B & Make Appointments? , , ,. , , . . . n EXAMINATIONS and j
m , '1 X c I i, i You arc not dealing with a stranger, as the Doctor hns been in actual practice in Gar- X '
H & Cany as tne time bon County for the past 7 years. Never before has First-Class Dental Work been done X ESTIMATES J
H IX J is Limited at such LOW PRICES in this locality. Thousands of satisfied patients in Eastern Utah. J ,,
B j ? 30 DAYS ONLY!? All work done in a painless and up-to-date manner. Don't neglect this opportunity. p J R jR J::
H ; i & new and sanitary office S I L V A G N I B U I L D I N G-Rooms 1 and 2 open eyenings ; :
H t I
, : .
B ' Manufacturer
i : Brick of All Kinds i
H Tarda Adjoining the Donver
B , and nio Qmndo ltnllroad corn
B ii , pany on the south, three btocka J
1 , rait of depot. Offlco at home, ,'
H I , corner Main and Blxth itreeta.
B ' naltmatra flhen and Price
B Quolnl mi Application.
H I. O. Uox 03 1 l'lioiio I3x
E , J 1'IUCi; UTAH.
H;j The Utah Saloon
Hi j. w. (ii:nthy,
i I llnnt Itraort In PoiUcrn Vlali
H;' r
Bh v-to uiura nncn on tai.
Hy 4UUTII ninth BninnT
Bj, 1'iiici; tn'Aii.
Hi' I fliooe 74a. Wo Deliver llio
H Goxlf.
H ' Sheep Ranch
H Saloon
VBVj -
B onscv iniOTiiunsoN,
H Jfauaccr.
n '
IHl !
BVs ' JxyT rou SALE-
!Lot 30x100 feet for aalo Just eait of
Turner building on Main atreet. Bpo
ctal bartraln It taken at once. Term.
: Inquire of a. D. Papas. 70 Commercial
H ) Street, Salt Lake City. 4ltf.
KJ 1 ! Ttulibrr stampi of every dracrlptlon
W4 4 -wojd by Tlio Advocate. Advt.
ri:i;i)i:us to t.2.v
hhlppri'M mill lii(.'krrH Pay Wi'll Pur
CikhI Mors Oliitlon Soars n l.lltlo
IIIrIkt liicry On) IjuiiIh HrliiB
ax IIIkIi n Nino Klcluy.
KAN8AH CITY. Mo.. March l:.
order Iiiopi-n liuvo hon llio utroiiKtwt
fulur 01 the market Oil week, and
thrlr demand), oouplvd ultli nimlcnilo
mipptlM iilnco Monday, havo prevented
iIouh dtxllnea In tho market, nU
IIioukIi prloeo olom the week around
Ii (cntN lower on klllliiK Krndca. 8tnt
quarantlnM In the ICunt nKtlnut llvn
atork not of CIiIioko Imvo threnn n
liood many ordora tu KaniHiN C'lly.
about clKhty carlCHid of fat rattle ko
InK to Uiif tern klllorii from here Tmw
day. und lllieral hlpllll'nta aeh day
Uncp The cnilwrfio l ImrtliiK Chi
i'HB liudl). A drove of U Mi; Kan
Ma ateera had a Md ot fS.30 hem
Monday, but the owner decided tu
try ChlenRo. and the cattle wild there
Vedneada Ht fS.it, loelnt; the ahlp
per nruund five dnlktrii u head, from
the Md here. Top ilMn here thla
wei'U lirouuht IS. SB. a few ateern nt
IS 3S to IS. 0, hulk of HUerN 7.St to
t$ 00 (h mII larRely at SS.SO to
f 4 50. odd hwid thlri week lit $7.00.
holferi up to 18.16. moat of the hel
fem lit 10 SO to 17.55. bulk f 3 75 to
i M -13, pI mm 110 SO for beat A
good run of quarantine enltle line Imm
hero thU week, twli' of cake fed eteent
mottly nt JC.0U to $7.30, 1000 to 1200
pounde uveraBo, common Oklahunm
'i.teeri )oalerda- nt $0.00 to $0.33, 700
I to 950 pnundu nernKo. ShlpmentH
from tho boot pulp and hny feedlnK
aeotlona huw been cry HkIU thla
week, n few feedom at $7.50, and fat
altera ut $7.45 and $7.50. KnellaKo
und meal fed cattle from the Pan
handle Hold nt $7 20 to $7 35, wolxh
InK around 1020 potinda. Blocker and
feeder trado la stromr. but la meeting
Homo obMucIcK In tho way of ohunKlng
quarantine reuulatlona. Prlcea rango
larcoly from $7.00 to $7.50.
Mora urn conuldcrubly hlehor thla
(week, duo to Hb'ht rccclpta, and n
letront order IiujIiik trade. Kaiuuta
'Clti- prlcea Imvo bcon 10 to 20 ccnta
I nbovo ChlcnKo alnce tho flrat or the
week, und that much above tho near
eat Mlwourl rlvor markot Pflce ouso-
'where. ThU premium applies to
ahlpplnec Rradoa, order buycra taking
a third to u half of tho run cncli
day. A feature has bcon Very heavy
Importutlona by packera from other
market, for ataujihtor hero, whlah
Iiob ate bought conalderably loWer
than the range of prices here Armour
Mayor Nil I M. MadMii of Hcofleld
apent eaterday In the county mit on
bUklncM, k
Mr. P. M. Mlller'of Mt. Pleanant. n
twin winter of Mm. (leorge ltlund, la
laltlng tho latter thla week.
Chnrlea l)!tord left Kiturday for
hla former homo In Mhutbwlppl nnd
pinna to remain there permanently,
J It. Hlmrp went up to i).lt Ijiko
TiiMNluy to attend the funeral of hla
brother, John Hhrnp. who died Mon
day. J. V. Kterllng left the flrat of the
week for Phoenix, Arlionn, hro lie
linn acooplvd a poaltlon with a former
Harry t'rnlne U In Nvvadu, where
ho contemplate going Into biulnuw In
onq of the towna. Mr Pralne will
Join him ahurtly.
It. C. l.ee name In from hla Nino
mile rnueh laat I'rltluy. The road ho
tween hir and Roldler la In worno
ahaie than In yearx.
Jack Jamoa Ima been steadily gain
ing In atreiiKlh the ivaat tun wi-okn
nnd fin the flrat tlnm In many montha
brought In I'lexen doubU derka today,
H, e H eight itlHglea, Cudahy alxteeu
alnglea. Klilprmna jwlil l.9e to $7.00
toda), imekera $C.S( to $.3, retelpta
7700 head.
Sheep and lamlw get a llttl.- higher
every ihty, top for the week being
iwld totlH) for lamlw, $9.tl(, otheia ut
19.80 The ktmlM were lacking In
quality totla). totw weighing onl 70
pound, and the $0.k0 lamba 07
IHHinib. Yenrllnga brought IS 00 yna
trda. ewe $7 75, wetheni are worth
up to IS. 00. feeding lumlxi 18 2S to
$8 75.
ji ELITE ij
Elf) I IT YKAIl CL1 CE3)Alt- '!
unooic winsuEY. ;
) And everything tho hljheit '
1 1 rad In the Lltjuor and Clir 1 1
line. 1 1
i PlUCfE, TJTAIL ; !
la nblu to gel out of tho linu.
Mr and Mra. MIIU Miller left Titea
day for Mohrland, their home for the
auminer, Mr. Miller liming algned up
with tho Ilbtwnthii baaeball tram fur
Ihu neuaun
Mr. ii nd Mr. Wiillaie liwry moveil
Wednesday from the John Downnrd
to tho C. (.. MeWhluney realdence on
Hlxtli atreet Mra. Hurry Crnlnc will
oeeupy tho Downnrd hoiuv.
1'iilnlwM dentlatry at extremely low
prlcea are offered by Dr. M. V. Ma
loney. The attention of reader of
The Advoenle In directed to hla ilia
play anuouiiiement thla week
V II (llllon of 8unuld., formerly
the opeiutor or the Imnl light and
power pltul. wuk here Tueilaj und
Wedneaduy. Mr (llllon presented nn
application In manage the Prho plant
Mlaa Tlllle llylund went up to Hco
fleld Wedneedoy to take charge of tho
telephone cxi hango nt that place until
itrrangementM tould be miido fur tho
employment of a permanent operator.
Dr. Maloney ndvertlaea In (hla Inauo
of Tho Advncuto prleea for dental
work that will appeal to everyone.
Thoee In need of anything along thla
lino ahould take advantage of lilt un
uaual offer.
Itev. Jamea K. lVrrlx hita atept.d
n paNtorate at Ilenaon, ArUona, Ilia
many friend hero will be pteiined to
learn that hla health liaa greutly lin
proed during hi Heral mnntha'
real on the' coaat.
II. II. linger and two youngeil
children leave Price about the flrat of
April. Mr. linger will llt the Iluby
Valley, but I undecided where he will
locate, At till time he plan to drlic
through to the coant nnd ! it the tt
poMltlon Imh Ionenatdn I the lif of
of nn of the large grocery uUMbl.
mentM In Detroit. Tho bitiincsi u
Htarlcd ubout a year ngo llli put
ner, n brother-in-law, ha full mu
ngoment. Mr. nnd Mr. lAWcamHt
aro now In tho Michigan ilty, wlun
they will remain Indefinite! t r otM
they get homeelck for I'rlcc
Oeorge Aurllu, ngrlculturl-t fur IW
Utuh-Idnho Hugur company hat Tll
Ion tinder dale nf March 4th. put
John T, IjuiI will come to Price It
earl) part of next wttk and inter Uu
oontraet with tho farmer of ITia
Wellington and Spring (lien fur tin
acreage of beet uppllod for Mr Uat
la field muunger for tho I'tilt-ldiM
Huirnr (ompituy nt Pnyaon und U al
the miiyor of Puyaou lie- Ii a rfj
capable man.
The Old Reliable
I Firm
Is Headquarters for Lumber I
and Building Materials, I
I i
When you order from us you get t
f what you want when you want it '
I t . ' I)
y f : -v . ,
I J. C. Weeter Lumber Company

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