Newspaper Page Text
. -- , jgBBA8TOMUJTAH ADVOCATE. FRIDAY. MARHH to ,o,R , H gIVICINITY .. t, t ii" this yenr on v .ncdi J rnan nnd wife hnvo ,.,,,. of Wellington wn a , & n t,,e """ of . .j..t if Wellington was In 'bJnt V the week on court , f tho IVftco It. II. Morrison I-?.!., tnnunwllnu business In . n E Nm h" ,,ccn 'utl ??.r!n'thPt week and confined .rruiw Colo people lmo again 2ffTtrrtc new county out of rf " "'"-field counties. SfbJtad "pn-lred to call O.o aitr. , ..a Mm J M Whltmoru Iriwo . rr Ba It Iko ' the mar W"E i: Whltmorc nnd MIm 1! Shim, which takes place at the SnfcrldHund. vr. feral floikmnatrr havu lout timber of rhwp on tho desert "t.r from polron. Chris Jen ,"ft ho ncatlert "nrir DUV 1 lost a number front his ri u p llraffet itopped oer In I'rlce ilr morning between trnlna ciaso Ho tvaa returning from D t I""" nnd ,0BVrt "' .C f Ike coarl on " Important mining l Hit T ikirkenhngcli. who has utlhenlntrr In i'allfornln. has ro Zrf W k.r homo nt Helper. Mr. fkukutn W Mill on the coast nnd utuMcto runnln there pcrmnn-ttr faun Menalr. Hr, of Winter jrlir tin duwn last Friday and tirdir to rnw hi subscription to Advocate nnd ubw to attend the (Ur montlit meeting of tho high ntc toard Utrt (Iroolxck of Hunu)ldo In ifuix! In tho loiinty Jail for lmlng aM a man at tho mining camp, i tu lined 13 (B. Including cojIm I la it fault of pnniunt of thorn wan tffilllMl ti tlu intuit) hnallk'. H.A ilatt n(K friend hero that U k ceded In Interesting n nlntnt auto stage ninn of Denver uUbc huld of the routo between iatl the irnrvntldii nnd will bo mt iboitl to allow him oer tho uIuni r fire department wan or ,W la t Kalurdny night. Tho sbtnari' Morgan King, ihlef; Al tllonlrj a Kimler, Oeorgo Jor rnaml Mk Ikrunrdl. Tho Iniyn J a drill M n..lj night and onn : night IV l I' no ho formnrly prus Jd.nluUr In Prhe. una nrroMted utlr at ltnpriMl, Cat., for rin rihu irnfrMl.pii wltlmtit h llcoltKO. - time leaving Trite, wnn ill rxr4 from In flnt wife, wiih mnr I trtlll unil tlvin ed tho Focnlld If luhk. tin I) f, II O. agent lit 3imle itupprd oir In I'rlit) be 'tntnlru Tuiiidn Mr. Ttink hiin irectBtl) pr tnntnl from Keoflohl tli prer nt u lllon. Kuniiyaldc I ork (hrei ntul Tour ilu-n u k la lh" mln ami full time on cten. 1 llmJIn , f CliUugn, (incr of fclrnl airo ranch miuIIi of l'rlee, rtthu-ncrk nnd expectit to inuo iWjBuiin permanently In tho I lii!. Mr. IJrndlty lm Inttil In. ir,perly for the pnat r leant ami now hii n Mplendld " of a u fa riiurlc Krlikuni la -r of hla prr.pert), . small Llaie O'nirrud at tin fllnr wry c tcnln morning but tho 1 Propria,., ,f ,0 ,tnbll)hmcnt l In iiimg it out without mb t ih Kj, th,. rinmcw broku on the i ir , f n,, uuiminjj. ,0foro L,f 'Wud Tho nowly or 7 i. r' '" ir' detmrtnioiit ii iWr !', ' " XK11' '", "n,1 ' aid i, m sunrord, bro- Wuhla n-glit f 1P Hollgmun, Ar. nn.r.V" ,,u'r , Prominently .uW'li th ..nil iiiimiiMH of lor ,1","UM '"' l' ."' '"r; l remain to tulce Hjwi.t if m. I'm Treillng rj!v. S,1'" J"nu Wliltmore reponi ,, "', ",0 r,,,uh THdny "porla thr f1(t 1n(, of nnm. r m int.r ,rop if whwtt nit.IT J m,,,"l"nHl itortM woro U ar ' 'Z1' ,aHl fu. muklntf r r'K f full wheat of about .nut,.,.''; , Mr' Whltmoru haw t Uui i? ."ml R 'Uiwlloii of u 'nwV',i',,1!'1''l'rkHottlon heit ya,,,,,,1" tho rnUlngof 2t'a!r lufl lo lh.. udvnr. for t h. P,H,Wil,"im guner,U C fOm mm '."C J,Utlml 1,,f In cite ttnv '" ,l,u -""lo of Tho "tori of ... VortlsemKnt tulla I tronL1,'0;"' "K",e,,t Umt '" t takim. ,u Morono t-ontem-W l"ti"B. C"'1 llf0 'nguranoo nnd ftant ii.,.. ' ,u'tlJd upon Dili Ion for,, muko a f'NOWblQ n rc 'ft. protection at once. UkoWKi!!no,r" un" down from 'r to i i, ' ? "atl"l bank ex llht'o m fi? "R1" ""''torly : (in ih ,V'". llrHt National '!." win,,, fr1 Mr Whltmore lonauii n ,hn,WlU' h"dlriint ta Anna W.."1 .f toroh hc ana x V, , 8 'ttrI. tlttughter of Ble- In 8n. r J1 H,mrf' Wl11 o n Mr u1" Aftor tho lion- ' tho i tn, Btato Natlonn) Greet Spring With a NewHaT Since (he style cratorUt, on the varous t of millinery for .fingjnTmer, 5ci5f7hlvr been clipping and nerHU, .lipping n wfT of lovaly material and busy lingers fashion. ini the right shapes, nnrl drtinrt them with the right trimming a the exact angle decreee hv Fashion. Never were Hats Lovelier. A new shipment of Grace Pallera Hals will be displayed Saturday. Bessie Kennedy Millinery, k It. O Miller of Halt Uke, pri.i.lcnt of tho Kantern t'tah Telephone com. pnny, was hero on n luMtirmt rn Wo dn end ay nnd eaterdn) Mm. Virginia Crockvlt left Tuen. tiny night for nn extendtl vblt nt her old homo nt Itolla, Mbmurl. Mm. Crockett will bo gone moet of tho rummer Mm. iMbellA Murph and MIm Jo ili ritigernld left Wednerdny for Halt Uike City, where they will t kv crnl wceka before going to the lae. flc cooat. They plan to bo nlwnt fo or nit month lluMlul, n light munlcnl opera of three aitit, will be plard In the high rchool nudlturlum next Trlday night The performanco piomlaoM to bo ono of tho moat vtnbornto productlotiN e.r wltnriwcd In I'rlee Hccners of exceptional beauty ban I ecu tainted peclall) for thU opM. Tho new olct draw (tirtoln pureham'.l by tho dramatic clulm of thu miIkmiI will nlwi bo neon for the flrnt lime Tho Horoul hail a mint lutvriitli g meeting with Mm t (i llofftnaiin on Hnturdn) Mm Itoblnett made an nblo leader on tho Pew topi, joat taken up that of Ilelglum. Int.r eating dkeuiwlonn mi the great com poKoM of tlermany and their manLr ploce. were presented b Mm TIioiiihh l'oulu, Mm. Itolaud t'antrell. Mm J W. Hammond, Mm. I" J Thorns, Mm Matt Clllmoiir, )Um llelne llenney nnd Mlrr mdonio lllwitlmlli MIm llenney lllnatratotl hvr talk with iw ernl er pleiirlng muvUiil Interpre tallon. Tho next meeting will Ik. with Mm. A. It Mailman Mm Ham mond lender All meniboM an urn ellll) ieuetel tu W irent Thiough Oliver J. Harmon juteiill, tiffltvr, Hhorlff W. IC. Henry Widnra. day took Into timtoil) two jcniilin from Ogden, lo Hoot nrh! II mid Law. ivncu Jtinkiiu', IS. Tho lutln had In tholr ponoMklon two Mitall wuliem nud nmmiiultloii. They had kiii na fur na TlmmiMtinr Hprlngn with tho Intention of bonding for tho llluff cotinlry to niwUt MaMhal .SMn'ker to iiiIhIuo tho Indian uprklug. I'pon readilng that point and b. lug unable to ou re tranH.rtatln Into tha liiw lib. Kretlon, lh Urdwl a freight and miido tholr wuy buck u far im Helper. The probation officer of Og don will otwort them homo to the Juiutloii City and miHom them to their fninllltfs. Two-room cottage on North Klfth treet, furnlahed, for rent llnqulrc at l)iinlae residence 13.1 Tor Kent Two largo front room, unfurnished. M n month. Knqiilro of Mrs. Alfred IVrklnit . ' 1'. II Woode returned Mond.iv frjmj Halt Lake, where hn pltcd bli eon, Kred, nnd who Ih making tho flnmt kind of progreM nt the of V. I hae two good tiarler blocka, will lease or rent on (.hare till aummcr to good leyprtnulblo party to cultivate nnd take care of, good proposition to right party, n.ldrem II K. I.cwK I'rlco. I'tah $104 Reward, $100 Tlia readera of thin snper will Ixi Steaitil to Imrn tint linn la at lnn onn reitl'il OIm 10 that I aa been atla to euro In all In auea, and that la Catarrh, Malta CnUrrli Core U tin only roillln euro nnw Inonn to the Medleat raternlly. Catarrh bring n mnilliullonal OliMM, rwiulrr it eonatlliiltonat treat liwnt. Hair t i'rrl. euro la taken In ternnlty, ai-tlng dlrttly iipou th- ltoo,t and mufu anrfarea of th itm, titer, by dri.miiiir li.o foumlalkn of ih dt. rta. and suing Ilia patlinl elrenath by building up the mmtlPilkHi and n)llnij future in Mng lia work, Tlw prnpel'lora inre eo mm It filth In II i.irallo tww era that tli"V rnrr n UmiOi-id Dollars Tr any ee that H f III to cure rVnd for lit of t.nm-nlij'. ..-.. Holt hr all nraffl. TV Take llill Famll rill-t for eonttlpatlon. It Itcally Hoci Itclloto Itltciiutatlani. UvcrtHdy who la afflicted with rhoumatlim In any form should by all means keep n boltlo of Ulonn's Liniment on hand. Tho mlnuto sou feel pain or sorcneaa In a Joint or muscle, hatha It with Hlonn's I.lnt mont. Do not rub It. Bloan's pens tratcs nlinoit Immodlatoly right to tho seat of pain, relloMng the hot, ten der. swollen fooling and making the part easy nnd comfortable. Oct a bottlo of Bloan's Liniment for !S cents of any drugglat and have It In Iho home against colds, soro and swollen Joints, lumbago, sciatica and like ail ments. Your money back It not sat lifted, but It does give almost Initant relief, lluy a bottle today. Advt. J. H.McDONALD NOTARY PUBLIC orrk. at MeDolwId Ileal i:.ui- A Investment Co Man woiki from Hun t Huh but A Woman's work Is lienor done MAN liavo h HKAItT and iUn'1 Hk HKIt to work 1'OltHVHlt with. tit Mssaflour and ICtng Cl. MKrt.M'I.Ol'K Is IMtOOI' KINO COAI. Is WHM. HCUMWNIII) V also Hlll.l. that H.VI.TV S.M.T front ICunsss. NKVKIt Iwrtlsiw In th slwkers lolinow I'huiw l ','u' IH)' MeKuns t'rsrfllng Co. Stockrowers9 and Farmers5 Store Groceries and Farm Supplies. We are now handling Grain, Hay and Flour in Carload lots PRICES?-JUST INQUIRE 190 PHONE 190 -- S)ING where? I GOING TO LEAVE PRICE! I WHEN? I Just in a few more days. Now, do yon want to buy Seasonable Merchandise at H 51 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR ? If so, yeti can do that right here at this Sale. We MUST, and we ARE selling this stock of goods, and each day our stock is being reduced and PRICES CUT DEEPER. You need lots of this merchandise. You say you haven't got the money. Go borrow the money a few days. It will pay you , H big interest on your money invested. You can't afford to miss this Saving Money H ; proposition. There is lots and lots of Spring Goods that you will have to have ii H j a week or so; so why not take advantage and lay in your Spring and Summer H ! needs now, while you can save nt the rate of Fifty Cents on the Dollar? Can you H . pass this Money Saving proposition up? Below are a few of the many good ,H i things that wc have for you to buy: , H ? . H Dress Lawns Crepe de Chine Men's Medium Weight H Over ISO )ds. of this l.awi that ZOO )nrds or mota of our high grado YL'nnl Crw 1 rold nt 10c to :Se, only ten )nrda to crepe do chine that rold up to 7 00 VYUOI J I) A , M u (itatomer Ppcclnl for Saturday tin a nrd, now on sftlo nt , - , ,, , ' .H tu mi.t nt Regular 25c and 35c grades at jfH 3c yard $'25 15c per pair i If jou want ten nr, joti lind bet- One lot of or 1000 )ttrda of Into nt .. , . . , U luVm"J r::!T,n- f"r "l lhU ,,rlt'c -r 1 Men s Oxfords It will g.. tililik t V.ta laai ' ycVlW Then, nro nbout 10 pair of thewt Hntr VuitrnPC Men'a Oxforda. gootl l)lra nud aliea, H HUM OVYIlVllt.9 n,nt ji.j llt 3,B0 tn 00, H,,p0n ,, H Thee .wlt.hea are real linlr hiuI rj t .. T... I- Haturdsy nnd nil next w.ek at ' JM high grade There nm only aU of DdrOer l OVVCIS . H the4 fnitthea left nnd fold at flOO, M IC nntr U aH but iiou Jou an lme our pb k for We hai SO doien of Ihenn tonels tDltlt) U 1dll I M un.l the nie big allien at 7Ci n dux, I M 7 00 frfj tul tils- fVrl ''tTa" ,U 'luI,',C h,lV0 No laa ttit tltna. tfa l.a .ur CSxfatrtlM. I M iMen's High Grade Dress 40c dozen M Spring and Sum-' V I ' c ThU la an etrnor.1lnar iHtrgulu ITlCr UnOerWCar I M I J OX for ou ' H "' Vm.pIm I ndensettr hi , I JM i Qflfy 8cPaif Dress Ginghams 35c per garment '.fl JReady Made Lace Curtains ,o,lvof,rnSa,?.,7Vfv.V.,,;.r Men's Dress Hats $3 00, ! We hno about IS of them, cnirtalns ' l'1 Hntiiii!n at ' K ' jH left and the hold as high us $ I 60 Vnlll nt li ?'LH mi tan bu them now nt Cp yif1 YaiUC3 at ,pH I t)DC curtain) odc pairAmlwl, HOlllntl)0VrUt. Cpi7U i'l NEW YORK CASH STORE ! MlTIU'lt If. TIIOMAK HACK to tiii: hi.Mt'i.K i.iri: Arthur U Tltninas, former governor or the territory of 1'lali, and for many ears postmanler of Halt Itke. Is an other I'tnhn who bus boeome a, kloek ralsvr. fruitgrower nud rancher In California. Mr. Thomas bus piirihast! one of tlu flntwl raiii'hos In tho Gnldvn flute and Mill spend much of his tlma tin re. The rnnali omhrut'eg 7S0 aires and Is woll linproxvd. It In near Uklah, 70 mlkw north of Kan rrnncUo. Mr Thomas will gn.H prunes, pears und othtir Miiall fruits. In addition to Iho breeding of tint) stoi'k Much lmj and grain also Mill h grown. Tho prUe paid for tho ranch bus not Imvii nn- The I Garden Store We Sell Pillsbury's 1 Flour Our Specialty Phone 104 PRICE . UTAH noun, vd, but II underntoott to han been n lnrgu rum Mr. Thomaa ban been nt hla rum It for Meral wceko, but will return to Halt I.ukn within a weak or ton dns. It Is unnniiuced b membeia of his family that ho wit continue to main tain hla legal r.'Hlilouco In Kion Ills son, Arthur U Thomas, Jr, will mintage tin. proport i' M lluus cleaning tlmo Is approeh. i H lug You Mill need miiic old import. I' H Wo have an abundant supply nt Thu iJI Aihocato of flit tal All kinds of Holdcri.iv' dun ut slH aoodmnu's. "' fitl I TO THE PUBLIC: I 1 H WE wish to announce that there will ! X " be a meeting of the Stockholders ;M : of the Carbon County Commission i:H ! Company within a few days, at which H it is probable a new company will be X mm i formed which will take over the stock Y Mm 4 4)aHlaal and business of the Carbon County $' Wm X Commission Company, which amounts X fwm $ to about $30,000, and continue the ;J-B ' same on a more extensive plan. A $ !H X number of very Influential Boosters of X l X Price and Carbon County have ex- mm & pressed a desire to become interested j Mm in the new concern, which points to (mm the establishment of the most modem, mm ! up-to-date store in Eastern Utah. ; ffll v v 311 - Il i ITBaal . lis kk County Gommission (ipy M im