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I :Jyj jpllS Content Utah 3i1bm)tate PSS 11 r fl ' TWPNTV T?ltai- vo tV, - T U Ihoy only know tho iwrtlcnlaM 1) KfJ HL-- WbHTY-niMT 1 fcAU. ruins, CARB0N ro1WTV UTAII FRiiMilARCir2iT91B. '"NUMBER 12 l J P II URBQN RESOURCES -J JUST DEVELOPING fciluable Information Contained in State I I Statistician s Biennial ReportFinest I Climate in Utah High in Education 1 -Sheep Industry is Enormous. 5 Hn HJ Ibrouith a x ritt up li I'nrl II Mar-tHo-a. Carbon ttint m Roll repre Hhiu4 ' "" H7,lmR" "Port "f I' Br Hilar' nimlr. Inner f lliu stnto Kgrrtu of immigration, labor nnd stn- HTlctlc- II " tnrt 0H 'ullow )HT Th oU of Carbon county Is ii sandy HJur It la nlknllno In reaction, but HM of htxh enough percent a go to be HM any treat dlsndxnntngc It lends Kuttf readily to thn production of (Hfrvlt ' garden prnduits. though nil f Btladi of xraln, t renin nnd hny ran , HJi rlf ed In the district xvhiro Irrlga- Hi Tn cllmalo In Meat Thcro nro Ha'""" runny day In 1'rlco (linn In an 4Hc(h'r town nf tho stale. Thu sum ) Mfttut warm nntl the winters fnlrl) BfOl). Ttie maximum nnil minimum HitapfriturrK nro rlmllnr to those nt BwtlllnKton, nenrhy, tho datn of which HLppeirx In the tllmntotoglcal tables jH;MIhrl In (liln report. Tho county Hh rthool, located nt Prlco, tin i enr Hirled on experiment to determine ell (Hmttle conditions fltuo May SI, 1314, Hm the cnmplcto record la not cl HjmlUlle During tho )enr 1914 thcro (Htirr JJ lain) dn)s nt l'rlco nntl 63 nt 9nn)ilde, thn mining town of tho HJruh Kuel compnn). which lien 17 Hjmll roulhcast of I'rlcc Prom thin jBj an be rcen that thcro Ih nn nbttn Hduce of rutin) dn)s In thin part of HJ Dm count) JH The elevation or l'rlco In SBC I fiet HJit the court hour-c. Tho rainfall nx-Hj-ru from 9 to 12 Initios for the JHiollre )rar Thin would Im mouKh, Hr' proptrl) ronxerxed, to permit of HJ dry farming, an carried on In I'tnh, In JHilttmats nm. m The natural resources of Carbon Hjt-Qntr are unllmltid and nro Juit he H -inning to Imi dtwloptd. Cual of tho turJ, bituminous kind In found In Hj fciJncti nrnl lurn nro tlrpo-lts nf f(Hj'btrit, otokirllc, nrphalt and numi' HJ'3tM trace or petroleum. Thn coal wcMnwwnlwt opirfttltiK in tho oounty HrrtKluced durlne tlin cnr 1H nearly Hthrti million tonn or coal, which flic H trd at thn ax mica price or 1191 per H la, would )leld 15,730,000. Thin Man a (Jlli-d drcrrun compared ultli B 1111, hecaure of n general depranlnn ta build! and the rtjmoxnl of tho tulff on Canadian and Auntrallun Hwili that reach tho l'uclflo conn. m DvtrlAs the eor 1913 thirn wrro pro- inetd In Carbon county 3O.000 tonn Hrf toke, xaIuhI nt Il,l9,t07, of thlt imtunt owr ttothtrdn wan ahlpped III UN PIE iNiUli(H3l The funiouH White Box of Chicago pj lll arrhi In lrU on tho morning of Mtnli Jut, wxi WcdnciMlnj, nnd In Jim afurnoon piny on tho Trim din. aond win, Cnrlton lounty'H trutk PJ '""i. Mnhrland JJ Thli great nggngutlon of ball pla. Jtranlll nmnlii luru during thu i ntlro juy. kaiiig for Dimir on tho morn. 1 lnf nf ho flrat of April J Ue'Mi ma of crj town In tho loiin B J ' r rul Kmery count rominun H nit "'" '''"""'"K to take n holiday to Jj ltne ,t W ,,roulluy pr00 to Hi. u "'"'t ball ptnilng ir ren Jin Kaahra I'tnh H,A 'al trn,,,,! " ' "" Irom thn wnmju both morning nnd con Hi.f. n" t,h,,K I'ojh will bo in Hpa'l ' '" lh" M"nln,f ' " KraUiX ixsis loin ,jmi ii m, J ITI MITIM. TO rTUiVL JttllU: H ,'V 1",'"r iatird' uitorjiuun Jo J wj'n llurgmiin, nbout twintj Marn of H .. . '"" "'mpllng to ateal n rldo J m n freight, fell umhrjiiath thn nio- '"r3 nd onn g Junt alou tho pj nnK!.. un, ,, mij wr l-t 0( T1, ,h"i.,u" lllow wan tomlng Xroin H... . nl"1 nmmptlng to mnkv hhi Hi Lhl,lt l'nUi' whtrn hln pnrintn pj l They wero nt nncn tolgraphid pj 'a a'ridunt but teplkd thut thi pj no noor to ronder any nwlktniicK ' pj brought to 1'rko toila) anil J J tM count) homiltal I I . 'Wo'A' '1' "'" inl i - a'fa,n)l'y"jtr" for Prlco prop- ' "ititty I? ' Utuit a reduction In fl'k in I;""'t"'rl A6 Mimbcni !""" ii,-!. ",t' 'i ln,, (l,, njfecd ,0 ",, n,r-''u,(dor and nut or tho ntute In legnrd to Hgrliulture graving fruit mining etc, tlurc nrn ixcwllent opportunlllon in Carbon county There InduntrlM nro et In tlulr Infnno There nro nt prenenl nbout St.000 nercf of rnrm land under cultlrntlnn G6.000 acrcii nro deotd to grailng purponm nnd COO nmi or fritlt Intid Tho nnllnble land fnrmlnr In nn follow n I'nder tho I'rlio Illi r canal, 22,100 nirn. unilir tho l'rlco Wntir company cnuul, 1S.S00. nnd under tho Hprlng (lien innal, MOO Tho nluo or Irrigated Inndn runn from 1100 to $200 per ncro Oler IS00 ncren nro let nxnllnblo ror rrult orcltnrdn nnd gnrden productn. , There nro In Carbon county oer 12S,oon head of nheep During tho jenr 1911 thlrt-four carloads of wool were chipped from l'rlco nlone. Pig. urcd nt tho nerngo prlco of IS centn n pound thin Mould amount to tltl. 099 95 Knxenil cnrlotda or Itinilm nro Milpptd nnnunll) to oaMern ttinr ketn. The frulln rnlred In thin count) nro or fupcrlor color nnd nuallt During the cnr 1911 or twonl) turloadn of rrult mm handled throughout tin tount) Thcno counlntid or nppllfn. pi am, ptumn, nprlcntn, clurrlen nnd peoeher Tho lowir pnrl or l'rlco rati) on, between IMpir and Cnntlc (late. In nil Ideal rpot for peach mining It In n pUco whero the irop nier fnlln, no matter lion hard the carl) rprlng frotn git Here rrult iropa nro nl wom irtaln A ttlff bncxo blown down the conon oury night and drlien nw ay whatever front thiro hap penn to comn during the night Carbon count) rntiWn high In educa tion il fnrllltlen. It In among the NrM In pa)lng good ntlarlen to Km teaclien Tho axrritgo rnlary pild to thn male tenehirn In tho dlntrlol hcIiooM ror thn )eur 1911 wnit 1101 pu- month; that paid to femaln teaohern, f 70 Tho lilariinpald thn high Mhool tvuohrrn rangen from 1900 to tltOO pr nar, Mort of thn pchool bulldlngn nro mod ern and thoroughly up-to-date In lighting, heating and xctitllatlon. Tho itudentn nro furnlidicd with frea uxt bookn and thn titulpmcnt In ndequato nnd f Intl-claiut. There U a high hcIiooI nt I'rlio nnd a branch high rchool nt Scoflcld. Thn high nchool building at Prlco l thn rry bet In the ntnto ror lln rlso and In not nurpametl by any In tho InUrmountnln region. . LAW IK EFFECT UNE 15 Coifiilldutlon of MIkmiI Dl-lrldn "n ntoi I'ho Count) DliUloiK. Tho bill proldlng for thn loiifolldn lion of county t hool dlntrlctn taken r Kct nluut) dn)n from the llth of ilav h II) thin now law common nchool illntrlitN nnil tho offlio of tho ni p rlnti ndciit or n.hoola nro nbollKhcd llefuro tho Imv tukm effed It In tho dut) or tho board or count) torn mlHulonorn to dhldo thn lounty Into flvu roprerentnthu prcilnttn nnd np PHltit tho mumbcrn or tho hoard or (dumtlon for nucIi illntilct to rim until tlu Ir KUCiinor nro duly ebitid and rhull hao iiunllflod Thn fir t oh (lion until r tho nit I fixed ror I)c combir, 191 C. Tho tount) itipcrlnti ndunt In ap pointed through thu board if tiliuu tlou, whlih hat complcto Jurlndlitlon ner both tho ibmuitir) mid high. m hool nf fulrr IWAI1JAW HID J or I'liurili UMrlil Do ilnu. It lit lie liunllil II) ttiliilnlonor JudiiH A II Morgiiu or tho Kouilh Judltlnl dlntrkt l I'u lIimiio Innt wnk tho Irrigation illn tilit law or tho Mat- ban bun do cliirod unconHtllutlonul Judge Mor gan hold, that Irtlgullon dltrleln created iindei tin ati law lmo no loyal txlitoiHo fur tho fnllt ilng ru .moius Tho i Into hnx n right or powr to tux rMirul landa. that entomnn nro not land mwHir Unforo patent lun that th ait or tho leglnlaturo creating Irrigation districts In Inconnlntenl The ileilntoii wan baaed on tho a lldll) or thu organization rr tho South JI)ton llonch Itrlgitlou dlrtrht Not oul) In tlut ITInlah HhhIh but thtoughnut tho HaU- nn Immcmu) hum of money Id Imnhetl Jn thco dlntrdt organlrntlonx. Ji- Knight or l'roo lhar puiihnicd tho bonds or tho lllne illinrh illt trUt at Duchcnnn to an amount of approximately (125,000, I Tho dlrtrlct law wne pawd during the hglnlaturo of 1909 and wan care .(fully connldcrcd b tome or tho bent &,gal talent or the Plate and Uan aided 'fcgitly In tho dnelopmint of many w nuiu of thu rtatc It l announotd .,' 'flko matter will "bo oarrlcd to the ' 9agourt. ior Th Advocate, JEALOUS HELPER MAN mm ie 1 llll-S K MIOTH. TWO OKUII1CII lll'(ll ITI, M)TM. Poutiil UttriM In Trunk I roni Colo rndo Man t'lnnn to o Kill Self Hut IMM Nine Subtultn ljulotly in rnl. HMdlng hln frlemln gnoilb)o. lit tending to kilt hb wife nnd thin him ilf, ltapllit ItaMzM of lletpir enter dn about noon rhot and kllleil hln mu, JooiHo Itaxlnan after whleh hln nero fallod him nnd ho In now loikcd lip In n cell nt tho county ,ll Mn Ing hut to death hb wlfo bo handed tho nnif.klng roohrr to U.iiln Alplno. mannger of tho llilpu Hotel nnd tigged him to ind hlf llfi The traged) wan tho tcHilt of the liiirtand hating broken Into hln wiron trunk win re It I mid hu dleeoMrcd htttrn written lo her b) n Colorado man Arming hlmreir with n lnr,o Coltn rmoher he Marti d on hln mU flon r.r death, telling hln rrlendn that he wan nbout to lealo them ItavliiA wan cmplo)ed on portir In tho Helper llotil nnd hln wlfo nn n wnllteir, Tho Jrnlnui! man llnd the entire contcntn or thn rcnher at the woman, three f tho chotn taking cN reel ono In tho neck, onn In the arm and the lad Jurt below tho heart Tho couple wirn mnrrled nt Hupir lor, V)o. nbout four earn ago nnd en mo to I'rlro Immediate!) nftir Mr. Itnilita waited In thn rcMnurnntn hire up to two jearn ago and while Mrn II A (llbexin wan proprlitor of the Ametlinn Kltih.n uorkixl for lur Tin) bni td In IMpir fur tho pant )inr and n half Tho wire, It If nald. had becomo tlnd or ItnxiKa and had ptanmd to line 111 tn an poon an nhc rould i-ixo enough mono) Having rinsl tho rlx Mtotn nt hln wlfi, Itixnitl Mirrtiulerul hln gun to IajiiIm Alplno, manager of tho hotel, with tho rciiuent that ho Imi killed. Itlxaul wan btought to I'rlio n f i x hourx after thu nhnotlng nnd nt tho Jail tlilr morning whin ncti b) nn Advocate rcprtrentatlxn wan In n rtntn of nn ntnl collapse U claimed, howextr, that ha wan Juitlfled In kill ing hln wife; that rho had been un into to him and that hit had bein drlxen frantic by her aitlom Will PaOBABLY SECOViR Mnu shot by Sotiltmonti Nut l'ulnlly Uomwlotl, County Atlormy Oxmoti of llmcr) county wnn htro Kunday In the Intir enlit ot the collection department of the Conrolldatcd Wagon K. Ilachlno company Mr. Oxcnon wan ono of the flrrt men to rtaeh the iwenn of the phootlng nt Drnert take Innt wok, when Ilyrum Houthwnrth vhut J W llnhltng In thi ncik with u .22 tallber rifle. Anordlng to OxinonV xirclou of the affair thn nit wnn wholly uncalled ror, and, nr Mated In but wek'n Adxocntu, thn quarril nrnnn oxir tlin poMinnlon or omn nrllilen or rniull nluo. When Hunting camo to italm them, hln right to tnku poHPowlon or them wan iuen tlonid. linuihworth flmx Into a rugu and ordirid both ilihllng and hln companion. Ollei, off thn primlnea, thrcatinlng to rhnot thorn flllcn loit nn time In cnmpl)lng with tho rciuent but Holding rurimed to go without hlr proper!)', xshiriupon Houthworth find hitting llehllng nuir tho jugular win, not In tho hind un wan at Nret n ixirled, llehllng It It thought, will rnox r ur tho xxound wnf nttuidid to but a i hurt llmo nflei It had Im n Infllited and no ltnl porta wtro rtruik b) tho lltllo bullet WIUIAMS TAKESMEKCIES i IN-l'iirgo mid ltirn t'tilou WUl Mini' lo Nixt (jiinrtirn. ,N A Wllllamn Iir l-tn apitolntid Hgeul fin tho Wcltn-PnrM Kxprent compnn) nnd tho Wiatnrn 1'nlon Ti lo graph iomKn) nnd the flrnt of tho coming month will moxo IkiHi ofriien to tho vutitliwovt room of tho Vlgllu llounmn building rllmulUncoukl) tho MiDunald Itonl Krtato A. Inxootmcut loinptin) nnd thu I'nilN' Mutual liipurnm com pan), of whlih Mr WllllaliiH In gen et al Hhcnt will nl moxo to tho now location, one or tho most modern In tho clt) Ill-Ill' jipZED Mini. I 'on ml With n Portion or tho I-oot lucnrct rutcil. Hundii) night tho Co-op vtoro was entered by either ono or two hurglarn and a largo quantlt) or Jewilr) and dollar walchcn taken Tho loot wan lakon aw a In naike which had btun flllud with pmn and tho original con tenb dumped on tho floor TuiKda) a man glxlng hln namo au A U McKInk) wan apprehended nt Mack Hawk whllo attempting to mil ikj inn of the molin artlclen. Ho wan brought to Prica and landed In Jull The greater part of the fctuff atokn la mining The prisoner clatma that he won gHen the Jewelry by a. man he njtt an tho highway between brra and I tho cvnl camp. HAMWBRMEYIS WOUNDEDJO DEATH IIM.I llltOTIIPIt Ol'I.Vrt MIN hti:h WITH KMI'i; Popular Vonng Man lliplrv. Mne lloum lter Cultlng Vitliluil Ito nult or quarrel nt Hnpptr Inblc lt umliii VhlpHil to Silt l.nkt. At " IS ii clot k Tuenda) night Mat thuxi lirndle). 20 jearn or ago, wan no iliUnlnll) rtahhed to death b) hln halt biolher Arthur llrown, aged IS jearn Tluro were two c)o wltnetien to the liuged) llradlt) K )ounget hnlt lint thcr, Martin Montgomer) llrowtt, nnd Wlltord flmlth, olili-rt pon or Mr nnd Mrn. II C Hmltlt, who, nt the ooron er Impunt Wedneaila) night tentlfled that tin net Idenl occurred no nudden ly that tin) t -nroel) rculUul that )oung llradle) had boon hurt In ntt) xn), nnd tbnl tho first knowledge they had of hln Injur) wan when they aaw a large quantity of blood coming out of hU trounorii' leg MaBaaaHHiBn I Mrniua mm Mir Anna llradle)' three noun, Mntttuw, Attbur nnd Martin Mont gomer), hnr been "bathing" In the rear or tho Ht)lo Khop, during tho mother! nltinrn In Nnxnda, whiro rho went 'ex oral witkp ago Troubln between thn two Imii, "Matt" and Ar thur xxa or friiiurtit nccurrencn nnd It Ir tinted by tho"o In n nonltlon to know that iarcely a dny panned with out a healed uontraxtrry and xery of ten an txihangn or blown. Tuetday night "Matt" came In prior the jounger bo), Arthur, hnd cooked hln own mipper, and, according to oung flmlth, who had nlroady eaten, In a Jocular manntr Nld ho guried ho would i at what bin brother had prrpartd ror hlmrclf and wnnhed a plato and m t It on tho tabic Arthur armed hlmruir with n lung, nurrow bluded butoher knife, (.harp polntid nnd xxlth a wry keen edge, and re rurcd to consent to allow "Matt" to take tho rood ho had cooked. In atti mpllng to grab thn hand In which tho ktilfo wan held, "Malt" wan ntivirely cut on tho left forearm hut succeeded In getting a hold on both or Arthur' armn nnd Inning them doxxnwaid It wan then that the xxound wan made that nine bourn af tirwarda mum! tho dentil or tho older bo) Thn kniro entcrid thn left groin, completil) rexrrlng tho main nrlcry nf thn leg I Hood ruidwd from tho wound Ih u i mall M ten in nnd no In ntantl) xxtakennl tho xlillm of the Hitting Hint tho )oungir bo) had nn troubln In drawing nxxa) from hln grurp and, Mrlklng him n light blow In the fine, kuoiked him down on the floor TI ren doc ton t'huml.i rlnln. Pink nnd Korenttn wire numnioned nnd ixcr)lhlng iHimlbla wnn douo to haxu the )oung mnn'n life, and for n time It mimed that the vfforln or tho ph)l ilant wero to bo nicccipftil, but tho Immennc amount of blood lont biforo tho taxirtd urtiiy inuld bo bound togi liter proxed loo gnat n drain on the bo) 'a xltallt) nnd ho pawed peace full) awu) at I IS o clock Wedneadu) moinlng During the gnaler part of tho night he waa at IntcrxalM conncloun and talked to ttiono who xxalchcd nround li Ih biilrldo Ho mndo no complaint ngulnit the hand of fate In no way iiltliUed bin half brother for tho net and made no d)lng rtatvmtnl To wardn tho mil, whllo In u hair con mloun Londltlon, ho thought hln mo ther wan prenent nnd (ittiinpted to engage her In com i motion Wednocda) night a coroner n Jury, J, II Mlddlutoii prciildlng Juntlio. tomplotcl) exonerated oung llrown ror tho killing or bin hair brother The Jurnrn wero Klanlo) ltiillittger, George Nixon and (leorg Paunett linemen ixainlned' xxero Arthui Drown the perpdrntor uf (hx i, i WlUord .Smith nnil Martin Mjiilgom cry llrown All of thn wllneiwcH told u vtrolg it forward Mory nn to tho oventn leadlt.g up to tho iiuarrol nnd ogre I x. Hit cadi othri In the mlnuicnt dctalln. Arthur Drown dated that hu did not know what cauitd him to solzo the butehtr knife but that he waa angered by hlr hair brother' uatlonn and took hold or the flrnt thing hu could lay hln hnndb mi Ho wan nhakon with grief oxer tho ucildent and after the xerdlct of thu Jur would haxo com plctcl) iollapnd but for tho annlat nnco of rrlendn. Wrdncada) afternoon tho mother, Ml 8 llradle), wait loiated by tele gram at Klko, Nevada, and wired to have thu bod) nent to Halt Lake ror Her Meter, Mrn. K Qarnott, arrived In Prlco Wtdnesdaj night and took charge or the remains, leaving with them )riterda afternoon Matthew Ilradlty won born In Halt l-nkn Clt) October 17 1191, nnd wan therefore 20 jenrn, C tnontbn nnd 7 dn)n old nl the tlmo of his death Ho came xxlth hln mother to Prlco nbout two jearn ago nnd hnn nlm-o nttcuded tho Carbon count) high nchool, whero ho xx-ns one or tho mont popular mem bcrn ot tho student bod) Ho wnn nn unurually cnpnblo young man, hln loaning In hbi rtudlcn being toward the llternr) and In which ho undoubtcdl) would haxo made a marked succens In tho ttowrpnpcr Held, which xxas his ambition In life Ho wan foremost In starting tho -Carbon, tho local high nchool publication, and during 1913 II wnn Its editor Hln Ion In tho community nnd en peilall) nt tho Mthool In felt kecnl) and tho cntlro ntudent bod) nnd fno ultj out or rcnivtt to hln metnor) gut beted nt thn depot ) e tenia) after noon when tho romnlnn wero shipped to Halt take tlurlnl will mrtir at Halt take Clt) ,Jhln afternoon P1UTES TAKEN TO ZION Hi in gaitc Dm Ho ttultr Ik nlati In rttii mi- nf (ii ticrnt Scott Wcilinrdn) morning tletiernl Hugh U Kioti in-d through l'rlco with his rentgadn Pluto prliomrn There wero four or them lendci or tin Pluto band xv huh hnn terrorized Hon thern Ptnh ror weeks. l.xcrctt Itatih (Tno-N'n-ant), want ed ror tho nlleged murder or n Mexi can morn than n )rnr ago: Old Polk, father or Unit It nnd n Pluto chief i art) Ing hln )onw and hlr rlx feet or wcather-bnalm frame In n rigid sol dierly wn, Old Port'), nnnther ihler Ian and apparcnll) an Indian xxlth n genuine ntnro or humor nnd n con tagloun laugh, and n son or Old Pom), fat, unlet nnd xvlthal thoroughly In tererted In aver) thing he seen that In thn band of warrior i hlofn In thn part) Thn quartet In now rifely Incarcerated In Hall Uiko Thn party nttractid but lltllo at tention m ' thn blggirt little clt) ' Tho rhlcftann did compare fnvornbly with thn or dinar) run or Uten rroin tho n norvnllon, xvhllo thoro old reprobates lied Cap, Terumseh, Wi ro and a dozen other thlifM nnd rub-ihlcfit of tho t'lntnhn nnd rniompihgren would hnxit madn the Pluto warriors look like poor rpeelmcnn or thn aborigine braves. (tenet al Kcott nrrlvod In Knit take Wi dnenday night All oxcoptlng Tno-Nn-(lat will bo tried In thn ftdirat court Tho latter will probably bo returned to Colorado for trial fur the klllng of n Mexican shoep herder 1 MHWIftSMUSTPJilf i:iKiilxn lo 0crnld Cam After llie I Ir-t of .Next July. Pomerclng nn nutnmoblla after July 1st will mean something morn thun mooting n gaiollnn bill The owners will bn compelled to carry n good sized fortune up to tho treasurer's office In the enpltol. and every six months there after they will be forced to repeat tho ordeal. Tho carl) arscrv-ment to be paid In stlmated nt about 140,000, Tho nun ruro requires that all motorecUn and automobiles shall get now registration numbers tacit tar, the platen to bn rurnlshcd b) tho seiretary of state, and tho tax ran gin from 13 n )car ror motort)cles to 120 ror heavy mo tor trucks, in general tho lax relied ulo In as follows Motorcjcles, 3, oleitrlo pleat urn earn, IS; motor trucks up to onn ton capat It), IE j ono to Ihreo tons, 110; Ihron lo flvo tons, f IE, over flvo tone, $20, Mr i wry other motor vehicle not over twnt)-rivo hore poxver, 110. over forty horsepower. HE; commenlnl motor vehicles used lor hauling paxMiiigurs c xituslvely, f 10 Thn bill provider) that In detet mining hoiwpowcr thn rating or thn Amirl tan Airorbtllou or l.lienned Automo bile Manufacturers rhall bo used. Un til r Its provisions It will becomo ef ftrtlxo Jul) 1, 1915, nnd one-half tho itnnunl lax xxlll bo pajablo at that tlmo ror tho remainder or 19IE Nitm hern furnbheil by thn sccrelar) of statu muit bo used front and nur RKLAMATIONOFFfCES TO ZJON ItijM.rltil That tami Mn) Move Head, nuarttr. to Jloro Central luxation. Ptdernl officers loiated nt Bait taku City arc of thu oplnjon that Pranklln taiie, M-irdary or tho Intcilor depart ment xxlll move tho reclamation sir Xlco oritcs to Zlon u) that offltlili ma) bo In closer touch with thu work or thlt. hruuih or government work On n roicnt trip rrom Wushlngton to tho i oast Ml Uino Intimated that nonio Important t liangea would bo niadu and that ho believed It was en uentlal to tho better xv rklng or the roolnmatlon bureau that (hu head of. flcluls got In closer umtait with the Irrljatlou projuits. oCHODL BOJDS CARRY People l'nxor Iwuo by NearJ 'iltrcc to Ono Majority. At tho Btihool bond tleellon last Haturdaj tho taxpayers or tho Prlco school dldrlct xottd to Issua bonds In tho sum or 120,000 ror thu purpose of building u nuxv school house Tho voto was as Mllows Total number of voIch cast, 137i In favor of tho bonds, 91; against bonds 38; spoilt- ballots, one. Ill -In for tho salo or the bonds will bo ucclvod up to 7 30 o'clock. April E. A notice publbJied by the board of trusters appears elsewher In this Icmie. KOADAHH l SLAIN BY dOVERNOR : citito io(iirriii:it uiTii onn it ; CtlPNTIIW (JKT'l NOTlIIVO j Coxv Count) Mtiubtrr gnlii Itce'ilxo fU No Ciiuliti rnllon I'roin tlin Pruning Knlft Ml or I lull's Itllli Killed Vdooi H2 ItllN In One liny. ,. fl Tho im iiiuntlesi of the state at '(J- 'H unlnl will recclxo nothing rrom the '' H spproprlatlon bill nn shaved by thn I H governor llond nppnitirlntlonn xrern IH among the flrrt to receive thn full ben- ' H ellt of tho oxooutlve's pruning knife. IpJ As n result, Kastern Utah rccolxcs v. iBJ nothing ror road work Kvery ono ot 'H lleprcsentntlxi I'lteh's Lllln went tin X H routa or other spot lil mad approprla t, IHJ tlons. IT il Motida) the goxernor rtdurcd thn j P H npptnpilallnnn mndo b) tho recent i L ilH legNnturo b $2911,000 In addition to- M 'flj thin amount, which xxa deducted b J lBj tho xvholemiln Xcloltig of special np- "t 'HJ proprlallon bllln, tho goxernor mndo ii HJ tentatlxo shaving of thn general np- JH proprlntlon bill to thn extent of nbout Jiff HI $200,000 Ho Irn't through with thm fDlHI budget tt nnd It Is cxpiotid that on HJ thn second time owr the big appro- IvJH prlntlon bill ho will trim It another 1111 Hi $100,000 ImIH All special road nntl brldgn appro- f lIHl ptlatlons wele slain These Included J IH a largo number of miscellaneous "pork ' f HJ bntrel' appropriations fur small and (' HJ unimportant roads nnd it few merl- I I HJ tm lous road npproprlnllonn. Among :"'H1 tho latter appropriations, which wero j' HJ killed with he bnd mien, xver nn np i H ptoprlallon of $32,000 ror thn Im ' j'JH proxement or tho (Irnnd Cunyon-Ycl- I rHJ Inxx-ftoun Park hlghwa), nn approprla- rHI tlou or $30,000 ror thn cnnriructlon or WiH n road through Tooele county to tho J If flpj Noxnda lino, nnd nn appropriation or ( J HJ $2S,000 to open tho Uintah basin conn nilHal to vFbhh Other IIIIU Vetoed. rCAl In nddlllon lo thn rond nnd hrldgi I A 4? HI npprnprlntlnns, tho Hat or thn tlind tkfiHI Includes tho npproprlntlon or J5P.00O HiUHJ ror tho Indian xvnr xetrrnns, $l,00O fsHHl ror thn publicity bureaun of the Halt -nrHHJ take Commercial club nnd tho Weber- "iHHl club. $3300 ror thn trip or tho Ogdcli 'ftHHJ tabernacln choir lo tho California HHl fair, $2000 for the Investigation of tho , .HHI rmoko nuisance nnd I17.S0O for thu HHI demonstration xxnrk of tho Utah Agrl- i HHI cultural college 1 HHJ The castlattlts also Ineludod four ' HH bills fur thn purport! or governing jll I ho handling or county funds, tho clt) k HHI paving Intersection bill, tho bin to pa) j, HHI ror the defending nf Impecunious per- 'ktPi sons, tho Torrrns land registration hilt It-HH and tho bill for thn extension of pay ! IHH1 ments for purchasurn or date lands. i iflH In all, the governor vetoed thirty- rtlilHHJ tno blll-i and signed nineteen, leaving- ftHHJ to lie dlcporcd or only eleven bills, ore 'IsHH which ho had until midnight to act ifxHHJ Important among thu bills signed Is 1PHH1 tho general reunite and taxation moa- 'liHHJj Hire, which limits tho lax levies whlcli IwlHHl may bn Impuscd by lev) Ing Ixiards Vff'SHH This bill, It Is bollexed, xxlll haxo tho ! VuHJl effect or nsternlng all property nt Its t (HHI aitual cash xahn i HHJl Mcn.iircM hlgneit. i Hpj Pollowlng aro hills signed Monda) a HHHH1 b) tho goxernor (flHH An act giving tho dnto hank com- ixHH mlsnloncr JurlrdUtlon over loan, trust silHHJ and guaranty companies. 'iaP An act to provlda ror tho voluntary M HHJ withdrawal or fori Ign corporations 'iHHJ doing biirlntiii within tho state. v'HHJ An ni t Imposing a penalty on ror- LiHHl olgn rorporatlonr ror foiling to com- fiiHHl pi) xxlth tho Iiwn or Utah beroro do- HHJkl Ing builneiK within tho state. tftHHl Vn net limiting tho tax lux It HHI An Hit fixing tho Hum for report I HHI of high i hool cntollmetit $HH1 An act Im rent Ing the number or IuHHJI mi mbi i s of tho stale board of iducn- i rHHJ Hon from fixe to nine '''HHJ An act permuting ill) communions IkHHJI to rt aside n fund ror thn malntcn II HHJ unco or paiks and phi) grounds. iHHHJ An act appropriating f lEOlMor oncli i HHJ of tho widow's of tho xldlmn of tin tlHHJl I.opox man hunt IvHHJ An nd fixing the standard of InMHH weights and measurtn. uHHI An tut clt fitting tho Jurisdiction or vHHI tit) Jill lilts or tho peine uHHl An nit appropriating $350 unnuall) IHHH ror tho Chlldi in's Aid rticloty or Og- nlHHI ''' " JlHHl An art looting un additional Jus- liHHH lite or tho pvuto ror titles or the first- iHHH cMsm. ' HHHJ An nit uppiupilallng 2S0 for the i HHJJ Maltha imclity of Ogden j HHJ An aut rtitpililng a bond fioni trad- j HHfl Ing stump t ton pan Its. tHHl An uct luiposltiK a lleuiiM, tax on J HHfl trading r.tatitp totupinlosv luHHl An net roxblng tho codo or criminal -'HHH1 proieduri In i rluiltial actlotiH. iHHHJ An tut pt minting nttornnyn to tits iHHH Iguate tho piibllmtlonn In which legal iHHH advertisements nhitll uppear. HHJJ An act creating Irrigation und drain IHHH ago illslrlrtR, IHHH Tho iiexv ciucon or tho dairy world (HHH Is ugaln n (lueino) Murne Cow an HHH1 bus Jurt cumplvttd her early record HHHJ nnd lias turpasred all provlouu records HHHJ ever ONtuhllrhcd ror I uttir produntlon rHHH Hho product d 1098 pounds pr butter HHHJ rat, wlilt h Iscqulxulent to 1291 pounds HHHJ or butler, In onu car Tho record HHH1 was pruxlouily held b) May llllma. HHHJ Oucrnrcy, which produced 12(2 lbs. of ! H HHHJ Thcro was a small meeting of tax- ;HHHJ pa) era at the town ball last MqnJny , HHHJ night and a committee appointed to t P. wait on the county aniesaor and ro- i'HHHJ quest that assessments on Prlct irop- rHHHJ erty be reduced. H 'HHB