i ;
p I zudoraI
H A Great Mystic Story by
Bi Harold McGratli.
H Kudora It left on orphan l on turlj
H ! hic. Har fattier Ik xIIIM In a oM mint.
H ; f.iKlorii Mill Hi a fortune from th mlna,
H ', , which trow to bo north l.(wM0O, an
H i ltft In tha cunrdlimhlp of frank lOtna.
H ' ' iSSudora'a mother brother, who lia itl
j hlmtctf up na n Hindu niyllc n1 li
H j known aa Ilaam All. Iln iltiMtt thai
Hj 'VMlorA muit A brfore ah can have a
H ehanot In cm Intn potitMlon at hf
1 , . money, to that It may ba left to hhn, tin
H 1 next of kin. IftMam All ttt nn olxtaclt
H to hla rrtiema In tba perrn-i of John
H Utorm, a ounK Uwjrr, for wtiom 7.u
H V lom haa lakrti n fancy, and ha com
M -,t roajWla tl girl to iut lha man tint of hf
B d mind. 7.iKlorn In.liti that If alia cannot
f " M marry Htorm the trill marry no una.
j "Well, well." rav irmtam All "aotvt
H . my next tnenlr tr bml you can marry
H ihlm; fall In k elmtlo rnic ml ol inunl
H . rmounca him "
. Zodora unrairl n tniattn ami wlna hf
t flrxt cart a cam In nhlcti John Htorm li
K . raved from Ulnx conrlcttd of n inurdrr
M . f Inalleattd bj IMMam All hlmlf
j JJ- ?uJorn and Kartani All vlflt Nabok
H IHiftn'a heusc. where altep ntcrronica cv-
H rry one wlirnM.r Nnfok'atlmiiita lo niar
K ry n rrlncna Htorm aeeklnff Zudnrn. li
j 4 made n primer Zuitoni folia Nnbok
H F flian. rcttn tho prlnreat to har orhtlnai
B. luvtr nmt tat e Hturni fnm IkiiIi.
B ; r A mnhtr of dlatniin.ln Idle llattam All
H t hli an'rtt Storm Informs Xudora that
H I, hla lift la being attempted rrrnuently
H j ntcrm KUiptcla llantam All Rtorm li
H i" i nrratd for MwOInu tho illtmunl roakac
H r . anna, but Xtxtora. dlncoveM Hit real
B rtW tMrr-( pair ut wire.
Hj I 'flio. tuttro help tmptnynl on Htorm"
B -i fnlher'e farm are Deeltiz hernutn n stall
B rkrletun hand appear at nUlil mon a
ffbl hill nr by Hlorm la hoint1 In hla In-
frl reellaallon. but ZuJotn leirin that her
HJI1( uncle lida emplojed Jlnnny Ilolton. n hall
ffiuj i wlttal man, thin to annoy Htorm'a par-
m! enta. Xudora flnda Ilotlfln operating a
B ,V htc inailo Intitent and la attackul b)
If him. Htorm appear ami eavea her.
I'1 llaam All anka Zu.lora to find a cam
PflKnHi lott by two inyattrtixia old men. ZuJora
rSi ' ceta a pliOICKjraph of the item and It burnt
Pllji84 In her hand An old home I mined by
J naatatu All and the old men fltorm and
l'l Xudora nra lured there and narrowly e.
J cap deetrurllon when the houe blows tip.
JH ,- John itoW Inter, ernlortvoilnc to trap and
T Hi kill arorire Hmlth, la hltlcl hlineelf, and
JitJj Brallh It charged with murder. Ilaetam
lllll Alt cmiplrr to liava John Storm tnetl
piBr Ik aama fait at McWInttr, and ht and
i motm art oveicomt by powerful fumra.
,1 Zudora tarcn them, provrt that McWIn-
i r own doc trapped and killed hint and
tare Kinlih from a band of lynrhera.
j i' 'An Inventor blows up a aubmarlno with
'Itl piful tivat ray which ha tendi
' I throuith water. Haefsm All send Xudora
f lo a photographer directly beneath tho ln
II ntor'e laboratory and ordra Hit In
L a ijNilor to kilt her Zudora aeta a wnrnln.
I fld hfr Itff la ivcd Tht heat ray int.
JBI chine I) dttrnrd irnd the photographer,
f ifter n quarrel with Ilpeiim All, U found
ft dead In Hit tlrer.
1 Tv'u Chane prtventa Kudoraa elopement
fi, with John Utorm by tiypnollilnic her, and
IL ht ond llaeeam All attempt to niuU
,? y out of tha eountr) Thin plot la fius
II trattd by fltorm
Afl Jlnlrd. llniiAm Alia double, (ulle In
f1 tot with Zudora. lUlid and lima. Du
fJV Val kidnap Zudora and tho Van Wick
lil .child. Storm rractira them, and Itaieam
'VU AU "'
W With Hauam All dead Zudorn la raleae.
K of her plel to aolva tnenl) rates.
li Bk confrcwitK, hotArrer. tho createit my-
f , ttry of all, which Is Hit myattry of her
S own lift, and tht ambition to atcurt tht
Iff a t for tun of pa.0oo.0n left to htr Thlt
't Kfett photo serial li being shown In
3 the leading inoMng pklurt theater by
Jtht Thanhouerr Film Corporation Among
fj tbota participating art Marguetll flnor,
f' Mry Ullaabetti r'tirhes, Janie C'ruie, In
J . 'ha uew role of leiwrleohern, Hldnty
J IVacar and frank I'arrlmton.
It. On looking through her uncla'a pawn
?ti i Kadora flnda that her father left her an
ol tnleratt In diamond mine, and Storm
and lUIrd both lend artlttanct In trying
'A, to regain for her oaeetlou Of Ihla er
Vtl tala which la Ixlnu apiroprUr,t hi
". mguta uudtr tlio leadership of Mint. Du
Bam Val. They plan to fjlitilen '..i.l..r no
i that she w run ty
m, j , l CHAr-TfiR XII.
k Oao of Diamonds.
Hi,i I "" ItOtUU.KS ni'tor conw Iuxl. It
; I I n ;l)'ll' n" W nk l,1 ll',l
, , : 'X (1,ll 'nornliiB -nmu tlio holt
Hiiifj from tlio lilup. Tlio eiM initio
If Willi llH IlillllnlH. VVitH no inoic A tor
1 j 'lie llllllWMe lldll lKll It out of ex
HfJ ' UUiikc. ttt tlso lt:st liiirleil It tinilet
H HioiiMiinlx if tiH'l of riK-U hi ill ruMilo.
f.-tj On lop of thlt flkMinillvi'l) iIih trusttof
f 'j ,1UI nlw'iuliil Willi tlio ni'iM'. uml
1 itlutM wim Ht tlio ticuliuiliur of IIiIiik
fBt ujrnln. Tlnri irn. Hump, imllilm; Iiut
iiJB thU lUiinmnil inlno. of Mlihli h1u know
HL' tiotttlnu oxrept tliHt It olttil mul tlml
H j Komo ono ol4o nnH lirofltluu liv Ha util
iH J' oAiitviNt. itANcii itn r.nsu
i I Tno and ono-lmlf miles from Trlco
f ami three mllrn from Helper, 120
ili; acres of tlnlrj' land, timothy, wild
(t lur. red top and alfalfa; only dnlry
1 rausli In Cnrlion county; milk aolls
6 readily for 10 cents a quart; 100 eows
H . van run sucoeaafully during summer.
' rirat-tlnts dairyman wunted; nothlnc
B I , but onsli rental considered; tlio fore-
j( rolnir facts guaranteed. Address M.
w W., Advocate.
1 I'liriilturu repalreil ut Clooilinan'n
iBr ' Itepulr fllmp tf
I "hiawatha
SBBBtft attHH
gBsBBiSiggal rra T,rR D1SST, IT DOES NOT
MH lsssagettsWssttllts
Octet lire Hunt liad agencies tbronsh
nut tlio trorlit on I he lookout for
iiiImp rcslxtcrnl utider the name ol
MtvsiaiiaaaiaBr'MH H I
V v"faL & UH9 BBBBBr V V
I was afraid I might lott you."
Trnimir hut n i-t iiuthliiK lutd turn
ill up Ittttit wn tu M nltlco one dii
hlla) Willi ilplllSM nlK)Ut iJIrtllKUld
inwa when tt immu wlrucU lilrt cvo: "A
rldi xtrlkc nt tin .uiloni In Honlli Af
i Ion. Owners nro liletily fiilliiidlimtlc.'
IIiiiiI iintflil up liU lint nuil ImriliM
off lo Jolin Hlonn'M oillrt Hern wni
noiiirlliliiR Imutllilc.
Tlint'a Ttiilnor'a initio, I'll miiko!
my hat," xnhl the detoctlvn Jubilantly
"Krer seo fcuch luikT It I luiiln't ticflli
Idllutf. looklnc ort-r tho lions of the
day til dlauiomld Just to too whnl
inLtht Iks I tied In tlio aruuesltn line
it might have gono on until tho end
0 llmo before r'd baro Intulrd with
in n thousand miles of tho pi see. Toot
Jnttph Henry, Manager.
Nora Mycr, Sco. M Trea.
Transfer Co.
I'flti: DtSTlMiKti WATCH
and ici:
rrrlKlit CItcii Our Special
Call Yellow Drays or
I'll ono .1y.
We DelUcr Arinour'n Very
Ileal Stent.
m .
ffaMAY citv.wAWeL
This flour la mad from tht
0ti9loci Turkey Hcd Hord Wheat.
Kvcry tuck ifdiiranteed iu ulvo sat
isfaction, and has n chemical lest
of IS per cent gluten.
Tor Salo by
Price Commission Go.
Phone 1S3 I
Is aged 8 HI
full years in RHjJjjl
double-charred IOlW
oak casks. ltMi '
Therefore it )Hi
possesses IfflBHSi1
double good- L ijigfc
ness its p$&'"
agi,n.g is a fee
lublerea- Wm$rctk-
n why you trJtt-
iould ever LlMiairJi
insist on JSJjESi
Cedar Brook g
Dtalcr'8 Name WHwSR
Hera EiiGraAMi-d
The Baer Bros., Mer. Go.
Wtiolasl Ctaar Demtera,
I sM late Ctty, Has.
sweetheart will bo rich out" of; thett
day, Btorm. Did you know that every
penny of the -ncsteru gold mine bal
Bono to tho Orient with nbcnndlne
"What nre jou talUlnir nhoutr de
mandril John,
"Why, tho Zudorn pl( mine, ru'cd
atnoug tlio richest In the world, kept
hidden from Zudorn by her uncle for
8turm wns iliini founded. "Ami alio
Dover told mu the allKliloit word nhont
"For frnr old Hnivim All would
stick n kulfo Into your bnck, my loy."
"I understand now! 'flint devil was
Ctrlng Zudorn thcc ene to lure her
to her death. Uood lieoTenul And that
girl kept her necretl Hut who control
llils illnmond mine It U Illegally done.
How nro wo to get nt It"
"Cable the superintendent Hint you
aro the ntlorueyjfor the rightful own
er or the nil i not i id demand n full In
venlorr of lii? inK-rty nnd IU mil
"A bully Idea! .Mid now 1 II tnke
thli whopptm; ko1 news to the ftlrl
herself, fthe'n nit the llmo tiilUnn
nbout tho evil atnr. but this looks o l(
It wcro on the wnuo. fickt 1 almnld
r.ithcr My It wns Inekl"
.iidnni wan overjnyed when she
lenrneit that Hie mine ltolf hnd been
dNeoveriil. (lently Storm chlded her
In reh'nrd to tho gold.
"I did not tell you 1kvhuc I did not
want you In rolled, .Tohn. And, more
than that, I wns nfmld I mlqht loe
"Ico mer
"Yes. I was nfmld that no much
money would frighten you nwity '
Ktorm laughed 'The only way you
can frighten tno U to tell mc that you
don't lore me."
"Well, then, t ttmll noxcr be able lo
frighten you," she smiled back nt him.
"And now," sold Storm, "I'm oft to
send that cable before those crooks
can gel the teneflt of the And. Oh,
we'll cunie ont on lop. You wait."
"I'm cnlnK lo, John. I'm going to
wait unlit there nre no more clouds
anywhere. Then I'll marry you."
That's it bargain!"
"A real bargain, tloodby, nnd muy
your cable bring good luck to us nil."
There appealed n slory In one of (lit
Hundn.v newspaper nhont the 7.udora
' - jjasssssssssssM
jSjtilaSi 'fBBBBBasBr SPsn
' Mmt. Du Val 9imply Tolerated Him.
iiipI Tho mluo had tieeii paying, but
in i large! Tho desi rtptlou of the
nine was will done One . thr
Uiiilln In brenh clotlit dlKKliiK In the"
bluMt cluy, tlio while men on jjuunl
tu iimko Mitre that none of tut mitlto
hid it Hiime. Huddeiily ono blazluc hut
iiflcnioon oiie of the Kulllra tnmo run
nlug ocr lo the mm ret watclwr. IU
oxhlbltcil ii toia of ncral cnrnls, u
nal luil. The wnUher plmoil It In tt
bai; MiH-Kndcd from Ida noU uud pt(
the nlgtwl to iiiilt wurk for the day
The Kulllix drnpiKMl their toobt iiihI
tiled mwh.v im.Ur pmihI of the wiileli
i i'I-m. There folloned n Utile sketch ot
how a eKHikul Kalllr wu euiight wllli
.1 ccm hlililoii in Ills ur The Afrlenn
i was prouipil) Htroattnl mul mHr'hiil
IT to Jail.
Henry IIuimiiiI. Hie ciiik-ilntcinlont
was M-fltiil ut Ids diMk when tho lusid
J watcher rmno In with the Hud. II
i weighed tUrtv ttinils nnd was of the
pnroxt white A Ntonp of this mmllt)
lueuut more, llownnl liiiiuedlntely iu
bled the suppuHed owners. The next
' liny the nlrlkn trnxeled i hi1 down
1 the legion.'
Urine, the finuitler hlnweif. teieli
I tt the coble, and ho hastened uwny In
nnpinlut Mme. Pu Vul with what had
happened. Mine. I hi Vul nnd fen-riil
I othcri were In I he ilnvkiu hhIoii when
I ho nrrlved llimiigli Iho nm-iet iin);e
He whs gloated offiitlvcly. Mmo. Du
I Vul lookeil extremely lioiiiitlful to him
nt that iiimneiit There were tluios
when be wished hl friend Itaililirfe
, In Iho nether region". The woman
puzzled him Hhewiisri'h Her honk'
win oue 'if the most hcuiiilfiit In ot
nbout New York, yet she plajed a
crooked game Sho was eldently ont
of those women who played the gum
for the nport of It. for Iho blind has
arils, the exelteuietit. Tho morals ol
her eiiBau'enienlii never bothered her
He had watched nndrlltTc for tiui
Hum nnd gathered no little satlsfac
Hon from tho fact that Mme. Du Val
simply tolerated him licenute he war
n redoubtable schemer. brac and
"Well, whal's to be dunel" luqulred
"Rend for Howard to brlus tho dl.v
monds bore. We wilt havo to see, that
nnn jiewitslly. That tlory la lbs
n;tPper U tbe devil lo pay. fhe
girl Is sure to see. If not sho, Storm.
It's going to be n Wc came now, In
lend of a little one," Itrnco deelared.
"All llm more eidtement In pulling
Hie wool oer tho ejes of Hie law.
This man Howard may tw an honest
man,'' said tuuilatiie.
"In that ease, good night to Mr.
Howard, nd wo'll put n man In his
place who will not ttother us with
quest Ions so long ns he KCta Ills rake
off," said Itadellffe
When Harry Howard recclred the
rable directing him to brine the month's
And to Vow York be frowned. There
" H lJTl5jassssstLVs
1 BSsstlsBFPt'Mssssa 9
Bsird Ntatly Fnhtd tht Valite Frem
Under tht Table.
was another cable at band, and this
one nstonlshrd him greatly upon IU r
rival. Tor years he had been tending
the smtll but vultinbln output to those
he Mtercil the rljlilful owner, and
here wot a conteolant. and this contest
nut seemed to bo it leultlmato one. It
was n mliiti tint dMurhed him
Tht re hid nlvjy teen somrthlus
mysterious nlxiut the preetit owners.
Ho had never seen tiny onu ot them,
only their accredited ngciit, who Inva
riably presented n lettered heart when
he en mo to claim the diamonds. And
now they wauled him In New York.
Was there nny slnUler plirpon bchlud
this coniimindT Henry llowanl wasan
honest man, and before tunny weeks be
was pdiig tu pay for his huiiesly.
Ho sent two cablegrams, one to the
present lompnuy nnd one to John
Worm, The first read. "Will lomo to
New ork' The setnnd read- "Arrive
New York loth. Will glc nccountltis
of Zudora mine." Then he booked hi
paioagomid anllid from Capo Town to
Plorm was Haled over his cable. Ho
Informed .tidorn nnd they visited De
tective Hunt. And while they nud Hunt
were talking oer tho affair llnlrd came
In, looking rnthcr delioniilre nnd carry
Ing u cane. At llrst he had had Home
dirumlly In lixiklng Htorm or.udomln
the eyes, reiueinberlntf how nt the In
stigation of the real Hassjui All he had
attcmHrd the young lawyer's life. Hut
these day t ho was able to look with so
reully Into the eyes ot all mankind.
"Hello, llalnir' cried Hunt. "You're
Just Iho man I want for n stunt."
Tin always ready for that."
Xudor.i looked nt him Krntchilly.
Komohuw Ids eyes nlwnys piiKted her.
It nlw-H)M Hti'imit thlt fotnowhi'ro aim
hnd known these eyes Intimately. The
four of them left the otllce together uud
Inter earnted In front of a florist's
Now." Kutd Hum. "it little work for
yon. I'rletid llalrd."
"I'm with .ton. If then-'ri mii i-xellu-ment
In It."
"There II Ik huiic. I wnut to Uwii m
wnteh on that garuifo nud Junk shop
where they iieeirly got you tlmt night
Point thing stmngii hIkhiI that Junk
shop. I'iHiple pi In thre hihI don't
come out Mgalii. Thero's mime kind
of u tuiiiul. nud lietwotti you and me
nud Hie gale IhhI IIiU tunnel lends to
tht timtblo home of Mine. Du Vul.'
"I net or liettrd nuythliu: nbout n tun
uel." nhIiI llalrd houostly.
'i)r !! wtw but one ot tin facets
of this letcr illiimiiud wo mu ii, in
that day you were using her; coine
ipieiitly klu- did not tell you nny of
her HiH-retH. Now you watch the hut
nnd I'll WHteh tho untrblu p.ilnee, nnd
then we'll roiiiinn notes ns lo whom
wo hen oiitu- or bsite the hut nud the
Hut when the) compared lioiiw they
had nuHiIng- that was Importniit.
Abnif fiMif weeks liter, however,
they weiv lowuitled. Halrd sow
Hriue enter the hut und illmippcur, nud
Detective- Hunt Mir llrticc enuie out
of tho tllln ttlthoitt apimruiitly liiivlng
cnteieil II Hunt proceeded to follow
hi man back to town Hruco bud nil
ollli'o In one ot tin downtown nly
Mm pen. The door had no IiiimIiiohh
niinoiineemeut such as U usually
found uiKiii olllce doors. There was
merely n uuuiber, uud below that in
nmull letters the wonl "private." I'rl
vnte. Hunt was mire this ollleo was.
Ho bun;; nbout tu the shadow until
Unite left, when bo net nbout calmly
to pltk the lock. He was rather curi
ous to Hce what kind of an ollleo this
was. He found ninny Interesting
documents, but uetltlnc liicrlmlintltig
The smuggler was u shrowd fox,
(hidden!)' Hunt heard footstep. Hu
heanl n key In tho lock. Hmce had
returned! Hunt uiado n quick scramble
out of tbe window, whom he clung to
the Irou thiitter. Tho effort was worth
bit while. The man who uccompanled
Jlruce wat none other than Howard,
tbe uperlntendent ot tho Zudora rtla
(OuUintt on part tarts.)
VVc have several farms that
must be sold NOW. Here
is an opportunity to get one
of the best farms in the Basin
at half its value. Write us
at once, or come to
: The Duchesne Stage And
Transportation Co.
Autos leave Colton and Ver
nal daily and reach all im
portant points on the Uinta :
Excellent accommodations along
the entire route.
ji $50,000 Capital,
ji $60,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits
Should Impress tbe Depositors
l The pioneer bank of Carbon county through well dt
served merit has kept paco with tho growth and props
of Prico and Carbon county. Every facility for handllaf
your business.
u j
We Buy
Beef' Hides, Pelts, Furs, Wool and Beeswax
Phone 153 PRICE, UTAH
;v , . '
--"' "
Topic Bar
Only Highest Grade of Domestic nnd Imported Goods
Hnndlcd Over Our Bar nnd Cignr Counter.
J. H. JAMES, Prop.
Electrical Supplies
"ye handle a complete
line of Globes and
all kinds of Electrical
Telephone 73y and 217
Muuy Dlnonlcra Coino Troin IlitU
Aro you Just nt odd wltlt ourJ:
Do you rpsulato llvlnit? Do yoa
dor what nils you? 'J'ruo ou m'
entlntf rcKiilarly Rnd tlcepinf
Vet tometTiInu la tho mnttcrl co
potion, Headache, nervoutnett
hlllous spoils IndlcAto a tlURSlw "
Thei tried remedy la Dr. Klnfi
Ufa I'lllt. Only JBo at your lrg
Uucklen'H Arnica Balvo for iVW '"
tlont Advt.
Vhmbltg aid Heatiif
Etllmatet rurnlahtd and wJ
eTuarantttd. ... 4obblof T"'
Prompt Attention. .
V. O, Box 311. Tan ?
fno.VK M . rRICK, vt&
L. m -