OCR Interpretation

Eastern Utah advocate. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1895-1915, April 02, 1915, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091022/1915-04-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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I ; 1 Dr. M V MALONEY , 1
I The Painless Dentist I
B X Commencing March 20th, For 30 Days Only, Dr. Maloney will do your Dental Work at the following low M
HP J. prices, within the reach of all S
K Gold Crowns, 221, $5.00 Gold Fillings, $1.00 & up Full Set of Teeth, $10.00 I
m ! All Bridgework, & 5.00 Silver Fillings, 50c & up Cleaning . . $1.00 I
Hp ' ; EXTRACTION FREE when teeth are replaced. Dr. Aaloney positively extracts teeth without pain
Hy' X to the patient. No as or other harmful drug given. You need not dread extraction as you have formerly done. fl
Pt $ niTT7Tf Written Guarantee With All Work. VJTi 1
Hud $ Make Appointments? v ,,.,.,.. ., n . t i . . r ? EXAMINA1 IONS and i M
Mp! X t p. , ri7, .. I You arc not dealing with a stranger, as the Doctor hns been in actual practice in Car- 2 t ifl
H X j Carly as the time bon County for the past 7 years. Never before has First-Class Dental Work been done ESTIMATES
Kj is Limited ? at such LOW PRICES in this locality. Thousands of satisfied patients in Eastern Utah. J .- - -, .- . ? 9
K9 V X 30 DAYS ONLY ! NVOr onc ,n a Pan'css anc' up-to-date manner. Don't neglect this opportunity. p- jf F? F J jfl
KJ I I new and sanitary officc S I LVAG N I BUI LD ! N G-Rooms 1 and 2 open evenings I
Hi' i I
flrj3ir'' V
HH n r Manufacturer of
j Brick of All Kinds
V, q Tord adjoining the Denver S
Hfl'' and Hlo Gran Jo Haltroad com- !i
flflK-, J pany on the louth, three blocka
HHb C east of depot. Office at home,
HflL -s S corner Main and Sixth street.
M) Estimate (Jhru nml Price
Bfv i Quatrtl on .iilliatlou.
Bv! i ! - Itox ul! l'liono I3x
Bl ? 1'IUCi; UTAH.
B i
m i The Utah Saloon I
! ,. J J. W. CKNTIIV, 5lsr.
I Iliirnt llcwirt lu liaitrrn Vtati.
wiionicsAtu and mrrAin
vAt nnAT& mum on t.i
X , VtioTU NixTa" siTiKirr
B , 1'ltICI UTAH.
B , I'tione 74n. Wo DclUir the
H fiooiU.
Sheep Ranch
B Saloon
QS ;
HKlu ',, onsnN iiuoTimnso.v,
BpH 'i JIanaccr.
HH v I
3 I LOT l'OH BAhlZ.
Hl'i Lot 30x100 feet for aale Just coat of ;
ftJ Turner buliainc on Main street- Bpe-i
HV!9 ' elAl bargain If taken at once Terms.
9 Inquire of G. D. Papas, 70 Commercial .
1' .f Street, Bait Lake City. 4!tf.
HBI ,1 Hub-rlb! for The idtucut
rite out or hu mux iiiiriMim.il itt.
iiiiii Ijiuh.
Anuilicr mwimire iHtrmliiKHl by
Sfimtnr Cultnti mid which liwumo n
luw wK h bill KlvInK thn i-oiuit) ttim
muloitir Hitvr t upprnprlatu
money for til niiilnti'iuint'w of ccmo
trrlM ami nllnwinK tho vounty to tnko
inri of tlimn. Till hill wan Intro
iIiipwI mpmilnlly for !! benefit of
CltitHh rounty.
A fourth ifiHurr. which later Iw
i mm a law. wwt the Introduction of
a bill iirovldlnic for honmly In the
hihrUinK and imIIImk of hiI. In Cur
ium and ICmery rountlea. imrt of Sen
ator Ooll.m'e dkKrkt. moiih deMVwre
have tMf n In the liablt ot mlMtitutln
mrrrlor uradea for the home mined
at and In aome raaea mIIIhk Wyo
uilna coal when toe local roal wan
ordered Thla bill prov'ilea a tum
ult) fur lubatliutlns other vai than
the one urdered.
HVnalor Cotlou waa the father of
bill providing that no county hal
w more than $& In bountlea In
oik car for the Cnitllah aparroma,
Kvldence allotted that aome of the ea
li i me weatern countlea were belmt
impelled to ay bountlea on anar-r-i
brounht In from Nevada. Thta
bill t-ecame a law.
The laat bill Inlroducwt b him and
whlth became a law granted the aUte
land iMiard (Mtwer to Krant right of
a throuKh tUte landa for canal.
nut of aU bllla Introduced In the
Ncnate of the lenlalalure by SeiwUir
Ik.h II. Cotton from thla dartrtot five
liecama law. The alxtli on. bill
provldlniC that the county iiaeom
and troaaurera be ulovtod fur a term
of four year, one to ! elected every
t.. year, tbua alwaya provldhHt fur
a nmr. of at leant two yenra eH'lence
bii the nel elected officer takee
hla iMMlilon, paeee'l the senate hut
aa killed In the houne. The atale
tnx lommlatlon wu behind thla bill.
I'erhaiw the moat Important phxe
of ipRlalatlon whhh Henator Oolton In
tr.xluied who the Kenerttl road bill
hIIIiik for an aiiroHrlutlon of tl0,
SOU to be expended on the road of the
i late Heiwtol Cotton uim ilmlriimn
of the committee In which this bill
waa drawn up. The bill ilivldtta the
countlea of the elate Into different
claaeea and allowa each county JJfiOO
provided tho appropriate u aunt ac
cording to their clae to I oxjiended
with It I'lntah county muet uppru
priato tlSOO In order to aoeure thu
flrot named amount. .''
A new feature of tlij bill la the
li t that the money may be exiMiided
on unv road In the county which In
the opinion of the county commie
loner and the road oommlaslon will
benefit the Kreutatt numUr of peo
ple. Heretofore the money had to he
iipent on the aiate hlshwnyn.( The bill
'i iMHanie a law.
, llouae uMMiulnK tlmo to HPireoh
UiiK. Vou will need heme old papers
!Vc have an abundant wippty at The
Advocate office.
Mt'ri'liiry Ijiiio I'rcillct Iiiiiiiciim Up
tcloiiiicnt of t'liiirolltc l)cNill.
Aaaiiramea that liea.oeo.n9 will lie
Mtent on the curnutltc. putueh and
plHNtphnte btnil of I'tali tere made
by Kraliklln K. Ime. Mtretary of the
Interior depaitment. at Otfden white
on hla wa to Han Krancico. Vurt
oua IVistern capltallata, he dei-larwl,
hud mutle him promleeti tn epend that
miiuh mune on the land of till atnte
luat a aoon a certain bill are paeaed
In conirreeii which will allow the Ink
Ini; up of power altea under rertaln
condttloae and alao the rhcht nf the
KnveriiMiPht to leaae tepoiltn of min
eral. Although Mr. Iine had but a few
minute In whhh to esnrea hU opln
Ion of I'tah and tho development of
I la resource, he aatd that hi waa iar
th ubuiv Inlereaietl Ih the develop
ment of lie exceptional wealth In min
eral found In abundance here and
not In other atatea. The carnotlt
Meld of Ihl atate, he said, mm to
be much irreater than In an other
Mate. The phosphate drpulu of Ida
ho. Wjomlrtg ami l.'tah mem tu imter
In the stale, which hold mure this
cuva of land than either of the othnra.
The potash problem In t'lah. he de
clared, waa (till somethlutc neu in the
state but aald tliat the .at ulunlte
field In Mouther I'tah gave promise
of dexrloptMK a big Indurtry rr the
"I regret cr mu h that the last
'onureaslunal aeaslon fIUl to aas
the water power and leaving bill a It
would hae meant the Immediate ex
penditure of 100.00.oe in full."
ileclartit Secretary Ine.
"Capital doe nt feel iiultr safe In
making the Investment I have been
aaaurcd of until the bllb which were
' iieudlng In the hut conKrtw ale aaa
! ed and enacted Into law The men
whin to utilise the water power for
hydroelectric energy. ne bill pro
vbled for this, while the other allow
ed the granting of tease on certain
i land that have been withdrawn by
the Kovernment. The bill were In
. triHluiinl In the house of representa
I tlve at my iinnestlon. They ere
! reMrted out fuvurably by committee
and were sent to the aenute where
they died on the calendar, the ship
pliiK bill overshadow lug then) so far
jut the last, minute they uld not be
Itaaeed. '
"I feel confident that t the next
'seealun uf eoiiKrea the matter Hill
.again be brought up. Jut hm soon
.a It hi dune Kavtern capltalleta v III
hek'ln expending their mon. l'vople
In the Iflust Mie Iboklnh' with a great
deal or Interest toward Utah and Its
great nilueral HeAlth 1 have tieen
' assured $100.0(10. POO will be spent on
I the earnotllo fields, the potash de-
IMialt and upon thu phosphate prop.
'ertiv. Just a Menu as the cu pi tulle t
IfMl u little safer In making Invest
menuv One eminent ltaatem capital.
1st Iih uMMiirral me that he alone will
Spend 130.000,000.
Theee assurance i-ome from men
who have made a thorough ekamlna
llun of the slluatlbn, liaxe eroiMll
looked over the flc ' nnd riMelted the
opinion of their expert. They know
exactly what condition are here. Thc
are not men who make anv dlMplay of
what Ihey Intend to do.
"The bill that I caueed to l. intro
duced were at their request, and the
were approved by them a meeting the
situation Tho are willing to expend
their money Just a soon a coimrt-i
wue the bills ku ihey can do no.'
I have two good quarter block, will
liiw or rent on share till Hummer to
good reeHinellile party to cultivate and
lukc care of. good proHt!llon to right
mrt addrea II K l--sl. l'rlcc.
Our Job deiwrtment hi up tn date.
Try n on that next order of printing
Tho Advoeat. Advb
It Itcally Hoc Ilclluto llhruiiiallxiii.
Everybody who Is nfflloted with
rheumatism In any form .should by
all meant keep a botllo ot Hloan's
I.lnlmeui on hand. Tho minute you
feel pain or soreness In n Joint or
muscle, bathe It with Hloan's Lini
ment Do not rub It. Sloan's pene
trntes almost Immediately rlnht to
the teat ot pain, relieving the hob ten
der, swollen feeling and making the
part easy and comfortable. Oct a
bottle ot Slaan'a Liniment for 25 cents
ot any druggist and have It In the
house against colds, sore and swollen
Joints, lumbago, sciatica and Ilka all
menu. Your money baek It not sat
titled, but It dots glva almoit Instant
rellof. Uuy a bottle today. Advb
Itoomliig llou-v Tor Nile
l:t lomtion in 1'u. - 1:...ihm iil
furnished and ull iii.-l hh.-ond
fbMir l'Hrk.r-W.it.r bul'dlng. Xr
U. A. tllitaou.
ICS. HarrisB
Kverj'tlilng In fl
Concrete 1
j Work. 1
( riticn:, utaii
5 intimate on Ilulliltngs. WiOilH
and all Kinds ot CantttrtiH
? Cheerfully 1'urnlxhcJ JJtdcijB
? Machlnory and MethoJi )
Sui rib. t;r Th' A . ..' I
The Old Reliable
I Firm I
t 1
! Is Headquarters for Lumber
if and Building Materials.
i ;:
When you order from us you get f
what you want when you want it. ''
if c j
If J. C. Weeter Lumber Company

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