Newspaper Page Text
-:- i - : - T - PAGE SEVEN J lfl """jL tDIs couTereaUoh wai ' r Evidently Howard's r ?Ui M ' Jy tnm lbc tt,pb M 4STji btm ,urooPh lUc CU!" J. ,.. that d not wcnti that H ?"i, keep Hiclr ai-rlvnl a JJftSi ll-e ' Stiles gorcm ".. , ihc noncommltnt utter ' iTiiruic, won' "Howard, Ti S" iUlmn,u lo thla UfT " Jfj uut ''l ,0 ",n"a on" Jnnct triumphantly. ,7tit remain to bo seen." 21 ibit I' i' n iiWIo linn got o la &! 1 u honest, Mr. Bruce." SSwe H m ""' from ,K,h,nd t-MUIJtr.i elndlgnnutl). "We'll ;J?itnomitpottt.p'aot?nsur filtAkcn I .K Mcro In court to JS. nine al - ?' iianl-. Oomo IT Are the semi I" Ibat alhcr ritetlre Hunt it. 1 not like the sound MMt ejaculation Ho wna mighty J 1 iit lie hl detailed BiUnl to m u tje on tlie garage. Bruce jut l pley 't""c lr,c,! "n Howard. i.nti notblnc for Huut to do but ttaIWrf'''lcbrulncw. i enonitlt. batf ' lln,r l,,lcr iW uw Hnice nnd Ibo stranger to tkebnt, an I almost Immediately ra rtwtb IwU'iB mcn nnd nuolucr ton iulrJ rev,.iiUel ns Hyp tho u wo time liii" ' "lfrt re- t hi billing llci It wna 4U tales lung W,"i nml ,le wnnt j tu an lo reappear before lio left, iDtfil Hyp's status In tills ntTnlr. Ncatlne llrncc ami Hownrd nrrlv Utilise Dii Villi througti tlio tun I Tlii tunnel illil not particularly nara the superintendent of tbo Zu--n diamond mine. Why nil this iltt lo enter M employer's house? (nllicr tlio gem, tlieu, dills tunnel iuh for luodnnie' go nterM lie illil not llko tlio liutl Hitiil lie w. more tltittt over ilMl to the i I'lnlou Hint lio lind Hrt kg the J , of tbeio people. ft II 'e IM I ImprofiMeil iilni. L Uoatf of lu . Ii mo uuil Hh Iuxu B fortiMilnf rntticr upset liln pre Bmlrol M i Thli womnn wna nl " Liy Handful of Uncut Dia monds, Jj rliu by nil Mil mummery? k n til llko t Itmlellffo Imme '!. Tlio crbtr IrulU IilunlH lio tnot Wber 1,-mrfl Hut lio la duty M I" turn t.r'i iirvaout cuuslgu. t of dlim i ,i Tim other claim wtMl'!i itoufa That wna 'w n a, toll j- i ill u ip tiinu'ed liU nttou- 1 e l.i a to llnrtelliro, nml nM'iM mi to ,u coiiHrTn- at mil" i lHrwi ii,u.v.-"H ""C ef g In,' tu tho other bide. 7u. . '.' "' " '' H bimliKul to tho M Ii tn ne I rnilly Jii.ra. You i. ' '", ,,t'I,, ",nt Kl' , ', J -rtli n kliiK'a inn , , ' f id Hturr to iiini.0 "I,1 "''I n I nulallilo Imm di w b, ;lio ml that tho tnwteoH 1 tiJtJ .11. (ho fundi Thl "'"'.MinofmnMmrZu ,7, m. r ' ' '" "t lo Moutnna iu, "" " ,m'ro ,l,tro w 17 J" ' ' , f ever ;' i II r o.Mi) citoiigli, thev , ' ""t'l tho f iki na truth nnd iilll. n."?!4 'rl ,U K 0Ut t,,Crt' n e miotl! r rnonymoiw nolo nil Mw that ,i mohM ,iny t0 , Vim. ri1' rt lu't uutitntfme Veii ,T"n. 1IjW'ira o tnkocnrv aVi.t?."1 ,,,m "' Iflio doea not V&r itt!h,at caa of u" tti i?ft Wo ro nwntaR loo Pjm "" i' t n fool ro us up. Tnm orU!m't! ,u lho M,0- n'"1 rSPa,;,f'7r iaicr " " "M th'.,Wo "winlon8 then SBbo bit '.. Tho '""nont they iW- Hol J "' street Ualrd ol- IIowaM a,nmond CUtter,S M ,IBW"M collectlou, nnd ho Al"t",'C8am,'"b,u,J Tbo three , crooks finally Weut Into a would lie ,irej , Ku " ? Inblo next to them Vuder the uLtl ..w the liui. ta,bc. A?iSetJc three were buMly e.m-nl InthcpW, Ii1 Jn8,t?0f "lmll" ni for the drinks 1 nlrd neatly nahtt, (bp , from under the tnhle with the crooko? hla caue Then he ion tho .u.., - .P I imr r i i an?l JHHHHIbB I Mmi. Du Vl' flags Wit TtrnbU. omv outalde he lay to It na fait n bli lega could go There tm n line racket In aa loou hcii the crook illvouTiil their lo. liirh ncuitiil the other of iure lotaueaa (i)p, more than the other two, iiiprieiutrd the thuuilcrlioll that hud fallen nl hit lYut ItiuMirfu would kill him out of linn J In terror ho collapsed on the table UN compun Ions dragged hlui from tho wiloon mid tho three ktiirteil out on llio hupfle-i't tnaV ofhiintliiR for u man wllh uu Ivory crook to hla cane That cxenlng Howard found n nolo lilcli ntlcil him with (oiHtcriiatlou. It wan nn iikii threnl fiom liN cm ployem. lie was walking on thin Ue. Hut he rrnn an old hand nt w.irfnre He had tlvl too many oara In Africa to bo realty nfrald nf thrent" Ho merely allpiivd nu autouiitk' Into hla Iocket nnd went about hh nCTalra culmly. That anuie inuiilm; ZmloriuiiulHiorm were urcclol with a trwifinlu!H xiir prise. Mra. Itamney, with wlwui .mlurn writ Uxlnir. kixirkxt to aay that n Mr. Halnl wna mixlmw to mi- .iiiloni "Heud III tit right npl' Italrd wna greeted runltnlly lio put tho viilUp on the tabto, tpHel II. lift ed the fabu ImHIimu, owl thern laj u liandfuljif uncut dlauiomii. h etuiifort nble fortune for hiij reawiialrfe per- K'll. "What ttu luipiwiieil'." demanded Xudorn greatly exrlted. IlrlefJy It ilnl rorouuliil lilt adven fie, nnd when lie liad dmie tho clrl nelxed Ktorm nnd began to waltx him iirniui'l the room Hut (li'"i uncut atiiiiea could not bo kept In the houae, nor (mild they take theui nnd aell them nr deoll them In n safety Ikix nt n bank hut to do with them now (hey had them? I'litll the mine wua liidubltahb pnid In bo .udum'a le gally they had no right to them. Mor nlly they had, of cotitte. Then Mr, llamiey made n atiggoatloti. Why uot hide them In joudir How erpotV They (oinrnituuitcd Mri. Itaumey upon her hupjiy thoiiKht. After the atone weri htildeii Italrd took hlx departtlie. tlip nml liU frightened lonipMiiloim itfler luulug hunted fntlluly fur tho mail with the Ivory handed wne tlnul-Ijn-om-liided that the lieat lliliu they could do v oiild Us lo go to Mine Du Tho Flrat Individual to DUappwr Wai Howard. VnPa nnd throw tUcmaehca mn her raerey. Hho needeil theui. They bad thnt much lu tbclr favor. When they blurted out tbo cost or their carelewmcsi Mine. Du nl,a,''" wig terrible. 8ho eelxwl n bronze statuette nnd rushed upon tho mm man; nnd ItadelluV- Inter tow doubtleba Bfictl bltn from ij UfweJ ,1c-ad. It took half nn " b lJ tu- woman. Oyp and liU Mf happy to eacapS vfith nothing won i ee Horn tbnn cuwea. Sho ordered them out of the house. '' "ager Hunt Id back of this wup. MM ltadcllffe. -You aee. we're K't to ait qukkly, aud I think that Jlunn cniuo Is tho bet we con ueo. Oct miora iu ,jlU ,,rlr!Uc n ,,, It Hill take ten Sherlock IIolmees to get her out." "Verj well Wo will mako the nr ramements nt onu Zudor.i must bo Ptit awm Tlnit will relieve tho pa-9-upp naaliMt tl " lr. Munu n-culvi-U them, anulrk ou hi fae. lollop of this cheractcr nl. way meant pntletita." lie never lu quired Into h"s c1ltitn inotlrcs Tcrac ly he nas alien hla Hum. It mut lie mvompllxhcd at ouee," iU Mine Du n. ' Ixmc It to nip, iiuiilame How long will jour twtlent lomalu herer 'lotcver, If )im can make thut twa Klbte ' Mnti) of my imtlctit arc Rltllctetl wlih -truiim- Hlnpes. nnd jroncrally the) die Hut it Is ery c-cnslve" Will Jli'.iOi' toicr theae pxpcnsesr' 'Amply, innilnme" 'lbe llrst Indlihliml to dUnppenr from tho haunts of men was Hownrd, tho duiiuntiil tnliip auiterlutendent. 'lho second to innlh waa Jiudorn. Hriut? und ltniMtffo aitompllshcd the fut dexterously by mraua of a ladder to .iidoM wlmlow. Hbe wna half asleep when they fell ujion her, bound and RagKcil he- They ienrrliel In ulu for the diamonds, which they were confident Zudorn Ind hidden In this room nomcwhrrc 'they even lift ed the plant out of lbe flower pot, but fortuuately did not cxnmlno the dirt carefully lhey flung It to tho floor, whero Inter John found the atone aenttered nbout. ItndillfTo wnipicd n blanket nbout the girl nnd took lirr out of the win- Ratlolilfa Wrppd a Dlankst About tht Girl. dow and dcpovllcd her luslilu the watt ing tnxknb. A moment later they were bowling nwny nt n furious rule, nml by midnight .mlorn was coufiont ed with the terrible kuowkdeo that flu- waa nu Inmatu of one or those dreadful Iiounm alio had often beard and read about-it prliatu Insuiiu ay luml Ami lu the lery next room paced tho man who wanted to Ihi loynl to her liitcn-Nta-Ili'iiry lloiinnl! to nr iii-itiMi i. Amailnp Avsrslons. Vlnient. the great painter, would in (am upon going Btiddculy Into n room where roses were blooming, ercn IhoiiKh he did not aro them. Valtnld tolls ua of uu iirmy ofllcer w ho wni fro Qiieutly Ihroivii Into loleut win ill fclnni hy turning In contact with tho little Doner l.iiniiu ua the pink. ThU aamo tiutliurlly nlao telU of the caxo of n lady fort.i-lx .iciiis of ngp, halo mid hwirty, who If preaent when llnaeed wna Mug boiled for nny purpose would bo aelxo.1 with lolent Ota of eounhliig. awelllng of lli fuco nnd par tial loss of rwi win fur the ensuing tivent) four hour. Writing of iIipmo iKHiillar ittitliaithlM and uiorliin. Montagiie rvmaika that he liiia known men of undwibted cour ago who would imii It rather face n shower of cuiinm Italia than look at nu apple. Iu KlmimtriiMu'ri writings there la nu iiicoimt of h lady who could not hcur to tu h eltlier allk or anlln nml would iilmon faint If by accident alio hhoiild happen to touch the elvety kklu if n jmuIi Itojlo leeoril tho rase of u man who would faint upon hoirlng the "i wish" of n broom acroa the tlo r and of nnolher with n natural ibliornncc of lamey. IIIpiKKnitea of old telrn of one Nleauor, who would nlwaya awoou ut hearing tho aound of a tlute reuivon'a. Touoh 8Hk Qrasi. Tho best flub II"" Is niado In Hondu ras of "allk grus," ouo platit of which has from fifty to n hundred learea up to nine foot long. Tho fiber Is bo strong that tho natlvo drivers of ox teams In tho mahogany camps bratd their bull whips from It, preferring It to liMthor. Experiments hio now tin dor way to aeo If It can be cultlinted profitable Double Doit. "Did tbut dreasruuker give your wife i Rood Ot with her now gown?" "Yes, nnd alio gao mo another with Its bill "-Imdon Standard. vVfittwU b BwIr. I'anbandler-Say, pal, could you give n guy n nickel for n bed! Hard Hearted I'urty-It's see tho bed.-!!""""10 l-xI1reM' nONI 1XKCTTOX NOTlcn OV CAlt- bon County. Utah. Notice Is hereby given thit n special election baa been ordered anil will he held In and for Carbon CVuntj. Hloto of Utah, and In the Mural Voting districts thereof on Mondn April IS. A. D. 11S. as pro Mdcd b Uw for the purpolo of vot ing tiotuls in the sum of Thlrlr-one Thousand i31.eee.oe) Dollora for purimm- ,.f iumptetlnK. Improvlnu nnd rePalrliiR the pul.lir hlMhwnjs of Cnr IMm oiinh and nit the pretlnrts lherp.f. nainel) Vlntr quarters l'reclmt N.. 1. Hcofleld Precinct No Z Costl. (lute l'reclncl No I. Helper l'reelnet No 4. Hprlnit Olen I'reclnrt No. 5; l'riit I'rv-elnrt No C. Harper I'roclncl No J, WclllnKton rreclnrt No- 8. 8umi)iilde 1'rptlnrt No 9. Olenr Creek l'retlml No 10. Kenll worth fie. in. t No 11, Cnrhomlllo I'reclnet No II; iek Hawk Pre cinct No l; ltast lllnwntha l'rsclnet No. II, Went IfiKWiitha I'rsclnot No 13, Storm I'reclnet No II. and Car bon I'nlnt No. II Hatd iH.nds shall twnr Interest at lho rati of hot to uxeved t per cent per nnmun. ps stile Heml-Hnnuully. and mid lonilii s4mll lieooms due nnd pa)-nble st tho Miplratlon of 10 Jeara from the dale of the Issue thereof, with tin option reserved to Carton iount I.. pn or redeem the iwme nt any time after the expiration of 10 yenra nfwr the date of the Isavie therv- of. Only mivh iiuallfled electors as shnll hnc paid n property tax In aald Car bon county In the )ear next preiedlnK uch apcilat election shall he entitled to vote thereat. Tolls will open and remain open from 7:00 o'clock n. in. to 7:00 o'clock p. in. of mid 13th day of April, 1316. At aald election tho form of ballot ahnll bo na follows, to-wlt. IIONO YIW , HONI NO .. , I Tho otlm: place of nit qualified xoiera of mid Cnr lion count), t'lali, rosldlnB within Winter Quartcra I're clnet No 1, shall Ik) nt tho I I). H. McetltiR House within aald Winter Quarters Pntlnct No. 1. The lotlnir ptnen nf nil iiuallfled voters of said Carbon county, Utah, reildlnK within Hcoficld rreulnet No. S, shntl be at tho Town Hall wllliln aald Hcefletd I'reclnet No. 3. Tho voting placo or nil iiuallfled voters i f khM Carbon eoiinty, Uliib, reshllnit within Cnstln flate, rreclnrt Nn 3, I hull be lit the IC. of I' Hntl within the aald Castle Onto ProtlnU No. 3 The ViitltiK place or all iiuallfled votera of said Carbon county, I'tnli, rmldlnn within Helper l'roclnct No. t, ahnll be nt the Town Halt within tlio Siild llelpir Precinct No. 4 The votlliK place of nil itiallfled votera of anld (Carbon county, I'tnli. residing within HprinK CJtcn I'reclnet Nu. C. ahull be nt the I. Il H. Meeting House within aald HprliiR UU'ii Pre i met No I Tho VidiiiK place of nil iiuallfled votera of aald Carhou county, t'lali, loadlrfK within Prleo Prculnut No C, hall be nt the City Hull within aald 1'rlLo I'reclnet No. C. ThuMdlng placo of all qualified votera of paid Carbon county, Utnti, residing within Harper 1'raelnet No 7, fchall bo nt K. C. Ixio'a rualdenra lu aald Harper I'reclnet Nor 7. The voting placo of all qualified votera of wild Carlton county. Utah, ref'dlng within Wolllncton I'reclnet No. 8 shall lie nt tho I I) H Meeting Ileum- Willi aald Wulllngtuii Precinct No. 8. Th- voting plui-e of nil qualified votera of nnld Carhon county, Utah, residing within Hunnysldo Precinct No. 9 aliitll be ut the Aiuuimment Hall within tho aald Hunnysldo l'roclnct No. 9 Tho voting place of nil qualified votera of aald C'arbun county. Utah, residing within Clear Creek Precinct No. 10 shall bo at tho Odd I'ellowa Hull In sold Clear Creek I'reclnet No 10. The voting pluee of ull qualified votera of anld Carbon county, Utah, residing wtllilu ICenllwortli I'reclnet No II shall l-e nt the Auditorium In aald Kenllivurth Precinct No It. The voting pluee of nit qualified votera cf aald Carbon county. Utah, residing within Carhonvllle I'reclnet No 12 i hall be at tho Meeting House In said Cnrbonvlllo Product No. 13. The voting place nf nil qualified votera cf hflld Carbon county. Utah, tpslding within Illnclc Hawk l'roclnct No. 13 shall be at Illnclc Hawk Hotel nltlilu aald Illack Hawk l'retlml No 13 The voting placo of nil qualified votira of aald Carbon county, Utah, residing within Host Hiawatha Pre-i-lnct No. 13 aliall lo ut the Town Hall In aald ICaat KliiWHtha I'reclnet No. 13 The voting plaea of nil qualified votera of anld C'urhou county, Utah, reall'tig within West Hiawatha Pre cinct No. 13 bo nt Mine Office within aald West lllawntha I'reclnet No. 13 Tho voting place of all qualified votera of aald Curbou county, l.'lith, residing within Htorra rreolni-t No. It shall lie at tho U U. K. Meeting House within the aald Htorra I'reclnet No 11 Tho vidlng place of nil qualified votera of Mild Curium county, Utah, residing within Carbu.i Precinct No 13 shall lie at tho Mine Office within said Carbon Precinct No. IS lated nt I'rlee, Carbon Count), Utah, thla 3d day of March, 1915. Ily Order of tho Hoard of Count) Commissioners of Carbon County, Utah Uy J. II. HIIAHP. Chulrmuu. Attest nitNKBT B. HOH8I-KY. (Seal) County Clerk. 1'lrat pub. March C, last Apr. 3-1B. IllUilNQUENT UST. Notice Is heretiy mien that at a meeting of tho board of directors of tho Wellington Canal company, held October 7, 19H, tho following assess ment was levied against the stock In said company, to-wlti 7 cents per share, which Is now delinquent and puy.ihlo to the treasurer ot said com. pany and unless paid before tho Cth day of March, A. P. 1915, will be sold In front of the tho postofflce at Wel lington, Carbon county, at 2 o'clock p. m, to pay the following delinquent assessments, advertising and costs of sale: John A. rouell.' Jr I 31.00 J. P. Tldwell 38.11 K. Ulmlck 1.40 Iehl Jesaen 34.66 S. H. Grundvlg 10.61 P. Worley 41.44 A ..Marshall 10.00 J Simmons 1.17 N Nelson 16.50 V. B. Orundvlg 1.3v J. C Vnneo , 20.57 W P. Hlnkoy 6.08 Iini Hraneh 35.37 II. Jones ft Bros. 15.89 Harford Morgan 3.61 S. A. Ooldlng 33 66 S. W. Marshall 31.71 Jano Hraneh '33.07 Melt llrnnoli 10.74 Itay Ilranoh 19.74 n. II. Thnyn 31.00 J. I) Papast Co 10.56 J. Morgan 69 O Tldwell 3(2.63 J Illeh 12.69 W. U Tldwell 41.79 M A.Johnson 32.26 Lincoln Marshall 30.00 Hrnest Hraneh 9.01 Hira Hraneh 32.12 V. V, risk 226.34 W. A. TIIAYN, Treasurer of Wellington Canal Com pany, Wellington, Utah. Plrat pub. 1'eb. 6; Inst Mch 5-16 NOTIGi: TO WATP.ll OHKllS. Htato Knglnccr'a Office, Salt take City, Utah, January 28, 1916. Notice 1 hereby given that Purinltt Knell and IavcII Ostler, whose postofflco address Is Wellington, Utah, have made application In accordance with lho requlromenta of the Compllod Ijiws of Utah, 1907, ns amended by tho Hesslnn Iiws of Utah, 1909 and 1911, to opproprato ten (10) cubic feet of water per second from Sharp Wash, Cart- n county, Utah Bald water will bo diverted nt a point which Ilea 133 fctt south nnd 4786 feet east of the northwest corner of Section 31, Township 16 South, ltnnge 11 Hast, Salt I-nko baso nfid meridian, and conic) od by means of a ditch for a dlstanco of 14,630 feet, nnd there used from Xtareh 1 to December 31. Inclusive, ot each )ear, to Irrigate 160 nrres of land embraced In the southeast quarter of Section 30, Twp, 16 South, Itango II Hast. Halt Irfiko baso nnd meridian. Thla application Is designated In the stats engineer's office aa No. 6934. All protests against lho granting of said applica tion, staling lho reasons therefor, must bo mado by affidavit In dupli cate, accompanied by a foo ot 12.60, and filed In this office within thirty (30) daa after the completion or the putdloallon of this notice. W. 1). UtCUHS, Htato Engineer. Data of first publication Pahruary 12, 1916, date of completion of pub lication March 16, 1915 NOIICi: TO WAThlt ItSHIlrt. State llnglneer's Office, Hull Iwike Cliy. Utah, Pebruary 17. 1916 No tlco Is henby given that Samuel lew Is, whoso postofflce n'ddrcae la Prlrp, Utah, hua made application In accor dance wltli the requirements of the Compiled Uiws of Utah. 1907 aa am ended by tho Pension Iiwa ot Utah. 1909 mid 1911. to appropriate two nnd IvveiiD-elKht-htnidredlha (2.28) euble feet of water per cocond from Soldier Creek, Cnilinn county, Utah. Raid water will be diverted nt n point which Ilea 67E feet south nnd 12N feet weet of the northeast corner ot Section 20, Ttvp. II Kuillh, ltnnge 11 Hast, Halt Iake laao nnd meridian, nnd convey ed by menus of u dltoh for A distance of 3,9(0 feel und there used from March 1 to October 31, Inclusive, of each pur, to Irrlgutu 160 nerea of land embraced In the east half of Section 20, Tin Ji. II South, Itango 11 Host, Salt Lake huso mid meridian. Aa much of aald water na moy bo nocca aary will bo used during the entlro yenr for domestic piirpoaca. Thla np pllontlnn la designated In tho atate onglncir'a offlco na No. 6000. All protests ngnloat tho granting of aald application, atutlng tho reasons tin refer, must bo made by affidavit lu duplicate, accompanied by n feo of (3.60, und filed lu thla off lio within thirty (30) dais after tho completion of tho publication of this notice. W. H. HrtKltP, Htute Hnglneer. Date of first publication Pubruary 36, 1916, date ot completion of publi cation March 29, 1916. NOTtt'K 11) WATKIl USI'HS. Stale Knglncer'a Office. Hall I.nko City. Utuh, Pebruary 17, 1916. No tice la hereby given thnt Cunukls Ol nnulukua, whose postofflco address la Sunnyalde, Utah, has mado nppllcn Hon In accordance with the require ments of the Compiled I-awa of Utah, 1907, as amended hy tho Heaslun Iawa of Utah, 1909 nnd 1911, Mo appro priate four (4) cuole-fcet of water per second from nu unnamed ciixk extending from Hlg Sprlnga Hunch, Carbon county, Ulah. Bald water will bo dlvertod nt u point which bears north 25 degres oast 1,400 feet from the west quarter oorucr of Section 19, Twp 16 South, Hnngo 13 Must, Salt Ijilto bare and meridian, nnd convoy ed by means of n dltuli for a distance of 8,000 feet, and there used from April 1 to October 31, Inclusive, of each )cur, to Irrigate 280 ncrea of land embraced In the southeast quar ter of Section 31, Twp. 16 South, Itango 13 Hast, and tho southwest quarter of Soetlon 10 and tho north west quurtir ot Suction 30, Twp 16 South, Han Ke 13 East, Salt Ijiko baso and meridian. This nppllcutlon la designated In tho atate engineer's of flco ns No. 6918, All protests ngaluat tho granting of aald application, stating tho reasons therefor, must bo mado by affidavit In duplicate, accompanied by a fee of 33.60, and filed in this office within thirty (30) da) a after tho completion of the publication of this notice. W D. Uliuns, Statu Knglnecr. Dato of first publication February 36, 1915, dato of completion or publi cation March 29, 1915, XOTIC1. TO WATKIt UHICIIS. State Engineer's Office, Halt I.ako City. Utah. Tcbruary 17. 1915. No tlco la hereby given that Alma I'ul mor, whoso poatuffluu address Is Or nnguvllle. Utah, has mado applica tion In necordanco with tho requlro menta or lho Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, as amended by tho Session Laws of Utah, 1909 and 1911, to appro priate ten (10) cublc-fcct of water per second from Price Itlvrr, Carbon H county, Utah. Hold water will be dl- ft '' verted nt n point which benrs south JH 86 degreea 31 minutes wert 6(7.7 feel H from the northenrt corner of Section H 24, Twp 19 South, ltnnge 9 East, Bait H Lake boss and meridian, nnd con- H ve)cd hy menus of n ditch nnd pipe H lined for n distance of 9,200 feet, and H there used from Jnnuar) 1 to Decent. H ber 31, Inclusive of en eh tear, to gen- H crate power for the purpo of dlcelrlp ' M lighting nnd propelling mnelilnery nl M Helper. Utah After having been so M lined, tho water wilt lip relurned to H the natural (hannel, nt n point whfuli H brnra south 32 degrees 43 minutes H west 1,913 feet from the south qunr- H ter corner of Section 21, Twp, l H South, Hange 9 Hast, Holt Lako base M nnd meridian This npptleatlon lg M designated In the state engineer's of- M flee ns No. 6962. . H All protests against the granting of M aald npptlentlnn, staling the reasons M therefor, must tip mado by nfflduvll In duplli-nto, nrrunipiinlcd by n fee nt 12 60, and filed In this office, wtthlii H thlrt) (30) data nflir the completion jM of the publlenllon of this notice. W aal D. HKHHS, Slate Engineer H Dato or first puhlientlon PubrunrV jH 26, 1915, date nf completion of puhll Icnllon March 29, 1916 H NOIItt: 1( WAIKIt UMlltS, H State Knglncer'a Off he. Salt lkfa H Cily, Utuh, Pebruary 17, 1916. Nt.. IH tlce Is hereby given that II. It. Mellon- H nld nnd Prrd l. Wn Irons, whoso poet- M office uddrtsa Is Price. Utuh, have H made applleutlnn In accordance with M lho requirements of lho Compiled H Ivwn or Utah, 1907, aa amended by H the Session Iiwa or Utah, 1909 and 'H 1911, to npproprlnte five hundred H (600) ncro-fcet or wntcr from two H unnamed springs nnd flood waters In IH Carbon county, Utah. Spring No. 1 M Ilea 1,160 feet ast nnd 3(0 feet south Ml of lho north quarter corner of Hco fH lion 10, Twp 12 South, ltnnge 10 ,H East, Hall Iike Imihp nnd meridian, JH nnd Spring No 2 Ilea 1,310 feet east H nnd 400 reel south of the aald corner. lH Tho aald water will be stored lu a H reservoir embrnied In Sections 3 nnd H 10, Tivp 12 South. Hnngo 10 East, jM from where It wilt bo released nt a FH point which Ilea 3.222 6 feet aoutl f H and 1,339 feet west of the east qunr- H ter corner of Becllon 3, township nu'd .fH range aforesaid, nnd allowed tu flow 'H down the ttnttiral channels of Willow 'H Creek mid Price Illicr, from where H It wilt bo diverted nl n point whtelv H Hen 120 fret west of the north qunr 11 ler corner of Section 2, Twp iSHouthi" H Hnngo 10 Hast, Bull l.nkv tmse nnd . H meridian, nnd conve)ed by means of f H a ditch for n dlstaueo of (7 6 reel nnd tH there used fiom April 1 to Soptem H ber 30, Inclusive, of each )cmr, to lr- ,H rlgate 2(0 acres of land emprneed lu H Smtloit 2. Twp 16 South, ltnnge 10 'I PH East, nml HeMloii 6. Twp. 16 Hoiith, ) I- PB Hange II Easi, Salt lHk bseo and 1' H merldlnn Aa luiiih of aald water ru V ; jH may be neeessMri wilt be umd during ' the entire year for domnstle pur t -IH tusea. This application Is designated 'l In the slate engineer's office ua Nu. , kli H 6908. 1 ' iM All protests against the granting of ,; JUJH aald applliatliili, ilnllng the rensmvs . . VfH therefor, must be mndo by nffldnvll I fl In duplicate, uccomtHintcd by a fee uf I 49sB 13 50, nnd filed In this offloo wlthlni' hIItH thirty (30) dn) nfler tho eoinplotlAhy 'aiH of the publication uf this notion. W?' ft H 1 1. HEEIIH. State Hnglneer. '! IfH Date or flrat puldientlnn IVbruary, . HH 26, 1 0 IB. dato ot completion of puhll- ' f" oollon March 29, 1915. . I I'tjH NOIICi: It) WATEIl I'hllllK. , ;. H Statu Engineer's Office, Halt Lake. ; M Cily, Utah, Pebruary 10, 1916. No- a i M lion M hereby given thut II. It. Mc Donald und l'rcd I Watrous, whoso f . M postoffloo addresa la Price, Utah, haveN. H made appllcattnu In aocordnueo with tlio requirement of the Compiled 1 M Luwa of Utah, 1907, na nmended by. t.Bl fH the Session I-ana of Utah, 1909 and 't it'l 1911, to iipproprlnta flvo hundred. f Silifl (600) ucro-fcet of water from Willow iHfiH Creek, Wasateh county, Utah, lluld' filiH water will bo atored from January 1 jt fifiH 10 December 31, Inclusive, of each S yesir, In u naervulr emhrneed lu lho 831 aoulhtmat quarter of Section 27, Twp, iKH 11 Houth, Hnngo 10 Hast. Hull Ijiko liilBl base und meridian, from where II will KCH bo released at u point whleli lies BBBfl 5,612 feet north nnd 2,001.6 feet west MrWfl of tho soiithsast corner of Section SI, l&fliBl Twp. II Houth, Hungo 10 East, and sftDslll oouvoyed by means of a ditch for n Jl'IfH dlstanco of 6,306 feet nnd there used fjlH from April 1 In September 30, tnclu- ) upjBJ slvr, of eeiuh )ear, to irrlgutu 335 tftKjlB acres of land embraced In Heetloua 2 ilvlH and 3, Tivp. 12 Houth, Hungo 10 East, 'ffRlLi Salt l-at.e baso und meridian. ThU -'XflfiH applleatlun Is designated lu tho ttuto VBH ungluuer'n office na No. 6903. mflifl All protests ugalnst tho granting of mMvI aald application, ulattng the reasons 'ffwifl therefor, must be made by affidavit AJtmH In duplicate, necompanled by u feo of tiiMfl 13.60, and filed In this offlco within MLi thirty (30) da)a nfter tho completion lUiH of tho publication of this notice. W. BBfl D. HEEHH, Htute Engineer. 9jH )uta or first publication Pebrunry 89BI 19, 1915, date of completion of pub- ffSfl lluutlon March 23, 1915. Bwfl IV 'I HE HHVHNTH JI'DICIAI) DIH-" Awl trlet Court of the State of Utah, Ih- iliHrH and for Curbon County. Oeorge E. hIkH Pord, Trustee, on behalf of himself Bafl und all other stockholders nf tho Ba- BhH vuV Hotel Company similarly situated 9affl who may see fit tu come lu und be tLSfl mado parties to this notion nnd con- MMW tribute to tho oxpouae thereof, Plain- Ml tiff, vs. Savoy Hotel Company, n cor- lilfl poratlon, K. N II. Jensen, John Jen- VllH sen, Hyrum Halrd, and C. II. Mnrcu- wSI son, rcpreacnllng themselvia und all itKfl other itockholdcru ot tho Savoy Hotel cHH Company who do not tome In nnd llAafl boiomo partlia plaintiff to this action, vM Defendants. Notice. Notice Is here- flffBJ by given that tho undersigned s re- ifSH celver for tho hotel company has iBfl filed a potltlon In tho nbovo entitled IU court for the salo of nil tho assets IHfl of tho Savoy Hotel Company, which ctJI euld petition will bo heard on tho (Hi Hfl day of April, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m., jll and any and all persons who have nny xnl objoctlona or protests to muke against lill tho sale of aald property must file the Ull same with the clerk of tho nbovo en- ill titled court on or "before tbo. Cth day III of April, 19 IS. D. M. BHIIlEMAN, M Itecelvcr. fBJ Plrst pub Mch 12; last Mull 26-16, rLH Our Job department Is up to date, iitI Try us on that next order 'of printing. .pHBpj The Advocate. Advt. SB