Quality In if GROCERIES 8 t S f. .) v ;B The supreme p6int about our $ 'S goods is thefr reliable quality. X ;B Our business isn't guess work. Wc m know for a fact that our Groceries X 'M are of the very best quality before i B we let them enter the stores. Wc X ; E have found that these are the kind fi of Groceries most people want. X iff Don't get the idea that high quali- $ it ty makes our prices high, for it X iff doesn't. We carry a complete $ "R line of General Merchandise and X iff our service is unexcelled. If f ; ' ? :; Wasatch Store Co. I Slorca nt Sinmysidc, Castle Gate, Winter Quartern and y i Clear Creek. 4 ( Y r We Strive ; To Please ; Wo carry a moat complete stock of General I Merchandise. Including Staple and Fancy Grocer- ics, Shoes, Dry Goods and Notiona. ' Wo can furnish anything for the ranchman or , I sheepman. J IOur prices arc the lowest and our (roods are of the best. It ia a pleasure to quote prices and show goods. J. M. MILLER COLTON, UTAH Utah Fuel Company ; MINERS AND SHIPPERS ! ij CARBON COUNTY COQLS j ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COKE ! Cnrbon Couaty Coals Arc the Rest. J to the market for Horses, Mulca for Mines, Hay and Grain, ! Mine Props, Ties, Sprogs and Various Other Local Products HOME INDUSTRIES PATRONIZED i ! General Offices Seventh Floor Judco Buildinjr, Salt Lake ; I City. Mines at Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, Castle Gato, Utah Mine nnd Sunnyoide, Carbon County, Utah. The Centra! Barber Shop . and Pool Hall Silvagni Block, Price, Utah I Basement Under Corner I S. PALLAS, Prop WMyWIj ATTORNEYS D. I). IIOUTZ j Attorncy-at-Law I'ractlces In all tlio court of the J ' and tho federal court. Office, ' Uko'cii! uu,,far,,, Du,,,,lB'r SMl C. C. McWIIINNEY J Attorncy-at-Law i Will practice In all the couru of tlie mate, office nt County Court . Home. Trice. Utah. 4 . 4 W. 1). LIVINGSTON Lawyer Water nnJ mining lltlcatlon ilven pedal attention. Land matters, col- lections and all legal business. Will practice In oil tho courts. Boyd Park Unlldlng. Salt hake City, Utah. "" i Samuel A. King Claude 1 King KING & KING Altorncys-at-Law ' Commrrclal lllock. Bait Lake City ' W. II. FIIYE Attorncy-at-Law Practices In all courts of tho state. Alio In the federal courts. Office In the Miles Dulldlnr, Trice. Utah. RICHARD B. TIIURMAN Attorncy-at-Law Will practice In all eUte and fd eral courts. Ill notion Ualldlng, Salt take City, Utah. FERDINAND ERICKSEN Lawyer 717-711 Judge nidg, Salt Ltka City L. 0. HOFFMANN Attorncy-at-Law Office In I'arkcr-Weeter lllock mice UTAH. GEORGE A. COLE Attorney-at-Law I'edcral and slate land offlca prac tlre. Water rights. Ill Iloiton Ilulldlng, Salt Lake aty L.A.McGEE Attoraey-At-I-aw 1 Vlcllii-Uonomo lllock, Trice. Utah. ' PHYSICIANS I A. C. SORENSEN ) Physician nnd Surgeon 1 Spoclallit In Women's nnd Chit- 1 dren's diseases. Ocncrul tlurgery and Medicine. Office In Tarkcr-Wecter 1 Ulock, Trice, Utah. I TltlCi:. UTAH. I F.F.FISK I Physician and Surgeon 1 THICK. UTAH. ! DR. E. F. CHAMKERLAIN Physician and Surgeon ' Office oer Oolden Itule. ! MISCELLANEOUS j R. J. TURNER ' Clrll unit Mining Ibigliuvr 1 Surveys of ell kinds. Mine exam- 1 (nations and reports on coal lands 1 p. O. llox 3:, Trice, Utah. ! IKV.J JM.'.t gtiUW ri ! 1'irOlCltALII IIHOS. J.ANI) CO. 1 Trrlgatnl rntuls 1 iii Atlas Dlock Salt Lake City 1 II, J. riugtrald, Attorney i ; G.S.Harris; Bur thing In Ji I Concrete ij ( Work. 1 Tiucn, utaii . ; !' Estimates on Hulldlnes, Walks J i' and all Kinds of Contracts , ' Cheerfully furnished. Modem , Machinery and Methods. ( KOIl HKNT Modern four room nous. Mr Winifred Callahan, Ko. ' 8nO Street. ' Ogden Packing Co. 1 1 ( BRANCH HOUSE AT PRICE 1 I I UTAH PRODUCTS I Ask for Nectar Brand Hams nnd Bacon, Gold Leaf nnd M S r Scjo Lily Brands of Lard. Also full line of Fresh fa fl r Meats nnd Sausages. fl i Only Utah Packers Operating 5 fl under Government Inspection. W S I TULIiPHONn 221, 7 fl lOGDEN PACKING & PROVISION CO. I $ ODGEN SALT LAKE PRICE g Nwiti: to vati:k rsints. Btalo UiiRlnrrr Offlir. Halt Iike City, t'tuh, Mnr.-h 10, 1916. Notion Is hcrcb glcn that Van II. Do M)tr whoco tortofrica ndilrem Ik Bait Uiko City, t'tnli, hns mnile apptlcntlun nc cording to thn rniulrcmcnta of the Compllrd I.ntfl of Utah, 1(07, bn amended by thu Bcwlon Iwa of Utah, t0 and 1)11, to apprpnrlate cluht ccnhundrcdtlia ( IS) of n culilc-foot of wntir per K-cond from an unnamed xprlng In CarlKin County, Utah. Hald rprlni; InueH nt n point which brant nouth 77 deirrcm 19 mlnutvH wcht 4, 301.1 feet of the routh qunrtcr corner of Hrctlon 3, Tup. IB Houth, ltamco 8 Kntt, Halt Itkn baro ami meridian Tho water will bo diverted nt tho sprlnc. and ronvejed by means of a pipe line for n dlrtancu of 10,000 feet, nnd thrro urcd from January I to December 31, Inclusive, of each jenr, for Mcam rnUInK purponcs. Thlit np plication In detlitnatcd In tho state ctiRlnecr'a ofllcc na No. (032 All prntcstn ntculnrt thn KrnntlnR of raid nppllcntlon. statlnK tlm rcasona therefor, murt bo mado by affidavit In dttplb nU, m-ctimpanled by it fee of 12.60, nnd riled In this office within thirty (30) dua nfirr tho completion of tho publication of thin nutlic. W D. lir.KltH. Ht.tto Knxlneir Date of flrxt publlcntlon March 1!, 1916, date of completion of publlcn tlon April 19, 1916. NOTU'i: T) WATI'.U UHKIIS. Htato Knilncirn Ofdir. Halt l.ako City, t'tnli, March 10. 1916 NotkA In hereby kIm-ii that Van II Dc Slur, whoso portofflco nddrvss la Halt like City, Utah, baa mado nppllcntlon nc cording to tho riulrement of tho Compiled I.awH of Utah, 1907, as amended by tho Keiwloti Ixwa of t'tnli, 1909 and 1911, to npprporlatn right-ccn-lutndrcdthit ( 18) of a cubic-foot of water per rocond from nn unnamed rprltiR In CarlM)ti County, Utah. Hald pprliiK Imiii-k nt a point which learit Eouttt 77 drgrrrn 9 mlnuti'H went , 308 3 feet or thn south quarter corner of Hectlon 3, Twp. 16 Houth, Uanna 8 ICaht, Halt 1-nko bare nml meridian. Thn water will bn diverted nt tho sprint;, and conveyed by means of n plpo linn for n dlMancn of 10,000 feet, and there urcd from January I to December 31, Inclusive, of each ear, for domestic purposes. This up pllontlon U deslKnated In the rtato eiiRlnrer'ft offlca nn No, 8031. All protests BKalnrt thn Krnntlns; of Mid nppllrntlnn, hUiIIiik tho rcaions therefor, mtikt bo mado by nfMdnvll In duplicate, accompanied by a fio of IS CO, nnd filed In till officii within thirty (30) da nttrr thu completion of thn publication of thin notice W I). 1li:i:ilH, Hlnto UnKlnrer. Date of first publication Mnuh 19.' 191S, dato of completion of publlcn tlon April 19, 1918 Eastern Utah Telephone Co. wishes to announce that effective Feb. 26, 1915, the rate for 3-minute conversations will be Reduced From 25 to 15 Cents for distances within a radius of three miles from any Station. Eastern Utah Telephone Co. I - Kentucky Liquor House MARRY OESAS, Prop. Distributors for ., ..BUDWE1SER Hi MC BEER.... Rwbiw RpfirrerCase'2Uargc Bo,,,es S5-50 UlllilYUOUl Ull'l I'cr Case. 40 Small Bottles - 5.50 7flHfl RoniWer Casc u Large Bot,lcs S4'00 illllij UUtl Per Case J9 Small Bottles -1.00 $1.11 Rebate on Case of Bottles Kentucky Liquor House v . i fpH GET READY NOW I ONLY CflD YOU'II M THREE lUll RC6BET WEEKS IT IF away ricTcn Y0U S Don't Neglect H ordering your 1 M Spriag Ctotkes S BHtil the last miatite. Re H meifikr, Good M clothes can't be M made in a day. 'H FRANK L. BUCKI0 f I TAILOR ,f I Price, Utah ,v 1 m The White Dove 1 has In Kit nit bn tlcemeJ n ' H emblem of peace, and It lias In 1 B vsrlsbl bocn true, especially In ' f H fsiully offolrs. nhere you find IMssifl sack of J j White Dove Flour m peace and harmony preralls This Is a hlih Krods UUI) 'K- Plour, every sack Is xuaranteed, i 'H sold by the I'rlco Co in ml Ml on ) M Co., I'rlco Tradlmr Co., Carbon I M County Coinmlulon Co,, No ' H Trust Mont mid Grocery Co., 4 M Qardcn tltore. In fact, no first , V JH oluss Krocery store lias tits stock ' nj cumpleto untevs lie carries tlili , brand of flour, V'js flfgUtcred Trademark 7tl7x ! ' Tho Illsh nffl lenry ' :tH coal m Uovernmcnt ICqulxnlent ttlllisllH 2101 I.bi. t'XsH t'nenualled for fitoraeo. tRtilllH Will Not Slack. i IIH Ilest of Steaming; and ' X'H lleatlnif Qualities. I isHH Independent Goal & Coke Co f,B Mines at Kenllworth, Utah. f' M Uen. Offices, Walker Dank Hide i $ M SALT I.A1CK CITY. i JH northern II BAR II nvsr1hlBB First-Class and ' flH Up-to-Date. I'isH c 9 f H Courteous and ralr Trsatmtat FiH to All. KH 9aHiH HUH ACKEIUIAN rOAB, 'iH -J ifH